What Does It Mean To Work Iniquity? | Bishop C.M. Wright | October 27th, 2019

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praise God amen if you'll remain standing as the lovely brothers and sisters that were present this morning found out I'm not starting early to get out early he that hath ears to hear he's to hear so I I tried really hard and kept it under 100 an hour and 40 minutes this morning so we'll see how that works tonight you know what that's called on rhiness that's just me just poking at you it's just a little bit here praise God so if you were not here this morning in the auditorium this morning was part a tonight is Part B so if you want the whole thing you'll have to go back and listen to Part A okay praise God so just to kind of tie the two together I'm gonna start here Psalms 32 verses 1 & 2 Psalm 32:1 and 2 blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered blessed is the man unto whom the lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile and then romans 4 verses 6 and 7 romans 4 6 and 7 David is quoting Psalms 32 1 and 2 he's quoting it but notice you'll notice a difference between the two even as david also prescribed describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered you may be seated you will find throughout the New Testament when an Old Testament verse is quoted it doesn't always match up exactly the way it's translated in the Old Testament verses the way it's spoken in the New Testament sometimes that's strictly a matter of the Greek words are translated a little differently than the Hebrew words were sometimes it's the lord clarifying a point sometimes it is actually him changing the point in the New Testament quotation and the primary difference is that in Psalms 32 the word used is transgression blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is covered but in the New Testament Paul says it blessed is the man whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sin is covered tonight I want to talk to you a little bit about one of the most critical things that any child of God needs to understand the original sin in heaven was not pride the original sin in heaven was iniquity and iniquity iniquity is the choosing my will over God's will so we think of sin as being doing wrong things things like the world and not doing the right thing so we we automatically connect sin with an offense against the Word of God shall doing the shalt nots and not doing the shells okay but the root of all of that is something different completely can I make this statement to you and I will say it without apology those of you that are desiring to walk with God and please God and think that they are struggling with sin you are not your struggle is not sin your struggle is not temptation it's not and as long as you're dealing with the symptom and you don't identify and deal with the root you will never get victory ever I'm gonna say this again some of you need to hear this you really you really want to go to heaven you really do desire to go to heaven but you know you think my flesh is so wrong I'm constantly committing sin either the sin of of doing what I shouldn't do or not doing what I should do what is wrong with me I keep committing sins sin is the symptom there is a root that produces all sin because sin is an action and even if you want to describe not doing what I should be doing that is an action you say no if there's no action no no a choice is made a Holy Ghost field person doesn't neglect prayer they choose to not pray they choose to put something else as a priority in their life over prayer that's a choice it's an act that's why it's sin and sin is an act that's a result of a decision you say well that's my problem no it's not your problem no that's the symptom of your problem I said this this morning I can't tell you how much I wish somebody had taught me this 62 years at 61 years ago 62 in February when I first received the Holy Ghost I wish somebody had explained this to me I wish I too understood this because I have struggled with years but for years trying to overcome certain things you do well for a while and you know prayerlessness it is as much as I believe in prayer it is so easy to get busy and choose to not pray no no I don't choose to I'm saying again I don't choose to not pray I just just time passes and I don't pray no no no when I choose to make anything a priority over a prayer that's an act it's a decision when I know what the Word of God says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you when I know the Word of God says that I'm supposed to seek God seek his kingdom first in order of time and priority when I know the Word of God says that I don't neglect prayer well I didn't even think about it no that's not true you think you didn't think about it but when you decided to put someone something else as a priority over prayer you decided that well I've got I'm under a lot of pressure I got a lot of stuff going on well the Bible says what to do when you're under pressure you got stuff going on you can't stall your cares you don't let pressure and things pressure you into doing that which is this pleasing to God now there that I am NOT the pastor here and so therefore there are people here that I do not know and because I do not know you I don't know if this year because I don't know you because I don't know if this is your very first service if you come regularly if you have recently been saved or whatever I don't know that and I will acknowledge you if if you are just visiting tonight either the first time or you've been here a couple of times there will be points and times in this message that you're going to go huh what is he talking about and it has nothing to do with intelligence there's nothing new with your intellect the reason you will not understand what's being said is because there has to be some level of exposure and effort having been made for this to really affect you and so therefore I apologize to you in advance I'm only trying to obey God and so I pray that somehow the Lord would give you the grace that you can receive out of this what you can and and that those who need to hear it will receive it I'm gonna do something different than I almost ever do I'm gonna be reading some stuff tonight that I wrote down I'm gonna if I'm reading I'm gonna tell you I'm reading I'm not gonna act like I'm preaching while I'm reading and if you know me at all you know I have a big problem with performing a prepared script I'm not an actor I'm not a performer and I don't have any problem with God giving me something to eat that I've written down but I've come if I'm gonna read that to you I want you to know I'm reading now it doesn't take much because when I'm reading my voice and cadence of speaking is different than when I'm speaking so it's pretty clear so if I forget to tell you you you'll pick up when I'm reading something that I have previously written and when I'm not the reason this is the case is because I really felt very strongly in prayer this morning early as the Lord gave me this morning it gave me this at the same time and I and and I knew that it was supposed to fit together this morning had an ability to be somewhat evangelistic tonight is more apostolic discipleship if you want to call it that I am NOT preaching I am teaching I am NOT a preacher I preach when it's the absolute will of God and I highly value the highly respect the value of preaching I am NOT one I don't want to be one I don't enjoy preaching I preach when it's absolutely the will of God what is the difference well the difference is not delivery method delay the difference is the depth you go to preaching proclaims teaching explains not even not even remotely the same thing because when we first come to God just like brand-new babies or toddlers you don't you can't explain to a two-year-old why not to do something the other as my wife said this morning last year the pastor sold his house and they live with us awhile and this year the young son sold his house miraculously and now they're living with us and I heard him tried to explain to his seven-year-old why he should not go down these wooden steps that are shiny in socks because if you do and you're in a hurry you're going to slip and you're gonna fall and you're gonna hurt yourself very badly but that seven-year-old believing he is immortal could not receive that he did not receive that his dad had to get a little bit plainer to him okay so he ended up just having to say I don't it doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not do not go down these steps with socks on your feet and no shoes so a sign of immaturity is when I have to be proclaimed to and all I'm supposed to do is obey it without understanding it but as I grow in God it's not enough and it shouldn't be enough for you to have something proclaim to you I should want it explained to me why not so I can just decide whether or not I like it or whether or not I agree with it but I need to understand why it's important for me and so I'm saying to you tonight this is not preaching this is teaching because the purpose of this is to explain and I don't know how far I will get into this the Holy Ghost will