How Do I Know I'm Making The Right Choices For My Life? | Joseph Prince

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god does not guide a parked car if a car is parked you know even you got a gps what can the gps say you're in the same location after an hour you are still in the same location is that how your best witness no as you move then it says turn right at the next turn turn left and the next turn go straight right it tells you as you move along amen so your internal gps the holy spirit best witness with you based on action remember when when god told samuel the prophet to go to the house of jesse because god says i've provided me a king among his sons now why didn't god just say samuel his name is david and he lives in the house of a man called jesse god could have said that but that's not god's way god always leads us one step at a time like he told abraham go to a land that i will show you god could have said go to the land of canaan that flows with milk and honey but god didn't say that god says go to a land that i will show you so as abraham take one step he saw further as he took another step the spirit bore witness with him as he took another step god would bear witness whether it's through visions or dreams during abraham's time he will do it in our case it's bearing witness in our spirit a most intimate way better than visions or angels on the outside amen we have something so intimate on the inside praise god so as you take the action and that's what uh samuel did he went to the house of jesse he knew he's one of the sons right and he had seven sons and he had all the sons passed by him you know except for david he was out there in the field attending the flock and the bible says as the first born or the oldest son came in front of of the prophet samuel even a prophet like samuel okay who is an amazing prophet he was the prophet of the land of israel at that time he looked at the first born and says this must be the lord's anointed he must be the one god has selected to be king but was he the one no he wasn't the one so even a prophet can make mistakes but notice he had to face all the sons one by one one by one he's not the one this is not the one and the lord said to him this is not the one man looks on the that is when god said to the prophet god god said man look on the outward appearance but god looketh on the heart because it is not the one this is not the one and finally there was no witness of any sense and he asked jesse are these all the sons that you have imagine you're david your father says this oh yeah i have one more son imagine if you're david and you heard that amen so for some reason he wasn't really favored and we find that he was out there in the field when the prophet was in the house so the prophet says you know what i'll not sit down until david comes in so they brought david in and the moment david came before him the lord says arise this is he anoint him amen so even a prophet like samuel had to go through the procedure one by one one by one and sometimes you have to apply and go for the job interview amen don't be lazy amen don't just sit down there and say i believe god and trust god you know i got a favor of god amen and it will just come on me no you have to try it out you have to go for this interview go for the interview and you will sense it in your spirit amen and you will sense it amen just take the step even in the gifts of the spirit you have to take the first step even as a small leading obey that leading amen and you'll find that like i said before about this man as i was driving down the road one night it was pitch dark and it was very uh late at it was very very early in the morning about two to three a.m and i saw an elderly man by the side where my fetch laid on i don't know he was a bit incoherent and i didn't know that he was looking for a place uh to go to to eat and apparently his son left him at home and and he was hungry and i asked the lord what should i do the lord led me to pick him up i knew that and because i obey the first prompt thing the bible says follow after love and desire spiritual gifts amen so the next step is i want the gifts to manifest but you must follow after love the best way to have the gifts manifest is to follow after love amen follow the flow of love and the idea of follow after love has the idea like love is like a a stream a refreshing life-giving stream and you follow after the stream amen as you follow the stream and desire spiritual gifts they'll manifest the slightest prompting learn to obey you know you look at some christians you know and and and you feel like wow they they really flow with the spirit how come that they came about no all of them grow how do we grow we obey the least prompting of the spirit that's the smallest inclination amen we just follow
Channel: Joseph Prince
Views: 150,931
Rating: 4.9667406 out of 5
Keywords: joseph prince, Joseph prince full sermons, Pastor prince, Pastor joseph prince, Joseph prince live, Joseph prince sermons, joseph prince 2021, new creation church, new creation church service
Id: 9e1aImav-OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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