chris evans and chris hemsworth being crazy together for almost 9 minutes straight

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why are you both so great there we go this is something like that ah we can't help special effects cgi magic cgi yeah yeah all right so we didn't answer more what more you like thor gets more and more nuanced as we go on well we see you owning the role more like how do you guys stop anytime there's a compliment toward you i'm gonna disagree ah [Laughter] [Music] oh man you know that's the writers you know it's the directors we just uh it's true oh my god we're just ruining our career we have no career it's over this is it enjoy this right now this is our last junkie before our career we finished hours ago we just won't leave them [Music] um oh that's me right just when i wake up is that me um that's downey it is robert downey wow that's rdj shut up since oh boy i was like me i gotta start first of all and tell you oh by the way which one is chris who both just responded how many times have you heard that uh you made me look like son of the year son of the decade at the critics choice awards we were walking out you remember my mom who came up yeah yeah yeah you looked over is this your mom and because we had just uh then you went there anyway so thanks for that sorry if you want to punch me you can't no i don't i don't you'll knock me out i have a million questions i'm going to try to get through everything quick here we go uh worst job you had before acting cleaning breast pumps did you clean up the breast pumps loved it i worked for a like a pharmacy who would rent out you know milk extractors breast pumps for you know pregnant women this is aware i swear to god i had a toothbrush and like spray and i would like scrub off dried milk off these machines if they didn't work i'd have to unscrew them replace the little have to pump the breasts myself and it was just exhausting well these women are just like breaking breast pumps in the corner like is that working out that was blood oh i believe that that was such a quick answer worst job you never have i didn't have a bad job i worked as a cit at a summer camp in acting camp that's what i was doing as a kid this is cleaning breast pumps i'm like hey i'm sick of guys and dolls ridiculous uh my one question about the movie what which chris is more romantic why he's never taken me on a date so i don't yeah i can't really tell you know well we go out if you don't call him the next day yeah that really bugs me ah i see you gotta play hard to get okay but we've also got right here we've also got just the real doritos just to point out there is a thor doritos where they sold out the first day live today i was going to say all the flavors cool ranch is like i couldn't have chosen a better drew though have we have you ever tasted yourself we need to start getting like what is that you are delicious by the way that's exactly what i thought you titled ah more i need more wow i'm not getting tied by doritos i know people are always looking at you'd have those physiques sure sure i feel like i'm a constant letdown you need a lot of people on the street oh no that's you always hear that it's like great are you unwell what's happened the biceps let's see how well you know the biceps of yourselves and your fellow cast members here we go what do you got chris evans yeah it's me how do you know that so quickly i know that armpit anyway uh my last question because i know i have to go i don't want to go i don't want to go and this is something i got from a lot of people on twitter so it's actually a really serious question you're captain america no uh so you're both nearing the end of your contract both of you are nearing the end of your contract and a lot of people are actually legitimately concerned and they want to hear from someone you could possibly just right back to cleaning breast pumps um you know so many like shields rusty and captain america outfits but i'm glad we've got a hammer on the t-shirt you see that chris yeah i think it's accidental how do you like them apples i think it's a mistake i like the way you probably want to play captain america and just make him good just to play thor for a second as an interesting guy as someone with layers wow you know layers you know like when there's depth behind the eyes muscles are great but just kind of like oh oh there's something beneath the veneers maybe i'd love to you know if cap doesn't work out we'll be working on the pharmacy um okay i guess i'll end it there yes good good no pay attention chris evans do you understand hemsworth's accent yes hemsworth do you understand evan's accent no come on what are you talking about having 10 bostonians out during aussies yes the answer is yes shots bring them in no so to like reflect that and and to bring that intensity level and that that feel of the action up notch for the audiences how do you guys do that i mean well this is going to sound strange but i'll tell you and then that's great you can't ever see it i'm right here with you guys do not be afraid go go i have like 20 horrible jokes in my head i'm not gonna say [Laughter] one more question right let's talk about you the evolution of your character as well because chris one of the things i've noticed a lot about thor that's so great is you bring these slightly different nuances to thor whether he's on asgard or on earth or whatever you like you bring new aspects to him and with with captain america it's like as we've seen [Laughter] captain america evolving into his leadership role but we also see you evolving like more and more as we see more on screen owning the role right [Laughter] more of a degree [Laughter] you know you get to go and do other films in between which is nice and hopefully learn from that and grow and i don't know i mean it's it was better when we went [Music] all right guys well listen the movie is fantastic because i'm going to make it and we can't wait to have it on amc screens thanks a lot guys really thank you [Music] you
Channel: Memelord
Views: 1,397,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom holland, chris hemsworth, chris evans, marvel, mcu, avengers, endgame, infinity war, thor, captain america, interview, chris hemsworth and chris evans, funny, funniest moments, avengers end game, avengers age of ultron, civil war, marvel cinematic universe, thor ragnorok, winter solider, captain america the winter soldier, superheroes, captain america the first avenger, thor the dark world, loki, stan lee
Id: DzIzeguTvGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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