determine that when he's done I'm done I'm more than happy to be done I was in the video studio this week and recorded 30 lessons and so my voice has already started out somewhat used okay so when he's done I'm happy to sit down so you just prayed but what you really need to be praying for is that you receive fast that you don't require him to have to repeat stuff to you over and over again before you get it because he's not gonna let me go on to the next point till I get a release from that point so we're going to talk about iniquity iniquity if you will go to Matthew chapter 7 beginning with verse 21 and I have taught these verses a lot in different places even mentioning them or actually teaching them in detail a lot over the last couple of years because this is something the Lord is very concerned about and when you when you read this verse 'as if they don't concern you we need to have a prayer meeting for you right now and I don't mean that facetiously so Matthew 7:21 not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name f cast devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works and then what I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so what does it mean to work iniquity well whatever it means it's important enough to know that if you work iniquity you're not going to be saved no you know and he's not talking about people here that just came and sit on seats and did nothing else he's talking about those involved in some kind of ministry I didn't say preachers I said those involved in some kind of ministry and and not just involved in ministry but having a supernatural confirmation to that ministry not everyone that says that I mean Lord Lord it's going to enter into the kingdom of heaven now no man can call Jesus Lord according to Paul except by the Holy Ghost so if they were calling him Lord and he did not deny he didn't say you don't have a right to call me Lord in fact he said many will say Lord Lord so the point is and this is the point you can do everything that your you've told been told to do that's quote/unquote required for salvation and end up lost because of iniquity now I'm not trying to frighten you I'm trying to inform you I'm trying to enlighten you that's what the holy ghost wants to do here tonight so notice this please verse 22 many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and the Greek there's literally many mighty miracles or wondrous miracles now from an apostolic perspective this is a really good description of a spiritual apostolic Wow they're not just sitting back there involved and they're involved in their spirit and they prophesy and they cast out Devils and they actually are used of God to perform miracles and the fact that they place such emphasis on the phrase in thy name demonstrates clearly that they understood the importance of the name so you can't call Jesus Lord except by the Holy Ghost you can't do these things you say well this was in Matthew they didn't have the Holy Ghost no you're missing the point not every one that saith unto me okay many will say to me in that day she's not talking about during this period of time in that day in the day of judgment for the church you do understand there's two judgments the one for the church and the one for the world at the great white throne judgment you and I are not going to be vulnerable in the judgement at the great white throne the church is not going to be the church is going to be judged well I don't want to get unto all this but the church is going to be judged after the rapture immediately in fact with that without really getting off into some tangent I believe I can biblically prove that everybody that's ever been baptized in Jesus name and or filled with the Holy Ghost is going to be raptured no matter what condition they're living in because you're not going to get a second chance and that what we call the Great Tribulation you're not going to be left here and somehow have your head cut off as martyrdom and be saved after you rejected the Lord during the time of grace and we know that from clear scripture I read this morning about the man who was at the wedding feast without a wedding garment on who was bound hand and foot and cast right out of that wedding feast into outer darkness I also we also are aware of that at the at the the judgment of the talents one had five talents he gained five more the Lord said well done one had two he gave two more the Lord said well done one said I had a talent I was afraid of you because I think you're a hard man and your expectations are unfair excused the paraphrase and the Lord said okay according your opinion to me I'm gonna judge you with that take his talent bind him hand and foot cast him into outer darkness and give his talent to the one that's got ten he was sent from Hell at the exact from the exact same place of judgment for reward that the other two got a reward so two got a reward the third one was sent from hell from there so the point I'm making Jesus is saying many will say to me in that day now by this time if you are at all you love God and you reverence God King James actually would interpret that fear of God but we reverence god I loved my father but I also reverence my father and even though I was six feet tall at age twelve and he was never more than five eight my entire life that was the biggest five eight you ever seen in your life because I never saw him as smaller than me out weighed him at twelve he never weighed more than 145 pounds my entire life but he was the biggest five 840 five pounder you've ever seen in your life I reverenced him so the problem here is this if the Lord rejected them what was the problem what was that what's the difficulty well he gives us a hit in verse 23 when he says then will I profess unto them I never knew you no way God knows everything how can he say that because we don't know what the Greek word is here the Greek word that's translated never knew you is the word to know in an approved relationship in other words your walk with me never met my expectations I never knew you in an approved relationship they knew him but he never approved of them wait a minute I thought God loved everybody he does he loves all of his children he does I you know a mother's love is just amazing how could a mother love someone that turned into a murderer well the mother can do that while she would be very much opposed and saddened by the action of a child that became a murderer there's a connection there that's really hard to break so God loves all of us and he especially loves those of us that have have come to him but him loving us and him approving of where we are is not the same thing now if you if you know anything about the bullies II believe ISM of the of the Church doctrine today you know God is so good and he's so kind so merciful this is the message you can live pretty much ever how you like and you'll still be saved that's alive from the pits of hell 2nd Peter chapter 2 says while they promise them Liberty they themselves are the servants of sin they preach the people Liberty Liberty you're free you're free you're not under bondage to rules well you're not gonna bunch the rules but we're all under the authority of the word of God and nobody has a right to tell you it's okay Oh disobey the Word of God and think you're gonna be saved there have been people that have attended this church for years and they have friends and I'm sure their friends are nice people I'm sure they are and and they are sincere people and they can't really accept the Word of God because if they accept the Word of God that means their friends lost it's not about it's not about your friends it's about the word it's about the word we don't judge the word by people you don't judge the word by people John chapter 12 Jesus says I would come to judge you there's one that judgeth you the word that I have spoken will judge you in that day and so while we play judge judge and jury and God by saying well that's not really all necessary and I love my friends too much to disturb my relationship by me trying to tell them something that they're not gonna like you just play judge jury and God all wrapped up in one and you can believe they're saved all you want but if they're if you and I and them are not living by the Word of God I quoted a verse this morning first John chapter 2 if we say we love God and do not his Commandments we are liars spoken by the apostle of love the apostle of love said that that's what they they call him John the Apostle look Peter he's harsh and Paul is too strict but John is the Apostle love yeah he is so kind and loving he said if you say you love God and you don't keep his Commandments you're a liar that's pretty loving in it according to the Word of God it is but here's the point these people appear as though they were obeying the commandments then why did he say I've never approved of you in the relationship you're trying to have with me on your terms and there is a day in that day in that day many will say to me in that day in that day he will say depart from me I never knew you you worker of iniquity now that's pretty strong language especially when iniquity is a word that's not in our