[ENG] 2022 GSL S3 Code S RO20 Group A

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Tbf game was lost even before phoenix fleet casually glided above terran production for like a minute

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Riverhs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe the skill issue was choosing to scv pull marine allin on 2 base vs storm ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrumpetSC2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lolol what a great moment everything clumped on a ramp gets storm dropped

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Benjadeath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here's a clip of those critical seconds (taken from the individual match VOD)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DFGdanger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hero had great harassment, got ahead, forced him to go all in with scv pull then had immaculate defense with storm. Yes I would call that an 'effective use of skill' by the GSL champ.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DSynergy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hold up [Music] they don't have respect for your boundaries girl you hit too close to the edges [Music] oh [Music] hold up baby don't is [Music] is [Music] no no no [Music] hold up [Music] put up with is [Music] [Music] another week i can't believe i'm counting down the minutes till it's tuesday another day back on my feet i'm fighting every minute [Music] friday we go down saturday we ride sunday morning let's call it a perfect weekend [Music] wednesday and i can't wait to get away i'm counting down the minutes till it's thursday [Music] i'm fighting every minute [Music] friday we go dive saturday we ride sunday party let's go to the perfect weekend [Music] friday we go dive saturday we ride sunday party and let's call it a perfect weekend friday we go dive saturday we ride sunday party and let's call it a perfect weekend [Music] the birthday [Music] pick a different atmosphere go to outer space and then fall in love failures leave the human race down there please don't be afraid darling even if the stars are falling maybe you're a satellite like aphrodite [Music] offer you a sacrifice we'll build an army you'll be in charge [Music] this slide [Music] [Music] again spelling out your name for them and venus is the name we're calling just maybe you're a satellite like aphrodite offer you a sacrifice [Music] is oh [Music] if our love is in danger [Music] [Music] looking out the morning air is waiting for us now call into the space between the clouds there's something beautiful in the quiet we have found something beautiful we will go as far as our feet can take us [Music] illuminate the night [Music] where we belong [Music] every season [Music] there's reason for design and there's something beautiful [Music] the world that we will [Music] right where we [Music] where we belong [Music] [Music] the world that we will find will paint the open sky illuminated [Music] [Music] we [Music] you're the fire in the night you give life you can laugh to me now again and again i feel you ash through my veins and no matter the fear i feel now i will be brave [Music] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] echo peace [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm can change [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] gsl season three you never take me [Music] [Music] [Applause] tv free cup studio live 2022 gsm season three [Applause] [Music] what is up everybody welcome to day one group a season three of gsl codes some tasteless artosis is out of town so with me is state how you doing buddy you're doing great man good to be back here at the gsl after a fantastic last season oh yeah man last season kicked a lot of ass we had a protoss champion with hero he's gonna be playing again today yeah uh we've got a little bit more foreign representation here at this gsl i hope we have a couple of the other pros qualify but we've got estrella as well as rainer which is going to be going on this week astray here today so that's going to be cool as well yeah i mean this first match is going to be fantastic we have the reigning gsl champion hero first protoss champion in five years going off against estrella and i think his third straight code s i mean this guy's pretty good australia i mean it's great to have all these foreign players out here again you know i mean we've got sasha out here now we've got major out here special excuse me yeah this id now is special i like major a little bit better but rainer as well on thursday it's gonna be a fantastic first week excuse me and i've i've just been getting over covered so i'm sorry i'm gonna be flipping my mic up a lot on camera and coughing away not contagious but uh also good to be recovered from that back here as well um so yeah we're gonna have a stray here today this guy is quietly i think been a real threat to the other koreans out here but this group is a tough one it's a very tough one i felt a little bit bad for estrella coming into this because this is about as hard as it gets in terms of groups i mean armani is no pushover and he might be besides estrella you know one of the players that's gunning for that final spot because hiro we talk a little bit about like you know the championship curse where a lot of players they get knocked out in maybe the first or the second round after winning a gsl code s yes he's in such good form i don't really see that happening to him and beyond at the same time his tvp is tvz is so good i also don't see him going out easily at all so this is a tough tough matchup for estrella here in day one it is a tough one beyond is looking um pretty strong lately he has been a little bit hot or cold uh it's always worth mentioning that uh this is the guy that's had the most pauses because the pain in his hands are wrists so we'll see how his condition is here today here we have the schedule coming up now um there is going to be a little bit of a change in the schedule because we you have korean thanksgiving that's right so uh once we're done with groupie i know that normally um we would have groupie on a monday we scooted that over to the thursday uh and then there's gonna be a week off this is the big holiday in korea so um everybody goes and visits family a lot of times outside of the city staff here pros here everybody uh and then we're gonna come back on october 19th to continue on with a round of 10 wrapping that up and then of course things pick up quite quickly after that and so we're going to be having our finals um i'm sorry not october uh september we're going to be in october we're going to be wrapping up the show the calendar is a little bit confusing for me sorry um yeah so we hope you uh you do join us here for all these days that we got coming up yeah it's gonna be exciting i mean especially this first week man i'm so stoked estrella and rainer is gonna be really thrilling and here uh i mean i protoss heart like it was i felt really good watching the finals finally because some of the dumber people in this community like to meme too much about protoss being op and it's like okay but they really haven't won a gsl in five years so it's good to finally have a protoss win we all needed it even the zergs needed it they don't think that the terence needed it maro needed that loss yeah it's good for the scene it's good well it's good for the game right it shows that you can still stick with one race and maybe that race hasn't had the same kind of success but you can come out on top uh on the bottom of our screen you can see that we have a very new map pool um we're gonna see what that means for our games here it's always kind of fun when we get a big lineup of new maps to see uh if there are any kind of new crazy trends or strategies that are going to be implored on them uh and if that does affect the outcome of race distribution as we go on into the round of 10 in round of six yeah and here we go our round of 20 group a that's gonna be the match up here today we have a hero versus estrella starting things off in a pvp and armani versus beyond and a tvz then in group b we do have rainer playing in a really nice group with a dream bunny and drg that'll be fun to watch a lot of tvz action in store for us there and then of course group c almost a group of death there with maroon classic that's two really good players and taran and protoss and gumiho and john there as well that may be the toughest group uh here group f's gonna be interesting you know prince has come back once again um you know that group i don't know that he's gonna get out of i think just looking at dark and solar i'm already worried for him yeah being that that third player that's another tough one cure is also really good in tvp in particular i mean he's kind of a killer so that that'll be a tough one for prince to advance out of it then group d on thursday creator sue young and ragnarok see another exciting one man i want to see if uh creators will be able to pull away from that because i mean this is a guy that often gets deep in gsl he's had his really highs and lows very emotional player i feel like i mean with the kind of renaissance that we're starting to see with protoss and hero kind of paving the way in new pbt and pvz meta i'm wondering how these other protoss players are gonna line up i mean if they're going to be changing their strategies if they're going to be trying to emulate heroes play and to what's to what extent will they find success if they choose to do that yeah we do seem to be in a real growth spurt here with protoss where um even though the game like you know as far as updates go hasn't changed that much the way people look at the race products it really has changed quite a bit so here's our lineup for today obviously hiro is the guy that is probably going to be the first escapee into the round of 10. from the round of 20 with a commanding performance winning the last season of gsl codex but for the rest of this it's a tough call now i do want to say even though hiro probably gonna win here probably the favorite you do not want to count estrella out yeah i was talking with estrella a little bit before the match got to the studio at the same time and um he said that he has some new builds in store so he's feeling you know it's it's heroes so it's gonna be tough to beat this guy i mean you see they're right there on the screen reigning champion round of four trump valencia this guy is since he returned from his military service but an absolute killer but estrella does have some tricks up his sleeves it sounds like so i'm excited to see what he has in store for us yeah australia is a very smart kid i love talking to him um and hearing his thoughts on stuff and he certainly is a guy that knows how to put prep in and i think this is probably his best bet right is to really kind of prep out something that might be so obtuse or so weird that you know he could just rob a game from hero you just gotta beat him twice right yeah and i mean pvp if you're gonna punch above your weight class that's one of the best match-ups to do it because pvp can turn chaotic really quick and i mean max is his third gsl code s this guy is really proving himself out here in the korean scene he's struggled to get deep in this tournament but i mean showing up in three codes as a foreigner is a feat in and of itself and looking to be breaking into the round of ten hopefully we'll see if he's able to make it i mean he's got a really tough group ahead of him today yeah he has been in several code s's now uh you know trying to move to that upper echelon this is not going to be an easy codes for him either though despite the experience i think the player lineup is just very very scary uh and again a big lineup of new maps here guys so it's going to be tropical sacrifice data c and if we get a map number three it's going to end on moon dance and so again you know keep in mind australia said he had some very new builds here this may be very map specific so let's keep our eyes peeled as we hop into this game and speaking of which this game is now loaded up so hero versus stray at game one first best of three of gsl code s season three starts now [Music] dragon phoenix gaming hero alpha x estrella [Music] okay so immediately um we've got one of hero's probes actually coming out into estrella's main yeah looking like he's gonna get an early scout off and i wonder if this is kind of a check here on the new map to see exactly what estrella is up to because australia it does look like he might be gunning for a one gate fast expand we'll see he hasn't taken that second gas just yet and hero with that probe in his base might be able to block that nexus and cause a lot of problems yeah that could be pretty annoying here um we've got a little bit of time here before we really see the text pick up nothing crazy so far um but again as you know uh state did say it did seem like a stray had some special stuff prepped here uh to go up against hero maybe try to throw him off so we're gonna see if that um you know it shows itself to us here yeah in this first game it is gonna be a nexus on the low ground here for australia i'm surprised hiro didn't make any attempt to try and block that with his probe but i guess um he's content kind of let this happen and go ahead for a proxy pile on it looks like uh with his positioning it's i would bet gonna be a stargate yeah i think when it's that far back that's a likely spot to try to put it in i don't think it's going to be any kind of dt tech or anything like that [Music] and we've seen estrella kind of struggle a little bit with this one gate fast expand and pvp in the past against oracle openings i believe it was uh estrella versus trap a couple of months ago where um trap came in with an oracle and some of depths and got a lot of damage done while he took an expansion back at home and it was really difficult for estrella and estrella you know he likes to play this kind of slow methodical defensive macro protoss style and hiro is one of the best in the business at kind of geeking out every advantage he can with all the units that he has so gonna be a tight defense needed here for a stray if he's gonna try and deflect this pressure from hero and actually hiro going for a stalker as opposed to a a depth here early on yeah or a century as well here central going to come out next year for estrella um and so the oracle is going to be coming out here now uh this is a proxy but this is not that crazy of a proxy right and it's also not that high risk it's pretty close to where um likely the third base is going to be taken here i guess depending on the expansion patterns we'll see those trends unfold as we have more games on these maps but um certainly not risky just uh a well-masked opening here but even that you can almost always expect stuff like this to come in the mid game here or early mid game uh of a pvp uh we do have the twilight council coming here now as well uh for hero hmm yeah i like that transition probably gonna be going in a blink after this and uh that shield battery should be able to deflect a lot of this damage on the oracle slowly whittling away at one probe we will get that one well maybe not yeah good control so far here yeah and you know honestly this is not enough damage right now actually gonna be taking some hits on the hull here this oracle yeah getting that second probe is a little bit lucky i think it might have been just out of range of that shield battery so able to pick that one off and i mean considering how little hero committed to really pressuring estrella you're pretty content to take uh two probes of map control right now i think is hero and actually gonna be um a dark shrine coming up for him so a little unexpected in australia going into a twilight council this might catch him unawares but this hallucinated phoenix is gonna get a clutch scout and i think yeah obviously whenever you see that twilight council it could be dt tech but i certainly didn't expect it coming there i thought it was going to be blink or something like that you know that does tend to pair pretty well with the oracle as well yeah um but this is going to be an interesting one um now luckily for estrella he is getting a robo so he's at least gonna have access to observer attack here yeah he sees that dark shrine immediately throws down as robo and looks like no cancel gonna be coming in from hero so he'll be content to let that finish up and australia in the meantime just gonna continue building up his stalker count at home getting uh blinktech himself and now finally that arc train going down so hero just going to be playing blink stalker for playing stalker here as estrella is going up to his fourth gateway and um pretty sizable worker advantage here for estrella and actually taking a third base quite aggressively as well and also the depths coming in trying to find some damage but australia seems well positioned to deal with this yeah these attacks gonna come in here but they're not gonna get too much a little stasis ward here but so far australia's reaction time has been uh pretty damn good to be honest i mean he only snags two probes with that so not a major stun here blink now inbound for both parties uh as the robo tech is playing catch up here for hiro as well and four pros was a little more than i expected hiro to get there with those two adepts and actually he's gonna be able to equalize the worker count so that's um a pretty good boon there for him and he will also spot this third base and the way things are lining up i'm curious whether hero is going to be throwing down extra gateways to try and pressure that third base of estrella if he's just going to be content to take his third himself um more scouting coming here from australia this is sizing up to be a pretty interesting macro pvp it doesn't really seem like either side has uh the tools necessary to make an attack desirable right yeah and so uh i i welcome this oh i say that and then australia is actually moving out of the map so maybe i stand corrected is is hiro going to be that weak to this though i mean the guardian shield's going to help but i don't know what the full stalker count is australia does have a pretty sizable army lead and keep in mind that six of the army supply core hero actually is in oracles and australia with some nice control there is going to pick up some more stalkers i don't know if he has a war person with this but this oracle run by is going to get a lot of damage down in the main five probes already going down and we'll see if australia's gonna be able to get a cancel here on this third nexus i feel like he really needs to make something happen right now losing those workers back at home does he have blink as well yeah both players right now with blink but actually a seventh stalker advantage here for australia now keep in mind a lot of those stalkers are back at home to deal with those oracles but this is looking like a pretty favorable engagement for australia as he continues to micro these weekend stalkers back these are some nice trades right now it was a little bit confusing at first because he seemed to be running away from the last number of stalkers now with an immortal over here i think that changes the math a little bit uh and he's gonna have to flee a little bit further here worker count right now almost dead even 45 to 47 uh although the one immortal in a mass stalker game does give you uh the edge nothing is quite as good as an immortal versus a stalker yeah mortals are they pack a lot of punch against armored units and i feel like a lot of the wind is coming out of the sails here for estrella in terms of pressuring on this third base but his stalker count is very high so he might be able to eke out a little bit more damage oh actually pouncing on this immortal i'm not sure exactly if this is going to be enough though we'll be able to take that second world down and the oracle so really not that bad a trade for a second i thought it might be over ambitious now as hero is looking forward picking off more stalkers and suddenly the stalker count swing in favor for hero 15 to 14 now and i mean i understand estrella kind of neutralizing that tech advantage and taking down those two immortals but at the same time the one leverage he really had in this game so far was his superior stalker count and now that's equalized yeah uh losing those immortals obviously that's gonna hurt you know if you can get you know three or four of those and start to group them up they do become much more of a threat um but it was a bit of a trade out there we have a hero now making a war prism of his own uh and there's gonna be zelda charge here that is also true as well actually even more so true here for australia whose upgrade is a little bit further along but with that war prism i do wonder if that is going to be the moment hiro decides it's time for him to attack out on the map i think he's going for a kill move he has five gateways now in production that's going to be a lot of warpings available and without warp prism look at the mini map he only has a three gas geyser so there's going to be a lot of minerals a lot of zealots being warped in here and i'm not sure australia's gonna have the tools to deal with this we'll have to see once this warp prism comes in okay yeah good snipes there uh oh is this probe gonna get shot down no he's gonna go and back up here gotta be careful it can be tempting to try to get that but if you over extend and they dive on you you will get a pretty uh you'll be punished pretty badly here um and so the fourth nexus starts now up in the top left hero matches that with his own nexus a little bit of different expanding patterns here yeah hero kind of staying in in the upper right quadrant where his estrella is hugging the left side of the map i'm honestly really surprised that hiro didn't decide to go for a big push there i mean when i saw the war prism and the five extra gateways i thought that was gonna be the game plan to break estrella but instead it looks like he's content just to take a fourth base and push a little bit more slowly we're getting into a pretty dramatic macro game here yeah um we got another attack coming in here this war prison may be a little bit too far forward but instead uh hero's gonna try to back up he's gonna go down this bottleneck here and that's an area that australia certainly can't chase him down uh and instead he was gonna try to loop around here to the top this hero actually have enough this is a committed fight this blink was a little bit questionable by hiro yeah more prism actually going down there for hiro as well he's not going to have a lot of reinforcements he does have the superior numbers in this fight but australia will be able to warp in more zealots and without overcharge is going to be able to push hero back but i mean as this continues this does slow down the push as we see the war prism is once again in construction there for hero but the army size is slowly swinging in his favor and eventually if we get to a point where the zealot count is too high this could be very problematic for australia if hero decides to push again he's really going to need to build up an archon count to deal with those zealots and that is what we're seeing from him and now actually starting plus two grand weapons i'm not even sure if hero has plus one to be frank he might be yeah i actually haven't been watching the upgrades to be honest uh certainly when that upgrade finishes australia's gonna be in the lead the question is how much