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the world of one piece is on the verge of Oblivion VAP Punk just dropped a massive bombshell with just the opening lines of his message so we find out that very soon the world will sink into the depths of the ocean from Paradise all the way to the new world everything will become all blue not like the all blue that Sanji wants but like ocean blue because that's all that'll be left of the world uh well then again maybe this would be good for Sanji since all the waters would get intermingled but that's topic for a different day so we don't exactly know why the world will sink but if I had to take a guess I'd say that it might have something to do with the giant weapon that the world government just recently used it not only obliterated you know what but it also caused massive earthquakes around the world and raised water levels globally by an entire meter despite these consequences it doesn't seem like the world government is going to stop using this weapon anytime soon the whole reason why they eliminated the kingdom which shall not be named is because they were rebelling against the world government and that kingdom was just one out of eight Nations that means that at the bare minimum they will be using this weapon seven more times I'm not a marine geologist but I'm going to take a guess and say that an 8 meter rise around the world isn't a good thing I know some people think that the reason why they destroy the kingdom that housed the ski family is because Sabo was there but based on the gor's dialogue it seems like he was simply a side objective that was at the right place at the right time for them another plot point that eludes to the world government wanting to use this weapon more is the fact that they want to Ally with York so that she can produce more of the mother flame even in this chapter they talk about not wanting to destroy egot Island because they want the mother flame and based off what we know of so far the mother flame is only really good at destroying Islands so if that happens and if these water levels keep going up we're going to need to do something to survive which now brings us to the topic of today's video if the world sinks how will we float or live I think this is a really fun idea to play with simply because Oda has been prepping a lot of options of survival throughout the series like a few key ones would be icebergs plan to make water 7 a floating city Iceberg isn't some omnipotent character that foresaw the great flet coming no no no he really just wanted water 7 to stop losing ground to Aqua lagona so icebergs plan of turning water 7 into a giant ship would not only save the from Aqua lagona but even from the world government's weapon and the rising water problem with this though is that it is somewhat Limited in size and wouldn't be able to fit the entire world's population on it unless Iceberg expands it outwards needless to say but I bet after this chapter Iceberg and the boys will be working at like 10 times speed since they are now carrying the lives of their entire city on their backs at first they could just take their time since Aqua lagona only comes once a year but now they have a bigger problem at their doorstep funny enough well before Iceberg even thought about a floating island uh geekam Moria was all about that life so Thriller bark yeah now that is a Titan uh I don't have a size comparison but I think Thriller bark is honestly around the same size as many islands we visited in the past so it would be a fantastic place to live at and not to mention there's legit no one living there since Blackbeard locked up Moria at haosu oddly enough though we actually don't know where Thriller Burk is right now uh when Moria showed up to fight Blackbeard 200 chapters ago he came with Thriller bark but after that fight went down it kind of just disappeared like even if you scan through all the chapters where GARP fights the black be pirates in current day you actually can't find it anywhere off the coast of the island so it does make me wonder what happened to it did Moria steal back his ship after his jailbreak or is that ship now under Blackbeard's control I do think the Blackbeard route would be awesome though uh he'd instantly achieve an even higher tier power since he'd be one of the only safe havens from the great flood like imagine Blackbeard forcing people to bend the knee just to survive through the flood with him on thurler bark another Giant floating thing we could hop on would be Noah's Ark I feel like I don't need to explain the biblical reference that is the Noah's Arc but it's a ship that supposedly saved Mankind and all non- Wicked breathing creatures from the great flood in the Bible this is the most viable route in my opinion since the sea Kings could easily take the ship around the the world and pick up everyone at each and every island and the best part is is that the Noah's Arc can even move underwater as long as it's encased in a bubble which we saw was actually possible since that's exactly what Luffy did on Fishman Island and even bouncing off that idea really any island or ship could survive through the great flood as long as they have a durable bubble coating I mean that's how fishmen Island survived underwater for all this time speaking of boats though uh we don't even need a giant boat really in any pirate ship would be a viable option when it comes to surviving uh so I guess the ship economy will go through a boom after this chapter so next up on the safe list would be Sky Islands so this one's a bit tougher since getting to a sky island is a bit of a hassle but once you make it up there you'd pretty much be safe from anything water related yeah sky islands are rare but we could always artificially make some if need be a great example of this would be with area since that is an artificial Sky Island that legit just floats on a giant bubble uh