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heyo duckies andy lip here back with another video and if you saw my previous one it was about streamer bot okay but there was a huge thing so nate created streamer bot and then he sent me a message he was just like oh by the way i've released the the tts as well i was like whoa damn hold up hold up so i'm about to show you the most advanced tts bar i think i've ever seen and there's that much to go into i'm gonna have to split it across quite a few videos so let's get it installed i'll show you what it's all about you will need to be using for this so make sure you have seen the previous video and install that and we're gonna go all the way through this honestly it's beautiful so many options you're gonna love it okay put your rock up at the stone let's go [Music] so before we just jump into this i do want a special thanks over to lifesaver spent some time with me on discord just going through some of the options on this and i was blown away and i was like whoa bro we need to slow down because i'm gonna have to do this across a few videos and obviously huge thanks to nate for making this in the first place go and check them out down below i'll leave all the links all right so the kenai viewers that watched my previous video will have seen the website and they would have noticed oh download twitch speaker what is this that we say but this is basically the craziest tts bar i have been told that it will be merged in the future into but whilst nate's building it all everything like that is just leaving it separate for now so it will be merged together at some point in the future so we're just gonna download it just press download twitch speaker again you need to make sure you have streamer dot bot downloaded installed connected to twitch all that jazz and set up so see the previous video for that we're going to open up the zip file like we did on streaming bar and you'll have all this stuff in here what i've been doing is just copying all the files there and then creating a new folder uh and i'm just gonna call it twitch speaker twitch uh speak i can't type today speaker magic can never type and i'm just gonna double click in there and then paste all them files just directly in uh so so you can probably see already i i have got streamer bar open and it is connected as you can see everything is online look it's asking to disconnect from twitch no we're just gonna leave that on that's cool i'm gonna open up twitch speaker windows is going to protect your pc because it's cool like that but run anyway it's safe don't worry um and it's going to take a couple of seconds to load up and that's it it's installed i love it when stuff's simple do you know what i mean but simple is definitely not the correct word for this bot because it is insane uh first things first connect to twitch so we're just going to press the connected twitch button like so and it should open you up into a different tab uh that you're open in twitch so if you're not basically logged into twitch you can press the log out there and log in to your twitch account just authorize it and then you'll get a little message in the top left saying you can close this window now crack on back to your previous uh window and we should have this oh we're all connected all that jazz it'll say all the stuff how many subscribers you've got because you're gonna be able to choose who you want who you want to have tts oh my god i'm just choking there um so there's a few buttons at the top here so this is a similar interface to streamer dot but uh first things first we're gonna go to settings so this is where we need to set everything up and there's so much customization that you can put into here so i'm only going to go through a few of the steps please if you want to know more about this bot then get subscribed because there's going to be loads of stuff that i'm going to be covering on it and releasing plenty of stream up products as well so we're going to press enable so this enables the uh the the twitch speaker uh text-to-speech and we can do whisper commands so basically if a moderator whispers you uh they can actually trigger text-to-speech commands whether or not it be add people to use uh text-to-speech or change their nickname in the text-to-speech bar basically and set up unique names for everybody so we can turn that on if we want to i'll be doing that again in a separate video we can choose the output device so where we want the text of speech to go to which i think is pretty powerful stuff like being able to do that so i can just leave it on default or i can choose absolutely anything here there's a lot of a lot of inputs that i've got so we can actually send it through to anything so i could do system sounds if i want to or or it's completely up to you how you want to do that um the default voice is the standard voice that's going to be used so we can select a voice just there but we need to set some voices up first otherwise it's not going to let us do that so let's start setting some voices up so on the right here you'll see voice alias these are your voices that you're going to create so we're going to create a voice by typing in a name just here so i'm going to call this default voice like so and we can choose different outputs for every voice that we do as well which is really nice so for instance if you want a certain bot to just whisper to you that somebody's arrived into your chat and be like oh andy lippy's just arrived and nobody else will hear that only you because you can send it out to just your headphones which is super powerful especially if you're a vr streamer obviously this is where a lot of these um bots were created for uh because uh nay lifesaver they're all into vr and everything like that so there are a lot of use cases for that which i'm probably going to do a video uh with lifesaver on talking about a great setup for vr streamers so if you are a vr streamer then get subscribed for that so i'm just going to leave it on application default for now that is perfectly fine we could choose a random voice and everything like that but you can see there's no voices popping up from this drop down so there's one more thing that we need to connect before we start adding the voice and that is the speech engines so it can support so many different speech engines like you got azure watson google amazon poly and the sap 5 so that's basically the windows one so we can actually just press that and it will add it automatically i will probably do more videos on amazon poly google watson and azure because you can actually set them up for pretty much free okay so if you guys want that let me know in the comments below and i'll go through all that as well um and you can connect it just here but for this example you're just going to leave it as that jump back to voice aliases and we've got the default voice it's remembered what we put in there and now we've got a drop down of two different voices we've got hazel and we've got zera so i'm just gonna select hazel and i can press test speak this is a test message so hopefully you hit that in the video this is a test message we can put whatever we want in there if we so we know that it's basically working which is pretty cool so now if we press add we've added the default voice just here we can select what voice we want to add to the default voice so select default voice and we're just going to use hazel for now and press add and that's going to add that voice to the default voice so now if we go back to general and we want to select the default voice alias we can see we've got the default voice that we created there now we've got a highlight voice so somebody does a highlight message or something like that that you can have a voice directly for that as well so i'm going to go back to voice aliases i'm going to add in a new one so we're going to highlight this section here and i'm going to put in highlight voice like so and press add we need to add now a another uh voice so i'm going to just choose zero as the separate one we can test it again this is a test message so we've got two different voices there you can change the pitch and the