you have to imagine here i'll probably got at least one upgrade right no he doesn't have any he doesn't have anything he has a force he's just going gateway man i think he's pretty much following with this attack honestly we'll see now really big link forward is going to pick off the warp prism he's going to try and take the shield battery down as well and now it's up to the archons and the zealots for australia to try to hold off and i mean that's a pretty favorable trade yeah the archon position in here from australia is pretty much perfect to be honest he's basically kept them right at a range where they can chew up those zealots the one army advantage that hero does have right now is these two immortals but really it's the archons that are pulling a lot of weight here for australia right now as he's taken some pretty good engagements no shield battery yet some of the archons are starting to fall oh maybe hero actually has enough wow this is kind of wild man yeah he's just continuing to chase and we see more warpings here it is now stalker v stalker but i stand corrected they're still zealots hitting this nexus pretty hard down here as well and for a second i thought those are cons might be enough to be able to hold this off but look at the probe kills here something's happening back in heroes base yeah there have been selling run by so the third and fourth face of hero but right now i think the main story is this army supply advantage that hero has i mean australia does have stalkers so he will will be able to kind of micro away and kite at these zealots but i don't know this is kind of a tough situation because the straight doesn't have the worker count but he really needs to stabilize here at home man this is a tough spot here the natural yeah more zealots are going to come up over here now australia blinks forward here but he has to try to continue to run away from these zealots both these guys their bases and shambles right now 40 oh sorry 34 workers to 45 that number is evening out right now actually yeah 40 workers killed now for estrellas he has to pull probe to try and stay alive right now and these extra stalkers being warped in i don't know if estrella is gonna be able to stabilize his army supply down to 22 35 up here for hero and i mean this run by for australia was great he killed so many workers back at home from hero but the army just too powerful and it looks like heroes can be able to break him yeah i think maybe with his last few salads he can actually start to turn the tides of this fight again that war prison causing such a problem the thing is though is uh when this uh dust settles assuming he survives this you know what's going to actually be left here i see 34 probes to estrella's 20. he might he might be able to survive but i mean 49 workers dead on the left side kind of tells the story right now is heroes fifty percent more probes on the map and yeah these zealots they haven't been cleaned up well you can get a mixer kind of a funny moment yeah you're probably going to stop it if he actually brought those zealots in but every every probe going down right now for estrella is just another nail in the confidence feels like i mean he's gonna have to leverage this army advantage that he has right now into a win because 24 workers to 37 is a really tough situation but hold on state let's not forget that there's plus two attack here that is true numbers of units i mean it is possible that um you know if we're correct in that uh yeah in fact i keep forgetting there's a tab here at the bottom of the screen yeah he has no attack upgrades yeah and also so he might just be able to kind of micro and then overpower him man that would be a crazy ending here and i mean okay archons are out and that's a great use of hero's gas note the hero has actually quite an excess of gas these four archons are the only army for hero right now yeah somehow we're actually equalizing yet again and man it's so unintuitive the way these battles keep going and the way these players are trading probes it's kind of a really chaotic way to start off the first match of um season three here yeah i'm kind of stunned i do feel like you know archons are sort of the magic unit if you get enough of them there's almost nothing you can't do right um you know stalkers technically can micro against our cons and like hit and run away but uh easier said than done uh i would like to see you know australia just get some archons of his own all he has to do is just start mining from his gases but he's not doing that yet no it looks like he's content just to kind of whittle away the army i can't believe he wins yeah wow dude what a game so many moments where i thought like hiro was down and out in australia and somehow like the tide just kept turning and estrella is actually going to take game one off the reigning gsl champion that's insane dude and that is a very special type of game we don't really get pvps like that basically ever here at gsl yeah um but it was one of these games where they both took so much damage that yeah i think that plus to attack upgrade made a big difference uh you know stalkers can run away from arkansas it's not that easy but between that and the zealots running back in um wow dude i can't even believe it and hiro going for an unusual style ditching upgrades and trying to go for uh numbers instead yeah i was surprised that he didn't push earlier considering that he was completely forgoing just sticking on i mean when the five gateways and the warp prism came out i was looking at it and i was thinking okay this is the moment you should come in here for the kill and yeah i guess astray was just able to buy enough time as we're getting ready for set two on data c can estrella close this out and go 2-0 against the reigning champ let's find out game two's ready [Music] dragon phoenix gaming hero [Music] alpha x estrella so um i mean let's see if hiro can actually uh come back from this i mean it is it does happen that's why we brought it up before the series even started that like a lot of gsl champions do end up losing right in the round of uh 20. it is the start of the season i don't think there was any shame in the way the hero lost that i think australia really honestly an impressive showing and we're not just saying that because like this is a foreign player and this is the english cast like it really was an exceptional game his defense was immaculate it was so good especially in such a chaotic game against one of the best products i mean the best protoss player in the world is frank right now i mean hiro is paving the way for protest players everywhere and that's got to be a lot of confidence coming the way of australia right now taking a very difficult map number one and really an unexpected fashion i mean we here as casters and viewers we can see the entire map and even then we had difficulty reading at multiple stages who really had an advantage and at the end of the day i swung in the favor of estrella and estrella a little bit of a cheeky opening right now is uh kind of turning his usual play style on its head going for a proxy here this is not something we see out of australia too often although in pvp this is one of the matchups that rewards diversity and builds the most yeah you really have to have a huge range of play here um and i'm sorry that's a proxy robo i believe so this is basically going to be a push onto the entrance um this i think is actually a pretty good build order selection for australia especially when we see the hero win for core and double gate on the low ground yeah i like this and looking at this ramp it seems like it could be the kind of position that if you have a war prism and an immortal it's going to be really tough to defend on top yeah it's a funny thing because when you have well-ins like this it's intended to protect the natural and what's inside the main but in this case the push is going to be aimed at the actual wall of the natural itself and if you tear that down early on you just win that's right they don't have a core and a gateway in gateways i mean they can't do anything so this should be an interesting one and this is going to activate pretty quickly uh to make matters worse it looks like it's going to be a later proxy set up here for hiro up at about 12 o'clock i'm not sure if he's actually gonna be going for a proxy though he has a stargate going on at home oh yeah you're right so this might just be for adepts later to try and get some kind of run buys in so i think he might have an inkling of what's going on right here scouting the double gas and the two gateways on the low ground he thinks this is probably going to be some kind of pressure he might even really suspect that it's going to be a robo and actually going to be an adept drop to open things up here before that immortal comes in and yeah hero knows it something's coming and we'll see what unit's going to be out of the stargate it will be that oracle he has plugged up his entrance here oh this is this could be bad oh my gosh this could be really bad that pylon is quite vulnerable this run by in the main is gonna be able to get a lot of probes though in the meantime in that pile and if that goes down before the warping's gonna be able to come in australia won't really have a lot at home yeah he is getting workers killed here but this is again kind of a chaotic opening here yeah well if he has no battery all he can do is make the immortals there now four stalkers can be killed by an immortal but that immortal is only in the third base now it's only working its way up to the main now and these four stalkers they're gonna go uncontested they will be able to one-shot probes and australia is going to have to recall but he's recalling oh he's actually recalling the immortal okay i like this play but that's a lot of workers still going down for him i mean both both like seventeen i know this is such a bizarre series oh this i think it's the oracle now it can't really help out or you can't stop it so this is brutal and even the cyber core going down now for estrellas things are kind of falling apart that pylon was just critical there for hero yeah well he wasn't expecting the four immortals to come up like that now two immortals and a war prism can make magic happen so that's true but hiro has a phoenix in production and estrella doesn't have a cybernetics core he's not gonna be able to make him true he can't make soccer he literally cannot make units that shoot up immortal uh body parts almost hitting us here he doesn't even have a recall available to bring this back home because had to recall the immortal back earlier to defend so he's gonna have to walk all the way back with this immortal and this is just kind of falling apart here for estrella he is five workers down hero kind of has the rock paper scissor counter to this proxy robo right now with a phoenix count building and it's gonna be another immortal taking a lot of damage and i feel like australia might just be checkmated here yeah i think we actually may be going into game three in a second this is just looking worse and worse i gotta say these guys make crazy games gg hero takes game two and another extremely unique game i don't think i've ever quite casted that game before just like game one uh and it's so funny we were talking about how australia was fine but i was not expecting the four stalker warp in uh nor was a stray out i was thinking it might be just for like an adapter run by or something like that but hiro i guess was content just to really commit over there and try and pressure that wall and i mean we thought that it was going to be estrella that was going to be pushing the wall in a hero with the immortals but in fact it was hero that pushed in and not only take down the pylon but also the cybernetics core yeah i mean if you kill your opponent's cybernetics for that early and you have a starting death with wardrobe that says you're feeling pretty good all right guys we're going to moondance for map three i really don't know who's gonna take it these two have had such close such crazy games and i don't expect game three to be any different again the gsl codes season two champion going up against australia his third gsl ever and uh one of the only foreigners here we've got it's been great so far let's see who goes on to the winners match in group a i can do this [Music] [Music] dragon phoenix gaming hero [Music] alpha x australia all right so both players opening with a get we on the high ground here this is not a high ground natural expansion so a lot more difficult to make anything work with low ground gateway here in pvp and yeah this is going to be a fun map to see what people want to do with these kind of back door bases here yeah it's led to some interesting games and the qualifiers that i noticed because uh you only have that one gas geyser so you still are rewarded for taking that forward expansion but having a backdoor expo it kind of changes a lot of the math in terms of how the early game pressure builds really work out you know it's tough to make magic happen well it's also you know depending on if they scatter or not it creates some ambiguity like do you have a third or not a lot of times you just scout for it outside their base and you see it right um and so you can have games or maybe you do power on two bases very quickly there's special types of attacks you could do for that you can also take a third base very quickly it's true um and just kind of making this crazy resource gathering race um and so yeah i expect to see a little bit of both as we go into this map as well and again i think these new maps are a welcome change here for gsl to kind of really force some strat strategic shuffling to go on it's always fun when you add new maps to a competitive pool it's tough for the players of course because they have to learn all the all the nuances of these new these new battlegrounds and try and figure out what the best openings are and kind of refine their builds for it but us as viewers and casters we don't have to do any of any of that work we just get to enjoy it yeah to make uh wild speculations and then figure out if we're going to be right or not uh australia might be able to spot this proxy i think he is i think this probe well is he going to keep chasing this i hope not he is going to turn around and it doesn't seem like there's as many good hiding spots on this map for stuff i might be wrong again the map's very new yeah it doesn't seem to be too many and a stray i believe did just barely catch a glimpse oh i actually missed it did not well he will come around that edge and eventually find out i think he's going to actually oh no he will yeah look at it like decided there was a path back there so he sees it and that's a pretty good time to spot that like right as it's going to finish right because now you can come back and check on the star port uh and see or stargate excuse me and see what exactly he's going to warp in and hero is such so good with his control two stalkers against two stalkers in two centuries and he somehow finds a way to get a bunch of whole damage in not only on a sentry but on a stalker just with like less units just makes it happen yeah he's just got the best micro in the business man two more stalkers come up here whoa estrella needs to think twice before coming down and i think even with the um oh yeah this is just a bad call here yeah we'll be able to trade one for one there with the stalkers but the guardian shield not pulling too much of its weight all right two for two i guess you take that but hiro is happy to take away um any grant ground units he can from australia because that's going to make this oracle even tougher to deal with with these uh stalkers pressuring the front i mean yeah you are able to defend your main base now but that means that now the expo is exposed that pylon is getting taken down and now you have a depth to deal with and suddenly estrella stretched a little bit then his hero back at home taking an expansion of his own and australia needs to reclaim this the shields are at half health there at that base um blink is coming in here for estrella so he's going to have the initiative with this the twilight council assuming that hero goes for blink immediately when that finishes it's going to be a full upgrade length before he can catch up so uh that's pretty big uh australia may find some opportunities first i want to see if he can just keep this uh this nexus alive here i think he should be able to i don't think that the production for hero is such that he'll be able to stop this especially with this really nice adept run by coming in here actually caught unprepared for this he's gonna have to recall back home and he might lose uh five probes to this if not more all right yeah that was cleaned up pretty handily oh he's gonna die is he gonna die the centuries i think so i think he wants to kill the two sentries because then things get a little bit harder now he is gonna see that blink is coming so he's gonna be aware of that too here but he's taking out a very important tool here for estrella which was the oh oh nice even getting some probes here but it's a bad rally maybe taking out the oracles there yeah i can't explain why probes would have been there huh that's gotta be and now hero equalizing the worker counts quite a bit after um australia had a really tight defense there at the beginning now are there is there gonna be a moment here that hero could try to leverage this i think he's beaten up australia pretty badly but i think australia is still going to be able to play the game out he's getting a robo he's going to have that blink finish but i think after the last couple of events i don't know that he's going to have an opportunity with the stalkers like i thought he might have no and it will be tough with two oracles on the map as well because the shield battery is not going to be able to cut it back it's still one shot probes right you need a handful of stalkers at least to deflect them and stalker counts and link mirrors are uh yeah they're quite important micro goes a long way but often the player with the more the player with more suckers usually wins those battles so it looks like estrella is instead gonna be potentially gearing up to take a third base and i like this play from him the dark shrine here i think it's not a bad call at all try to get something done with some dts or maybe if you need to switch into salad archon hero in the meantime just going to continue to gather intel looks like he himself is also gearing up for a third base back at home both players gearing to take that backdoor expansion and hero might be able to find a little bit of damage in not able to spot that observer revelation would have been really nice to pick that off and and blink stalkers they have a lot of synergy in terms of being able to outwit your opponent not maneuver them on the map but the stray with that observer does know that this pressure is in the cards and i don't know if he's gonna pop in or not okay gotta be careful it's important that estrella doesn't just blink uh in too far either i mean this is a booby-trapped position with the uh stasis ward set up here i don't think he will he had a full scout on this earlier with an observer if i'm not mistaken so i think you're right the dt's gonna slip out i don't know the hero saw that by the way both taking a third base now in those little backyard areas hero might not have actually seen that one because i don't see any reaction from him back at home he does have a forged which could can be used for cannons but we'll see oh i love this play by australia just immediately neutralizing that stasis trap and but the stalker counts the way that they are four stalker lead here for australia and hero does not have a robo he doesn't have a warp prism australia just kind of preventing all these traps from coming to fruition here and just giving himself a lot more leeway and the blink the dt is now here at the natural there is no response and we're here okay no detection yeah so he's gonna go ahead and try to recall this back home already seven now eight probes killed uh he does actually get the kill on that with the oracle tag but like that's a lot of workers down man it is this is looking fantastic for a straight he even has a stalker advantage of three right now doesn't have a warp prison with his attack so hero may be able to neutralize that advantage with some warping but actually wow hero kind of uncharacteristically losing stalkers there bring them back at home that was weird it's like he warped them in on the other side of the map and then bound them to the same control group and they just came home right i think maybe those talkers were uh caught at a position on the recall or something like that and they just walked back home oh you know what that probably is what it is i was trying to figure out what it could be i think you're right hero i feel like he needs to find some damage right now as treya is just really kind of has his number right now in these macro games and here we'll be able to get some damage in five workers neutralizes this quite a bit is actually estrella wasn't pumping probes fully i think at the meantime as hero surprisingly actually has a worker advantage i didn't think that would be i don't think that was gonna be who had the economic lead after the dts came in yeah me too hmm double robo now for hero huh is he uh he's been playing a very different mid game here in the pvp's where we get that far along again i don't think that either side can really attack too heavily into the other as things have calmed down a little bit but we're already going to four bases and by the way these are a lot longer than uh what many of our pvps go to by the way we've had a lot of pvp series that will wrap up in like 25 minutes oh yeah the whole series even if it's three games it'll be very short that's including like commercial breaks and like downtime you know filling in between each of the games and everything yeah it's kind of crazy yeah estrella really showing up here in his first match and a matchup that probably a lot of people we're just writing this off is going to be a hero 2 row and estrella is really bringing the fight actually 20 supply elite at his advantage right now coming in here in map number three and i'm really liking the pvp play we're seeing out of estrella i mean again coming into today i was thinking it was probably going to be estrella having to battle through beyond and armani to really come out through in the lower spot if he wants to qualify for the round of 10 but this is looking like he might actually have a chance taking down hero he is really punching high punching above his weight for sure and you know if estrella does win here that is a big seismic seismic shift in the whole direction the group's going right to have hero fight for survival probably win and then eventually get out of the group regardless uh by the way the push is coming out completely massacres that uh one stalker that's there it's a 101 rv supply to 68. and i see archons and more here for a straight does estrella just kill him here he might there are two disrupters in production and i feel like those once they pop are gonna be critical for hero getting his defense down as estrella right now posturing here you see there is a nice choke at the natural that's gonna be a really good defensive position with a shield battery and the disruptors this is a tough spot to break even with the army lead here for estrella yeah estrella set up a very good position it's hard for these stalk are these yeah stalkers to get