The McAfee Family - Season 3 Episode 10 | Full Episodes | Supernanny USA

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[Music] I'm in a sea plane in Alaska on my way to the next family so let's take a look and see what we've got here hi I'm Brian McAfee I'm 29 I'm a single father of four kids you want to P all day then there's Eliana who's nine La silus is seven Ka is five I want to hear now and Anna is three I never expected to be a single father 29 I've been divorced for 2 years and I have my kids with me fulltime and it's been difficult just being one person with four kids you want to hold on to the cart or do you want to hold my hand I'm in over my head and I don't know what to do about it nice I sh and look like where did you get that it's very difficult especially with Aliana Ka and Anna they want to talk about girl things and I'm just not into girl things we putting any more on okay three girls and one boy that's hands full stop it big belly syus that's not very nice my kids do not respect me Stop Standing on the bed they treat me a lot of times like I'm their brother they don't want to listen to what I have to say this man is so quiet these kids are walking all over him or thisen that don't do that Elana has a lot of mood swings she's also becoming very defiant you throw anything and I swear to the Living God there'll be consequences silus is very aggressive [Music] that's leave me alone that needs to put his foot down he hits his sister's stop it and I don't know what to do with his behavior you are looking at Ka throws way too many Tantrums for being a 5-year-old when she does that I I kind of shut down and I don't know what to do with them [Music] an is the baby of the family probably going to get away with too much cuz she throws tantrums too I don't know how to discipline them I don't know how to run a [Music] household smacked my head okay I'm sorry smacked your head Super Nanny I'm a single father of four kids and I just really need your help this single dad desperately needs my help but I'm on my way [Music] hi I'm Joe hi I'm come on in thank you hello who's this this is Ka Hi Ka please to meet you how old are you five five syus I'm so hi s's pleased to meet you Joe and that's Anna she's three hi hi she's just little shy I have one more upstairs Edy oh let's go upstairs having Joe come to my house was a little nerve-wracking you know I didn't know what my kids were going to do or how they would react and little embarrassing you know single dad should be strong should know how to handle his kids she's 9 years old I'm Joe how are you so you lot must be all getting ready for school right we're getting ready for school get them all out the door here Okie doie well you know what I'm here so um I'm going to put my bag down and uh just watch you guys get ready after school okay all right get me out of [Music] here car are you done with breakfast I haven't even ate breakfast well let's eat something no stop it s come on let's brush your teeth ow right off the bat I could tell that mornings were a real challenge for [Applause] [Music] Brian is a cry baby is a cry baby stop saying that Brian's incredibly passive knock it off he doesn't say boo to a mouse really he don't listen to him Ellie don't tease me just give it to me they misbehave when he chases them so that they'll stop they laugh at him what are you laughing about they really don't take him seriously it's like Brian get a grip sort these kids out they've got no respect for you all right look go get your shoes and stuff on C shoes on let's go let's go we're going to miss the bus come on this is where we at right here oh right this is where it is yeah so literally a Stones throw away it is stay out of the water Silas do do you know some of the neighbors not personally no and you're involved in all the PT and all the other moms and dads no I just I'm not just haven't got into that stuff Brian's doing this all on his own he doesn't know any of the other parents and he's not involved in his Children's [Music] School well there you go shipped on the bus until later on this afternoon let's see what Dad does with his time uhoh it's far down it mhm with the older kids on the bus had a good chance to catch up with Brian and get to know him a little better so what's the most difficult thing about literally being put in this position right now I mean you and your partner are not together anymore what would you say is the most challenging for you the most challenging thing is finding time with each child they all want my attention I want them to feel you know a connection with me and it just kind of feels right now like we're just kind of Co coexisting I never imagined myself being single very difficult just being used to someone and then to have that just all gone and what seemed like a day uh just very overwhelming does it feel to yourself very much a lonely experience it does it does it feel very isolated I mean um especially when I got divorced I feel kind of like a disappointment to them you know like they wanted a family you know Mom and Dad stay together so you personally feel that you're letting them down all the time right I do and that puts a lot of stress on