Beginners Guide: Adding a Chat Counter with streamer bot Tutorial #streamerbot #streamerdotbot #obs

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Are you looking for An easy way to increase chat engagement during your live streams? Well Why not add a chat activate counter to them During this tutorial I'll show you how I made this simple cookie counter to keep my viewers engaged. I mean.. Who doesn't like cookies? Right? To begin you want to create a blank text document for this example I called mine cookie numbers. You can have a look and see it is completely blank inside. Next, What we're gonna do is, we're going to go into streambot. And we're going to create a new action. So if we go down, And we right click, Add And we're going to call this one, Cookie... Counter... And you can add it to a group, for this tutorial I'm going to add it to the "how to guides". You want to make sure that always run is ticked. And concurrent is also ticked. Then go down and press OK. You can see the cookie counter one we just made there. Go over to the sub actions you want to, right click Go to CORE.... Then File IO.... Write to File. We're going to write to that file that we just created the cookie one So if you click on the three dots And we're going to find the location of the cookie file. There we go if we just click on that. And, SAVE.. It's going to pop up and say, Do you want to replace it? Just click yes. We're then going to type in Percentage sign We're going to type in counter And the Percentage sign again, and you'll see there it is the Global Usage Counter For Rewards click OK. So now we're going to create the command that the chat would use to activate that action. So you can see I've already created one here called Cookie. So if you click on it, we go into the edit command section Now you can call this whatever you want for the command for them to type in chat. I've used exclamation cookie for mine. All we need to then do is make sure that we go up to enabled, Make sure that's ticked. You'll then look at the location of where that, command would be in their messages. At the start, an exact point or anywhere within the message I'm going to choose anywhere. You then choose the action that, that command will trigger. So we're gonna choose the cookie counter that we selected earlier select.. and then we are going to make sure its ignoring the bot accounts, and we're also going to choose which messages it wants to read. So it's gonna be my YouTube messages. We then set who we want to be able to use it, so i've got it set for everybody. and then we don't want a global cool down because we want them to be able to spam it in the chat and then just press OK. Right, So what we're going to do now is we're going to go over to OBS and we're going to connect what we've just done in streamer bot To OBS so they both work together So first, what you want to do is go down to add source and you're going to select, text... We're then gonna name this something that's relevant. So I'm going to call mine cookie counter Press OK. It's then going to bring this text box up so you can now design your text. So If you click here, you can choose the font you like. I'm going to choose... this one because that's the one I use. I'm going to scroll down and use 72 size because that seems to work quite well with it. Press OK. What were they going to do is put something in this text box so that we can see what it looks like. So if you then scroll down a bit, you can see the select colour. I'm going to leave mine white because I like it white, but I'm going to add an outline to it.. So If you just click on the outline box, scroll back down. I'm going to select black as my colour. And then I'm going to increase the thickness of the outline till I get it to how I like it. That's the way it, that's fine. Press OK. Right, You'll see it's in the top left hand corner. So we need to drag it down to where we want it. If we click off of it that looks good to me, that's the way I like it. So we're then gonna click back on the document again. We're then going to delete the zero from it because we wanted to read from a file. So if you click on read from file, we're then going to go across and we're going to select that cookie file that we made earlier on there it is there and you'll see when we click OK. that it's now blank because there's nothing in that document yet because we haven't used the chat code yet. Now we need to test it to make sure the command works in chat. So if we head over to live chat and put in exclamation cookie, It should go upto Number one Right if we try it again, exclamation cookie, that should change to two And we'll try it for the third time for good luck, Exclamation cookie... three, there we go, works absolutely perfectly, spot on. Now, if you wanted to you could add an extra layer of complexity to this action. So if we go upto actions, Go over to Sub-Actions and right click We're going to add a YouTube message So send message to channel So if we click on that We're going to put Percentage sign username Percentage sign Just... ate... a cookie and a little cookie Emoji there. so if we click on OK. What that's now going to do is everytime someone types in the cookie command in Presses Enter, it'll now say, username, so the users name has just ate a cookie There you have it folks. A nice and easy way of adding a counter to your stream Now think outside the box and get creative it doesn't have to be a cookie counter! it could be a... Death Counter it could be a Goal Counter Or it could even be a Fall Counter Depending on what kind of game you're playing No if this videos been of any use to you what so ever Please do hit that like button and consider subscribing so you don't miss any future How To content and until next time I've been Terrible Gamer... and this is...
Channel: Terrible Gaming With Terrible Gamer
Views: 961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: streamer bot, streamer bot tutorial, obs studio tutorial, streamer bot setup, streamer bot alerts,, tutorial, setup, ideas, streamerbot tutorial, streamerbot setup, streamerbot ideas, streamer bot follow alert, streamer bot obs, streamer bot ideas, how to set up, streamer bot commands, alerts, streamer bot channel points, streamerbot, stream bot, chat bot, chatbot, streamer, streaming, obs setup guide
Id: fpMIQ9sjIVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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