Exercising Your Spiritual Authority | Bishop C.M. Wright | Sunday Evening | November 19th, 2017

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I am NOT going to preach but I need to read a few verses for what is going to happen if you if we have somebody on the computer you can go to first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 10 if you would like to receive benefit from this service I would strongly encourage you to try to pay attention to these verses now I beseech you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment for it hath been declared unto me of you my brethren by them which are of the house of Chloe that there are contentions among you now this I say that every one of you saith I am appalled and I am of apollos and I am of Cephas that's Peter and I'm of Christ is Christ divided was Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of all I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius lest any should say that I had baptized in my own name and I baptized also the house besides I know not whether i baptized any other but Christ sent me not to baptize you say they did no get you got to get Paul's point here he wasn't sent to baptize he was sent to preach the gospel baptism follows the preaching of and believing of the gospel it's not what you lead with it's not what you're sent to do you're sent to preach the gospel that's apostolic the focus is on the gospel not getting people in the water if people if you preach the gospel and people believe what the gospel they will get into the water so the focus and goal is not as Paul said water baptism the focus and the goal is preaching the gospel everything else happens as a result of that not with word wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect for the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God for it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of this world hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world and some of you dear precious ones sitting here think the world's pretty smart and that what we do here is pretty dumb you just told which side of the fence your own I think I'll say that again some of you think the world is pretty smart and what we do here is pretty dumb and you just revealed what side of the fence you're on and no offense to you but I feel sorry for you and I don't apologize to you that you're wrong and I don't apologize for saying you're wrong but see I can't fix that because you're making a choice this next verse is really really really amazing for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not god it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe did you get what this just said God determined that he wouldn't let man find him through intellect and everybody who is examining the existence of God by intellect will come up against a wall and never ever know there's a God because God Himself is hiding on the other side of that wall and they don't have the admission to buy a ticket to get through that door why because if you can find God my intellect then God is a respecter of persons I mean over the years there's been some that have said why do you let these children do what they do up here well somebody needs to but they don't even know what they're doing do you do you know what you're doing at least they're obeying some innate sense of the need to recognize and honor something bigger than it or someone bigger than themselves oh brother right they don't understand that really really honestly for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God yeah let me tell you a secret I'm setting you up and if you're not paying attention so if you're it's one of these things look at this hand pile you see this in right okay this is what this is this is this hand are you watching this hand yet I'm waiting for everybody to get their attention focused on this hand because you're not gonna see the one coming why do you tell us that because it won't because it won't make any difference if I do stuff making any difference it's just that after the fact when you get to thinking about it later he told us what was going to happen and we still weren't ready for it praise God where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of this world hath not God made foolish what do you guys open that for me please hath not God made foolish I'm not preaching you think I this is not preaching no this is this is introduction to the evening because your first clue was if you think the world is smart and what we do here is foolish you just said what side of the fence your own that's the first test question on what side of the fence you're on there are others coming again you're watching this yet okay where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of this world hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not god it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe for the Jews require a sign of the Greeks seek after wisdom but we preach Christ crucified under the Jews a stumbling-block unto the Greeks foolishness for unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God but the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men for you see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble or call but God have chosen the foolish things of the world that confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to nought the things that are why why all of this verbage Lord to try to get across to you that those who are seeking for glory and that is their approval by their religiosity seeking to be approved of by God by all you do religiously is an absolute failure he will not accept not accepting it he's not going to accept you he's not giving you that you can forget it it's not happening he's never going to approve of it he's never going to accept it he's never going to approve of it ever Oh what what are we doing here that's the whole question isn't it the whole question is finding out how to let him do all this through you so that he alone gets the credit or the glory but of him verse 30 but of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification written you see this I want you to read this verse here what's what's the source of our wisdom or who is the source of our wisdom Christ Jesus who is the source of our righteousness our performance Christ Jesus who's the source of our being clean inside us Christ Jesus who is the source of us being redeemed Christ Jesus not religion not the rules and regulations of religion Christ Jesus next verse that according as it is written he Gloria he that glorieth let him glory in the Lord boasting is fine as long as it's Jesus you're boasting about brag all you want as long as this Jesus you're bragging on and I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God for I determined not to know anything among you savor except Jesus