Mastering Foreshadowing || DELTARUNE and UNDERTALE [Theory/Analysis]

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one of my favorite moments of undertale happens in the waterfall section we come across a small room inside is an description on the wall telling us of a haunting song that Echoes the corridors and a piano to play we're not sure what to do with it since we can't hear any song so we leave across the corridor though we do find a statue rain pouring onto it like a forgotten toy and in the Next Room a basket of [Applause] umbrellas we don't need to but we can go back to give the statue one of the umbrellas a small act of kindness to something that can't ever recognize it and then it's just a simple Melody and yet it sounds so melancholic maybe it's the fact that it's playing on a music box and that forces a Nostalgia onto it even so there's this intangible sorrow that you can't exactly place I played undertale when it first came out and back then we didn't get the display of the answer above the statue I had to really internalize the melody memorize each note until [Music] eventually puzzle solved I moved on afterwards the game was fun and filled to the brim with stuff that I still bust a gut laugh at to this day the game is very high energy but it does take moments to slow down and let the moment speak for itself however in the back of my mind that one Melody would still play I wondered if it meant anything and [Music] then that song again I really wish I could forget undertale and just relive that that moment when memory meets Melody and makes something marvelous this is called a light Motif when a melody or Motif appears multiple times throughout a story or song Sometimes it has a particular meaning sometimes it's for a particular effect this here does have a reason and a reason that becomes clear when the story progresses there is one issue though everyone and their mother has talked about late motifs I mean sure everyone has the right to speak and everyone always brings A New Perspective in this discussion it's an interesting discussion a discussion 10 billion people have talked about 10 billion times and it will and should be talked about more and as much as I'd like to add my own two c I feel like there isn't really much I can add other than those two cents but there is something I can add something that people don't talk about that often and that is Toby's love and masterful usage of check off's guns I love undertale and Delta Rune it has everything I enjoy simple yet complicated stories with complicated characters it has my exact sense of humor and my years in prison as homestock has modified my brain to relase serotonin every time I hear to's music like Pavlov's dog but anyway you're probably wondering what I mean by uh check off guns well it's simple a check off gun is a narrative tool that is brought to the attention by one character and or the narrator of a story it is typically pointed out at the beginning to foreshadow its usage later on in the story understand no okay um H how about this imagine if you can you're watching your faite old timeing movie you know cuz we all have one anyway Nancy walks into Rodney's study and notices that he has a Winchester rifle hanging on his wall Nicole who has never seen a gun before cries out oh me oh my oh wo is me rodri how can you have such a foul mechanism displayed in your scholarly Chambers oh I think I am going to faint while Nina is Hell gas by the man-made hores Beyond her womanly comprehension Rory says there's no need to worry doll face fear not to Natalie I am a gentleman of reason but I do wish to keep myself prepared for any rap scallion Who Dares challenge me be it burglers Killers or crooked cops because this movie was made before the haze coat was implemented we are in that case Ron I am a lesbian I am also a lesbian Noah where the [ __ ] was I going with this bit whatever the point is is that there's a gun guns are used to shoot people so that means logically by the end of the story that gun is going to be used to shoot someone now people tend to call that for shadowing but there is a difference foreshadowing is a subtle yet noticeable detail that makes you wonder and speculate about what it could mean in the future whereas a check off's gun oh hey look at this creepy ass locked up bunker with the scary noise I bet this won't be relevant in the future or a bit more in your face it's something that the plot will directly calling to attention before throwing it aside and then bring it back when you might have just forgotten about it which begs the question how does Toby th do extremely well how well you ask well there is another favorite moment of mine in undertale and it's specifically related to this one puzzle at the [Music] beginning [Music] e [Music] the [Music] starts the randomizer and [Music] fun fact when I first played this game I actually wrote down the colors and their effects it just seemed like something the game would do bringing a very difficult puzzle at this moment but when the results came pink I just I was howling in my chair here I was thinking it was going to be important [Music] boy howy do [Music] I [Music] that my friends is what I am talking about there are other moments in undertale that I consider checkov guns the butterscotch pie the spider donut All That Jazz but that's just undertale let's talk about Delta rune for a hot minute and by hot minute I mean the rest of the video because delter run is still in development and we have uh 27th of the way to completion it's about time to focus on what possible guns were placed and what trends may continue because I've noticed a couple of things but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it for now let's talk about this absolutely golden moment of Delta run I mean I have option to make a deadly machine but I have option to make duck so what choice do I have but make duck after completing the thrash machine we eventually have to defeat our own creation or not we fight