Salahuddin Al Ayyubi (RA) | Shaykh Zahir Mahmood #palestine #freepalestine

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and today I want to speak about a person you know by Allah Numbers Never Scared him Europe threw everything that they had at him Salah fulfilled the rights of jihad Salah fulfilled the rights of this umah Salah was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah it was almost as though Allah kept salahudin back from the people of bad so he could deal with his enemies at a different place and a different time and the testimony to the Great of this man is that every single person claimed him even his arch enemies claimed him when the news of his bravery and compassion reach Europe they couldn't believe that a non-white non-Christian man could be so brave and so compassionate and he was a CD because they felt that it was their Duty that they had to liberate their lands because they felt that they were an um and Salah was born in the fort of and his mother mentioned that when I was pregnant with Salah I saw a dream that in my stomach I have a sword from the swords of Allah subhana wa tala Great Men create other great men and this was the environment in which was brought up in it was a military environment there was never a day when the expulsion of the Crusaders was not mentioned but it was not only a military environment it was a very religious spiritual environment and Salah from a very early age he became a of the Quran he was a Shafi in and his greatest aspiration in life was to become a scholar he loved the scholars then he had the honor of being tuted by a man regarding who says the Muslims never had a man who was as upright and caring and compassion as and Salah would say that n is my master he modeled himself on n and also nin realized the potential in Salah and this is why when in Damascus crime became ripe he made Salah at a very tender age in charge of the entire police of Damascus and after a while the Crusade attacked Egypt and what adid Theif in Egypt did is that he cut the hair of his wife and he sent it to and this meant that we can no longer look after our women assist us and didn't want to assist them because see and the Egyptians were fite the uncle ofah convinced him andah says say when my uncle came to me to take me to Egypt I didn't want to go one because his aspirations was to become a scholar but second he mentions you know I thought I was going to die you know it is a possibility that you will dislike something but there's good in it for you and by Allah Salah going there was good for the umah there was good for history he changed the landscape of history and shiru rid Egypt of the Crusaders and shortly after this adid remained Theif but Shu became second in charge after a while passed away and the and the they chose as in the place of and therefore became the second most powerful man in Egypt he was only 32 at the time and salahudin showed what a real leader should be the people loved Salah he won their heart he was a true leader he showed love and compassion to people Salah was in Egypt and N was in Syria now after nin passed away Syria just fragmented and they began to side with the Crusaders and many of them were giving annual tributes they were actually giving annual tributes to the Crusaders and the people of Syria were disgusted because they were used to a man like n a powerful charismatic man and the people of Syria they turned to Salah and this was the time that Salah started on his Expeditions Salah spent longer he spent longer fighting Muslims than he did non-muslim he fought with Muslims for over 10 years because he understood that if you are divided you are weak many of them sided with the Crusaders and they released a man who was the greatest arch enemy of Islam a man called Reginal shaton for 15 years this man had been in prison had left him in the Dungeons and what did this man do soon as he mastered up an army he marched on Makkah and he was saying when I reach Makkah I will bring the Kaa to the ground and then he said I will go to Medina and I will take the camel herder from his grave speaking about the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam and I will bring back to my Palace in kerok and I will charge the Muslims to view his body and the narrations mentioned that when salahudin heard this he took out his sword he lifted it to the skies and he said by Allah I will kill Reginal with my own hands because he had a deep love for the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he dispatched an army under H and took a Navy he annihilated the army of Reginald and then he captured his men he took him to Medina and he executed them in Medina and four years after this again when the Muslims and the Christians had a truce Reginald attacked a Muslim Caravan traveling from Egypt to Syria and when salahudin heard this he again took an oath that he would kill this man with his own hands and it was upon this occasion that salahudin brought forth an army and this is the famous battle the and the Crusaders brought forth an army and when Salah consulted his men he said what shall we do shall We Carry On attacking their Forts and their castles or shall we have a head on confrontation and they said carry on attacking their Forts and Sal said no he said we will take him head on because none of us knows how long he's going to live and then he said oh my men fight to please your lord do not fight to please me and they marched on to the army of the Crusaders the Crusader Army was considerably larger than the Muslim Army the Crusader Army was deeply entrenched and they had barricaded themselves so didn't rush he showed what a military genius he was what he did he went to a nearby Fort and this fort had the women and the children of the soldiers there and he lay Siege to it and then he put his back against the sea the Christian charges were very strong the Muslims had problems dealing with Christian charges but tactically the Muslims were far superior so what the Christians thought was one charge and Salah will end up in the sea and this is exactly what Salah wanted them to think so next morning they marched it was Midsummer with them they had the True Cross the True Cross was the most sacred Relic in christiandom it was believed that a part of this cross upon it isaam was crucified and they believed that as long as they have this they could never lose a battle they actually believed that they had won the previous 20 battles because of the Baraka of this cross and what he had put strategically he had put archers on the way and what he did he poisoned all the wells so when they began to March these archers began to shower arrows so many arrows