Christ and him crucified and this is the Apostle Paul talking the Apostle Paul and I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with eloquence or enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of godless we're gonna see just a little bit just how in tune you are cuz you would have just heard the direction see how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor the princes of this world that come to naught but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would have not crucified the Lord of glory if they had known what it was going to accomplish that was the what they wanted to accomplish they would have just left him alone not person fighting because he couldn't fulfill his purpose on earth without them crucifying him and what is happening in our world and it's only going to get worse it's not negative and it's not defeat and it's not terrible it is what's got to happen to this body of Christ to fulfill his plan and purpose and if they knew if they had known they would leave us alone if they had know if they knew what they were doing they would ignore us but they can't help themselves you see and we've reached the place that your very existence drives them up the wall well some of us here we go ready but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit I hasn't seen ear hasn't heard it hasn't entered in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love him but God's revealed them reveal that unto those who are in tune with his spirit so do you have a clue well he is prepared for us or are you still clueless which side of that line are you on we just hear playing church or are we sitting on a proverbial powered powder keg with power and authority beyond anything we can imagine for God to use us to do things that we hate weak that's exceeding abundantly above anything we could ask or even things which is it oh we on this side over here where we haven't even begun to see all that he's prepared and willing to do through us but we're beginning to sense those things in the spirit and and and whether we consciously are doing or not we're reaching for that we're seeking somehow to get aligned with him connect with him so that so that those things can happen or are we just clueless just putting in our time coming to church because that's what's expected if we want to be saved but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard and he's entered in the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love me but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of Man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of wait we have received haven't we receive what not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ if you now that goes without saying as you get older this is truly the case but it's true with anybody I don't care who you are I don't care how old you are if you sit at a computer without moving for hours how does it feel when you try to get up hello hello I don't care if you're in the best shape of any human being alive if you sit in mobile not using the muscles you have for an extended period of time when you get up even you in your youth and perfect spiritual or physical condition you're gonna go oh wow I didn't realize I'd been sitting so long and some of us sit every day spiritually we sit all week spiritually and then when we come in here where we've got a chance to realize whoa whoa I've been sitting spiritually figuratively too much I need to get moving a little bit and get get some get some movement back and get some blood flowing what do we do we sit and stare at those that are whatever and we wonder what's this guy doing in the pulpit with a microphone playing cheerleader for what's he doing what's he doing I had an apple watch I gave it away to one of my grandchildren but because I didn't like it I want something I can wear at night so I can see what time it is not while it's charging beside my bed okay I want something that the battery lasts a lot longer than 24 hours it's just me I'm sorry but anyway but I one of the things the only thing I really use that watch for was I would set it so that when I was sitting at the computer for an extended period of time it would let me know an hours up and so I would I tried to get up and just walk around for two or three minutes and come back sit down it did help really it did help because it was a reminder you're inactive most of you don't know this and it's really not that big a deal I'm the one has to live with it but I prayed to get out of the Navy because I had a five-year obligation and I wasn't gonna do anything dishonorable to get out but I wanted to preach I knew it was time to preach and so I prayed and approximately a little over two months after I prayed I woke up one morning with a severe pain in my shoulder right between the spinal column and the right shoulder blade and it was Friday and I went to what's called sick bay to see the flight surgeon that means the the emergence not emergency room but the treatment clinic for pilots at sick bay but what was all for all Navy and the flight surgeon it was a doctor particularly who treats flight crew okay and it was typical that if a guy wasn't prepared for his lesson that day he'd come complain about something so he could get him medically excused from flying rather than get a bad grade because he wasn't ready and I saw it in his eyes and I said doctor I have the second best flight grades in my class and I am prepared to fly right now I'm in pain that in convinced him he said well the only thing I know to do is give you a couple of shots of cortisone now he was bluffing he knew he was bluffing I knew he was bluffing because you don't just gives two shots of cortisone to somebody says they're hurting that's pretty poor doctoring but I looked at him and said sir if that will help this pain please do so now he's in a tough spot you see because now he either has to do it or reveal the fact that he was calling my bluff and I watched how long it took him to get those two shots ready and I watched his hand shake a little bit cuz he knew he was about to do something that he was hoping wasn't gonna turn out bad and he gave me I had to take off my shirt and top and he he he gave me two shots of quarters cortisone in between my shoulder blade in my spinal column when I tell you that did nothing for me he did send me home and he did tell me to come back and see him on Monday when I tell you that that didn't do a thing that the pain only got worse I walked in there on Monday and I just kind of showed him that you can't see it can you see that that's December the 4th that'll be 49 years since there's men like that and he saw that and went pale and I knew what he was thinking he was thinking that he had damaged US government property by his lack of wisdom as a doctor but I let him off the hook and I said