The Ministry of Authority | Bishop C.M. Wright

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[Music] vegans for I know you've heard these verses before but I'm hoping that you will hear these verses now visions for beginning with verse 11 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro carried about by about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him and all things which is the head even Christ from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself and love now according to the translators everything I read to you there is one single sentence you may be seated other translators break it up a little bit more than that but according to the King James translators the punctuation in the King James those 5 verses 6 verses actually are one single sentence I'm reading to you now from the amplified the amplified version Ephesians 4 and 11 it's amazing this water bottle does not magnify my voice our amplify my voice Ephesians 4:11 and his gifts were varied he himself appointed and gave men to us some to be apostles special messengers some prophets inspired preachers and expound errs some evangelists preachers of the gospel traveling missionary some pastors shepherds of his flocks of his flock and teachers his intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints his consecrated people that they should do the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body of the church that it might develop until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the full and accurate knowledge of the Son of God that we may arrive at really mature manhood the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and the completeness found in him that's not talking about faithful churchgoers that's not talking about coming to the place that you're a faithful church a tender that's talking about somebody who meets the requirements of religion even Pentecostal religion verse 14 so then we may no longer be children tossed like ships to and fro between chance gusts of teaching and wavering with every changing wind of doctrine the prey of the cunning and cleverness of unscrupulous men gamblers engaged in every shifting form of trickery in inventing errors to mislead this is not talking about people to go to casinos it's talking by people that are gambling with their soul by believing a lie and trusting that lie to save them rather let us let our lives lovingly Express truth in all things speaking truly dealing truly living truly unfolded in love let us grow up in every way and in all things into him who is the head even Christ the Messiah The Anointed One for because of him the whole body the church in all its various parts closely joined and firmly knit together by the joints and ligaments which it is supplied with which it is supplied when each part with power adapted to its need is working properly in all its function grows to full maturity building itself up in love this is a lofty goal this is a lofty place to get to and in my 57 plus years of having the baptism of the Holy Ghost I can't honestly tell you I know very many people including myself in my opinion who have reached this lofty place in God and since he's not really talking about individuals he's talking about church bodies of fellowship in local areas and where where there is where there's a bond we're not talking about the spiritual bond of the body between us and people in Singapore or in Malaysia or in in Zambia or Spain we're talking about we're talking about the amount of the degree of maturity that a local body can and should come to a body that's not trying to fulfilled the expectations of tradition and heritage but a body that is measuring itself individually and collectively only by the Word of God not by past experiences or practices of the church in the last hundred and fifty years but by the experiences and practices of the church in the first 150 years of its existence they were not supermen they were not human beings that could not experience temptation and struggle like us in fact if you read the epistles carefully and with some perspective you will accept the fact that every epistle was written to a church to solve problems Paul wasn't even dead yet and he wrote to warn about stuff that had crept into the church in its first 35 or 40 years of existence if a church that's still basking in the glory of the of the day of Pentecost it's capable of being opened up to false teaching and being susceptible to false apostles and prophets it's capable of being polluted by religious tradition which is perversion spiritual perversion if the church that still has so many people alive that were there that day people alive that had personal relationship with Jesus and remember that the last apostle to die died somewhere in the ninth and that the 90s or some even have said close to a hundred AD the Apostle John who is very close to Jesus personally not just spiritually if that's for 70 years of the history of the church with mill alive who actually saw him do miracles that heard his natural voice speak logos and Rhema from God if they were susceptible they'd tell me why we can be so smug as to think we're not susceptible [Music] I trust God I didn't invent any of the promises that God made of this church many of them I was no more of a participant than everybody else present when they were spoken by somebody else two-thirds of them were spoken by people that were not a member of this church a minister a man of God who is here for whatever reason and I know so many times when you when you when you rehearse those promises in your mind and spirit I know how easy it is to consider when you compare those promises to our current situation status and whatever and say it's impossible but I trust the God who gave those promises I trust him he didn't have to explain to me how he was going to do it to get me to believe it he didn't tell me to produce them he only challenged me to believe them and to continue to confess them that's all he did no matter what it looked like no matter what we were going through no matter what it felt like the scripture says there would be seasons where the church would be shaken so that only that which cannot be shaken would remain it's a painful thing when you've been someplace almost 45 years seen over 10,000 people pray through the baptism of the Holy Ghost every single one of them you have great hope for them and many of them many of them are living for God in other places and I'm thankful for that but do you do you comprehend at all that you're the group that has survived the shaking to stay here do you get that regardless of what you think of yourself you have survived the shakings regardless of your personal struggles regardless of your difficulties you have survived the shakings we got a bunch of people sick today not here we have people that have very legitimate reasons for not being here I pray that they'll watch this I hope they do they don't that's between them in God's it's not up to the pulpit to make you hungry it's not up to the pulpit to give you passion it's not up to the pulpit to give you determination or resolve that you will not be separated from your opportunity to be a part of what God has is doing and will do here it's not up to the pulpit to do that if you want to survive the shaking you have to decide not to be shaken if you want to decide to survive the purging the purging of the Holy Ghost the scripture says heresies must come heresies are not just false doctrine they're false ideas false opinions every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God against the will of God that has to be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ heresies must come why because after the threshing is the winnowing I preached this talk this a couple of month of God on how long has it been month two minutes I don't remember I just get up for more than one and try to do the will of God I can't keep track of it anymore way too much stuff going on I talk this here again the first thing God does to the harvest is bring it to the threshing floor the first thing the first thing he immediately starts doing is separating the chaff from the wheat but it's the Ox it does that Muslims not the