TOP 16 PVE and SOLO PLAYER Base Locations on SCORCHED EARTH in Ark Survival Ascended!!!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and scorched Earth just released and I'm going to show you in this video how to find the best 16 PVE or solo player kind of like your uh your fun base locations if you will in this video now they're super I mean all of these are well thought out they all have a reason for them just to give you like some of the main reasons because Scorch to Earth is a difficult to survive on map you need water you need resour es and you need easy tames and easy areas so all of these have all of that so let's go ahead and get started and I will be remiss if I didn't tell you the first thing that you should do if you haven't already gotten it the oosa is probably one of the most fun things that I've seen in Arc in a while so if you aren't going to plan on living in your solo player or PVE game on an oasis or's back where you can actually just you know survive like I am right now um you can see this is probably one of the I don't know it's probably one of the the coolest things I've seen in a while because there's such a massive build Zone on these things back and you can have a lot of fun and do a lot of different things on the Oasis Source back so using one of these is really what I'm going to recommend but that's not going to be my that's just saying because some people why didn't you say that so there's my you know initial thing so now Base number one this next one is one that you can actually access very easily and this is the only one that I'm going to show you in this video that's going to have access to Cave locations and by the way in case you weren't paying attention the coordinates are literally going to be on the screen as I click on them so you can just so you can see so you have to go back if you want to see that one um but this is the only cave location I'm going to show you in this video and it is at Red OB it is a new cave location just you can see there's red OB and uh you basically go down into this little water Zone I actually went the wrong way oopsies um I think I the what the that the wrong H did I change it up no I just went too far there we go all you got to do is you got to go down into the water now once you get into the water it's going to get kind of dark so just be aware of that um and then you're just going to follow the pathway get down to the very bottom and do a little bit of a U-turn and then you're going to end up in a really really pretty cave um this cave is super cool looking you can go inside of this thing and uh yeah it is a massive buildable cave there is loot inside of this cave I'm sure there's an artifact somewhere near here I haven't found it yet but it's huge this thing go goes on for quite a ways if you're someone that wants a unique base location it's going to be hard to access this so you'll probably need a teleporter or this is more of a solo play or the first person first come first serve for PVE style play this is a super cool base location um definitely pick this up if you can because it's it's really unique obviously you can see there's some artifacts and the glow in here is just really really great and uh there's so much that you can do cuz it's a massive area there's water Zone in the bottom that is deep enough to raise literally anything in there so if you have stuff from other maps you can also raise things there's also some like bigger pools in here you can see there coal that actually spawn in here so you can fish in the cave literally you wouldn't have to leave this cave for any reason and I love when the game adds something like that it was kind of like the space cave when it got introduced in fuor it's just a really really pretty zone so yeah that's my uh kind of like Base number one I won't do another cave I swear uh but this one I had to show you so now base number two is uh it's on the surface in a lot of these ones that are on the surface they going to have proximity to water and then proximity to easy resources right so I'm going to go ahead and show you again make sure you're looking at the coordinates when I click on the things um but I'll show you on the map real quick just so you can see so the reason that I like this one so much is because it is in the edge of the map on the scorched map a lot of the resources that you're going to need are going to be out there and then the rest of them that you're going to need are going to be in the center so placing yourself in kind of like this weird position where you are kind of like on the edge is of the map is one of the best things that you can do and this is one of the largest build areas that you can build a continuous base in the game now it goes from that side over there and over to here now there's another reason that I picked this one because of the flatter incline for this one you can actually run a train if you have Bob's Tall Tails you can run trains to this one and it's a super useful thing you can run it right up this pathway here to wherever you want to go with it now my plan is to have a crazy train Network going um I don't know how far I'm going to be able to make it or what I'm going to be able to do with it but I think that that Edition is one of my favorite things so being able to utilize that is going to be a huge bonus plus there's some cool little things like having the little little out jut right here I would build like a cliff platform right here and then have your base or your main like area just look over there cuz that's a i to me this is a really cool view it's this map has some unique views and they changed a lot of the graphics