IDENTITY SHIFTING: how to reinvent YOUR life in 90-days

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is there anything rougher than when you feel like you haven't progressed in a year two 3 5 years identity shifting gives you a sense of energy it gives you sort of a North star that you can design for yourself Point yourself towards and now everything makes sense and so I'll give you some steps in this video on how you can do it but let's first Define what we're talking about what is identity shifting I Define it as a metamorphosis where you transcend your past limitations upgrading your beliefs and behaviors that align with a reinvented version of you you'll wake up with more energy more excitement what used to be super hard for you uh with goals or getting your life in order now doesn't seem ambiguous or arbitrary so you can actually do it and you're excited to you might find bad habits are easier to break people treat you better you can project the more authentic version of you this is like the start to finish guide in a step-by-step process for you on how you can reinvent yourself whatever degree you want before we get going if you like this process and you want our help doing it Reinventing yourself I'll link down below our metamorphic program where we help you create and shift into the 2.0 u in 10 weeks well once you learn how life really works yeah give it 10 more years and then you can tell me what you just said haven't you heard those things and you know people say that with a half kidding tone but it's really sad if you read behind what they're actually saying they have a sense of learned helplessness of like jadedness about how things didn't work out for them people just get beaten down with life and they have a dream or a goal and they don't hit it and they file that away as evidence against themselves of why they can't achieve insert the blank another way of saying it is life happens to those kinds of people the secret is that life can happen to you or you can make it happen for you and if you consciously choose you get to be proactive instead of reactive towards things and momentum that's where creating the 2.0 VI and identity shifting comes in cuz people who are like the main characters to use that term you know the people who are at the top that you aspire to be like or maybe you see them crushing it and you're like dude how did their life how did they do that how do how are they in that position they found a way to trick their brain chemistry and their behavior to all align towards this North Star that they have of themselves or their goal the Lesser known secret is you can create and self- Source this change from the inside out that you don't have to wait for anything external to feel it internally and when you shift that internal self image the outside actually conforms and merges with you faster James Clear puts it in His Brilliant book Atomic habits that all lasting change is an identity shift that the goal is not for you to run 2 miles the goal is for you to become a runner the goal for you is not to stop smoking cigarettes and say okay you know I'm doing 20 now I'm going to cut it down to 10 and you know I'm going to reduce it no it's to become a nonsmoker you don't want to make a million dollar you want to feel and become financially free to view yourself as that my point for all those examples is that every lasting change at the end of it is an identity shift now you might be thinking well how and that's where this guide comes in in these Steps step number one you need to reinvent yourself now when you hear the concept of like identity shifting Some People wrap this into an alter ego like you're creating this other version of you and you know it's kind of this like mask you put on and now you don't have all your fears or doubts or or anything like that identity shifting is not about creating and designing someone else that's not you it's about embracing the powerful you that's been in there all along it's just might be laying dormant and it might be covered with limiting stories or it might be covered in self-doubt the same way a baby doesn't come out of the womb full of insecurities and impostor syndrome and overthinking and you know all these problems that we would label yourself as those are all learned behaviors when you were talking about Reinventing yourself it's like blowing off a CD ROM that's been you know covered with just years and months of dust and dirts and if you put it in just like that it won't play but if you clean it and you get rid of all the gunk on top of it then it will so step number one is called Reinventing yourself but I almost like to call it rediscovering yourself so how do you reinvent how do you ReDiscover yourself let's get tactical here the first angle I want you to think about who would you switch places with okay right now you could snap your fingers and start living the life of someone else that you've seen or you know you've wanted aspired to be like who would that be now I know that's funny cuz I just told you like get into the core of yourself and that unchanging part of you and that might sound like it you know contradicts everything it doesn't and here's why because the people that you see and admire you have those same traits within you that's literally why you admire them they represent what you could be if you get out of your own way and you just go for it you believe in yourself so that question like who's doing what you already want to do or you're curious about because that tells you what you have within you that you can go for yeah this could be someone who's creating the art that you want to make and you admire this could be someone who's running a business that you want to have this could also be someone who has a really great family and life that you want to model after uh this could be someone who has certain characteristics and traits that you admire and you're like wow they're a really good leader you have that same potential within you you just need to work on it another great question here is what would really make you feel proud I'm not talking about happy and this could be a much longer video um one that I definitely want to talk more about in the future happiness is a you know finicky word in that we use it for everything that just feels good and so naturally when we think about our life what do we want we say things like well I just want to be happy well you could literally just sit on the couch and you know play 12 hours of video games order Uber Eats whatever you want the worst kinds of foods you could drink every single night you could hang around with people who encourage that behavior and you could feel technically what you think is a level of happiness but I guarantee you that after a year two 3 years go by like that's not what you really want and you start to feel this like whole or emptiness inside and that's because you don't