away and in the upper right hand side of the screen you can see the damage is being dealt so he zoned him out very very nicely this is a very dangerous position here though as the army's the pleasure starting to equalize some centuries do get caught there now again the disrupter shots are so important nice speed the reward bin was sick dude wow now the cooldown and disrupters can be a little bit uncomfortable right now for hiro that's true but two more disruptors just just popped and this is going to be tough once you get four disrupters it suddenly that cool down becomes less and less of a problem fill that in with disruptor shots and eventually they you know they've fully recycled their cooldowns the stray is going for blink dt's as a response to this this is not what i expected that's interesting maybe he just wants to try to blink onto the disruptors and and kill them off that way i think that might be the game plan he might just be looking to go more into charge lot dt and just blink on top of the disruptors because besides the disruptors there aren't really a lot of units to pack a lot of punch here for hero he just has stalker sentry well if he times this out right he could just kill off this chunk of the army and there's a lot of equity over here oh even more zealots going down there i think that was three getting taken out by that shot oh no i feel like australia might have over committed a little bit trying to defend oh here there's so many stalkers right now and stalker destructor with such great synergy this is gonna be really tough for a stray i mean this this drop right here is great it's gonna get a lot of damage done even taking down the photon cannons but this push right here in the main the one advantage is i don't know if hero actually has an observer with his army because australia has two observers right on top dude you're right he has no ops there and i don't see an oracle here either if he can warp some dt's and maybe i know that he warped zealots and dt's in the uh initial attack here yeah and i don't see observers making dude does he notice this i think he has to i mean he has the observers ahead of the uh on top of the army they're a hero but the thing is like the army count is just so advantageous here 98 to 29 yeah i mean this is just too much of a wrecking ball here he's just destroying holes the oracles are still alive i didn't even realize that yeah i think the hero wins this this was again a great game though really interesting i love the blink dt switch there for australia but maybe over committing just a little bit that stasis trap there catching an archon and a handful of other units really was the nail in the coffin here for estrella and map number three but man what a good showing here in the first match this is a great best of three honestly this is a lot better and a lot closer than i thought it was going to be uh we're in the twilight of this game though this should be ending in a minute here yeah he has too much he could destroy all the infrastructure and there's really no damage happening to him back at home gg hero takes that two to one but i'll tell you man estrella looking like a real threat here if you could play that well against hero who's to say you can't get out of this group that was a fantastic pvp i mean game one game three game one walking away with a really tight win that was a slug fest back and forth yeah and even game two was actually a really interesting game i mean it was a bunch of very sharp decisions made on both sides that uh you know dragged the game to a halt but i think australia played extremely well i can tell your hero relieved to get out of that series again he's the favorite for the group but he's having to put his back into it to just get out of this yeah that was not easy and even there in game three there were definitely moments where estrella had the edge just a little bit caught off guard there the linked soccer disruptor advantage was so great and i think we're gonna be going into a break before we go into our next best of three guys don't go anywhere armani versus beyond coming up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign i'll be coming up hot for a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh foreign today's match-up hero australia armani round of 20 group a [Music] 2022 hot 6 gsl season 3. welcome back everybody it's time to go on to the second best of three uh honestly it's gonna be kind of hard to top what we just saw that was a crazy pvp as far as pvps go that was a really exciting match that was one of my favorite pvps in a long time we just don't have games that are that crazy and that close especially australia performing as well as he did i mean especially map one and nap three against the reigning champ it's exciting man uh armani versus beyond should be an interesting one though uh something tells me maybe i'm wrong you know tbz is usually our longest matchup right now in the meta i don't feel like it's going to be long with these two i think these both make for shorter games they have styles that are uh more engineered to try to end things quickly yeah these are two aggressive players that often just kind of pummel each other in the early game and kind of ride that to a big conclusion and i mean uh armani i gotta say he's a fantastic zerg but i feel like he's got his work cut out for him i was looking up some stats between these two before uh heading into today and in the last year beyond versus armani bjon is 38 and 11 in games in 16 and two in series yeah that's uh that's crazy that's wild and it's kind of the thing where i mean as good a player as armani is you would feel like it would be a lot more even so i think beyond might be a little bit in his head especially as of late well this happens man i think you know if you compete as well sometimes you have a player where you're like i feel like i'm not as bad against this person but they beat me a lot right like they seem to have my numbers uh and maybe that's the case here but you know every best of three every big match we have at a starcraft tournament it's always an opportunity for that player who doesn't perform as well to maybe overcome that hurdle and come out with a comeuppance and gun is one of those players that as a zerg is really hard to prepare for because he literally can't do anything any opening that taran has he will do it in the best of three you can't anticipate what it's gonna be and it also can be off meta it doesn't seem to really beyond is not as much of a student of other terran players as he is a guy that kind of engineers his own his own style of play he often plays by the beat of his own drum and he does it really well too and even when he does kind of play something that's a little bit more standard a little bit more meta you'll see him make some slight adjustments yeah play a little bit more finesse and i think we're ready to go on the moon dance map number one beyond burst armani get your dance shoes out going to moon dance can you do it all day though i hear that i'm like play high level starcraft in like maybe four or five hours but after that everything everybody falls off right guangdong freaks armani [Music] shopify rebellion [Music] when i was younger i used to be able to play for like eight nine ten hours a day and not really have any issue with it but now i'm like trying to compete in some other rts games and playing age of empires a little bit yeah like i'll play that game for two hours and i'll be like no i feel like nothing is more exhausting than playing age of empires i played a whole bunch of that when it came out and i really liked it but that is i think an extremely draining game by the way at gas and pool here it's hard to kill people in age of empires easy to do it in starcraft 2 and i think well armani is gearing up to try and kill beyond believe in the last best of three series if i'm not mistaken armani gobian so good to have an audience back thank god welcome everybody in the studio yeah um it's it's nice to just actually have people down it's nice to just have gatherings again you know korea was so locked up during covet um we'll see how aggressive armani decides to play this i mean he has taken the hatchery so might not be too crazy but just to kind of go back to what uh we were talking about i feel like yeah the thing that is good about starcraft is that games can be ended um for the most part like you have these definitive fights and and if they donate right away it becomes more interesting not less and um i mean i like age of empires four but it it there is this point where it's like man this is a real grind to just get the clothes on a game you're winning starcraft really is the best rts of all time it is starcraft one and two are just they've got the formula down but you you started in uh warcraft three right you're a little bit younger than me you were like in that generation that would have been right when war three came out right yeah i played warcraft three but i didn't really play melee i played dota 1. that's what i want okay all right that's why i played pretz man all the units are like heroes especially remember those days i always thought you were like laddering on on war three no i was terrible i could not get above 50 i was like a little kid man that's so funny but you know what's also funny is everybody that came from starcraft tried to play warcraft 3 and couldn't figure it out because it was so different wait i'm not supposed to take five bases when i'm ahead like you do that and then you're up keeps too high and it's like you have what what is upkeep it gets worse if i have more stuff i don't understand i'm not supposed to make more than 50 units i'm punished for macroing yeah what yeah it's very different yeah it's a unique game but i i love starcraft man i keep going back to it even when i play other games like always come back to starcraft i feel like that's that's everybody though man is it's like the game that keeps calling you back i'm done now coming for a little bit of marine pressure to be able to find with this but armani just kind of with uh i don't even know what i'm looking at right now yeah it's like yeah you know what four marines don't do anything um we've seen some games between these two guys where um the gun will open like blind three racks marine when we look at this we go seriously and it's like not a map like where the uh we've seen him do it on maps where like the third base is actually very easy to take where i don't even get it um i feel like that happens with these two guys in particular more often than not and it's just this met they play against each other all the time it's not just in gsl it's in the esl open cups and it's in other online leagues and there's so much meta gaming that goes on when you play players again and again and again and i mean sometimes we'll get games where like beyond will just go blind through racks marie marauder and armani is going for like a roach rabbit rolling it's like yeah i guess this is just done this is what they do well it's so funny because like if you play and compete against the same person a couple of times you really do start to know kind of you know where each other are weak or you know uh the strengths you want to try to either you know take head on or avoid entirely but absolutely yeah we've got a lot of um i don't know it's it's a different type of fighting style these guys seem to make when they pair against each other it's fun it makes for fun matches it's like you know these uh competitions where it's not like boxing or judo it's like two guys taking turns slapping each other in the face until one of them one of them gets knocked unconscious and that's how it ends yeah there's a little bit more finesse to it than that but it does feel like there's some way there's something to that metaphor that's the way that they go yeah the way they go in like slugfest as opposed to other tbzs where these ones usually aren't drawn dies they're two rams that just keep banging their heads together and then hopefully they don't get their antlers stuck together and just die together but it's an abs metaphor as we have a banshee with a cloak not quite done yet armani with um some really nice sport timing we'll be able to shut this down it seems so this is an important scout uh the thing is the third base is actually on the outside so he's gonna take the fourth safer later on which actually makes a lot of sense because uh you know the fourth base is usually where the pressure comes in and in a most straightforward tvz that's how games end the terror just gets there and kills the fourth so make the fourth the safest spot um that being said it doesn't mean taran can't just push the third like it's the fourth right i think that's probably where this game is going to go beyond generally in tvz will come with some kind of finesse opening early and try to get advantages is um i mean the one that you went for early this time was those four marines which got nothing done but it'll be like mine drops with an armory or a fast cloak banshees this one's a little bit delayed helene's actually coming in that's not enough links to deal with them but the queens will be able to push this back i think oh is he gonna die this guy's gonna back off two ambitions even for beyond it was kind of funny how that went down because the damage was so distributed that pretty much all the hellions got out which isn't good uh nine more drones are being remade but back to the point that i was making is um yeah i feel more so than other terrans will kind of rely on getting some small advantage some small damage in from that early pressure and then he will play with potentially up to like five racks marine and tank and just play like the most marine heavy like siege tank push you've ever seen and his micro is so good that he makes it work it's really fun to watch and i think that's probably where we're going to see here is i mean again this is so many marines just one siege tank no mana backs out just yet here for beyond i think as he's starting to push across the map and he will probably just be pushing that third as the fourth as you said and actually armani did take another forward fourth base yeah he's just saving that one he's saving that base in the back for marriage man but he's really ready to commit to this game i can't believe i mean it's fine by the way there's actually a lot of thought to it um there are two medevacs here so he does have sustain i think only six muta's were made uh and there's gonna be two more hatching here so like i don't i don't know that zerk has that number that they need to fight this comfortably this is gonna be a little bit tough here for armani i think is uh especially with those creep tumors going down early and this position being contested i don't know if armani's gonna be able to hold on it's a really strong timing push right now and losing a lot of marine or excuse me ling bane early like that can just be so devastating because it's kind of the army that you need to come in and one fell swoop and just wiped out the bio like this is looking really bad yeah i mean the pro okay so he does get the tanks there's that but there's not actually that many veins here whoa really close right there only four meters up i think and two of them are gonna go down he's gonna try and trade those out and delay just a little bit but these marines continue to be adorned in his side yeah it's uh it's funny like he tried to target down the medevac and that didn't work and there's more reinforcements coming um and honestly i feel like uh armani's kind of bled off a little bit too much we've got two more fresh medevacs coming in here with energy which is going to give him that sustain two more tanks that are going to siege up here this hatchery dude it's at a fourth health it's going i think it's going to go down this game if armani can't put this fire out it is going to consume him and beyond is going to win this game i don't i don't think i see anything stopping beyond right now unless there's some really critical failing hit that's really what armani needs is the marine number to keep piling up 35 a lot of those are right here in the front and i mean gun is so good we'll eventually see him pre-split as bailings prepare to come in but this slow push right now again clearing off the creep just paving the way for his units to get set up for a later engagement he's so good with his control that he makes these pushes work where like one mainly connect could be devastating but it just never happens well now beyond is going to sweep up to the right and armani i really mean this i mean this game is going to end if he loses another base up here yeah he is going to take that free base in the back but that's just too many losses man kind of going for a desperation counter attack right there it does get shut down by the wall and he's going to need some miracle bailing heads to be able to make this happen the creep tumors in the front yet again going down and beyond with a little bit of a pre-split getting ready for the potential engagement here we go armani coming on two sides he's gonna try and get a sandwich in young with not the best splits but i think it's enough man that's a lot of marines still alive the marines collapse on them gg beyond takes game one and you know just looking at the the kind of big picture of that game leon just did the two base power build uh and quietly took his third for free when he needed to and i gotta say that kind of looks like a beyond map to me when i really see how he handled it um keep in mind guys that armani did not take that free base back there for a while he was basically trying to grow out and take the tear and push head-on and then take three bases in the back later on and win in the late game you don't have to do that you could have taken the free base in the back uh beyond wins in the way that beyond wanted to win um and out muscles armani there and i'm a little bit worried here for armani going into game two right i'm not sure exactly how data c is going to play out here in a team easy we'll have to see here in this next map but beyond is just he's been playing really well especially in tvz lately man he's he's tough to stop but it feels like any any star that he has when he gets to that marine tank push his control just impeccable and i think game number two is ready we're going right into data c d to c not a or b let's do this i'm liking these uh i don't know wall street looks for the players pro gamers that are also trading stocks and etfs right now i like the tuxedo aesthetic it's really like it i like the yeah it's nice it's better than what we had last season which was a beekeeper or something like that very outdoorsy yeah they were on a safari hunting endangered animals um i think this one is a little bit cooler yeah i like it so props to a freaking tv for the uh that design for the pros now it's fun when we have like new art designs coming in or new concepts a lot of love goes into the show so um wow this game he's gonna go for cc first which uh you know it's funny this was like really popular in asl a couple years ago and urtosa sami would talk like on on commercial breaks like is this gonna get popular in gsl because it does seem like especially in a best of three or five or seven like one cc first that you get away with i mean you just kind of steal the mid game you know if they're not rushing and i think this is a smart move from beyond and by the way we have seen this grow in popularity over the last couple years in gsl yeah the amount of bio you're able to power out if that cc first goes uncontested is just really difficult for zerg to stop in the mid game i mean you have a handful more marines and we saw there in the last game where beyond i mean he bled off four marines early the banshees came in they didn't get too much damage done the hellions got some lings maybe one or two drones not a lot of damage but still the marine tank push was enough that it was just able to him yeah and if you come into this game with an even bigger eco lead and you do the same push again it's yeah it's an uphill battle for dessert for sure and armani with a little bit of a a little bit of a kind of uh you know it's like this the tail of goldilocks like this builds two this is too much of a rush build this build's too greedy right well in this case it'd be like this build's just right except that it doesn't work against cece first because it's too it's too in the middle here yeah it's it's too safe it was either hatch pool or pool hatch now getting speed up but meanwhile beyond is just happily powering onto 2tc 2cc on day to c and no i mean look the advantage just usually gets you if you do a build like this is you get to skip a depot and then get scb production a little bit quicker what do you see a really fast stem huh yeah i think that um one of the kind of uh build order trees that taran has in this is to basically get this up and you get a boost in marines you get more marines out a little bit earlier and so i think one of the plays has been to get stem and kind of just run out without medevacs and try to get a kill on a hatch i think you're right i think i mean i'm not sure and again this is a new map so i'm trying to bite my tongue on calling strats too much um it does seem to be the way this one is going here for beyond is that's a pretty late factory but again i mean one reactor one barracks with the tack lab getting a stem upgrade and one thing you do float a lot of when you go through this uh two cc opening is minerals mule early it's quite good we'll see if he's able to make something happen with these at the same time this is also a really nice defensive thing that you can do too i mean if there is pressure coming in from armani having a high marine count up with eventually getting stim can stem off a lot of the aggressive opportunities that zurich has so uh i mean i i want to point out as well there's a couple marines on the high ground he has exactly five on the low ground oh that's true it's very deliberate he's having i think one of the one of the um barracks is rallied and the other one's not right it's a really good way to mask what's happening because when you're as good as these guys you're like looking at every single thing that is on the screen for information and so that can assuming that uh armani internalizes that um he's gonna have a bad read on what's happening and that's really where you get to like the poker game of starcraft at the highest level with builds and openings is that they can set things up uh even when you did all your due diligence with scouting you still had the wrong information really trying to eke out every advantage he can not give an arm any any extra intel and actually one for third cc which is surprising for me for a second i thought he might just power on two bases i thought the same thing yeah i i was not ready for the third cc as well huh i like this this is a little bit of um it's not often what we see beyond do no i don't feel like we've seen beyond do quite this ever actually a lot of marines okay now now it feels a lot more like a beyond game yeah an abrupt attack that it's all hinged on micro uh-huh um our mother seven banes here another thing well what am i watching he's gonna try to kill the overlord is that actually the play yeah okay oh duh of course okay i'm not sure exactly what the maroon count is i'm a product player so i can't count this high yeah you can't somewhere between 50. you can't count at eight so uh he's he actually should just have i think a little bit over if i'm looking at this right over enough to to just hold