sir your shots didn't do that he took everything he had not to audibly breathe a huge sigh of relief out loud he said I already felt something strange happening with my shoulder blade before I had the shots and it didn't matter the shots didn't make it worse the shots didn't help it it was already happening he said well Anson right you have what we call a right winged scapula I said what does that mean he said there is a nerve damage that controls the muscle group there's a nerve damage to the nerves that control the muscle group that controls the right shoulder blade or scapula and they're paralyzed I said what does that mean he said raise your arm I hadn't noticed that but I went like this I couldn't get any higher than that he said that's what the scapula is for the muscles hold it against the rib cage gives you leverage to go up so you can get your upper arm away from the body like that so he sent me down to the main hospital Naval Air Station Pensacola and I got to see a neurosurgeon and he said I concur with the diagnosis you have right wing skeptic and I said was that means sir and he said that means that unless it regenerates you're done well it's going to happen he said we're gonna keep you on limited duty for a year to see if it regenerates at the end of that year we will do you will meet a Medical Board and they'll decide what they're gonna do with you so five days almost every week I would work in the morning this busy work they assigned me in the afternoon I would go for an appointment at the doctor and this is the purpose of this long story for an hour I would lay on my stomach on a gurney and they would put electrodes at both ends of the muscle group and I would lay there while they would shoot impulses of electricity through those muscles to work them and they said that was for the purpose of keeping the muscles from atrophying to see if that nerve was going to regenerate itself so we all are on our own we spend the week as sons of God individually and we do what we do whatever that is and sometimes we let life bog us down to where there's no exercising of the muscle of faith there's no exercising of the muscle of Prayer there's no exercising of the muscle of relationship it just begins to atrophy and so you come to church and the Lord is trying to hook up some electrodes to stimulate that faith and it looks weird and it feels weird buzz and you're just laying there not doing a thing and it's just it's just jerking it working it working it working it it feels weird but I accepted the diagnosis that the purpose of it was to keep the muscle from dying meaning shriveling away to uselessness well it didn't work and a few days short of one year after it happened they medically retired me and nine months later no and nine months later I'm here just as a side note testimony it had been about 10 years or so and I was in a service where God was moving powerfully and I'm just kind of lost in what's happening and I all of a sudden in the back of my mind I realized that this arm was up here and I'm I put it down and I did that shoulder just like it's been for ten years there's no muscles controlling and it's just flocks and the doctor told me I'd never be able to do this again you don't get it you want to see a miracle this is physiologically impossible for me to do the body's not designed to be able to do this without the scapular working there's nothing there to work the scapula if you really wanted to if I let you which I'm not going to you could work your fingers around my shoulder blade and kind of get them up underneath the shoulder blade there's no muscles there there's nothing there to make this work right I said all of that to get here it's pretty common here right now innit any hype any hype taking place right now any great feeling going on in the place no you see because what you don't understand is what you call feeling is the response of your being to spiritual activity to a spiritual movement taking place in and through you there's where the feeling comes from you can't sit idly with your brain and spirit out of gear and have a feeling from God and if you have feelings that you call supernatural when you're not involved either spiritually or you're not involved spiritually okay you better not trust those feelings so this is the thing it's so amazing to me see we can be just clicking along and all mundane normalcy not feeling anything but if I allow the spirit to be activated all of that feeling that I've called hype and it's somebody just trying to work my emotions up would be instantly there as a witness to what God's doing so some of us are trying to find a feeling but you got the cart before the horse the feeling is only the result of you allowing the spirit to move and flow in you and through you you don't pursue the feeling you yield to God being activated in his power his authority through faith in and through you and when that happens the feeling is there now I don't know about this supernaturally I know about this because request has been made John ring Declan appear Kevin what yeah that's John yeah well he's John to me John jr. okay this just will do this without going into a big long history there's a inherited defect that's been passed down through a couple of generations here on the heart and my brother here is going in for a pacemaker in a couple of days and you see you don't have to touch him to feel what's about to happen but you do have to get your faith engaged because if you're sitting idly by as a spectator you're not gonna know a thing so doesn't mean to put you on the spot but amen yeah okay do you have the Holy Ghost do you have faith do you have a right hand why don't you do something with that right hand yeah whoo lord have mercy yes speak against it speak to it come on in the name of Jesus buying that fear come on Kevin bind it bind that fear yes in Jesus name yes [Applause] [Music] yeah come on let it flow yes you have to see it but if you get tuned you can feel what's happening here right now because it's spiritual it's not natural yes [Applause] [Applause] whoa hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] thank you Father [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the name of Jesus this for Joss but rejoice come on keep your joy sir yes yeah hallelujah this is not entertainment the Lord demonstrates his spirited power for the purpose of confirmation [Applause] [Music] look up here to pray for anyway okay you got the authority you're the covering for this family yes Wow my god yes yes [Applause] Jesus name thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father yes yes [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah hahahaha [Applause] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah now what are we supposed to do that's what the book says and so that's what the Bible says make