daily vocabulary we don't really know what it means well here it comes I'm not going to tell you what I think it means I'm gonna let Jesus tell you what the word iniquity means okay so we read verse 21 verse 21 says not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that what he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven now you skip down to verse 23 and it says and and then what I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so in verse 21 the issue was whether or not they were doing or not doing the will of the Father in verse 23 but consequences were labeled as iniquity and you were he said depart me you work iniquity you you may prophesy you may have the Holy Ghost been baptized in Jesus name you may prophesy you may cast out Devils in my name you may do many might wonderful works but those things alone are not affirmation that you and I are where we need to be because what is the number one criteria what is it come on now what is it doing the will of my father which is in heaven doing the will of my father as opposed to not doing the will of the Father and what is the reason I would not do the will of the Father you said it to do my own will and I said it this morning I'm saying it tonight because I'm actually talking on the subject I just talked around it this morning so you could kind of get ready for tonight okay I'm serving God okay honey you mean you're keeping the dues and you're not doing the don'ts that's serving God really you can't in the Old Testament you could get by with it in the Old Testament ten percent of your money was God's and once you gave God his part you were free to do whatever you wanted with the rest of it in the New Testament now no I've had people say to me what ties is not in the New Testament you're right just like Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of their heart we preach ties because of the hardness of our hearts because we cannot accept and we do not accept what the Bible actually says ten percent of what I've got doesn't belong to God 100 percent of what I've got blown to God every bit of my ye are not your own you're bought with a price so when the Word of God says pray and I choose to do something else because it's more important to me what am i doing I'm working iniquity and what is working iniquity I'm putting what I want what I think what I like in a head of what God says now I said this this morning TV preachers can't preach this stuff because they can't raise enough money stay on TV if they preach this stuff so what's the number one message on TV come on prosperity you send the seed money in here you're gonna get rich really really really the prosperity doctrine is alive from the pits of hell the scripture says some say that gain is godliness but godliness with contentment is great gain so Powe directly contradicts the prosperity message Jesus said the poor you'll have with you always so he doesn't love the poor we believe everybody ought to be equal that's called communism we're not all equal some of us have more money than others some of us are healthier than others some of us have had more opportunity for education than others and God puts us all in the same body together and the test is to see how we're going to treat one another when we're not all alike that's the test that's the test and there will never be a time where everybody in the body of Christ has the same amount of money of the bank in the same possessions it's never going to happen not in this life not going to happen why because there has to be a test can I have little and not resent my brother and sister that's got more can I have much and not feel like I'm better than the one without can I go to a church with a rainbow of colors sitting around rather than needing to go to a church where we all look the same and let me tell you something I can't believe I might say this it is no more right then we back up go the other way it is just as wrong to go to an all-white church as it is to go to an all-black church or on all well Hispanics or come in all colors so it's a language not a race or a culture really it's not you know us Anglo's we're so ignorant about all that because we thought if you spoken in Spanish everybody's the same and we learned the hard way it's not true because spanish-speaking people don't see themselves the same does everybody is everybody speak in English the same no so just because they have a different language doesn't make them all one any more than everybody that speaking speaks English this one we're not all one are we it takes just as much Holy Ghost for those of us that speak English to be one as it does for those that are speak Spanish to be one and for all of us even speaking different languages to be one only God can do that and I know I know I got this too you see you see this stuff it is really easy to fall in the trap of I want I like I will Apple didn't invent I will I will pre-existed all the way back to the garden but we didn't it didn't pre-exists there either it pre-existed in heaven haha let me read it to you I'm so far from these notes that it doesn't matter now it doesn't matter at all it's just not important so we're gonna read Ezekiel 28 11 I don't know who prayed yeah I hope you were praying the will of God right whatever the law will of God is right Ezekiel 28 11 moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tyre and say unto Him thus saith the Lord God thou seekest up to some full of wisdom and perfect in beauty that has been in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was thy covering the Sardis the Topaz and the diamond the barrel and the Onyx and the Jasper the sapphire and the emerald and the carbuncle and gold at the workmanship of that tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in the in the day that thou was created thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and I have set thee so that was then the hook in the holy mountain of God thou has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire that was perfect in thy ways from the day thou that thou was created till iniquity was found in thee now if God kicked iniquity out of heaven how is he going to let those that work iniquity in heaven let me say that one again if God kicked iniquity out of heaven how is he going to let those who work iniquity even though they call him Lord and claim he is their God how is he going to let them in heaven now I don't have to say this for those that have been around here a long time but the Lord said to Jeremiah don't regard their faces I've made your forehead harder than theirs I got a you know Elijah got a double portion of Elijah's spirit I got a double portion of Jeremiah's I'm hard-headed and very focused very focused okay and the problem is for years I thought I had to do something for God because that's the those are the prepositions I was raised with to live for God to work for God except the problem is there's no place in the Bible that teaches anything remotely close to that God said if I need anything I wouldn't ask you I'm not supposed to live for God I'm supposed to not live and let him live in me and through me and I'm not supposed to work for God I'm supposed to let him work through me those are not that there's not this real thin hair narrow lines separating those two it's a one rim of the Grand Canyon versus the other you can stand on one rim of the Grand Canyon look right across the other but if you're gonna walk there it'll take you a full day or so if you survive it because one day law time ago a long time ago we started out walking the trail down into the Grand Canyon and and every little bit you go down in there it was when we left the rim it was about 70 degrees it was it was very comfortable the longer we went down in there the hotter it got in that amazing and after we had walked down these switchback trails for about an hour it was so hot and we had heard stories that they had to come in with helicopters and the basket let down to get people out of there who couldn't get back up and I thought that's ridiculous well after walking down that hour I'm thinking where's the helicopter somebody get me out of here it was hot and I'm looking back up this trail we came down and I'm going Oh God have mercy on us what have we done well if you drive from one point on the grand canyon rim say the South Rim where most of the tourist stuff is and you drive all the way around by the shortest route to get to that same point on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon so you can stand over there and look across to that same point you were at it's about a five to six hour drive that's how close those two things are the Lord is not splitting hairs here you say well somebody asked me the other day are we really the Lord slave nobody is the Lord say slave against their will nobody Paul said if you come to God being a free man you're the Lord's slave if you come to the Lord a slave you're the Lord's free man but what is that really talking about what is it talking about and when we're having that conversation the other day guys I had no clue the Lord was gonna have me talk about this so that wasn't setting you up it was Jesus setting you up this is