opposite treadeth out the corn it's not porn like we eat which is called maize corn has always been used of the kernels of wheat on the stalk that was huge that word corn was used there long before it was ever used in in the Native American vegetable that we call corn I you know the principles of the word of God are so absolutely counter and contrary to so many current Church growth concepts some of you may have heard the terminology seeker-friendly church let's don't do anything in church that would make a sinner uncomfortable huh so a person comes in the building with sin in their life and they're supposed to leave having never been made uncomfortable you're kidding me right if you if you have if there's any spirit of holiness in the church and I'm not talking about standards that's that's just one manifestation of true holiness but spirit of holiness where people are separated from this world and separated under God in their lives and their lifestyles and their desires and their their hunger for God their there's the presence of God that comes because of that and a sinner cannot come sit in that and leave uncomfortable [Applause] seeker-friendly Church how about Jesus for any church how about a church that welcomes the Savior and says to everybody else if you're looking for a savior you can come here and finding if you're just looking for someplace to belong and pat you on the back 10-year okay this ain't it no apologies made this is not it so I'm gonna say this again I know that I was pastor here for 35 years I know that I know that I know I was pastor here for 35 years and December the 18th our senior pastor will have been senior pastor for 10 full years believe it not 10 years December the 18th 2005 2015 and and I said this a couple of months ago I understand that for so many of you wonderful people your emotional attachment to my wife and I is there nobody's trying to get you to break that emotional attachment but if your emotions are demanding that we roll back the clock and put the single voice single in this single pulpit and that this church be built around a single personality I'm really really sorry you're gonna have to find yourself some other backward place to go to church because this is not that backward it's not no you're not going to happen you know why because this has been the goal all along Ephesians 4:11 has been the goal all along to get to verse 12 his intention was to perfect and this is amplified Ephesians 4:12 this is the goal his intention was the perfect thing and the full equipping of the Saints is consecrated people that they should do the work of them of ministering toward building up the body of Christ the church okay the only way a church body including and especially a local geographical church body can get to that place is by a multiple voice pulpit why because it takes all five giftings to perfect the people of God to bring the fully equipped the people of God and whether whether whether you may like it or not I only have two giftings the first one is an apostolic gifting I didn't say I'm an apostle that's somebody else's problem to figure out but for this city I fulfilled the work of an apostolic gifting when you go someplace and there is nothing and God gives you the authority in the faith to carve out a church from nothing that is an apostolic gifting and I am gifted as a teacher so number one and five are resident in my life just like Paul told Timothy do the work of an evangelist I've had dreams and visions at time not very often but enough God speaks to a prophet through dreams and visions those few dreams and visions I've had don't make me a prophet they don't mean I have a prophetic gifting I love this people and I did the work of a pastor for years but I'm not a pastor and I'm sure not an evangelist because those of you that were here for years you know what my evangelistic preaching was I'm gonna teach you acts 2:38 and show you why you need to be baptized in Jesus name that's not evangelistic preaching the only way it comes close to being evangelistic preaching it's when Jesus said go into all the world and teach and that's not the same thing as preaching because the very word evangelist means to declare our preach good news frequently the Prophet doesn't have good news doesn't have good news No and if United put a costal church today there are many men traveling under the banner of a pop evangelist because that's all we will allow them to travel under and they're not advances God sends them places to set churches in order to expose sin bring revival a prophet brings revival and evangelist is a Reaper and a harvest they're not the same ministry do not hey I had the privilege of being involved in Crusades over the years especially in the 90s crusade preacher yes evangelist and one of the evangelistic message I preached in Crusades more than any other what else was have you received what Jesus came to give and I taught what John the Baptist prophesied Jesus came to give which was the baptism of Holy Ghost so I just talked to 10,000 people and people got totally ghosts but I wasn't the evangelist I wasn't a Reaper I was just someplace in the will of God for a period doing the will of God and that was it because any child of God in any particular situation God can use you to do anything you may have resident in you meaning God uses you most frequently and any one or two or whatever the gifts of the Spirit but that doesn't mean that God can't use you in any of the gifts of the Spirit on occasion so I this is not this is the first part of the message it's about three parts to this tonight and this is introduction for the next two nights let's say this again to all of you okay if we show up here next Thursday night and there's nobody here because you don't like the multiple voices that God is using in this church we're not changing it this is the will of God the way we were forced to do it when you start with nothing it's only the beginning of stage you know what caterpillars can't fly every Church starts out as a caterpillar but caterpillars can't fly and so God sends churches since people individually but especially churches through a metamorphosis a time of constricting and struggle in a cocoon not of your making not of your making and in that time of transformation and struggle God transforms you from caterpillar to butterfly and I know it's a struggle we call it transition it's really transformation its transformation and yes it's painful it's difficult but Oh God is anybody that really wants to be earthbound inching along like a caterpillar when you could fly like a butterfly because if you're satisfied inching along like a caterpillar you're in the wrong building because that's not the will of God here that's not what he's doing with us that's not the plan of God it's not happening and and God has blessed us over the years to have men with these five giftings come and be in our pulpit but hear me that's not enough and here today right now sitting in this building there are multiple people in this building right now for each one of these giftings there are multiple people in this room right now that have an apostolic gifting there are multiple people in this room this room not not counting the ones that are here there are multiple people in this room that have a prophetic gifting there are multiple people in this room that have an evangelistic gifting there are multiple people in this room that have a shepherding gifting there are multiple people in this room that have a that have a teaching gifting why because there's no other way for this body to become what God has designed it to be without multiple people using these multiple gifts to fully equip the people of God in some scenario or situation some one-on-one summon in care groups some in-home Bible study some some in church services some in training classes and all other kind of different places it's the will of God those of you that are spiritual he that have ears to hear he's to listen this church is never going back to a time that there will be a single voice and a single gifting we're not there now and we're never going back to a time when a single voice and a single gifting is going to dominate this church to