your request stone with Thanksgiving he gets the glory he gets the honor he gets the praise come on give me banks my god ha ha ha hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus [Applause] [Music] yes now now we seen it please my lord whoa where'd that demon come from huh come on that's not hiked up that's God responding to faith being used [Applause] now there are times when we get to a place like this it's not it there are seasons of it it comes like this where the presence of God is present to heal you have a need stand where you are do I have anybody here with the holy ghost it's got a right hand would you please put that in your faith to use right now this isn't about an individual performance something this is the body of Christ you have the authority of God find somebody that's standing with a hand or two raised and use your right hand in faith to speak speak to it you don't have to know what it is the Holy Ghost knows speak speak the words of faith I've got some folks up here that need someone praying for them I got folks standing that needs someone praying for them [Applause] there's some folks with three or four people praying for him I got folks at nobody's praying for come on come on I believe in praying in tongues and you know I believe in praying in tongues but you need to speak the Bible says saying to this mountain be thou removed and doubt not in your heart that what you say is gonna come to pass speak [Applause] [Music] [Applause] be a conduit be a conduit come on be a conduit [Applause] [Applause] there's some things that will happen tonight there's some things it might be a day or two or a week or whatever then all of a sudden you will realize hey that situations going hey that pain is gone come on [Applause] that's not just feelings taking place tonight there's miracles of restoration miracles of recreation that's happening in this place come on you are the body of Christ the Spirit of Christ is in you let Christ be Christ let Christ be Christ through you [Applause] these signs shall follow them to believe they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover to vote if you pray for one person find somebody else's get their hands up pray for them it's okay for more than one or one person to pray for somebody come on come on we're not done like somebody else to pray for that's the Holy Ghost use you speak the word of faith speak the word of faith come on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus eeeek ah ha ah da Carlotta ha EI EI Kalamata hyah come on come on there's still people with their hand up if there's somebody with their hand up and nobody's praying with him find him and pray for him come on the Holy Ghost is doing the work in here tonight let your faith be activated that the authority and power of God be activated through you be a conduit for the love of God for the power of God for the goodness of God for the mercy of God because it [Music] [Applause] yes ekata hey Loretta ha ta Kahala ratatata hi yamaja say ta Kalamata hi in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus ha ha ha hello mama makka hi [Applause] thank you Father thank you Father whoo mama yoky a lot right that the higher yellow route de da kaha sat at the table aha in the name of Jesus ha ha whoo yay kiya kiya that the hyah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus he la mamma Makaha EA ka Carla laughter hi thank you Father thank you for having thank you Father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] in the name of Jesus [Applause] in the name of Jesus ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha asset Anaheim thank you Father thank you for thank you for huh [Applause] hello no logo portrait that ababa hi yay laughs ah ha la da da da da da da da da hai yeh la bahía de aqui hey Carla right doctor hiya now can we give God thanks come on don't pattycake why should he work in the lives of ungrateful people why why should he work in the lives of ungrateful people why should he work in the lives of ungrateful people why should he work in the lives have been grateful people [Applause] thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father oh we're not done we're just getting started come on the Holy Ghost is doing something here tonight [Music] [Applause] you may be seated there are some things we have got to get we've got to get this if the Lord works a miracle here and we've heard it or saw it or prayed with it for it to happen and we believe it happened what are we supposed to do that hello and if you won't tell anybody about it what does that mean what does that have to say about your faith it means you don't have any faith that's the negative part of him working inside of a church building because the majority won't go tell it to anybody not only that if the Lord touched your body tonight you can wait till you've had 10,000 tests and the doctors all say it's gone and then go are you sure it's gone are you really sure and then you can whisper it to yourself in the mirror and think that's okay no sorry well what if I tell it and it didn't happen mark chapter 11 verse 22 please this is so simple you know what it's so simple that those who want to use their mind instead of their spirit they can't receive it I'm gonna say this to you one more time while that's going on screen mark 11:22 hear me please God gave us the brains we have but he's not gonna let anybody find him by intellect alone first at least not that he doesn't want us to understand afterwards but faith is the evidence of things hope for this the the the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and if you've got to see it all first before you believe it is it really faith no it's not really faith so the point is oh Jesus help us David said or Paul said about David I have believed therefore I've spoken David said Paul said we believe therefore we speak so Jesus answering saith unto them have faith in God next verse for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and what and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have C the word shall there what tense is that future tense and there's our probably you see because we trying to exercise our faith and if it doesn't happen this instant we don't believe it happened well I'm here to taste something that's not that's not hocus-pocus and that's not some mind game or tricks we're playing how else can faith grow if it's not if it doesn't have to be used and the period of time from which you speak till it happens is the time of faith and that's when you're believing without see God spoke to Abraham you're going to be the father of many nations how many years was it before Isaac was born 25 years well I'm not waiting that long then you're not getting what it is you're believing because whether it's 25 seconds 25 minutes 25 months or 25 years the fulfillment of what