Your Upgrade is in Jesus | Upgrades | 01.31.21

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[Music] [Music] hey live church 7 pastor nate and mael here and we have some awesome announcements for you to be aware of the first one is coming closer class now you might be asking what is the coming closer class so i'm glad you asked it's an opportunity for you to do just that to find out all about life church 7 how you can be involved membership things that we do behind the scenes that aren't necessarily seen just in a normal service or gathering so we'd love for you to check that out it's february 7th at 11 a.m in glory room 1. so make sure you come check it out it'll be an amazing opportunity for you to get more connected at life church 7 and become family yes this is such an awesome class for you to be a part of and glory room one is up in the behind the balcony if you're wondering where that is the second thing is this on january 31st that's the last day to get the early bird price for the supernatural school of ministry and we are so excited about what god is doing in and through the supernatural school of ministry you don't want to miss this and you don't want to miss the discount so early birds sign up also ladies february 3rd this wednesday we are having our zoe gathering what what it's going to be awesome and i'm going to be teaming with my girl claudia and we're going to be talking about recovering and releasing it's going to be a powerful night we're going to worship together we're going to read the word together we're going to grow together and we're just going to have fun time a fun time getting together and spending time with jesus wow as you were talking about that i was feeling like man i'm missing out but then i realized mighty men we have something coming up as well that's next saturday february 6th it's going to be awesome 8 a.m small auditorium men you were not meant to do life alone so get in family come to men's breakfast it'll be worth your time we have worship amazing food but really it's about connecting with other guys praying with each other strengthening each other iron sharpens iron so make sure you come it'll be amazing that's gonna be awesome and ladies we also i just want to do a quick plug sorry but we got something super exciting coming march 3rd for six weeks we're going to be studying the book of elijah together with priscilla schreier it's going to be an awesome bible study you can actually sign up today uh you can sign up on our app you can sign up online that's awesome yeah man mighty men let's support our wives watch the kids and help them go it's gonna be great it's gonna be great all right let's get back to service we love you welcome to lifechurch7 come on come on good morning if you're watching online if you're joining us welcome to church we welcome you there we've had the freedom conference the last two days and there yeah come on [Music] and there is a like freedom hangover in the room where it's still lingering first service was outrageous but how many know second service people you're my people because i'm not a morning person so i think there's an upgrade a double portion for the second service [Music] [Applause] if you attended the freedom conference you probably needed to sleep a little bit this morning make it make it to the 11 o'clock so welcome for the rest of us couple quick things if you have your phones you turn it on to wi-fi turn off your wi-fi police that helps us with our online stream so our church family at home can enter in with us without any interruptions also if you have little ones in the building uh like you know little ones three four toddler age i've got one of those we have a wiggle room or a cry room whichever one's going on if your kid's wiggling it's a room for them if they're crying it's a room for them and so it's right outside this door right out in the lobby the ushers that will help you the greeters will help you but this morning we're here to receive from the lord here's a verse a couple verses john chapter 11 says this in verse 39 this is jesus right before he raised a dead man named lazarus right before he raises the dead someone who's been in the tomb he says he came and he said roll the stone aside jesus told them make the stone the thing that is permanently a grave that seals the work of death roll it aside but martha say but martha i think 2021's a year to get our butts out of our language i gotta be careful i say that but martha the dead man's sister protested lord he has been dead for four days and as pastor nate says in the king james version says he will stinketh the smell will be terrible jesus responded didn't i tell you that you would see god's glory if you believe that you would see god's glory if you believe pastor josh is going to be preaching a message here in a few moments about our belief system and it's time for an upgrade in what we believe did you know that god you will see god's glory in your marriage if you believe did you know that you will see god's glory in the workplace where you work if you just believe did you know that you we will see the glory of god show up at life church 7 like never before if we believe [Music] so let's just raise our hands for a moment close your eyes and just say god we believe we position our hearts for an upgrade in our beliefs lord you are expanding your kingdom this isn't a moment in history where we go back we turn around we run in fear god we if we believe we'll see your glory doesn't matter what's going on in our nation or in our state we will see your glory if we believe just say help me with my unbelief jesus i receive an upgrade today it's upgrade sunday for our beliefs come on it's upgrade sunday for our beliefs okay bring it out we're gonna do something real quick are you ready we're gonna do something real quick this worked on monday night i think it's gonna work this morning on the count of three we're gonna yell freedom listen on monday night the supernatural school ministry we yelled freedom and someone's back got instantly healed actually bill right in the sound booth his back got instantly healed it had been hurting him for four days he literally crawled into school on monday night he said you know what i believe god's going to heal me and the moment he raised his hands of victory he yelled freedom boom his back got healed [Applause] yeah it was wild i believe the lord is i believe the glory of the lord is going to show up right now on the count of three i'm not going to do it twice we're going to do it once and matthew i need you to play the bahoudii out of that guitar or the drum give me some kick on the count of three we're going to yell freedom