lead this church that that time is over with that was necessary in the beginning but it's not that way anymore I want everybody that has started coming to this church whether saved or you move here originally I don't know once it moved away and came back but you started coming to this church after December the 18th 2005 you had never attended Antioch before December the 18th 2005 would you stand say why aren't there more here tonight brother right don't you understand what Thursday night is about Thursday night is supposed to be the leadership of Antioch wherever there is leadership and those who are presenting themselves to be trained and be a part of leadership let me say this I want to own all of you here this these people that are standing never sat under me as their pastor and when you look at the number of people that are part of the crowd that number on Sunday mornings souls and the seats that's the edited version that when you look at that percentage of people of the Sunday morning group that we're not here before December the 18th 2005 who never set under my ministry as pastor you're gonna you're going to get a real clue now you may be seated those of you that started coming to Antioch before December the 18th 2005 I want you to stand up first of all here's what I want you to do I want you to look around and see how many people that have been here 15 years 20 years people raised in this church once you look around see that you know why Oh precious ones please listen to me if you've been here 10 years please tell me why in this world you're still coming to church going I've got a word from God for every one of you standing here I want you to put it on the screen Hebrews chapter 5 and verse 12 the back what's not working somebody to let me know when it's on the screen back there Hebrews 5 and 12 is it there yet okay this word is for you that are standing when for the time you ought to be teachers do some of you still need someone to teach you again what are the baby steps of being a child of God you've been here 10 years and your salvation is still dependent upon the next church service I'm not I'm not rebuking you I'm challenging you I love you you don't have a clue how important you are here went for the time that's yet that's that's New King James I don't want that I want be King James there's just enough change to mess you up if it was an improvement I'd be okay hello King James please are there you for when for the time ye ought to be teachers he's not speaking to babies he's not speaking to new people in the body of Christ for when for the time you he didn't say you preachers need to be teachers she's talking about Saints that's been around a while for win for the time you ought to be teachers I'm paraphrasing now and in tailoring this to you do you still need someone to teach you again which are the first principles of the Word of God are you still someone that needs baby food again don't don't take my tone of voices rebuke or or condemnation I'm trying to just get you look at yourself folks there supposed to be a point in your walk with God where your salvation ceases to be dependent upon the next church service god have mercy [Applause] next verse please just stay standing a minute I'm still standing you're doing a better job standing I am for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness free as a babe no matter how long he's been saved if he's still needing milk from the word and can't stand strong media and grown up yet [Music] next verse but strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil precious ones are you a giver or a taker after at least 10 years in the body of Christ are you still coming to church with your elbows on your sleeve if somebody doesn't shake your hand when you ought to be the hand shaker if nobody shakes your hand that's because you didn't do what you ought to be doing you're the ones supposed to be doing the hand shaker you you're not babies oh my god how could you have survived all that's not steak tough steak you used to get stuff that you had to chew on every bite a while to even have any hope of swallowing how did you survive that and sitting here tonight with any kind of attitude because if you don't feed me preacher I'm gonna die starvation how how did you get there did you never go past that you know something you have no idea of the lofty pedestal I put you on that's truth for God I may be deceived but in this case leave me alone in my deception but you folks that have been around here while I got you on such a lofty pedestal and my expectations of you are so high because of the pedestal your own you've made it you've survived it anybody here got friends and families that have moved out of enter on the county I Got News for you I prayed them out you want to go with them because I prayed everybody out of this area who used to go here that only would want to stay around and badmouth this church if they're never ever gonna be a part of this church again I've I've asked God to send them out and there's a bunch of them you know they went out the back door never even said bye some of them didn't move far enough way very far away but they move far enough that there's very little chance they will affect anybody that's coming to this church or that we might reach why did you do that to them for why why should I blow them to stay here and just chew up every new convert that would God would give here I got no responsibility to do that you be seated I'm gonna say this to you again do you have any idea of the pedestal your own in my heart and spirit I mean just about anybody in that group that stood up if there was somebody down here at need of the Holy Ghost I would have almost no reservation I'd have no reservation with about 80 to 90% of you blindfolded just walking among you if you were all in the crowd just walking among you and just grabbing the first person in my hand got a hold up drag you up here and say pray for this person and and I would have expectation that you'd know what you were doing do you know how few churches there are like that do you know have any idea that the spiritual sensitivity that 99% of you that have been around here awhile have is so uncommon it's ridiculous do you know how careful we have to be who's invited to stand in this pulpit because a guy that's not for real can't stand here it's no you we're long since past the point of just letting any old Tom Dick or Harry Pentecostal preacher getting this pulpit and do his little performance cuz I've seen way too many of you you start out with some expectation and he begins to manifest his spirit and you just slide farther back in your seat and you get comfortable and say okay how long do we have to endure this buffoon oh hopefully you don't call him a buffoon we can't do that we can't just invite anybody to come stand here why because 90 plus percent of you you pick up on him just like that if he's not for real if he doesn't have a relationship with God if if he doesn't know how to flow in the Holy Ghost and all he wants to do is get up here and impress you with eloquence you're polite but I know that there's a whole huge difference between politeness and participation I can't sit there and be upset with you I can't sit there and be upset with you because you don't fake it cuz if somebody wants to get in this pulpit and fake it I don't want you to act like them [Applause] so it's not a casual thing to just invite oh Jesus I'm gonna so say that's just about it I'm generally as I can and some of you will know exactly what I'm talking about you cannot believe the heat I put up with over the years because some very close relatives were never asked to be in this bullpen what kind of Sarang said it kind of relative or you a saved one I'm talking about never I'm calling back from the beginning back never I got some friends are they friends I love them they're good guys they've never been invited here why cuz we're too good no cuz you're too good cuz you pick up on what was going on in them in a heartbeat first of all I don't want you to know what's going on in them some of you are already fellowship with enough negativity on the Facebook you don't need to add somebody in person oh Jesus