Flying to The Nicest Hot Spring in the Backcountry

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and good morning guys from a very smoky johnson creek it's crazy last night we came in it was perfectly clear we saw the fire that's just south of us but the wind must have been blown from the north all day yesterday and it must have shifted overnight and we are now looking at ifr conditions so i guess the plan is we're just gonna wait and hope that this smoke blows out and i guess if it doesn't then hell we just see what kind of trouble we can get into here and this is my mobile office for the day not too bad all right it's now almost one in the afternoon definitely not vfr i think we're going to jump on the one wheels and head into yellow pine it's the closest town to here i think it's i don't know four mile one wheel ride bring the chargers go find some food and uh hope that we get a little north wind to blow this out otherwise i guess we're just ground based all day [Music] honey sriracha wings i'm in [Music] all right just finished up lunch here at the corner which was delicious but that looks like pretty clear skies behind us so we're gonna try to jet back and i think pack up and try to find our way away from this fire to somewhere that hopefully we don't get stuck at again [Music] [Applause] all right back at johnson creek and look at that that is like some nice visibility and they've been saying that every night here that smoke's been blowing in that there's kind of like a south wind that comes through during the night so in an effort to not get stuck here again i think we're gonna get packed up and head to the east because it looks like a lot of the smoke is kind of settling over to the west of us so i think we're gonna head over to smiley creek or stanley or somewhere over there but man we are striking out on this trip it's just you know the only time now at 3 30 in the afternoon when it's hot is not the time to go bouncing around in the back country so we don't really want to go land at any strips or anything cause it's just not that wise this time of day so i think we're just gonna get loaded up and head east jonas's airplane overheats i'm taking as much of his weight as i can yeah including his fuel that's why i'm flying both one wheels that's why you're flying both one wheels i got tools and it's cooler [Applause] oh i'm good yeah when you when you guys good [Music] how sweet is this grass strip up here no it's private that's like my dream set up right there see look at the hanger built into the ground that is the coolest thing i've ever seen purple until they come out and wave and then we'll land oh yeah someone came out on the deck went back around [Music] oh yes he just waved us in let's go in okay hey who is that over the hill roaring ranch uh we got trev palmer ty ferkin and jonas marcinko we saw you waving i didn't know if you wanted us to drop in grass runway [Applause] check out this hanger look at that thing [Music] i had a guy staying here the other night what i want to show you is the other side of the helicopter oh on the wall look at that that was with spray paint wow [Music] well thank you for the tour mike your place is beautiful you guys i am a kid in a candy shop this was the coolest setup i've ever seen and mike the owner's just awesome super nice guy showed us his hanger and yeah anyway we're gonna get on before it gets too dark get over to smiley [Applause] [Music] [Music] and welcome to beautiful smiley creek it really hasn't been that long since i've been here but this place is three weeks but how beautiful is it it's gorgeous look at this evening there's no smoke we made i love it i love it yeah yeah we have about a half an hour before the smiley creek lodge closes for dinner so we can actually eat tonight which is a plus and actually some friends of mine matt and miles uh invited us to stay at their cabin so thank you to the conklin family for offering that we're gonna go get food and then uh get our stuff packed away all right just got back to the airstrip we're gonna get loaded up head over to go cruise into these hot springs that i've heard very good things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] so this is it huh yeah see the springs right there oh wow this is kind of sketchy i'm just not sure what it is like i don't know how perfect you are this doesn't even like look real this is like this looks like a movie set or something this is insane is it hot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right stanley baking company absolutely recommended if you're ever in stanley it's a quick little walk from the airport just down a little path definitely highly recommended breakfast and lunch and back to our plants i think we're gonna head back to smiley creek see what uh kind of stuff we can get into over there so this is now what we're looking at here in smiley creek maybe two or three miles visibility so hopefully this blows out overnight so we can actually get somewhere tomorrow well this is what we woke up to we're looking at two miles of visibility i guess and uh looking at all the the weather info we can get and air quality info around us it doesn't look like it's any better anywhere where we're trying to go so kind of in the holding pattern this is the life of some stranded backcountry pilots but ty's the one that's got the most figured out i found my nest yeah you did the gold goat juice right here all right these guys are both fueled i still need to run and go get my fuel bags filled so i can fill up but jonas is worried about the temps getting high so he's going to get out of here so this is when we are departing with jonas jonas see you dude later man it was fun let's do that one time why that was oh yeah there we go [Music] okay it's now four o'clock jonas left heck what six hours ago he did make it texted us said it was pretty smoky but not horrible we were thinking of staying another night here but decided let's get back to boise that way ty can get on to other things he has to do it puts me one step closer to home do a bit of wind not as bad as last time we were here at smiley but either way we're gonna kick the tires light the fires and fly hopefully not through any fires but over through the smoke and pick our way over to boise i guess this is it i'll talk to you let me know when you get home yeah we'll do dude that was fun thanks for uh kind of coming up with the itinerary and making that fun adventure for us having a planetary it's not holiday whatsoever i love it it's great it was a super good time though all right just made it to nampa visibility got a little less than ideal on that one but honestly flying through that canyon we went down the boise river for most of it it was beautiful and there was no bumps i don't know how so it was just like a nice smooth flight and we probably had three four miles of visibility all through there it wasn't until we got in the valley that it started to feel uh so much denser but i don't know if that's because it just there was no mountains to look at so it just seemed like it was right here in front of you instead of farther off but anyway i'm going to grab some gas and then go find a friend's house to crash at for the night and welcome to day six of this adventure it is now eight in the morning a little bit of fog and then still the smoke but i can still see two or three miles so time to get going make the smoky flight back to reno all right finally made it back tucked in safe and sound back in the hangar the last of the three so we can finally close the book of this awesome but kind of difficult adventure man these wildfires and the smoke really put a wrench in this but couldn't stop us from having a good time you know get three buddies in their airplanes in the backcountry even if we aren't flying we're gonna have a good time before we wrap this up i do want to give a huge shout out and thank you to the sponsor of this video squarespace from online stores to marketing tools and analytics squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a website and run your business now i know i've given you guys this spiel before but squarespace is the best way to make a website in this day and age you start with one of their award-winning templates you craft it into your own professional finished beautiful website that works on both mobile as well as desktop and they have features for virtually any industry and squarespace also allows you to purchase domains through them as well so they really are your one-stop shop when it comes to building the website so if you haven't yet go over to for a free trial and when you're ready to purchase go to trent palmer it's gonna get you 10 off a website or domain thanks again squarespace for sponsoring this video and i'm gonna wrap this one up here i am exhausted you guys know the drill like this video if you do subscribe if you haven't come be my wingman see on the next one [Music]
Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 187,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitfox, kitfox aircraft, flight vlog, aviation, airplane, bush plane, trent palmer, freedomfox, airplane crash, instruction, tailwheel, landing, plane, pilot, flying, flight training, helicopter, oshkosh airventure, airventure 2018, STOL, low and slow, student pilot, first solo, freedom fox, flying cowboys, oshkosh2019, airventure2019, airventure, EAA, Oshkosh, backcountry, idaho, idaho backcountry flying
Id: Gjha3-JXPvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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