you every day surely it does it does I do feel sorry for Brian because of the situation he's been put in it's a fact Brian's to force has knocked him sideways emotionally he's very down but he can't go any lower than where he's at the only way for Brian is [Music] up T man T man I'm right here kids home when the kids get back home from school I'm you know I just say to myself I don't know how to deal with it because here I am again being pulled in four different directions is that something that's a challenge for you Brian keeping on top of all the homework oh yes like this for example this is silas's work that he just stuffed in his cubby so I got a note from the teacher with a frowny face saying that he stuffed this in his cubby instead of doing it and these are pretty typical I'll show you what these right here are the times that he's gotten in trouble for bullying Solage pushed another child to the ground lots of wandering it say so lack of focus here and concentration Brian obviously knows that there's a big problem here but I wonder what he's doing about it Dad count it out I want out that's because you do the work I'm not doing the work for you homework time is just a major battle for me because I conciously have to fight with him and we just go back and forth and back and forth silence if you just do it you get it done and and it'll it'll be over with I there's stylus really struggling with his homework and there's Brian not really recognizing what he should be doing to keep his son focused Brian's approach towards silas's homework should be one of enthusiasm and it's not syus calm down and finish [Music] it after observing really struggling with his homework I decided to take a look around the house don't okay silas's room okay with daddy with who he normally sleeps with my daddy your daddy sleeps with silus I couldn't believe that Brian sleeps on his son's floor on an air mattress but what I found out afterwards was even more shocking what's this room here that's Dad's old room that's Dad's old room the designated junk room I'm on one person with two hands it's very difficult to manage the simplest things so this room represents stuff that you need to deal with but keep until tomorrow keep until tomorrow yeah that's okay kind of like Brian's life right now deal with it tomorrow Tomorrow Never Comes the children don't live with their mom anymore but I'm really curious to find out what kind of a relationship they've got with their father hey girls does Dad know what to do with you both like as you're girls and you like to do girly things no he doesn't do girly stuff he do do girly things really D can we have some ey Shadow it doesn't matter it's a girl thing right now close your eyes oh you've got the same as me now blue yeah the same as me oh cool I think that's going to be a real challenge for Brian how he connects with his daughters but it's so important that he learns to do that girl leing [Music] okay I [Applause] want no soon after my chat with the girls though things started kicking off again stop it I when K throws a tantrum she's the one I usually just put in the room go to your room then no I don't want to hear it it upsets all the other kids and and I don't know how to deal with it wall or room none pick one none okay I'll pick one for you room no come on K's pant shms are really annoying because they're loud and noisy let go no stop hey don't hit me go I'm trusting just stay in here until you can behave yourself please syus what made you hit dad he was caring K is that normal behavior yes one child hitting you when the other one when you're trying to discipline the other he'll do it especially with Ka he thinks that I'm hurting her or something and he'll just do it Brian's really struggling to cope but what I know he needs is parenting [Music] 101 Brian you're a single dad you're raising four kids you're trying to pull everything together but I recognize Brian that feeling sorry for you is not going to move you on to the place where you need to be for yourself and your family where is discipline with a kids Brian that's a good question Silas hits you in the back when he sees you disciplining K they think it's okay to hit you and do what they want and and you do nothing you pity them like you pity yourself but where is that going to get you Brian no homework homework is a joke Silas is so frustrated with his homework he really doesn't need help there's no encouragement there's no praise there's no let me sit down with you son and let's go through the homework together that's not the right approach three girls in the house they want to have fun doing girly stuff and that is what I would like to see you doing with them ask them what they want to do give it a shot you know a feminine thing and it's hard for me to to do but I'm willing to do it whatever it takes to get them to reconnected with me so the sleeping Arrangements I've got to ask what are you doing inside his bedroom you're a grown man just seems quieter down there than it does up in my room that's a lot of baloney Brian what's the real reason that you're downstairs in that bedroom I don't like being alone you're a 29y old man don't want you slumbering down