How to add Text to Speech (TTS) to your YouTube Live Streams 🎙️ Speaker.Bot Tutorial

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hello I'm Haunter and lately I've been getting a lot of questions on how I am able to use text to speech on my YouTube live streams Texas speech is pretty prevalent on Twitch and a lot of people think that you can only use it on Twitch and not on YouTube I'm here to set the record straight you can use Text-to-Speech on YouTube live streams and it's through a program called speakerbot speakerbot was created by the same developer who made streamerbot and the two programs work very well together the first thing you'll want to do is make sure that you have both streamer bot and speaker bot downloaded and installed you will also want to make sure in platforms YouTube and account that your YouTube account is connected to streamerbot now we'll set up speakerbot before we go any further I'd like to say that nutty recently did a really great video on speakerbot and he went into detail on a lot of things I'm going to keep it really simple in this video but if you want to watch a video to dive deeper into it then I highly recommend nutty's video or you can always Join one of my streams and ask questions or ask me on Discord okay so the first thing we're going to do is head over to this tab right here called Speech engines and you're going to click this sapi 5 which adds the basic engine that Windows has you can also set up a lot of these other engines in speakerbot but to keep it simple we're going to let you reference nutty's document or the streamer bot documents so then you go into voice aliases and we're going to add a name here in this field we're just going to call it default for now we're going to click add now you should see it over here on the left hand side and what you can do is choose a voice from the lower section here I'm going to choose Microsoft David desktop and when we hit test speak we should be able to hear the voice this is a test message there we go so I'm going to add David to the voices under default and we're good to go there now I will say there are a lot of voices in speaker bot a lot of voices you can get those by following the instructions in the documents to add those speech engines next what we want to do is go into streamer bot and go into our actions I'm going to create an action I'm just going to call it TTS then we go to our sub actions we right click we go down to speaker bot and speak now remember the voice a list we just created called default we're going to put that in here default and we're going to type a message in here this is a test hello this is a test hello so you can create commands or actions whatever you want to do based on events that says whatever you want in that message what we're going to do is create a message from a command that a viewer types in to do that we type in percentage raw input with a capital i and then click ok the next thing we want to do is go to our commands we're going to add a command and you can have it say TTS or exclamation mark say or whatever command you want in there it doesn't matter make sure the location is start for the action we're going to select our TTS action that we just created and then make sure that YouTube message is the source selected down here and then click ok ok so now if we take our YouTube live chat here and we type our Command exclamation mark TTS testing on the live stream and I hit the send button testing on the live stream speakerbot will take that raw input of testing on the live stream and speak it something else you can do is add a variable to streamer Bots action so that you can tell who says the message what you need to do in order to do that is go to your action go into the sub action of the speaker bot speak and in front of raw input you type percentage user percentage space said and then a space click OK when we type in our Command TTS below this is Hunter and we hit enter Haunter said hello this is Hunter it will speak the person's username so that you know who said it this is pretty useful if you want to do something like in VR or somewhere where you're not going to be seeing the chat all the time now let's say that you are in VR or somewhere where you're not seeing the chat and you want to hear every single message that comes through you can do that by going to platforms YouTube events chat message select TTS your that action we made then go back into the action and in the speaker bot sub action double-click and instead of raw input we're going to have percentage message percentage and click OK we go back to the chat we're going to say hello I'm here from your YouTube video Hunter said hello I'm here from your YouTube video and then anything that comes to the chat will come through the speaker bot program and it will have their username so you know who said it and what they said hey this is my second message Hunter said hey this is my second message there you go now you should be all set up the last thing I want to do is cover the new version of streamerbot that is coming out because it will look a little different in case that gets asked and people look at this video in the future in the new version of streamerbot our actions now have triggers here so instead of using the command and having it trigger that way we would create the action add text to speech to our sub-action would still be speaker bot speak voice Alias is going to be default message let's just put percentage raw input with a capital I percentage okay and then we're going to create our Command add exclamation mark TTS make sure start we can call this TTS here and make sure YouTube message is checked and here there's not going to be a space to select your action anymore instead you go to your action here and add a trigger this is going to be in core commands command triggered and then you select your command that you just created the TTS command click OK when we go in here this is a message from the new version just don't forget to put the command in front of the message or it might not work here we go this is a message from the new version there we go honestly there are so many possibilities with what you can do and so many voices that your viewers are going to have a blast hey everyone it's time to party let's go never be the best there ever was it's so incredibly stupid that you wouldn't believe it now everyone go subscribe and watch more videos alright I hope that tutorial was helpful if you have any other questions feel free to join our Discord ghost gang and ask me questions or you can reach out through the comments on the video you can also Join one of the live streams feel free to subscribe and you could be notified of when we go live it's usually late on Fridays and Saturdays thanks for watching and have a wonderful day peace
Channel: Haunter
Views: 6,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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