All the Gigantoraptor Secret Abilities Explained.

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in this video we're going to be testing all of the features and the abilities of the gyant Raptor in Ark survival ascended so keep watching because you might learn something new the gagan Raptor has two attacks with the secondary attack being quite powerful the gagan Raptor primary attack is a beak pack it's reasonably quick and does a minor amount of damage the secondary attack is a foot Stomp and Deals quite a lot more damage the secondary attack will also Harvest quite a lot of berries from berry bushes it gets more thatched than wood one thing to keep in mind is when attacking creatures you'll also Harvest berries so sometimes you can get we down by this in that case you may want to turn harvesting off the gigant Raptor is an omnivore meaning it eats both berries and meat the secondary attack will not Harvest bodies only get you more berries you need to do the primary beak attack in order to harvest the body and get meat the gigant Raptor is an incredibly fast creature but is it faster than the current land creature in the game so here we set up a race with me on the giganta Raptor and my friend on a gamus you can see we easily jumped ahead at the start looking back she is behind still and at the end of the beach the garanta Raptor is clearly faster but you need to remember that the gyant Raptor is imprinted as a baby so it does have a speed bonus so let's race it against the galley again but this time against a bread and imprinted one and you can see here at the start it's more even I think I'm pulling it I think it's still faster yeah yeah and the ganta Raptor was clearly faster over distance ah the chicken chicken is a winner winner so the gigant Raptor is now the fastest land creature in the game but it may not win a jumping race and speaking of jumping the gigant Raptor has a gliding ability so let's take a look at that I have my tribemate Mr Krabby tracked here we're going to jump off this Cliff from our base and see what distance we can cover when we leap you hold down the jump key which is space bar or the a button on an Xbox controller and you'll flap your wings to Glide so you can see here we made a 363 M before we landed on the ground but if you start at a greater height can you Glide much further so here I am at the top of the mountain behind the base and we are going to see if we can glide all the way back to base when we launched off the cliff we were 1,154 M away from Mr Krabby and as we approach the base we are coming in just just a little bit short but we were able to Glide over 1,000 M and we still made it back to base just not quite to Mr krabby's location and of course we had to test if you went even higher so here we're jumping from the volcano which is the highest point on the island and heading back to the Honus tagged at base and when we launched we were 2,838 M from base so we did not make the whole distance when we landed at felt we're about halfway there we had traveled 1,468 M before landing on the ground so about halfway back to base from the volcano I want to talk next about the feather plucking ability now you may see some people saying that it's random but it is not random what kind of feather and what kind of level you'll get I did some testing to see what kind of level you'll get and what kind of stout you'll get from your feathers to understand how feathers are helpful we need to talk briefly about stat breeding in Ark so in Ark you want to create the best dinos that you can have so you want to combine all of the dinos you teame to get their stats merged together and then if you want you can breed for mutations after that when you're mixing two dinosaurs together the dinosaur that has the higher value stat will have a 55% chance of passing that stat onto the baby so the base level mechanic gives us 55% but what this new feather allows us to do is to increase that chance to be a little bit higher so here we're obviously doing some mutation breeding if we look at the Theos that have the all based stats we take a look here and the health is 9, 48.1 that's without an imprint and we have 47 stat points into Health we're obviously breeding for health mutations here and the male in the center has 19 Health mutations looking at his base stat it's 15,6 60.1 you can see the base is 47 here and there is an additional 38 points from mutations so all of the babies that will come from these females have a 55% chance of getting the Dad's health stat the gigant rapor has an ability for us to pluck one of its feathers the feathers have the ability to increase the chance that the parent will pass their highest stat down onto the baby in this case we got one for a stamina stat increasing our chance to 59 .7 but what you need to know is that the stat that you get and the level that you get is not random I spawned in perfectly tamed max level gigant Raptors to see what kind of feathers I would get so these are all level 225 when you look through the collection of feathers you can see that we have them for a bunch of different stats but also looking at all of them they are all saying 75% so this is the theoretical Max that you can get from plucking feathers and 75% is a pretty big increase from 55% to continue testing I spawned in a bunch of gigant raptors that were perfectly tamed at level 75 wild again I plucked feathers from each one when we take a look at the feathers that we collected you can see that the percentage is quite a bit lower it's around 67 68% but what is interesting is there's some very minute differences in the number that you get so this one is 68.1 67.4 57 so I'm not sure what is causing this tiny little difference but what we know is that the lower level teams are giving us a lower percent chance of inheritance next I tested wild level 10 babies perfectly tamed so they came out to level 15 looking at the feathers collected the lowest percentage we have is 56.7 so these eggs have a much lower percentage and it's barely above the chance percentage of 55% with the highest being 58.4 3 lower level tames will give you lower percentage feathers so if you are taming these for that purpose you may want to seek out very high level creatures the stat for each feather is not randomly assigned it's actually determined by the gigant Raptor that you pluck the feather from and