let's all put our hands up in the victory formation we're gonna yell freedom on the count of three every voice in unity god responds to our unity come on on the count of three ready here we go one two three freedom [Applause] [Music] we'll see [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come rest on us come rest on us as the spirit was moving over the water spirit come over us come rest on us come rest on us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're here [Applause] [Music] yes on gonna us it again [Music] come down i know i'm here [Music] [Applause] is [Music] on us [Music] rest on us [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] you're here [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] is he is oh that's your holy spirit oh just let him have his way in your heart [Music] on us [Music] where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom come on praise your name jesus man today is a day of freedom and part of the reason is jesus has done so many amazing things and we're about to celebrate with some people as they get baptized this morning it's gonna be awesome so we're gonna have them just kind of come out really quickly and we're gonna introduce you to them and then we're going to pray go and step where the tape is that's awesome good deal and so uh i'll try not to be in the way too much we have grace that's getting baptized today awesome and we got caleb getting baptized all right and then we have uh christina getting baptized yes [Applause] jamie's getting baptized very good demare's getting baptized drayden's getting baptized and david gonzalez is getting baptized come on so good so if you wouldn't mind sticking your hands this way i'm gonna try and get a little lower so you can all see but we're gonna pray over them god's anointing and blessing and power will rest on them as they get baptized so holy spirit we just thank you so much for every single person that's up here right now they represent a life that is transformed by your power in jesus name so father today as they get baptized we thank you for the inward change that's being manifested publicly for now and forevermore in these lives in jesus name we pray and everybody shout amen all right go ahead and line up we'll get baptized the raid of darkness now has ended in the kingdom of life in the kingdom of life forever under your dominion you're the king of my life you're the king of my [Music] over the universe and over every [Music] [Music] and on the cross the was finished [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] there is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you sent the darkness running out of an empty grave seated alone in glory enthroned on the highest [Music] [Applause] [Music] the grace you sent the darkness [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and over the universe and over every heart there is no higher name [Music] jesus come on jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] there is [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you brought me out of darkness you have filled me with peace [Music] lord i can't help but sing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever you will be [Music] all your promises are yes your promises [Music] [Music] is lord i can't help [Music] you [Music] forever all your promises [Music] forever you will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will rest in your promises my confidence is your [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] forever you will be [Music] is your promises [Music] [Music] you're my confidence you're my everything you're my everything [Music] my confidence is your faithfulness my confidence is your faithfulness my confidence [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] your is are yes [Music] [Music] [Music] your love is my [Music] and all i want is to be with you forever with you forever [Music] and all i want is to be with you forever with you forever take [Music] [Applause] [Music] than me i've tasted [Applause] [Music] know [Applause] your love has ravished my heart and taking me over taking me over and all i want is to be with you forever with you [Music] a little forever i wanna know your heart i wanna know your heart cause your love is so much [Applause] [Music] a little closer take me a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i wanna know [Music] so pull me a little closer [Applause] how great your love is for me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is for me [Applause] [Music] is for me [Music] [Applause] how great is for me [Music] [Music] how great is yours how great is your love just receive his love just receive his love just close your eyes that deeper place the deep cries out to deep we're coming closer jesus we're coming closer we want all that you have for us there's no sweeter love than coming face to face with you you're the greatest love story ever told how great your love is for me jesus how great my love is for you i love you jesus just tell him say i love you jesus i love you jesus i love you jesus with everything that is within me you can have everything jesus you can have everything jesus it's all yours anyway thank you for who you are thank you for who you are thank you god for being such a great father thank you holy spirit for being a great comforter thank you jesus for being the freedom that has set me free and it's releasing freedom in this room right now we focus our eyes on you we focus our hearts on you and we give you our lives jesus we give you this day we give you everything jesus because you gave us everything we love you jesus how great your love is for us and our love for you in your name everybody say amen can you guys give it up for the worship [Applause] [Music] team we're gonna continue our worship with our tithes and our offerings worship isn't just music just in case you didn't know worship is everything our lives we give to jesus we worship jesus with our offerings with our ties with everything that we have he's the great provider i've never ever once in my life ever regretted not one cent that i gave into the kingdom because every penny represents a soul [Music] i just want you to go ahead and get out your phones get out your checkbooks get out your however you pay ties or however you give because we're about to receive an upgrade i feel like we're about to see the download from heaven and then an upgrade there's breaking lies right now off of what offering is and what money is in the church it's god's money he's an amazing dad and he's always provided for me and we're going to release that over you right now so hold up in prophetic declaration whether