Teen Arrested and Goes to Jail?! | Full Episode

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on this episode of the world's strictest parents excuse me is that a yes ma'am yes ma'am meet the knights own check a Tennessee family that enforces the law what did you not understand when we said bring us your cell phone both at work uh his probation officer who am I speaking with and at home because that was the rule for the next week they'll take in two Rowdy teams this is the result of one of Jackie's temper tantrums but will a week on lockdown Force these teams to straighten up no excuse me no no ma'am no I'm Spencer I'm 17 I live in Kansas City Missouri this room's a mess and you're not doing anything don't worry about it it's my room I really don't like it when anyone tries to tell me what to do go mold and wants like I asked you to do yesterday and the day before no living with Spencer is a nightmare most of the time when Tommy and Mom were fighting I lost some cool and just got pretty angry and disclosed the case of this and just picked it up in 30. I'm afraid in my own home of my own child if I'm at home with my mom and I haven't had a cigarette in a few hours I'm gonna get pretty angry pretty fast what do you mean I've done nothing what have you done to help me with dark Ness why does it matter why do I need to help you with dinner a lot of my anger problems like it's all kind of built up on top of my anger because of my dad Spencer hasn't seen his father since he was 10. I really don't ever see that I would need a father influence my life when I'm drunk or high I don't have any problems and I'm not going to make it so there is any problems with weed also like every day I don't think he realizes that no one else on this entire planet is going to put up with what I put up with here I am not your personal servant because I'm leaving if he continues on the path that he's on now I fear that he's going to end up in jail or dead and that is terrifying [Music] [Applause] I will do it I will do it stop repeating yourself my name is Jackie I'm 15 and I live in Lansdale Pennsylvania well come on I will oh why do I think about this exact second Jack and her dad do not get along very well stop just please like come on stop just please the question of Trades me alive when Jackie sits there in Texas and talks on the phone when I'm trying to have a conversation with her let me text him when he stops you touch him and I do wish our relationship was a lot stronger together seriously give me my boyfriend right now please it's not dirty I know it's clean and put it away and have the dirty clothes in it when it gets along because I don't have a hamper though get me a hamper Jackie doesn't clean up after herself at all her room is just atrocious like why do you need to share so much cleavage I don't go talk to the company will maybe buy one I don't know I just take the English for the hell I'm taking things I actually got caught one time like a child lifting and a store that sucked I don't think she understands that what she does now will be on her permanent record this is the result of one of Jackie's temper tantrums and there's just no telling what she's gonna do at this point I just it needs to change okay just keep going on like this [Music] I hope this is the best for I hope that when she comes back that I can definitely see a difference I'm feeling hopeful that he'll come back with a new attitude on life and a new desire to do good if the family tries to give me the work the whole time I'm gonna be I'm just gonna go take a nap [Applause] hi I'm Scott Knight I'm married to peony night we have a daughter McKenzie who is 19 a son Aaron who is 16 another son Nathan who's 14 and our youngest daughter Sila who is 12. I'm not approving that tomorrow for you to go over there and goof off and not hardly do anything I am a juvenile court probation officer his probation officer who am I speaking with it's the same thing there at work as it is at home try to make the consequences fit the crime phone check sayla what about did you not understand when we said bring us your cell phone can't find it you'll be expected to pay for it a typical day at the ninth House hours starts about 6 a.m before school rooms are supposed to be picked up nothing in the floor everything in its place there's a new program and it goes straight to your attendance and grades The Noose is getting just a little bit tighter we're going to know now I've been wearing the kids to be respectful to say uh yes ma'am and no ma'am excuse me I can't hear you yes ma'am my parents are strict there'll be some consequences because that was the rule my mom is the toughest person I've ever met in my life excuse me I'm still talking we've dealt with a very broad spectrum of delinquent behaviors from foster kids who've lived with us I think Scott and I are ready for anything that comes through the door [Music] when I first saw Spencer he was smoking so I guess he looked bad okay when I first saw Jackie my first impression was that you know she might kind of be a what are you gonna do if this family's like really strict and they try and boss you around and tell you what to do it did you bring anything with it I gotta spray my cigarettes and I gotta hide those because if they take those around I'm not gonna deal with any of these people's crap [Music] ah here we go God it looked like dweebs like seriously oh my God I'm gonna cry I don't even know what to say about that hello ladies I'm Scott nice to meet you yeah Spencer Spencer Spencer we have McKenzie who's not here and Nathan's not here they're out of town so y'all just kind of fit in your Taylor place I failed right off the bat that they weren't really excited to be here you know we have some ground rules of the house and we wanted to share those with you