we prayed for is in God's control for his plan and purposes but if I'm going to receive that I got to believe God not a preacher not a church god I can't move your mountains not doing it not going to try don't have any dynamite don't have any bulldozers don't have any of that and I can speak to my mountains but I'm not speaking of your mountains that's not the plan of God and if you're willing to be trapped on that side of the mountain rather than what God's got for you on the other side I'm sorry we can join with you we can agree with you but we can't believe for you the only time I've ever seen that work was for a young lady who was unconscious in shock trauma and couldn't either nor doubt for herself and God spoke to us even though the the everybody in Shock Trauma all the experts says she's dying God spoke and said if you'll believe I'll show you my glory now we didn't say to her sister you need to believe she was in a coma so that meant it was our faith remember the lame man they couldn't get in the house so the four guys took him to the roof tore up the roof and let him down to Jesus the Bible did not save when God when Jesus saw his faith when he saw their faith there are some situations where the person who's going to receive the miracle it's not in a position to believe or not believe and in that case it's your faith not their faith but where it's their faith you can believe with them but you can't make it happen for them if they're not going to agree with you how does how does he get any glory for what he does if I'm too ashamed to tell anybody about it well I've been saved a long time brother right yeah and when is the last time you really told somebody that your story of how you got saved and how miraculous it was without giving the gory details when's the last time you shared that for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed I'll cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith next verse therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them the word therefore just connected the previous two verses with this verse so in this verse it says when you pray how did he tell us to pray in the previous two verses by speaking to the situation so if we go to zechariah chapter 4 this is just instruction for the next thing it's in preaching if we go to zechariah chapter 4 and we'll skip down to verse 6 and read a little bit from there zechariah 4 and 6 then he answered and spake unto me saying this is the word of the lord of the zerubabbel saying not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord of hosts next verse who art Thou O great mountain before zerubabbel thou shalt become a plain what's the plain something that's so flat it offers no resistance to travel and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings crying grace grace unto it next verse moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house his hands shall also finish it and thou shalt know that the Lord of Hosts that sent me unto you next verse for who hath despised the day of small things you will hear some pervert this verse and say despise not the day of small things this verse doesn't say that and there's no place in the Bible that says that there's no shame in things being small as long as you're not satisfied with smallness a small God small faith small relationship with God small prayer life who has despised the day of small things for they shall rejoice shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel who's with those seven they are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro through the whole earth okay we go back one verse or two verses please verse 6 said not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord and then the next verse 7 who art Thou O great mountain do you think he's talking about a physical mountain there no and would God want to take a mountain he put in our lives and make it a plane so this mountain is something negative that needs to be moved it needs to be removed so what is that Mountain it is spiritual opposition and Peter said resist the devil and he will flee from you let's see how many honest people we have here the last couple of weeks maybe the last couple of months you just just hadn't had much spiritual motivation you just you come to most services once you can't find an excuse not to come to and you sit there but you don't feel anything and you try to pray and you know nothing's happening you don't feel anything and you just discouraged you got no real energy for anything you only do the stuff you absolutely have to do in life because you're just you're just discouraged and the other D word which most of us don't admit to till after the fact depressed and that means you just just don't feel like it I don't I don't feel like it you want to do something no nothing no what do you wanna do I just want to check out and make it through this day so that I can check out and make it through the next day do as little as possible just to keep going now before I ask you to receive the speaking to that mountain so that you can be free I'm saying to you that for a Holy Ghost filled child of God that knows and loves Jesus that is not natural it's not I'm sorry well everybody has their ups and downs brother right yeah that sounds really good doesn't it but that's not what the scripture teaches the joy the Lord is our strength well how could it be my strength when I don't have any joy and the peace of God which surpasses all knowledge shall keep guard preserve your hearts and minds well what do I do if I don't have any peace so righteousness peace and joy is in the Holy Ghost and if the Holy Ghost is in you and you're not feeling righteous you're feeling worthless or a failure or hopeless or helpless because there's hope in righteousness there's hope in righteousness when God gives us his righteousness that we don't earn or deserve but he gives it to us out of love for us and he covers us with his righteousness and assures us that he as he promised he would forgive our sins and remember them no more and yet we're just beaten down in our minds with our sins and failures well that didn't come from God he promised he wouldn't do that so I got the all these bad feelings about myself I'm I'm not worth anything nobody really loves me I'm not appreciated bla bla bla bla bla bla I'm invisible have I said enough to identify at least a few in your life so you can know I'm talking to you or the Holy Ghost is and then peace peace Wow peace and what's the opposite of peace fear and its other synonyms and symptoms and perfect love casteth out fear and peace can't exist where anxiety is and fear has torment the scripture says so if I have righteousness I have hope there's never a day that looks bad or impossible if I have peace I don't have fear I'm not dreading the future and then finally joy that joy the Lord is