you give by phone your wallet your checkbook so jesus we receive we receive who you are in our finances we receive who you are in our businesses we receive who you are in our families god we thank you that everything that is given into this house is an upgrade to the kingdom and we release that over this tri-cities over the seven cities and beyond in jesus name thank you father that you didn't put me in charge of providing for myself but i get to partner with heaven and know that my dad has everything that i need so we just give you back what you've already given to us in jesus name and everybody says amen awesome yeah come on i have the pleasure while you're standing i have the pleasure and the honor to welcome my husband and the father of my children josh biddlecombe help me welcome [Applause] wow wow amen what a powerful way to start the morning man the glory of the lord is in this place man i told pastor earlier i want to request every time i preached at baptisms on that sunday that in itself is an upgrade yeah that's good well today i am going to be concluding our upgrade series this is the sixth week in our upgrade series have you guys been enjoying the upgrade series yeah i'm just going to be a little honest with you um the first service was a lot louder i'm just saying the first service is a lot louder time to up upgrade and it's time to upgrade the second service all right have you guys been enjoying the upgrade series better those of you online maybe you're being loud in your house i hope so but yeah it's it's been a really good series it's been a lot of fun you know upgrade is something we really believe the lord is doing in this season and it's it's a physical upgrade as well as a spiritual upgrade amen like we're in a 52 weeks to upgrade the house right there's things we want to do in this building a new roof new bathrooms things like that like that's needed and we're believing for that like god is going to provide every penny that we need right over the course of this year amen but it's a spiritual upgrade as well god's each one of us has upgrades for us individually and it's also corporate upgrades as well as individual right all around the world there's an upgrade for god's church amen we can see it if you look you can see what he's doing around the world and the nations and he's really upgrading his church and it's individual like i said we each have an upgrade that's that's such a cool thing about the lord when he speaks a word like upgrade it's multifaceted it's multi-dimensional right there's things that pertain to me as an individual but it's also for all of us corporately so it's been a lot of fun i've really enjoyed this series let's pray before we get going holy spirit i thank you for today i thank you for every person that's here i thank you for every person that's watching online as robin just said god download the upgrade download the upgrade give us downloads from heaven so we can have an upgrade so we can apprehend your upgrade in this season holy spirit i just say you are welcome in this place come and do what only you can do in jesus name amen amen since this is the last of the series that i'm concluding i wanted to do something i wanted to recap all the big ideas from the different speakers that we've had in this series the first week was pastor wes and hopefully you remember if not if you don't remember these big ideas now's a good time to write them down there will be a test at the end pastor wes week one was jesus is the upgrade and then we had pastor wes and pastor mark and their big idea was by design you are made for upgrades then we had jim he said god will equip you for supernatural ministry come on that's good and then drew we had two upgrades or two big ideas which is an upgrade right we had the first one there's always an upgrade with jesus and then number two in order to go higher you have to leave something behind super good and then last week with nate miele they said the upgrade is in abiding the upgrade isn't inviting so good now there there's a couple different reasons i'm refreshing your memory on those uh one of those we'll get to later but the first reason is my big idea this week is really a big question so the big question is do you believe that your upgrade is in jesus do you believe your upgrade is in jesus do you actually believe that so i'm going to be talking about our beliefs today see what we believe is the most important thing we'll ever answer that's the biggest question we'll ever answer is what do you actually believe because what you believe determines what you apprehend what you believe determines what you apprehend pastor drew opened with that right if only you believe and if only you believe so our beliefs are super important you know and there's speaking of beliefs there's there's a whole lot of people that would be even offended by the thought of us talking about upgrades they've bought into this belief that the more miserable you are the more sorrowful you are the more trials you have the more trouble you have that the more spiritual you are and i mean come on jesus did say you will have trials you will have tribulations so that's why they buy into it but they stop there because right after that jesus said but be of good cheer for i have overcome the world i have overcome the world good cheer doesn't sound very miserable to me right like i want an upgrade of good cheer no matter what is going on in the world no matter what is going on my life any trouble trial tribulation jesus has overcome it and i believe that 100 another good scripture about upgrade most of us know this one at second corinthians 3 18 it says but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory justice from the the lord the spirit glory to glory sounds like upgrade to upgrade to me right amen how many of you want glory to glory encounters man sign me up that's in the word that's a promise from the lord that we will go from glory to glory it's so good this last week as a staff we listened to a sermon from another pastor and i know this pastor i've i've been part of his ministry have followed him for a long time he's had incredible encounters signs and wonders miracles glorious encounters for decades and as he's preaching this last week he was just moved to tears because of what the lord is doing right now there's this new outpouring of glory this new outpouring of the spirit and he was just moved to tears at what god is doing and it what it was it was an invitation for each one of us to come into the more of the lord to come into everything that god has that's what that's what the whole thing was about is this invitation to come into the lord's glory after we