up front first rule is tell the truth we also asked that others should have properly cover yourselves I don't want to see anything hanging out that shouldn't be hanging out no smoking when this guy said no smoking whatsoever I just kind of laughed because I thought I'd hide them and be able to get away with it I was just really concerned with the way Spencer hadn't responded we taught our kids from a young age to just obey and obey means to immediately respond to the command that you're given there'll be consequences if he has to ask the second time what are these consequences maybe an unpleasant thing to do hopefully we can get started on on the right foot if there's any Contraband that you need to give up and give you a chance to do that sure yeah well let's just go ahead and check your bags and make sure okay I'll go do that you need to bring [Music] I found a good place to hide The Chew in the cigarettes and I was happy about the places that I found the item oh too much I have a problem I bring my shorts out to give to them because I mean that they're a decent length all right I'll be honest I bring a cigarette for the plane and this is my only cigarette so you do smoke yeah I do smoke when Spencer brought back one cigarette I figured there was more you don't have anything Jackie I didn't for anything else Spencer appreciate you heading over to cigarette I was pretty happy about it because I had gotten away with having the rest of my cigarettes I'll tell you a little bit about what we do I'm a juvenile probation officer I definitely got a little bit nervous when Penny said that she was a probation officer honestly I didn't give I just really didn't care and we've been foster parents for about seven years and one of the things when somebody moves in with us is we do a bag search penny and I have been through this drill before and usually they're you know they're hiding something so if y'all don't care we'll go ahead and do your back search go ahead okay really didn't care because I knew I had a good spot to hide my chew and my cigarettes oh like where's the rest of those at don't think those will be staying and Jackie's luggage we found some shorts that were really way too short Spencer's room [Music] my searches are maybe a little bit more thorough than the average parent I just don't believe you bring one cigarette seriously what could they possibly doing oh you have a winter chicken dinner that's a weak hiding place I don't think they found anything though something's out of place I just put these blankets in here today I was disappointed that the first rule is telling the truth and he said he didn't have anything aside I saw they had a bunch of stuff in his hands and I saw the cigarettes and I was pretty pissed off because I knew I'd been caught coming up I guess we have a standoff can the knights break Spencer I'm already angry I'm gonna be angry for the rest of the week well I was hoping we would get off to a better start but I'm disappointed that we're not I got my cigarettes taken away from me I got my chew taken away from me already and I don't really know what I'm gonna do to get through these next four days these are not pants or what are these no those are my shorts okay we would name that just a little bit too short yeah it's not like they were like tushy colors or anything well since we do have a breach of trust we're going to ask to search a person like my person like me like Pockets shoes socks I'm definitely not going to take out my shoes so I guess we have a have a standoff I guess so I don't have anything on me and I'm not going to take off my socks why would I think that you're telling me the truth I don't really care if you think I'm telling the truth or not you guys already have everything I'm gonna be angry for the rest of the week and I'm not gonna let you guys just I'm not going to I did have some thoughts after Spencer's defies of this is gonna be a long week we gotta let it be known who's in charge and Disobedience would be consequences it's fine first thing he loses is a door off of his bedroom okay I was just sitting there just really pissed off and just trying to figure out what I'm gonna do for the next four days without any cigarettes having foster kids and doing a lot of work I'm used to just asking kids questions and trying to gather information Jackie have you ever been grounded or received consequences I've been grounded before what do you get grounded from shoplifting Spencer could you pass a drug test no that's honest what would you fail a drug test for weed expensive would you like to go to college I'm not really headed down that road I'm just kind of looking to get through high school right now I'm going to military how do you think that marijuana is going to affect your plans to get in the military don't quit smoking before I go in the military [Music] we decided that one of the consequences that Spencer was going to have was the loss of his door when I woke up to that hammer it was pretty annoying and it kind of gave me a headache right off start the day taking the door off did say that hey if I tell you that you're going to have a consequence you're going to have it [Music] house the kids have their assigned chores for the day well sooner we get done with our chores sooner we get to play I really hate chores I I can't stand doing them all that stuff you're gonna probably put on that tarp we have lots to do and my parents expect that it is done when it's supposed to be done in advance what would you be doing if you were at home right now sleeping her pants were too low in the back so whenever she would bend over she was exposing her underwear and you know that's just not appropriate when you've got young men around you keep showing me your underwear so you either need to change your pants or change your