The Most Epic Backcountry Fly In - High Sierra 2021

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[Music] all right you guys probably can't see this this truck is stacked i got the trailer in tow we're heading out to high sierra i got my mom following us i'm gonna jump in her car after we drop the trailer she's gonna drive me home we're grabbing the airplane and then for me the high sierra fly in 2021 will have officially started [Music] all right now i had a quick lunch with haley she is actually staying behind for at least the next day or two i think she's coming out friday i might convince her to come out tomorrow being thursday but i'm gonna jump in the plane get going out there i grabbed a leaf blower because the camper is just coated in dust and if you even like look at it it covers you so i'm gonna blow off dust and get camp set up [Music] traffic freedom fox saddle 6500 inbound stick up [Music] stick out freedom fox right base landing south i take out freedom fox final anytime [Music] i made it to dead cow look who landed right behind me that was actually really good timing that was funny yeah it's great i'm like making my radio calls and then he jumps in right behind me so ty you got spring gear that's spring gear you like it i love it it's fast now i go it's yeah i picked up 10 12 miles an hour and i still land the same places i don't even doubt it you had a lot of room in here dude that's worse than like economy on united i got used to flying around the 210 where i could bring anything i wanted to and now it's just like i gotta remember this is a miniature airplane oh god that is awesome this is clearly the the high sierra one wheel in because there are probably as many one wheels as there are airplanes mark didn't bring his he has an electric unicycle now he's going to learn the one wheel i got him on one of my spares ty's is broken so he's on my other spare lots of one wheeling is gonna go down this week you're natural no broken bones when you open up the apple pony one wheels pop up it's just bing bing bing bing they're everywhere okay well as we were setting up tie downs and getting everything prepped uh mark petey who is in an nx cub the nose wheel cub asked ty and i if we'd be willing to go out and practice some races with him just to see how he hangs so we are going to do some practice stole drags three two one goes [Music] till the morning [Music] [Music] [Music] are the three of you gonna go play now i think at least two of us are if you guys want to go before they turn you can cut across [Music] thank you my [Music] all right well now it officially feels like the flying started because up until now we were just dealing with screwing around with campers and all that but we got a couple race runs neither tire i have probably practiced that since like two years ago yeah high sierra in 2019 so when i first got this thing flying yeah that's right now i'm baptizing it yeah we both uh it's so dusty out on the lake bed that one of my turnarounds was like almost ifr for the takeoff so look at [Music] this did you see all the planes i saw all the planes it's like a zoo out here [Music] and here boss you gotta fly to just north of the flight of six uh over flan again i'd like to enter behind them slightest all right i'll take right lane ty tie i'm gonna make a long final all right i'll take left [Music] all right i am totally dropping the ball on filming anything today i've honestly landed here and then just all my friends came running up so i got a little bombarded wanted to get camp set up still undecided if i'm gonna race this year or just hang out and enjoy the show because uh there's value to both so anyway i'm gonna go figure out what everyone else is doing i'm gonna put this camera away and i'll see you tomorrow [Music] that's your box it's my one box all right welcome to i guess thursday here at high sierra so ty's one wheel has been acting up and there's a guy in reno that works on him so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take his one wheel back to my house haley's gonna run that into town to drop off to the repair guy and uh then i think we're gonna come back and maybe go play or something anyway no real plan we're gonna see what we gonna do [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right back in the dust flashbacks yeah and uh so i think we are gonna grab fishing rods go teach ty how to fly fish and then we're gonna come back and watch everyone try to learn how to stole drag you ready to go catch some fish again yeah again i'm gonna smoke you that's okay i just want to teach ty he's never fight fish before so uh decided to tag along warren and uh he's ready to go fishing too so we're doing this uh try you see the guys who just touched down just avoid them you guys are clear for takeoff roger that clear for takeoff [Music] nice work trent thanks man that's freaking sick what'd you think that was awesome yeah this is legendary here's our runway [Music] dude that's your first desert fish put some more sunflower shoes in my mouth oh set it yes ty pull it all the way and keep stripping gun that boy [Music] yeah dude oh you just caught your first fish isn't he cute look at that yeah i took that big old hopper too heck yeah dude nice all right that was successful we all caught fish including ty hey fish yeah he had a bunch on it was just keeping them on that was a little tough but dude for never casting a fly rod that was successful um okay just got back check out who was here at camp what's up that's not gonna do much i brought it thinking it might but i salted my bike it used to be blue kind of yeah