were done watching it pastor wes just asked the team he said hey okay after watching that what is what is it that the holy spirit's speaking to you what is it that that you're picking up from the lord and a few people spoke uh you know a couple things that were really good and i was sitting there just a little bit grieved in my spirit not in a condemning ways not like i missed out on anything but i was just a little bit grieved and i said we've settled for far too little settled for far too little like jesus has given us everything every piece of him the keys to the kingdom and we've settled for far too little the world needs us to step into the fullness of who we are we've settled for far too little there's so much more there's so much more there's upgrades there's upgrades for everyone here today right it's like oprah you get an upgrade and you get an upgrade and you get an upgrade it's what the lord's doing in the season it really is we've settled for far too little so just keep that in mind as we go today i want to circle back to to pastor wess's big idea in the beginning jesus is the upgrade and then and then my big question do you believe that do you believe that jesus is your upgrade because after after that sunday when pastor spoke i went home and i was just provoked to to to research to look into the scripture to to look at for myself like okay what is it that the lord has for me what is it that jesus has for me you know it's a good idea when that happens where it sticks with you and you just want to find more right and so i went home and i just started looking at every passage in the bible where it said in him or in jesus in christ through him what that that particular phrase those phrases i was looking at because if jesus is my upgrade man let me tell you there are promise after promise after promise after promise with that phrase of in him and we're going to look at some of those today because when we get the truth right that's how we get the upgrade it's how we apprehend it is by our beliefs now there are three areas of our beliefs i want to look at today the first is our beliefs about god second's belief about ourselves and the third is everything else which i just kind of lump together beliefs about the world right so if it's not god or you and it's something else i just lumped it into that last category but i wrote those down in order of importance because the number one thing the fundamental thing that we have to figure out is what do i actually believe about god because that determines what i believe about myself and what i believe about myself determines what kind of influence i can have in the world and what i believe about the world see if i think god is angry and mad and just ready to punish me i'm going to believe that about myself like man i am just one step away from being destroyed by a lightning bolt or whatever whatever it's in your imagination right but if i believe i'm a son who is the favorite who is dearly loved right and then i'm gonna i'm gonna carry myself that way and how many of you know that jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. if you don't love yourself it's going to be really hard to be nice to people right hurt people hurt people you can you've heard that i'm sure so we're going to look at those three things beliefs about god beliefs about yourself and beliefs about the world now before i get into those individual topics i want to read this scripture because this is this is exactly what i'm talking about right here and this this is how we'll how we'll apprehend these upgrades it's romans 12 2 it says and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what the will of god is that which is good and acceptable and perfect see renewing your mind it's it's simple all it is is you have a bad belief you're believing a lie and you just repent from belief in that thing and you start believing the truth that's renewing your mind it's changing the way you think it's changing the way you think about god changing the way you think about yourself changing the way you think about the world you guys ready to receive some truth today yeah i had a we had a guest speaker and youth uh he's a friend of mine his name's robbie patterson he's the under sheriff and the chaplain for columbia county he came and spoke to the youth and um he said something to him before he preached he you know he asked them if they're ready to receive and they were they were they were excited he's like all right on purpose receive from the lord tonight so i'm telling you on purpose receive from the lord this morning on purpose receive from him this morning all right so beliefs about god now i'm going to spend probably the most time on this portion of it because like i said this is the most important everything will flow from our beliefs about god now before i met jesus i had some really bad beliefs about god like really bad have you ever like looked back on your life and just thought to yourself man i was messed up i mean there's no other way to put it before jesus i was messed up my whole life including my beliefs now my about god they were bad from an early age like i remember being five six maybe seven but some one of my earliest memories i remember walking out of church on a sunday morning with my grandma and i just i just knew i just knew that god was calling me to the ministry and honestly it felt like a sick joke because i had such bad beliefs about god i thought he didn't like me i thought he was judgmental i thought it was super boring because i didn't know him i had some really bad beliefs and so when i felt like he's calling me into ministry i'm like that's the furthest thing from my mind as a six-year-old right but fast forward to when i'm 19 and i actually met the lord and i came down front for an altar call and i encountered truth you know you can encounter truth because truth is a person the holy spirit is the spirit of truth and so i encountered him and i encountered the love of the father in a way that just wrecked me for days in such a good way and all those bad beliefs just melted off me and all of a sudden i realized how good god was i realized that his heart for me was so good it was such perfect love such perfect love that it just erased everything years and years of addiction and whatever so in that moment my beliefs changed and that's that's the foundational truth i want everybody to get in here today is god is good every single moment of the day for eternity god is good he's good and when you have that like that's the foundation like i'm unwavering in that belief unwavering it doesn't matter what i see in the natural i know that god is good and i never ever