help us all five giftings have to be at work in this body at all times some visibly some not visibly and they rotate around in order for this church this body of believers to be brought to the place in God that it is fully equipped and motivated and dedicated to do the work of your ministry so the church can grow it's been set over this pulpit or whichever one was the pulpit at any particular time that you don't build a church from a pulpit because sheep don't produce Shepherds don't produce sheep it is the purpose of the FIFO giftings to fully equip the Saints to prepare them to do their work so the church can grow thereby why Oh folks in my darkest hours the most difficult times one of the key things that kept me going saw me through my troubles struggles was the memories of being involved with people coming out of darkness into light and the hope of participating with that again and seeing that happen one day in massive numbers and it just keeps me going see because I have those experiences and I have those memories and oh let me tell you something that's worth everything and the Lord wants that for you because if you're sitting around just coming to church to be blessed just coming to church to be fed if that's if that's what your coming to church for then you have a cross the line between immaturity and maturity the immature st. in which everybody starts out immature the immature Saint regardless of how long they've been saved comes to church to get the boat or comes to church to give and if you're in the place where you're supposed to be the giver instead of the getter and you come to church you begin to pick everything apart because you're not getting it's not the church that's the problem it's not the pulpit that's the problem it's you because you haven't you haven't grown up yet I'm not being unkind that statement it's not a slur it's not slander it's not criticism it's a diagnosis to try to help you we're supposed to grow up in God why because of the because of the joy of the fruitful we're all called to be fruitful in some way or another because of the joy that's fruitful and how did Jesus endure his cross because of the joy that was set before him and if you don't if you haven't experienced it a joy are you or are you you're not looking forward to joy you're not gonna make it through your experience with a cross joy is the only thing that keeps person going in their darkest hours not that they have joy at that moment but that they have joy they're expecting and looking forward to again Jesus endured the cross he didn't enjoy the cross he endured the cross because of the joy that was set before him there is no church I don't care how good it does it's religious the religion is really stuff there's no Pentecostal church no matter how well gay got all this religious stuff down they can really keep people saved because if a joy has a church as it taught people how to experience joy and how to reach for joy and how to expect joy joy then people don't survive and hear me when I say this to you the only joy you can experience in a church service is his joy and he said these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full the only joy that can vary in amount is your joy and it's the joy of the person that's involved in the kingdom of God that's involved with with encouraging the feeble and picking up the one that's falling down that's struggling and and helping the new person feel like a part and and and and and reaching the one that's in darkness and helping them get in the light his joy cannot increase or decrease the question is whether or not his joy is in you these things and he was talking about fruit bearing in John 15 he says these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you but that your joy might be full because all my brothers and sisters joy is the only thing that keeps you going when your world is falling apart if your world's falling apart physically financially family lives whatever it is that's falling apart if you don't have an expectation of joy you don't have what it takes to make it through your cross I don't know if this fits here but it just came to my mind I've never preached this before Jesus said to us if any man would be my disciple let him take up his cross daily and deny himself and follow me he didn't say for me to crucify myself daily he said I had to take up my cross daily now here's Jesus he's been beaten he's going through all these false trials before the Roman governor and before the high priest know that and they finally decided okay we're gonna do this thing and they put the cross on his shoulder to carry I got a question he was 33 years plus old you think he never saw a cross before do you honestly think he never saw anybody crucified on a cross before do you honestly think he had no expectation of what was coming and friend it wasn't a philosophical expectation it wasn't a an imaginary expectation you know why because he's carrying the instrument of his suffering and death that he's seen others nailed to similar ones oh Jesus help us John Hebrews 12 I'm paraphrasing now he he survived the cross he endured the cross he didn't enjoy the cross but he made it through the experience of the cross why because he looked beyond the cross to the coming joy because in God there cannot be a death without a resurrection there cannot be a trial without a future victory in God in God there cannot be there cannot be the trial the death is never the end we we were in Janesville ho Ohio last Wednesday through actually we came back Saturday we drove only about five and a half hours not counting stop beautiful drive weather was awesome and I have James Earl Jones reading the New Testament on my iPad my iPhone iPad and I and I hooked it up Bluetooth to my speakers and all the way to Ohio and most of the way back I listened to that majestic voice my lord the guy was born in the South raised in the North sounds like he's from England sometimes I had to be careful to listen to what he was saying just listen to him talk but anyway and and and we're listening to that we don't have it up loud loud but we have it up loud enough you can hear it without being over just overwhelmed with it and and and I knew that I wasn't going to concentrate on it every second of every minute on the trip but when I wasn't concentrating it was still entering my ears subconsciously and I just letting that come in and on the whole trip there was one thing that when he said it just boom hit me in the head fresh and anew he said he that believeth on me shall never die believe us now this and I oh yes I believe that because friends and family may look at a corpse but the moment I leave that house that ain't me [Applause] and you know what he was saying when you die you don't ever lose consciousness you go from the temporal to the eternal boot just ooh he that believeth on me shall never die [Music] believe it's now this I preached in Chicago a couple of Sundays ago before the service started I mean they're reaching some people in Chicago let me tell you something brother Gonzales Church it is it's got doctors in it and former gang leaders in it it's got people that have have done all kind of wonderful things to help other people and it's got murderers in it no yeah that's true so I'm sitting there and one guy somebody walked up to me just my time service get started says don't look now but the guy in the back on the right is in that red shirt he's one of the most notorious gang leaders in Chicago so I'm sitting there I'm gone okay okay Lord now how would you like to handle this do I ignore him or do I get up in his grill oh why not and I talked about choosing to live a life of fear or a life of faith and when you try to act tough and you say you're not afraid then why are you carrying that weapon quote/unquote I said that but you see the difference between you and me is I don't have to carry a weapon because you can't threaten me with heaven [Applause] that's that talk I meant that many many years ago I mean it more tonight and have every minute I'm not volunteering to leave here because I'm not done yet in fact in all honesty take this any way you want to take it but the things that God has put in