shirt I want to see underwear okay I don't think it matters I think it's stupid and think it's old-fashioned so she came back out with a t-shirt that Morgan kept her backside covered and we didn't have to worry about the rest of the day Spencer you just want to take those down there they can just be thrown on the fire pit down there so uh was that a yes whatever yeah Spencer doesn't care about anybody or anything and he's just defined absolute disrespect for all authority I tell you what the kids here say ma'am and sir sisters more respectful when penny tried to tell me that I had to call her man I was just thinking she seems like a controlling to me you guys took away my cigarettes I'm already stressed out and you're sitting here trying to get me to call you ma'am and sir I'm just I'm not going to compromise on that I'm not gonna not I'm not gonna it's a non-negotiable it's not compromisable at this point and I think just asked me call your man serves as Spencer you're not in charge yeah and you don't make the rules I'm not going to follow that or those rules I was not gonna call Penny man I wasn't having it I was ready to do whatever the hell she had to throw at me if you don't like saying sir buddy Marines is the last place you need to be going I'll be right there well you're gonna be all right here too so you want the consequences I don't care I really don't I get that you don't care but you'll have a consequence for refusing now and you'll get another consequence for refusing again coming up put the trash in this one and start on that one the standoff continues so refusing I'm not going to call you ma'am this one's dirty again empty it into that one and wash that one out again and Jackie gets worse that's terrible Spencer was just adamant that he was not going to say ma'am or sir to either Scott or I he needed to have a consequence got the big trash can need to be empty of the small one and that one needs to be washed out see that was disgusting and it just smelled horrible it's easier than just yeah the requirement's still not going to go away yeah yes ma'am no and I really don't like when people think that they have control over me or like they're a higher power and I should say things like that to them [Music] still refusing yeah um then put the trash in this one and start on that one this lady is a psycho I was trying to think of what I could do to make Spencer want to make him the decision to obey and to say ma'am and sir are you done with that yes ma'am no I'm not gonna call you ma'am okay this one's dirty again empty it into that one and wash that one out again no excuse me no no ma'am no we couldn't get to where we want to be with the punishment it wasn't working so he cleans the trash can out he says yeah and I said yes ma'am and he's ain't gonna say I'm gonna do it it's not like we have a respect for authority issue there's a young man in the community that just got through serving two tours in Iraq and I called him and he said I'd love to come over and talk to him hey expanse yeah come on over I want to introduce you to somebody how you doing sir how you doing again in the Marines and might be somebody you might enjoy talking to there I actually thought it was kind of cool that someone had actually came out and wanted to talk to me and I was kind of ready for the conversation they say that you have a problem with saying sir and ma'am before I went in the Marine Corps I never said yes ma'am yes sir you think that she's winning but really it's just showing that you're at a higher level you're at a higher standard and that's what Marines are they're held to a higher standard you don't have to say to be smart alec to her just not to disrespect her because you are here staying in their house and I'm sure they're taking care of you yeah Josh did have a good point about having respect towards others and it kind of made me want to have a little bit more respect for everyone take care of yourself after Spencer talked to Josh there was more chores some more work he needed to do I was hopeful that he had started some thoughts going on in his mind about you know what it meant to be a marine can you go ahead and uh you're seeing through this grass right there yeah yes yes sir thank you you gained a lot of my respect okay thank you when we heard Spencer say yes sir I thought that was great [Music] well you guys ready to do a project what would this project be today we're going to spend some time doing some community service we're helping out a group it's called stepping out ink stepping out it's an organization that Penny had worked with when people get court ordered for community service that's one of the assignments that they might get we're going to go to a singer mother's home she has small children and she is on the verge of getting evicted from her home it's because of the condition that she's keeping her property in and so we're going to go help her out today all right well let's get at it I wasn't excited about going somewhere to clean again I was done cleaning [Music] thank you all for coming hi Jackie I'm Melissa past being sir if you'll just head this way get a smile on your face honey it ain't gonna kill you it's one day out of your life one day I thought the woman was just crazy she's just psycho Jackie this is Mandy this is the lady we're gonna help today Mandy has some different issues with her health and children as well these are our volunteers for the day we walked into the house and the mom was just really stressed out you don't know how much this means to me I really appreciate it okay let's glove up and go right away Melissa really took control of the situation Jackie what we have here is the bathroom be sure you wear your gloves and make sure you get in the nooks and crannies I was not excited at all to clean the bathrooms