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you might have noticed in the past month I've been doing a lot of tutorials on a bunch of different programs that seemingly do the exact same thing there are so many tools out there for automating OBS and creating Channel Point rewards and so a lot of you have been asking me what the is the difference streamer bot Sammy ate him they all let you control OBS with Channel points they all act as a sort of chatbot replacement for something like nightbot they all let you make these huge multi-actions kind of like a stream deck and they even all have their own stream deck plug-in so you can get more functionality out of your stream deck so why would you choose one over the other what are the differences and which one should you be adding to your setup whichever one you want that's that's the tldr of this video so like if you're interested then have fun for the next 20 minutes sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for all sorts of skills from programming to literally cooking most of you probably know skillshare for their classes on video editing and content creation but they actually have way more than that one of my goals this year is to learn web development so I can make some widgets both for my own stream and to give to you guys actually a couple of nights ago I had like this huge panic attack in my stream because I was trying to do CSS animations and I like literally have no idea what I'm doing guys I'm sorry I'm Legit having a panic attack I just have to leave I think I'm done I well I found a class on CSS animation Fundamentals by David Seeley and I know it's not much but using that class I was able to make a really simple countdown animation all within CSS which is amazing because seriously go back and watch my stream it was a complete disaster if you want to try out skillshare you can use the link Down Below in the first 1000 of you will get a free one month trial of their premium membership okay so today we're going to be comparing streamerbot Sami and atem these are three different tools that you can use to supercharge OBS and if after watching this video you're interested in setting any of these tools up I've done a beginner style tutorial of every single one of them so you can check him out over here but today I'm just going to be comparing each of their features what I think about their UI and which is the most easy to use and just what I think about each tool overall so let's start with functionality which of these tools is the most feature Rich and that without a doubt goes to streamer bot because on top of all the basic stuff that every single one of these tools can do like changing scenes in OBS and toggling sources on and off it has things like voice controls so you can control OBS using just your voice switch to gaming switch to webcam and it's not just OBS you can control even your lighting using Jersey or voice turn off lights turn on lights and if you want to be crazy you can even combine different effects like this meltdown on top of the basic Integrations that you would expect like twitch and YouTube it supports way more platforms things like donor drive for Charities pulse sword for heart rate monitors Lumia stream for your lighting voice mod for voice effects and yes even patreon did you guys know I have patreon foreign and while each of these tools supports twitch streamerbot's integration with twitch is very robust because it doesn't just support Channel points bits and Subs that you'd normally expect it even supports things like pulls so you can set up a command so that every time you create a poll on Twitch it automatically posts that question to Twitch chat so everybody knows what the question is or if you're really fancy you can even program a widget so that when you create the poll it shows an animated overlay on your stream with live results as people are voting in the poll does this sound familiar because that's a widget that I set up on patreon did I tell you guys that I have that and as twitch adds new features like the most recent Shield mode streamerbot seems very responsive to adding those features into the program so for example I've set up my streamer bot so that whenever I enable Shield mode it automatically triggers the lights behind me to turn white and also shows some text on screen so that way my viewers don't get confused as to why the stream is in sub only mode and nobody can talk anymore but the best feature of streamerbot and this is what I believe to be the ace upon sleeve is the ability to write your own c-sharp code directly within the program so if there's a particular feature that streamerbot doesn't have a programmer can just come along and just literally program that within streamer bot and even if you've never touched code in your entire life it still benefits you because streamerbot has the ability to export and easily share your code with other people Sammy is not that far behind streamerbot in terms of functionality they're both very feature Rich yet you're not going to get things like voice control and patreon support built right in but the Sami Community is very active and they've even written their own extension that if you want to have voice controls inside Sammy you can just add that in later and yeah it doesn't have nearly as many Integrations as streamerbot but the Integrations that Sami does have even go a little bit deeper than streamerbot for example both Sami and streamer what can control OBS obviously that's why you'd be using one of these programs but in Sami not only can you toggle a filter on and off you can set up a command to literally change the settings within a filter and instead of simply just changing scenes in OBS how about creating a brand new scene from scratch using a simple command the twitch integration is even a little bit deeper like you want to trigger a command using Channel Point rewards how about creating a brand new channel Point reward from a command these are features that you technically can do in streamerbot but then you have to delve into the world of writing custom code and most of you guys probably don't know how to write code one of the features I really love about Sami is inside of your big multi-action you can add a command that will allow you to type into a box and then when you press