what's in the medevacs i think you're right it should be like what is it it's like i think 18 or 20 yeah yeah i'm used to seeing them in stacks of eights when you play the game that's what you get i think from remembering correctly so having this uh observer ui kind of throws me off a little bit but yeah he's actually not gonna be going for the drop so that's a little inconsequential is he's just happy to kind of stem the tide here and stop any creep spread from going here in the middle and um behind this taking the third cc so i really like this i mean playing that they're on the low ground beginning tank production adding three more barracks he's getting 1-1 upgrades and um this is a really good way of keeping pressure on because realistically armani with no creep spread and just ling bane he doesn't really have a way of running this army down i mean the best he can possibly do is kill like four or five marines and the rest of them get in the medevacs and go home right i mean beyond's killed off a couple of overlords i i do like that he's not over committing because i think if he did really try to take a fight on the creep it might be a problem especially with the veins well i'm saying that here we go uh and so he does bleed off a couple marines there i'd say a little bit of an over extension oh i i don't mind it that much i mean he almost got a queen out of it he forced a little bit of energy out of those queens he was able to you know slow down the creep spread again and i really like this play by beyond for a second i thought it might be him trying to find damage but really was just him taking control of the map and kind of securing that third base via applying pressure onto the zerg because you saw armani needed all of his links all of his veins at home otherwise that could quickly spiral yeah yeah for sure um it does seem like the way that this map is shaped zerk's probably safe on the fourth base that doesn't seem like a very easy place to push you you say that but i'm not sure about this one one timing man there's gonna be a lot of power coming in and these five feelings actually oh no no whoa whoa a little more than you want there eight suvs but actually that's some fantastic siege tank placement look at this i didn't appreciate this angle up here so this is gonna be pretty hard i mean the creeps already been uh wiped but uh even with a good flank i feel like this is well covered by the marines yeah beyond very um wisely keeping a lot of his marines back guarding those siege tanks right now as armani wants to try and come in for the flank and we'll see he is posturing for this now i like this spread here by armani it's gonna come in links first failings in the back oh my god that was so destroyed there wow i can't believe how well beyond handled that the tanks uh i think losing only a few hit points from collateral damage from the banes keep in mind there's going to be reinforcements there they are now this may just be a one-two punch in the best of three man i think he may just kind of knock him out the next time around this is usually what a zvt looks like when the terran is considerably better than the zerg it's a zerg has no way to even get into late game yeah this is just impeccable and i mean this all goes back to that push with the first two medivacs of marines it stopped creep spread and it secured this critical location here on the fourth base i just love what we're seeing out of young really playing the map here on day to c and armani in the meantime he's going to go for this run by the beyond he has so much production right now but these are just like rally units in one siege tank on the highway i think the counter attack is probably the worst thing you can do right now you know what i mean it's like well he's already actually got an army that's so big it's probably gonna kill you anyways like why are you trying to counter attack i think maybe like the calculus here for armani is actually hold that thought as he's gonna try and come in not even able to get that huge tank man so rough dude look at that deck is barely alive almost a 50 supply lead now for fiona that's all an army yeah i think we're just going to see him pick our money apart now and slowly push here this is these tank spots are actually fantastic i mean look at these little nooks that he's able to find him it's such a great junction to push in and maybe this is why beyond played this a little bit slower as armani again gonna try and push in and actually was able to get that siege tank so armani taking a little bit out of of the force out of this but again the the force is coming across the map two more tanks two more vativex and a lot more marines i think we're gonna see beyond gunman for the killing blow and really just playing this map to perfection i mean we were wondering why he was kind of playing a little bit more of a slow build as opposed to that early like finesse you know harassment style and i think it was all for this reason it's all to push this forth because these seat sync spots are just so tough for a money to break if he has no creep spread yeah and you know this is really beyond i think saying to armani and everybody else i am actually just better than armani this is how our games are going to go i mean why would you try to be too fancy when you can just power up and end it properly before late game even gets here yeah this pre-split here for beyond is fantastic as well oh bane's like not moving for whatever reason yeah maybe a little bit of this micro there by armani maybe didn't have those main things on the right controller it might have been a bad hockey because it made no sense that those veins were the ones that were in hold position here now it's gonna be queen's blood off here drops over at the other base we should have gg any second now yeah we're seeing armani just slowly digest this loss and that's gonna be it gg beyond takes a really clean 2-0 there man just one two punch that was sick um i i thought it was gonna be a little bit closer for sure yeah you can see the frustration on armani's face there is beyond just i mean honestly outclassed him he was really well prepared especially for the map there on map number two oh yeah i mean he played that map of perfection the only the only mistake that i can think of was him like slightly mismicroing the scps of their run by the third but by then like the game was almost already decided yeah i mean by then it was that certainly wasn't even i think even if it worked for armani by the way a little bit embarrassed here a little hot in the face um yeah i mean there was even with that attack let's say it worked excuse me no way it's going to win the game for him hero versus beyond is coming up and the winner of that is going on the round of 10 as the first player uh for gsl season three we'll be right back [Music] come on [Music] [Music] watch the population rise [Music] who you are [Music] so [Music] i've been thinking lately [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'll be coming up hot for a minute [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] for a minute [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] performance was obviously not very good i'm not sure what happened but i think i was just playing very poorly that day for whatever reason i didn't warm up properly and i wasn't playing my best so yeah definitely not my best performance [Music] i'm very confused because hero plays so weird but uh when every game i thought mario mario would win but 0-4-1 and destroy maru so but i can't copy hero his style is too too different from one psl coming his best player here is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah maybe talk with solar all day and fall asleep it's okay but fight with dark and maybe die maybe not okay [Music] [Music] [Music] there there's nothing to explain he is kind and funny and same team but he's also very very quiet i think nothing nothing to bother me with just quiet too [Music] [Music] [Music] i think my goal for this season will be the same as last season i just want to make round of ten and because i've never made round of ten before and i want to do better than last season because last season i did so poorly [Music] foreign [Music] today's match-up hero australia armani beyond round of 20 group a this music man i feel like we're about to sacrifice somebody might kill the loser of the group um welcome back everybody uh we're gonna be going to uh our third best of three shortly here and that'll be uh hiro versus beyond which should be really exciting i know beyond looked crazy strong uh in that last series against armani i don't think i don't think it's gonna play a role though here against hiro i do think hiro is on a completely other level and i think obviously with the last season finals and him winning against tomorrow uh he should be able to be beyond in the best of three yeah i think you're right about that i mean hiro is just playing out of his mind and he's really doing things that a lot of people didn't think was possible with products in a variety of matchups i mean the way that he redefined pvz has been insane like some of the builds he brought out in the gsl finals against maru especially that one in game one that was so sick that was like the dream scenario yeah in our ptosis and i had no idea what was going on until the game was done because he kept making all these crazy uh pivots yeah in his decision making and the way he he chose to handle that um look i think beyond's good i think maybe he can take a game but i think this is very likely a 2-0 i yeah i'm inclined to agree with you i mean hero's just been showing some really impressive play really refreshing play as well i mean it's so great to have another product player on top after five years of csl going out without a product champion i mean some of the builds that he comes up with and the way he executes them it just like you would think about it like on paper maybe this doesn't make sense and then you see him actually do it it's like wait no this is this is actually fantastic he's the protoss as protoss yeah you know i think for a little bit a lot of the protoss players were we're almost trying to be kind of like those uh innovation style terrans you know what i'm saying uh where they're like just play like t y they're never been rigid in their form and um you know protoss historically going all the way back to like even before broodware would like to starcraft one vanilla they were i want to say a creative race you could say cheesy and yeah there is a lot of cheese they can do but there's also just a lot of ways you can approach it because of the branches in the cybernetics core tech because proxy is so available and um i think in the last gsl code as finals what hero really showed everybody is that you can think about the matchups in an entirely different way you can come at it from such a different approach right um it seemed like a couple years ago it was like players like stats sort of led the charge on like okay here's you know super conservative uh protoss play this is the way to do it you can kind of be like a zerg or like a taran that's just macroing and you're gonna get your moment when you get to your tech hiro has taken a very different approach where he leans on the opponent constantly he has violent tech switches uh he is completely fine with bluffing or skipping tech altogether yeah and the way that he changes his play style up from game to game in a better series too is phenomenal i mean you really keep he really keeps his opponents on their toes he can do pretty much anything like he'll go for like again against maru in that game number one taking gold bases building a gateway on the low ground outside of his base like crazy tactics like that i mean he's just playing on another level it feels like he's also thinking about every matchup on another level and i can't wait to see this match up against here or against beyond because beyond's another one of those terran players that likes to think outside of the box he plays by the beat of his own drum and you know that he watched that match against tomorrow to prepare and you know that he's gonna try and find some way to maybe take the tempo advantage and maybe catch her off guard yeah let's see what happens we're gonna go to star gazers what a great map name for this tournament uh for map number one hero vs beyond starts now again the winner goes on to the round of ten let's see who it is [Music] dragon phoenix gaming hero oh we already have a probe on the map i saw that yeah pylon scout i think hylon yeah shopify rebellion [Music] oh wow okay oh so it's going to be pylon gate pylon gate i think you're right yeah um max pack's built here um so yeah i mean let's see what beyond is gonna have he does have the um barracks at his entrance not that that's unusual or anything but we wanna see you know what the targets can be huh what's the bill that i haven't seen in a really long time yeah same i think danny castle maybe one build like this last season i can't remember the specifics of it all these builds are like a giant soup in my brain now because i've done this for too long you can catch this it's just has so much stuff i've done i've done enough now that i i don't trust my own memories here for when things happen um all right so it's going to be a zealot coming out of um i believe the gate yeah the gateway in the main base and then i'm assuming the cybernetics core finishes and we'll have a well you know this is going to be a good build against what's happening because it's reaper and command center yeah i quite like this here for beyond i mean most of the pressure is going to be on the wall but i mean worst case scenario i think for beyond you're losing your supply depots right i don't think it's going to be the end of the world especially with the factory coming in and with a backdoor expansion like this unless there's something that i'm missing again this is the first time we're seeing this map here in gsl stargazers so a lot to learn that's right this map does have a star on it in the middle if you notice in the map's belly in the map's belly button if you look closely all right well being able to deny the second depot's actually pretty good yeah so um i mean this is what this is engineered to do right is to come in here and start to kill as cvs as they have to kind of um sandbag the progress of the entrance the reaper is going to come up obviously the stalker can hit that as well two suvs already going down here for beyond as he's gonna have to repair try and salvage this situation yeah he's gonna have to pull that back a lot of damage there on the reaper actually the definite sucker coming in a man this is more damage than i was expecting to come in yeah i mean i think the fact that there's two stalkers here the marines can't really get close either well they get to my mind this little patch it's like an indoor expansion oh can he actually oh my god he's gonna he's gonna sacrifice it yeah it's fine it'd be probably still worth it to be honest i think it is he's still his position here on top of this ramp yeah with no medevac out by the way every damage on the marines is permanent okay so like even when they just come out and try to run away oh dude oh that's big dude this is crazy and two more stds solo on hp the adept can still uh spot here oh my god yeah he doesn't all the way in hero suspects trap he's like he's like i don't trust this um man this is a ton of damage coming in by hero i was not expecting this to have so much tempo i think he can he can keep going here too right oh i guess he's not he's going to back up here but there is a robo finishing he could actually get a war prism and then just drop into the expansion he did see that the cc was being taken there twilight coming in as well and he does have that natural expansion up now so starting double pro production is hero and beyond i mean just now getting that orbital transformed he still isn't on double lcd production so a lot of sustained damage here and hero kind of playing the map to his advantage right now that that proxy was fantastic gun caught unaware and loses a ton of suvs for a second there i thought he might just kind of give a little bit of ground there on the top of the ramp and then maybe kind of control the situation beyond that but i guess hiro just moved across the map so quickly he was able to pick off so many suvs yeah well i mean the reaper leaving and then you know the reaper doesn't actually do much of anything as so often the reaper does not do much of anything in in some games um yeah can't help and the fact that taran went for cece behind that i mean you really get punished for that and so hiro is vaulting ahead here economically he's got his third base on the way uh here comes the ops to come in and see what's going on it looks like it will not be able to get away from these marines in time but the ops does the scouting it needed to do yeah it doesn't get the widow mine but does get the necessary scouting and has a really good idea of exactly what beyond setup is going to be and it looks like it will be blink robo coming in here for a hero as he's taking a third base so nothing too crazy in terms of pressure possibly looking for some kind of soft contain as he kind of runs away with the eco lead right now i mean 10 workers up taking the third base already robo bay now going down this is looking really good for a hero and uh okay i gotta watch some more prism here that is a large number of marines i'll probably just take the uh whole damage actually that's kind of funny that's not the way i thought it was going to go down but okay a little uncharacteristic there oh my gosh minnie's having some kind of mouse problems yeah we'll have a short pause as our players get this sorted out so let's see here uh it looks like it was yeah it was hero that called for the pause and the rest are gonna go over to where heroes at yeah um i mean clearly something went wrong losing a stalker like that's not really what you would expect from well that's why it was funny to see right is that it just kind of came out so they've got a couple solutions it's either going to be resumed from replay before that um whatever it is but the fact that they just talked and hero nodded and they're already walking away i think we're gonna get back into this whatever this is yeah i assume we're just gonna continue where we left off on yep both players are now saying they're ready so we're gonna be jumping into the game in just a second here not sure exactly what the hiccup was there for hiro but hopefully he does now have it sorted i've been having this problem where um i've been streaming the last couple weeks here i guess minus when i got covered and just laid in my bed and wanted to die but uh and there's this update that i keep forgetting um to to actually just do before the stream starts so every day in one of my ladder games it starts trying to update something and i start freaking out only to then forget about it and then you know make myself be punished by that the next day it's been like two weeks of this happening all right so we are resuming where we left off from so there was not a resume from replay we were just continuing the action here and hero considering the posture over there but this is a tough position to break and oh oh man well okay so he's gonna be able to kill the tank which is pretty nice oh i actually got confused there the tank like got its final shot off there um but yeah you can do this for a long time and look at this uh state it's gonna be thermal lance and colossi so i think he wants to continue to treat the uh base that we've been watching get hit over and over as kind of a target i think you're right about that and also i mean beyond just in general is such a marine heavy terran player more so than other terrans that's what we've seen in gsl that um the class actually pulls a lot more weight here against him than it would against other terrans so i like that selection of hero not something we see from him too often in pbt oh getting the raven would be huge that's a nice pick off there didn't even get any uh i don't even know the raven was on the map man he said that for a while yeah that just popped up on the bottom of the screen and almost startled me um that's like a jump scare yeah the jump scare raven um so i mean that's that's uh a pretty big uh catch there especially against colossi where you want to try to disable them as the push comes out or i didn't if you were pushing them i didn't even think about that yet that's uh that's a critical that's a critical loss there for beyond not really getting any advantage right now as heroes taking a really strong position here in game number one just continuing to power up he's adding three more gateways he's getting zealot charge plus one grand weapons in position now as well and uh piano he he's kind of on the back foot he has to play defensive he has to try and get his army up to a position where he can contest here with hiro and i feel like that's still a couple minutes away so him bleeding units like that widow mine of the siege tank there at the natural expansion is really tough and it looks like after clearing that hallucinated phoenix he may be going for a drop i'm not sure if he's second guessing himself or what hmm so um you know the issue i think is for beyond is that he needs to get a third base up i don't know how comfortably he can do that you know this map and a couple of the other maps they they have there's been a theme through a couple of them right that you can draw a line through and that's that they want to try to give you a base a little bit more easily uh it can be your second it can be your third um but you know right now uh hero can put pressure on the space that's being landed here right now and there's not a ton of great defense here right he doesn't have too much here though just a handful of stalkers and i think beyond might move all the way out and try and clear this gateway but perhaps that is a bit too ambitious this here is actually going up to four nexus is now adding even more gateways yeah he's just gonna keep matching uh every new base uh there he's got what three colossal here with thermal ants done he's getting a templar archives it's looking really good yeah i feel like hero's getting into a better and better spot and you know there's a point in time where it's like you've got the claw site and you've got side storm uh against a mostly marine uh you know unit comp uh i guess the final thing you could get would be a disruptor or something like that but it kind of has it all you know um nice scan here gonna spot the templar archives but vienna already did have a ghost academy on the way funnily enough um you know this proxy gateway was never destroyed so like he's making this gateway here i almost i almost think he's like treating it like as if this gateway wasn't here over there but you know failsafe man it's like he has two war prisms on the map and you know what's funny is that hero heroes pvts do not look like starcraft 2 pbts they look like starcraft 1 pvts where like the products just gets to be a zerk player and take like so much the map it looks uh it looks rough for the textile it's the same way he plays pvz in a way you know he just kind of consumes the map and out macros his opponent but this gateway in pylon will go down but you know another advantage of these i mean of course that gate and pylon do fall but another advantage of spreading structures like this across the map is not only is that going to be a fast warping point but also it's basically like an observer