Susie and Lancer enter a draw and continue on our adventures and we never see that duck again you see you see this is what I'm talking about just when you think you're safe from any sort of twist that thing you made 2 years ago now slaps you in the face this isn't even the last time we see that duck [Music] w [Music] you're all probably wondering why I spent a good long time avoiding the topic I wish to discuss but I am doing this for a very good reason the statue Melody the colored squares the ducking thrash machine these are the three Heroes of my theory because what I want to talk about will sound completely deranged out of context so I thought it was a good idea to give you all good examples of the things Toby has done to understand that what I want to discuss may not be that far off but I understand the apprehension we' only got a small portion of the full game we can practically point to anything and call it possible foreshadowing and create an entire fanfiction off of something that may or may not be relevant to the main story sometimes we know when something is relevant that's what check off's guns are guns play in their designated spot to be shot For Whom the Bell TOs and we have a pretty decent number of guns placed around we have the very obvious Future Dark World Rudolph holidays illness the majority of Ral fans and the spam's folder telling us of antenna and microne but I want to talk about some lesser known points of interest cuz there are some things that have caught my eye such as your brother's Library debt I'm not joking at the end of chapter 1 you learned that asrael has a library book that has been overdue for a I don't know five years Jesus Christ man in doing so racked up a huge debt which seems like a joke at the expense of your brother but in Chapter 2 the first thing you can do is open up his drawer and steal $5 and at the end of chapter 2 and this is even something I learned until I watched T left thun's Gast eggs video you can talk to undy and she wants you to give Alphas some chocolates for uh accidentally running over her bike you can give Alice the chocolates but you can also give them to Sans to return them and you'll get $5 in one chapter you gain $10 and there really isn't much you can spend on maybe the diner but there is no mention of a direct price if anything you get to free the library debt however has a very specific price so logically that seems to be the reason you are getting the money and I mean it could just be a minor thing pay off your brother's debt as a nice gesture but then you'll have to do it again in the future cuz we all know he's not returning that book hi there editor Dante here so um something very funny just happened literally today I finish recording audio for this video the famous delt tuber Half Breed chaos uploaded a video on uh December holiday and everything we know about her why is this important because in the video they spent a good portion of it on how to draw dragons and now not only as real but also toriel are really against returning that book implying that there's more than just funny Dragon book but that there's a sentimental value to it for example what if the book was also tied to Des in some aspect and this is why they were refusing to return it and there were choices that can make returning it possible go check out their video on this if you're curious but I'm just telling you all this that because I feel very very Vindicated for noticing this small detail about the painting oh and also to tell you all that it's 7 years not five if you commented on that error thank you for boosting the algorithm if you want to boost it more please like And subscribe or don't I'm not your boss anyway back to video Dante that said there's just something that feels well scummy about all of this Chris obviously doesn't want to steal from azreal and returning the chocolates to Sands for money when it was supposed to be a gift for alfis just doesn't sit well either going out of your way to get money to pay for One debt seems like it's building up to something something more than just haha funny brother-like book what's it building up to I don't know a secret boss a secret interaction does returning the book paying off your brother's death somehow reveal Gast himself by drop kicking ass through the computer I genuinely do not know but it is a gun and a gun that is loaded speaking of things that are loaded my hatred for this pre-fried calamari in chapter one and only chapter 1 if you go here and wait around you get to talk with him and learn some interesting things this interaction can only happen if you talk to chapter 1 and come back in Chapter 2 the implication being that every chapter we learn something more but what do we learn a song in the ocean on surface level this doesn't seem like much but there are some interesting correlations with the ocean when you enter a dark World the sound that plays is ocean. OG and and even before that when you start the game for the very first time the background display is called image depths and looking at it really does look like you're looking up at the surface from under the depths of the ocean there's also the fact that it's a song a song in a video game and a video game made by Toby Fox the Toby Fox that heavily uses music to foreshadow key events what any of this means is unknown for now at the very least it is definitely something to keep an eye on all right let's talk about the secret boss there are many theories as to what the secret boss of chapter 3 might be some say it's discarded flowers some say it's the book of hymns I've heard mentions of a remote but there are people who suggest that something that hasn't been mentioned yet or something in toriel's room but after everything we've talked about I just don't think it's possible there is no way on God's green earth Toby could pass off the opportunity of mentioning the secret boss beforehand if something in the house is given even a sentence it's up for consideration but not everything