its highest stat looking at these feathers we have some melee and some oxygen ones so let's take a look at the creatures they were plucked from taking a look at these gigant Raptors here this one's highest stat is oxygen this one's highest stat is also oxygen and the lower level one has is actually a higher melee stat so there is a link between the feather stat that you get and the highest stat that a creature has knowing this we can predict what kind of feather we're going to get from a creature so let's take a look at this Gigan Raptor it's highest stat you can see here is in weight so let's go pluck a feather to confirm that we're going to get a weight one and yep we've got a weight feather with 6.23% chance if the dino has two equal level stats so in this case we've got health and St St I'm not sure how it determines if it's random or not but when we did pluck a feather we got a stamina one further proof that it is not random once you collected a few feathers you'll notice that you get the same ones from the same creature every time to use the feather you need to put it into the inventory of the female creature once the mating has completed the feather will be consumed after wad card patched the bug of us re-rolling imprints with cryopods they gave it back to us in the form of of a feature with this creature when raising babies they'll require imprints usually in the form of a favorite food or activity the gagan Raptor has the ability to change what the baby wants for their imprint this one wants to go on a walk we don't really want to take it on a walk Mount Your gigant Raptor and then hit the C attack on keyboard or click the stick on controller you can see imprint refresh above the creature that needs an imprint and food San Berry I can do that in this case it paid off because that's a food that's easy for me to get Tada keep in mind that if you have rolled for another imprint and it's something you don't want to do you can't roll that one again but once you've done your first imprint and then you go to do your second one you're allowed to roll that second one as well provided there's been enough time between callouts the same tertiary attack you use to roll your imprints you can use to find and claim wild babies if you press C or click your right stick it will do a call out when you're out and about which will highlight every baby around you you can use the gigant ruptor to kill the parent of the babies and then use it to imprint the babies you need to do this while riding the gigant Raptor and you'll see a prompt come up it kind of comes and goes and there it is we hit e and we have imprinted and tamed that juvenile parasaur when you have a giganta raptor you can actually use this method to tame your own babies from the back of the one that you're riding without having to do any dancing in a nest so let me show you how to do this so just make sure we know where the baby is baby's just behind mom so we're going to attack mom so killed the mom and now approach the baby in order to be able to imprint the baby you'll need to do the call out track it and then get the E prompt to imprint and tame it okay the weird thing is this was a level 82 and it gained five levels so keep in mind if if you want to use this method that you get minimal bonus levels to this and you in fact may be better off taming it the more traditional way to get more levels but it is surely easier and I would recommend using this method if you find yourself in a situation with a parent and baby and no Nest or you're playing on officials and you've been griefed by people stealing your eggs when you throw them out people want to know can you breed gigantic Raptors yes gigant Raptors can breed they are an egg L creature so have your oviraptor ready to pick up the eggs the gigant Raptor has the ability to hatch eggs in its saddle baskets and I'm going to show you this because it's not so intuitive to hatch the eggs in the saddle you need to move the eggs into the giganta Raptor's inventory there's only left and right saddle slots so you can only incubate two eggs at a time when it's in the inventory click on the egg and in this new middle UI area you'll see attach egg to left saddle slot and attach egg to right saddle slot when you click one of these it will move the egg into the saddle slot and start the incubation if you are riding the gigantoraptor with an egg in the saddle you'll see a little square that says the kind of egg you have and the progress of the hatching so here you can see on the bottom left of my UI there is Rex egg and there is a yellow bar that is slowly Rising as the egg is hatching and once the Rex egg becomes ready to hatch you will see the square go green now so meaning that we could hatch this egg the egg will stay ready to hatch until you do it manually which is actually great if you need to play a lot of offline for work and school if you want to hatch some eggs you need to select the egg and then go back down to that new middle UI and select hatch egg I tested to see if the egg incubation in the gigant Raptor is faster than traditional egg hatching with a hatchery using air conditioners so Mr Krabby placed down a Chara egg at exactly the same time that I clicked incubate on the gigant Raptor so then we looked at the numbers of incubation and they were going down at exactly the same rate and the eggs either hatched or were ready to hatch at exactly the same time so it doesn't appear that hatching an egg in the Gigan raptor is quicker once the egg has hatched the ability of the baby to stay in the basket depends on two things one is size so the cha chars are too big to fit in that basket so they will not fit and Giga babies will not fit either the other one is the level of the creature you can place babies into the Saddles by opening up the radio menu and then clicking ADD baby to right saddle but if your baby creature has more levels than the parent you get a message that says it can only carry baby creatures that it less than or equal to its current level in this case you're going to want to teame really high level gu gigant Raptors if you want to use it to raise your breeding armies so here we hatched a Rex egg and the Rex is level 233 it is not going to be able to be put into the basket from the giganta Raptor if you want to use the bonding mechanic which gives bonuses and Buffs to creatures you're going