The MCU cast talking about their kids (so cute:'(()

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my god it like my daughter just turned six you have any idea of dad's a superhero she knows that I'm on our pajamas a bow and arrow but she's not seen and she's seen the in costume on set and she knows that I'm going arrow but just no idea what but I actually teach her archery but I don't know what Wow what do you thinks about I'm on our pajamas no I made it yeah I got my hands and I'm on my daughters together like winning winning am i yeah girls are different I don't know they're kind of smarter and faster I mean everything you think about girls anywhere we appreciate that when she gives me the time of day it's really delightful you know whereas Exton has been strung out on his mom since he was born so I'm only I spend time with him to like give her a break I told my daughter the other day that after she told me you've been away too long I told her okay I'm gonna take some time off and she said no how we gonna eat she was amazed by me being purple and whenever I took off the makeup she was three years old man she was like I want purple daddy and now she just torches with me with being in in love with downy really I've never once been her favorite superheroes I brought my dog so that's my child you're gonna have another kid soon easy it's the most rewarding thankless job on earth right and it just gives me such a deeper understanding of my kind of like maverick bohemian parents my daughter who is six she talks about it a lot and she draws pictures of Ant Man a lot yeah it's really sweet my daughter she was in the only three at the end of the day when I took it off she first tantrum I want purple daddy at 21 and 19 and I think they're like daddy's rights check that's that's what daddy does my kids are now 24 and 22 hey kid get around it that long you'd be like yeah we know that so they're not trying to get the spoilers like dad what really happened no no no do your kids trying it spoiler they're trying to get the keys to the car I don't really understand this boys I just want they love it they want to see it yeah I've seen the trailers and I never brought them to a premiere but maybe I'll bring to this do you ever ask them like who's your favorite superhero than me or is it like that's just not yeah that's just asked me from a main oh really yeah I haven't seen your film in two videos for both my boys for other like let's say that work there where the Wonder Woman costume one of them in particular with hammer as the Hulk what are your feelings about green in your personal life my son's hair is dyed green right now his clothes are green his nickname is green really I like to think it's because of me well what about your kids are they you have two kids are they excited about yeah they are it's it's kind of the first thing that I've ever done that they know about an agency and their friends know about it I actually just last week I was at my daughter who's 6 in her kindergarten class for like the parents you know they the parents come in they talk to the kids about what they do and they just all kept I know them all cuz I go to the school but they just kept calling me aunt man and asking me questions about was there an father who had to talk about what he does after you talk about with you there's probably oh oh you laugh I was just telling the guys one of my kids thinks that I'm cool yeah just one and he gets fed the most to get flipped off through the other ones like Wonder Woman so they sleep outside you know I think that my daughter now is gonna be three years old and so she's really kind of is starting to have an understanding of what I do in the world that I'm you know that I work in and associates but she loves to come on set she loves to she's really enthusiastic she she she's totally you know she's quiet when she has to me she's really observant and more than anything and she's not she's two years old yeah but she needs to move you're doing a good job I just don't feed her if it was happening laughing so hard in that car well I was just so I was so excited that he actually finally was in frame and smiling that I was like you know what it's like trying to take pictures with kids you understand yeah you know it's the most X it's exciting for me it's been the most exciting thing that's ever happened to my children I took my daughter on it a couple of years ago when it was previously called the Tower of Terror something and she wasn't tall enough and and she was really upset I was like nah forget this come here so grabbed a couple of Snickers bars and things and slammed in the back of her shoe under a video so I propped her up by this my short walked up was like what about now so and they're like okay well so I was sitting in the chair and this thing it's you know know how many hundreds of feet high greatly stop and I'm looking at she strapped in the you know the CDs massive on her and I'm like yeah we beat the system honey one of them and then it drops and she's like this subscribe on us is like screaming the whole way down like [Applause] like mate maybe there's a reason that there's a can't do that under that she's fine she's well I'm her hero and is a very one of them I've won race okay so one out of three is good for me yeah that's enough what one thinks it's really cool and and I come home from work and he says Papa did you you fight the monsters at work yeah I've been doing press all day plenty of monsters and the other two conative on the fence you know they're like cats it's it's whatever yeah yeah alright up for as Thor for Halloween or anything like that do you buy that I try to push it there yeah sure yeah yeah yeah I don't like after the movie comes out they're going to want to I hope so so that's its I want them to say this one you have three children yes you have two children how is the newest the little boy he's little that's did Elias next Wyatt okay great name India was your other boys it's true another great you've got kids with very unusual names