my strength and Romans 14:17 says you could put that on the screen when you get to it the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and here's what people that really want to be saved do when they feel overwhelmed with all of this this hopelessness this worthlessness this this feeling of failure I'm never going to get this right I'm never gonna you know whatever and then I have no peace I've got fear full of doubt worry and I have no joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength and from what I understand depression is defined clinically as emotional exhaustion and the joy of the Lord is our strength and I can't have the joy of the Lord and be emotionally exhausted because the joy of the Lord's always giving my emotions strength to face another day to face the problems none of this has to do with what's going on external to you the last words of Jesus before he prayed for the disciples out trading the garden of gethsemane and then was taken and was crucified john 16:33 these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have King James word is tribulation but the Greek is most places translated trouble you're going you're gonna have trouble in the world but you can have peace in spite of the trouble the Lord said my peace I give you not as the world gives give unto you the world only has peace when there's no problems from trouble going on but as soon as problems for the troubles happen in their life they don't have peace but God's peace is exactly the opposite that it doesn't matter how bad things get external to you you have peace because he is the God of peace and he dwells in here and there are days of sorrow and I can have peace and hope in spite of that sorrow there are days of trouble but I can have peace and joy and hope in spite of that trouble yeah and I can have more on me than I know what to do with it but if I have righteousness working peace working in joy working there's not ever gonna be a day I don't feel like getting up and let's do it again Lord me and you you and me Jesus we got this for without him I could do nothing but I can do all things through his strength so some of you have some spiritual mountains that you can't remove but there are people in here right now and maybe the next time you'll be praying for them that's why the Bible says for us to pray one for another and bear one another's burdens because today it may be me needing prayer and tomorrow it may be you that I need to pray for so you pray for me when I need it I'll pray for you when you need it and we'll all go to heaven together but if I do the human pride thing how you doing oh I'm great and I'm lying through my teeth how you doing great did you get that how you doing I'm great I'm not gonna stop and talk to you I just want to get by you get past and what do I want to do I want to go someplace and get alone cuz I don't want to face anybody I just want to be by myself and then some of you're sitting here arguing with me that's normal there's nothing wrong with that have I ever had days like that is this flesh yeah but I've been doing this long enough to know that those days are not natural because if it's natural fatigue a good night's sleep and you're ready to bounce up and get after it but if you're just as tired when you get up as you work when you went to bed and no matter what you do you can't get rested that's not natural that's supernatural and if you don't let somebody help you because you've reached the place you can't help yourself that's why we're body that's why we we're commanded to it's a commandment of God love one another by this shall all men know that you're my disciples because you have love one for another well the most important way you can love me or let me love you is to be honest with me or may be honest with you would you pray for me you ever read where Paul said and pray for me Paul Paul requested prayer Paul requested prayer pray for me he said and then there were days he said I pray for you this is this is not what some of you will conclude it to be it is spiritual fact some of you are not gonna let anybody pray for you you're not going to say hey you don't have to tell them the gory details would you pray for me whatever that means the Lord knows because here's the problem these spirits that are tormenting the folks that are here they get prayed for and that leave them where are they going to go hello [Music] so you don't want prayed for you're not going to ask anybody to pray for you and if somebody prays for you nothing happens you're not gonna say oh well no find somebody else put your hand on my head speak against this thing I can't do this by myself I need my brother I need my sister help me well guess what if somebody wants to leave here without those feelings hopelessness without that pressing oppressive feeling on you without without fear and without doubt but with peace and with without the exhaustion mental emotional spiritual exhaustion but you want strength if you want free and is it possible the Lord allows this to happen to us so that we learn to depend upon each other and trust each other there are no spiritual islands and if you're trying to be you're completely against the will of God hallelujah I was in Pennsylvania a couple of weeks ago and when I got to the church there oh it was a district conference and a lot of preachers and their wives and some Saints were there and it was just and I asked my friend I said where's your wife he said she's sick okay and he said but I will tell you this I've never seen a time where there were more preachers oppressed guys that have been here a long time have been calling and saying I'm just ready I'm ready to quit I'm just I'm tired I just can't do this anymore that afternoon we prayed against the spirit of oppression and it got better that night was an ordination service and I I was asked to do the ordination service and his wife came to that meeting because her son was being ordained but during that service the Holy Ghost began to move in that place before the preaching and we began to pray against the spirit of oppression and the next thing I know my friend's wife is just going off she's dancing and shouting I mean she's whatever and I was told after service she said I've been under such a spirit of oppression I've been physically sick but I knew it wasn't physical sickness I just didn't want to do anything I didn't want to get out of bed I felt I didn't feel good I didn't want to do anything I didn't feel like doing anything I didn't want to talk to anybody I know anybody talking to me she said but tonight God broke that thing off of me and I'm free but it wasn't just her it wasn't just her a couple of Sunday nights ago when brother Shelton was here he prayed for some folks about stuff that was warring against them and you know you that we're here you felt the