that their movements became snail pce thousands of them had perished and they thought night would bring them relief but the historians mention that salah's men had encircled them in a manner that not even Ant could go through so from the Muslim Camp there were the cries ofb and from the Christian Camp there were the cries of the dying and the wounded and next morning Salah noticed that the Brushwood was dry and the wind was blowing in the direction of the Crusaders so it's Midsummer no water and they lit the Brushwood and then now they began to choke on the smoke as well and it was here that the Muslims attacked and they were reciting the verse and indeed it is a right upon us that we assist the Believers and then Salah wanted to afflict the final psychological blow and that was to capture the True Cross and Salah sent the entire regiment to capture it and when the regiment captured it this totally demoralized the Christians and they fell by the wayside and only 150 of them remained standing around the king 150 Knights and the Muslims attacked and Salah was watching this and his brother was standing next to him and he said alhamdulillah we have defeated them and Salah said not yet and then he attacked again and the Christians went back and the his brother said alhamdulillah we have defeated them and Salah said wait not yet when that tent Falls the tent of the king then we have defeated them and when Salah was saying this the tent fell what is Salah do what did he do did he jump up and down he descended from his Mount and he went into s because he understood that Victory and defeat is from Allah subhah wa ta'ala and salahudin wasn't just the warrior shadad mentions Salah for years never missed Salah with jamat he didn't live in a palace he lived on the tent in the battlefield he wasn't just a warrior he was a man of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala this was such a complete victory that when you looked at those who were dead it was impossible to believe that anybody could have lived and when you looked at those Christian Crusaders who were alive there were so many of them one could not believe that anyone of them was dead and IM say something profound here he says this was the greatest victory for the Muslims since in sham since KH bin defeated the Romans at the Battle of Y that is a profound statement andah didn't ease up here 2 days later he was in AA North then they took tan ha aruf Beirut nabalus and a number of other places and then Salah the reason he took all the ports was so the Crusaders could not get any more reinforcements in and then marched on his greatest aim in life and that was liberation of the holy places and somebody asked him you know you're the king of Egypt Syria Yemen Lebanon you very rarely smile he had everything and Salah said how can I smile how can food and water taste good to me when is in the hands of the Crusaders I wonder what salahudin would say if he was here today and the astrologist had told salahudin they said we have seen in the stars that if you try to take Jerusalem you will lose eye and salahudin said you talking about me losing a eye I swear by Allah I will take the holy lands even if it means I walk into Jerusalem blind and for 5 days Salah went around Jerusalem until on the 20th of they found an ideal place to lay Siege and for 6 days they pounded the city and on the 26th balion came out to ask for terms Salah said I offered you terms initially you didn't take them now the city is mine and then balion said If you do not offer us terms then we will kill the 5,000 Muslims in the city and we will destroy the Masid and really this is a testimony to the greatness of he could have easily said do it and when we take it you will see what we do to your men women and children he knew that these Muslims had been at the front line for 88 years and he didn't want them to go through any more suffering he realized this and Salah gave Balian terms and Salah entered when he entered Jerusalem on the very night that the prophet sallam entered Jerusalem entered Jerusalem on the 27th of R and can you imagine how the Muslim must have felt when they entered can you imagine 88 years of person execution can you imagine when they saw the fortifying walls of Jerusalem they must have remember the stories of how living Muslims were catapulted over the walls of Jerusalem 88 years when they saw the Christian women they must have remembered how every single Muslim woman was violated 88 years ago but when they entered and they saw the Christian children they must have remember remember the stories of how babies were snatched from their mother's breast and their heads were smashed against the walls when they ENT enter the Masid they REM must have remember the stories of how 70,000 Muslims were killed in the Masid in one day until their blood was running up to the knees of those who were doing the butchering all these memories must have come back to the Muslims but had a greater memory in the back of his mind which overd all these memories and that was when the prophet sallallah Al wasam re-entered Makkah they must have seen the place where Bal was dragged until his skin would peel from his body they must have seen that place where two young girls Anda were killed for what because they believed in they must have seen the place where Amar y the entire family would be persecuted and In the Heat of the Moment a sahabi shouted out today is the day of Bloodshed today is the day of Retribution today is payback time and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam heard this and he said Ohad come here change that cry into today is the day of Mercy today is the day of forgiveness and simly Stanley lane pool mentions in his classic that the Muslim king showed the Christians the meaning of compassion Salah in this early battles only killed one man and 200 templers and that man was the after the battle of H who was it Reginald the shaton after the battle they erected a tent for salahudin the King was bought to salahudin and salahudin gave him some water to drink was he lapping and then he drank the water and he gave it to Reginald and Salah became angry he said you gave it to him I didn't give it to him CU if you gave somebody water this was the indication you've given him protection and then Salah walked up to Reginal and he reminded him of his transgressions and he reminded him of what he said about the prophet sallallah wasallam and Reginal said this is what Kings have always been doing and Salah offered him Islam and he refused and then Salah said do you know who I am said I am the representative of the Prophet s wasallam and then he fulfilled his promise and then he put 200 