of it so it looks really pretty so definitely keep that in mind and I would build your Center base right around a structure like this because I think these things are really cool so you can do whatever you want with it but this is probably one of my favorite things to do so anyways that is base spot number two now base spot number three we're going to go ahead and head over to it um it's it's again these are all very similar in regards to the uh complexity of the locations and what they have access to now this one is kind of nearby where we just were just so you can see it on the map there you go um but this one is close proximity to water now it's not deep water I want to mention that you can technically run through all of this water but it does count as water so water is one of the limiting factors that you will have in scorched Earth that won't be a problem in this base location plus you've got a large flat zone so you won't need to build any of the frustrating water continuing pipes and all that kind of stuff and the reason that I like this spot a lot is because it's very flat very very open and then you've got these really neat things up above so if you wanted to build if you're someone like me playing on a PVE map I'm thinking I want to build like an AV area up here with access to some of my larger birds or my wyverns just a massive Zone up here for wyverns I think that would be really really really cool and uh that's just something you can do there's also a few tuckaways up in here that you could kind of build a base around this and have this being out above your base there's a lot of unique things that you can do on this map and uh I I'm I'm excited to see some of people's creativity and what they're capable of in order to make different styles of bases so yeah definitely utilize some of those cool factors so that's that um this is probably again this is a very I mean this is a massive Base by you could have 40 50 people in a tribe in this location so that is one thing that you definitely want to take advantage of I want to say I'm on base three now right this is this is base three I think I just messed up yeah it is base three so um so we're going to go and go to base four um and base number four again similar concept this is a very difficult to survive on map so it's going to be one of those locations and this one again this one you need flyers so just be aware of that this one you have to have Flyers um the coordinates of it this is one of the desert plateaus you can see it this is the bottom right one this has easy access if you're not going to destroy all of it to metal Crystal and obsidian and uh they are large flat outcroppings and you can do some really this is more of like a nomadic like I built a base with tons of Flyers kind of concept you could if you really wanted to build a pathway up or have a little tuck away because it's got some cool little like half spots on the way up there are ways to get halfways up or to build a giant elevator track but I'm not going to recommend it I'm going to recommend that you actually avoid those kinds of things and that you actually use this for what it's supposed to be just like a nice little Aviary um with some of your tames you're not really going to have any large tames up in here other than your wyverns and it's meant to be like a flyers only kind of spot um there there are I mean just a little bit of a negative right so water is going to be a little bit of a problem so you're going have to build a water Network up here um oil will be a little bit of a problem up here as well because the easiest access for oil is down in the ground but for the most part there are quite a few forgivenesses that you do receive for being up here because you don't have to worry about any enemies at all no stone golems no death worms none of that stuff you can kind of just chill you're up in the clouds which is really cool the views are super cool you can build yourself like a little thing going off the outside of it I mean just just look at that that's cool in my opinion so personal opinion this is probably one of my this is this is definitely a top three base location so all right anyways we'll move on to the next one now there's a few more that are like this but I tried to keep a lot of the plateau ones different so just so you can see that now my next one green OB itself just so you can see if you I mean I'm not going to show you the chords it's easy to see green hob on the map there are a bunch of locations right here that you can build really awesome base location you can build on green OB itself you can build on this little Plateau Rock which is one of my favorite places to build because it's just tall enough to be away from everything and just large enough to have a very decent sized base and you can literally just have a massive out like wall on the outside of it and nothing comes up here so you're just completely safe from everything and you can build it's reasonable to build a actual like system to get up on top of this plus you've got this little zone right here that counts as shade right there so keep that in mind and if you're not a big fan of something like that there are two sides you can build on one over here on this side of it and then you can kind of like build down into the water to have water tames because this water however is deep enough to swim in so you can raise things in this water it's going to be I mean you're probably not going to want to raise any larger tames but you can't technically raise things in this water and then the other option that I would do if I was you is if you're okay building in the sand this is