The Most Efficient Solo/Duo Element Farm | Official 1x | Ark: Survival Ascended

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hello everyone I wanted to show you how I've been farming element for the past day I put together this team uh for boss fights and I run this by myself it's just six megatheriums with capped Saddles and these are their stats and you definitely do need pretty good stats to do this I would think and I think that's why most people haven't been doing it because on official 1X uh megatheriums are just getting decent and you can probably buy these uh on most trade websites now or on discords and Facebook and then I use a Deon with a Capp saddle with 100,000 food you need like at least 50,000 but 100,000 is not hard to get to and it's very safe and then just a basic udy with a basic saddle is all you really need so also oh actually one more thing I did do the gigantoraptor bond with these me aums where it gives them the 10% damage resistance and the 5% damage increase and to get that to proc I just ran a gamma brood mother and had the megatheriums Kill The Brood mother and all the little spiders and then you just have to throw out the mother gigant Raptor right here and I don't know if it'll do it again cuz threw her out oh you can see she got 23 stacks on her buff it seems to like Save The Kills from the meum and then give it to her it's really weird so this isn't Max buff so I don't know if they'll have the damage anymore I might have just ruined it no they still have it so it is very weird how it does that and then you can just cryo her and you don't have to take her into the boss fight and all the megatheriums all the megatheriums will keep the buff and then you can just go in with even stronger megatheriums this is not necessary but it is a nice little thing I don't think I would recommend doing it honestly it is a major pain to bond all the me aums with the mother it's like a gigantic few hour grind just to do like six megatheriums God forbid they're like a high level mine were like level 160 with just the health in the melee so the other thing you're going to need to do is go to the modify order and tame groups and then add class to a group and then I already have them added to 10 right here so this will add all the megatheriums to this tame group where you go up to your tracking tab and then go to dino groups go down to 10 and you can see the megatheriums are there in the bottom right and then you just set that as your active group so now anytime you whistle it will only whistle the megatheriums and you have to do this because you have to whistle different commands and make them like go different places uh and I'll show you that later and then make sure that the Udi and the Deon are on passive and they will stay on passive and you can only whistle them or tell them to do anything with like a single whistle like this they won't listen to uh like all commands like that so we'll go ahead and get this started now I do use my crafter so this is this is much better ran with two people but you can do this solo but the overall method of farming the element is better done with two people anyway because you have to heal up the megatheriums and get meat in the dayod on so having someone to farm meat is very important like when the boss fight is over okay so I have the dayon and yudi here on purpose and okay and I'm on the back side of the fight right now who I can't seem to get on the ud yeah all right well that's great so my crafter was messed up up and the 's going to die here I think see if I can get it to follow me there we go all right well now it's a solo boss fight so even better the first thing you want to do is buff right away but yeah I was just going to have my crafter get on the Udi and run over and buff and then I can just ride the dayod on and it's much more chill that way I just reach over and touch my controller to hit the ud buff oh I don't want him following me anymore but I have the megatheriums on neutral already and you just want to make sure they're all going around and getting the bug buff and it's kind of hard to tell if they all have it but you just want to make sure that they're all kind of like spread out and not stuck anywhere and making sure they're swinging so I'm just have to be very careful to make sure that I udb buff every 20 seconds so the max buff stays up and honestly the meum are doing pretty decent damage so I'm not too worried and then you can even take your Tech binoculars and check the meum health to see how they're doing they all seem pretty good and I got to go back and buff [Music] being it's a lot to keep track of when you're solo so again it's not the best idea to run this solo but it is possible as you'll see here and if the brood mother doesn't turn around ever and give these so the the spiders spawn out of her butt and if she doesn't turn around the megatheriums on her front side will possibly lose the bug buff that makes them so strong so you're going to have to whistle follow or like send the megatheriums into like a different attack pattern I usually just like whistle them to her backside if that happens cuz she hasn't turned around in a while but it looks like he sells the bug buff with cap Saddles and mate boost and the Udi buff they only take about 200 damage for her like U melee