with the kids like you're their brother you're their father you need to feel comfortable with being by yourself right so are you really ready for change I believe that I can I'm I'm ready to get out of that hole I love my kids and they're worth it they are very worth it and I'm worth it are you ready to take that rope and pull yourself out of this hole and make a change yes now shake me on that then all right let's go [Music] being a single dad for Brian is very overwhelming I mean his kids are not the naughtiest in the world but he definitely needs to learn how to discipline them you see this bench this a naughty bench they break any one of these house rules they're going to be sitting on this bench I don't like the idea it's not what we normally do this is not a okay trust me as from now this is the naughty bench it was sitting there the kids were staring at it and then they thought they'd start playing up and see what dad was going to do about it I'd like you to give him a warning please I will if you do not stop I'll will put you on the naughty bench okay she goes and he goes straight away no no he hate that naughty bench no stop silus come back in here silus don't run down the street please don't that is dangerous now let's go you're not going to catch me silus the kids were running around for at least 15 minutes but I deliberately stood back I wanted Brian to prove to himself and to the kids that I wasn't in charge of discipline people stop running when I put them on the bench and they just ran off I wanted to give up I'm running around and my kids are laughing at me I'm putting you on the a bench because you're hitting me I feel like I'm just a bit of a joke and I feel like they don't respect me one child onto the [Music] bench finally Ka and Silas stayed on the bench but I wanted dad to see that he could manage all four kids on his own so I got him to set up a game to play with Ellie and Anna operation you daddy okay thank you aw K need to go straight back she's come off the chair I want to be good now all over again good now I want to be good now I want to be good now silus is being a good boy okay you go back over to silus I want an apology for your behavior I would like an apology thank you it felt very good to see that it did work and that they can listen and they can respond and they can respect me I would like an apology sorry thank you would you like to come and play that's what's going be Daddy oh good try this was the first time that I actually saw Brian disciplining his kids it was a victory as a parent if you know your child's having problems at school then you should be talking to the teachers so today I had Brian set up a meeting with silas's school thanks for coming in today I know we'd want to talk about syus and his behavior and kind of how he's doing in schools yes so let Pam start syus is doing very well academically good very good he does have problems with homework he often tells me he brings it in but he doesn't this homework is important because it's going to help syus become a better student it's going to help him to learn more and not surprisingly syus is homework was not the only concern the teachers had silas's behavior is disruptive to the other kids he's um on the move all the time in the classroom if I'm standing in the front and I'm doing direct instruction during math or reading time he will be back there rolling on the floor spinning in his seat flipping his seat over sitting on the top rolling on top of the desk I felt embarrassed and some ways it was it was good to see that you know he didn't just act this way at home but on other ways it was it was embarrassing to know that you know he rolls around on the floor distracts to class or whatever I had no idea he was doing the kinds of things he was doing here but it does parallel the things that he's doing at home too so yes it's it's just jumping in and saying okay what can we do to fix this now and how can I work with the school Bri what do you need from the school I mean personally as as a father I just you know I need to reach out to you guys absolutely that's what we're here for cuz I I think part of my problem has been also my lack of enthusiasm for school mhm because I know school's important you know that was instilled in me even though I didn't believe it when I was a kid but U and I want to instill that into them silas's teacher said's a good student so it's up to Brian to make sure that silas's academics continue at home silus come on this could be a fun time let's go we got to do your homework and sure enough as soon as we got back home Brian took the initiative here you go all right very good keep going you're doing a wonderful job your spelling is great I'm here if you need may help okay things started off really well Brian gave the girls an activity to keep themselves occupied so that he could concentrate with Silas and his homework stand what's the matter silus you need some help syus did get frustrated but Brian got him straight back to that table and gave him lots of encouragement but you're doing a very good job I'm very proud of you look at what you've accomplished so far you've already done 13 words sitting next to Silas