The Microsoft Xbox - Review - Game Sack
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Channel: Game Sack
Views: 646,468
Rating: 4.8648772 out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, pc, engine, gameplay, video, games, retro, genesis, snes, nes, master, system, halo, burnout, spike out, shenmue, panzer dragoon orta, soul calibur, xbox, forza, blinx, crimson skies, red dead revolver, dead man's hand, jet set radio, riddick, butcher bay, the warriors, voodoo vince, mech assault
Id: -5Lebd-Co6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2016
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I wish MS would release a new Crimson Skies game. The first game was pretty fun and there is nothing similar right now on XBO or PS4.
Underrated and underappreciated console with a variety of games that were either console exclusive or the better version, like splinter cell
as much fun as it was going through some of these games that I loved playing on my Xbox and wishing that an Xbox emulator existed, this video is also littered with inaccuracy. Just a ton of instances where "if I recall ___" which then goes on to say something that is not accurate. This video wasn't live, if you don't know go find out! And a ton of games were shown for just a couple minutes as they explained that they never really played the game before but are having a fun time now in the 30 minutes they have played. Either play more and get a real opinion or remove that segment from your 40+ minute video.
Also weirdly neglected a few great games from the generation, like the Splinter Cell series. Obviously they aren't going to go over 1k+ games that were on the system, but I find it a bit surprising that none of the Splinter Cells were covered at all.
The 100 polygons thing has to be a joke, so please do not quote it. I mean, yes, absolutely the system can handle at least 100 polygons on the screen at once, but just for reference: StarFox on the SNES could exceed 100 polygons on the screen.
Freedom Fighters was my game growing up. Highly recommend it for people getting a collection together from the PS2/GameCube/Xbox generation.
This video sold me a copy of Burnout Revenge. Digital download for the 360 was $15, was playing in an hour. Hell of a game.