my heart that I've been called to do I feel like I'm just now barely getting started with them that's the truth for God whatever my place is I've been called to make a an impact on the body of Christ wherever God sends me whatever doors he's opening whether they seem small or big impacts I've been called to make an impact on the body of Christ and we'll do that so so coming back to this place when are some of you precious people gonna finally make peace with there's a reason why most of the time you don't really know who's gonna be in the pulpit when you come to church that's not because we're so slothful we can't announce in advance did you get that most of the time you don't know who's gonna be in the pulpit because we don't want you coming to church because of who's gonna be in the pulpit occasionally when there's a reason to do so we're gonna announce it in event in advance but it's not about personalities and it's not about giftings it's about the will of God and the voice of God and when and how it's supposed to be done now if you will allow me if you allow me I got some things to talk about the next week or so that's it's critical I just want to touch on a little bit of it tonight we're gonna do something here in a minute in all of this studying and teaching I'm doing and all these bishops that God is using me to ordain or participate in their ordination ordination God is showing me all over again that first and foremost it's about Authority the devil you may have power you may have the Holy Ghost and power but the devil is not afraid of your power he's afraid of your authority I have in my wallet here something called a driver's license let me tell you what that is I started driving around our house at a little Volkswagen bug when I was 12 my dad said I want you go out there in the yard practice with that Volkswagen Beetle stick-shift twelve years old he didn't care if I choked it down if I ground the gears because he wanted me to learn and he didn't want me to learn on the street first of all he wanted me to drive around the house we'd have a big yard but it was enough to drive around the house there wasn't that much stuff to run over because when you're in the military wherever your home of record is the state of residence no matter where you're living as far as driving is concerned you go by those laws so in 1958 50 1960 I was 14 and I was the only person in Rhode Island 14 where the learner's permit because the learner's permit couldn't be gotten in Rhode Island till you were 16 but I'm from Florida and you at that time you got it learner's permit at 14 and not only not only can I Drive with an adult but with a learner's permit I could ride a scooter by myself so I'd go wheeling up my dad bought a little scooter bought it and actually bought it in Italy on a Mediterranean cruise as far as the on the USS x''k Essex and they let him put it on board they're bringing home little Lambretta and I was the only fourteen year old could come tooling up in the high school parking lot driving themselves but I was saved enough to not take advantage of that I'll just let you interpret that okay I got my driver's license at 16 this card does not speak really anything about my ability to drive only that I have a basic ability to drive enough that they said we have reasonable expectations you will kill yourself in anybody else that doesn't mean I'm ready to take s-curves at 100 miles an hour slide in the back end through those curves doesn't mean I'm a professional driver this is a license this this proves I've been given the right to drive speaks nothing to my ability to drive that's the parallel of spiritual authority a lot of people have spiritual giftings but they don't have the authority to use them they don't have the right to use them why because there's only one way to get Authority only one way yes sir it doesn't matter if I like what you said agree with what you said as long as it's not false doctrine yes sir that's how I get Authority you see yes sir if I'm not willing to go yes sir whatever you say sir I'm not going to have authority so I may have giftings and abilities but I have no right to use them and the devil does not fear your abilities and your giftings and your intelligence he only fears those that have the right to use them because he's got abilities and giftings but he doesn't have the right to use it so everything the devil does is usurped authority meaning he is illegally using what he has because he doesn't have a right to do it and when a child of God presumes to use their giftings and abilities the gifts of God that's has been given you for the kingdom of God and you're not submitted to Authority you're now participating in what the devil is doing which is usurping authority because you don't have any real authority and that's called rebellion rebellion is using giftings out from under the covering of authority and let me take something else the Lord is showing me in the Bible you cannot separate authority from faith the centurion says Lord my servant Jesus my servant sick he said I've come to yes no no no no I'm not worthy to come in my house just speak the word only because I do am a man under authority and because I'm under authority I say to these soldiers go do this this come here and they do what I say and Jesus said I have not found so great a oh he didn't say so great about he did he he said I have not yet found so great faith no doubt in Israel you know why because if you're trying to exercise faith if you're trying to exercise faith what you're speaking to will obey you to the same degree that you obey the authority over you and you wonder why your prayers aren't answered what does that say oh yeah yeah yeah why the disciples said the Apostle said Lord increase our faith he said faith is not your problem you only need faith as a grain of mustard seed you could say to this tree get out of here I want you over here and it'll obey you but which of you plowing and feeding cattle which of you has a servant out there plowing and feeding cattle and they come in from the field which of your sense to them I know you're tired go go go get rested and change then when you get to feeling better then you can come and fellowship with me but you don't say that you say to them you've come in from the field you've been working out there now I want you to prepare a meal for me that I may sup in other words you've been involved in my work but I want you to prove what your motive is because I want you to come in here and put your relationship with me ahead of yourself does he thank that servant because he did what he was come in to do I don't think so so then when you have done what's been what you've been commanded to do say we are unprofitable servants we've only done that which was our duty to do but what is that when I do what I'm commanded to do what I'm expected to do then when I speak when I speak what I'm speaking to is gonna obey me and submit to what I say to the same degree that I submit to Authority so I could sit here say you know I don't like how this is going I don't agree with this I don't like this I don't think this is right I hope you had good insurance guess what's coming won't be god because what you've just done is rip the covering of authority right off you and you've exposed yourself and your family because the only covering that protects you is Authority and the only way to get Authority is to be can to be covered by authorities to be submitted to Authority I preached better than that guy what's he I can sing better than her I can play better her what are they doing up there who's the one to put them up there well ultimately little old me and when you challenge that oh brother right I believe in you know you don't believe in me you think there's stuff done here that I don't agree with if it is it doesn't last long you think I'm gonna get up here and tell everybody well that was started but I fixed it no no I go do that now if you want to get up and tell people they can just trash holiness or you can be saved by confessing Jesus or there's only there's three persons that Godhead I will pull your coattail right now but I'm not I'm not correcting leaders publicly I wouldn't want to