Could You Defeat WOLVERINE ???

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oh dang it what are you doing scooter I'm trying to eat my lunch I'm having a really hard time okay okay well just put the claws down seems pretty simple I can't I've been saving up all my life and I finally got claws implanted first of all why would you do that and second of all What doctor would do that first of all they are stinking awesome and second of all some guy I found on Craigslist so you can't retract them at all nope perally out gotcha listen I got a really big favor to ask you okay I got to pee real bad no come on please Scott yeah I don't care no I'm not doing that please I got to pee good luck buddy now I understand it's pain this is why is always so [Music] angry what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and this is what it would look like if you ordered Wolverine off wish I am very excited about today's video this has taken a very long time to put together and I don't think the timing could be any better with the new Wolverine and Deadpool movie coming out so today I have an actual Wolverine torso this is real Anam manum well you don't believe me well here look at this here's a magnet I'll put this on his rib cage stick it on a rib and it will even stick to his skull so today I have several different Firearms ranging from small all the way up to very large and some very special ammunition and we're going to see just how tough Wolverine is and if you would even stand a chance I am very excited to get started so let's go get set up and get to it so up first is something that would probably just make him angry this is a Rough Rider 22 long rifle it's rather big but it shoots a very small round this is a 40 grain 22 long [Applause] rifle all right let's go check that out okay so we have a hit right here and if you look closely you can see that that round actually splattered and broke up on his sternum so in that case right there I'd be running so that 22 long rifle did literally nothing so now we're going to step it up to 57 this is a Ruger 57 and I'll be loaded up with some 40 grain 5.7 by 28 it's a fast mean little round here we go oh wow so I managed to hit his rib look at that it exploded inside there it hit that rib and just shattered old Wolverine here would literally just laugh at you so now we're going to step it up to 9 mm I have a mechanic TTI combat this thing is absolutely awesome and I'm going load it up with some Underwood Ammo 147 grain 9 mm oh it's getting hot I do not know how anyone with hair does this I was Wolverine I totally shaved my head here we go I think I hit in the same hole as the 22 long rifle I was accidentally accurate and that round hit and broke up and you can see the jacket is right there towards his collar bone so at this point I think I would be reconsidering going to combat with Wolverine I would maybe try to talk it out with him but he's going to be pretty angry at this point so up next we're going to step it up to Good Old 45 ACP but if I'm going to use 45 AC ACP against Wolverine I'm going to make sure I got two 45 acps this is my Dueler 1911 and I'll be loaded up with two rounds of 45 ACP let's see how he likes this [Music] okay both of those hit in the same spot as the 9 mil and there is smoke coming out of here nothing has happened to his sternum except it is really getting a lot of lead build up look at all those jackets in there that is nuts and really we still haven't factored in his healing factor I mean not only are we not doing any damage to him these are just flesh W he would just heal up and it would be no big deal if a good old 45 ACP can't defeat Wolverine I don't know what can I think it's time to get a little more serious up next I have a Glock 40 chambered in 10 mm and I have some Underwood Ammo 180 grain 10 mm you definitely don't want that to happen if you're in a battle with Wolverine that right there you'd be done I mean I was just trying to show you that as a scenario totally did that on purpose it's just hair it's all in my eyes and I can't see let's aim a little lower this time and see what happens oh [Music] okay all right bub looks like we finally struck oil uh he would definitely heal up from that oh my goodness he has silver blood wow well that's weird well you know over time that Adam manum actually becomes toxic starts kind of hurting him so maybe that's a result of it being in his body too long silver blood huh it still didn't make it all the way through him it stopped on his back rib it hit and splattered inside him so he would heal up from that just fine and eventually his body would just push out those lead shards and oh my goodness he's already stopped bleeding it's not looking too good for us non- mutants and if you are also a non-mutant such as myself and you enjoy this content you need to do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future awesome content and make sure you hit that Bell for notifications all these rounds have done absolutely nothing to Mr Wolverine over there so now it's time to step it up to the old Glock 50 cal this is my guncrafter Industries 50g and I have some 275 grain 50 gii rounds take this Logan I'm thinking no that's not it oh I hit him right here and that actually just kind of clipped off of his rib and yeah it's not back there up next I have a gun that even Deadpool himself would be jealous of this is a Magnum Research Desert Eagle 50ae suppressed and I'll be loaded up with some subsonic 4 50 grain 50 AE Jimmy chongas oh looks like I hit right here and we got in between those ribs and oh wow okay so Deadpool may be on to something packing around Desert Eagles because we made it between those two ribs and then back here we hit this rear rib and you can see it's bent and then the bullet actually made it all the way out the back he may have a little trouble breathing after that one I don't know how you set an Adam manum rib someone just like hit him in the back with a sledgehammer like how does that work the Desert Eagle actually did quite a bit of damage to Old Wolverine so now we're going to try out something a little bit more powerful than that this is a Smith and Wesson Performance Center 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum and this is going to be loaded up with some Underwood Ammo 350 grain 500 magnum okay here we go so let's inspect we hit right here looks like we manag to just kind of clip that rib and go in between and then oh wow we