feel proud you don't feel like you've accomplished things you don't feel like you're giving back or serving in a way you don't feel like you're living up to that core within you to be all you can be so I think feeling a sense of pride is the real goal so ask yourself like what would really make me feel proud in life not happy but like as a person as a man as a woman like when I'm looking back on the last 5 10 years what would make me feel just like amped up hell yes I did it metrics are a good way to measure this you know they're not everything but they're a nice like black and white way to show that you've done something uh so for me what would make me feel proud was my first goal on YouTube was 100,000 subscribers like dude if I could get that that would make me feel accomplished another way to phrase The Pride feeling if that sounds too serious like what would get you excited when you're looking back you're like dude I can't believe I did that holy cow that's the level of Pride we're tapping into where it feels not like you know all serious all work no play I'm I'm proud but like dude that was a blast it was really hard it was a lot of work but I did it all right I got another juicy question for you here that really helped me when I was thinking about Reinventing myself what are you afraid to ask for but really want deep down inside brief personal story on this so you know this works and you know where it's coming from when I did this at 25 years old it was to be a rock star okay I I know that sounds grandiose audacious but that's the point is that I finally admitted to myself I had this dream since I was 12 years old and I picked up drumsticks I I wanted to play big shows who in a band play the world uh do all these festivals and everything like that and up until that that point it had never happened you know I was in a few bands they didn't work out I went to college and kind of thought those days were gone and I was sitting down journaling on questions just like this I was like you know what I really do want that to happen because when I'm 80 years old in a rocking chair looking back on where I am now I'm going to regret what I didn't go for not what I did and so what I did in that moment as I recommitted as crazy as it sounded I had to listen and say you know I'm afraid to ask for for this to like be a rock star that just sounds crazy that sounds egoic that sounds whatever I pushed all those judgments aside and I said you know what that's what I want I want to do it if you know the story I've told it many times but within a year of setting that intention and putting my videos out there to try and get a bands and get their attention I got a tweet from a band I'm still into this day I couldn't believe it I thought it was a prank uh they said hey what are you doing fly to La audition we need a drummer we went around the world multiple times uh you know opening for some of the biggest rock and metal bands in the world and it was literally living out the childhood dream that would not have happened had I stayed in that phase of oh I'm too scared to ask for that or that sounds too big or all these judgments we place on ourselves when you're setting your goals and thinking bigger so tip number one of reinvention who would you switch places with what would make you feel proud and excited and what are you afraid to ask for but secretly want tip number two this one is amazing if you can do it one of the biggest hacks I found to Reinventing yourself is to change your environment now on a macro level this can look as drastic as moving cities literally up and moving I did this going from Seattle to Arizona and what I found that surprised me is as soon as I moved all the habits I had that I was struggling to break in Seattle it felt like I was starting over fresh and I just didn't want to drink anymore I didn't want to you know do XYZ anymore like it really made me aware how you're environment that you're in creates your thoughts and you're essentially just a subconscious Loop playing in the background you know you have 60,000 thoughts a day 80% estimated are the same as the day before it's really hard to change if you're operating from that and I found one of the biggest triggers were things in my environment um so that was what worked for me but for you you know there's easy ways you can change your environment up this can be as simple as moving things around redesigning a room in your apartment or your house and that'll get you to think differently maybe it's time you switch apartments if you can you know if you got a lease coming up i' highly recommends moving for that very reason that changing your environment lets you shake things up about yourself life habits Etc maybe it's physical changing your appearance changing your style going on a shopping spree getting a few new outfits a few new fits that make you look good so once you reinvent yourself you get something that you're really excited about you get some goals you get a life that you see yourself moving towards and you're like dude that would get me stoked that's not enough this is where step number two comes in this is to release now this is where our conversations we've had recently on this channel about Shadow work Letting Go Detachment all this starts to help Step One is sort of the self-improvement think bigger dream bigger go after what you want step two is more of the self-healing the other side of the coin releasing that 1.0 that will sell self sabotage and hold you back from getting there now it's important to say that you don't have to have this completely done in order to do this when I was creating this YouTube channel you know I still wrestled pretty much daily with certain negative beliefs or stories or doubts these don't ever fade away completely nor is that the goal the goal is to not have your inner critic hold you back all day long and prevent you from doing what you really want deep down inside the easiest way I can explain releasing is sort of with the visual I know I use this metaphor a lot but this is the easiest way to visualize what releasing looks like and why it's important the visual is a hot air balloon so everything you're doing in the reinvention process and in your life with self-improvement is like filling that balloon full of hot air it gets bigger and bigger and bigger you know this is where goals are uh habits are willpower self-improvement anything in that umbrella you put more hot air into the balloon but if we never address the sandbags holding that basket on the ground before it takes off that thing's not going anywhere is it no so it's the same thing in your life that those sandbags are your core stories when you start digging down and examining your core stories you're able to release them and question them if they're true there is such a lightness and freedom that comes from when you realize what you have been scared of is isn't true