other Knights to the sword and then Salah he entered the Masid after 88 years they are coming back into the third holiest place and when Europe had heard that their holy lands had been taken from them Europe went to blaze Pope Urban II died out of grief and then the subsequent Pope wrote a letter to all the kings that they should send every able person to fight just from Germany Frederick the king bought a million Fighters alhamdulillah he drowned on the way and the Army dispersed Richard Phillip they bought 600,000 men and Salah was amazed at the Zeal of christiandom he wrote letters to all the Muslim leaders nobody obliged he would mention in the letters that there are more Christians at acre than there are waves in the sea he said every time we kill one they send another thousand and 600,000 Crusaders camped at AA what they did is that they made trenches around them and then they barricaded themselves in so could have attacked them from behind and for 2 years Salah remained in the field he would cry at the apathy of the Muslim leaders we cry at the apathy of the Muslim leaders today all those problems which existed in the time of Salah all exist today the only thing difference is that there is no Salah to bring the um together and Sh mentions that at a Salah was like a mother who had lost its child but see this is why we remember Salah and this is why all the other leaders are forgotten in the time of Salah how many kings were there there were three KHS in the time of Salah does anybody know the name of any one of those KHS because they didn't care so history forgot them but history remembers salahudin because he cared when they lived in their palaces where did salahudin live he lived in the tent when they slept uncomfortable beds when others had big meals in their palaces for three days salahudin ate nothing when others lived with their families in their palaces salahudin was on the battlefield he was dodging arrows sh mentioned that one day the news came that salah's brother had passed away then his nephew had passed away and he began to cry and we didn't know why he was crying but we began to cry with him he says then Sal went on the battlefield and it was as though nothing had happened he was the same Salah and this is why history remembers Salah finally the Crusaders after 2 years the Muslims in a asked for terms Richard gave them two terms and then after that he butchered every man woman and child in a and he mentions that day I was sitting next toah and he prayed the two and then he began to cry and he was making Dua he said oh Allah all my own resources I have exhausted in assisting your de and the only thing I have left is that I turned to you and I hold on to your rope and I ask you for your F and your grace and mentioned I saw Salah cry until bed became drenched and then the mat in front of him became wet that the next morning the news came that the crusaders had lifted their Siege and Richard had said his famous statement as long as a man like salahudin is protecting Jerusalem you will never take it and then it was Richard who asked for the truce Salah never asked for a truce salahudin didn't want a truce he would say that I fear that when I die the Muslim armies would disperse and the Europeans will become strong so the best that we can do is fight them he had this greater goal if Shan mentioned that I was asalan and this was the first time I had seen the Sea and the sea was pounding the waves and I remembered the opinion of some schols that anybody who goes to seea his testimony shouldn't be taken because he can't be mentally saved and he said when I saw the nature of the sea I understood the validity of this op opinion and whilst I was thinking this Salah came to me and he said oh when we have cleansed the holy lands of the Crusaders what I wish is that I go over this land and I spread the word of Islam until not one CF is left on the face of this Earth and if Shad said oh Salah you are the pillar of This Dean you are the protector of This Dean what will happen if you die and Salah turned to him and he said oh what is the greatest of deaths and he said Marty them and Salah said that is what I desire the truth took place and balion said in the OR of Salah he said oh Salah you have achieve something in Islam that nobody before you has achieved he said 600,000 Crusaders came and only one in 10 return it was almost as though Allah had kept salahudin alive just for that period after the true Salah went back to Damascus and the narration mentioned that one wet day he went to visit the hajis when he came back it was cold as wet he became ill and every day his State got worse and alad mentioned I was with salahudin when he was Ill he said the weaker his body got the stronger his trust in Allah became on the ninth day Salah became UNC conscious and she Jaffer mentions that I was reciting the Quran by his bed and when I reach the verses he it is Allah and no Lord besides him the knower of the Unseen he says Salah had been unconscious for a while and I heard a faint voice saying he has spoken the truth and he mentioned for three days I recited the Quran by the bed of Salah and he said on the final day when he passed away I reached the verse there is no God but Allah and upon him I trust and I saw salah's face become radiant and he recited the Shah and he left this D and Shad mentioned that this was the greatest Calamity to befall the Muslims since the demise of the and Abdul the famous physician says that he was mourned like a prophet because everybody loved him he passed away at the time and after they brought his body out and the narrations mention that people screamed and cried as though the whole dun had just become one place and many people when they saw his dead body they couldn't believe it they became unconscious The Liberator of the Holy lands and what did this King leave behind him king of Egypt king of Syria lebam Yemen what did he leave behind him he left one dinar and 47h some armor and a horse this is all he left behind him but I'll tell you what he left behind him he left a legacy behind him he left a legacy behind him and on his tomb they wrote Oh Allah as his final Victory open for him the gates of jenah open for him the gates of jenah
Channel: Shaykh Zahir Mahmood
Views: 30,103
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Keywords: Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, Zahir Mahmood, Sheikh Zahir Mahmood, islam, Islamic talks, Islamic lectures, ilsamic guidance, islamic guidance, morals, powerful talks, motivational talks, motivational speeches
Id: znXdCxRLU_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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