Which Is Stronger? | CONQUEROR'S HAKI or AWAKENINGS | One Piece

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there is a power struggle in the one piece World a war between which sits at the Apex of power hockey or devil fruits devil fruits can give you the power of a god allowing you to control the elements transform into mythical beasts and even turn you into a toy and hockey lets you weaponize your willpower to add a boost to your strength bypass devil fruit abilities and overpower the will of others but which is stronger hockey or devil fruits my journey into this topic began when I started reading the One Piece manga during the Marine Fort Arc during Marine Ford hockey was barely fleshed out and since that time I've learned a tremendous amount about the mysterious Power of Will I've known since lost battle with Virgo that hockey doesn't just allow you to bypass the material bodies of particular devil foods but negative fruit effects entirely and chapter 1063 has all but reaffirmed this this of course opened the floodgates with the majority of the fandom including myself saying that hockey Trump's devil Foods then I think about characters like kaido and big mom whose hockey is so powerful they rarely take any damage even from powerful individuals on the level of first commanders and more yet in the later stages of the battle of onigashima three characters Luffy law and kid were able to shift the ties of the battle and gain a victory over these two nearly Unstoppable foes does hockey truly trumps devil fruits I no longer believe it's so black and white and the reason for that is Awakenings before I get into the video I just want to express my thanks for every sub who supports the channel I do have a goal to reach 1 000 Subs by the end of the year and I hope we can get there so if you are enjoying the content hit that like button below and subscribe it would mean the world to me now let's get back to Awakenings versus hockey I first did some research on devil fruits and hockey users to see how many awaken and conqueror hockey users there are my reasoning is that in the world of One Piece we've seen that the rarer and ability is the more powerful it is logia are some of the rarest and most powerful devil fruits only rivaled and possibly surpassed by the mythical variants of the zomer fruits which are even rarer than logia and as for hockey conquerors hockey is the rarest and most powerful of the three forms let's start with the hockey users there are around 120 confirmed hockey users and of those losers there have only been 17 users of conquerors hockey and among those 17 Amir 8 users have been confirmed to use the advanced variant of conquerors coding this means a small 6.6 percent of hockey users ever confirmed can use the most powerful application of hockey scene thus far now for the devil fruits there are about 148 Canon users of those only 11 users are confirmed to be awakened that's about 7.4 percent of the total devil full users so Awakenings are about as rare as the highest form of hockey that we're currently aware of does this mean that Awakenings have a level of power similar to a user of advanced conquerors it's a hard question to answer but for me this Rarity is certainly an indicator of the power associated with Awakening a devil fruit so what is an Awakening our first look into weakenings is in chapter 525 during the impel down Arc we see that four of the jailers have awakened their devil fruits and have become mindless beasts keep that in mind because I'll Circle back to that later the next Awakening we see is during the tail end of the battle between Luffy and Dopey when upon Luffy entering his gear fourth form doflamingo answers Luffy's boost in power with his Awakening we see an Awakening again during whole cake Island during the battle between Luffy and katakuri we get three Awakenings during the end of the wano arc from luthi kid and law and finally in chapter 1069 we get two new Awakenings by Lucy and Kaku in chapter 1046 we get our first insight into what an Awakening is kaido reveals to us that an Awakening is when the mind and body are able to harness the potential of your devil fruit abilities on first read this may not seem like much however on closer inspection it hints at the massive power boost and Awakening can be I'll repeat kaido says is when your mind and body harness your devil fruit the key word here being your mind your mind is in essence your will and we know that willpower is hockey could an Awakening be in essence a melding of your hockey and your devil fruit a natural infusion of your hockey into your devil fruit abilities without you having to consciously Infuse your hockey into it let me explain how this can be a very powerful ability let's talk about the awakened Zone fruit uses first zoma devil fruits are among the strangest of the devil fruits as they appear to have a level of sentience separate from their users we see this in objects that have eaten a devil fruit certain smell users and even in Luffy's nikonika fruit even carnivorous devil fruits tend to cause the user to become more bloodthirsty and violent this means that upon the user Awakening said devil fruit the will of the devil fruit May begin to meld with the users and the user will begin to exhibit personality changes associated with that fruit remember I mentioned the info down jailers this could explain the Mindless nature of the jailers as it's possible that because the users of the various fruits did not possess strong hockey before their Awakening the will of the devil fruits overtook their minds creating something akin to a sentient Beast than a man in control of his devil Foods the same melting of Wills is also seen in Luffy as he begins to exhibit a shift in his personality gaining traits of the sun god Nika mirrors seconds after Awakening his fruits what if it's possible that if the fruits will is one of a God or a powerful creature the user can inherit said gods or creatures hockey inherent to the fruit there's actually evidence for this inheritance of haki when we look at chapter 1044 when Luffy first awakens no one fully recognizes the powerful hockey Luffy myths not even kaido who had