actually have an exit hole we made it in between these two ribs back here it looks like but still I don't really feel like we would be doing much to Wolverine at this point he would heal super fast and then he'd be turning you into to a shish kebab we got to try something else that is pretty much as large as we can go with handgun so now we going to step it up to rifles cuz let's be honest if you were going to war against Wolverine you would definitely take a rifle over a handgun so the first rifle we have is an AR-15 chamber in 556 and I have a 20 round mag loaded with two rounds of Underwood Ammo 556 okay let's give him one down low one up top so it appears Wolverine would eat your 5.56 for breakfast so he got hit right here and that did a little bit of damage it did go out the back and I'm sure he had a tummy ache from that but he'd heal up pretty quick and even right here we hit the sternum SL rib right there and it looks like it broke up all on that sternum and he probably got some shrapnel into his lung but I don't think he would care that 556 did absolutely nothing and if I was going to pick between that and this next rifle I would totally go with this this is an Ohio ordinance H car 30 6 and I have a 20 round mag loaded up with some Underwood Ammo 165 grain acup 30 6 this rifle most definitely is suitable for battling Wolverine give me one down low oh ah he definitely felt that one so it looks like 30 o 6 out of an H car would definitely cause a little more damage to Wolverine we hit right there and you can see we have quite a bit of internal damage and right here you could really see some damage looks like we did manage to hit his rib it has a little bit of a Bend to it but we still have an exit hole looks like it went around it and then we definitely have an exit hole down here that would definitely slow him down but I think at some point he would probably still catch up to you I don't care what superpowers you have I would not want to be hit with this rifle regardless this is a CZ 550 bolt action Safari rifle chambered in 416 rig AKA 416 honey badger because this thing don't care about nothing this is a 350 grain hot core and I think this is going to cause quite a bit of damage to Wolverine over there going to give it to him right in the sternum oh all right I tell you what let's give him one more but a little bit lower oh my goodness Wolverine down so what I failed to mention was those 416 rig rounds were actually a compound of vibranium and Anam manum and as you can see here we did quite a bit of damage we actually made it through his rib cage put a hole right through it and we also hit right here let's roll old Wolverine over oh oh okay yep that's not looking too good uh right here in the back we are missing a pretty big chunk actually it's right here that goes right there I don't believe we managed to hit any ribs but we did hit his shoulder blade and it is all kinds of bent oh my goodness look behind there that is all kinds of nasty okay well again in this situation I mean I know he has healing powers but is it going to heal up around this he's just going to have a big old metal shoulder blade sticking out of his back for the rest of his life now he would definitely need Colossus to knock that back into place for him so I know what you've been saying this entire video Scott there's only one way to possibly take out Wolverine and that's an adamanian bullet and that's aiming at his upper region if it were me and I knew I was going up against Wolverine and I only had one hands I'm breaking out this Rifle right here this is my Christian Firearms singleshot falling block four boore rifle this is the most powerful shoulder fired rifle in the world it is 1 in in diameter this thing is putting out 200 lb of felt recoil producing over 10,000 ft-lbs of energy and here is the four B round and this is a custom Anam manum 2,150 grain round Deadpool eat your heart out that's a big old chimmy chonga oh all right time to Ride the Lightning the [Music] she be kicking and if you would also like to be kicking you can check out my shei kicking shirts there's a link in the description down below that will take you to Kentucky now let's check out what's left of Wolverine so it seems to me if you absolutely had to go to battle with Wolverine there is nothing you should pick other than a four Bo I mean it did a lot of damage there is pieces of Anam manum skull everywhere I mean got your nose I saw a really big piece go that way let's go see what we can find and when I say go that way I mean it literally flew as high as those Treetops all right I think I found it I'm also about to find a bunch of ticks oh okay I found his cap so this is the metal cap that was on the Wolverine torso and as you can see here we smacked it with the four Bo a four B rifle with a 2,150 grain Adam manum bullet would defin definely be suitable defense against Wolverine you know he's pretty messed up but the thing is Wolverine can regenerate even with a shot like that he can probably regenerate and when he comes back he is going to be so angry so I feel like I probably need to do something to pin him down or you know prevent him from coming after me [Music] well that's going to be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it I had a ton of fun today if you did enjoy it do me a favor and give it a like if you're not subscribed to Kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on all social media platforms links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to Kentucky just in case you want to pick up a shirt and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics and I'll see you next time yeah you don't have a four bar you got a crane and a safe I think you'll be all right oh [Music] he [Music]
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 1,132,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: could you defeat wolverine, can you beat wolverine, kentucky ballistics, kentucky ballistics could you defeat, kentucky ballistics could you defeat wolverine, wolverine in real life, wolverine, wolverine vs deadpool, how tough is a wolverine, 4 bore rifle, 4 bore gun, 4 bore kentucky ballistics, kentucky ballistics 4 bore, 416 rigby, 500 magnum, desert eagle 50 ae, glock 50cal, could you defeat wolverine irl, wolverine deadpool, is wolverine bulletproof, kentucky, ballistics
Id: _4e73jScis8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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