the problem right here we come to God we repent of our sins and we begin to do the news and not do the don'ts but just like with the Old Testament attitude after I paid my I've given you your part the rest of it's mine really so he says ye are not your own you're bought with a price so what was what went on in heaven that was a problem well Lucifer was one of the three Archangels they were the three most senior angels each one of them had a third of all the existing angels underneath them and I'm not going to go into all that the different responsibilities but they each one had different responsibilities and it appears as though it appears as though that that Michael was the warrior angel and that Gabriel was the messenger angel and that Lucifer was the worship angel and all of that worship that came from all the Angels had it passed through him and he was supposed to let it pass through pass through him to God well somewhere along the line he decide you know this worship feels pretty good I'd like a little bit for myself but then he realized there was nothing for them to worship him for because God ruled the heavens so when the scripture when some people think you know we don't know what the Word of God says and we say what we think it says which is really only approximation of what it says Lucifer never as never one time thought he was God he knew because he was in the throne room he knew he was a finite being that can only be in one place at one time and he knew God was everywhere so he is not that stupid or that deceived he has never believed he was God and some of us attribute to the devil and his forces the same kind of omnipresence as God has that Lucifer in his angels are not everywhere at the same time they can't be there finite beings while they are spirit beings they are finite beings and they can only be in one place at one time and contrary to a lot of people's opinions one third of the angels Lucifer's angels were cast out of heaven with him but God did not loose all one-third of those angels on the earth in fact the scripture says there's tens of thousands of angels that have been in Chains of darkness reserved under the final judgment all these years so we're not even dealing with the full complement of one-third of the angels that fell with Lucifer so they certainly are not omnipresent so Lucifer never believed he was God what does he say he wanted to be he wanted to be like God how about put on the screen for me second Thessalonians chapter 2 and I'd like to start with maybe verse let me just read with verse 1 I'll read quickly if you'll be ready to do that I don't have this in my text now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him those are two separate events our gathering together unto Him go back to one please our gathering together unto Him is is what we call the rapture of the church or the catching away of the church which is that at the beginning of the seven years that we call in accurately the Great Tribulation only the last three and a half years of those seven years are the Great Tribulation thus those seven years are called either Daniels 70th week or the time of Jacob's trouble and the coming of the Lord concludes that seven years the gathering together of the church unto Jesus begins that seven years next verse please that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that that day of that the day of Christ is at hand next verse let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition that day is that one at the end of the seven years so one more time I read this let no man deceive you by any means for that they shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition next who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God and that is worshipped so that he asked God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God he knows he's not God he wants you to believe he is it's a lie now it goes from there next verse remember ye not that when I was with you I told you these things X verse and now you know that now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time next verse for the mystery of iniquity doth already work the work that is going on in our world today by the the god of this world the Prince of the power of the air is iniquity and the word mystery there doesn't mean that which is comprehend comprehensible the Greek word musterion means that which is hidden and not revealed so the mystery of iniquity is the the Antichrist cannot be revealed until he is allowed to be revealed you think the devil wouldn't want to be in charge of the world right now but he can't be as long as the church is here and the Holy Ghost is all the earth as Lord in us he can't be revealed that's why the previous verse says we know what withholdeth let me read that again one more time verse 6 and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed it says in his time meaning but it there the Greek Nastasia but the time of God's choosing there is a time where God is going to allow him to be revealed to the earth but it's not his choice it's not in his power he's being that group that word translated withhold is going to be used later and as far as he who now letteth will let in other words there's someone restraining him he's being restrained so what is iniquity well some would say iniquity is lawlessness and thus wickedness but that's not true iniquity is what causes lawlessness and results in great wickedness and what is that when Lucifer wanted to be like God what was it he wanted to do he wanted to make his own decisions he wanted to run his own life he wanted to do that be allowed to stay in heaven now here in the earth for this period called time it's the only place in all of time and in all the universe where anything but the will of God has been allowed to exist for some period of time it's just like God created a perfect garden and put one tree in it and said you can do anything you want in the garden you eat anything you want to walk you just not that tree why there had to be a choice there had to be a choice now I used the Internet I thank God for the internet it allows me to do stuff I couldn't couldn't do all these years you know it's one of my favorite sayings I'm now able to do stuff I didn't I always didn't know I wanted to do I wanted to be able to do this but if there was a tree in the Garden of Eden that was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that tree in our world is the Internet because the internet gives me access to all things good and all things evil there is no limit on how much good I can get out of the internet I've got six weeks of teaching on spiritual warfare on that my apostolic iron page or channel on YouTube I come across people all the time that says I've watched all of your call to war teaching and I go how because each one of those weeks is about 24 to 25 hours of teaching in ministry and there's six of them posted there the seventh winner you have to go to episodic I'm calm to watch it that's not posted there that was 2016 and if you were here a part of that prayer me 20:16 you might have some idea why wouldn't put that on YouTube but think of that a hundred and fifty hours of teaching and ministry on spiritual warfare and people have watched that it's mind-boggling there's all kind of good stuff that you can be benefited by but the same tree that gives you good with just a couple of clicks can take you into the private e that you didn't have any idea existed why did God put the tree there so that we had a choice why is this available now so we have a choice because to whom much is given much is required and we you and I are a part of the generation that's the generation upon whom the ends of the world are come you may not realize it but this generation was very specifically described in Scripture this day the attitudes of this day the opinions of this day are very literally described in Scripture and identified as being the last days let's put that on screen just for just for the interesting 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 this is this if you recognize this at all this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come next verse 4 men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy next verse without natural affection in other words affection outside of the boundaries that God placed on affection so it can be a positive thing not a negative thing false accusers incontinent fierce but this one you don't hear this and the media today do you despisers of those that are good next verse traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God well I'm tell you what when when I when the world was primarily an agricultural society and you had to get up before daylight to feed the animals and do your chores and then you had some breakfast and then you went out and worked all day because if you didn't get the ground plowed or the seed in the ground or the weeding done or whatever it was you had to do today then there was no crop and you not only didn't heat but you didn't have any excess crop to sell so you couldn't feed your family and you couldn't take care of anything and it was like that day after day after day somebody had to go collect the eggs and