The Most Chilling Things Children Said | Parents' Stories #1

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parents of reddit what is the most dark cling thing your children have said my niece drew a picture of a man in her room that she kept telling her parents about he had two different colored eyes and one was gray when asked why it was gray she responded because he can see the storm coming that's freaking awesome we were driving down a dark snowy highway late one evening final stretch of a 16-hour long road trip my son who was around four or five at a time was in the back seat and becoming a bit restless he suddenly covered his face with a blanket and announced loudly i don't want to get glass on my face a few moments later a pickup truck towing some snowmobiles pulled out in front of a tractor-trailer a few cars in front of us and got hit spinning out into the median fortunately we avoided the accident completely it was indeed a bit creepy though almost as though he predicted there was going to be an accident right in front of us my three-year-old daughter was in the bath playing with her toys with me and laughing suddenly her face deadpans she looks me in the eye and tells me in a serious little voice mummy if you [ __ ] and ate all my fingers off i wouldn't love you anymore my six-year-old daughter in the passenger seat a few days ago looked at me and said that when i'm seven i'm going to kill you no wait when i'm eight i had to ask so how are you going to do that she smiled and said i'm gonna drive over your head with this car i have a three-year-old daughter she tells me that a red man comes into her room at night through her window his name is consequences and he's mean to her she said he hurts her and stares at her while she is in her bed she says that he comes in a spaceship with other red men i have no idea where she would get the material for this story and she really really believes it i've locked her window for her and pulled the blinds all in an attempt to convince her that no one is getting in through her window sometimes in the morning she'll say it didn't work mama consequences got in last night again i hope it's a phase and it will pass god damn that's one self-aware kid my four-year-old son said daddy i want to drill into your tummy crawl inside and eat your dinner the food was okay but i didn't think it was worth that much effort when my niece was around three or four years old she told me she used to have a baby but had drowned the baby was called peanut butter but still asking kids what the names of things are is 100 comedy gold we having a digging area on the playground at my school and i always ask the kids what the names of the bugs they find are the most recent was an earthworm named fireball my daughter was about two i was giving her a bath at the time i was in the beginning of a mental breakdown due to marital stress one of the things i tend to do is sort of live in a different world in my head while in real life i'm on autopilot so my little world involved a sort of ritual use of a sword i was playing a scene from that in my head while bathing my daughter while i was standing her up she asked what's the long knife i froze for a moment and just said it's a sword i didn't say anything else and from there on in i tried really really hard not to be in that world around her anymore when my son was small i was talking to him about growing potatoes i described how you bank up the earth around them as they grow and he said i used to do that when i was an old man yes when my sister was around three we drove past an old tennis club run down and no longer being used when i was old i played tennis there my friend seven year old kids pretended to put me in jail our conversation went something like this me what did i do forget to brush my teeth didn't do my homework her you murdered a 23 year old woman while she was jogging in the early morning me when my cousin was two years old or so her mom got pregnant again one day she went to hug her mom's belly and said little brother sick a few days later she had a miscarriage free i yike my daughter about five years old at the time riding with me in my truck and that mosquito bugger of some kind is buzzing around her and bothering her so she's complaining about it so i told her to just swat it she visually follows it until it's against the passenger window and quickly smashes it with her hand she then turns to me with the strangest look in her eyes and says it was my first time killing something recently actually my son always says odd things usually they're funny but this one threw me for a loop he is eight i was telling him how much i love him and thanks for being in my life he said i didn't choose this life i couldn't control how it began but i can control how it ends that kid should go into the movie tag line business sure why not when you turn off the lights that's when the black circles come they come down like this holds his hands in the air above his bed and they stay for a second then zoop they go inside slapping the hands to his chest then barely holding back tears i hate it when i was little my grandfather whom i called pop-pop always promised to take me fishing if things always came up or i wasn't in town to go with him when he went etc he died when i was seven and i never had a chance to go fishing i had never gone fishing and have not since he died either fast forward 20 years my wife and i have a three-year-old daughter i've never spoken to her about my pop-pop and i've never talked about him in front of her i haven't brought him up to anyone since before my daughter was born one day i'm off with my daughter and she's in her room suddenly she comes running into the living room where i'm sitting and says the following her daddy we have to go fishing we don't live near a lake or anything so this was kind of weird for her to say in the first place me why do we have to go fishing her because pop pop says you have to take me me wait what who told you her pop pop says you need to take me to go fish i'm not really a believer in an afterlife or anything but i dang sure took her fishing she has not mentioned pop pop since then and it's been almost a year since that happened i was with my sister her husband and their two-year-old daughter we were talking about loved ones that had recently passed my father had died sometime recently my brother-in-law went and grabbed a picture of his mother who had died in a car crash when he was six to show me when my niece saw the picture though she started laughing we asked her what was so funny and she looked at us and said that my special friend who sings to me i still shiver a bit just thinking about it i would really cry if i heard this i would love for my dad to be a part of my son's life when he was a little infant probably two months old he used to stare and stare and laugh at this book case full of my dad's things i was explaining to my niece the difference between things that can and can't