breaking the breakthrough that took place has been different tenant yes sir it's been different because it wasn't natural I've got the Holy Ghost the Spirit of Christ dwells in me I don't have to accept that those that don't know God that's the way they live if I have hope in this life only I'm of all men most miserable and if my hope is in this life and I'm miserable what happens if I'm in this life without hope how miserable am i and and if you unless you've had your head in the sand you know there's a huge problem with overdoses on opioids well do you think those people purposely took an overdose hello you think even a small percentage of them purposely did that to check out no but they were taking the opioids in order to feel better but the problem is this is the lie once your body activates to it you need a little more to get the same effect and then you need a little more to get the same effect and even though intellectually you know this is really close to too much I gotta have it because I can't go on and and what I've been taking isn't helping me so people just take the chance and do too much and they don't wake up that's the way the world lives and I'm not judging them but you you came out of that now you got a choice it's fine you can stand where you are or you can come up front either way it's fine with me but if you're saying this is enough I'm getting worried about me it's not right and the thoughts I'm having of just what why am I wasting my time going to church why am i doing this okay are you desperate enough that you're willing to risk embarrassment you can stand where you are or you can come to the front either way it's fine but you're saying I need help I cannot do this myself I need help I refuse to continue to live like this I need help I want every elder and his wife to come to the front and find somebody to pray for I want the body of Christ to pray for those that are standing where they are I want you to pray in the spirit I want you to pray and speak the words of authority but this is the will of God God is ready for us to be free come on the Lord is going to move some mountains tonight those of you that are sitting back there there are people standing find somebody to pray with come on come on come on in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I'd take Dominion and authority but with the spirits of depression over the experience of oppression I command you to lose the mains the hurts the spirits of God of the people of God I command you to loose the minds the hearts and the spirits of the people of God come on in the name of Jesus be free in the name of Jesus be free come on believe it receive it we speak to these mountains of resistance that war against the will of God war against the purpose of God war against the plan of God in the name of Jesus come on speak speak to where the faith speak the word of authority you have the Holy Ghost let the Lord use you I curse these spirits of depression I curse the spirits of oppression in the name of Jesus be free in the name of Jesus be free he cut the challah Theatre higher even Rubik Osaka - hiya in the name of Jesus come on be free in Jesus name be breathe Jesus name greater is He that's in you than he that's in this world come on don't settle don't settle tonight they settled the Lord is faithful the Lord is faithful he wants you to be free the Lord is faithful speak to these spirits take authority over them in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus eat aha illa bahasa ela Behati a kadhai ha ha ha ha ha ha come on he love Acosta hyah [Applause] this is what we're going to do after you've been prayed for you're gonna pray for somebody else after you've been prayed for by somebody that you can pray for come on that's the way this works brilliant receive pretty give but I don't know what I've received for the right then let the Holy Ghost work come on come on [Applause] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus if you've been prayed for it didn't get what you need ask somebody else to pray for you but if you've received what you need thank somebody else to pray with come on freely received free to give freely you've received freely give come on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus be free in Jesus name be free in Jesus name come on that's victory here tonight let's don't settle for less than victory that's victory here tonight don't settle for less than victory after you've been prayed for find somebody for you to pray for after someone is prayed for you thank somebody you can pray for come on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus eat aha ahá la rata hiya eh eh Allah Allah Tata hiya in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus come on they're still people need a breakthrough it's not time to quit praying find somebody to pray for if you haven't received all that you need you need tonight find somebody else to pray for you come on it's a very critical night there's some boldness of souls hanging in the balance [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus ha ha la la da da da ba ha ha Yogi Akal are not that the hyah it is normal to get physically tired and need some rest that's normal it is not spiritually normal to not care anymore [Music] it is not spiritually normal to not want to do anything spiritual anymore come on yah Baha Baha in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus yella bajate Lara Bahama Mama ha ye allah-allah robocall rata bhai Jesus name Jesus name Jesus name hallelujah eek ah ha ah ha ha ha ha ha hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah Alleluia hallelujah not my high yell about high thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father [Applause] thank you Father hello robo carotid data behind hey mama hey mama casa hi hallelujah hallelujah hi thank you Father hello Lord obokata hi in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus he baka would say hi thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father if you are not specifically praying for somebody or that part you are being prayed for I want you to join hit with those around you we're gonna pray collectively against the spirit of oppression that's warring against the body of Christ not just at Antioch but in Maryland DC and the body of Christ other places I don't want two or three I don't want any less than ten join together pray it if you're not specifically praying for somebody or being specifically prayed for I'm asking you to join together in large groups join together in large groups come on we're going to pray and intercede against the spirit of oppression come on come on in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I curse the spirit of oppression I bind it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and commanded to loose Antioch and lose the Maryland