How Minecraft BREAD Was Weaponized on 2b2t

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on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft many strange items have been turned into weapons over the years furnaces enchantment tables blocks of sand the list goes on but recently players have found a way to weaponize the most unlikely item in minecraft bread i wish i was joking somehow a group of players calling themselves the bakery have claimed to have found a way to completely ban someone from the server just by using bread if the victim tries to rejoin they are instantly kicked again which has caused server queue times to go up they've banned over a thousand players already with the members even keeping track of their personal records now i know what you're thinking how is this even possible well it's time for us to find out the bakery has been inviting people to a specific set of coordinates in order to ban them i'll be disguising myself as a new player to see how it works in person and understand the technical process behind the bands is bread the actual weapon or is it simply a cover for a far more sinister exploit i have a feeling it's going to be a wild one today now it's no secret that queue times to get into the server have gone up recently which means it's the perfect excuse to play some afk arena afk arena is a rewarding casual and strategic mobile online rpg with a unique fresco art style and western fantasy influences i've always wanted to build a strong and beautiful team that can go on adventures with me and finally i've got the chance in afk arena you can build up a personalized team and level up over a hundred heroes from seven unique factions using hero unions factional advantages smart lineups and unit combinations you can implement a multitude of strategies while exploring your adventure it's a classic rpg experience but without the grind so it doesn't require an enormous time investment and you can get rewards even if you're offline out of all the heroes my personal favorite is isolde visually he's an absolute tank and i like his chemical based play style he's definitely on my dream team i've got mine but who will your dream team be to assemble your heroes download afk arena right now by going to the link in the description for the next month every player will get a hundred summons and a special gift code this bonus is unprecedented so you don't want to miss the chance get ready to build your dream team with a hundred free summons so how does the exploit work as i mentioned earlier players are being led to a location in the nether with the promise of free bread after which they somehow become banned even though the bakery is a community project the players spearheading it are named red stoner steve iii and mahan these are the same players that were responsible for weaponizing furnaces last year creating a lag machine that accidentally turned players immortal and also helped with the construction of a massive spawn ocean at 0-0 i messaged redstone asking him how this ban exploit worked he said he would tell me the details on one condition that i visit the bakery in person and get myself banned i told him i would do it on an alt account and he's agreed not to tell any of the other members that it's actually me since he understands i'm just trying to document things so now that we have a disguise let's get on the actual server head to the nether and pretend to be a new player let's get this bread position 1 and q i'm almost in now it's early morning and i have to say priority queue has been much higher than usual which is strange something is definitely going on all right we're logged in so let's find the nearest nether portal now in regards to this exploit all i know is that players are given food items mainly bred and are led to a portal a decent distance away from zero zero and once they go in they don't come back out so whether teleporting bread has anything to do with the actual band process remains to be seen but hey that's why we're here excellent here's a portal now this will lead us to zero zero nether so what awaits us on the other side i'm curious that is a lot of tracers right now holy cow the nether is popping i wasn't expecting this many people oh hello uh okay he's doing the crowd oh and giving me the food this is how it starts all right let me turn off all my tracers all my hacks and stuff i can barely see what i'm doing and for those of you that are new to my videos because 2b is an anarchy server yes you're allowed to hack that guy right there ipv4 address that's actually redstoner he's the only member of the bakery that's aware of my true identity so we're still incognito here oh check that out a gap on the ground wow okay so they must have run out of bread and now they're just straight up using gaps to lead players to the portal look at that more gaps on the ground trying to gain the trust of the hunter cat right there poor guy he has no idea he's being led to his impending doom oh hello oh more gaps for me i appreciate that what are you doing are you are you trying to mine the ground underneath me no i don't think so they're growing impatient if they're just trying to kill me here i'm gonna let red stoner take the lead here so he can lead me to the portal but let me tell you if you're a new player and someone gives you coordinates and offers free items you should always be skeptical oh and here we have a classic 2b2t trick a wealthier player showing off their mob heads just to entice new players to trust them and of course fall for the trap we've gone a little too far redstone said to come back this way oh that's why they have a minecart system set up so they must be tricking new players to take a ride in this minecart and it must lead directly to the portal well i guess we have to take this