attribute to him things that are going wrong because in john 10 10 it says this it says the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy i came that may they may have life and have it abundantly abundant life when i see poverty when i see disease and death and destruction i don't think oh that's an act of god no that's the fallen world under the weight of sin and god came to redeem it god came to give us abundant life i'm going to tell this story some of you may know but it it shows the the impact that your beliefs can have about yourself because there's there's this interesting thing we were made in god's image we all agree with that right so we have attributes that god has so he's a just god right he requires justice so guess what so do we we require justice it's in us we want justice like we like a good movie where the bad guy you know they face justice right but we can turn that on ourselves if we don't know who god is and what he's done for us and we can we can when we have a moment of sin we can start thinking the enemy wants to come in and accuse and bring shame and we can we can start thinking like oh man i messed up yesterday and god is going to get me today and we can have these beliefs and those beliefs are just lies from the pit of hell so robin and i my wife that opened or introduced me uh back in the day 18 years ago 19 years ago whatever it was we were i'm i'm not thinking of i know our anniversary guys i know the year we got married i'm thinking about when we met don't worry don't worry but we met in the school of supernatural ministry down in reading and we were first-year students we met we got engaged and we we graduated first year we were on our way to second year and over the summer before we got married we didn't do what we were supposed to do and we had sex and rama got pregnant and we weren't married and we're school supernatural ministry students and now we're going into second year i'm not going to talk about all that we cleaned up our mess it's in a book you can read about it but what i want to talk about is nine months later and nine months later we're having a baby and it starts started out great you know we're believing for a supernatural child birth and all that good stuff and then the contractions come and epidurals come and all of a sudden anya's heart rate drops from like 140 or whatever it's supposed to be to 40. and so there's an emergency c-section yeah there you go there's a picture and so she had all kinds of complications they took her out and she was gray and lifeless they they flew her from reading to sacramento which is a couple hours because they couldn't do anything in redding her lungs were just not functioning they're just filled with with garbage and we get down there and they they've done this procedure and because of all the fluid i mean that's six days later she was seven pounds and some ounces and i think in that picture she's 12 pounds because of all the fluid that's in her and over and over for for 11 days the doctors are telling us that she probably ain't gonna make it if she does there's gonna be brain damage there's gonna be you know whatever else and in that moment moments multiple times the the accuser wanted to come and say that's what you get because you sinned because you had sex before you were married that's what you get you're reaping what you sowed now that that principle is true you reap what you sow but grace covers a multitude of sins right and so i had to go back and stand on this promise that the enemy came to steal and kill and destroy but he came to give us abundant life and now most of you know anya she's here today somewhere over here there she is so 17 years later she's a senior in high school ready to graduate and she's she's gonna go down to reading and go to the school supernatural ministry in the fall and as you can see she's she's beautiful and awesome and any high school guys that are watching i have lots of firearms just saying i'm just saying and i have pretty good aim [Applause] but the enemy came to steal and kill and destroy not the lord not the lord he's good he's good and i would have to stir myself up in the lord on a daily basis and contend for her life and he's faithful here she is i want to read a couple more scriptures that really just solidify the fact of how good god is ephesians 2 4-7 it says but god being rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our transgressions made us alive together with christ by grace you have been saved and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in christ jesus so that in the ages to come he might show the surpassing riches of his grace in kindness toward us in christ a whole lot of in christ in that passage in christ let's just apprehend that for a moment jesus come and just download greater revelations of how rich you are in grace and kindness god let that go deep into our spirits let that go deep into our hearts that we know that we know that we know that you love us with an eternal love that you are kind that you don't just love us you actually like us as well yeah god just bring an impartation of that truth in jesus name amen one more passage i want to read to really solidify that colossians 1 19 and 20. it says for it was the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him and through him to reconcile all things to himself having made peace through the blood of his cross through him i say whether things on earth or things in heaven it was the father's good pleasure to reconcile us it was his good pleasure like he didn't do it because he had to clean up a mess like there was a mess to be cleaned up but he wasn't compelled like oh i made a mistake now let me fix it that wasn't it it's his good pleasure to draw us close it's his good pleasure to reconcile us every single one of us through the power of jesus we get to come close to the father it's so good it is so good i heard graham cook one time he preached and it was so simple and so so profound he said he loves us because he loves us because he loves us because he loves us because he loves us because he loves us that's it that's it he loves us because he loves us and there's nothing you can do to change that seriously nothing you can do to change that all right let's go on to beliefs about ourself we all should know this passage this is a real popular one therefore if anyone at second corinthians 5 17 therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creature the old things have passed away and behold the new things have come and that is so true like everybody here that's born again that have put their faith in jesus the old man is dead and you're brand new you're brand new that's 