Skilled US Pilot Lands His $80 Million Jet on Crowded Flight Deck at Sea
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Channel: The Daily Aviation
Views: 3,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Airplanes, F/A-18, Super Hornet, plane captain, aircraft carrier, plane director, flight deck, Weapon Systems Officer, WSO, Primary Flight Control, Pri-Fly, arresting wire, F-35C, Lightning II, MH-60R, Seahawk, Helicopter Landing Signal Enlisted, LSE, BAK-12, MAAS, 25 mm, Mk 38, Machine Gun System, MGS, Phalanx, close-in weapon system, CIWS, M-61 Vulcan, 50 Caliber, Browning Machine Gun, BMG, Cyclone-class, patrol boat, M-240B, Kirby Morgan, diver, US Coast Guard, USCG, dry suit
Id: 7Qxw_x8x0M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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