going to be a really cool base spot because you can run trains the entire way out of here and go around the enti edge of the map because this actual line right here can be traced the entire way around the map so you can build a really cool train system that goes from Green OB and circles the entire map saving you a ton of time and uh yeah just being a really cool concept the fact that trains are in this game love it so uh yeah Green OB pretty cool base location uh you can see there's obviously a little bit of a problem hm I wonder what that is you know that couldn't be anything but a moving rock ooh um yeah so uh pretty cool base location I like green OB a lot and uh just so you can kind of see the edge of it this is the one that I was looking at for base five uh Base number six we're nope that was base seven don't want to do that yet I want to do base six me click please let me click base six we go uh another one of those base locations that's very I'm going to try and go as quick as I can I know some of you are like d stop describing these so much um so this is another one flat zone in the clouds this this one is super cool because it's actually in a cloud zone so when you're in the clouds I mean you're literally in like the foggy part of the clouds it's very similar to the other Cliff toop base location there's what it looks like on the map just so you can see these and this one's much bigger it has access to metal immediately and there are multiple platforms so you can build on one and just access resources off the other one without much of a problem or just land your oosa up here on top of this it's another one of those top of the base locations it's super cool so base six is super easy to access now I'll move I mean that one I mean to sound like but it's very similar to the other base location now this one however is a little bit different this one is called desert Plateau um it's one of those out crops if you want to think of it that way this is it on the map right here and it literally shoots over the top of the desert but it's also in a zone that is actually safe for spawning uh this zone right here doesn't have have any direct spawns of anything super dangerous the biggest thing you have to worry about is a falo but usually they spawn in the desert all right anyways continuing so this space spot specifically is very well known um especially in the PVE Community because it does a little bit of an Outreach over the top it's got a big flat zone and like I was saying earlier it is a great spot to avoid things because it's got these little like mini Cliff faces there's only like two spots up that you can actually get to this From The Far Side so just putting a wall on that far side over there and then having like a small little gate right here you can section off this entire Zone and it gives you access to a lot of really nice resources the desert itself and it's just a fun spot out of the way cuz not many people go here and uh Scorch to Earth is a very difficult map so staying away from people is even better in my opinion because I don't know some people like to aggro things to your Bas and I want to avoid that all right so Base number eight we're going to go ahead and go to that one um a little bit again these are a little bit different ah sorry I did a little coffee there all right so another one of those unique base locations right this one is in the kind of middle section of the desert kind of nearby where we were and the point of this one is actually that it's a waterfall cave mini cave not a true cave so I wouldn't show you any of those there is water nearby it is deep water with tons of fish probably one of the best fishing spots on this map if you're looking the fish there are wolves that spawn here there are Terror birds that spawn here so what I like to do is see that waterf right there it builds a really cool cave now you can build a base in here this is more than enough for a small tribe even a larger tribe in the long run could build a base right here then you build it underneath the zone now it does count as cave damage PVP I would suggest against this base location and uh yeah so you just plop a few things down right here you can build up on top as well so you can have a multi-tiered with a waterfall going through your base and the scenery right here is super cool because the scenery when there is water nearby on Scorch to Earth is one of the coolest things in my opinion in the game so pretty sweet base location obviously you can see there's some def Graphics issues because they're still working things out uh but it's a really really cool base location for it so let's go ahead and go to base number nine I and again this is just I love this is my first base location ever on scorer so it's got a soft spot all right next base location this one is a kind of like Tavern base if you want to think it that way it is in blue OB so on Blue OB you can actually build a few base locations nearby but it's one of the few places in the game that you're technically covered and you don't have to worry about rain electrical storms anything like that because you're underground in some locations here see how I'm close enough to a rock wall here and then it counts as being underground there are a few spots that are like this and it also provides shelter from across the board it provides deep water that you can swim in I don't know why this Obelisk has the Deep version of water but it does so you can actually raise just about any creature here and you've got this little like offshoot right here now if you don't like that zone this is like the swamp area there are plenty of spots that