The Minecraft Base That Survived 2b2t's Deadliest Exploit

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the oldest anarchy server in minecraft has been recovering from the deadliest exploit in its history one that revealed the location of every single base on the server except for one completely untraceable it was built for the sole purpose of defending against coordinate exploits from the outside it looks like an ugly lava cast but underneath is a technologically advanced marvel with redstone contraptions and an item stash worth 14 000 us dollars with this much money on the line security was absolutely crucial direct travel to and from the base on foot was not allowed so the only way to get there was by use of an exploit so you're probably wondering why was this ugly looking base one of the only ones to survive the most sophisticated coordinate exploit in minecraft history well the first step to defeating an exploit is understanding how it works and that's exactly how the base members managed to pull this off today we'll be discussing the history of cobb topia how it was built the techniques that were used to make it untraceable and how it would eventually become a front for one of the most profitable item selling operations in the server's history the story behind the space has been fascinating to research so as always if you consider hitting that subscribe button you're awesome now then let's get started if you haven't seen my previous video about 2b2t's most powerful exploit let me sum it up real quick in 2018 a group of hackers named nerds incorporated discovered a vulnerability and used it to create an exploit called no com that allowed them to track every player's location on the server in real time this gave them the coordinates to every single base and item stash if you had no knowledge that it was happening there was no way to defend against it that being said our story begins in 2020 a 2b2t player named lord mahan had created a large item stash using duplication exploits he had a reputation for not only duping but for using other exploits as well one day while he was sorting items at his stash he received an unexpected visitor ox 22 one of the members of nerds incorporated the group that was secretly using the no com exploit he began placing tnt and ended up griefing the entire stash it was in a very secure location and as someone who was knowledgeable of minecraft's technical aspects mahan instantly knew something was wrong his appearance at the stash was no accident taking what materials he could he traveled across the server to a new location once there he invited his friends and fellow exploiters steve three and red stoner the three of them began constructing a new item stash and populating it with every piece of treasure they had they had made good progress but once again they received an unexpected visitor a member of the nerds bubba j had shown up at the stash unannounced he stole many of the items and destroyed what was left the three instantly knew there had to be some sort of exploit being used but how did it actually work well luckily for them bubba j had left behind a clue he had griefed the stash using an account named xz underscore 9. this was an account that had spent the past few months logged into the server 24 7. there had actually been numerous accounts that had been afk at all times and one of the only players to notice this was named zero neb after he identified many of the different afk accounts he tried to warn the community that they were being used for an exploit everyone had written him off as crazy but mahan realized that he may have been onto something the fact that nerds incorporated owned all of these afk accounts and had managed to grieve two of his previous stashes meant that there must have been a connection while the exploit was not understood the three friends knew that as long as those afk accounts were online anywhere they traveled to was not safe the only way to stop the nerds exploit was to use one of their own they began testing a server lag exploit that would freeze the network traffic for about 20 seconds during this time all data packets sent by players were queued up and when the network unfroze accounts that had sent the most packets were the first to get kicked it just so happened that the afk accounts being used for nocom were sending the most packets they were the first to be kicked back into the queue while those accounts were waiting in line mahan and company could safely travel without being tracked theorizing that this would conceal their locations the three invited their good friend nuke lord who wanted to join them at their new base any time the nerd's accounts would come back online they would lag the server again in order to get them kicked once they arrived at a new location on alt accounts they instantly put safety protocols into place no one was allowed to travel directly to and from the location on foot while they could use ender pearl loading to teleport to the base getting new accounts there would be a problem so they would use something called the name change enderpearl exploit in java versions 1.12 and earlier the owner of a thrown ender pearl is determined by username let's say you had an account named steve and you threw an ender pearl into an unloaded chunk as long as that chunk stayed unloaded the pearl would be frozen in midair in that time you would then change the name of the account to something other than steve an alt account would then take the name of the original and when the frozen pearl was finally loaded by someone else it would teleport the new account instead of the old one name changes in java edition can take 30 days so while it was a slow method it would allow them to travel to and from the base without being tracked by the no com exploit they also made a rule that absolutely no nether travel was allowed at the base as even just loading another chunk could leave enough of a trace for them to be found at this point the group felt safe enough to begin working nuke lord would be responsible for designing the base the