speed and everything like that so i'm just going to press add and add that in go back to general and we're going to select highlight voice as highlight voice change all the volumes as well everything like that a really handy thing to make sure you do is have auto connect and auto reconnect that just means that when this bot is on or it disconnects or anything like that it will constantly try and reconnect back to twitch so it never disconnects or anything like that you can also link your stream labs and stream elements in there as well and have them on auto connect and reconnect as well there are a lot of other different tabs in here as you can see like ignored voices so if you set up a ton of different voices and there's certain ones that you don't want you can ignore them you've got different speaking options so this is pretty powerful so we can do say everything so everything that goes through your chat this bot will repeat you can have say username so if you want their username to be said in it you can do random voice allow forced uh you've also got replace name with nickname if available so that is where i was saying that you can set up nicknames for everybody so say if i'm andy lippy and i want people to call me lippy uh we can basically replace their username with just lippy or something like that which again i'll go through that in a different different kind of tutorial so just play around with these settings to find what's right for you this one's quite handy as well that only say username if previous was different so say if somebody's done text-to-speech more than once in a row and it goes andy lippy said how are you doing today and then i did a second one as well rather than saying andy lippy said i'm really good thank you it'll just say i'm really good thank you because it'll just carry on because i was the last person to speak really cool um there's we can basically do like ban text from being said as well which i'll get into in just a second we can give permissions so not everybody can use it we can set up regular users that basically are a group of people that can use text-to-speech and they can do commands so if they do exclamation marks say followed by something it'll run through twitch speaker and then be done as tts you can set it up as like channel points it's up to you how you want to use the events which we'll get into just now we can ignore emotes as well so we can ignore all them so it doesn't read all the emotes out uh in fact i'll leave cheer modes on and if you do uh allow first emo if somebody spams emotes it'll just say which emote is the first one there which is really handy stops it from being like just overpowered you know what i mean uh so as you can see there's loads of things we can set up channel point rewards we've got custom commands that we can use as well and we've got all the different events so for you guys out there that like to do text-to-speech for if somebody does bits or something like that we can actually set something up just for that so if we go cheer you can see just here we've got basically three different messages as standard so thanks for the bits um thanks for the amount of bits uh and the person's name because these are the variables they're in percent signs um and everything like that so we can enable them we can disable we can delete them depending on what we want we can add our own message if we want to as well which is really nice and you'll see this weight section just here basically all these messages just here when we get a chair now is going to be randomized but if we add a weight to them it's more likely that one of those will be picked so it's not fully random if that makes sense um so you can completely do that you can turn off different events so if you only wanted it to work for cheers for instance we can turn absolutely everything off just here like that and it will only work for cheers now so now your texture speech will only work for cheers so another thing that we can do to test if the voices are working and everything like that if we go to custom commands we can actually set up like a command so if i type in here just test so if i do a summation mode test followed by something it's going to do a test command we can set that to a specific voice so i'll do it on my default voice we can choose the permissions we want so this is a specific kind of um command so we've got exclamation mark test now so if i open up my obs and open my twitch chat and if i type in exclamation mark test this is a test for youtube and press enter this is a test for youtube it is it is a test for youtube as you can see that is working directly through here so we know it's going to work for when we've got our events set up so if we get a chair again you can change the minimum settings everything like that as well we can also see the history of what's been said as well and also if there's anything in the queue of things that need to say we can see there and we've also got the event log which has kind of got everything that's happening just there so that is basically how to get the ins and outs set up of this bot like i say there's a ton of different things so we didn't even talk about the users tab we can set up certain voices for people if we want to so if you're connecting like azure and everything like that and watson you can have a ton of different voices and set individual voices up for different people give them nicknames as well so uh excel joe for instance i can give him a nickname of excel donator or something like that if i really wanted to i don't know if he's into that but whatever and we can actually set them up into different groups as well so there is another thing that i want to go into in another video because i'm getting pretty sure this is going to be a long video and we kind of don't want that i want to keep it simple and let you guys start discovering different things that this bot can do so there's something cool that lifesaver showed me and you can actually set up a channel point reward so you can allow people to start using text to speech so they've got to earn a certain amount of points so we'll say 10 000 channel points they then can use text-to-speech forever or something like that you can actually set up different groups of people again putting them on different um voices so you can actually give everybody in your stream a voice there's so many cool things to do with this as you probably saw in my previous video on streamer.bob when it first started i showed you vr flad's little bbc news type thing where he was using voiceover and it looks awesome again if you've not seen that jump back and have a little watch that's one of the examples that you can do with this this is so so powerful let me know what you guys kind of come up with i know that this has been a basic overview just to get you started so if you want to go more advanced just just stay subscribed it's going to happen all right we'll go into loads of different things okay so if you want to support me then consider joining patreon and youtube membership whatever it all helps me make this content full time for you guys and that's pretty much it put your over the stone and i'll see in the next one much love i just want to say a huge thanks to all my patrons that help make this content full-time make it free for you guys and also a huge thanks to all my youtube members you you guys are legends thank you so much for everything that you do for me and the community keep it up guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Andilippi
Views: 39,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andilippi, Andi Stone, stream aid, stream doctor, channel points twitch ideas, tts donations, text to speech, text to voice, twitch tts, text to speech twitch, twitch channel point rewards, tts software, text to speech software, twitch tts voices, twitch tts setup, twitch tts channel points, twitch text to speech, twitch text to speech donations, twitch text to speech setup, twitch text to speech channel points, streamerbot,, streamer bot, twitchspeaker
Id: Qrz_gEszq5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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