i mean you're getting you're gathering map intel as well on the map and uh yeah i really like what we're seeing out of hero man his pvt is just rising up it's funny watching a player not only reinvent one match up in pvz but also kind of doing that in pvt as well well it's almost disgusting right like he's got the gold base down here i'm like is this can you stop this this is crazy to me yeah i mean look at this that's like so much how you beat terran man have you tried doing this protoss players yeah taking notes caught completely out of position with a large bio force there in the main base perhaps worried about that natural expansion since uh this is insane state this is the first half of the war of the worlds movie i can't even believe this look at this oh yeah send your whole army to me lol fiona's just getting melted right now man yeah you're just writing that early advantage to a really clean win man consuming the map taking the gold face really was just in his base that entire time and never had any opportunity to push off his third yeah just that was something else that was insane man kind of a reminder of why uh he did win that last season yeah yeah we were talking for most of the last season about how really there's no zerg that can take on hiro apparently the real story was that there's no tearing so uh it is the best of three although i gotta say you know what a different experience it was watching armani and then watching beyond play hero yeah it's almost like we got some tears in terms of these plays just pounding down on each other we're gonna be going on the moon number two my favorite kind of dance you guys know the moon dance come on guys i feel like the uh the map names are really especially good this season well we've i also think starcraft maps have historically had pretty bad names they've been they're getting better they're getting better hey yeah all the players are getting better our cash is getting better the map names are getting better we're on the up and up here guys game two right now here with a one to zero lead let's go [Music] dragon phoenix gaming hero there's a barracks on the not in the middle but out on the map i guess this is beyond uh this is his way of sort of trying to take the initiative early on now i gotta say uh this is not close to hero no so i don't know how much of a rush this is is it maybe just a confusing opener for the protoss to encounter well the reaper will get there actually two gas opening from hero as well huh this is interesting yeah so beyond reaper will get there about four or five seconds faster than what otherwise we have a two gate so this is funny because i'm sorry what am i talking about we both decided that we're like yeah this happens all the time right i was really i mean it's already unusual that he's going for uh it's so funny for two gases and then we saw that gateway and just didn't actually quite put it making sure that the wall is correct he's checking the shape of the wallet it's like a measurement trick that people do yeah yeah um so funny let's put on our dust council oh man he tricked us yeah so uh yeah i mean the reaper is gonna come in and try to do some damage i think hero probably oozing with confidence after the way that last game win yeah reaper is coming out now for uh beyond and that will get there a little bit faster than usual it's already halfway across the map and this will be a factory and a tech lab coming in so this is not really in a position for these structures to trade add-ons so i'm i'm wondering if we're gonna be seeing marauders here yeah i guess that's what it's gonna be marauder and potentially cyclone as hero with some nice micro not gonna lose any probes so this fast reaper yeah it's gonna be concussive shots oh that's so funny i thought it might be this huh okay so uh the concussive shell uh that's not a new idea normally i feel like the barracks is much closer if this is gonna work i think i think hiro either scattered this or he has a very good read on what beyond's game plan is because he's going stargate and if there's one thing that's good against marauders it's flying yeah yeah like one voider it's the sky and he's making a depth as well these aren't going to take bonus damage from the marauders these are going to murder the hellions yeah um the idea here is that the concussive shell let's say there's a stock ground it hits the stalker and then the helion and the marauder basically kill it off before it escapes and you kind of drag the um the protoss into a loss here yeah i'm not sure what intel hero has i i honestly didn't notice whether or not he got a good probe scout in there early but he has the perfect reaction to this i mean two phoenix's are almost already out if he gets past this one little dangerous spot here these two adapts you see it's only gonna take them five shots to kill one of these hellions and now the phoenix is coming in dude he is so on top of it he knows what to get he knows the hellions are faster so just kill that off yeah i mean what are these marauders going to do they're going to clean up one more one more adapt they might get this pro view or the concussive shells but once this next phoenix comes out there's only one marauder left and i guess the third one's going to come down from the bottom but i mean this isn't the kind of damage that you need to have done yeah i'm liking this for hero i mean it's a little bit of an awkward situation now as all the phoenix is just waiting to get more energy they need more energy to do this the probes are going to kill off that uh one marauder six kills here on workers and not too bad actually well i mean hero's still ahead in in workers right now the command center is uh i guess just now finished actually over at this other base but keep in mind that um you know no marauder is leaving to go back home right so there's going to be a lot less defense that barracks uh in the middle of the map is going to be relocated into the main but it does seem like these phoenixes can be made in a few more increments here and then he could start killing suvs right yeah i think dylan right now just has one cyclone on the map about to be two but um he's gonna have to rely on turrets to really kind of stem the tide here and prevent any additional harassment and coming from in for these phoenixes and uh here after all that beyond did get more worker kills than i think either of us were expecting him to get only a six worker advantage right now for hiro but i mean this is gonna be four going on five or maybe five going on six phoenix's is this is gonna be really nice again so the first one over here and there's actually okay he doesn't over commit but um you know he's got enough here that he can start to you know snowball the presence of terran units i mean he can go right over production and you know that's always the weakest moment for taren is when you're on top of the factories or barracks right i'm actually surprised that beyond didn't build a missile turret on top of his production because now as you said hiro can just kind of camp this and yeah i guess he's waiting for the other cyclone here i wouldn't be surprised if you just canceled that yeah this is like a tough one right he's trying not to to overdo his pickups you got to cancel this right he's going to have it finished well all right he sacrifices the marines baits him just a little bit and that uh second cyclone will go into the main by the way he stops making phoenix's so this is the number he wants this is a lot of damage man these are not trades by the way these are just kills uh and you know heroes getting up to a third base you know this is beyond on two right oh yeah he think about the uh the infrastructure will kick in when that third base is mining and how many terran units have been picked off which i don't even know i haven't lost count at this point it's a lot but you know marines the other cyclones and everything four more gateways coming up here charge is almost done and it seems like the uh defense that was cobbled together here by hero he's just kind of uh parlays this into a great unit comp that's going to be good at fighting the two-based army now yeah ibn is finally stabilizing but i feel like a lot of the damage has been done because beyond you go for a build like this and you kind of want to take a tempo advantage with it you kind of want to get a lot of damage in you're hoping that your opponent maybe has like some stalkers that you can pick off some high value units you're hoping to get more probe kills and none of that really happened i mean yeah he did get a good number of probes but all the extra damage that hero got in makes me feel like this is worth it and i feel like beyond right now really needs to make something happen with this army that he's building but sidestorm is already in production here for hero i mean slight storm against this army that's relying heavily on the dps of marines to stop the phoenixes from lifting up all the high tech units is going to be tough i don't does beyond even have a star port out it does uh does beyond even have a third cc that started even i know i don't think so this is looking more and more like it's going to be a two-based push yeah which i mean that's a very beyond thing to do right um and that may be the only way to play this out after the uh you know bust opening that he tried to do that just didn't really go anywhere right yeah um i think it'll be a one-on-one timing but zero going through storm oh he does okay he does have the star port i believe those are the first two medevacs coming out i'm not mistaken but yeah he desperately is gonna need these if he's gonna push when uh plus one armor completes now um i think it's time for that push to come here he is continuing to get upgrades after this but this is sort of do or die he has to make this work right away oh my god a great force field just takes those cyclones out no problem he has storm as well and these are some high energy templars oh no okay great storm there and you know there's not a medevac on the screen guys medevacs are just now being completed coming across the map and i mean that means that they're gonna have a lot of healing to do they're gonna be low energy very quickly here and beyond really needs to make something happen with this push but yeah this defense here by hero unless beyond controls this engagement perfectly and pull the board he's all in yeah this is going to be tough man pulling the voice scps are not very good against sight storm i'll tell you that oh my god okay he decides to back off okay bunkers i actually like this a lot this is smart but you know the question is is products gonna let it happen all right i don't think so oh my god oh my god they were the most brutal storms ever i can't even believe that oh that was unbelievable whoa those are some of the others oh my god oh my god they're the greatest storms in gsl history that was uh yeah that was devastating our desks got stored in that you guys didn't see it one of the storms came down and almost killed me we don't have any medevacs up here either man it was insane hero playing out of his mind there against i thought that was gonna be way closer than it actually was he ripped his head off with that play um a lot of respect shown here yeah man what a killer move there by hero he just played that second match perfectly that was just superb i mean everything from the phoenix opening and the adapts and then and then getting enough phoenix's to do some damage and then going right in the side storm just on time yeah that was just flawless execution it was perfect it really was perfect um but you could see the frustration there on his face but well even he has to appreciate what a stopping that was there with the storms it was like just it could not have been better that's an insane moment okay so we're gonna go to interview now with ceo in this picture hero see how he's feeling he's the first to advance yeah man hero the promise player is the first player to advance out of group a to the round of ten congratulations thank you there was no gso championship for you you did not fall victim to that curse how do you feel well like you just said that well like you just said you know i'm pretty well aware of the jinx that is happening in gsl so you know i tried really hard in my practice and i think that showed in my match today so i'm really happy did lose to beyond a lot in the online matches so i was kind of worried but today i think my building the last game worked out really well so i was really confident and thanks to the build i was able to um defend beyond all in the last game as well so let's talk about the metric against estrella [Music] i'm a hero you definitely shine when you're in the offensive secret sacrifice and trying to get as much gold as possible and in the first game you lost to him and then you said you were um just like broken after the game and that's right i was [Music] so what do you want to give yourself um in terms of performance today like the ratings i mean apart from the first magic in austria i think everything worked out really well for me um i want to give myself a 10 out of 10 for my performance today so you were the first player to win the gsl after coming back from the military service and also being a first champion after so many years so did you get a lot of congratulations and support from other people yes i mean i arrested for a long time before this gslc industry you know thanks to gsl i was able to um i'm still able to continue my career so i'm really thankful to gsl you mentioned that the late game is already so hard for you but you did defeat maru previous season so currently what are your thoughts on the pbt right now baby well i personally feel the same but the map has changed you know before coming here i got defeated by funny i got smashed by him so you know pvt still is hard but i'm gonna try and work on it from now to try to win the gsl this season play through for me so this gsl season uh brainerd is participating and then you're supposed to meet him in tsl we are [Music] how would you rate rainer um possibly a second place the first place is definitely a maru [Music] i mean he's still at the level that i can still beat him alright the first place i'm really happy i'm gonna try to continue to put on better performance in the next next round once again congratulations thank you all right thank you mandy um so we've got three players left and only one can go on into the round of 10 now yeah who do you think it's going to be i think australia's got a good shot uh i think armani um i mean unless he really steps it up i don't think so beyond uh versus estrella appears to be where this is probably going to go yeah i mean i agree with you yeah uh but maybe not i mean we'll see the uh next best of three is going to be australia versus armani obviously pbz a very different match up so we're gonna see what he's got in store for us uh for now guys short break when we come back our next best of three [Music] [Applause] [Music] harder easy [Music] [Music] he's been screaming [Music] hey [Music] [Music] take some things [Music] you said a lot that never was true [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] no knives no guns [Music] inside my head [Music] [Music] can you hear me [Music] hey [Music] home [Music] for a minute i'll be coming up hot for a minute [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] i'll be coming up hot for a minute [Music] foreign yes today's match-up hero australia [Music] 2022 hot six gsl season three [Music] i feel like with all these uh handsome pro gamers and uh suits and stuff i feel like we're getting ready for a court drama right now yeah yeah it does feel that way uh this is the losers match guys armani vs estrella and armani didn't look too hot uh again that was a different matchup that was a zvt this is gonna be a zvp but i do think estrella is extremely strong i know he hasn't made like a big splash in gsl but right the people that have been fans of this guy and have followed him he's really smart he is also i think not uncomfortable in the studio at all yeah um and he's playing very well so i think australia probably going to take this one i'm right there with you yeah i mean australia especially he's been known for his pvc for a while i think um it was about two years ago that actually uh artosis and uh no regret back on in depth went through a big breakdown on his pvz because it was so good two years ago and it still is good now one of the things i'm wondering is whether he's gonna kind of stick to that slow defensive macro style that he's been known for for the past couple of years or if he's gonna start kind of incorporating what we're seeing from players like hiro in the last season like is he gonna make any adjustments to his gameplay in that sense is he gonna continue to just macro it up yeah cause um honestly the way that hero's been playing it seems really strong i'm excited to see what he's got in store for us let's go let's go day to see [Music] and again guys the loser they're out first player eliminated in season three in the last gsl season of 2022 guangdong freaks armani alpha x a stringer pylon scout gateway opening here for estrella pretty much by the book because we got armani going hatch first there on the third and armani one of the more aggressive zergs in this matchup i found yeah well and i i do wonder if he's more aggressive in this matchup not because he's better at other zergs in that sense in that style of play or that he's not confident uh in longer games sometimes you have these players who are super aggro um like parting's done a lot of games like this and he does it because he's so good he can actually disarm a player and then kill them um with it and so you know it's a stylistic thing other times i do feel like it does stem from a bit of an insecurity and having to go into a macro game because uh armani i feel like is pretty 50 50 with his aggro like it works sometimes but it's not that consistent um so let's see what he does this time around yeah so i was wondering coming into today just given the way that the group is set up for estrella like if i was trying to see a path to him out of this and it kind of feels like a little bit of a mismatch both him against beyond and him against uh armani just because like gunn is so good at kind of picking players apart but he's good at finding like geeking out every advantage with every unit he has those quirky kind of like finesse based openings which is like tough for a player like a stray to deal with who's kind of more of like a lower tempo let me build up my army let me establish myself on the map kind of guy yeah and armani is just kind of similar you know i i agree the other thing too though is that we may see australia have made some micro adjustments into his play with what hero's done i do think it's undeniable that that hero win being as rare as something like that is especially in a gsl that all protoss players in the world haven't made you know opened up the dashboard and and tuned the dials a little bit right so maybe i mean even in that game that he had against hero it did seem like australia was a very active player i know pvp is a different match up and has different parameters but maybe he will be a little bit more active this time around uh you were talking about when no regret nor ptosis were uh uh talking about in-depth about australia's play but i feel like wasn't that when he was doing more sky toss stuff then yeah that was about two years ago when sky toss was a little more meta where you would just kind of like play on three bases with a lot of air but that's not really been the case so much here in this patch we do see him opening stargate now one thing that destroyer does like to do quite a bit is either open oracle or void right into a fast third base and then kind of switch off the sky toss from there and go into something like zealot archon immortal so we'll see if that's the path that he chooses to take but one of the things that i'm i'm really keen on seeing from him is exactly what tempo he's gonna be playing there on the map because again going back to hero last season with his pvz play just absolutely consuming the map keeping up in bases with zerg it was really refreshing to watch and also some very effective so you have to think that a lot of cross players coming into this season i mean we had like a short break from the previous season of gsl you got to think that they've been analyzing those games they've been breaking down the build orders and nuances and trying to kind of solve that puzzle for themselves so really an exciting area here for products and uh gsl season three it's gonna be a great way to finish out the year yeah it is going to be uh fun and you know with products kind of getting this uh i guess this growth spurt uh and understanding you know how far can they take that and what new kind of ideas and games are we going to have here um so it's going to be a third base steadily coming along here it doesn't appear that either side has any ability to do any real damage to each other right and so this is probably just going to be a slow game straight is adding some gateways adding the twilight council uh interested in seeing whether he decides to go for blink to try and kind of shark around on the map a little bit as we've seen hiro done previously in the last gs seller if he's going to go back to his kind of you know bread and butter the charge charge lot immortal archon and we'll be blink okay so perhaps an adjustment yeah i mean let's see oh look already state it is kind of sizing up to look a little bit like what hero did right yeah the oracle's roaming hopefully he doesn't lose any because i do think it's important to keep as many around as possible fantastic actually and um and then the stalkers coming and the forge as well all this kind of points to that uh potentially quick fourth base into really heavy pressure onto the zerg i'm liking this a lot picked up four more drone kills you know what's funny about this style if it is gonna be that uh-huh is like it looks so simple when people do it right and like the unit the unit mixture isn't that complicated either which is like i don't know you know there is something to rts where you start to simplify the game you know and it's like well you know stalkers always trade well especially with blink and oracles can always spot and you know and assist if you get cornered by lings and you know for so long we were watching people get immortals and then colossae you know and eventually fill up the tech where this seems to be kind of the way as of now yeah and i really like it too i mean i like the ship in the meta just the games are so much more action-packed yeah it's so much more territorial control there's so much more violence you know it's not like one player just building up a bunch of sky toss and then zerg getting vipers and killing him dude i'll tell you man it was hard for me as a caster when everybody was going sky toss it was just very dull games yeah hard for me as a fan too you see armani trying to find something he will get confirmation there on the fourth base and we'll also uh stop this stasis forward from causing too much trouble there in the main as australia's playing this really clean so far i love it getting plus one ground weapons as well the second forge taking that fourth base going in templar archives looking really good this activity i mean even if he's not able to get a lot with the status wards this is just annoying for the zerk to deal with you know it's kind of an apm tax on him and right also