somebody had to get the grain whatever whatever whether it was sweet or whatever kind of great was and they had to mill that into flour and then somebody had to mix that flour with water or whatever it is or oil you make it mix it we have to make dough and then somebody had to build a fire in the stove and then somebody had to watch over those that that dough in the oven so that it didn't get burned and all of that just so you could have bread for breakfast now you tell me how much time there was for people to get in trouble then and I don't have to go to the to the chicken coop to get my eggs just open the refrigerator door there right there I don't have to go through that process to have bread to eat I just opened the door slide out the drawer take out the loaf of bread and complain if it's not perfectly fresh I don't have to milk the cow and churn the milk to get the cream the butter to rise to the top and so I can have some butter to spread on my bread no no no no no it's just right there in a little whatever it's just there I don't have to reap the fruit and process it and turn it into jelly or Preserve so I've got something to put on top of the butter on the bread it's just I just get the char out and open it up so with all this time we've got and no generation thinks it doesn't have any time like this generation nobody no generation has ever considered themselves busier with less time to do stuff than this generation today why because we're so involved with absolutely worthless stuff because it's our culture it's our culture and then that person somehow the Lord deals with them somehow and they come to church and God God convicts them of their sins and they repent and now they find out that they at least two or three times a week they're really expected to be in church services for a whole two hours I'm missing my six-hour video session online with all of my friends to give two whole hours to church and then he wants me to do what every morning he wants me to pray why does he think I've got nothing else to do he wants me to read the Bible how boring is that when I can watch YouTube or see what somebody has posted on Instagram you know I was sitting in the meeting the other day and I was talking to the media guys and the subject came up about bandwidth and I started discussing it and Jalen looks at me funny and goes you know about that well I chose not to be offended yes Jalen I know about that yeah I do and I can even send a text message and believe it or not I know how to open emails and I know that if my phone is making some noise I slide that little thing and I could talk to somebody on that thing Wow I really know that that's amazing it I'm sorry I just had to have a little fun there so I'm off my subject corn ah yes how many times have you heard me say everything is a test everything everything's a test everything's a test what's the test whose will I'm gonna do now I will say this to you to the flesh doing God's will and not my own sounds extremely confining and here's a synonym restrictive it might even sound oppressive it may sound unfair unjust but here's the problem the scripture says whatever a man is overcome by he's in bondage to it I shouldn't tell this but I will because I don't have any clue who that who this was the pastor said to me the other day he said you know this is a different world we live in he said I always thought fasting going without food was the challenge but he said the youth pastor here it is trying to get our kids prepared for whatever and so he asked them to go three days fast eating only one meal a day he said he was told it was virtually no response negative to that at all okay no problem but when he asked him to fast from social media for three days he was told that was all kind of kicked back from that kamuran and complaining you're asking us to do what because social media is the breath we breathe now isn't it when I was a kid we call that being a busybody I don't mean to be offensive but that's what it is you mean to tell me honestly I need to know what time you went to bed last night and I really want a picture of the desert you're eating it the restaurant really give me seriously somebody needs to get a life when I need to share the dessert I'm eating to the world with the world you go how badly do you need affirmation no but I need somebody to come and say that sure looks good I wish I was there with you oh that makes me feel so much better somebody wishes they were here with me eating this dessert with me not me how do I share my dessert with you there's a good friend of mine that tells this story I've heard him tell it more than one time he was here preaching for us and we went to Chili's when there was a Chili's in town now you have to drive a whole twenty minutes to get the Chili's but anyway so we were we went to Chili's and I'd been talking about molten chocolate cake and I was ordered one he said I'll just have some of yours I said no you know I'll buy you your own happily I'll buy your own but I'm not sharing mine with you he said you're kidding I said no I'm not but I don't want to hold it not my problem the problem was I was serious that he knew I was serious I don't mind I don't mind buying you yours I'd be happy to buy you your own but I'm not sharing mine he said that's the bad attitude no but it sure was good I'm not going to send a picture on social media for everybody to see I'm eating molten chocolate cake because I might eat two of them and it's nobody's business frankly I was I was really wanting to buy him one cuz I was counting on him not eating all of it those days are gone praise God hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus yeah like I said those days are gone right the problem is this I believe that lie all of my life that if I was that if I gave up my will to God my life would be boring it would be drudgery I would become an automaton I wouldn't even have a personality anymore oh I had had times I really had had times where I had I died out to my will because I was in such a jam I needed God's help and I knew if I didn't do that that it wasn't it wasn't happening he was trying to get my attention so I would die out to myself and get his help but when things got better it wasn't a sudden thing it was just a little bit of time here and there you know and I just eventually went back to that went back to that well a few days short 18 days to be exact short of 6 months after this building collapsed I found myself on my face in a little Church in Attleboro Massachusetts dying to my will once and for all you see I had never gone far enough to really taste and see how good it was and it so dramatically changed my life I got angry I got angry with myself for believing the lie all these years that giving up my will and doing God's will was a negative thing I had never really tasted abundant life till then and you've heard me teach it but you know what casting my cares is everyday you know why since that day August the 1st 2003 about 10 o'clock at night from that point to this day I've never asked for one thing for myself I never asked one thing for my will not literally not one thing for my will I'm not saying I never I've never done my will I mean I've done that a couple of times that I'm realizing what I was doing to like the Lord says you did it again thank you but you know why that was all about casting my cares because you know what Cassie you're carry us I give you my will on this I give you my will on that I give you my will on this I give up my will on that whatever you want to do it's in your hands and I thank you for it you know what that produces you know what that produces you know what giving up your will producers it's called peace and Paul described it as peach peace which surpasses all understanding and you know what he says that peace will do it keeps guards preserves your heart and mind what what happens to a person that goes to sleep when they're on guard duty hmm you don't do it because the consequences are not no you don't want that right what happens if you show up late to go on guard duty what happens if you leave early on guard duty you don't do those things that's right you don't do it why because you know better than to even make that choice right they taught you a lot in three years so the question is this when peace is on guard duty in my life and he promised that peace would guard and protect and preserve my heart and mind how does fear get in there it can't because peace is on guard duty but here's the problem I can't have peace while I'm holding on to even one care that I want my way on so what sounds so repulsive to the flesh I'm supposed to give up my will I can't do what I want to do anymore it sounds flesh goes are you kidding me I'm gonna let somebody else have that kind of control over me not the preacher and not the church we're not talking about the church and the preacher being in control of you that's not the case the doors are unlocked you could walk out any time you want nobody's keeping you here it's whether or not God is gonna be in control or not now if I cast all my cares meaning everything that is a care to me I I noted that yet the other day that Ohio State beat was