one thing you're gonna have to get used to out here like that was black everything out here just gets completely coated in the silt there's absolutely no shot of keeping things clean so and good friday morning to you guys the plan is i'm gonna fly home i'm gonna take a quick shower because i can and then pick up haley and bring her back out here and haley though last night had an interesting night she called me when i was over at the fire pit and she's like trent i'm shaking did you see the video i sent you i hadn't gotten it yet but turns out there was a full-size mountain lion right at our front door it set our little uh ring camera off and then when haley went to the front door it was peering at her from behind the garage super creepy like just probably at the house for like half an hour so it was uh an interesting one i think she did not get that much sleep because of the mountain lion so uh i don't know i'm gonna have the plane ready i'm just gonna wait on her to take her time this morning and then i'm gonna run and pick her up all right i have officially made my executive decision that i am not going to race this year just because i wasn't feeling it i guess it's kind of what it came down to and i really have nothing to prove it's kind of hard on the plane but the bigger part is that i miss all the fun hanging out and that's what i'm here for so it was just too much of a stretch i'm gonna hang back relax and now i'm running ground support helping out mark he's around support the world it was first he didn't have a one wheel so now he's on my one wheel and then needed to go get your fuel cans couldn't find his fuel cans so he's got my fuel bags we're gonna siphon get some weight out he's racing the nx cub which you're like a true boy scout i know they're not really a thing anymore but you're fully prepared i know how are you liking the the nose wheel you know uh i actually love it you do it's fast it's quiet um i think there's it's going to bring people into the back country like no question the intimidation of coming into a short strip and flipping it over at the end or having to do a go around it's gone you just come in with the brakes locked and it's just gonna stop i i actually really like it yeah and it's very capable aircraft yeah i had no idea we're still out here used to fueling this at the gas station you got a ladder and a regular cub you can stand on the gear which comes out right here now we're out here camping for the first time and i'm like how am i what am i doing i'm going to be honest i didn't think about that either so now i need to go back i probably have a step stool at my camp do you really yeah of course boy scout you can call me [Music] there you go she's going now all right i'm dusty i need a shower i'm gonna head home take a shower grab the wife coming back all right showered and shaved i feel like a whole new woman and look who i've got you ready for this ready okay i'll be sporty nothing like last night when i saw him online i know how are you feeling about that right there by the garage yeah it was up on our front doorstep when our camera went off three of maverick was it small or anything you're here [Music] [Music] is this our first cruise first sunset chris i can feel the light shining on my face that doesn't fill your cup up i don't know what it does [Music] ready to race you look ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] either way i'll never be gonna reach for the skies [Music] [Music] all right it is time for our sunset cruise the saturday night sunset cruise we're gonna try to make it the biggest one so as we go by everyone yell at people and say let's all get going so let's see how this turns out [Applause] all right that was rad we just did a loop through camp yelling at everyone to run what you brung let's go on a cruise how many people were in that oh at least 400 no that was actually really cool we're doing a big sunset cruise that was solid yeah that was super fun [Music] all right guys this is sunday morning it has been a dusty one packing up here in camp i don't know if you can tell behind me but it's just a absolute cloud of dust we're making some coffee getting the trailer all packed up and basically the plan is i'm gonna go blast off at the same time as haley who's gonna be towing the trailer home but before i wrap this one out i do want to say a huge shout out and thank you to the sponsor of this video squarespace and for those that don't know squarespace is the ultimate platform to build a website run your business you start with one of their award-winning templates you craft it into your own beautiful professionally built website that works perfectly on both desktop as well as mobile and they have features for every industry so i don't care what it is you're trying to do with your website whether it's an online store personal blog professional photo gallery a video gallery whatever it is that you're looking to do you can do it with squarespace so if you haven't yet head over to for a free trial and when you're ready to purchase go to trent palmer it'll get you 10 off thank you guys for watching and sticking through on this one and you guys know the drill like this video if you do subscribe if you haven't come be my wingman see on the next one
Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 154,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trent palmer, bush plane, bush pilot, aviation, airplane, pilot, flight, high sierra fly in, high sierra, HSF, fly in
Id: eyo3FE1MRFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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