change about people she was confused because she'd met a set of three siblings and the eldest wasn't the tallest so i told her that one day even she an itty bitty four-year-old could be taller than me a big huge grown-up but even if she was taller i would always be older she looked me serious as you like and says you'll be dead sooner too not if you keep that crap up not my child but i child i was working with in preschool you have a baby inside you but you won't be a mommy i found out i was pregnant that day and miscarried the next week the longer i stay in this thread the more i'm convinced kids can predict miscarriages when my son was three he kept saying he had a baby sister with a pink bow but she died we never had a baby girl however we did have a miscarriage just before that episode playing tea party little one keeps passing me cake i dutifully eat each piece she passes me it was poison you died oh okay then she then proceeded to chop me up mix my chopped parts with some spice in a pot and then serve the resulting stew to her mother we have a lot of these figured that it'd be the one you guys would get the most kick out of but we have quite the morbid little girl i play lego because i can control it and nobody is mean or cruel my daughter this broke me down right there at the dinner table it crushed me she was having a hard time at school with some butthole kid s and lego was her escape world it's not something he said but something he's done he's named after his great-grandfather who passed away before he was born my son would carry around a picture of his great-grandfather and just look at it or sit down with him at the dinner table the reincarnation of a narcissist i was putting my nephew down for bed and and surprisingly he was giving me a hard time okay time for bed no don't leave yet i'm scared scared of what my nightmares well maybe tonight you'll have dreams no i won't and how do you know that coma i only have nightmares he said this with such incredible sadness i had to read a few more chapters of captain underpants and pour a glass of scotch just to make emmy feel better child had woken up early so she was watching cartoons next to me in my bed while i tried to wake up i'd heard a funny sound downstairs earlier that i mentally blamed on the dogs then kiddo leans over to me and remarks oh there's a man in the house awake awake awake never found anything never got any further details from her not weird phrases but my two-year-old will get frustrated and switch to her demon voice she makes her voice deep and scratchy sounding and tell you no freaks people out the first time they hear it but my husband and i find it funny now my six-year-old nephew told my brother that everyone on earth was a figment of jonah's imagination and that when jonah wakes up we'll all disappear when asked who jonah is he replied verbatim he's the one who sleeps the dreamer in the dream made my skin crawl the first time he told me not a parent but a former teacher i taught english in a school in spain and i wasn't supposed to let the kids know that i speak spanish so that they are forced to communicate in english a 10 year old girl comes up to me one day grabs me by the hand and says with the most horrifying straight face ever t vasalamutor you're going to die i was so shocked at the randomness of it that my jaw must have dropped she then laughed her head off and said h.a you do speak spanish she then skipped away laughing and smiling creepiest thing a kid has ever said to me and probably the most clever thing a kid ever did while i was a teacher lol my son said that christians are obviously the worst drivers when i asked why he said because all you ever see are crosses on the sides of the road not my child but myself apparently because i can't remember i was four and now i am 28 but my parents told me i once got my toe stuck under a door and lost skin due to it when i went to kindergarten the day after the teacher asked what happened i told her my dad did it with a knife my parents had to come to school that evening for a talk oops i told my kindergarten or first grade teacher that my mom did drugs she smoked cigarettes they called her in and she had to explain it lol my dad is the owner and runs a hostel in buenos aires we have plenty of people from all over the world but especially from south america more often than not there are no kids around but every once in a while we receive families so there's this family in the hostel one little boy and his parents the little boy is the only kid in the entire place chilly winter night he appears in the common room asking who is the little girl with the yellow raincoat in the bathroom once again he's the only underage in the entire place the spooky moment comes six months later there's no kid this time fortissimo ting lady from spain asks us whose child is the little girl with the yellow raincoat in the bathroom oh btw the door for that bathroom constantly closes by itself it must be the wind also the building used to be a nursing home and a mental asylum before that not a parent blah blah blah my mom told me that when i was a kid around the age of four i would go to my great grandmother every day to spend some time with her and every time i was going home i would say to her as a good religious child i was god be with you but one time when i was leaving i told her go with god according to my mom she my mom correct me but i insist in saying go with god that night my great grandmother died my father told us one day our baby brother maybe three or four at the time took my dad into the master bedroom pointed in a corner and said daddy the devil lives down there i'm still living in that house haven't noticed anything strange happening other than an above average amount of bulls if you drop toast it's definitely jelly side down when we moved into our current house which is 105 years old my daughter then age 2 would talk about my sister mary and those men who cook inside the walls down in the basement she has no sister mary deep not my kid but my brother once woke up in the middle of the night and started screaming at the top of his lungs he was four years old at that age and we had room together my parents rushed into our room and asked my brother what had happened while my brother was still sobbing in his bed after a while my brother looked still terrified but he calmed down a bit and was able to answer the question i i had a really scary dream mom tried to calm him oh honey it's okay now what it was about she asked expecting nightmares from the jurassic park we were watching earlier that day but his answer even more chilling i dreamed that pinky and the brain were purple r.i.p my sanity this is a combo between my nephew and my son when my nephew was three years old he was sitting by my mom's back door looking outside when she asked what he was doing he said playing with the little boy out there there was no little boy many years later when my own son was three years old he was in