The Meta Triangle of DELTARUNE | The player, Kris, and Ralsei

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pieces greatly separate Rous from the rest of delman's characters including the secret bosses that while having meta knowledge never explicitly show knowledge of the player's presence the player's presence in my last video I covered the dream that inspired Toby Fox cre Delta room and how this theme could be seen in his Works following it if you watched it you would know that I interpreted the quote the edge of the Shadow reality and dream meat as the player in the game essentially interacting on a metal level given the importance of this Insight on delon's Direction and story I would like to EXP band upon it in this video I plan to do this by looking deeper into the complex relationships between the three characters with the most connection to the player's presence Chris because of their literal connection to the player or I'll say because of his unique knowledge of this connection and of course the soul as it's the analog of the player's actions in Delta room other characters will certainly be a part of this in the future but currently these are the only three that we know enough about to understand the role they currently play in The Meta narrative first I'd like to explain what makes the player an actual character of delun through aspects of Luda narrative Harmony Del basically forces the player to play by the rules of its Universe to give an example you require a leap in logic to play as Mario curb stomping Goombas as you in fact are not Mario KP sing kmas but in delter you do not require leap and logic to be yourself interacting with another Universe through forcing a vessel inside Universe to act on your behalf based on inputs you give it through a mysterious method of communication between said universes managed by an entity who seemingly exists in between them if you found on that confusing I suggest watching Andrew Cunningham's video on how Toby Fox achieves this in undertale but ultimately what I'm getting at is that the player which I'll now be referring to as the soul is a dtic character in Delta room anyway speaking of vessels what's Chris's relationship with the soul now you probably already see The alant Ripping its soul out in the room but I can assure you that Chris's relationship with the soul isn't entirely rebellious there's always the question of why they put it back but this could easily be dismissed by the fact that Chris kind of needs the soul to live or at least needs the soul to have a will to live but that doesn't explain why Chris in this moment of autonomy does not choose to do something like I don't know telling their mom they possessed mom wake up I'm possessed Jokes Aside Chris isn't actively trying to get rid of the soul and for good reason during the tutorial Rousey describes the soul as holding the fate of the world which makes sense not to rag on Chris but they aren't the one that Dodges attacks makes strategies or even seals The Fountains the soul does in this context doesn't really matter who the soul belongs to it's under the player's control and Chris can't get rid of it without dooming their world in the process though despite the unfortunate nature of this Dynamic Chris may actually be at least a little okay with it if you look at the snow grave dialogue options you'll notice that they're rather polarizing on one side you have what the player wants to say and on the other you have what Chris wants to say why bring this up is that this only happens when the player is clearly going against what Chris wants normally there's no real telling what options Chris desires which leads me to believe that normally they're at least indifferent to what option the player chooses if that weren't the case there would frequently be major contrasts in these dialogue options ultimately I would conclude that the relationship between the soul and Chris is unfortunate but they appear to be indifferent to to had given the circumstances as long as you're not doing snow grave though I think I speak for all of us when I say that I hope in future chapters we'll be able to communicate with Chris possibly through something like the dialog options now that I've covered Chris's relationship with the character people think they dislike the most it's time to cover Chris's relationship with the character people think that is like the second most again you probably see the elephant drinking tea in the room which is actually where I'd like to start most people see Chris being healed only 60 HP from and write it off as them disliking him it's disgusting but they fail to realized that when Chris drinks Noel te they're healed 70 HP which given their childhood friends 70 HP certainly doesn't mean they dislike each other so given the 10hp difference from childhood friends 60 HP from ralat certainly doesn't carry any explicit disliking which is odd seeing how Chris definitely knows Rousy is just going along with the whole control thing which is a good segue to Rousey's relationship with the soul we've now made it to the part of this theory that relates the most to my last one so I'd very much recommend you go back and watch it if you haven't already Rouse's relationship with the soul as you probably have already seen is very very interesting he shows the player unconditional kindness which as depressing as it may seem is very suspicious I've already gone over the fact that Ral outright says the soul holds the fate of the world which is at least a little telling of why he views the soul so highly but there's something deeper to it during the scene in chapter 1 Lancer says that he feels fulfilled just by walking next to the fun gang which Rous responds to by saying it's a Darkness purpose to assist lighteners and that doing so is the only way for them to feel fulfilled I'll get to how this relates to the soul and second but