and actually having him do his homework and doing it together feels wonderful it's one of the best things I could have ever dreamed for I already already finished all my homework you finished your homework you all done all right come here buddy there you go oh and look you see what he put for number 20 my dad is fun thank you very much that was very nice of you you know what you're fun too all of you [Music] are Brian's a single dad with one son son and three girls so gy things really don't come natural for him so as silus was out with a friend I had a plan for dad and his girls what we're going to do this afternoon is have a tea party this is a chance for you to be able to connect with the girls talk about things that they like to do discuss as women do at tea parties all right would you like a little tea party no no little hats no we had tea party but I didn't like it so I went to cry we don't ever play like that don't you want to spend time together as a family no I'm not having fun well it's because you guys are not giving it a chance to have fun that was so trying to reach out to his daughters but it's just something that Ellie and K are just not used to I see a little girl here that wanted a tea party from the beginning come that's it t for two and two for two the other girl were really resistant but Brian sat down and had a tea party with Anna and her face lit up excuse me Madam would you like Al Gray tea or would you like English breakfast tea I don't know I thought there's just two of them what I'll do is go along and serve them and before I knew it I saw Kyle sitting at the table oh now there's three on board here excuse me m what would you like the elre tea or the English breakfast tea she said do you want or o tea or Arab breakfast I was making a real fuss in that kitchen hoping to stir up some little imaginations in the other room Joe pretended to be the waitress giving us tea just doing that I a feed off of Her Imagination you know and then girls did and which is great I'm sorry Daddy when I turned around there was Ellie 5 minutes ago nobody wanted to be there and now everybody was at this tea party and there's some raspberries and strawberries just while you're waiting for the sandwiches thank you okay we sat there we had tea and we had fun I do believe I'm coming down with a little bit of a cold the tea party for me was a bit of a challenge you know but definitely worth it to see them smile laugh giggle it's just Priceless you're really girl would anybody like to spend the afternoon with me yeah Brian was making real progress touching his children's Hearts but now I needed to move on to the next step but I needed him out the house first as a surprise for Daddy I thought it would be a wonderful idea if we all got together and we gave daddy his room back is that what he comes back I'm going in there right now I really wanted Brian to take ownership of his room again as a single man as I know it's been 2 years since he's been divorced and I know that I can help him move along and do that silus this will be cool because you'll have your bedroom back kick him out move all of the J it was time to get rid of that mess and that clutter once and for all big thing come through need up good girl where do we want it we were pulling out the boxes and vacuum and Dustin there was so much [Music] trash you think he's going to like this yes I think he's going to love it and the children put the final touches in and the bed was made and then Brian came home okay everybody has to be very quiet hello Hi how are you I'm good how are you yeah I'm fine good I just sat on the chair and made out very blasé that everything was fine oh you might want to say hello to the kids they're just in there they found some toys or something okay in the spare [Music] room oh wow oh wow my own room back I take we all made it oh thank you very much oh I think Brian was a bit speechless really I thought that he was a little bit shocked of what had been done for him wow yep what a difference going from this junk room to be having my own room again was great and I was very proud of the work that they had done cuz I know that they had helped and they were so proud I have a room that I have a room all right thank you guys what it means to me to have my own room back is kind of it's like starting a new life and it was one of the best presents they could have given me let's get rid of it 1 2 3 but there was was still one thing left to do silus needed his room back this is your room now you can do whatever you want with seeing how happy they all are shows me that this family is moving [Music] forward Brian has worked really hard to accomplish what he has with his family and now it's my time to go and leave him alone I'm going away for a few days but I'll be back I'm gone I'm scared I'm nervous that they'll try and Break The Rules right off the bat try and push my buttons so when I'm gone I want you to really pay attention and listen to Daddy okay I know that Brian has the tools that he needs to continue and I'll see you when I get back I just hope he keeps emotionally strong and he's heading the game whilst I'm gone bye bye-bye see you [Music] soon Brian has