pulling the drones away from the mineral line also costs minerals i mean a drone harvests about 50 minerals or so a minute look at that man yeah a big wall of five gates so this is gonna be full-on hero style i like it i love it i wanna see more of this it's really fun to watch yeah and i love that the gateways are there it just makes this big barricade like i don't have time for your counter attacks yeah um hmm and so this is going to ramp up pretty quickly now to be honest i feel like we never saw anybody really deal with this style and stop it in gsl but also at the same time it was really only a hero that was doing it yeah it was like hiro ran away with the show with it and honestly i mean from when i was casting that was the big narrative i was selling was like okay he's changing this match up and then he ended up just dumpstering mario and so i i want to see what zergs are supposed to do against this and i kind of like seeing zergs on their toes right now with you know now now you guys got to figure out how to do this it's not just protoss is passively playing while xerx take the whole map and get death balls yeah it's a reason why um for a long time we had a period of very strong zerg dominance in starcraft 2 is because i mean when patches became less frequent i mean patches were always what shook it up for the zerg you know where they have to learn all the new timings the drone counts how to stop different pushes and that kind of thing yeah and then when that stopped happening xerx kind of solved a lot of the game and now with this new meta that we're seeing out of protoss players they have to kind of go back to the drawing board and begin to solve all these things again so it's this big puzzle that not only are new protoss players that are trying to emulate this hero style trying to use to eek out wins while they can but also zergs as you said are trying to figure out what what is the solution to this because so far it's only been hero doing it and he's only been winning and you know there's people who've been grinding on ladder watching this also saying okay how do i stop this what do i do i mean you know there's a lot of different types of viewers for the show right there's fans of the players and the stories but then there's students of the game as well who clock in their hours here to be like all right so what are they doing in korea uh and you know how can i take that and build that into my play um and here's that fifth base usually after the fifth base that's when uh the protoss player gets unleashed on the map right fifth base is going to be critical here for estrella is armani actually just sitting content on four bases and taking up to hive is going lurkers as well so it seems like his answer to this low-tech protoss kind of mass army response is gonna be a really high tech zerg force and i could see this being effective but this might open him up to a really dangerous timing attack armani a little bit of danger right now man these queens got caught hopefully out of position um he's on the move now the zealots are ready for that big counter attack and there's another little warp in here this is this is looking really good right now for astray i love this move right now that is so many archons these oh my god where did those uh spines come from that's insane it's just like six spines right there like it's a six pack of beer or something uh yeah for a second i thought armani might get pulled apart a little bit and kind of have to cover all these different territories but actually that static defense there on the um the third maybe fourth base allows him to have his full force up here in the front and shut down this push by estrella that's gonna buy him critical time to get seven lurkers out as they are getting ready to hatch uh he's coming in now oh we'll see i mean this is really getting down right now there's so many archons just nuking this yeah and he hasn't lost an archon yet no he hasn't all right he loses one it's all over now it's all over now um that was a lot of damage uh i would like to see him loop back around to this base in the bottom i guess 12 i guess six o'clock excuse me yeah potentially deny that fifth base coming up for armani would be huge right now because i mean armani like yeah he is able to build this really fantastic army and actually have six drop overlords coming in he's i think he might be going for a lurker drop in the main that's where i think this might be going and that could be that would be kind of crazy that that could be scary yeah in the meantime estrella two star gates and leaping and coming down and air weapons plus one he's being researched though a tech shift coming out of australia in the meantime armani man dude he needs to go and hit that base at the bottom i feel like uh australia's not actually scouting enough yeah i would really like to see him try to contain armani with his kind of slow static defense position like four bases it's weird like he's he's not killed a base but then also there's these naked bases down in the bottom right that he's just and now this base probably is gonna get defended and there's not a lot he can do okay so plus three is about to finish in fact it's gonna come in right as this attack starts that's a small force there you saw the overlords did he i think he saw one or two okay yeah cannons are coming down right now but huh he's got a neck he's gonna make down there maybe to draw that drop in now yeah zelda's gonna take off a couple more queens over there and finally we'll get that six o'clock base but i'm actually gonna get some drones for the trouble too but the question now is is he gonna be able to stop this drop coming into the main base he will probably need to use a recall for this it does show you why nicest are so preppable to these big drops they just it takes so long to get over there yeah all right a lot of liquids coming in the cans finishing just in time though um yeah the cannons aren't going to do that much other than apply a little bit of extra damage and their warpings are pretty poor too they're in uh in line with the lurker spine yeah there isn't even um energy for a recall just yet so yeah it wasn't able to a lot of things going down one one point here for um astray is that uh lookers can't shoot up so uh scary is gonna slowly start whittling away at this once he gets more detection but uh i mean this is some critical tech that could be going down here for australia i mean this is five star gates and a fleet beacon and more lurkers coming into the natural expansion right now and there actually are no cannons here so this is quickly spiraling out of controls estrella is going to try and apply pressure over here on the third base of armani instead but that's just a handful of stalkers and a couple of i'm sorry where are the observers anywhere in this he doesn't have any observations there's no robo he's just relying on oracles yeah it's just beautiful right now no no there's an observer oh there is i'm a fool no take everything i said away just forget about it but yeah i mean i can't believe there's not more yeah um that are over here and like okay so this is gonna be cleaned up i do feel like that was a crippling blow though that armani's delivered and i think there's even more opportunities in this game for him right now uh as australia's lost massive amounts of infrastructure i don't know about the carrier's switch yeah i'm not sure about that either i mean maybe he was just gunning to go into sky tops to try and deal with liquor army yeah i think that this would have made sense had he like killed off the last couple bases and then like as you know zerg tries to go head to head and ram into the protoss army he switches into carriers instead it was like kind of before estrella got to where he needed to be and now he's got this wonky lopsided tech yeah now he's really on the back foot trying to deal with this force by armani and these lurkers are just getting so much work done a couple of them a little bit too far forward but i mean they kind of break open the hatch here and armani will get pushed back eventually is estrella is going for a push now at the six o'clock and actually just powering through man i thought he was gonna have to get pushed back there but armani really just showing up right now and um i mean where is armani at as far as funding going i mean these uh two bases that he's kind of stayed on his four base they're gonna mine out soon right i mean this is almost 15 minutes into this game that is true he's still on those four bases i mean that six o'clock attack was really good there for estrella but at the same time he is also shutting down the economy for australia just a little bit i mean the well if he gets this base that's gonna be pretty huge although i see like what yeah just archons and templars like that's probably never gonna work close though oh man one templar here could have been huge yeah um i think armani's probably going to close this game out and it's funny because i feel like australia had a better opening but didn't really deliver the final few steps it is funny to see other people that are not hero trying to use this style and then see where things go wrong the drop really caught him off guard yeah which is weird not having energy for a recall in the main base was kind of the nail in the coffin there because he he needed to get that to be able to secure that position and stop the lurkers from advancing using the detection from the oracles and from the cannons but instead lost so much tempo i mean five star gates going down and the fleet beacon and he's slowly trying to rebuild this army but yeah it's looking more and more like gg yeah these hydras are gonna be thinned out here the lurkers can be killed and they can't escape but this is an uphill battle i mean 47 probes this is like the only fully saturated base here for estrella is all the way in the top left and not a lot of probes there and this space will probably be going down sooner rather than later yeah it looks like it's going to go down right now i mean and i mean the probe just getting wiped yeah there's a slow death here for estrella man i don't know about the carrier switch i i just don't know about it i feel like you're on five bases you've got him on four to five all you had to do was kind of keep your advantage and then make you know i think a lot of producers have not gotten used to this is when you you can actually now get a massive lead in the match-up and make it their problem you know it's not like okay yeah you know you don't need to tech into carriers we kind of solve that maybe i'm wrong i don't know i might be getting too judgy here but uh armani 100 gonna close this game out gg armani takes it 1-0 was a close game though man i really thought estrella had the advantage yeah i mean armani was kind of contained on four bases but again estrella just caught off guard perhaps by that dropping the main base it really took the win out of his sails and he wasn't able to recover i mean when you're going for a big tech switch that like that that's so much resource invested in not only the five carriers but the stargates and the fleet picking you're losing your main nexus all that money you spent on static d was for naught because it just got completely wiped out and armani was able to ride that momentum shift into a really clean victory there just kind of mopping astray up on the top side of the map yeah frustrating moment here uh for estrella again i think he could have had that had he had a little bit of a a better sexton in the late game on how to navigate that that shift to where it needed to go we're gonna go to cosmic sapphire for map two and let's see what estrella wants to do it seems like armani really powered through that pressure staying patient staying on top of his game got the drop got the counter attacks in yeah and even though it was rocky in the start he managed to will his way through it we'll see as we're getting ready to get this game underway estrella needs to win this next match or he is going to be out in the round of 20 a lot on the line right now he'll be the first player out in the round at 20. rough way to go down here uh and if we do have an australia win it's gonna be waterfall here for map three anyways guys map two has loaded up let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] guangdong freaks armani [Music] [Music] alpha x estrella i want to go back really quick to what you said about the uh carrier transition yeah because the more that i think about it the more that i think you're right where um i mean armani he's playing this really kind of slow style where his army is powerful but again it's mostly lurkers it's some hydras yeah it's not very mobile he's relying on static defense in a defensive position to kind of take any fight favorably and if you're a stray right there i mean he was ahead on bases he had the gateway count if he was able to continue the pressure and just contain the zerg there on four bases eventually he's gonna mine out and yeah your army won't be as nuanced as the xerx army is but even if you take a slightly less than favorable trade i mean you're gonna have the bank to be able to clean it up we've seen hero do this time and time again even like pbt pbz when he plays this macro style yeah he will just throw money at the problem well and i think as well like you know when you go for carriers they don't show up immediately there's all this time that's lost as the carriers are being made and then you know interceptors have to come out as well and it's like you know i i don't know if this is the right style to be using in the modern era again i could be wrong um but it seems like what happened was estrella got to where he needed to be and then just tacked into something that was uh that that allowed dessert to get back into the game get control of this where i think it would have been better to trade out i think it should have been scouting for that bottom base which was just being taken uh without any defense there he could have just ran over there and killed that and then ran back away and kept sharking around the map yeah it's tough though because at the same time i mean if you do let zurich kind of get up at deathball army and if somehow they are able to secure that fifth base then things might kind of fall apart if your tech isn't able to keep up with them so it is it's kind of a delicate balance right i mean a lot of the games that we saw hero play in pvz the zert players were also playing more kind of aggressive styles they weren't really going super fast up the tech tree as we saw armani do with a four base hive four based lurkers really fast liquor upgrade i mean it's tough i mean this is still something that's very new here in starcraft 2 as yeah this new pvz meta is kind of being figured out as hero just kind of paved the way there in the last season and now we see zerg players like armani trying to find new solutions to solve that problem which are then i mean then the the new products players that are trying to deal with this are also having to keep pace with like okay well the zerg is making these adjustments how do i adjust for that and it's this really awkward stage in the meta where everyone is just kind of trying to figure everything out yeah well also it's uh it kind of shows you why other players weren't able to do what hiro was doing right is that like at least in that last game australia in his head he's like yeah but we got to get carriers right like he got all the way there and then you know it is kind of a weird thing like you know zerg you know you can get to a certain point where you're doing very well but you probably can't attack into the zerg anymore and there's no way to get your army into their main like you don't have like a nidus or you know you've already already maxed out you can't like warp stuff in there you build a mother ship and do a mastery yeah you can do a mass recall um but you know you you can't really take the game to where you want it to be and i think that's when he started to go for the carriers is it's like no no you're ahead now just double expand make even more gateways it does feel awkward though i mean if you're not when you're playing with a low tech army and you're not able to trade it does feel awkward it feels like you are kind of on the clock but think about that drop that was picked up right i mean right like make him make the drop and then just recall into the main and kill that and go back out and remake i think i'm i'm wondering if he actually did see that though because it was right on the ground like that i know we saw it but i mean just because it blipped on his mini map didn't mean that his mind and you know he didn't internalize it and make it a thing to react to because it did seem well no he did make all the cannons though right but at the same time maybe he's making those cannons just because he's anticipating something like this being a threat i feel like if he was aware of this he would have had more defense there because again like his top left army stayed on the top left side of the map yeah and his bottom army he pressured the six o'clock base but it didn't seem like he would had anything no units in his mane so i don't know maybe just caught a little bit off guard there maybe a little bit slow on the preparation and then of course being down with not enough energy to recall is just kind of unfortunate and again uh like what we're seeing out of estrella going up to three bases kind of mirroring the bill that we had last game some nice oracles to start things off and then adding gateways adding blink getting that forge up and we'll see if armani goes for the same high-tech style that we saw him play in a previous match but i mean who's to say once you're up a map like this maybe you get in the protoss head a little bit where they might have to make some adjustments like oh i gotta find some other way of dealing with this high-tech style this low-tech style isn't cutting it sure yeah and then maybe you're coming out of it roach ravager league timing or something like that i mean could be i mean i thought we were you know we were talking earlier even before the show started that we thought he was gonna have some faster games right yeah um but so far it hasn't really been the case he's been pretty reactive overall and so again this is all looking literally almost exactly like the way that game one opened up i'm sorry i'm not observers oracles excuse me yeah out on the map i like the synergy too i mean uh having the oracles like this allows the footage player to really move across the map and deny creep before blink is up yeah it's a way to you know you can always fight and trade efficiently because it's just really hard especially with bling for them to ever catch the um stalkers unless you have gold mass slings but then of course the oracles kill the mass uh and like you said you can kill creep tumors and all that so it's just like it's a smart way to approach the game kind of like we see with these terrans that get you know two medevacs of marines and start to roam and kill creep tumors a lot of the same ideas to play we did that fantastically in game two against armani today yeah and uh wow we actually have so this is gonna be one of those attacks oh skate you were right now a couple thoughts here uh it looks like he wants to hit this base at six o'clock if he unpowers all those gateways he may just win this okay yeah the gateways will make defense kind of tricky because it might be a little bit more difficult for astray to get a full concave up on that right side you see those two gateways there by the three gateways actually by that gas geyser kind of limit the surface area where the protozoa can get an arc and i believe we do have queens and these overlords he's shot down one overlord one to get sniper man that's a lot of roaches that's a lot of ravagers and i don't know if australia is gonna have the unit count to fuel this only 18 suckers right now on the map but man i'm liking this overcharge right now yeah it's pretty wild armani is not really able to clean up he's not really killing a lot of the critical units right here for estrella he does to unpower the gateways but i think the soccer ball he might have over committed on that uh pylon there yeah i think he might have i mean the shield overcharged defending that pylon was fantastic and estrella was a beautiful beautiful micro look at this concave he had set up i mean it's still really close but it looks like he might have a defense here yeah well he's slowly chewing his way through this isn't he um we're seeing the uh roach ravager trying to come down from the bottom um but there are so many stalkers here and keep in mind these stalkers can keep chasing uh off free as well and also australia has a fourth face to hide behind this this is not 3v3 bases australia has a much more powerful economy than armani if he's able to stabilize that's pretty much gonna be game i want to say oh that states that just so much of the army even i didn't notice that i didn't see it at all i was actually confused with what happened there for a second nicely done man australia was an immaculate defense right there i was worried about him seeing that um the gateway positioning over there in the third base but he just made it work wonderfully yeah and now he can come back down here and crush this army as it uh unfreezes and that's it gg we're going that was a scary moment there for estrella but that was also some immaculate defense he just made that work it was really sick man um and you know what's funny like we were talking about it before the fight even happened where it's like well those are six gates right if you could take that out or unpower it i think you win but uh the clutch play on the pylon keeping it alive and there was this moment where there were so many stalkers on the right like killing zerg units and it's like i don't i don't i think you need to start attacking his army i think you cannot commit on that pylon like this he's slowly whittling you down and that's what happened the action happened so fast it was hard to follow but it seemed like yeah he focused on that pylon estrella went for the overcharge on the battery defended the pylon and then armani's like okay i gotta kill the battery and then he overcommits on the battery and then the battery takes forever to die because the probes are also surrounding it yeah yeah and by then as you said like his army has just been whittled down and also estrella was able to fix his concave issue and have a lot of stalkers on the other side that's right oh great play there by estrella well we're gonna go to waterfall for map three and decide who goes on to the next best of three and who's knocked out of the gsl kodesh [Music] [Applause] guangdong freaks armani alpha x estrella i know i mean estrella is a foreigner and i'm probably sounding a little bit biased with how much i'm raising this is the american cast let's go but uh i really like what we're seeing out of him today yeah me too well look he's had some really exciting games i mean even that the first game that he had in this best of three that he lost he looked good yeah uh this guy almost beat hero ooh this is this reminds me of warcraft three oh this is cool this nice little little path over here we could fish here state there's butterflies there's um i love these there's like i've ever seen these trees before these what are those bugs called the glow in the dark why am i not fireflies fireflies is that what you're thinking of yeah that's gorgeous like aliens like i don't want to watch this probe this is a