be treated like that why would I treat somebody like that and whatever I do privately is none of your business it's the same kind of privacy you would want if you were in the same place treat me with respect yes I want to be treated respect so I'm gonna do my best to treat you with respect if you will let me and when I say let me I'm not talking about just me I'm talking about every person that's in this church and every place of leadership with my you know somebody cesspits the folks that have implied you know brother right you're not here very much you don't know what's going on I wonder if I could get any takers that would be willing for me to walk up to you right now and tell everybody what's going on in your life to see if I can and I don't know what's going on here oh please don't anybody say I don't believe it is I'm just waiting for somebody to be to volunteer to be the guinea pig by saying in your spirit where I can hear it I don't believe it don't know what's going on here oh here's the word disconnected you think I'm disconnected from this so God is only where you are and he's not where I am and I can't connect with what's going on here wherever I am you don't think God can do that you think he'd give me a responsibility and didn't tell me to go preach over here and then put me in a place where I couldn't fulfill my responsibilities then he'd be the one responsible for my failure not me oh thank you for not challenging that cuz like you like you I don't want anybody to know my struggles they're my struggle stream and Jesus thank God thank God but don't told you I walk sometimes I don't sit up here because I just like to have Church and not know what's going on just once occasionally because when I sit here it doesn't take very many sweeps because you see what people don't understand is when you're not doing well you send out a signal and you don't have any ability to keep that from going out why don't you do stuff about it cuz since I'm not the boss the longer I do this the more I realize there's fewer and fewer things he lets me to deal with because he really would like to keep it between you and him all I'm doing is praying about it that's all but here's the problem okay number three tonight it's not gonna go very long well my parts not gonna go very long this church has been very very powerful because of the depth and the power of its intercessors and there was quite a cadre of powerful intercessors 15 or 20 people that were just absolutely just as powerful intercessors as I've seen anywhere experienced but almost all of them were ladies and all in almost every one of those situations where a lady was an intercessor husbands who are supposed to be the covering have allowed themselves to get their brains beat out they've struggled with authority and when they started struggling with authority they lost their covering of their their authority that become their covering of authority so they lost their ability to be a covering in their family so now their wife who saw him heavily involved intercession is now exposed and vulnerable to get her teeth kicked in and now it takes up there right now from my military training I'll taste something when I realize somebody's got nukes aimed at me I'm not worried about the guy with an m16 I want to take out those nuclear-tipped missiles so that's where I'm gonna marshal my forces to take out those those people that really have the ability to hurt me bad and that's intercessory prayers and when it's the lady who is the intercessor and her husband gets a little jealous of that he maybe he'd never admitted even to himself he gets a little bit jealous of that it's a little bit jealous of the that the notice she's getting because of that and and then they have other problems come along and they get a little bit they get crossways with the leadership and authority they don't intend to remove the covering off them and they don't intend to remove the covering off their wife they just make choices to get crossways with leadership and then they become victims and there are therefore ladies and the ones that have survived the ones that are still saved who were intercessors and they're sitting here and because they feel so uncovered they're rarely involved in intercession and and and the Lord has an answer for that there's a shift in the focus of intercession that is taking place in this church and it's going to be demonstrated here tonight because because we are because we have a place in the body of Christ and in the endtime Church of some significance whatever that is that's God's business but we have a place we're targeted and if we don't have people praying not everyday but regular powerful intercession to not only be a defense for this body but also to be on the offense against those who those things and their spirit that would try to come against us we're not gonna be we're not gonna win there's a shift gonna take place here tonight it's not that it's not that the ladies and their intercessory prayer is not going to continue to be of importance it certainly is the gifts and calling for God without repentance and if you have a gift of a gifting of intercessory prayer you need to use it but you should not use it unless you're under the covering of authority and if you have a husband he's got to be submitted to leadership if your single lady then you personally have to be you have to be submitted leadership trust me if something's being preached false here every person in this building has a responsibility to question that but if what's being done in direction or methodology or whatever I'm sorry that leader doesn't answer to you he doesn't have to use methods or direction that you like or agree with because the submitted say I'm going this direction until God changes it will find my place in it I'm gonna say it T again if false doctors being preached you you have responsibility your own soul not to stand with it if it's false doctrine if it's disagreement over methodology structure whatever I love you and you can do what you want to I'm not I'm not rebuking anybody here I'm pleading with you for your sake you're uncovering your family you're uncovering yourself you're uncovering your family because there's only one way to have authority which is your covering of protection and has to be under authority and even for the best of us even for the most spiritual of us if we're not on on guard on watch the scripture teaches we can fall into that trap even for the best of us even for those who have been here the longest you can fall into that trap it's not a bad a better being a bad person you just you know what are they doing what are they doing why just going like this one that's not the way we used to do it no it's not and I have to tell you we're never going to do it again like we used to do it's not going to happen we're going forward we're not going backwards you can't put new wine into old wineskins you can't do it you can't put a new piece of cloth into an old garment and mend it you can't do it and if you get in the spirit then the Lord will give you peace over where we're going because we're going someplace and I can't apologize for the cocoon folks because I want to fly I'm not apologizing for the cocoon this tournament butterflies excuse me caterpillars and the butterflies I'm not apologizing for that and I would say something else to you hear me please if you come to a church service I'm talking to you I'm not talking about the people have just started coming of the ones that are still there they're part of the crowd but they're still not committed yet don't get to you talking about the leadership and the committed people I'm talking to you if you're sitting in a church service and nothing's happening and you can't feel anything oh god you have a personal responsibility to put your face between your knees and begin to call on God you don't have to make a scene but it is not the persons in the pulpit responsibility to pull the rabbit out of a hat and make this thing work we are a body you got the same Holy Ghost we've got you got the same name on you we have you got the same responsibility in the spirit we have we're all one body several years ago I was at Maryland