attack when they have the bug buff if they don't have the bug buff they'll take like 800 so you can kind of track if they have it like that if you can't see the smoke on their face that red smoke that shows that they have it right now everyone looks good he's losing a bit of Health I haven't healed in a while but he just took 200 damage so that's not too worrisome yet all right they she flipped around so make sure these guys have the bug buff H yeah having to deal with this Udi all the time is pretty [Music] annoying but also what I was trying to say when the boss fight started was that you definitely want to figure out like where you have to line up on the OB or transmitter or wherever you're running the boss fight from to make sure that the Udi and theodon spawn on this back side here cuz the brood mother she spawns way over there and on Alpha she will Sprint her ass over so fast it's like not even funny I don't know what happened to my crafter and why I couldn't get on the ud but luckily I got on the Deon so all was fine yeah you just want to get on the day the ud and just Sprint away as fast as possible and get the buff up and have the megatheriums attack on neutral this was honestly a very very quick fight I'm actually really surprised uh with how this went I'm not even worried about the ud buff usually if the megatheriums are just like running in a circle and like attacking the spiders more I'll whistle attack Target on The Brood mother but that will almost always ensure that she gets like locked down and uh some of the mega ethereums lose the bug buff but I just had them on neutral there and they won in like 5 minutes so that's pretty good and again like I said if some of the me ethereums aren't getting the bug buff I'll whistle them like over to the back side of her and then put them back on neutral and uh they'll get the bug buff eventually so I only used like half the food oh no I used most of the food here but either way just use all the food cuz if you're going to farm element you got to heal all these me aums to run the fight again so after the fight's over you just go and get all all the raw meat off the megatheriums like this and I Dro their bags so they don't have too many berries the next time that we go into the fight and I started doing this with like 20,000 Health on the megatheriums and 900 melee on all of them and I think I'm going to stop here at 24,000 and they just continue to level melee uh after that then I think I still have a little bit more time oh I forgot my Crafters bag it's just armor though it's right here oh there was some empty Crow pods we have with the rest of the time I'm just going to heal and then after the boss fight uh I don't think I have artifacts to show you but there is an 8 minute cool down on the boss yeah I don't have the artifacts to do it but there's an 8 minute cool down before you you can start any of the alpha or Gamma or beta broodmother fights again so in that time you have time to set back up your uh Udi and your Deon so they're on the back side of that boss fight and then put in all the raw meat into the cooker because cooked meat gives significantly more food than raw I think raw gives the dayon like 10 food and cooked gives 25 so set up a bunch of grills I just slapped these down because I didn't really have a design and I was just running this yesterday and then one person sets up and heals on the me ethereums and then the other person goes on a very quick meat run and then fills the grills and if you do that you can run Alpha Broods on cool down and farm tons of element okay so that boss fight went kind of shaky and that video might been a little rough so if you have any questions please ask in the comments down below um I am going to use it because that does prove that I can do the solo so I can throw that in the title and that will be pretty nice and one thing that I forgot to say let me find the Deon okay I got the Deon and I had some meat from yesterday's boss fights and this is a very known trick you most people are going to know what I'm going to say right now but you can feed the Deon very quickly if you go out of render there's no one else in this base right now as far as I'm aware so I'm just going to go out of render and then I'm going to go back to the base and the Deon has ate all the food until it's Max and then I still have all this food left over that it did not need to eat also I did do that boss fight solo but if you can you should always do boss fights with someone because if you lag out I'm pretty sure the boss fight just ends but even if it doesn't you have a high likelihood of just getting killed by the boss while you're sleeping on the floor in the Boss Arena and then if you die the boss definitely ends so you definitely always want to go in with at least one other person and just to make sure that that doesn't happen the risk reward of doing a solo boss fight versus just waiting for someone to go with you is just not there it's not a good idea unless you are just a solo player then it just is what it is then hopefully you don't get arked you've accomplished what few have you've ascended
Channel: Doth
Views: 7,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bpDuIB4fc5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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