constant yesterday I know the store score too but I won't go that far okay I know that Penn State won I know that Michigan put a whippin on Notre Dame praise God my favorite team is whoever Notre Dame is plan that's true okay but the problem is I don't really care about any of those games oh but I had a problem yesterday Navy plate so know this morning I award gold in blue tonight I wore blue and gold I had to change it up right okay Navy plate the problem is and you got a taste of this he knows this definitely okay it's like a big deal and if you've never been in that situation it sounds stupid to you it sounds silly to you but you know how many times did you say beat Navy in three years no seriously how many times every day well it's not just every day it's sometimes every hour or sometimes more than that right III wish I had $100 for every time I said beat army in four years I'd be a very rich man everything is punctuated not by a period or exclamation point beat army where he was everything is excellent is is punctuated with B Navy it sounds weird to hear that but I heard it okay I mean you know it does no really no it's weird but the problem is I realized I was being brainwashed we all knew we were being brainwashed we did it anyway it was no option because when they picked up on your fact you weren't saying what need to be said then who it wasn't good it wasn't good right so the problem I've got is this when Navy plays it matters to me now I've got a choice I can let that work in my spirit I can let those emotions open the door to my spirit where my speech becomes disturbed and then at that point it's not okay for me to follow it because it went from being a game to affecting my spirit so what do I have to do I do this I don't get doesn't matter to me what you believe he said cast all your cares I care that's what he says I said what do you mean what am I supposed to cast he said whatever matters to you if it doesn't matter to you you'd have to cast that it matters to me I don't want to be up or down when that games over with and they wanted lost I don't want to I don't want it I don't want that affecting my spirit so what do I do I have to cast it you know game day I'm casting like every other breath because I don't want I know I'm making a point here it made me a silly point to you but the principle is the principle I don't want anything affecting my spirit and what involves my emotions opens the door to my spirit and I know whether or not I truly cast by my reaction when they win or lose I don't want my reaction to be one bit different when they win then when they lose otherwise I can't even let myself pay attention to it I know Alabama won last night I know I know LSU squeak one out I know the scores but I don't care about them I just it's just something I know I've football was my favorite since I was literally this high and as long as it doesn't get my spirit which means I'm worshiping it because what I let into my spirit it's an act of worship somebody needs to be listening I I'm a Ravens I'm not a fan that's short for fanatic so I'm not that but I I'm aware what the Ravens are doing I'm aware that the quarterback they have right now is one of the most unique the players has ever been in the entire NFL history he's the guy is amazing but I don't want to get up when they beat Seattle and down when they lose to the Browns high in the world you lose to the Browns right I just came from some place it's a blitz just you just was there right but it doesn't matter what it is it's the Internet Rome no it's not wrong unless I'm opening doors to my spirit through it that's when it gets wrong is it wrong to watch this or that the other no unless it is opening doors to my spirit and now I'm it's not entertainment it's worship because what I let in my spirit becomes an idol and you know what for most of us the number one door that opens in our spirit is care what we care about because when I care about something it's going over and over my brain I'm thinking about it now how's this gonna go and what's going to happen here and over and over and over again and I'm trying to figure it out and I'm trying to work it out I was taught in my training on decision making I was taught that the number one most important principle of decision making if you collect all the facts you want to collect all the facts before you make a decision there's a problem the most important fact to collect is what's going to happen in the next five minutes what's going to happen tomorrow how can I make a decision when I don't know what's going to happen so therefore it's impossible to collect all the facts because only God knows tomorrow he knows the end before the beginning and so therefore how can I make a good decision when I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or next week or next month how can I make a good decision I can't so what do I need to do I need to not follow iniquity which is my will but I need to say okay father this is I'm concerned about this I cast this on you because I don't know what's best to do here because I don't know what tomorrow is going to be I don't know I don't know you don't know my mother-in-law is here god bless her she's just turned 90 and we're thankful forgotten the help of the Lord giving her amen but I promise you this she had no idea that I night I walked into the church service the first time where she was the Evangelist in my white uniform she had no idea that 51 years later I was going to be a part of her family for this long she had no idea I had no idea when I walked in that back door and saw this beautiful woman sitting on that piano playing before church I had no idea that that was God's choice for me as the other half of me and me being the other half of her for the rest of my life had no idea and I was really interested until I found out she was still 16 I'm 22 I'm a naval officer I'm a college graduate she's about to start her senior year high school and I flat told God no no it's not happening you saw how well that worked it wasn't her I was rejecting no no whenever I was with her there was no there was no if she was raised in a preacher's home and and she had wisdom and and maturity that was way beyond her years in fact it took me several years to figure out that she was more mature than I was seriously after four years of the Naval Academy she was more mature than me at well she turned 17 that summer cut two months after I met her who could know that who could know that who could know that but see this is the thing I've taught because this is what God showed me he made it very clear to me that you don't marry for emotions the only determining factor is is this person the will of God for me and I'm I the will of God for them because if we are not each other's will of God who Lord not good it's not good it's not good because you know why the best marriages that's ever been go through difficult times and the ones that aren't the best go through really difficult times and to know that you're in the will of God it's the only way that you stick that out and you don't let that negatively affect you now that doesn't mean the other person is not going to do the will of God because it's possible that the one is made for you doesn't do the will of God God take care of that but the bottom line here is this when I'm pursuing something based on feelings and emotions or god forbid on outward looks alone now-now-now she was beautiful at 17 or 16 and she's beautiful at 49 her youngest just turned 430 her young oldest is about to be 48 so we're gonna have to find something else cuz she just celebrated her her 19th anniversary of being 49 so hopefully you're not mathematicians I like that song you are so beautiful to me can't you see you're everything I hope for everything I need like that you are so beautiful to me I've sung that a few times but you know what the most beautiful thing about all that is I made my decision based on the will of God and God has taken care of the rest I've said this I mean this she goes off but I mean this the Lord absolutely blessed me beyond measured when he gave her to me he wasn't so kind to her and she goes all the probably miss I mean that because she has been far easier to live with than I've been to live with but she survived because it was the will of God it is not a negative thing to surrender to the will of God let me take something oh Jesus it is better to be single and at peace than to be married to somebody you shouldn't have been and live in torment torture I don't mean physically but in here never having any assurance that this is all going to work out now we'll say this the person you're married to might not have been God's will for you but once you said I do they are literally now you had a choice before you said I do after that you don't and so surrendering to the will of God is after you are married though word of god says the will of God is the person you said I do to don't give me don't give me that look I recognize that look yeah you know what you have been through so many things and you've not just survived them you've been victorious with them don't blow it you better make sure it's the will of God before you say I do it's too