The Miharu-koma Legend of Fukushima

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hello everybody I'm in a really local area Fukushima this is on the highway from the seat the mountains this area is called Miharu I'm not really sure myself but I put a map in the description and it's famous for a legend and this legend is something I'm gonna teach you it's quite famous here in Japan it's so famous they put it on the first New Year's postcard stamp yeah that's where I am if this gives you any indication of how cool the history is here you're in for a treat because that building the roof is thatched from some organic material it just looks really cool I'm actually not sure myself we're gonna we're gonna figure this out because the guy inside is very famous he makes these Miharu coma which are those things these wooden statues of horses and by the end of this live stream I'm hoping that we will know what this is why they make it and what makes them so famous especially for this area of Japan but I love this town it's so quiet here the air is cool and crisp it's a kind of a cloudy November afternoon it was snowing a little bit earlier it's like a very magical mystical feeling to this whole town everything is really old that's what we're going in you can see also the workshop if we look through the window or they're making these new huh Tacoma a lot of cool stuff outside are you ready to go inside alright let's see if we can figure out the legend the legend of me how to coma all the antiques in here this is so cool oh there's a picture of the first postcard stamp used for the nanga Jovic the New Year's postcards in 1954 Showa 29 the lights the lanterns up there on the roof lots of antiques in here everything made of wood look at the hats up there never seen hats like this look at all the dust caked on it Wow so I want to show you what I'm gonna be hotter cold my hands looks like this and you know you've heard about the legend of Ramon and I made a video about this a couple of months ago in tuk misaki-kun my prefecture and the DA Noma brings good luck it's all made out of wood just like Yi's but these horses these me hunter Cole ma they have a story here's the legend in English okay I'm gonna read it for you it plastered what's taped the wall here the legend of me huh tacoma around the 8th century a gang of bandits lived in mount Kotick in a in the Fukushima area Shogun ii O&O tamborim murder wanted to suppress that his spiritual master and she who established kiyomizu temple in kyoto cart five wood Buddha Buddha Rupa's and from the excess what he carved 100 horses to wish Tama Tom a safe victory tamanna mater left Kyoto with those horses in his armor chest so he he put these in his armor for protection the battle began but his soldiers were exhausted from transversing the long distance and struggled hard then suddenly from no somewhere unknown 100 saddled horses appeared Tamra D'Amato his soldiers jumped on them and charged the bandits as soon as they won the battle all the horses disappeared the very next day a man of the local village found a wood horse which appeared exhausted from battle that's the horse from the battle that that was he had in his chest he found out that it was carved by in Chi and they believed those wood horses helped the victory they copied the wood horses and gave them to the local children as a charm it brought miracles those children grew up healthy and strong and those who could not have a child would could conceive Wow so give fertility to two mothers to have babies they're protected people this is the legend of me huh Tacoma people believe that it grant grants you victory blesses with baby and curse disease I could use one of these me huh Tacoma comes in two colors the black horses for childbearing and nurturing I don't need that one but white horses for longevity any about me huh Tacoma was also well known as being chosen for the first New Year's Memorial stamp by the Japanese government that's the legend of me how to coma as it's written on a piece of paper printed on the wall it's pretty deep so all you people who want to have a baby by that black one and the white one is for longevity I need a long I need to live a long happy prosperous life Wow look it just antiques here we're gonna meet one of the makers as well look at the cake it's caked with dust this is a real deal you're the two colors here from the story black and white fertility longevity success I guess you got to keep them together Wow y equal to Zumba said semi shoe I stopped then sets is so pretty a goat a kite I saw what you got then I got more days your time with us I [Music] [Laughter] [Music] handmade dance from a long time ago dance from a long time ago you can stick your tongue out of that one is a mm yeah Oh handmade handmade for adults and for kids a lot of famous people have seen here that was fun there's not a history here and there's a shrine up on the hill this is such a picturesque little town there's a shrine up on the hill where you can go and I guess pray for success and fertility everything this is a kind of a power spot I think but it's pretty cool when you have a little performance foot on without any planning like that just sort of happen you see the workshop there's a IOT there's a fireplace here which is cool you can buy these these are basically charms so this one is they're all handmade and what makes these what makes these really special is they're all carved out of one block of wood you know it's not a lot of different woods it makes it stronger it's me it makes it really special it's all hand carved seems telling him telling us earlier so that's why you know it's all hand carved when you think about that it's not like made in a factory somewhere he makes him here just carves him and carves him he's been carving them for years and years and years they have a workshop over there so that's sort of cool to still see products that are stuff that's still being made like by hand here in the countryside by the people instead of stuff imported from another country that was made in a factory I think when we take a look at this stuff you know we probably think of them they're made in a factory somewhere but the reality is that you know these are all handmade and and the value of it we're used to paying like a dollar or something really something cheap but that that doesn't take into account the actual time created to make it this is really small but probably quite complicated to make yeah you feeling me really cool look at the detail on this it's really solid oh my buddy cut it oh mama D this man look like could a lot a little more long life longevity so quote I'm off wish she could go up or down all my ah for babies yeah fertility and babies these are to protect babies and fertility and good luck in there this is to protect your life for a long time yeah I like that you know I I sometimes take don't know what the value of stuff is anymore but it's all made from wood from this area you think about it yeah you know it's probably pretty cheap yeah that's right Oh is white Thank You nosh-nosh abroad bigger and bigger and bigger I miss