let's first look deeper into what this means lighteners are portrayed in delter and similar to how humans are portrayed in undertale both are stronger and more determined than their darker and monster counterparts respectively what ties us back to the soul is that the dynamic between the NPCs in delun and the soul is identical to Darkness and lighteners which I think is the root to why Rousey views the soul so highly he wants them to feel that they have agency he bakes some cakes hecky blushes when his Sprite overlaps with the soul which is exactly analogous to lanc or feeling fulfillment just by walking next to the lighteners at first may seem wholesome at all but the problem is that this Dynamic is completely one-sided he does anything to appeal to the player like giving them a trash can to throw away more of his manuals saying it's okay to hit him but probably most concerning of all he completely disregards Chris's suffering during the snow Graver after the spam to Neo fight if I had to guess those secret conversations he has with Chris are exactly like the conversation he had with Lancer about how he can only truly feel fulfilled if you assist the soul this intertwined is exactly why I see the relationships between these three characters as well a try angle I know this puts Rousy in a bad light but I would still disagree with those who think he is evil this concerning behavior of him idolizing those who he feels greater than him seems to be less of a sign of evil and more the beginning of a character Arc in my opinion a character Arc that we've already seen develop in some ways like in the asle tunnel of love scene where he essentially says meeting Chris and suie has taught him to appreciate people for being who they are while this isn't directly connected to Rouse's idolization problem I still think it's a sign of developing away from it with this I think I've come to a relatively complete understanding of Rousey's relationship with the soul and like with Chris it's very one-sided which actually makes a lot of sense given how early we are in delter story you see delin is very keen on recording the player's actions the more you play the game the more data it has to understand you and write mpc's reactions more accurately to your intentions so in these early stages of delin story the only accurate Dynamics NPCs can have with the player is they're either silenced by them hopely loyal to them or just clueless altogether essentially the game is working under the requir M of Luda narrative Harmony and as The Story Goes On And The Game's data set of your actions increase the closer you get to the edge of the shadow where reality and dream [Applause] meet don't worry this isn't the outro yet I'm doing this segment just to help get around the bullup effect of editing a video based on a voiceover I did a week ago which itself was based on a script which I wrote like a month ago of course over that time things like my understanding of the topic and just generally my skill of making a theory progress so I'm recording SL writing this at the end of the video's production as sort of a conclusion so I'll quickly go over the main points of my video chronologically I will make sure to Mark chapters for the main points I'll be going through I don't really have much to say about the player's presence as it was a pretty cut and dry topic though with Chris's relationship with the soul I would really like to hammer in the indifferent aspect of it especially because it goes along with my thesis that NPC's Dynamics with the soul are one-sided due to the early state of delron story Chris's relationship with Rouse is also one I'd like to clarify the point I made about te Theory turned out to be a bit weaker than I remembered I will still die in the hill of Chris's not disliking Rouse but I certainly missed aspects of their Dynamic like Rouse's close appearance to azreal I would currently say that Chris's dubious friendship with Rous is more focused on calling into question things like the a tunel of love scene where the game is very clearly pushing the player to choose options Chris would probably not be comfortable with which would of course have more to do with the triangle Dynamics as a whole Rouse's relationship with the soul is still spot-on in my opinion the things I covered very well explain why he views the soul so highly in a way that really utilizes who Rousy is as a character and to end off with my ultimate thesis I was first worried that simply saying NPC's Dynamics with the player will develop over time would be seen as kind of a cold take but the actual value in this thesis is the explanation to Chris and Rousey's one-sided Dynamic with the player and how delun is developing towards its ultimate theme of Toby Fox's dream of reality and dream meeting anyways that should be all I have to say for this Theory I hope I didn't lose you anywhere on it now to actually end the video I would first like to say thank you for watching all the way through I'm pretty proud of myself that I was able to get this video out about a month after the last one and don't worry this is taking into account all other stuff like school and work etc for my next video I already have a loose idea of it if it goes how I intend it to it will be more Divergent from other theories and hopefully develop into its own thing but I guess that's everything this should be going up around the time I hit 500 subscribers so I'd really appreciate it if you subscribed it would be incredible if we get to 1,000 subscribers by the time my next video comes out and probably a month from now but anyways thank you for watching and goodbye [Music] yeah
Channel: PlayerCarter
Views: 9,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deltarune, theory, undertale, ralsei, kris
Id: 33Q1ppU4EqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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