enter you can use the text that you typed in to do something else within the multi-action for example you can set up a button on your stream deck that will change the title of your Twitch stream but rather other than just changing the title of your Twitch stream to a predetermined title it will pull up a text box that you can just type into and then when you press enter whatever you typed in will be the new title of your stream this is a really useful feature for creating twitch polls in the fly or Channel Point predictions or even changing a text label within OBS and just like streamerbot Sami also gives you the ability to export commands that you've made and then share that with other people but it's even a little bit better than streamerbot because not only can you export the multi-action command itself you can even export the triggers that go along with it one of the things that really bothers me about streamerbot is if I have a multi-action command that I intend to be triggered by a sub alert and I export that and give that to a friend when they import that command they only have the multi-action command and then they would have to manually go in themselves and connect to that command to this sub alert action and that's really annoying with Sammy if I did the same thing and exported my command and gave that to a friend they don't have to set up anything else that command will be triggered every time they get a sub on their stream now atom on the other hand has by far the least features which is kind of disappointing because out of all the programs in this list atem is the only one that charges a five dollar fee every month there's no YouTube support yet so there's no voice controls even basic features like hotkey support are still coming but the biggest missing feature is a basic queuing system so if you have a bunch of Channel Point rewards like sound effects setup and you don't want the sound effects to overlap each other it doesn't have that QA system in place to prevent that from happening foreign system is on their roadmap so it is coming but for right now I can only judge it based on what it can do now and it just doesn't have that however it does have native Elgato key light support so if you have key lights you can control them within ATM and you don't even have to set anything up they just appear in the program it's also the only option on this list that supports both Mac and the Linux so if you're on a Mac then I guess this is your only option and it's the only option in this list that natively supports Amazon's text-to-speech within the program itself and it actually works really fast and is super simple to set up Mommy stop Mommy stop Mommy stop me stormy but yes so it's looking really bad for ATM I just spent a long time talking about all the huge list of features for streamerbot and Sami but when it comes to the UI atem is by far the cleanest most modern and easy to use UI out of all these three and it's not even close the UI for atem while it isn't perfect I do have some complaints it is the closest to getting it right that you're ever gonna get on any of these stream automation tools and that might be because it doesn't have a lot of features and that's why the UI is so simple and easy to use but the rules tab where you set up all your different multi-actions is by far the best user experience that you're gonna get I love these buttons up here that allow you to switch between a standard multi-action to a toggle switch or a sequence so you can cycle between a sequence of different actions I love that it has an actual test button so that when you're creating a multi-action event you can just click a button to test to see what your action does it's got a dedicated tab just for Global variables so if you've set up something like a death counter within item you can see the actual value of that death counter and change the value within that tab they also just introduced a simple UI mode which strips away all of the more advanced features and shows you just the necessary things that the vast majority of people would use I do think the UI uses way too many collapsible menus I really wish that they just started using more floating windows kind of like every single operating system for the past 30 years but the way that they've presented their multi-actions and their triggers and bundled them together into a simple thing that they call a rule is very intuitive easy to use and I think is the way that a UI should be designed Sammy has a pretty decent UI as well but the whole program is designed using the game maker engine and so everything kind of looks like like an old school jrpg so if you don't like that style I guess it's not going to be for you the commands window is pretty easy to use it's a little bit cluttered but it's the only option that allows you to multi-select your actions and then do drag and drop to reorder them but it still has that this was designed by a programmer type of user experience there's a lot of issues with like text scaling and a lot of Windows where it thinks I was double clicking when I wasn't which is annoying there you go I really wish it would stop double clicking in this speaking of designed by programmers streamer bot straight up looked like a Windows 95 program it's very intimidating for new users it's plain there's no dark mode and it kind of gives off this vibe that you need to know programming to use it even though you don't and so a lot of people don't even want to give it a shot because of that but who cares it's all about functionality right who cares if it doesn't have a modern looking UI I'm the biggest streamer bot Fanboy that you'll ever find but it's not just that the UI is ugly to look at it's so cluttered that it straight up hinders its functionality like if you've been watching this video and you've said to yourself at least one time but streamerbot can do this but streamerbot can do that that thing that you said streamerbot can't do it can do that sure streamerbot can do everything but the fundamental structure of the whole UI is just it needs to be done from the ground up that's how bad I think it is check it out compared to atem this is atem's rules page this is where you set up all all your different multi-actions in atem they call them rules but essentially a rule is just a thing that