100 true right now even if you don't feel like it even if you don't feel like it you are brand new creation it's 100 true and at the same time it's kind of a paradox because we're being transformed into the image of christ right it's both but one thing you can be certain of your old man is dead and you've been raised a new life that's what baptism is about right it's this yeah it's a public declaration but it's also a prophetic act because you're it's your old nature dying going into the grave identifying with the death of jesus and then you're raised to new life it's powerful it is absolutely powerful i love seeing baptisms i remember the day i got baptized 20 years ago just absolutely powerful in in romans it says there is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus right there's no condemnation your old man is dead your old person is dead brandon rice is a he's a pastor friend of mine from california he's been up here a couple times and the last time he's here he spoke on a sunday morning and he said he said it like this he said we're not just inviting jesus into our life he's inviting us into his he's inviting us into his like i'm not just going to add jesus to my mess of a life right i'm getting an upgrade like a full upgrade like i'm trading that thing in for something brand new something brand new and that's who you are if you're believing anything else just it's simple just repent like i'm not gonna believe that anymore i'm a new creation like it's it's simple i'm a new creation just recently um kaylee was describing an encounter she had kaylee is she led worship she's awesome pastor drew's wife and she was sharing this encounter that she had in the school of ministry and just a side note the encounters that you have with the lord aren't just for you they're to be released in a testimony because they bring breakthrough for others so that's what she was doing she was sharing this encounter and it was her birthday not too long ago and on her birthday the lord spoke to her and and he said to her kaylee you're a gift to this world and i'll i'll get some of the verbage wrong but basically the things that he'd put in her to carry the the abilities the the giftings the call on her life the purpose like there's only one kaylee there's only one you so that very same word that the lord spoke to her is for every single one of us there's something in me that's unique about me that the world needs the people around me need you're a gift to this world now you may be thinking that's a pretty arrogant statement but let me just tell you when the creator of the universe speaks that to you it's like the most humbling thing that could ever happen honestly it is but you're a gift in colossians 1 27 it says to whom god willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory christ in you the hope of glory that's why you're a gift because you have christ in you the hope of glory and hope isn't just this thing that's far far off like in eternity i'm gonna see glory yeah that's true you will but actually you're called to see it right now because hope um it's the joyful expectation that something is about to happen it's the joyful expectation that something is about to happen i have this joyful expectation that glory is about to erupt in me that glory is about to erupt in this building right i have the hope of glory christ in me the hope of glory we are called to carry his glory wherever we go it's who you are the next passage is second corinthians 2 15-16 and it says for we are a fragrance of christ to god among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing to the one in aroma from death to death to the other aroma from life to life not only do we carry his aroma we carry his fragrance that's what it says we are a fragrance of christ that's a cool picture like it's just on me it's in me and everywhere i go there's this fragrance of christ because it's who i am have you ever met somebody and you know just know like man that person loves jesus i can just tell right it's because they have the fragrance of christ and you can discern it such a cool passage all right moving on to beliefs about everything else beliefs about the world let me start by saying this nothing is beyond god's redemptive power nothing no situation no person nothing is beyond god's redemptive power not finances not health not politics not the world nothing is beyond his redemptive power before i got banned from twitter and that's a story from another time it's true it's true i won't get into it but it's true my pinned tweet you can you could pin a tweet and so it's the first thing people see on your profile it said this those that believe the world is going to hell in a hand basket don't fully understand the redemptive work of cro of the cross it's true and i believe that i believe that i believe it like god like jesus came to redeem the world to himself and he does it through us he does it through partnering with us we carry his glory it's amazing as we were doing our bible reading plan we read the bible every day we have a plan as a church that you can all participate in but we read the bible every day and this week i just saw this cool illustration that that illustrates what it looks like to have bad beliefs about the world and what it looks like to have good beliefs about the world and so let's let's look at luke 9 51-55 and it says this when the days were approaching for his ascension this is talking about jesus he was determined to go to jerusalem and he sent messengers on ahead of him and they went and entered a village of the samaritans to make arrangements for him but they did not receive him because he was traveling toward jerusalem when his disciples james and john pay attention to john saw this they said lord do you want us to command fire down from heaven and consume them but he turned and rebuked them and said you do not know what kind of spirit you are of like could you imagine having such a poor belief system about mankind that simply because they wouldn't let jesus come into the city they wanted to go sodom and gomorrah on them like literally want to just rain down fire destroy all of them destroy them all they won't let you come to the city toast let's just destroy them all now fast forward to acts chapter 3. jesus has ascended the disciples have been filled with the holy spirit on the day of pentecost and now they're walking and they see this this lame beggar and they heal him he's been lame from birth he said get up and walk he starts walking everybody around is just amazed at what just happened so we'll pick up acts chapter 3 verse 12. so but when peter saw this he would reply to the people men of israel why