How Much is 2b2t Worth?

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let's say that you wanted to buy 2b2t the anarchy minecraft server with over 10 years of history how much would it theoretically cost players have actually made attempts to buy the entirety of 2bt from housemaster the server owner but the offers those players gave always varied to a great extent this was also backed up by a poll i made asking how much you think 2b2t is worth ignoring the people who voted it's worthless which spoiler alert it's not the votes are really all over the place so how would someone go about figuring out how much 2b2t is worth it's not like housemaster just gives these numbers away so instead we're going to have to use what little information we have about the server to our advantage alright let's get started [Music] to determine how much 2b2t is worth we have to estimate the total value of 2v2t's assets expenses and revenue we'll start with the pretty straightforward ones like the domain name i used three different domain appraisal sites to see what each one would say godaddy said it was worth just over a thousand dollars showed about the same said less than a hundred dollars i think i'll trust that one thousand figure a little bit more but it still seems a bit low i mean this is the iconic name you type in every time you join the server but because i want these estimates to be conservatively low i'll just go with a thousand dollars for this next we have the server hardware this is also pretty straightforward after all housemaster just recently posted on the 2b2t subreddit some of the new specs for the server for the cpu it runs on an intel i9 12900k which msrps for around 600 bucks this of course requires a pretty beefy motherboard which can go for around 600 as well he also said that he's using ddr5 memory with an unspecified capacity so i'm going to make the assumption that he's using 64 gigabytes now getting ddr5 ram right now isn't cheap and that's only if you could even find it for sale i found this listing on newegg for 470 and that's just for 32 gigs so we'd have to double that amount to get the total 64. that totals up to 940 dollars just for the ram now for the ssds housemaster did not state how much capacity the drives have but we do know that 2b2t's map is reaching 13 terabytes and he has said before that he runs high speed nvme ssds in a raid array likely raid 1 for total redundancy so i'm going to make the assumption that he has at least 16 terabytes of usable storage doubling that for the raid 1 redundancy making 32 terabytes in total i'll also make the assumption that he used two m.2 expansion cards being 400 each with a total of eight four terabyte high performance nvme ssds which cost about 650 dollars each in storage alone this would run housemaster 6 000 he also stated before that he makes multiple weekly backups onto a separate server assuming that server uses regular hard drives it probably has at least two thousand dollars worth of hardware adding cases fans and other miscellaneous components for both servers the estimated value of 2b2t server hardware totals to around eleven thousand six hundred and forty dollars and that's certainly a low ball estimate that rules out about six percent who voted that the server was valued under 10 grand but we still have a lot more to cover now with all that computer hardware where do you put it you could just throw it all into your basement and call it a day but with home internet speeds usually being pretty slow compared to data centers it probably wouldn't be enough to support all the players on the server and waiting in queue plus it would also pose a security risk given the nature of the server so it's most likely co-located which means you give your own privately owned server to a data center where they operate that server with their resources with a 10 gigabit internet connection this would cost an absolute minimum of three hundred dollars per month times that by two for the backup server this is an ongoing cost for 2b2t which in terms of valuing a company would be measured by the year so we'll add seven thousand two hundred dollars to the server's total value now housemaster's only source of revenue for 2b2t is you guessed it the priority queue system which for 20 a month lets players bypass the sometimes insane server queue wait times but the issue is that we have absolutely no data of how many players actually bought priority queue every month but we can estimate just recently i created a poll on my channel with a simple question do you currently pay for priority queue on 2b2t now ignore the total votes and percentages they don't matter at all the only thing we care about is the number of yes votes so after around two days of voting 2327 people said yes they currently have priority queue on 2v2t that totals to over 46 000 in this month alone now i can't simply assume that every single 2b2t queue customer voted in this poll so i'm going to make the conservative assumption that it's at least double this amount over 93 000 per month assuming these rates stayed relatively the same for the past three years and adjusting for paypal transaction fees that would mean housemaster would make over 1.1 million dollars in a single year that statistical loan is absolutely insane but we're still not done yet 2b2t has a lot of other ongoing costs for server operation one of the biggest costs is plug and development off the shelf and custom server plugins are used not only to optimize the server for high player counts but for stopping players from using powerful game exploits and cheats which could compromise the server's integrity there's also apparently active development on upgrading 2b2t to 1.18 so with all that in mind i will make the general assumption that house spends at minimum 20 000 every year for these services i say this because 2b2t is an extremely uncommon scenario where so many players are on the same minecraft map which historically causes server stability issues those issues have to be dealt with and it's certainly no straightforward task now i think we're missing one last important thing to factor in 2b2t's most prized asset the 10 year old map this alone is what makes 2b2t so special i would even put this map into the classification of an art piece simply because of how unique it is so how can you even put a price tag on something like this there seems to be literally no price comparison to basis off of after all the highest price paid for any single piece of art was 450 million dollars the only obvious way to put a price on this map is to put it up at auction and see what people are willing to buy it for so if i were house master and i wanted to put 2b2t's map up for auction i would put the starting bid at the very least five hundred thousand dollars think about it over two million total hours are spent playing on the server every year 2b2t has seen more player activity in a singular map than any other minecraft server in history plus it's the largest ever minecraft map over 13 terabytes five hundred thousand dollars in my opinion would be considered a steal for something like this but in the end the price would simply be based off of who's actually willing to pay the most for it now accounting for other miscellaneous costs like the domain name renewal website hosting server security and legal fees the total estimated value of 2b2t would be just over 1.6 million dollars we can actually compare that amount to high pixels value which some people estimated to be around 50 million dollars with that comparison 2b2t actually seems pretty cheap but then again i put conservatively low estimates for all the calculations just because i didn't want to overvalue the server so accompanied with this video will be a spreadsheet showing all of my calculations this gives everyone the opportunity to look over my work and make changes how they seem fit a link will be in the description i also want to give a huge thanks to those who lent a hand with advice about different parts of the valuation process now like i said this amount is purely a conservatively low estimate we'll probably never know for sure how much the server is actually worth unless house master becomes transparent about his finances which is extremely unlikely but it's still pretty neat to at least get the best possible idea of how much 2b2t is actually worth maybe one day someone who loves block games so much will actually buy the server but i could only wonder who that would be [Music]
Channel: SalC1
Views: 1,193,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine, craft, 2b2t, world, oldest, server, anarchy, value, hause, popbob, hardware, hauseamster, buy, history, cost, queue, million, dollars, statistic, fitmc, player, map, tb, hypixel, ltt, worth, nft
Id: aXwAk9kmrpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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