very nice map yeah this is the first time i'm seeing it and it's just lovely man look at the little plants we could pick flowers here it looks like a biome and like we're gonna understand that for christmas over there that's great nice christmas it's a nice christmas tree man yeah look at these beautiful rock formations too man this looks landscaped this is very very this you vacation on this map you don't play on it wow so um i don't think armani um is gonna try a weird timing like that again no i mean i think when you do something like that it doesn't work it's like all right i gotta i gotta knock it off man i feel like that's the build you you kind of pull out either in map number one or if you win map number one you know where it's like okay i'm already up 1-0 i can maybe clutch this one out with like a nice sneaky win right here if i just get his timing attack and he almost did i mean that fight if the control had gone a little bit differently i think it could have gone either way so he was really close but i feel like yeah you probably want to go back to your bread and butter here if you're armani i mean what worked in game one maybe you go back to that style here in game three but the only thing i wouldn't mind seeing that's aggro is maybe a nidus of some sort because uh with this build you do end up expanding pretty fast we do see estrella going for a different opening this time though he actually is opening twilight council adept and stalker so no stargate coming out from him oh right yeah he's gonna not get it this time well this this could be a variation um of robo are we gonna see a depth build i think we're going to have something like that you know sometimes these really strong timing attacks work out a lot better if you had a macro game yeah that might be the way we go with this i have to see how many gateways he adds it's one going down will it be glaives okay dark shrine so it's gonna be a dt drop maybe into archon drop yeah i think you're right about that man i'm getting uh flashbacks like 2016 2017 yeah i was gonna say i think we haven't really casted quite this game in a while wait um um what what no no no that can't be what uh oh it's an all-in all right it's 18 wings well unfortunately going dt is not exactly the the most complimentary build i mean okay estrella needs to get a pile onto that wall he needs to identify this immediately because here we go there we go here we go they're going to mineral walk in they're going to push the depth out of position the links are going to come in that's that's the plan right now not able to put it on position but it will go down battery coming in oh my god and the dark shrine is only about halfway finished oh my god and the pylon goes down yeah this is looking over that's gonna be it man i i don't think estrella is gonna be able to come back from this one i don't think so i was so focused on what australia was doing i didn't know that he was coming for this league when the drones came out i'm like wait a minute it's just gonna be that cheeky all in and um know the problem is even with an immortal here he's he's going to kill the nexus right yeah even if he cleans this up and i mean that's well the immortal is going to be surrounded so that's good oh that's a that's a tough way to close this one out man all right guys lower the american flag get him to half mass everybody uh we lost a good american today oh that hurts that really hurts this and had a pylon on the wall it's a completely different game well the drones were pulled at a funny time too where he just wasn't looking and then you know they just came and hit um by the way it's funny that armani's being like really careful with what he's killing he's not over extending at all well he wants he knows that he has a lead right now and he's like i'm not gonna what are the possible ways i can lose i can overextend perhaps unlikely but that is the way i can it does seem too safe though when there's literally no units inside the main i'm like okay you could probably just kill off a couple workers right like an army to play him six but i mean he knows that estrella needs to take this nexus again and yeah as long as that's the focal point yeah it's gonna take a little bit longer but i mean it secures the win you know it's a lot of lings okay so here come those links now yeah i think he's just gonna do this well i mean there's just there's you're gonna kill so many workers right now yeah there's not even energy for an overcharge these wings are getting decimated astray just digesting this loss it's a really tough way to go out here i mean it's been a great day for him yeah 2-1 against uh well he played very well but he did not win any of the best of threes and that's how you get knocked out gg armani is gonna get to rematch against beyond in our final match wow what a win by armani man coming out the clutch there right pulling out the cheese yeah man well you gotta do what you gotta do right yeah i really that caught me by off guard a lot i was so focused on what stray was doing i feel like i don't care for the viewers at home because i didn't catch that at all ah they don't get my sympathy no i was like what yeah we've been so caught up in this pvz meta right yeah like all these weird ways to play but then yeah you could just uh drone ling all in getting ahead of ourselves in the blink of an eye guys we're gonna go to a break when we come back the final best of three in group a of the gsl codes stick around [Music] [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] mix [Music] foreign [Music] baby [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] my life i can still hear it always been god fearing god with him on the mission obstacles cloud division we still moving i anticipate hell freezing before i see my team losing you know that's power when you're unified it's hard to spell unity without you and i we ready for it [Music] now my dreams come true [Music] yeah home team repping we gon put it on maps it's hard to relax when cities on vaccinate rooting for me writing that division to attack for the glory and show you like ad flak it's all facts in the story the wardrobe is all black even suited up i promise i don't slack y'all better make room for us every dog has a day i can sense mine like shine off the rain i've been wide awake for the whole time never sleeping on these dreams i can't leave them in past tense my mind has been fashioned brazil dealing with passion lights came to action you know be coming forward family depending on me just like a bungee cord [Music] my bones yeah it's my time to do all that i do making all my dreams come true [Music] all my dreams come [Music] i can go true sleep [Music] i've been coming up high for a minute i'll be coming up hot for a minute [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] for a minute [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] today's matchup [Music] group a 2022 hot six gsl season three i take the whole city down with this [Music] uh guys we're gonna go to the rematch now of armani versus beyond and i hope for armani saying uh he could step it up because beyond smashed him in like the most textbook tvz fashion we've seen yeah that felt like the most one-sided match of the night by a lot i mean it wasn't even remotely close beyond just picked him apart and it seems like jan has a really good feel not only for this matchup but also his opponent armani i mean he is in this guy's head and the past year he has won 17 out of the 19 series they played against each other damn and on top of that i mean the build order selection by beyond the new maps has been spectacular too i mean i love like the slow build going up to three three three cc guys it's too much change of empires going up to three town centers yeah and then pushing with this pushing with his spearmint he's gonna mind some more stone and then attack him oh it's so embarrassing dude oh no starcraft 2 program for six years testing gsl calling these town centers but i mean beyond he's just he's playing out of his mind and man that one's already ready we're gonna be going right into this let's go final best of three who's gonna live and who's gonna die in gsl season 3 [Applause] [Music] guangdong freaks armani [Music] shopify rebellion young [Applause] some beyond support here um yeah i mean i want to see how beyond's gonna try to play this out uh he had very prepped builds he always does he always does it is you know an interesting thing when you have a rematch versus a guy that had really prepped builds because it's like okay well do you have two more are you gonna 4-0 me guarantee you he does you think so absolutely i mean uh like how many sets these guys play in like online tournaments for example you gotta be able to mix it up in like a daily tournament where you play like one zerk two games then you play another zerg later in that tournament yeah and beyond i feel more so than almost any other terran i mean maru is also one player that can do this quite often he's so good at mixing up his strategies that he is dangerous in any best of x series and i think he's also dangerous in this kind of situation where you play him again because i wouldn't be surprised if we saw him do a different build every single map of this one even including the the matches that we saw earlier in this uh earlier today now going to reactor first into a command center is beyond and i mean just the tactics that he comes out with has been superb i was watching a little bit of armani versus beyond from some of the online tournaments before coming in to cast this today yeah and like this is a guy that can just hit you with absolutely anything like he'll come in with like wouldn't mind drops with an armory we'll come in with cloak banshees he'll come in with marine pushes and it's just like how do you prepare for a guy like that it's so tough to have a defense prepped for everything and it's also so hard to get a good read on exactly what build it's gonna be [Music] yeah uh also i do wonder if armani is gonna try to just you know i don't know if it's gonna be a jump the shark or not but just do some kind of super cheese or something weird i was surprised we didn't see that in the previous best well you know here's the thing though because like armani like we see him play these macro games but uh you know there's always something a little bit degenerate about cheesing right and it's one of these things where like you look like a genius when it works you look like an idiot when it fails right um but some players seem to be prone to cheese because it's the right setup in the build in the series uh on the map and the matchup versus the player whereas there are other players that seem to and i think armani is one of these players i'm not i don't want to be too harsh on him but like he'll macro a little bit and if things don't seem to be working on his way he starts to cheese in all his games does that make sense yeah i mean even versus estrella it was like he played a good macro game in game one and almost lost and then won and then in game two it's like he's a timing attack oops didn't work all right ling drone all in and i mean i it's as great as uh armani was in that game against australia i can't imagine he's confident against beyond and so i would i just wouldn't be shocked if we have some kind of uh surprises here or some kind of aggro vienna is truly one of his uh biggest nemesis i think nemesis i don't know because just like the the stat line between these two guys i mean armani is a very good zerk you should not be losing 17 out of 19 best of x series against anyone i feel like i mean even the best taran and player in the world right like i would expect him to take possibly more more than two series against maru so for me it almost feels like perhaps he has kind of a mental block against gunner maybe that's just a really strong stylistic mismatch look in my own experience like a million years ago when i played you know competitively i had that versus some players where it's like even though i feel like i look at them this is actually a lot of drone kills by the way yes six it just keeps adding up too he's not able to get a good surrounding these hellions eight drone kills is way more than you bargained for when you decide to come in with a four helium run by i mean five queens a handful of lings should not be losing eight drones right there and that's a that's really rough here for armani and now the cloak banshee's coming in they're trying to find some more damage and we'll see how beyond decides to kind of uh converge this in with a timing attack because that's usually his bread and butter is to do these kind of finesse openings and then go for a really strong killing blow but yeah that was a that was a rough defense right there yeah i mean the beyond definitely got the job done uh and there's gonna be a follow-up with clerk banshee so um we're gonna see probably a delay in that actual big timing attack that you were talking about state um but when it comes yeah i'm watching to see if it's gonna be fatal yeah we'll have to see quick banter trying to find any damage you can but armani is well prepared with a that's a cheeky spot right there can barely hit the drones mining gas um so he drives him out for a little bit we've got five marines coming out at a time no fourth base but i don't i wouldn't say that you need a fourth base to have a target in a situation like this he is going to take that third base now that's in the back of his base which beyond in most of these games he's been much more prone to try to uh you know put pressure on uh this type he's not he's gonna macro up i think we're still gonna see that pressure pretty soon though five marines in production right now i believe a reactor just finished so we might see even more [Music] adding two more barracks and yeah this is looking like he's going to be gearing up for a really strong three-based push perhaps with 1-1 as armani now kind of posturing on the map he really doesn't have a lot of intel on what guns game plan is it's a nice little catch right here on these hellions that's one of the um advantages for beyond and playing a map like this and having a third base in the back like that because armani isn't really sure of the timing he doesn't know if this is going to be a super fast two-based push he doesn't know if this is going to be kind of more of a three base is that he's got a secret unless you figure out uh what he's up to you're really playing and i think honestly from the zerks perspective a pretty hard spot and i do think some of these maps were made to try to generate new issues for the turks perhaps and i think we're seeing that here because uh for a while we had sort of the same kind of pattern of maps they did seem to lend it to you know these long big macro games where xerx would get out of control uh he's on the move right now he's headed out here and i think that armani may end up just ditching this base i think he has to he has a lot of meters in production and those aren't ling bane which is really what he needs to kind of stop his attack actually he already has bailing speed so maybe if he's able to make something happen on creep but man that's not a lot of banes i don't wanna i if i'm more money i do not want to take that engagement against the end of all people well i love the marines in the back too covering the tank like it could be very easy for jerk to to not get the big picture here and just come in he needs to keep putting pressure on that hatchery though where zerk doesn't have to come out and try to fight him yet armani might try to defend this and yeah here we go mute is coming in on that siege tank armani has passed it is engaged right there in front of the hatchery and that's going to be a lot of bailings going down to splash damage yeah it's like he pulled away stopped got shot with siege tanks they've got fished back in yeah i don't know i think this is going to be another one of these like just kills here i think so too that was a really big misstep i mean losing that group of failings right there is critical it's weird it's like the second time it seems like you didn't control right yeah this happened in the previous series as well young now with five marines just going to clear out this creep and begin to to continue the slow push down into the remaining three bases of armani and armani like this trying to catch the reinforcements here for beyond this is one of the few things he has going for him is the mobility of these he's been so patient though that you know he's and look at this man i think it's the bailings nest oh my god you're just like actually yeah i mean you're just not gonna have uh any other way to fight this and then it's gonna be what you see is what you get yeah this this might just be the end of it right now well he may have enough veins to take this out well apparently not i was wrong ben with his marine control he's one of the best in the business especially when it comes to the splitting i mean it's like him and maru i don't know who else does it as well as they do yeah this is brutal man armani just getting absolutely run over right now and even if he had defended that fourth face properly or even just sacked it i'm not sure if he had the whoop in his production to really be able to stop this push i mean this is just so much production coming out from beyond yeah maybe this is over here yeah this one's done though yeah some very little marines yeah some marines that are not doing great on hp but there's more to replace them up here is we're going to have another base go down i don't think he killed the spawning pool by the way but i don't know how much it matters either yeah i mean even if armani is somehow able to stabilize again just going to push in one or two more minutes and even these marines are just going to change that the undoes it again nothing is changing in these games uh it's like we're in uh groundhog's day or something for these games it's the same tearing push every game armani died in the same way that's fiona's bread and butter man he loves these uh nice kind of finesse openings catch some drones slow down the economy of the zerg and then come in with a really big timing bush and he doesn't really incorporate a lot of wood of mine play he doesn't really focus too much on the siege tanks usually it's just one or two it's just a ton of upgraded marines and he's one of the best in the world at splitting them and you saw right there armani could not get any good connections there with his bailings and right now it seems like this puzzle is something that he might not be able to solve so we're getting ready for set to on day to see armani look at armani right now it's like he's like what do i do man i can't even get into late game here every time it's marines tanks and medevacs come and then armani doesn't have enough he's got to come up with something or this is going to be the last game and armani is going to be out as bien would move on into the round of 10. [Music] [Applause] guangdong freaks armani [Applause] by rebellion beyond okay um i really want to have a different game man i really do i don't want to see another uh you know medic marine or sorry medevac marine push that comes out here and uh slaughters this four base zerk i think we're gonna see the push what i'm wondering is um whether our money's gonna be able to defend it because a lot of the times that these pushes are happening jana is getting some kind of advantage ahead of time you know yeah for example in that game keep in mind he picked off eight drones very early on the natural expansion of armani and that was like minutes that those drones weren't mine it was so bad i mean he could have had so many more lings if that wasn't the case and perhaps he's able to defend at the third base the fourth base excuse me but but every jab that uh you know beyond comes in with does end up decking armani yeah and putting him in a bad spot which only makes the you know the second or third setup attack here really strong i mean if armani's gonna survive this he needs to like judo flip some of these attacks like pin all the hellions and kill all them and not lose the drones now that's easier said than done that's a lot less of an idea and more about control but um otherwise i just feel like beyond is going to skate further ahead and you know i do want to point out most tvz we see don't end like this in gsl that's right in fact very rarely do we have one where we go well that was just a great mid game tara and he killed him it's funny to see it happen over and over again and i don't even feel like armani dies that often to other top tier terrans this way gun just has his number and i feel like if armani is gonna come back in this series he's gonna have to completely tighten up his early game defense i mean he cannot he has to be impenetrable basically until that first push comes in with marines in the tanks yeah because if he continues to take any damage he he needs every single piece of the puzzle we'll go right for him until this happens roach warren here okay on free hatch i like that he's mixing it up i'm not sure exactly what the play is going to be here for roaches is this to stop well let's see let's give it a little bit of time here but it seems like and this is where you could get like two pro gamers to do like a huge deep dive into like what each build is exactly and what's happening because it seems like what uh what armani's doing is he's used to playing against terrans who don't over commit with production and kind of flow out of third base safely and you know focus on double ebay okay and invest into late game whereas i think what's happened so that armani seems to not die in those games i think beyond basically powers up way harder on two bases and the way to stop that is you have to power up and match him on your three bases of zerg your four bases is zerg and he's not d he hasn't done that it's so basically the push just wins every time he's in all in him yeah you're right for a second i was thinking this might be some kind of uh way of solving the puzzle in the early game to defend but instead armani i mean you said it before that sometimes he falls into this trap where when things aren't working you just bust out the cheese and yeah he just starts to rush and i think i think it's predictable um and i know i've said that in more than just you know the series here against beyond if you go back to my older cast too where i just i've seen this a lot of times like he's like i don't like these late games and part of me almost feels like just cheese early in the first game and then try making the second game but i don't know if this is gonna work this is really dangerous here for armani again does spot it now stem is about 10 15 seconds away and once dim is done if the scps are able to meet shield for these marines he will be able to dps this down you just can't let the ravagers connect armani continuing to push up now young just kind of content to concede this position until he gets his medevac very well he's just stayed patient yeah this stuff can't really run a run away against the marines that's right and armani kind of knows it i mean he built some more drones behind it because he knows he lost a lot of tempo but it's only a couple of drones before the zerglings start so we'll see if he's actually going to transition off of this but as it is i feel like maybe the pressure accomplished what it was aiming to do yeah nice double drop coming in here from bien and armani he doesn't have enough links to deal with this right now he's actually bleeding drones and these links just kind