you can build over on Blue OB um including over on this side over here where you've got the Cliff face and a flat zone you can easily build just about anything on Blue OB that you wanted to um I wouldn't necessarily build on Blue OB itself because for some reason caos tend to spawn inside of blue OB and then get inside your base but building off to the side should save you just fine there are also quite a few little mini bridges in little areas like this that you can have a little land mass and then I just like building stuff that's unique and this is one of those unique base locations obviously you can see that I've got a little bit of a zone right here and this is another one just a very similar little bit of a rooftop with a area underneath it so blue op is filled with these Cool Base locations so definitely utilize those now I don't remember what number I was on was I on 10 we're about to find out anyways so blue great base location really enjoy it a lot so next one up on our list is this guy right here now this one's different I'm going to tell you why this is different this is the best metal place in the entire map of scorched Earth and the only reason I like this one is because you can build a unique multi-tiered base on this area so this space obviously flat do not build anywhere but up high building down low there are tons of creatures that spawn whereas building up high you're going to going to have access to quite a few more um locations that'll be good for you so you can see right here lots of flat zones and you can build like something here that connects to this that connects to that over there water and oil will be a problem here so you'll have to find a way to Route water or create a water Network and uh yeah so that's that's something that you should be aware of but pretty cool system up here tons of metal this entire mountain is covered in metal you just have to like run around in order to find it and uh yeah yeah pretty pretty easy to access all of that metal um so definitely be aware of that one but again unique Zone because of that so we're going to go ahead and go on to our next base location let's go to base 11 and again this one's not my favorite but for those of you that want a little bit of a challenge definitely use that metal spot right there so Base number 11 just so you can see it it's another one of those out jutting things right so again it's very foggy for some reason right now so I'm going to turn off my fog volum metric Cloud we're going to turn that to zero we're going to go ahead and turn the fog to zero as well there we go so if you are struggling on scor Earth being able to see toss both of those to zero and that'll help you a ton so this next zone is a very very well-known spot it is a spot that has a massive like Gate entrance see both of those and then it opens up into like a big Arena kind of style thing so this is a massive base location put two gates one there and one there and then block some of the spawns off in here and the only thing you're going to have to worry about is argentavis plus you can kind of like walk up to this backside and do some really cool things with this entire Arena area and you can have a massive base location now if you only want to take a small Zone and have like a cool natural looking base that's also something just fine to do and definitely utilize that if you want to but obviously as you can see it is a huge Zone it's very unique because you've got these two gates and there's a few of them so you can see that there's one right there and a little bit off to the right you could build as well but it's a really really cool Zone to be able to build in something like this and it's just a massive area water can be a little bit of a problem so just be aware of that so definitely utilize something like this all right Base number 12 all right next up on our list and I'll show you the just so you can see where we are nope it's not going to show me okay cool all right next up on our list there's the cords and then again just so you can see we're going to go ahead and go up what you're looking for in this one is very similar to what we just had but this one is a little bit of a smaller zone so not a massive Zone this is more of a small or solo player base location you have another one of those out jings and there it is on the map just so you can see it and then it opens up into like a little bit of a flat area up in here so all you would need is to lock off this one base location right there and then you got yourself a nice little humble abode and then you can also just just build up on this if you'd rather I don't know I I can't see it working super well because of the you would need to build longer bases and I'm not a big fan of longer bases but that's up to you if you wanted to do something like that and uh it's entirely possible but hard to do that's for sure so anyways this is kind of those small or solo bases similar to what we just had right over there so Base number 13 let's go ahead 62 and 44 and again just so you can see there that one on on the map and here we go so this one right here is another one of those ones that I started at base location in early when I played Ark now obviously it's a little bit of a unique Zone because in the middle of the map there you can see it right there right to go ahead and fly up near this is the caverns of the I mean scorched Earth there is a Cave System inside of this but we're not going to go inside of that I just like the concept of being able to build right in this entrance point right here because you've got a cool little self-made thing you can put a door on this and then