ride we have no choice let's go for us being on a laggy anarchy server i'm actually impressed with how fast this minecart is moving right now but hey powered rails will do that but look at behind us very rarely do you see an unarmed player being escorted by diamond guards if you saw this in the wild you should absolutely believe this is some sort of trap this train is now a one-way ticket to the shadow realm and considering i'm about to be banned into oblivion if you hit that subscribe button you're an absolute legend how do i get myself into these situations we're about to turn a corner so i get a feeling we're getting close that looks like the place right up ahead i mean i don't see the minecart tracks continuing after this so this must oh yeah sure enough we've reached the station the doom station now where is this portal oh they must be trying to lead me there yep let's oh they didn't finish the tracks that's what it is all right but there's some player activity nearby so this has to be the place oh look at that they put up a bunch of signs saying thanks for the bread and stuff oh aren't they clever so it's clear at this point the bread is just a cover for what this exploit really is well they're preparing the portal so it's time for us to head in and find out what this exploit actually is i'm nervous once we go in there's a good chance we're not coming back out in one piece so here we go the moment of truth will we survive or will we crash instantly let's find out oh my god all right your screen is not frozen mine is it might have a frame rate of zero right now okay i do see redstone components look at that so my pc is powerful enough where we didn't just straight up crash but it is having such a hard time right now okay yeah i can't move i can't look around nothing's happening nothing is happening oh look at that so okay wait a minute we got disconnected our game didn't crash we just straight up got disconnected so wow even if your game doesn't actually crash it still disconnects you that's insane all right let's try to log into the server again and see if we can get back a second time and attempt 2 was unsuccessful our only hope now is to wait for a server restart and see if the machine will be deactivated where one in queue the server has restarted so hopefully we can survive whatever's waiting for us we're in and we're not crashing that's already a good sign now it looks like whatever contraption was up here is no longer activated after the restart there's some glowstone here but other than that i don't really see anything other than slime blocks that's really interesting we need to take a look around there's some pistons up there but that doesn't really give us the whole picture so we need to get out of this portal room right now but here's the thing we have no tools so the only way out is to manually punch through with my bare hands and there is a hole we could drop down through but uh that's not gonna end well there we go freedom all right let's take a look around oh we are way up here in the sky oh wait hold on there's someone else in here another victim that's now been free how are you doing comrade uh henry carls good to see you so yeah let's take a look around and see if there's any clues left behind about this exploit this machine is located right over one of the major overworld highways which means even if you didn't go to this trap in the nether you could have just been walking on the highway and ran into this thing and got yourself banned that's crazy the fact that we're able to walk away from this tells me either the server's admin house master mess with the machine somehow when he restarted the server or the actual bakery themselves disassembled it well regardless now we need to get out of here this looks like the perfect place for an olympic swan dive i'll see on the other side henry so now we just await redstoner to give us the true method about how these bands were pulled off i'm really curious to see how bread mixes into all of it i spoke to red stoner and he's revealed how they managed to ban players and it's actually quite fascinating the machine that banned us was using minecraft's light mechanics steve iii apparently found a bug in the vanilla code that allows blocks that emit light to be able to ban a player by overloading the in-game light engine which causes the game to crash they've managed to find a workaround to the exploit allowing them to use their hack clients to stop themselves from being banned so while their victims get crashed they do not this is separate from an older exploit that was once used on the server called skylight crash it's a different method but it ends in the same result banning players the current exploit works in 1.12 which is the version of minecraft 2b2t is on but the server is currently getting ready to finally update to 1.16 which means this exploit will no longer be possible in the near future but that explains why we saw glowstone at the top of the machine so while bread was used as a deadly bait it was light that was the true weapon banning all these players why am i not surprised well hey if you enjoyed the video today make sure to leave a like and hit that subscribe button also make sure to follow me on my socials but that's it take it easy fit fam and stay away from portals and bread all right
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,822,226
Rating: 4.9315352 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, nether, sea, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, flying, technoblade, parody, song, memes, house, 1.17, pvp, popbob, chests, chest, speedrun, duplication, bed, minecon, mc, unsolved, mystery, end, caves, cliffs, mrbeast
Id: aYuMsHlf0zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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