as well keen Bella noche and Odette yeah that's a lot of cool names he's very eccentric did you know that that that they were gonna you know do that well I knew it was coming because you know I got every you know a different version of it it did not start off looking this good you know they sent it to me and really I would give it to my daughter's know and say what do you think and they go no daddy your nose or your lips don't know your dad your eyebrows are different how much did that elevate you on the coolness scale with the kids none none zero Wow they don't really know crowd huh yeah teenage girls you gotta do a lot more to impress him daddy's on a toy it's great that could you pick that up please bring it yeah ah she's 2 years old - yes that's a cute age it's a great issue talking she's talking a lot yes yeah yeah what could she talk they people love baby so much they doesn't even see her face and go off it's just it's the profile that's the cutest thing it's you holding the baby to that you must must be the greatest thing in the world is the greatest thing in the world it mean it really kind of changed my perspective on a lot of things and it's kind of screwed my career in a lot of ways because I don't really care about it so much because I care about her so much good she's like number one of my life and then now I get to do movies on the side yeah well they're daddies my best role today that thing oh good for you well congratulations on that and he's three months old so he's getting to that is he's starting to smile and react and stuff smile and he's talking a little bit it's incredible no he's not talking well I mean you know according I think he is yeah I go what are we doing what's happening though really you know what I mean right kind of like a like a like a bad date with someone who's really small and the kids go out in the water with the sharks yeah they love swimming love the beach but is that why you had twins in case one of them does get back to you numbers we didn't like one with you like yeah right you back it's a great idea I come home from surfing and the kids are like you know papad you see that she's shocked so much yeah I did no I what'd you do punch them in the nose chucked him out to sea and they're like really yeah there you go it's pretty heavy him and and one of my sons in particular is a a few little kids certainly instead of so the hammer has got a few dents in it a few scratches I think is this your son who you post an Instagram video of your son yeah if that's fun okay can you mind if we show that joke okay I know this you shot this oh my wife shot this okay so somebody described it yeah what's happening here so the lolis it kept up above the fridge there and he's three by the way oh he's more he's more of a little spider-man there for ya furniture why because he just kept trying to push it next the fridge and climb his way up and he we turn around and he'd to have like a handful of lollies and so on and at this point you might as well give up because if the lollies are above the refrigerator you could still get them you might just well this is this is the realisation and he it just nothing stops him he's a twin right yeah yeah so is his brother like that no his brother's much smarter but his brother when he rides Usain Bolt right uh-huh when his brother runs it's like he's got flippers on really it's like kid but they think it'll be the you know stoppable pair and the Wonder Twins from right under or something like that yeah yeah he it's funny were shooting Avengers that sound in particular a funny story at the end he was in the golf cart is that a neighborhood you drive golf carts around and my son sitting in the backseat and my other son and my daughter and my wife's there and they're driving and he's sort of looking at the thing all of a sudden is driving along he's like I just leaves out the side of the golf buggy oh yeah what's with hole boy and my wife runs Evan he's like kind of half crying of soaking but more embarrassed that he didn't stick the landing even talk so she comes into work and I'm on set it brings him in and she's like I gotta take him the doctor I think it Mike he's fine he's not even crying you know he's fine he's like I pick him up you're like but is it no angry still we get the set nurse to come over the set nurse says the Lorcan's like we're lucky it's not broken he's fine he's not even crying it's but take him anyway I'm like oh great so my wife takes him off to the doctor and the doctors like it can't be broken I'll give an x-ray gives the x-ray and goes oh my god it's a really bad fracture through his femur and this is is close to breaking all the way through so we have to rush him off the hospital put him in a car strap him up and the whole time he's just as I said he's more angry that he didn't didn't land on his feet he's a tough kid for weeks go by you should fire that set to fire myself it's a four week your body gets the cast off a day or two later I'm cooking dinner and he's standing over on the bench top you know he's like Papa oh yeah is that look my leg better no leaps off the bench perfect landing you know they have those bubbles they're like a big plastic bubble and I think you could probably put a kid in there and keep him there until he's in high school I think his siblings made those I see just would be protected from him wow that's unbelievable I mean this is a yeah we didn't have anything like that in our family
Channel: DarryVideoEdit
Views: 2,340,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, laugh, weird, funny, sexy, hot, weirdest, funniest, sexiest, hottest, moments, stage, interview, best, vocal, show, avengers, endgame, press tour, robert downey jr, rdj, chris evans, chadwick boseman, sebastian stan, cobie smulders, chris hemsworth, paul rudd, jeremy renner, scarlett johansson, mark ruffalo, danai gurira, infinity war, captain america, iron man, downevans, prank
Id: u8o--fqaoPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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