are you amazed at this or why do you gaze at us as if by your own power or piety we had made him walk the god of abraham isaac and jacob the god of our fathers has glorified his servant jesus the one whom you delivered and disowned in the presence of pilate when he had decided to release him but you disowned the holy and righteous one and asked for a murderer to be granted to you but put to death the prince of life the one whom god had raised from the dead a fact to which we are witnesses so that's who that's who he's talking to this is john and peter the very ones that had the power to release jesus and they said no crucify him they caused jesus to be crucified these people he's talking to you they're murderers way worse than just saying you can't come into our city right let's pick up in verse 17. and now brethren i know that you acted in ignorance just as your rulers did also but the things which god announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets that his christ would suffer he has thus fulfilled therefore repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the lord worship team you can go ahead and come up why the change of heart like literally wanted to call fire down because they wouldn't let him come into the city and now seeing the very ones that killed him pleading with them no just repent so you can be refreshed by the lord you see such a difference in the beliefs right such a different in the way they believed god's plan for the world i think one of the reasons they had that that shift in beliefs is because they recognized how similar they were to these these people that had killed jesus they recognized how similar they were and it's in that verse 17 i know that you acted in ignorance see they recognized that it was in ignorance that they wanted to call down fire they were ignorant of how good god was they were ignorant of who they were in christ and they were ignorant of god's good plans for all of mankind and it shifted something in their heart because they had encountered truth their beliefs were completely different nothing is impossible for those who believe nothing not even redemption for the very ones that killed jesus nothing is impossible for those that believe so as we conclude today i want to like there's some powerful truths in here right and and most of these scriptures it was in him in him if i could give you some homework go and research all those passages in him through him in jesus in christ and just meditate on those they're powerful but one thing i want to do in romans it says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so you heard some truth today but let's keep hearing truth declarations are a powerful way to renew your mind it's a powerful way to renew your mind so go ahead and stand with me we're going to make some declarations today but if you if you really want lasting change make this a lifestyle make it a lifestyle to make declarations of the truth and the promises of god you can steal these declarations we're going to do if you want or you can make up your own as you're reading the word the power of life and death is in the tongue so what we say is important but also what we hear is important we're hearing truth and it's renewing our mind so remember i i talked about all the big ideas in this series if you don't remember them this time it's okay too because i have them up on the screen but i've made them into declarations and we're gonna we're gonna take these big ideas and we're going to declare them over our lives and so so i'll say it and you guys can declare it after me all right but they'll be up on the screen i believe there is an upgrade for me all right like i said first service was way louder you at home you do it at home too i believe there is an upgrade for me jesus is my upgrade i am designed for upgrades and god is equipping me for supernatural ministry there's always an upgrade in jesus i can leave behind the things that are weighing me down all right here's the last one if the upgrade is in abiding i'm the best a biter there is [Applause] so good now i want to do just one more one more for a good measure it's not going to be up on the screen but um let's just say this after me jesus you are setting the seven cities on fire amen amen amen we're gonna we're gonna worship together and then pastor west will be up in a moment to close [Music] up [Music] let's go up let's go up [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] spirit [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you're when you feel the scrotum you're here [Music] the lord on us come and do it again [Applause] is you are [Music] yes jesus welcome holy spirit welcome all we welcome you today pastor josh thank you such an outstanding word thank you lord thank you jesus a couple of things there's the message is so good and i just encourage you to go back um and look and watch that and catch those upgrades but this morning i want us to go back and and and for everyone here if you asked jesus to come into your life and fix your mess and you left it at that then i believe he probably came in but you probably haven't had any upgrades and you probably haven't really had any real movement of spiritual growth the design isn't for him to clean you up the design is for you to take on his life and become like jesus and be transformed [Applause] and you go you know well pastor wes i like me well jesus has a much better you than who you like he really does he really does he really does you can never get into full design into the kingdom by having him do a fix-it project on you every other day every time you fall into pornography or every time you fall into luster every time you eat too much or every time you do drugs again what that is a picture of is asking jesus to clean me up rather than asking jesus to come in if you're online there is great freedom for you today if you would just simply say lord jesus actually i want your life not mine i want you to come in and i invite you to transform me if you're here today and i don't want anybody i don't want anybody to duck your heads and close your eyes but everyone who just says you know what it feels like maybe for a long time i've asked jesus to fix my mess rather than me just saying lord i want to i want your life i want to come into you i want to be transformed by you i want everything that you have in your kingdom and if that's you today you're just making a different you're making you're just coming up for a really big upgrade you're saying you know what i want jesus i want to come into your life i want all that you have for me i really want transformation would you raise your hands this morning that's what i'm