Classic Matchup | Huns vs Aztecs | vs St4rk

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time for green vikings versus mines on arena how is favored i would say 50 50. oh i'm trying to build houses and sons were you trolling on red bull willow too want to pretend you're a noob and winkle in the desert with a bigger prize yes of course i gave up the eight thousand dollar first prize pool in order to have a maybe better chance at the higher price book in the desert i was totally worth the 5 000 dollars that i lost on that way very worth the risk absolutely i guess excite to thank you for the prime did anyone actually believe i threw to have a better chance of kicking in the desert like why would i not just try to win both well there's only five thousand dollars you know what my biggest motivation now to bring win king in the desert is to get rid of that emote from doubt if i win that he has to remove the emote right so now i'm motivated if i lose the final four zero to doubt that would be very impressive first of all it's the best of 11 so it's kind of impossible secondly there's no other player i would rather lose the final two than doubt maybe a hundred other people but besides that doubt on the top [Music] do you even code bro thank you for the prime and why do you have this insane computer when you only play aoe i don't only play aoe you see me mostly playing me but i don't only play aoe that is not the case sir [Music] milkshake 91 thanks for prime that has a secret king in the desert strat he also had a very secret uh empire worse approach i'm too slow washed up oh no can't even quick wall anymore faces viper it's time for us to start hosting tournaments you can be my dave if animal will be the dave it will be you what are you talking about as if you would ever ever have the capabilities to multitask to host a tournament or anything like that communicate with people these types of things come on and kid yourself foreign the way hans are meant to be played but then he's walling he those walls man let's see here you're building a barracks nope oh there it already is barracks which means there's also a drush on the way most likely here we go and we're gonna camp here for the next militia that comes and we're gonna kill it i tried is why does she go backs what does she go back there anyone have an explanation for me [Music] [Music] i tell her to go forward and she goes back we don't like that or she's running to a town center then she goes back which is the weird part [Music] oh what is wrong with this woman sir what did i not see tell me it's a fantastic tower absolutely fantastic i hate what you guys are doing right i know you guys are just trolling me but i hate it 15 minutes not too bad not too bad what letting me in no no no okay it's not what were you thinking letting you in stupid letting you in let's try to force it defensive tower that's all i want and will you make one doesn't look like it do you think would be a little bit concerned about there maybe being a sneak of some sorts for him to make like forward siege or something along those lines as well actually since he sent those units out i will send my scouts back stop trolling me guys i noticed i noticed everything [Music] fight nice and nice [Music] give me her give me her give me her give me her worth i'm gonna wait for bloodlines but no no camelot kingdom thank you for the sub dude with the prime juicy 17 thanks for two months is he stealing my content again typical t90 man always stealing my content uh zito cavalcanti thanks for brian dude as well i should have just gone skirmished here but then if he adds evils no upgrades there so not really too worried at the moment [Music] i have to say my name that's usually how it goes anaheim thank you for the prime by the way lorian 1602 thanks for prime as well in the three months oh boy this tower is gonna be annoying now doing a tc somewhere with those up there maybe yep slightly annoying but there shouldn't be too many crossbows don't have two good best upgrades in the world either no ballistics uh we won the a olympics fortunately well that event not the olympics tournament itself still a lot i'm actually gonna just keep taking stone there there is a chance i can even get enough for a castle where i can just control the area completely and that's always gold right so controlling that golf will be massive oh it was actually stuck there i thought he could run around i was wrong oh okay there is i expect him to just go imp and go eagles but i'm gonna try and just control the goals as i said and take it from there really because if i can control his goals he will have to make pikes which means he shouldn't be able to get that imperial asian eagles play [Music] now the question is did he sneak oh he's still there actually well we'll expect him to actually run away well he had a chance oh hate that when a villager or unit comes into your control group get it you are the best thanks for the good content all hail king dort ale thank you lori another 20 euros dude thank you so much for that wow very very kind of dude thank you so much see what we can do does he have a skirmish switch ready not from what i can tell still full crossbows so he's burning all his gold pretty much like that almost he hasn't snuck out either so he's very dependent on taking that position back go silver boy thanks man i try did he make i mean he's up now did he make that zero shot just to go up i thought he would actually commit on the ram or something to try and take that area back he's obviously taking stone there as [Music] well it's a very passive play from him now most entertaining games from volo the mbl against capac game has to be on the top now i cannot see any other game competing with that it was really fun to watch let's do skirms well that was like just a little luck and such right it was a little bit lucky that made it seem really nice but i don't think it was like an amazing back and forth game you know it was just one of those things that happened right it's just waiting for him very much but again his issue is going to be gold that's kind of what we are playing on right now where if we control his gold knights as well um i don't think we would have an issue streams on castle there oh i didn't expect him to be out already though didn't expect him to actually go for a counter attack hoping a little bit off guard you must admit [Music] okay [Music] see how this goes i imagine it should be a pretty solid fight for us oh [Music] don't feel like there's anywhere you can do damage either right i think we go for it now fight i think i put them on a wrong control group by accident dude you have a i have a tower there still [Music] um probably go up i don't think i can deny that oh yes indeed i don't think i need to go in yet i don't think imp is on my priority list at the moment i can win i take it back should have time he's actually trying to kill the tarkin with them units bottom score score shouldn't matter much in the circumstances we have right now you never know his aztecs but still imagine we're in very good spots [Music] should probably repair this try to save it not necessarily save it but keep it alive anyway [Music] or buy time with it rather my bills are coming in a little late [Music] see how it later he does have a battle trying to match the lord i would never would never try that how do you match that with which cannot be matched to the oh outcast okay now i am trying to match him never mind that castle was a clear indication i do have five relics as well i have a hard time seeing how we lose this game but never seen ever if we're matching out then there's a big chance released too elite tarkin last armor upgrade does have the hill there though but let's go fight throwing away castles left and right left and right maybe i am doubt for the new up and coming doubt he's gonna have to switch into a gold unit here so let's see if it's gonna be eagles for what if he wants to play on that is get the trap uh openitus thank you for the prime fall back oh cheeky yeah but 19 degrees outside doesn't mean 19 degrees inside what i'm not sure what he's counting on here game feels super over to me actually if i take fights like that you might have a chance what is happening wait does he oh that explains it i mean aztecs is one of the better late-game civilizations so with the atlatls and everything but at the same time i have five rolex should still be impossible to lose where is the barracks hey okay should be up there um who spared late astus vs britain's depends on a relic situation my man but i think uh aztecs should be better am i gonna let him mind that gold i don't think so not for free anyway look at the nice little houses he's also going to be struggling for wood [Music] 200 tarkin challenge i think not [Music] yeah he's gonna struggle a lot with wood [Music] i'm thinking about even switching at the paladin i have gold i have stone yeah everything you could dream of [Music] drop a wonder in his face [Music] eagle switch do i do paladin here [Music] what does pog mean pog is something when something is awesome you know and it's park yeah he's not gonna have any wood for the foreseeable future so like i think i could have ended it way sooner i think it's been over for quite a while but i also don't mind playing around a little bit having a bit of fun [Music] no oh i was doing my paladin switch feels paladin man it's equals a mess i mean woodlands are gone has a lot of gold now probably but still it's like he can't really use that f5 relics would have been a lot of paladin you should have faked imperial and chat a while back i don't like doing that trick because someone might actually resign and they might actually get upset about the fact that they got fooled by the trick right most people would probably laugh about it but there are those that probably wouldn't so
Channel: TheViper
Views: 27,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8lQHNNBUke8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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