successfully made tremendous changes whilst I've been gone but now it's time to see if they've really paid off so Brian are you ready to take a look and see what's on this DVD yeah I am oh come on okay let's get your homework up here well you got a plenty of homework to pick from what do you want to do you can do this one it says right a paragraph telling what you did over the weekend actually I want to do this one you want to do that one 6+ 3 nine right good job all right 3 + 8 11 very good you did it see I know you do math how easy that is for you we have any math problems that you can't do what I am loving here Brian he that you were there to support him and encourage him what have you learned about yourself in teaching Silas how to continue with his homework patience just to be more encouraging rather than being so down on him yeah if I was in his position I would want my dad to encourage me not to sit there and say do it the pair of you and grow more and more self-esteem that's true so I think the next scene is all about pretending with the kids I remember oh good you've got the carpet sample let's take a look here so could you explain to me what we got going on here this is a colored pink that's drying this is green you know I like what you've done here I'm loving this improvisation here Brian you're just rolling with it and the kids just look at them they're so engaged but perfect okay yes I I'll take 200 of those please those those decals are simply Divine actually this goes to our supplier here he'll tell you where he is nothing says CEO power like butterflies in your hair look at you all ouch I mean they've really been craving this kind of stimulation and they're now getting it I have never never had a time like that with him a I didn't want it to end me eyes watery it's brilliant yeah thank you so here behave you no he's jumping on the bed no make your bed back the way it was jump on the bed again son and I'll put you on the naughty bench Ka get off the bed and put the covers back on the bed please I'm putting it together come on help okay okay okay okay I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it alone you two stop it or I'll put you on the na bench too I'm going to make the so they had you R up oh yeah as soon as you feel like that I want you to do this and go what do I need to do to get what I'm trying to achieve here so that you can shift how you're behaving when you thought about that come back and try a different approach Ka get off of there come on Ka get off leave her off do not talk to her she's on a naughty I don't like you I love going you leave me alone do not hit me leave me alone no no stop throwing things no no stop no I'm not going back on there you let me go you bad daddy you've been bad to US mean to us yucky to us I don't like you anymore you're [Music] bad what's going on with you and Ellie I think maybe she's mad because we're not all of us aren't together anymore who's all of us mom I think she takes stuff out on me because she's upset at the situation so you both got anger about the situation you have both been left in and you end up taking it out on each other but what it does is cause dysfunction here between you and your daughter s dead I put you on here because you were being disrespectful to me and I would like an apology I'm sorry thank what are you going to do to move it on so that you and Ellie have a better relationship together what are you actually going to do as her father communicate with her open that communication up okay you've seen the dysfunction there in the relationship and now that needs to be resolved okay I'm feeling very positive about what I've seen it's remarkable absolutely fantastic well done H well done brilliant Brian absolutely brilliant so let's get cracking the work [Music] good the divorce has had an enormous impact on Brian and his relationship with his children especially his eldest Ellie so it was time to build them Bridges I just wanted to talk to you about something okay that I feel that we need to talk about right going into it I didn't know everything to say I didn't know clearly what I was should be said but I just kind of spoke from my heart I know that in the past you've been let down by certain situations that we've gone through with your mom leaving and everything but I want you to know that I'm there for [Music] you and I've got this for you okay you see how this goes to together and it never ends mhm this is like you and me okay we're always going to be there for each other I want you to know you can always trust me okay okay I also want you to know that I'll always be truthful with you okay okay you you can come to me anytime with anything okay I love you that's all than I love you too and thank you for the bracelet it's very special the relationship a father has with their daughter and it was much needed for the pair of them to sit sit down and to [Music] talk coming up come here come here when Dad steps out of his comfort zone it's feel uncomfortable just having everybody coming over he starts to panic come on bri here but first a tip for all parents parents here's a fun way to reward your children for all their good behavior make a reward