antiques as well they still work Wow it's like Maine out of pure this is metal this is metal that can't be cheap oh my they've really made phones back then everything to these days has made out of plastic you know here you find stuff that's made out of wood and glass and and metal you know the way it's supposed to be mr. booth is pretty awesome I'm gonna end up I'm gonna get something [Music] chorim mrs. Nanda might scream aah what 400 years ago Wow knowing you know who you to stay really long history here this building was 400 years ago they started making the horses about 300 music oh nothing no Kazu kazuto's it to kobani Wow Wow so green America Nisha con mio marito - no Kuni that's a no kazoo kazoo amir yeah that's crazy yeah so my country United States it was born in 1776 this house has been here for 400 years his family's been living in the same spot like for twice as long as my country which is pretty crazy that's my boy so we may die shame in my Yaya you can see ammonia tank on that's the former Prime Minister of Japan at the Amazon Wow I can't speak as good as Parker Parker declare my oats Taney not even Gladys if he goes in there my Japanese is not that good it's good enough it gets me by that's really cool I like this history I like places like this it's not easy to get here I think this is why you need this is what I'm trying to get my driver's license in Japan because you need to drive to get places like this and Japan is filled with really wonderful places like this like magical mystical villages in the mountains and you need a car to get there you can't get there by train or junior past all the great places that you can get by train are overrun with tourists like Takayama and in Gifu Prefecture Takayama is a beautiful magical place everywhere you look there's like Westerners there because it's easy to get to by train if you want to go someplace really deep you need a car why is it so hard to get certified to get a license in Japan safety first right as soon as they get my license they're able to drive to places like this and find Lily how do the way places we just look out the window I mean it's like a time warp isn't it I'm gonna come back and buy something but first I just want to take here I'm gonna take you around around town a little bit before I sign off is that place so cool I mean you just you use a stumble upon stuff as you're walking around or traveling around and you stop and have a curious look around you find these mystical magical places all right up there on the hill you can see the shrine you see it up there and there is where you can pray for all sorts of stuff longevity babies all sorts of stuff that people prayed for for hundreds of years there it is up there yeah very cool thank you thank you for the super chats I so temp sent me a pretty big one I appreciate I will ask you to get another battery for this stabilizer I appreciate always support there's lots of other stuff around here I just want to show you quickly walk around this area and give you a glimpse of what you can see if you have a car and you can walk around this is also another beautiful shop where they're making okay yeah this is what was on the postcard stamp that's so beautiful so old you know and there's the Miharu coma which is what he was making in the shop it's just so you feel like you're in another time zone like another another area another country when you're in a place like this it's such a big contrast to Tokyo they're making stuff and cool then it's good they must go could it's good dinner uh-huh this yeah I mean it got a mater curry metallurgic open either on a sunny in demotic Korea oh so any hunger fear apparently killin it Dominator to the knee wow it took our acumen a Spain Spain Kohana city Wow ego Mohonasen a Fukushima can appear a repair guy near Tomodachi I miss a near decade or more samples America AHIMA Tokyo nice and a masseur alto en I can show the a traitor Wow even a nice coat a non dico ponies a masculine see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we interesante bingo whacha my guatemalan is bingo I used to speak Spanish before but I kinda forgot that's what the kakuni simmer even need schema so plenty Scott pending and gold and then putting them on Wow so muchi Lakota attorney okay no G by Coco need tomatoes oh wow many famous people have been here before can see all the signatures of celebrities around Japan oh so cool so you co get to go dokoni it it's panic hider okay he doesn't want to like to Spain he wants to stay here I can't go back I'm so used to it here you are kini so did that you do know my thanks I used to live for 20 years ago and it's changed a lot Wow Amina spangle nihongo mohan i said i cara wonderful that's so cool okay only in Japan so YouTube Ken's a Christian image kidding me very cool Valencia the court on Piedra at very cool only in Japan so this shops also very interesting and these are being made for the season right now involved very nice better than a Christmas tree maybe maybe maybe Christmas tree is a tree nuts let's get that oh I know so so so so - Anna no hoko no channel is envy I'm right behind you sir Eman animatic video even taller - that was nice Wow I don't know if anybody who speaks Spanish or Japanese can yeah I understand that but he's been here for a short period of time and he's he's helping out and learning about this culture and he's gonna tour around the country afterwards and go back to Spain but he doesn't want to go back to Spain because he's very used to living here and his Japanese is really good so hopefully you can find a way to stay here there's a lot of people who want to come and live in Japan and it's just not you need to have a visa and a purpose and a home a job so I hope you enjoyed this little miniature episode in this small town somewhere in Fukushima Prefecture if you have a car you too can make your way here and buy a Miharu coma and be a part of the legend it's up to you get your Japanese driver's license so driving let's see I hope my my I hope me asan is not gone yes I kept on there okay good they're gone wait do you think they do you think they just left me here they left me here Oh No oh there you are you got wow so this is MIA and she gave mr. XI Guay from Akita but living in Fukushima the show - machine decade of Fukushima oh my god my god my Chi Chi Chi Chi from Yamagata prefecture yes wonderful any captain or you for me wonderful it's cool so we're gonna head head off ahead on the road and check out the next place 13 onsen we're hitting another one coming soon so wherever you are in the world have a really nice day the weather is turning out to be pretty nice here Fukushima so see you next time everybody
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 12,906
Rating: 4.9586411 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, Miharu-koma, Charms, Legend, Town, Countryside, Fukushima, Gift, Souvenir, Store, Wood, Crafts, Japanese crafts, Horse, Wooden horse, Trojan, japanese toys, toy, doll, hidden, secret, daruma
Id: p3xiXDkSRs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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