late afterwards if it is the will of God wonderful if it is if it's not you know it's working right now you shouldn't give me that look I saw that look loneliness is very difficult to deal with it is loneliness is who loneliness is painful sometimes but trust me there's something worse than loneliness and don't let loneliness compel you to make a bad decision and do your will and not God's will peace peace peace I want to taste something right now peace is absolutely the most wonderful thing in this world I wouldn't trade peace to be able to do what I want to do what I like what I will what I want for anything does that mean than in a moment of not being conscious then I don't sometimes make choices that aren't the will of God yes yes this is flesh it's still flesh it's not holy its flesh but the issue is as soon as as soon as the realization comes you did it again okay okay why because this is the deal I started with this I'm gonna end with this I think this is ending okay like I've said before you can have a Navy landing or airforce landing I was training to be a Navy pilot but I do mostly spiritual airforce landings Navy landings you come up the opposite end of the runway you come up to the end of it and you do sit down right quick clean whatever Air Force they got to see the end of the runway about ten million miles out there get it all lined up get it on this glide slope and come down and if you connect it to the Air Force god I mean forgive me I'm just having a little fun praise God right sighs I think this is the end so I'm gonna come we're starting on the glide slope I picked up the signal that there's a glide slope somewhere around here so we'll we'll start we'll start down right the reason iniquity is the problem and not sin is because when I do not and not I'm not living in the surrender to the will of God it is that condition of living by my own will that produces the sin so there's many days that this is the way I will repent or confess just like this Lord I confess my iniquities and the sins that those iniquities have produced blessed is the man whose this is the the New Testament version of this blessed is the man whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sin is covered why because iniquity is in here I can't see iniquity because iniquity is me doing my thing coming and going as I want buying what I want when I want doing what I want and get this I've given up so much for God I deserve this oh I have pastored people with that attitude too many times do you know what I've given up for God that I deserve this and whenever anything bad goes on to their life you can know who lives in iniquity God after all I've done for you you've let this happen to me those are the words of a worker of iniquity the idea that I have done something to earn from God immunity from life and the things of life that's the problem with iniquity it doesn't need to be covered because that's what I do I do all the covering of iniquity I put all kind of labels on iniquity you know how many of us pray we think we're spiritual because we pray and we're praying prayers of iniquity we pray to get God to do our will we pray to get God to do what we want when we want it how we want it we pray to get God to change stuff to fit what we think is best and the problem is people that pray prayers of iniquity of self will they actually believe their spiritual I pray yes yes we pray all right we bring our our prayers to God lord I need you to [Music] change this I need to do all that and now that I've told you that I know you're busy so I'm gonna take all this with me and watch over it until you get around to it we think that's prayer we honestly truly think that's prayer when we take our cares to God and instead of leaving them there when we get up and leave we take them with us but because we prayed we are spiritual because we prayed we pray prayers of iniquity we pray prayers of our own will we told God what we wanted to do when we want him do it how we want to do it you know it's like that I never can remember the same to name so I keep putting in whatever comes when I'm saying this was like the guy that was saying oh Lord who you wanted me marry Susie or Sally but please let it be Susie what you know the purpose of casting your care is to get neutral and what is a neutral mean neutral means God whatever you want to do I receive it and give you thanks for it and I get neutral by casting my cares which means I give up control of it you know when the scripture says in Romans I'm still on the glide path when the scripture says Romans 8:26 for we have an infirmity but on the screen please Romans 8:26 likewise the spirit also help with our infirmities what is our infirmity we for we know not what we should pray for as we ought what does that mean that means I don't know the will of God how am I gonna pray and ask God for the will of God when I don't know the will of God so so here here we are here we are but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and he that searches the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit and maketh intercession for for the Saints according to the will of God so therefore that's why for me personally I'm gonna pray in tongues unless I have specific things the Lord has told me to pray in English now those who have been around a while you've known that I've gone through I went through three accidents that just made it difficult for me to walk felled and tore all this up in 2015 fell and tore my Achilles tendon in 2016 and my was diagnosed with a bad knee that knee ended up needing surgery but when that all of that was over with I believe God spoke to me that I will never use crutches again the rest of my life I didn't ask for that I believe he spoke that to me well the other day I was in a situation and I was trying to get my leg out of a well anyway and when I did I tweaked something back here and oh man it hurt I didn't walk on it I'm limping again and the devil says better get a appointment with the surgeon let him see what's wrong with that leg that went through my mind the next thing that went through my mind was I have a promise I have a promise I'm never gonna be on crutches again the rest of my life so that means Lord that whatever I did to my knee you're about to you better fix it whether today tomorrow next week next month doesn't matter you're going to fix it and I began to thanking him for healing my knee because he revealed that was his will I didn't ask for that he revealed that well that was three days ago that night I couldn't hardly lay in the bed the next day I couldn't hardly walk have you seen me have any problem walking tonight that was very painful I don't have any pain at all today but I didn't ask for that he said that to me and I simply confessed what he said and believed it if he hadn't told me that I would have to be praying okay Lord that's why I started out with I gave you this knee I cast it on you I cast this knee on you that's what I did immediately after I did that I started casting on him that's when he reminded me I made you a promise and what do you do with a promise I know what I do with a promise I confess that promise I was asked a couple of years ago to teach a national prayer seminar and I said to the to the very nice lady who was asking me to do that I said sister you don't understand something I can't come teach your prayer seminar she said why because I'm gonna mess up everybody's thinking on prayer she said what do you mean I said well you've got this and you've got this International Prayer Network right yeah so somebody's sick or there's somebody dying and what do you do will you send out a notification to all these prayer people so they can all pray and what is the first thing they pray they immediately begin to pray oh god heal oh god raise them up Oh God do this I said I got a question it's appointed unto man wants to die what if I'm praying for somebody to live and that's not the will of God so I'm gonna pray for somebody not to die when it's not his will for them to live now I can give you places in the scripture where God told somebody they were going to die and they prayed in God because they press God he let them live and it was the worst thing that ever happened for them and their family well I don't want to die I don't well I'm not volunteering to die either but I'm telling you this right now I love her with every breath in me second only to Jesus she's the one I want to please more than anybody else in this whole world and she is my best friend and I have demonstrated over and over again that even though I have friends and brothers and sisters that I love very much and enjoy being with them if I have a choice to spend time with her or any family member or any body else she's the choice now we didn't get there overnight but we got there but the problem I said all that to say this when it's my time to go I don't want to stay here one second longer and I have made the statement don't be the person that praised me back from the dead you do not want to be the person that praised me back from the dead when I'm out of here I'm out of here leave me out of here when I cross the finish line don't move me back a hundred