DC district and lose the body of Christ in the state of Maryland in Washington DC I command that we be free I commanded the body of Christ have victory over this attack from the spirit of oppression in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I loose the spirit of righteousness I lose the spirit of peace I lose the spirit of joy I lose hope in Jesus name I lose faith Brad let faith rise up Holy Ghost scatter your enemies Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus ekata hey Alana tak ha ha ha till Aruba cosec ta Tata hiya illuminate the a Makaha saya in the name of Jesus follow bokura tak ha ha yes be free come o come all we need some intercessors interceding hello [Applause] come on if you're an intercessor it's time to intercede go victory tonight victory tonight [Applause] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus eat ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yay eh ah ha ha ha ha he'll embark on route 80 a kaha see in the name of Jesus Uluru beaucoup psyche a cat aha in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus howl on what that ducky a yes haha yes Lord yes Lord I believe you Jesus [Applause] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on let's give him praise right now Thanksgiving come on don't panic eight let's give him praise that banks come on let's give him praise that thanks he is one day hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yay come on come on come on let's go a little fun come on there's something happening right now come on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus yes yes yes big fries I lose the liberty of God Lord Spirit of God you are Lord here and where you are Lord there is Liberty next freedom that's victory come on let's go little further come o come o come o come o come o come on next on enough that's not far enough come on let's go a little farther [Applause] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus allama kata ha ha da da da da que hace el apoyo de muchos idiomas ha da ba ha see a little cootie a root daya Kuchiki a Collard Rattata ba ha [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah Alleluia yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord hallelujah alleluia alleluia come on let's thank him and praise him again come on let's thank him and praise him again ha ha yes Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah be free to vote somebody needs to be free somebody needs to act like you're free come on in the name of Jesus hello Bobo Bobo da da da ha yay la mamma Makaha hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] in the name of Jesus [Applause] one of the critical ways of staying free is loving one another and here's what loving means loving someone means I'm not going to say anything behind their back I won't say to their face I'm going to say that again loving someone means I I won't say anything behind their back that I won't save their face if you're if you can't say it to their face you shouldn't be saying it behind their back do you like that is that okay with you when you find out somebody's done you like that well the book says not do unto them like they've done to you the book says do unto others like you wanna have done to you loving God and loving my brother means I don't say anything about my brother or my sister behind their back that I won't say to their face because nothing opens the door for that spirit to come back that you've been set free from any quicker than that right there because when you ask God to receive something and then you won't give that same thing you ask God to love you unconditionally but you won't give unconditional love doesn't work it doesn't work the Lord wants us to be free the Lord wants us to have righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost but I can't have that the Bible says when you have a grudge well I don't have a grudge let me tell you something when you talk about somebody behind their back say stuff you won't say to their face you've gotten a grudge and that gives Satan the advantage over you according to 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 well I I'm not going to ever say that to their face then don't say it behind their back a simple way to do it that's the simple guideline right there don't ever say anything to anybody behind somebody's back that you won't say to their face in Jesus name may these words be so embedded in your mind and spirit because they're the words of God that every time you sit around I don't care if it's your mom and your dad your husband your wife your brother your sister I don't care who it is your best friend you sit around and you talk about somebody it just spread something just save something critical in Jesus name I pray that you hear these words and that you hear the voice of the Lord saying is that the way you want to be loved in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I pray that you'll hear these words and then hear the voice of the Lord say is that the way you want to be loved in the name of Jesus let's give him thanks again clap your hands all you want but if your mouths not working it's not Thanksgiving I don't care how much you clap your hands but clapping your hands is not a substitute for giving the the sacrifice of praise which is Thanksgiving the fruit of our lips come on let's thank the Lord together come on come on thank you Father thank you Father for all you've done here tonight all you've said all that we've received from you we believe in you Lord taking you in advance for every miracle forever healing forever creative miracle forever restorative and milk miracle you've done here tonight in the name of Jesus now you haven't a responsibility to your brothers and sisters to share your testimony of what God has done for you for the faith of all share it in here and share it out there Jesus name when God gives you a testimony it's it's the best thing going because if you want to talk doctor or somebody they can argue with you but if you're telling them something God did for you can't argue with it nope god bless you have a great Thanksgiving I pray in Jesus name there is meal being served here at the church if I'm not mistaken on Thursday for those that don't have any place to go or just want to come fellowship with others before your family time I'm not sure what time it starts does anybody know what time it starts here starts at two o'clock here Thursday afternoon you're all you're welcome to come god bless you
Channel: Antioch The Apostolic Church
Views: 1,307
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Antioch, Apostolic, Jesus, UPCI, Pentecost, Pentecostal
Id: hSe4hyFScKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 11sec (6611 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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