of filing in single file not really getting in any damage from these marines most of them are going to be able to pull up out and away and then as it is right now the workout almost equalizing right now i mean 40 to 48 not bad for taran when you do have mules and the problem is that when you go for this roach ravager you get abused by medevacs right it's not like you have that mute attack that he had in the other games it's also like the same kind of trap that a lot of protoss players would fall into if they go charge locks instead of blink stalkers it's the same thing where like you just get punished on mobility especially when you have bases set up like this where you see if you're gonna go as the zerg from the third base into the main base you have to go all the way around into the natural to reach that spot so there's two really kind of distant pressure points you have to deal with and that's why armani had to make so many links to try and uh manage this defense and beyond behind it continuing to add siege tanks going up two engineering bays in the third cc and i kind of do like that pressure that we saw from armani for a moment i thought it might be him just going for an all-in but actually the pressure kind of accomplished what he aimed for it to do he got a couple of supply depots he forced a lift on the command center he slowed beyond down a little bit the question for me is whether that the tempo that he's losing in terms of his tech as you said he's not getting the mutualists out quite yet he's only just now getting glio reconstitution the roach speed upgrade is beyond going to be able to eke out too much damage before armani is able to start firing on all cylinders i mean that's the big question right um i do think that armani is going to have enough to probably take a fight here unless beyond can tactically set a position to punish and it looks like he's trying to do that i don't think he has enough at the front to push in is the problem he needs to have like a heavy amount on one side or the other he's gonna try to come into here he could probably kill off some lanes but not much more than that i feel like this is more about map control now i mean you see the creep getting all the way pushed back to the remaining three bases of the zerg player and this is something that beyond has done consistently against armani throughout the day where he just controls the creep spread on the map and he establishes kind of a foothold to set up a tank push later and we'll see able to come in there i think almost picking off one drone saved by the hacker saved by the uh extractor right there the hector man the hector now um uh you know honestly this is probably the best game from armani yeah between these two that we've uh had so far absolutely he's going to get a deny there bianca that's not the end of the world though that's like the least bad way to lose the hatch is to have it canceled immediately when it starts right and armani i mean he's only sitting on like 70 drones right now so it's not as though he's really searching for too much more saturation he will retake that fourth base now as he pushes yun back john is getting the main base kind of getting confirmation here on the tech and armani throwing down an infestation pit is interesting to me i wonder if we're gonna be seeing a hive straight away there's no way this is for investors right um i don't think it's for investors yet i mean we'll see there's a lot of different branches you can have here when you get this late into the game here um okay he needs to tack away from it's going to be lurkers i think here it's it's got to be uh attack that gets him out of this roach ravager that he's kind of been stuck on this doesn't pay off in a long long game like this especially if he gets gets caught out on the map it's a little concerning because the creep spread for armani is not great right now just starting to push into the middle and in this ground army for armani in a straight-up fight it does really well against just marines i mean vienna is not really doing these pressure plays to kind of get a lot of damage oh no the tanks might get caught here oh that's some nice micro there right yeah and you're really reducing the surface area but you will lose two tanks that's kind of stunning man i mean you wanted those five tanks for the big push that was kind of oh armani oh he's gonna come in here and let me tell you the man if these tanks see job yeah oh he could you know he if he does do it and then gets the bile to come down on him he's gonna kill him off immediately yeah losing those two tanks is really um putting the pressure on beyond to try and come manage this defense right now armani will pull back not confident enough to take that fight completely as we see beyond doing some drop grass over here on the fourth base of armani and it looks like it will be lurkers eventually coming out right now as that hive is just finishing actually vipers yeah viper and lurker den and right now i mean i feel like armani has kind of been in control of the game from that roach push there was a brief moment where beyond was getting some damage done with his medevacs but once that window closed it feels like armani's been pretty much spotless in terms of his defense yeah i mean armani's kind of gotten to where he needs to be this is one of the things i've always noticed with him is like i don't think his late game is actually that bad i think in between mid game and late game he struggles um but if he can get to where he needs to be i think he's a solid zerk that can do a lot let's drop getting a little bit of damage done some lost mining time but i'm armani i'm taking that for a medevac and some marines and yeah this drop also is gonna get stopped here in the main base and armani man he doesn't have a lot of fancy air but he is really leveraging these zerglings roaches and ravagers to stop this vietnam is trying to find any hole he can and he actually might be able to get one the six o'clock place is in danger will he try to force it down instead just going for the drones in the pickup here 11 drones now going down it's beyond does take a worker lead you know this is one of the harder things to do as a zerg is to try to put out all these fires uh as the medevacs kind of swoop through and hit all these different locations but he's doing it man especially with the composition that he has yeah it's not it's not the easiest one to deal with medevacs big roach rav oh big drop over here oh this is starting to fall apart a little bit for a minute that's a lot i spoke a second too soon because he was crushing until he wasn't at all now there's 18 drones down that's often the way it goes i mean you're kind of limited in your options right there is armani in terms of how you're dealing with this like with no medalists to kind of come in and finally clean up those medevacs unless you're perfect time and time and time again it just takes one or two things for the dominoes to start falling and you lose maybe 10 20 drones for potentially even a hatchery i mean you're just not competitive anymore and now a hatchery is going to be killed not canceled but killed um and again you know even though the the supplies look very scary as zerg has a lot it's mostly uh ravagers man and roaches and ravagers yeah they cost more supply so it looks like the army's bigger than it is and vienna's going into ghosts which are going to be a fantastic unit i mean yeah the ultimate end game unit in any tvz is the ghost oh yeah dude i mean being able to snipe all these important units like lurkers and zerg is going to come in here for a fight i don't think we've got a shot at what tara has exactly he does have some ghosts some nice pickups here on the vipers right now is actually the others doing a good job of cleaning this up some more snipes coming in from the high ground and now all the roaches and ravagers reinforcing here for armani is vienna's gonna have to vacate this position there are more siege tanks up here to the north will he able to step the tide though is our money has a lot pushing through yeah i mean he's gonna have to trade out quite a bit i see a lot of suvs going down certainly more than were killed in that drop earlier um and look i mean it eventually is bended off here but not at the loss of a an entire position tanks and all sorts of other infantry here i think there's a little window of opportunity right now for uh armani to try to um leverage this position mass up and maybe deliver a win a little bit yeah i think you want to keep the pressure try and take that i think the key units you can you will get all the siege takes through this so that's a really nice pick up there but right now the big story is the ghost count kind of spiraling out of control i mean for a moment there piano is producing almost nothing but ghosts and marines and this ghost count once that energy starts stacking up it'll be really tough for armani to take any fight to the competition everything's just gonna get sniped right it's gonna be brutal now the cc's weren't destroyed they were simply lifted off um it it almost seemed like before uh beyond chased him out like maybe you could have just only made wings and attacked him again possibly but i mean the ghost just shred those links too and but the marines reinforcing i feel like armani just didn't have the production up to really overwhelm there and would have taken a huge force yeah hmm i don't know man that was a great attack there by armani but this composition that gun is building right now it's looking really powerful i don't know exactly what pieces you have to put together as armani be able to stop it i mean maybe you focus a lot more on links as we're seeing from him but i think the melee attack upgrades if i'm not mistaken aren't really great for him right now that might just be plus one plus one melee attack coming in and considering the yeah plus one considering the terran's already on plus three armor these links are not gonna get much if anything done it's gonna be 11 lurkers i mean this is definitely armani's game to lose right now i feel like beyond is in really bad shape you think so i mean this composition like but yeah i mean circus so much of the map right now i mean i don't know in my experience with circuits this big it gets harder um for the terran to ever fully wipe them out especially on these maps where we have like this upper left area and the bottom right area they just keep growing on both sides we'll see if i'm wrong i mean yeah possible i see the point that you're making but i i feel like there is a case we made for beyond if he's able to kind of turtle up until he hits max with all these ghosts but armani's looking to try and stop that out as he's gonna be forced fortifying this position with a lot of lurkers snipes coming in now we'll pick off the ones in the front so many ghosts man [Music] armani gearing up for a run by here on the fourth base only tanks here to defend you will be able to pick some of them off forcing yet another lift yeah i mean again big big win in here yeah uh but he does bleed off quite a bit though i mean this is a pretty big punish for the snipes you are not wrong about that statement yeah it's pretty brutal i mean like there's a case to be made for both players right i mean armani his economy right now is fantastic he's consuming the map his creep spread is just everywhere but beyond seems like he's really tough to break i mean like yeah these lips are being forced but i feel like the game for armani is kind of to maybe whittle away this competition for beyond don't let him hit that critical mass of ghosts siege tanks and marines and try and deny a fifth base coming in through him similar to what we thought estrella should do against armani earlier today if armani can kind of turn it on its head and deny this command center floating over to the uh 12 o'clock position i feel like he's in a good spot but if that planetary gets up it could be really dangerous and actually it's gonna be ling bane the selection here for armani and i i quite like this i mean what does beyond have to deal with such a large group of bailings i mean if those were able to connect with the the ghosts that's just going to be gg right well the tank counts oh this down a couple of arms here too right yeah he's really got that number down by the way the only uh i guess there's a couple of the bases that are armani could take but i'd love to see him just take the top left as well i just started draining these resource nodes i think this is the composition that you want if you're armani i'm loving this this is gonna be so many bailings coming in john will lift off this space at 12 o'clock and we'll see if army and marnie armani can't say his name man all right coming in armani schwarzenegger oh that's so many bailings beyond's gonna have to lift off they're all coming back to the six the 12 o'clock position right here is again the siege tanks and the ghosts are just being retained constantly and i mean i thought that composition there for armani looks so good but there's no creep spread there's no speed he's not able to get on top of these units beyond just lift off yeah i mean this is getting to the point where i think armani's starting to throw here you know what i mean well i mean he's just trying to break this position but how do you break this high count of ghosts with siege tanks in the terran base i mean it's so tough well this is why i think he needs to be more focused on growth than maybe trying to use ninus's or some other form of punishment positionally then attacking into the army that's set up to defend i mean the supplies have swung in the favor of young for the first time pretty much all game and um you know the push keeps coming down uh you know that being said i do think there are so many bases here for armani that it's forgettable if he drops one over here on the center left but taryn is you know starting to really play a pretty nice game of catch-up and honestly uh if he can get a couple more tanks and ghosts out and fill that in with you know whatever else he thinks is the right stuff to fill it in with uh i think he has the opportunity to maybe try to push through and crush dessert i think you're right about that another ling run by coming in trying to pick up more key units two tanks will go down you'll be able to get a third there with a splash i think it got four total before we change that camera shot here that's a nice pick up there for armani he needs to keep whittling away these key units but man beyond like this is so many ghosts right now and is there even is there even a way for a money to kill he doesn't have any detection here man oh my god what am i watching these ghosts are just decimating we don't normally have goats and cokes go swim start everybody we don't really have ghosts win with cloaks that's what they're called when they start to win with ghost cloak the goats man neither of us could speak i don't know potentially the last map of the day but i mean this composition for beyond like this ghost count is so high and i think like maybe if armani had better melee attack upgrades he would have been able to make something work but it just it felt like he just keeps running his head into a wall trying to push into beyond and beyond every single fight like yeah he's lifting his cc's he's losing suvs he's losing some siege tanks but critically at every junction he is retaining his ghost count and now we gotta be up to close to 20 ghosts and well also that the the endgame comp is kind of weird right it's like lingbane hydro [Music] like i think the game plan there was like try to get the bailings to connect with the ghosts and if that happens and you're able to wipe them off you you win the game but he's too good he's just too good at running away yeah there's there's nothing left here for armani i mean like the mineral bank is non-existent he only has gas and ghosts counter pretty much anything that costs gas frankly from wow i mean what a master class in terms of just like hunkering down and building up the ideal composition here is beyond i mean that's some it's kind of crazy turtle terran it's kind of reminiscent of like seeing a player like cody just like build the ultimate death ball of mech but this time it's just ghosts yeah i feel like we never really have an end game quite like this one um and i mean look the upper left has been uh completely demolished i think now we're yeah we see the uh army parading down here to the bottom right uh and gonna try to come in here and wipe out this bottom right quadrant and i think if if that happens i think armani dies and honestly i mean where are the end game units we see in this matchup where are the ultralisks you know where are the brood lords we're the investors they're investors out now but it might be too little too late man actually pulling all of his army back to deal with that drop and that's going to secure beyond this position over here he needs fungals and he needs bailing connections to make this work oh he's just not going to get those connections they just never happened man the investors are here too late beyond uh it was a 2-0 at the start of the evening in sephora at the end beyond clearly the better player in this matchup uh armani is going to go out along with estrella and beyond is moving on to the round of ten and you could feel the energy you could feel how happy he is yeah with a great performance here in group a to start off season three of the gsl 2022 and armani man that's a heartbreaking loss there felt like he was in such good control of the game until he wasn't he just couldn't break beyond he could never destroy the third base he could never destroy the fourth place and he could never stop the death ball of ghosts from reaching critical mass and i mean he tried all these different compositions and just ah that's a painful one man but props to beyond like what a master class is tvz today oh yeah i mean he really delivered and kind of a cool way to end it as well where like it wasn't just you know the one-two punch push it was actually a pretty insane end game very different from the end games we normally see yeah [Music] by winning the final match you're now gonna secure your spot in the round the tent after two seasons how do you feel first of all [Music] and the players say they say that austria is really a i tried really all right let's um armani had the upper hand but with the ghost you're able to secure the victory in the and he was so ahead in production and i thought i was ahead and i thought i couldn't lose that game and you know i kept telling myself that i had the upper hand but you know things were going very strangely in the game you know armani was just rushing in just destroying everything particularly try to stall out the game as much as possible i try to you know stole out the game until 30 minutes and these days i've been practicing the ghosts a lot in terms of late game strategies and i think you know all the practice with the ghost really showed in my performance today you know everybody's saying um you're the ghost king and why did you change your id to ghost kids [Music] it's kind of like an embarrassing history for me there was a guy called king of my team former tv it felt like you were pressuring the opponent in the beginning and then you went for the macro game afterwards and then you know i heard that you practiced a lot so how did you make your tvz in preparation beforehand although he's tier four he looks so strong right now definitely not worthy of the tearful position and a lot of the players actually deemed armani as the last year in my group [Music] [Applause] personally i played with armani a lot in the uh before he definitely has the class he definitely has the skills so that's why i decided to um practice the tvz the most concerning army because they're considering that armani is a fierce in the first game i tried to lure him into the mind game against the mexico in the bush against armani um [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm really happy that i was able to advance today although i didn't practice that much with her let's talk about something else uh last season um you're bogged down in around the 20s and then people are saying that you became the sacrificial person [Music] but i don't think a regretful one to be honest i practiced really hard i tried really hard [Music] was definitely a good experience for my match and we have thanksgiving day coming up i hope you all have a fantastic thanksgiving day thanksgiving day i'm gonna keep practicing and i'm gonna try to make it to a round of 60 seasons once again congratulations on making around 10. thank you thanks andy um well i'll tell you man you can see the practice uh is real it is really impressive beyond looking to be in great shape let's see how far he can go this season to gsl code s yeah a lot of really exciting matches here today estrella put up a great show 2-1 versus hero the reigning gsl champ and then unfortunately a 2-1 loss to armani as well and yeah hiro and beyond gonna emerge from our group victorious into the round of 10. that's right and uh armani and estrella knocked out sadly uh but of course gsl is going to continue on so we hope to see them back uh whether that's a super tournament or next year in season one yeah and this thursday man we got an exciting group rainer look at the it's the lineup of the young bachelors bunny raider dreaming drg it's gonna be a tv z fest man this would be very exciting yeah that should be a pretty dramatic long day man uh and of course you know rainer being here dude i mean this is the thing i've been waiting for since the pandemic has you know toned down here in korea is like you know you get somebody like rainer who is one of the very best in the whole world could he win a gsl we're going to answer that question this season looking forward to it man i mean rainer he's one of the top two foreigners in the world in my opinion absolutely i think it's just a fact to be honest it is thrilling to have him out here and you know bunny dream and drg these are good players but i think they are all killable for rayner oh for sure yeah so um and you know one thing about raynor you know i don't know him that well but he does seem to be pretty comfortable and confident you know i don't think he's gonna be too psyched out by uh being in a gsl so that'll be exciting uh and that is going to be on thursday so join us for that 6 30 pm kst uh and good job today state yeah it was a anytime i was in coffee and my mic was up like this and i'm like i'm overcoming but i still have this cough that just won't go away it's brutal it's brutal man um but uh yeah i thought the cast went well i thought it was fun except uh state is going to be with us for all of the round of 20 so you'll be seeing a lot of the two of us guys that's all the time we have we love you stay safe and we will see you on thursday bye i bye never be gsl season 3. [Music] you
Channel: AfreecaTV eSports
Views: 192,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 아프리카, 아프리카TV, AfreecaTV, μŠ€νƒ€λ¦¬κ·Έ, StarLeague, 아프리카TV μŠ€νƒ€λ¦¬κ·Έ, gsl, sc2, starcraft, star, global, maru, ty, zest, serral, dark, rogue, sos, solar, trap, cure, parting, dream, creator, ragnarok, byun, drg, zoun, trust, special, keen, classic, armani, percival, gumiho, ryung, group a, code s, 2022, ro20, ro.20, aμ‘°, μ‹œμ¦Œ3, s3, season3, herO, Astrea, Armani, ByuN
Id: WE9iUR4lAbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 45sec (13665 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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