we're not exactly too sure how it works but I promise you that Nami or maybe even the coatman of Fishman Island could cook up something bubble related also I just want to throw this out there but I do think Shiki even though he isn't exactly Canon would be another great character to come into play in this final Saga because he has the ability to make everything he touches float like come on man in Strong World Shiki literally had multiple floating islands the size of countries just chilling in the sky yeah if there was a time for Shiki to come back in and be relevant it would be here so alongside sky islands on the safe list would be Sky ships uh we only have two examples of this one of them being big news Morgan ship and the other being ael's Ark Maxim which could theoretically even take all of humanity to the moon since we saw that is indeed possible in his cover story I don't think we'd actually do this though since the Moon is a Barren Wasteland but hey if push comes to shove it's always an option and real quick but just to prove that the moon isn't super viable I like to defer to the birkens uh they originally existed on the moon but they left the moon and went to Earth because they just couldn't survive on that giant space Rock there was no food there were no plants there was no water it's just not feasible living on the moon really another flying ship that we know of that could be viable would be Uranus uh we don't really know too much about Uranus so it's hard to actually talk about it but hey if there was a time for Urus to come into play it would be now and now it's time to bring up another big mystery and that is tequila wolf uh we actually don't know why the world government wanted to build this bridge in the first place it's not even finished after 700 years but hey it exists it's tall it could definitely withstand the rising Waters in my opinion uh but it is a Celestial Dragon Bridge so I'm not too sure they would let just anyone on it uh last few ones I want to Breeze by would be islands that have natural defenses or giant wall walls that could block out the rising water so while VAP Punk didn't go into detail about the great flood yet I do think that this definitely took place in the past and these islands that we're going to bring up are great examples of places that not only are places we could defer to but also places that probably survived through the void Century flood thanks to their borders the most obvious ones would be wano with their ridiculously tall walls the border wall is so effective at keeping water from passing through it that ancient wano just got buried in fresh water instead thankfully though they had the mountains that they could build new wano on so they did make it out of that situation and hey I do think Cur and de wano would be a safe location given how high up it is right now all right so second up would be dress Rosa dress Rosa's tall rocks almost seemed like there were place there to protect the inner city from rising water or an outside threat too then eventually someone wanted to get the out of there so they just blew a hole in the wall it's either that or they really didn't want to end up drowning like ancient wano so they broke their own wall to avoid that fate so all we have to do is patch that up and D Rosa should be more or less fine next up would be Amazon Lily uh just like Dres Rosa and wano the capital of Amazon Lily is built within very tall walls or built in a crater whichever one you prefer and this actually makes Amazon lyly another Safe Haven from rising Waters and also instead of blowing a random hole through their wall like dress Rosa did they were smart about it and simply build bu a Waterway gate so they don't have to worry about inner flooding the next Safe Haven would be zo uh so zunisha is an elephant that is perfect for surviving floods since they're really damn tall but with that being the case it does kind of make you wonder why anyone decided to build a city on top of the elephant 900 years ago uh in my opinion zo might be the most damning evidence that long ago mankind or uh animal mink kind were seeking a place to avoid water but yeah if you could relocate his Z then you live to see another day the only thing you'd have to worry about at that point is whether or not kot's bad leadership would kill you and I will stand by that until the day I die out of anyone nekomamushi and inashi could have promoted they promoted kro why why Wanda would have been better I mean I'm not a carrot hater but if my captain was carrot I don't know man all right so next up we have drum Island so this is a bit of an odd one but on the pillars of the island exists drum Castle which apparently was around for many many generations uh why did they feel the need to build up so high I don't know was it just so that they could look down on the towns or was it perhaps to avoid a certain Rising water threat another potential Fortress could be impelled down uh unlike the other options this one might be a harder one to make a point for since they have a large opening entrance way but hey if they cover up that gate then it might actually be able to survive uh granted surviving in a prison that is modeled after hell kind of sounds like hell though I know I might sound a bit crazy in this video but I am looking at many of the locations we have previously visited in one piece with a very different set of eyes personally an idea I've been leaning towards is that maybe there are islands and ruins that exist Under the Sea and the reason I think that is because according to vegga punk 900 years ago there exists a technology that would have put egged Island to shame but where is that technology today did they throw a bonfire and dump everything into a pit we don't know but now with the great floods existence maybe all of that technology is still around and just underwater the entire ancient Kingdom could be underwater because