DC youth camp and I'm usually at Maryland DC youth camp special since I became superintendent how many years ago is that been four or five all by themselves there was a group of young men from this church that felt a a challenge from the Lord to not accept those services just being whatever so all on their own they got up early in Ward and they came to church half-hour hour before church and Ward because they weren't willing for those services to just be good Pentecostal church services and you hear me when I tell you those young men broke the spirit of that thing and we had a move of God the scripture says we need the young and we need the old the old because of their experience and wisdom of the young because of their strength and passion yes sir don't pray yet just hold it this man has a warrior spirit who Lord as they have a warrior spirit before before any girls come I want the young men who are willing to commit and join him that you're going to pray and intercede and help us break through into a flow of the spirit like we've never had it never had it before young men with strength passion anointing burden fire they're about to start anybody else join them after they start [Applause] male and female younger oh you're welcome to come join if you won't do we're gonna break something here tonight [Applause] this hittin the battle call to preach this is a better call to war this is about a determination I'm not accepting Bell church anymore [Applause] [Applause] my god my god you're accepting responsibility tonight that you're not going to sit in church when it's bound [Applause] you're gonna pray I need some volume on that microphones I can't hear you I want them to hear in Jesus they my dog [Applause] thank God yes yes [Applause] the angels of the Lord will work and minister if they can find somebody to pray so they could be released [Applause] come on the angels of the Lord will minister if they can find somebody that will pray and release them [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] teal'c [Applause] come on let's break it come on let's break it come on let the Lord use you let the Lord use you let's break [Applause] come on there's a shift taking place in this church tonight you that are older God's not rejecting you he's not abandoning you [Applause] but the weight of this needs to come all the young have the strength to do it and to do it regularly the new consistently [Applause] my god [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I will not settle I will not settle will not settle [Applause] rise up color dosed rads that faith come on LaDonna go she's the authority of God that's upon you [Applause] [Applause] see Gardena [Applause] [Applause] here's the shift you ladies that have been involved an accessory warfare prayer God is shifting your ministry sensory travail because travail is perfect the Lord loves to use the young with the strength they have in their passion to do the warring the fighting the victory but he wants to use those of you that are seasoned an intercessory prayer for the travail but birthday if you've been used in ministry prayer ladies I need you over here right now right now let's tear the God we're gonna use you in travail come on now please come on right over here they want birthday we want people to be saved as soon as science avail be Rabbani and soon as I interfere bugs the moon this is warfare I need some ladies to travaillez the travail in birth No come on ladies birth it let's not use you to birthday birthday you're not worried your travailing in birth an accessory travail [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] vehicle me I gotta pee [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Latino ko me hearty Tenali to Tanaka yay wat oh no no no no no Sonia okay to sati Dakota teacher to Nala technology no koto decoder clue Nyanza need oh no matzah Lana [Music] [Applause] no no no call me Nana nanana Matta you know Tina country don't no no don't oh yeah more Latino call new to knock on your mighty naka no no no no no come on let's pray come on let's pray [Applause] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus socata hi [Applause] baba bhai Colorado ratatata bhai TLR inaudible Tata hi ela bahasa hi [Applause] she's sustained thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you for you everybody has a place everybody has a part everybody not everybody's called to do this not everybody's called to do this but everybody has a place everybody has a part and in a body every part of the body does its part hallelujah hallelujah hallelu [Applause] and we hallelujah I knew who you have Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] hallelu hallelujah hallelu how do I love you hallelu hallelujah hallelu Jesus thing she was just Jesus alluro go for ratatata hi hey Karla ratatata ha ha hey Karla Rotella ratatata hi Tata Tata [Music] hello quarter that that the hi how they do [Music] better Jesus Jesus Jesus thank you thank you Father thank you for thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you for I love oh whoa colder I thought that that hi [Applause] [Music] he kind of had that that that uh my mom I thought she said yeah nagoba seventeen-year-old Joseph was called to eventually be the savior of Israel 17-year old David was anointed king and an eighteen he defeated Goliath started the victory for the nation of Israel the Holy Ghost told me a couple of weeks ago that the transition of the responsibility of the primary responsibility for warfare intercession was going to transition tonight it's going to start tonight do not let the devil tell you you're too young for this kind of responsibility it's a lie it's a lie and if you will determine I'm not going to wait for somebody else to do this but I am gonna commit to God then when I feel stuff bound I am going to take the responsibility to pray until I feel a break and there's not going to be a call prayer meeting before church we're just gonna leave that up to the hungry okay because the authority is here are you guys perfect no less perfect than I am no more perfect than I am but there's an authority here because myself senior pastor and your pastor all are expressions of the covering of authority over you that gives you the opportunity to involve yourself in this and be protected to be covered and you have the opportunity to make this thing to see this thing happened and to know in your spirit you contributed to it because it cannot happen without these things being broken did anybody feel what happened in the spirit world when they started did you feel that my if anybody needed a witness of the Holy Ghost of what was happening to confirm what God has said here tonight that's all you needed it's still vibrating the spirit world still vibrating just like this there was a huge number I don't I'm not gonna throw out a number out there there was a huge number of angels that burst out of this place because they were released because people started praying with confidence and faith and in authority with determination and allowed them to go and some of your ladies have been such faithful intercessors and you've been an intercessor intercessory warrior kind of out of due season because no one understands travail like a mother most of you here are mothers and you cannot you can defeat the devil all you want but if nobody is travailing to give birth there's not going to be any results and whether you're praying with somebody else or with a group or by yourself there's got to be travail there's got to be and let me tell you tell you guys something tell you ladies something and you ladies over here guys over here whatever okay warfare and travail intercession is the greatest death of test of your true humility because if you ever only do that in public when there's people watching it's still God but your motives wrong your intercessory prayer needs to be like an iceberg about ten percent of its done where people see about ninety percent of its done where nobody knows except whatever group you're with not in front of the church and people come in and say wow what I want to move the Spirit of God here tonight and if they never know that you were part of the group that helped