probably the worst job oh my God okay what we need you to do is get the toys up get the bed made and make it look neat okay the room kind of looks exactly like my room only there was toys everywhere the toilet was nasty oh damn [Music] that would be a petrified muffin it's pretty nasty muffin would you like a garbage bag yes I would okay I think Jackie and Spencer both were taken back by Melissa I didn't get off your high then that's not what we do maybe even a little offended at her bluntness you're gonna have to hustle scrub it like you magnet does this little girl have a second gear she's not used to doing this kind of stuff at all really it's new this is new uh well trial by fire I just think that if I wasn't doing a good enough job she could have done it herself this looks amazing this looks 10 million times better already I was impressed with the effort that Spencer took with the work I think Spencer probably a little more so than Jackie hey hey sunshine look I got magic all right scrubbing brushes thank you muscles muscles looks a whole lot better thank you Spencer you did a really good very very much we're impressed I've never done anything like I did with the green service I've never really just just helped a random stranger that I don't know are you about done or you want to stay and clean some more I was going to clean some more a teenage boy wants to stay and clean wow it was just a really nice feeling helping these people out and just kind of bringing a smile to their face just kind of made my day thank you you're welcome it's just kind of weird knowing that this whole time maybe if I just cleaned my room bring a smile to my mom's face for once coming up a shock in store for the teams Spencer what do you think your mom would do if she saw you like that good question Jackie good morning we're leaving in about many minutes dance time to get up all right with Spencer's illegal drug use and Jackie's admission of a theft I thought it would be a great idea for them to see what bad behavior could lead them to like taking a little trip this morning to see what your life could look like if you continue to make bad choices we'd like to take you this morning to Juvenile Detention Facility virus that I was head to to be really care that much it really didn't scare me I didn't let it get to me because I knew that's what she was trying to do [Music] I think that they knew what they were getting into it's one thing for me to tell you what it's like it's a totally different thing for you to actually see it and experience it we went into this little garage place then the back door closed behind us I didn't really know what to think of the whole situation Jackie and Spencer have done things deserve to be there I wanted them to realize all that they were fixing to lose B7 please have a seat and make yourself at home it actually put us in our own little holding cells have your seat and we'll get back to you it was like really empty just gross and dirty and nothing really in there it's about to put these on my uniform with this orange sandals and orange like jumpsuit thing I kind of feel like a giant ass pumpkin yeah you look like a jail bird now after we changed that outfits they shop with us just felt like I didn't have any freedom this is Officer Scott this is when she's going to take your picture [Music] let's go with our adventure it's really hard to walk in those shackles just really uncomfortable and I kept feeling like I was going to fall over Spencer what do you think your mom would do if she saw you like that good question could you open the four-way towards your court please I was a probation officer I hear parents and kids all the time they don't think it's possible that poor decisions can lead them to be put in the cell behind a closed door [Music] I've seen a lot of tough kids break down on the first time they're in the cell Spencer that's your bedroom as we call them it was a stinky ass little room it wasn't really a very happy place this is where you'll be it's just basically like a big block of like hardness that was your bed most uncomfortable pill I've ever seen in my life it's pretty depressing in here is like nothing Martin's just bored off my ass I can't imagine what it'd be like do this all day Spencer and Jackie were miserable it was just really really intense for them really hoping that seeing an actual detention center made it real to them that it is very possible to be in their future if they didn't make some serious changes being in there for like five or ten years from some of the things that I've been doing now is definitely not something that I want to do not somewhere I want to go you better stay out of jail if you don't like it later yeah I know there's been a few times where I've completely freaked out and I've been hitting walls I've been throwing things around the house and Mom's actually had 911 dialed in the only thing that separated me from jail was the fact that she didn't press talk I just want to be more careful about things because I don't want to end up in a place like that [Music] hey Spanish you can't turn that water on right there yeah yeah yes sir had a boy I really feel that Spencer walked away from the Detention Center visit with a sense of realism felt like the door was open you know a little bit and maybe I can share a response or some thoughts about some stuff that he really needed to do what's your take away from all this kind of let's learn that I need to have a little bit more Family Values than I used to have really Family Values I kind of it's I treat I treat people well it's just I take my family for granted don't treat them very well okay you know one of the things that we really butted heads with is respect yeah and I think you've got an issue with respect and you've even admitted you've got