to need to make sure that your gagan Raptor level is much higher than the level of the eggs and the armies you are breeding so here's some tips on how to get those levels up get some Explorer notes with a gigant raptor that has a bonding buff cuz that also gives XP Buffs and if you can find some lowlevel Alphas to find when babies are the right level you hold open the radial wheel you add baby to the slot and you'll see a flashing blue creature that you can add it's quite faint but look out for that and then you can get your babies in your saddle next let's talk about this bonding mechanic but why do we want to get these babies into the saddle in the first place and that's because the gigant Raptor has a unique bonding mechanic so you'll see with babies in the baskets you get a red message at the top of the screen that says your gigant the baby wants to start hunting creatures so yeah you've got to go and kill its intended target creature so it will highlight with a red skull and crossbone and you will see that there is a unique HUD again down the bottom of the UI it will turn red when it wants to bond with a creature so you can see here it's got on red and we have a skull and crossbone we need to kill this creature here and then it reverts to a resting stage you'll also see in the HUD that it says level 50 plus so in this case our baby is going to be scanning looking for dinosaurs that are Level 50 plus the higher level creatures you have in the baskets the higher level creatures those little babies are going to kill so you can get searching for up to level 90 creatures and above once it's complete you get a bonded stat and an imprinting bonus of 30% so you can get a 30% base imprint so what does bonding do well it gives a buff to the mum called Alo parental Pride this is a buff that Stacks over time and gives you bonuses to damage increase experience and also speed the amount of damage buff that you get and XP buff you get is dependent on these Stacks that you can see above the UI not only does bonding give a buff to a parent it also gives a buff to a baby so if we remove the baby from the sadle here and go show Buffs you can see we get the adopted love buff which gives a 10% damage resistance you can manage the bonds that the parent has by opening the radio wheel and heading to this heart Tab and you can see manage bonded creatures here we have bonded with 12 creatures we made a little army after that you actually max out the amount that you can Bond you can remove a bonded creature by selecting and letting the radio menu hold through and Gant Raptors don't just need to bond with their own kind you can see here that we've bonded with a pair of rexes and a bunch of other gigant Raptors as well I want to know what happens to these Buffs when you max the stats so Mr Krabby and I went out hunting Mr Krabby is a bonded baby to my creature so when he goes around killing creatures you can see these Stacks go up so my mom is getting so proud of all the killing that Mr krabby's gagan raptor is doing it's giving us big Buffs so now we're at five Stacks let's take a look we are at 10% damage increase and 5% experience increase as he continues to kill creatures those Stacks increase what's also interesting to note is as he's killing more creatures the kind of colorful Sparkles around my creature has changed from yellow to now a dark orange what happens when we reach 25 Stacks okay where we're at Max Stacks so my buff is 50% damage increase 25% experience increase and 10% movement speed increase my damage is bits now and the bonded son or daughter creature gets a buff as well they get adopted Rage with 10% damage resistance and 5% damage increase what I wonder with the gyant Raptors is with all these bonding and these Buffs does that make them a viable option for B B fights so let's test that out so we decided to run gamma brood with a small army of these so just talking about what went on in this fight we have 19 Gigan Raptors they have primitive Saddles this is gamma brood one of the limitations here is that we didn't actually have any of the bonded or adopted love Buffs the reason for this is we had bonded all of our creatures to our mating pair and I didn't want to lose the them in the fight because I wasn't really sure how these guys would do so starting off with my first con here the foot stomp does the most damage but it also harvests berries so I made the mistake here of not turning harvesting off which got me encumbered really quickly and I had to drop all of my inventory at one point in the fight the other thing I noticed is that the giganta Raptors are only doing their beak attack which is the weakest of the attacks they are not doing the Stomps this was good on one hand they weren't getting encumbered with berries but it's disappointing that none of them were doing the foot stomp because that one does certainly a lot more damage the ones that were being ridden by Mr Krabby and myself for doing it so if you have a large group of people I could see these as being a viable option for maybe higher levels like beta or Alpha but you would need good Saddles because the Broods damage is going to increase a lot more my ADV advice for these creatures would be to maybe bring one or two with a rider on them more used as a utility creature you can Bond Rex's the's all of your regular boss creatures to these those other creatures that you would use in a boss fight if their bonded parent is there will get that damage resistance buff and damage increase buff and with the parent buff they will get a lot more damage if you're doing the foot stomp while riding we were able to come out Victor ious in this fight after the fight I checked on some of the health of the creatures and some of them were very pretty much close to being dead but I think these are going to be a great option as a utility or support creature for boss fights I have tested everything I can think of for this new creature and it has got a lot going for it I love making these videos and if you really appreciate watching them subscribe to the channel for more thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Crabbytron
Views: 6,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gigantoraptor, ark, ascended, tested, will it boss
Id: eEaTeEhO6Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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