breakthrough for that service that night the Lord knows that's all it counts the Lord knows it is not you're doing yourself in God a great disservice when you sit there with your spiritual arms folded and say preacher come on let's have a move of God and when you get that move of God going preacher I may get involved with you till then no way no no no no no no no no the preachers the leader he's not the one that does it he's just the one that helps keep order and you have some direction it's the body who does the warring the Lord's ready if you experienced something in the holy ghost tonight confirming to you as you participated that God is really wanting you to participate in this you said well I'm not sure what did you feel while you were doing it you feel a connection with what's being done did you have a flow with what's being done then don't wait to have to get in a group to do that you you could be sitting at the house reading a book or something or playing a video game god forbid and all of a sudden you feeling something you go what's that what am I feeling and you said over just reach over and hit the power button and say okay Lord is this you you sit there and you close your eyes and you just say you just feel after God said Lord are you are you trying to talk to me here for a minute you trying to Lord I want to give you first opportunity I I don't wanna put you behind so whatever to give you first opportunity is this you Jesus is issue and you just begin to pray quietly in tongues and the next thing you know all of a sudden that thing shifts and it goes it takes off because you didn't make him beat you over the head because he's really not going to do that it's just a tugging and right at the first it may not register in your conscious mind but it's just a tugging all of a sudden you go whoa what's that wasn't that I'm feeling here you begin to feel after that wait on that just begin to quietly praying well if it's the Holy Ghost it won't be long after you start quietly praying cuz you begin to feel that flow begin to build and it's the more you yield boy oh the next thing you know it's there because you're sensitive to it if you're ever going only going to do this when the preacher says I want somebody to come up here and intercede you're gonna be on the fringes of it just the fringes of it but if you allow yourself to be committed to what God's done tonight and you commit yourself to feel after it and not let people persuade you not to get involved with it it tastes something if you want to walk in the spirit you're gonna spend some time alone you're gonna you're gonna have some occasions for people cause so let's go do it no I I can't tonight what are you doing I'd rather not say I just can't tonight you don't have to tell them what you're doing I just can't tonight sorry I'm I got a commitment I have to keep and you spent some time alone the Lord see what happens you know I can do what you did what's ever six months know something whatever I still have that gifting I still have that authority I don't have the physical strength to do that on a regular I just don't I'm not it's not pour Me's I don't have that but look at you guys you're young you're strong you're healthy you got all that that God can take and use and after the Lord uses you and it's powerful and they are so you're ready to go again voice kicks right back in and whatever fatigue you felt that's gone and here you are ready to go The Devil's afraid of that and he wants you to sit here and believe that you're not important and you don't have a place and and you know you got to wait till you're 60 years old before you're ever gonna be able to significance around here it's a lie it's a lie and you got all the support here around you there's there's older men and I and this audience and this congregation there's there's older men here all available to be there for you to help you if you just stay covered by authority you're okay Jesus said Luke 10:19 I'm quitting behold behold I give you King James's power the Greek word SEC sucia not Denham Asst authority behold I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you when you're under Authority and operating in the authority that you've received because you're submitted to Authority it protects you protects you father we give you praise and thanks tonight we honor you we glorify you we praise you we thank you for what you've done tonight we thank you for your call we thank you for this call that's going out to these young men and these ladies and and we thank you for your confirmation of that call your desire to use them mightily in you we thank you for it father we thank you for it we thank you for it Lord Jesus be glorified let your kingdom be edified let your Kingdom be manifested in Jesus name let your will in heaven be done on the earth and let your name be sanctified and lifted up in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ he tell how sue Cote a lot I thought I tá colorado double quarter i thought that the higher the a colorado double core i die because c ki a gallon hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise your name Jesus praise your name Jesus praise your name Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father that a spirit of Steel like determination coming to the heart and spirit of every person this building that's yielded themselves to you it says I will not passively sit through another service again where there struggled that I will join with the leader and defeat what's resisting us and break through whatever is in our way that your will might be done people might be helped and healed and delivered and saved in Jesus name we give you the praise and thanks for it amen god bless you one more thing real quick before you go next tuesday night I guess brother Simpson the valley shoot for seven o'clock is that all right okay I'm sorry didn't see you okay look for you next Tuesday night at seven o'clock I'm going to be leading a prayer meeting in our Baltimore building and it's going to be three basic steps to it we're gonna praise the Lord and move into a flow and then we're going to anoint everything in that ability in that building with oil in the name of Jesus in the Holy Ghost and drive every spirit that thinks it has a right to stay there out and establish that building as an Embassy of the kingdom of God then then the third part is then we're going to begin to war against the principalities that are causing such disturbance in Baltimore and keeping people blind and bound and lost that's the pattern right there telling you advance that's the three things we're doing I don't know how long that's gonna take doesn't matter to me when you gotta go you can leave but this has got to be done and it's got to be done now and it cannot does not need to be done progressively it needs to happen boom and I know you guys have already been doing praying I know you have so it's not like we're walking in cold turkey our brothers sisters from Baltimore already doing praying with I'm opening this to those that would like to come it's fine it's totally optional but if you're coming you're not coming as a spectator if you're just gonna come in spectate I really want you to not come everybody that walks in the building I'm asking you to come as a participant because we need absolute unity in the spirit so that we can have victory praise God praise God at seven o'clock there should be parking spots on the street so that you can park reasonably without having to walk too far okay god bless you oh the pastor was in Baltimore tonight for a purpose Institute graduation he was the speaker if I'm not if I'm not mistaken brother you was with him that's where they are so just wanted you to know he wanted you to know that okay god bless you
Channel: Apostolic Iron
Views: 4,423
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic, Apostolic Iron, Jesus, Prayer, Pray, Praying, C.M. Wright, Bishop Wright, Pentecost, Pentecostal, UPCI, Call To War, God, Lord, Preaching, Apostolic Preaching
Id: kC24DqDtilI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 42sec (7182 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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