an issue with the people in Authority that's why I want to join the military so I can get some morals respect and uh be able to Abate the word a little bit more I would have to be straight up with you and just say that you're a long way away from being a marine I was very straightforward with him felt like he needed to hear the truth you know I think that you're kidding yourself if you think that you're going to sign up and you're mostly going to become you know a different person you know make no mistake the Marines can't do it for you you know you've got to do it yourself it's got to come from right here yeah you got a long way to go but if you want to be a marine I know you can do it but it's time for you to man up and take some responsibility of yourself would you agree with that yeah I do agree with that I'm glad I'm glad because I know that you you've got a shot here you've got a shot to make things right to make things right with your mom and and most of all with yourself all right so you've got a lot to think about so I'm going to let you finish the car but I would really encourage you to use the time just do some soul searching and and think about things all right all right all right [Music] the thing is I need to get my together because if I don't I'm not going anywhere live it's been nice to actually have a kind of a father figure in my life and have a male figure that's cared he actually believes that I can do something with my life I've never had that before and it was just it was just a really nice feeling to have that coming up hey Jackie Kenny confronts Jackie don't set yourself short and a wake-up call for Spencer I've always known I hurt my mom I've just never really heard her say it hey Jackie I was looking at Jackie's social networking sites and I thought maybe I'll take the opportunity to tell her why she should be more careful about what she was putting on there you know if the kids want to be on a social network we get access to it because we're responsible at this point in their lives for everything they put on here has your mom ever seen any of this um I don't think I have anything like too bad on there I think it's really important for her parents to check up on her to make sure she's not engaging in risk-taking behaviors this may be a little provocative maybe it's not supposed to that's what I'm saying therein lies the danger just a little bit guys get all worked up but um I feel like my time with you is running out and if I had to choose one thing to tell you don't set yourself short you know yeah this is one of the times that I feel like she was very open to what I was telling her and I was just hoping to take the opportunity to give her guidance about her relationship with her father you know you say you don't get along with your dad yeah I think you need to at some point in her life heal that relationship yeah what penny was saying I think that did have some impact on me I mean it bothers me and I haven't really had a good relationship with my dad for a really long time but if you're missing something just don't feel it with everything all that comes along I was vacuuming the living room and Scott came in and told me he wanted to go outside and talk to me tell you what let's take a break we'll come back finish this in a minute so I walked out back with him and he actually had a letter for me from my mom I'm gonna give you some time just to look over it and read it and I'll come back and check on you in a few minutes okay okay all right dispensary didn't seem excited about the letter he was kind of quiet kind of reserved my dear son first I need you to know that you are a gift from God which I am thankful for every day even those days when you hate me I don't know exactly where things went off track between the two of us but they have gone horribly wrong and the relationship we now have is miserable for me many days I do not like being in my own home with you and some days dread that you'll be in one of your nasty moods when you rage and break things you need to contribute to our home shorts are not a punishment or a waste of time I love you with all my heart and soul and hope you take a deep look in how things have been and make a firm decision that will not continue to be that way love Mom just bring that letter and hear my mom say that she's scared to go in their own house I just wasn't ready to read that Spencer definitely needed to read a letter he couldn't run from it he couldn't slam a door he couldn't scream and yell he had to sit there and read it how did it make you feel after you read it I don't know maybe it made me pretty sad we'll read that honestly I've always known I hurt my mom but I've just never really heard her say it yeah I need to make a relationship with my mom again that's really what needs to change how do you do that start caring start actually putting for some effort myself really yeah I think for maybe the first time in a long time he was hit with the reality that he had some responsibility in a relationship this is an opportunity a big opportunity to make a change and make a commitment you know to to you and to your mother also I was hate to see you blow it just throw it away I really need to figure out what's important in my life and I just need to change my ways Jackie's had some time to live under a new set of rules and try it a new way good for you it's from your parents and um let you read it and really think about what they've written and and consider what they've said okay okay all right foreign the first thing I want to tell you is that your father and I love you very much but there are some serious issues that need to be addressed your disrespect and horrible language will not be tolerated anymore you need to find a healthy outlet for your anger shouting and cussing doesn't help it