just objectively isn't you can look at it and be like really that thing is what I was worried about happening yeah that's probably not true there's a great Native American Parable where you know a chief is telling his kid about two wolves fighting and they're at war with each other and that we all have these two wolves fighting within and the boy turns to the Chief and he asks well which one wins and the chief responds the one you feed and I think that sums this up great because there's that version of you that you want but then there's that version of you that's holding you back full of Doubt fear anxiety insert the blank of why you can't and if we just keep listening to that wolf it's going to win and this is never going to happen so once you're able to like Let Go release do Shadow work it's sort of metaphorically starving that wolf so it doesn't have enough fuel to fight better yet you can train it and get it on your side and listen to it what is it trying to teach me what is it trying to really say here so there's two ways to do Shadow work the first is with yourself the first is journaling simply just taking out a journal and writing and putting on paper why you can't blank I can't because blank the next is mindfulness or meditation the goal here is not to do a meditation session correctly because you'll quickly find it's very hard doing nothing having zero stimulation the goal here is to just observe and watch your thoughts passing like clouds in a sky where you're just observing them and not latching on and trying to label an ident identify or use it as ammunition to self attack and see I can't even sit still for 30 minutes I'm terrible that's missing the whole point the point is that you just do it you start familiarizing yourself with that inner critic in your head and trying to look deeper into why those might not be true so journaling meditation and then also I'll throw in here kind of an underrated one is talking to yourself out loud whether it's a voice memo whether it's just you and your car on the way to work I know that talking to yourself has kind of a con with like crazy or like mentally ill but I've actually found a lot of benefits having conversations with yourself out loud talking things out even for like 5 minutes 10 minutes talk to your dog or whatever um and start questioning some of your beliefs very useful so that's the first way to do Shadow work is with yourself the second is with others now three that come to mind are therapy uh you can look into CBT therapy has some very good research on kind of maintaining that inner critic the second is coaching uh coaching is great cuz you're accountable to someone outside of yourself I've personally hired one and been working with one extensively what's great about coaching is you can't BS yourself cuz you have someone there to call you out and if you need a little more stick that's normally a good option as well and the third are programs to where you're not just like winging all this self-improvement but it's more of a structured laid out process that someone has thought through designed here's where you are here are the steps we're going to take to get to here all three of those I have used in my life and they have been massively beneficial and if you want more videos on Shadow worker letting go or you want some techniques this is sounding cool to you maybe it's the first couple times you've heard those phrases I'll link down below some of our videos that give you a few techniques on them so Step One is Reinventing step two is releasing step three this is reconfirming doing something every single day no matter what to reconfirm this identity that you want to step into there's sort of a myth out there of one and done right like what's the one technique I can use to where I feel amazing all day every day well there isn't one because if you exercise you know that that's not just a oneandone thing you do it consistently you're going to get the benefits consistently things like nutrition same thing things like relationships like what's the oneandone approach to where I can have a perfect relationship without work there is none you know relationships are continuous work and it doesn't matter how long you've been dating how much you've been communicating you're still going to have issues you have to work through that doesn't mean your relationship's broken just like it doesn't mean your exercise routine is broken cuz you have to consistently do it so don't go after the one and done like okay I do it once I set that goal and then I'm good like you have to work every single day to get evidence that you are that person that you want to become find at least one thing you can do every single day to prove to yourself you're moving in the direction of that 2.0 U that you reinvented so for me when I was trying to become a rock star it was can I practice every single day as if I'm on stage touring Etc better yet can I find live recordings and really like memorize those songs and play them as good as the person actually drumming and if I can't then I need to drill that fill like 50 more times and get it to where it's good enough to play the reason something will feel more natural or less natural is just reps just get getting yourself to do it consistently every day so some questions for you that are good for you to think of what are two or three habits that you could start doing that would prove that you're working towards that reinvented version of you I also like to take the inverse of that what are two or three things or actions thoughts beliefs you could stop doing that would have a massive impact on where you want to be you reinvent yourself you release and you reconfirm daily with your actions and thoughts and watch yourself start to shift into that 2.0 version of you I'll link down below our guide to Shadow work I think it's a great follow-up considering what we talked about here and if you want our help with this process you don't want to go at it alone you really want to like dial it in and reinvent yourself I'll link down below where you can apply for our metamorphic coaching program we help you do this and create the 2.0 youu in 10 weeks thank you so much for your support see you in the next one stop settling start living see you
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 196,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: identity shift, identity shifting, how to identity shift, identity shifting techniques, identity shifting technique, identity shift technique, clark kegley, how to shift your identity, shift your identity, clark kegley metamorphic, metamorphic coaching, Identity shifting law of attraction, how to shift my identity, identity shifting manifestation, how to shift identity, shifting your identity, shift identity
Id: 330bEAqhMoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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