just finished fighting Luther kaido should have recognized Luffy's hockey but he didn't this means it's possible that the initial burst of haki Luffy emitted during his transformation into the sun god Nika was in fact the Nico fruits haki and not Luffy's as even when the battle continued kaido had a hard time believing he was fighting Luffy until he wrecked recognize that Luffy must have awakened his devil fruit this Theory can also explain why since Goku was a conqueror hockey user though he never seems to use it perhaps his Buddha fruit possesses conquerors hockey and sengoku only has access to it when he awakens but I'll admit that's complete headcanon this of course doesn't explain all devil fruits especially something non-sentient like magnetism Mochi or strings or conceptual in nature as lost opioid in this situation I believe the user's hockey is more important here remember an Awakening is the melding of your mind and devil fruit the melding of your hockey and devil fruit we even see in the manga devil fruits whose very ability require haki to even use take big mom her ability to steal the soul of others is dependent on her will dominating her Target's will her devil fruit is directly Amplified by the fact that she possesses conqueror is hockey so the idea that hockey can greatly amplify certain devil fruit abilities isn't far-fetched now when you factor in the Awakenings of these types of devil fruits the user will no longer have to imbue their attacks or abilities with haki giving them their freedom to fight without the need to focus on their hockey usage similar to how big mom mankaido both passively emit a level of hockey at all times I know this doesn't sound like a major boost but in reality it changes the game completely now how do Awakenings and conquerors haki compare from kaido and Luffy's battle we know that conquerors hockey is one of if not the most powerful hockey ability shown in one piece so far from the ability to dominate an opponent's will to apply unnatural pressure to your environments and now the coding of your attacks in this powerful hockey to literally force your will into every blow the power of conquerors hockey can no longer be underestimated and my video conquerors versus conquerors I go into detail as to how every battle between conquerors hockey users will always become a battle between the two fighters Wills the special thing about Awakenings I believe is that it fuses hockey with your devil fruit and it appears that you just hockey awakens as well as becoming stronger and more potent it may even be the case that Awakenings allow users of conquerors hockey to unconsciously coat their attacks and there's actually evidence for this when we look at the battle between Luffy and katakuri it was never explained how katakuri was able to overpower Luffy's hockey category says it's because he possesses stronger Armament but that doesn't really explain anything and the only other time we see Luffy reacting to a stronger form of haki is against kaido and his conqueror's hockey coding now let's look at katakura and Luffy's battle through a different lens and Luffy's battle with katakuri it wasn't until katakuri began using his Awakening that katakray was able to bypass Luffy's hockey and although I originally deemed this to be katakuri having access to an advanced form of armament I now feel this was his conquerors Hockey being Unleashed through his Awakening we know conquerors hockey coding can be used unconsciously as Zoro was able to cut kaido with Asura before he was even aware he possessed conquerors hockey let alone the Coating in this instance of hockey usage the typical black streaks of lightning were not present it wasn't Zoro consciously used his coding that the signature black streaks of lightning appeared on his swords a sign of him intentionally coding his attacks because Awakening fuses the hockey and devil fruit the Black Lightning of conqueror's hockey coating may not be visible as the user isn't consciously using coding this is also why I now believe that kid was the one to Break big Mom's arm when he slammed into her with his devil fruits he was able to break big mom's bones because conqueror's hockey coding was being used in the attack even though he himself was unaware of it now let's talk about law because he's one of the few current awakened devil fruit users who does not possess conquerors hockey so why is he suddenly able to bypass big mom's insane hockey I believe it all goes back to haki and the nature of Awakenings Awakenings amplifier hockey because it melts your devil food with it but at the end of the day every battle with top chairs in one piece is a battle of whose will will dominate the other and in the case of law his will was simply greater than big moms due to big bomb underestimating them I know that sounds like a cop-out but it's the only explanation I see law may not be a conqueror but his will is on the level of a yonko in conclusion I will reiterate that kaido a pirate knowledgeable in both haki and devil fruit recognize Luffy's Awakening mainly due to the change in his personality and the haki he was emitting I believe this signifies that Awakenings may give the user additional power aside from disaffecting their environments but instead affect their very soul and will in the coming battles I hope odor gives us a bit more on Awakenings and how those shape the story going forward for me I still believe hockey due to conquerors hockey coding is the stronger of the two however Awakenings definitely level the playing field in the battle between haki and devil fruits but what do you all think let me know in the comments below also if you liked the video give it a like And subscribe to the Channel I want to do more videos like this one and your support lets me know that you enjoy videos like these until next time I've been the blank face and I I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: TheBlankFace
Views: 1,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awakenings, Shanks, Luffy, Kaido, Yonko, Law, Haki, Conquerors
Id: 01O3pQHnBP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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