that same back room and asked if he could go outside and play with that little boy out there still no little boy what makes it creepy is that my grandmother their great grandmother lost a little boy when he was three years old to pneumonia my mom still lives in the same house when our dog died without us yet having properly attempted to explain death our then two-year-old said all her thoughts left her body my nephew just did a low whistle and said she dead then went back inside while my brother and i tried not to cry about our dead dog that we grew up with not a parent blah blah blah babysitting a young girl four or five years old she wakes up stares out into the pitch black garden no street lights within a few hundred meters can't see anything but black outside and says baddie man over and over cue me crapping myself i tell her everything's fine and to go back to bed she's not disturbed by anything just keep saying baddie man she goes to sleep and my paranoia grows every sound has me on edge eventually her parents come home and i'm like oh no everything's fine and walk home next day i see them and tell them about it apparently she'd recently watched the lion king and they had a hedge in their garden that the kid thought looked like scar who she called baddie man i totally wouldn't have walked home without talking to the parents i wouldn't have been able to sleep my daughter and i were playing at the park when she told me she wants to burn bodies when she's older a little creeped but okay turns out her granddad told me about the mortuary across the street and she saw the smoke billowing out she still wants to cremate people sixty percent of my graduating class in mortuary school were female and the rate of cremation is going up steadily job security will be pretty good when my niece was three she covered up my head with a blanket and held it down i moved my head out where i could see her she said you can't come out and smothered me again i laughed and said why she gritted her teeth and angrily said because i don't want you to run bro i can't remember if she was three or four but our little daughter's voice peeped up from the back seat one morning dad do babies bathe in blood sweet mother sweet mother send your child into thee for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear my then three years old daughter walked downstairs in the morning and said look what i can do and she crossed her eyes i asked her how she learned to do that and she said the boy taught me at night me what boy her the boy with the glasses he did this and she held her finger up and zoomed into her nose and crossed her eyes she said he laughed and laughed not too scary right only that's how my brother taught me to cross my eyes when i was 5 years old he died when i was 7 years old that's really sweet my young daughter said she made a new friend her mother and i are like cool hun what's her name it's casey jr so then we ask when we can invite her over to play my kid says we can't cause she's dead later that night after putting my daughter to bed i hear laughter and talking coming from her room i go to investigate as i get to the door i hear my daughter say no casey stop tickling me amidst bouts of giggles i walk into the room quickly not knowing what to expect there is just my daughter in the room nothing else officially creeped out i'm the chile in question here my mother was reading the stand when i was three four there is a character called the trashcan man who is basically a mentally disabled pyro with a punch on for blowing up trash cans before being empowered by the villain to blow up much bigger things having read the book moo much later in life there's a kind of twisted child vibe with this guy one evening while she read alone in her room i came skipping in singing the trash can man the trash can man he is gonna get your and you know he can she claims she got real serious and asked where i'd heard that and i wouldn't say another word about it there's also a story in which she claims i basically described being abducted by aliens and similarly shut up about it right after i tend to think i was just an early expert troll i bet you were a spicy lil chilli my mum stayed with us for a few months when my daughter was three or four when she moved out the spare room was still called nana's room i asked my daughter to get something upstairs one day she did and came back to me and said who is that old lady in nana's room didn't go in that room ever again probably was just dark and saw some clothes or furniture in the shape of an old lady since the kids move associated the room with nana either that or is haunted this is actually a redid story i saw a picture of a horse on our mill lie interesting and showed it to my daughter who was two at the time and loves horses she says it's going to die soon and i was like what did you say and she repeated it's going to die soon eventually i figured out that she was talking about my phone battery being low thank you that really took the edge of reading this thread for me i think it's time to stop enough goosebumps for tonight i used to work at a daycare that was adjacent to a large cemetery sometimes the kids would gather at the fence and stare into the cemetery talking about a little boy they wanted to play with as it turns out the part of the cemetery that boarded that fence was the same part where all the kids babies were buried it really freaked out some of the girls that worked there i lived alone in a cool but kind of creepy old house with my son who must have been close to three when this happened i woke up one night because i heard him talking forcefully at something in his room not quite yelling but at a level above normal conversation i got out of bed and went down the luang hallway to his room to find him sitting in the corner of his bed glaring into the opposite corner of the room i asked him what was wrong and without taking his eyes off that far corner which was at my back he pointed and said quietly and angrily get that man out of my room every hair on my body stood up and i reached over to flip on the light there was no one there of course he said the man came into his room a lot and he hated him his voice was absolutely full of anger when he talked about the man then he told me that there was a big brown rabbit that came and looked in his window every night his bed was directly under a window and he didn't like him but he couldn't come in the house so it was okay he also claimed the house itself was a lady and it sang to him which is a whole other story i took him back to my room for the rest of the night but the next day it was like it never happened and he went back to sleeping in his own room if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting styles, parenting hacks, parenting 101, darkest things, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: XcKhKxlfmDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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