so what do I think I think it's actually the knockoff controller under the bed it fits with the theme of TVs and also literally has control in its name while a remote does fit the thing about secret bosses is that they are items that can easily be discarded a joker card can be left in its foxy prison a spam email can be directed to the dump folder a remote for a TV it can get lost sure but it's something that is too directly linked to the TV to just be thrown away a knockoff controller on the other hand that's something you could just toss under the bed and forget about not to mention one of the newsletters mentions the nightmare of An Unfinished game and as well as the fact that azreel has a video game in the makes in his computer a work in progress game even I can definitely see something along the lines of a video game controller trying to connect with a game to play as a scene because from the brief glimpses that we got changing scene seems to be the theme with the scene machine but that's just my secret boss head gon but while I'm talking about this I think it's a good time to mention the shadow crystals more particularly the shadow crystals lesser known cousin the glow shards I am half convinced that everyone has pretty much forgotten about it which is very funny when you think about it in a game that has heavy emphasis on light and dark as its core Motif and having two items called glow Shard and Shadow Crystal you think there be more theories on both of them but no people just focus on the Shadow crystals which makes sense cuzz you need to go out of your way to get the shadow crystals finding little knickknacks or completing a side quest to which you have to then fight a secret boss to get them the glow shards however are just something you can find but you can also easily miss them they don't even do much the one unique thing about them is that you can sell them off and their price increases for each chapter they have another use when you're fighting a rud and Ranger they instantly become spare terrible and the Crystal disappears if that was their only use I would be satisfied using an object to pass by in a chapter 1 enemy so then why can you find one in Chapter 2 we have no reason to have this and yet we do I it's kind of funny when you think about it it's like Toby found a way to create the most forgettable item in the videoos game they are just as discoverable as they are missable they have a quote unquote you that you can do and it's like they are purposely designed to be ignored and maybe it is nothing maybe it's just a coincidence that it's called glow Shard and it's next to the shadow crystals it would be a very funny coincidence but for now I will keep it in the Armory anyway thank you for hearing me ramble just see what the core of this video is about it's easy to point out the big things in call it big but you really need to squint to focus on the things that others Miss I want to talk about the Lesser known things that I feel have importance for [Music] example suy knows healing magic Susie knows healing magic Susie knows healing magic Susie knows healing magic suie knows healing magic Susie knows healing magic there's an entire section of the game where Susie gets hurt and Rousy heals her and then both of them [ __ ] off to I don't know play Minecraft or something we return to them and she now knows a magical spell that heals a heaping 2 Hp and cost a cheap and easy 100% TP this is very much a funny haha moment for the ls and the lau but I don't think we are thinking of the implication of this don't forget the duck don't forget the color titles why the hell on a story level did Suzie learn healing magic it's only mentioned once afterwards when she tries to heal answerer but I think it's going to come back it will come back and I fear when it comes back the only two other characters that know healing magic are Rouse and noell and their healing spell is tied to Heavenly light so what if we can't get that light anymore su's healing isn't tied to heaven will she be the only thing that can heal us this is and I do not exaggerate a very stressful thing for me to think [Music] about there is one last thing that I think is worth mentioning this video is getting long so I'll try to make this brief but if you want to hear someone talk about it more I recommend watching Molly stars's device Theory videos for this and that's Dragon Blazers in short Dragon Blazers is a video game in the video game Delta room mainly about how some parts of the game that gets mentioned can have a correlation to the things in Delta room for example Noel mentions how sparing the enemies is similar to how it is done in Dragon Blazers and in snow grave her approach of the game changes along with well everything that has happened that is definitely something to keep our eyes on so I suppose we should be on the lookout for a uh maze in the ice palace a party member having bad stats or a mage leaving the [Music] party yeah just something to be aware of speaking of which Ral say is pretty much a safe bet for a mage I wonder what the classes of the others would be Susie is obviously a barbarian being fighting focused and the whole rage sorry rude mechanic Noel could be a cleric with the religious connections as well as healing birly I can see it's a paladin being a fighting Focus but also have its own religion that being intelligence if Kathy and jocking didn't join the parties I could see them as a warlock and monk respectively H oh uh that leaves Chris well Chris is pretty well-rounded fighter and definitely has some armor so I could just see them as a uh as oh a knight I think Chris would be a knight hey wait a [Music] minute and if you're wondering yes I am a chrisis the night truther sue me
Channel: Dantes_Integrity
Views: 48,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UNDERTALE, DELTARUNE, Toby Fox, Theory, Analysis
Id: T2IeUXG96_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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