you can do and then separate to the things that you can do are the triggers and the trigger is just a way that you can trigger that thing that you can do and so naturally you'd think those two things should be bundled together but that's not how streamerbot Works see in streamerbot you have your actions tab and your actions tab would be the equivalent of the rules section in atem where it lists all the different things that you can do but the triggers the triggers are spread out all all the way throughout the program everywhere it says you gotta go hunting for it like you would think that if I create an action to change scenes and I want to add a trigger to trigger that with a channel Point reward I should just be able to right click that action and then add the trigger there right nope you gotta navigate away from that actions tab into the platforms tab into the twitch tab into the channel points tab add your channel point there and then link the action to that channel point but it gets worse because let's just say you have two actions that you want to be triggered by the same channel Point reward you can't do that because the channel Point reward you can only select one action and this is where the technically you can do what comes in because technically you can create a separate action and then put a nested action in there and run that nested action by your channel Point reward but why should you have to do that and while we're on this twitch tab look how many options there are here all of these options are different triggers for channel Point rewards and they're all presented to you whether you're going to use them or not and that's what makes streamerbot very scary to look at another example of this is the way that streamerbot handles if else statements so and if else statement is kind of like if x thing is true run this action if Y is true run this action and with both Sami and atem you can accomplish all of that within one multi-action but with streamerbot if you want to do one if else statement you need a minimum of 3 three actions to accomplish that and that is just wild to me that that is the way that they've set the UI out so in terms of functionality I would rank it as streamer bot at the top Sammy a little bit below that and then ate them way down the bottom but in terms of UI it's like the exact opposite so atom is way at the top sami's a little bit below that and then streamer bot just fundamentally needs to be redone from the ground up the last thing I'll touch on are the stream deck plugins now all of these tools have their own stream deck plug-in so if you make a really complicated multi-action you can just trigger that from your stream deck I'm not gonna go too in depth with this but streamerbot and atem both work almost exactly the same it just lists all your different multi-actions and then you select the multi-action that you want to run I'm gonna give the nods to atem here because atem makes it really easy to make a toggle switch so if you want to have one button on your stream deck that turns on and often effect then it's way easier to do inside of atom sami's stream deck plug-in is the most Half Baked because number one it's still called the liorn board 2 plug-in for stream deck and then also there's no cool drop down box where you select the command that you want to run you have to go hunting inside of the program find your button ID and then type that ID into the plugin but if you don't have a stream deck it's a streamer bot and Sami both have their own alternate solutions that work kind of like a stream deck Sammy's one is an Android app that turns your phone into sort of like a stream deck whereas streamerbot stream deck pages are all web-based so you can set up a URL that contains your stream deck and then share that with your mods so your mods can remote control your stream halfway across the planet but guys I'm gonna wrap it up there this has been in a super long video never ever make me do that ever again in summary this is what I'd recommend if you're a new streamer and you just want something that's easy to use and you just want to set up some basic OBS multi-actions go with atem now atem does cost five dollars a month but if you use the code nutty you can get 20 off it's not an affiliate link it literally is just there to save you money but if you want more advanced features and you want to do crazy things with your stream you're already using streamer bot and you just watch this video to validate your own feelings and opinions about it okay you didn't learn anything new from this video but for most people that are just looking for a great all-rounder with a decent UI a pretty robust set of features and is totally free I think you have to go with Sammy which is pretty surprising coming from me because I've been pushing streamer mod for like the longest time but Sami is a really good option but guys let me know in the comments down below which of these stream automation tools you use for your stream did I convince you to use a different tool and before anyone asks yes I'm aware of firebot mix it up touch portal beekubot cruise control did I leave anyone out I'm not gonna do a video every time one of these automation tools comes out because let's be real they all do the same just pick whatever one works best for you hey before you guys go I am on patreon now and I've been releasing my own custom made widgets there so if you've been watching my twitch stream which I'm on Twitch too you can follow me there as well and there's a particular widget that you like check out the patreon it might be released there all the proceeds will be going towards my bank account I'll see you guys next week
Channel: nutty
Views: 18,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamer bot, streamer bot channel points, streamer bot tutorial, streamer bot setup, streamer bot text to speech, streamer bot voice commands, lioranboard, lioranboard 2, lioranboard 2 setup, lioranboard 2 channel points, lioranboard tutorial, sammi, sammi tutorial, sammi obs, aitum, aitum install, aitum setup, aitum obs, obs studio tutorial, obs studio screen recording, obs studio live stream youtube, obs studio download, obs studio setup, obs studio settings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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