where else would it be what about the elusive Emerald City is that perhaps buried underneath the waves as well what about long ring longland that Island was even strange for its time because it actually suffers from Rising water levels on a yearly basis so it's not exactly a good place to live in this scenario but I wanted to bring it up because I think it actually suffered heavily from the great flood 900 years ago so long ring longland is comprised of 10 small islands that are actually connected but you wouldn't assume so at first because the rock pathways are submerged in the ocean I think given this Revelation there could have been an Island located at the center of long ring longland that was lost during the void Century flood maybe the 10 Islands were actually walls they tried to build up to save the inner city but they just didn't fortify it in time so now the last missing Island I want to bring up is God Valley we saw that it was around just 40 years ago but after the rabbit hunting tournament it just poofed out of existence is that perhaps another Island that's underwater once everything sinks Humanity will be trying their best to survive but the celestial dragons on the other hand will be living the good life of top the red line and the fishmen will be swimming and stuff you know they kind of have it good in the scenario to be honest I guess if any of this happened in real life getting hits to a fish girl might be the meta the last thing I kind of want to touch on are these Celestial dragons because ain't no way the world is letting them get away with this right I highly doubt that all the Pirates revolutionaries civilians and even Marines would allow the Celestial Dragon to freely thrust the world into an apocalypse I mean did you see how scared the Marine fodder looked at the end of this chapter when VAP Punk dropped the message yeah they're definitely not going to be happy with the world government anymore I mean sakazuki already dislikes the world government based on how they play with the Marines already the minute doflamingo manipulated a newspaper Ayu showed up ready to argue with them at marija now imagine what he do now that the world government is plotting to sink the world I feel like a pirate Marine revolutionary team up against the world government could be possible now more than ever emu is like the Thanos of One Piece right now the Louch of one piece even an evil so great that it unites everyone from all backgrounds in a way this feels like history repeating itself the ancient Kingdom went down 900 years ago because 20 kingdoms came together to take them out and afterwards they formed the world government and now here we are everyone could once again be coming together to take them down instead I really wouldn't be surprised if every faction in the world teamed up to topple the world government at this point and to take the red line for themselves or hey maybe they just tear the red line down so that the celestial dragons would have to suffer in the water with the rest of us it'd be like a pool fight but instead of it being fun in games it's for a blood and survival also the theory that we will destroy the red line seems a lot more plausible now that we have this plot Point simply because that would be a somewhat decent way to solve the water problem if we obliterate the entire Mountain from top to bottom then maybe that'll create enough empty space to get rid of the excess water but that is just wishful thinking I'm not exactly too sure how we're going to destroy a mountain like that but hey maybe that's what the ancient weapons will be used for but yeah the way this is panning out out I'm almost imagining a mortal engines movie type world but instead of giant country tanks everyone is instead sporting a giant Island ship with everyone hopping on ships to survive it does make you wonder how fights in the future would go down because believe it or not for a Shonen about pirates on the Open Sea we've rarely had fights take place on pirate ships think back to all the major fights in one piece the only big bad boss battle that took place on a ship was hody jum and I don't even know if I'd count that fight considering the fact that it really just took place on Fishman Island uh maybe with the great flood we could see a lot of really unique onsea battles this would definitely add some nice variety since devil fruit users will truly be at a disadvantage if the world does become engulfed in water though I do wonder how we'll get our land back will there be some magical drain at the bottom of the ocean that'll take all the excess water away will Luffy go gear Fifth and suck all the water with the straw I'm honestly not too sure and hey there does exist a crazy conspiracy theory that maybe the inside of the earth is hollow and sinking down isn't exactly a bad thing I mean hey look at en Lobby and L Kingdom they're just seemingly bottomless holes what's down there why doesn't the water just fill up the whole over time the fact that these giant holes still exist could mean that there is something down there that's just my two cents I would love to hear what you guys have to say do you think the world will get to that point or do you think the straw hats will be able to stop the world government Before the Flood happens personally I think the world will sink into the ocean that would up the anti and light a fire under every person in the world of one piece to rise up against the government but hey that's just me what do you guys think about this
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 45,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, one piece theory, one piece chapter 1113, one piece 1113, one piece imu, one piece laughtale, one piece void century, gorosei, imu, sun god nika, celestial dragons, void century, joyboy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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