other three would research more about the nerd's exploit attempt to discover its inner workings and potentially create a version for themselves tnt dupers were used to create a massive hole all the way down to bedrock which was then covered up by a giant lava cast this would make it so that if the base was stumbled upon it would already appear griefed underneath auto farms were constructed as well as an area for testing out new exploits more members of the base would be brought on and they were teleported in using the pearl exploit as 2020 continued more research was being done in order to uncover the nerd's exploit and progress was being made during this time steve 3 would actually discover a new item duke that was incredibly powerful this dupe involving donkeys allowed them to create a surplus of items very quickly they kept the dupe private and members of cobtopia began creating as many items as possible this is the same dupe that led to the now infamous freezer incident where redstoner had to put his computer into his refrigerator to keep it from overheating they would have access to this item dupe for four months they started running out of room to put the items so an advanced sorting system was created to keep everything organized remember all of this was hidden under a massive lava cast so they had to be as efficient as possible with their use of the space by november of 2020 as the items continue to pile up mahan and steve three had made a breakthrough they had discovered the original vulnerability that made the no-com exploit possible pretty soon they had their own primitive version of it they could remotely view any chunks on the server they wanted which would allow them to find player locations but not long after obtaining this new exploit the server's admin house master would end up patching the item dupe but by that point they were now sitting on 2 000 double chests worth of shulker boxes all packed to the brim with valuable items this was far more than the group would ever need or be able to use in recent years selling items for real-world money has become a more common practice on the server with many individuals directly advertising their shops in public chat redstoner ran the numbers and based on what other shops were selling for the stash at cobtopia was worth an estimated 14 000 us dollars they were sitting on one of the most valuable stashes on the entire server and it was completely untraceable since many other groups had their stashes blown up by the nerds and spawn masons over the course of 2020 there was less competition for selling so redstoner began moving items out of the stash using pearl teleports and selling them at locations closer to spawn business was all right at first but there was still a lot of competition from shops that had survived the griefs he needed some sort of advantage to stand out from the rest well in 2021 he would get one mahan and steve three had improved their version of the coordinate exploit to the point where they could now track individual players one at a time this exploit was the advantage that redstoner had been waiting for most shop owners would advertise in public chat using accounts that were at their actual stashes so redstoner began writing down the usernames of all the shop owners and would travel to their coordinates destroying every single one like with any free market one of the best ways to increase profits is to eliminate competition redstoner and crew would spend the next few months hunting down shop owners and griefing their stashes while selling their own product from cobtopia at the same time a few months ago i made a video about how bot accounts were acting as drones and delivering items all over the server this operation was run in part by redstoner and the items delivered using this service were directly from the cobtopia stash by may of 2021 six months after their first sale they had sold over ten thousand dollars worth of product if you bought items on the server this year there's a good chance they came from cobtopia it was starting to look like they would sell every single item but of course like any underworld business things can't run smoothly forever two of the members of cobtopia that had been invited after the base was founded had quietly leaked the coordinate exploit this single act is what eventually caused no comp to go public driving the server into a panic knowing that the players that betrayed them might eventually return to cobtopia to destroy it the remaining items were moved out as fast as possible they were transported to an undisclosed location for safe keeping what became of cobtopia after is unknown redstoner would speak with leisure one of the players that had been working with the real nocom exploit and he confirmed that cobtopia was not in their database meaning that the original safety protocols had actually worked and they had stayed off the radar it's ironic one of the few bases that survived the deadliest coordinate exploit in history was compromised anyway because of betrayal a fitting end to a very bizarre base but that begs the question was cobtopia the only base to be spared by no com or were there others as well only time will tell well if you enjoyed today's video you better be hitting that like and subscribe button also follow my socials so take it easy fit fam and stay alive out there
Channel: FitMC
Views: 4,696,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, nether, sea, monster, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, builds, tour, battle, spawn, grief, hack, client, incursion, tutorial, dream, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, mojang, flying, redstone, technoblade, smp, live, campfire, blast, furnace, parody, song, memes, house, piglin, hoglin, forest, 1.17, bastion, respawn, anchor, pvp, popbob, remnant, chests, chest, animation, speedrun, duplication, bed, minecon, mc, unsolved, mystery, end, caves, cliffs, warden, beast, mrbeast, fotmc, tb2t
Id: Xg9uF9MFEi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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