really talking about today that's the message yeah just raise your hand high because i'm going to pray over you raise your hand high so and you go well i don't want anybody to know well the devil knows and jesus knows and so if you want to get out of the old pattern you just got to get all in with jesus and so everybody that just says you know what hey i want to be like jesus when people see me i want to be like jesus and i i'm willing to let go of the old and come into the new i want you to raise up both hands because i'm going to pray over you today yeah yeah thank you father so father you see all the hands you see all the hands online and father in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth [Music] in jesus mighty name the blood of jesus christ that has covered and canceled all sin and un and unrighteousness darkness now father is placed on every person who has both their hands up and they move from the old trying to do their best coming to christ and being transformed by your goodness and by your grace wow wow wow thank you lord that is so good thank you lord thank you jesus come on let's give him praise let's give him praise jesus we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we give you might we give you power we thank you lord we thank you lord here's what i'd like us to do when a message has been so succinct and so clear i just like to highlight i want to highlight seven things and i want you just to would you just take both hands and just hold them out you go well i've been here a long time well actually you're going to be out in the world a lot longer all week long i mean why not give yourself a break for an hour and a half and get some upgrades amen well i'm tired well this afternoon you could take a nap yeah i'm just serious we have these old mindsets that if it's not done in 20 minutes i'm just going to move on and the holy spirit wants you to invite to experience real transformation so i'm going to invite everybody to just put your hands out like this if you're online just go ahead and hold your hands out and we're gonna we're gonna go through each one let's go to the first upgrade just repeat this after i declare it i believe there is an upgrade for me that's a really good belief two jesus is the upgrade jesus is my upgrade [Music] number three i'm designed for upgrades so no more of this stinking old thinking oh that's good for them but it you know i'm kind of left out i'm the loser at the end of the block there's no losers in the kingdom of god everybody gets an upgrade thank you lord number four god is equipping me for supernatural ministering so when jesus when you ask jesus and be and you want to go in and have jesus come and fill your life and become like jesus that's supernatural that's all we're talking about that's what supernatural is five there's always an upgrade in jesus come on there's always an upgrade in jesus february is packed with upgrades all this next month there's upgrades number six i can leave behind the things that are weighting me down yeah uh so i want to go after that many of us have things that we've carried in here and there's things that are keeping you you see jason jumping and rejoicing because of the freedom that he has and that seems odd that seems odd to you but when you get free you'll probably do somersaults because whom the son is set free is free indeed and but what keep what keeps us from entering in fear doubt unbelief the fear of man i don't want to be blah blah blah and you could just fill in the blank and that weighs you down well i'm an elect i'm an intellectual well jesus will forgive you for that he'll he'll free you from believing things in your mind that aren't true well i just i'm a feeler he'll forgive you for that you don't have to walk by feelings you can walk by faith see those you you want to upgrade from anything that keeps you from the upgrade you want freedom from that so i want you everybody just to lift let's all of us lift both hands anything that is keeping us from god's upgrade anything that is waiting us down so father in the mighty name of jesus online for those that have their hands lifted up everything anything that is keeping us from upgrade in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name we break off every hindrance in jesus name and as you have your hands lifted just ask holy spirit say holy spirit what do i need freedom from just take a second holy spirit what do i need freedom from right now and whatever whatever he just speaks to he'll speak clearly to you see lord right now i renounce that thing in jesus name i plead the blood of jesus and that thing must go out of my life and i receive freedom right now in jesus name in jesus name i can leave behind the things that are weighing me down and number seven if the upgrade is abiding i'm the best abider there is john 15 if you abide in me and my words abide in you you can ask whatever you wish it will be done for you and by this this will glorify my father who is in heaven so father i just i bless every person here this morning we just say constantly abiding jesus's mind lord we abide in you we let your word abide in us today and we receive great freedom great joy a congregation people online that are all abiders i just declare it the abiders in the seven city region are right here we're gonna abide in jesus february is going to be the most outrageous month of the year until march comes yeah thank you lord we have such expectation in jesus mighty name amen amen wow what an inspiring and powerful message by pastor josh so many great things that we can apply to our lives today yes so many things and really the question that stood out to me was do you believe that jesus is your upgrade and if you believe that it transforms your whole life it transforms your belief system it transforms everything about how you view yourself and how you view the world and some of you today you upgraded your life because you asked jesus to be your lord and savior and we just want to cheer you on and say that was the best decision you will ever make and all of heaven is rejoicing right now that you chose jesus to be your lord and savior so if that's you what should they do nate they should go online either the app lifechurch7 app or fill out a connect card and a pastor will follow up with you and talk to you about your next steps thank you for joining us hopefully we'll see you again soon we love you and god bless you
Views: 381
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: yruf0g_Ye5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 41sec (6041 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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