yards from it to have me have to run that distance again I don't want to do that I remember preaching Chloe's funeral she was two months in how many days twenty two months and twenty days and I I was waiting on the Lord what am I supposed to say in this funeral we we've prayed we believe we weep we've given us maybe to you when she was in the womb and now she's born it and and and she's past what am I supposed to say and this is what God said to me who defines what a full life is if he sets the date of birth and he sets the day of passing it doesn't matter if there's only a few minutes between the two that's the full life for that person if they live to be a hundred and two that's the full life for them it's the will of the father it's the will of the Father whatever the will of the father is whatever the will of the father is whatever the will of the father is because to want something else is iniquity and when I live by iniquity I opened the door for all of the children sin that iniquity births iniquity is the father and the mother of every sin because every sin is a result of choice and choice as a result of I will I want I like me the unholy trinity me mind mine not trying to be funny and when that's the way I live then I opened the door up in my life for all kind of things and then the devil wants us to fight symptoms because he knows you and I cannot defeat the symptoms ourselves for instance for instance choosing to do some to being overcome by some temptation it's not the problem it's when I put my when I made the decision of my will to put myself in a position where I would be vulnerable to that temptation do you see the difference do you see the difference it is a lot easier by the grace of God to deal with my will when it's just between me and him and when I can get forgiven from my will that I have an acted on yet you'd get forgiven for that and he can help me give him that will it's a lot easier to deal with that between him and I without all the complications of the actions that my will has produced that sin piled on top of sin that's top out on top of sin that just wastes me down with guilt and shame and condemnation and and and I opened myself up to this voice that says it's hopeless you're never gonna get it right you're never gonna do this right you might as well just quit give up but it's a lie it's just right it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie and I'm gonna remind you again what Jesus said he said not everybody that says Lord Lord is gonna enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven how would you like to do a an interesting study and it's a very involved one because there's a lot of times it's there but if you have a software or an app where you even if you don't have a whole bunch of books but you just have a Bible that you can do a search on put in the words will and depending on what how your search works will plus God or will plus Father or just will of you put parentheses around will of and it will bring up every place where the words will of is regardless of who it is and just begin to read down that you don't have to figure them all out but if you want to see how accurate this is how critical this is if you want to see how much weight the Lord put on this just do that search and read those scriptures and you will quickly find out that Jesus and the Apostles made this a big deal the Bible says in John 1:1 in the beginning was the King James says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Greek word there is logos and the logos is who God became so that the infinite God could relate to the finite so logos is not a separate God he is the conduit through the into which the eternal God relates to time and space but another element of logo says it's the revelation of the will of God it's the revelation of the plan of God so when I do not do the will of God it is a direct affront to the Word of God because the Word of God is the revelation of the will of God of the plan of God now I didn't teach these things so that you would be condemned and so you would feel bad because we all have to grow in him to the place that he makes this an issue he makes this an issue you know it we call them the terrible twos you know what it is it turns a sweet sweet baby into a terrible to tell them no the first time that's all you have to do to take your perfect baby and turn them into a terror tell them no the first time what's the reaction of that baby when you tell them no the first time you will be shocked I remember the first time I took care of David and his mother asked me said are you sure you can do this yeah what if he misses his pants he's not very old I can change the diaper she looked at me she said you can you haven't it's not rocket science I could do this well I had to eat my words because she had hardly been gone and the smell appeared and I laid him down on the bed and took his diaper off and turned to get the clean one to change it and discovered he wasn't done yet [Music] now when she was changing the diaper because of my weak stomach at the time especially I made myself scarce but the other reason was I didn't want to believe that something that smelled like that could come out of a child that I had anything to do with coming into this world how could that be possible with some possible well I thought that was shocking but it wasn't shocking at all compared to the first time we told him no he didn't go yes Father whatever you will I will do what you want no no it didn't go like that at all no it didn't go like that no it didn't go like that no and for sake of his mother I won't tell you those stories of the Battle of our will but I've taught this many times in parenting don't take a stand unless you're prepared to win because the worst thing it can happen for your child is to tell them what they're going to do are not going to do and they win you let them win god help you because it's not about who wins it's about them learning to do what you tell them to do because if you don't train them to do your will they will never learn to do the will of God if you teach them that it's okay to always do what they want get what they want do what they like you let them look grow up believe in that you tell me how in the world they're ever gonna let go have his way in their lives no wonder the scripture says that if we spare the correction and chastisement that that child needs we're sending them to hell that's a paraphrase how can the Lord say that how can the Lord say that because it is the parents responsibility to teach the child how to receive know as a valid answer that's not that's that will warp them in this world yeah it does it warps them it makes them into good citizens and who who wants a kid that's a good citizen no we want our kids to grow up and be out of their minds like the many of this culture art no no [Music] father you know iframe you know it's made out of the dust of the earth we know you pity us as a father pities his children we know you love us we know you're patient and long-suffering with us and we give you thanks for that your patience is beyond comprehension how in the world you could be so long-suffering with us I I do not comprehend but thank you for it thank you for the many times many many times that you have put up with me when I did not deserve for you to put up with me I thank you for that father thank you for that I have spoken what you've given me to say this night by your grace I have not added to it nor taken away from it I commit this word into the hearts and minds of your people in Jesus name I commit this word to you and them I pray father that this word finds a lodging place in the good ground of their hearts I speak the word of authority that an angelic hedge of protection would surround this heart and this word that the adversary would not be able to come and steal this word out of their hearts so that you might cause this seed from you to germinate in their hearts that it might grow up and produce fruit in our lives to your glory in the name of the lord jesus christ iike hasu who could create the high in the name of jesus heal or auto baba in Jesus name I thank you for this word father in the name of Jesus I thank you for this word today I pray that you give us grace to receive it believe it and act on it to your glory in Jesus name god bless you that's it that's all I feel to do that's all I feel to ask you to do why am I not asking you to pray because I don't want you to pray for a few minutes here and pray away the conviction when you need to take this conviction home with you I want you to take it home with you god bless you greet one another on your way out the door god bless you be safe going home in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Apostolic Iron
Views: 2,933
Rating: 4.7916665 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic, Apostolic Iron, Jesus, Prayer, Pray, Praying, C.M. Wright, Bishop Wright, Pentecost, Pentecostal, UPCI, Call To War, God, Lord, Preaching, Apostolic Preaching
Id: lJOiZnEm8ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 25sec (6925 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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