coupon book of all the things that they love to do so that when they behave well they can be rewarded did with one of these coupons it's a great [Music] incentive Brian's kept himself so isolated since he's been a single dad but I thought it was time for Brian to reach out to his neighbors for friendship and support not only for himself but for his kids as well okay Brian I told you I was going to throw you in at the deep end because I think you're ready for it right now you're ready to go knock on these neighbors doors and get to know who who your neighbors are Joe said let's have this tea party I want to break you out of the shell so let's go let's invite some neighbors over for tea party and I wasn't too happy about that hey uh we're just acoss the way we're having a tea party wanted if you wanted to come and join us welome on all right I'm Brian yeah we're we're having a tea party over there m we'd love to have you come over right okay come on we got tea party to quick okay let's have some direction here we're having a tea party as the pretend party went so well I thought why not have a real tea party coming guys better hurry up but just as the neighbors were about to arrive Brian went pale what's up not used to this is it feeling uncomfortable yeah feeling very uncomfortable what's feeling uncomfortable well just having everybody coming over at once without being prepared for it I I get nervous when I'm around too many people and it just was totally out of my zone and it was not something that I really wanted to do come on here it was difficult to see all these people coming into my house so I'm thinking what am I going to say what can we talk about come on inish and I was concerned that Brian would shy away but he gathered up his courage and he came out of his shell maybe you could teach me even though I have no kids would be really good for me I'd love you no problem no problem I went from being so isolated and standoffish to he I'm giving them advice and being able to talk with other adults was wonderful I how you doing girls on the hell you doing I think Brian thought hey these guys are actually interested in what I have to say so he became more confident and you could see him glowing and as I was pouring the tea I was just looking over at him just feeling really proud that he'd embrace the situation got some sandwiches and some pastries here it was great to see the kids socializing with the other kids in the neighborhood because they don't normally do that but they had fun I just wanted to say thank you guys very much for coming over and being a part of this cuz it's good to know you guys know who my neighbors are and that I'm not just the guy number [Music] one so um I think my work's done here you've given me great instruction right here very good instruction give me a big hug okay I want a big hug from you I am so proud of you what he is doing is showing his children that he cares and he loves enough to want to change the circumstances that they've all been in and that to me is gold stay focused stay committed and remember it's because you love enough right okay what Joe has brought to me is the Hope and the knowledge that family doesn't have to be Mom and Dad it can be whoever as long as there is a commitment there that's a family kids Nanny JoJo's going now you're leaving forever I'm going now yes I'm I'm going to miss Jojo I like her in my house byebye S I think Joe is a wonderful person and really respectful I'm going to miss you too I feel that Brian's gone through many transformations in the time that I've spent with him I think that he's recognized what each and every one of his children need from him take care Brian you too Brian's proud of being a father who has four beautiful children and I'm proud of him for feeling that [Music] [Music] way yay you're doing good look at you I feel like my kids see me as more of a dad than than the brother and a better dad than I've been I need those copies where are those copies at and the fact that they look forward to spending time with me is just Priceless thank you burgundy okay burgundy syus is doing better with this homework that's what I'm here for I'm here to help you I give him encouragement and he feeds off it hey Dad ready Ellie has just blossomed she has gone from being kind of quiet to herself like I was to seeing by my example that to be open that she's being more open with me we're not really fighting and stuff like that hi uh it's great to have that father daughter relationship back hey come here you know the challenge of raising four kids by myself is always going to be there I definitely have hope in seeing even the small changes that have taken place and I know that what the future holds could only be something that would bring you know [Music] Joy [Music]
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 54,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world strict parents full episode, worlds strictest parents, that'll teach em, mr drew's school for boys, world's strictest school, world's strictest parents where are they now
Id: QqnjW-g74n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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