you can build a little bit of a gate on the back side and then you can build like a vertical base that is really really cool and if you really wanted to you could build a roof on top of it as well but that's up to you if you wanted to do something like that plus the fact is it's a really neat base location unfortunately there is no way inside of these I wanted to try and find a way but I couldn't quite make it work um no matter how many times I tried uh because every time you get to the bottom of this you're stuck it's not like you can actually do anything super special in here which is just unfortunate but if you wanted to like have a little PVP Rat Hole this is a great place to do that because obviously once you're inside you uh you can't really get out now the neat thing about this if you are playing PVP is it's going to be very difficult for someone to get inside of this so they'd have to try pretty hard in order to get inside of it and then build like a pathway up but if you got a anything nearby they're not getting inside of this unless they have a ATT suit or something but in a PVE perspective uh this is a really neat base location with I mean I just think something like this again unique is what I'm looking for in this base location so this entire Cavern is a buildable thing you can go back and it goes for quite a ways and it's just a really fun place to have a base so I like the front side over there youve got that cool gate system cuz it's Unique so keep that in mind all right Base number 14 is next up on our list just so you can kind of see where we are right now all right Base number 14 here it is on the map it's another one of those pillar platform bases and again I like this one because it's in the center of the map it's very unique because it's a perfectly flat safe area and you've got multiple tiers to this so you can build a really cool like vertical base in this one um it will be difficult to get resources here because you're going to have to have access to uh a few how do I say this you're going to have to have access to water and you have to Route it from basically straight down there there's a water well there are wells and stuff like that nearby um but it's just going to be something that's a little bit different for most people's play style um but if you wanted to build in the center of the map and kind of have cool views like look at the views you don't get much better than that definitely a unique spot um and it's something that a lot of people will capitalize on and use if they get the chance so that is the next base spot Base number 15 on our list um this one is another one of those base locations that is a larger flat zone but I like this one these last two are desert based locations this is the Gladiator ring it's a super cool base location that a ton of people in PvP I mean PVE are going to build in you just close off this wall and you have a self- defensible building it's pre-existing and you can do whatever you want on the inside plus there's like walls inside of this so you're safe from a lot of things and uh just in general it's a cool thing to be inside of a gladiator ring like I don't really know how to say that much better it's cool you've got a manta it's in the bottom left corner of the map that kind of like overlooks everything it's just a freaking awesome Zone I think building in something like this is something that is almost necessary in a PVE environment SL solo play now you are off to the side of everything but with trains everything becomes a lot closer and it's very similar to our Base number 16 on this listy if I can actually get it to work again desert I like the desert base locations this one is a challenge it's directly next to the wyvern scar but you have access to water explore note grass and then it's again next to the wyvern scar so you're going to want to build up a little bit of a more nomatic style movable base so you don't want to build anything super extreme until you actually have the resources to do so but being next to the wyvern scar is one of my favorite things because it's a challenge right I enjoy the challenge of this game so having access to water in the desert is super cool having access to build in the desert is super cool so you want to be off to the side and kind of hard to see people will go by because they're going to be looking for those eggs over there but having a Cool Base location um if you're playing solo player or at least a little Outpost right over here is a fun fun fun thing to do just because it gives you access to a lot of things you didn't think you'd have access to um so definitely utilize stuff like this because it's just it's just fun that's the point of this game is to have fun with things and uh definitely capitalize on that so those are all of my base locations hopefully this is something that helps you out if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the Channel all right other than that [Music] teach [Music] he
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 30,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended 100 days, ark survival ascended ps5, ark survival ascended base build, ark survival ascended trailer, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival ascended mods, ark survival ascended pvp, ark survival ascended review, ark mutations, mutations ark guide, mutations ark 2023, ark ascended, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark, breeding ark, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended breeding changes
Id: dtBM5gG1sv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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