it only hurts us we also need you to help out more around the house we need to spend more time together to continue to build a strong and healthy relationship with you if we work together I know we can accomplish these things can't wait to see you again lots of love Mom and Dad [Music] I definitely think that I should treat my parents with more respect and appreciate them and help out I guess I just didn't really realize how much I hurt them [Music] how was the letter good can you share with me what was in it yeah you can read it if you want oh you want me to read it if you want it she offered to let me read the letter and her mom and dad had expressed that some things had to change she said something interesting she says if we work together and we've done that a lot this week yeah we've worked together did you see how much things easier things were yeah working together makes you stronger it builds your relationship too so maybe you can use that to help build a relationship back with your parents you're definitely capable of doing it yeah you've done it here I know my parents had said all that stuff in the letter to me before but I think just being here and then reading the letter definitely made me think about a little bit more than I have coming up hi honey the knights lay it all on the line I don't know if she's ready to mend her relationship with you and Penny makes a shocking Revelation the last thing I told my dad was I hated him [Music] it's Phenergan water it's homemade mix and then just use newspaper all right when I first came here I was not happy about doing all the work I think I really learned a lot see the big old streak up there in the top left there yes Jackie came in the house very quiet she had quite a bit of attitude very selfish during the course of the week saw some glamors of Hope there that she might be attempting to change I know better when you're sitting by the trash can these last five days of the painting has got to be a lot different than my life at home because I'm more eager to get out of bed in the morning because I'm more excited about what's going to happen that day but you and I are going to do we're going to put this door back together Spencer first came to the house he didn't have any respect for authority putting the door back on symbolized that we kind of rebuilt what we had lost there at the first of the week with the loss of trust hey still works good [Music] I think your mom's on the way so you can get all your stuff together and get ready to go okay some things that Penny and Scott and tell my parents might be a little bit shocking to them [Music] I guess now's the time I think you go get your bag packed thank your mom's on her way to pick you up it's time to man up think about what you saw the last several days and what you've learned all right I'm looking forward from a while to meet paying Scott because I actually really liked him [Music] I'd like to say uh Penny really sorry about the first couple days really I'm sorry about that kind of just stuck through it and just gave me a chance I appreciate the apology and I accept it effort you put in afterwards and the first GS ma'am was worth it and uh Scott I'd really like to say that you uh um I've never really had any kind of guy listen to me about anything and uh I'd really like to say uh thank you for listening to me this last week and kind of scaring you're welcome I was tested by Spencers thank you it was probably tough for him to do and I think that it was very heartfelt from him to do some work and I hope it rubs off and she takes it home and helps us out there some more I Miss Jackie a lot and I hope that she learns to respect us a lot better when I walked out to get my parents I was excited to see him that I was really happy when I saw Jackie because I did miss her she doesn't show a lot of emotion I just wish she would have shared a little more I'm a juvenile probation officer for a living and Jackie got to see some things this week you want to tell them about that I went to jail you know she's she admitted that she'd been in trouble before for that in her past and she keeps doing some stuff she's doing that's what I keep on explaining good education and to have goals in life I don't want that to happen to you I really just think that Jackie's at a Crossroads she's been very honest and I don't know if she's ready to mend her relationship with you and um that just makes me sad and I've encouraged her that she needs to do that I'm hoping to build a better relationship with her at least do more family stuff together Jackie your dad saying he wants to spend time with you your life is not about just now your life is also about what it's going to be like when you're on this side you know I lost my dad and the last thing I told my dad was I hated him and there's nothing I can do take it back that still just cuts my heart into and I just hope that you can do your part to make your relationships right with your parents well Jackie it looks like your parents are really wanting some things to change especially with your dad okay this whole week has given me a lot to think about when I go home I think I might give my relationship with my dad a second chance bye I think we need to hold Jackie more accountable for her actions and just have steeper consequences than we have right now I really love my daughter a lot and I really hope in the future that we have a strong relationship with each other I'll never give up I believe that Jackie will be able to take what she learned and make her relationship with her dad work [Music] I don't know that I can continue living the way that we've been living up until this point it's very important to me that Spencer makes changes in his life hi honey it was really nice to see my mom again I really actually did miss her and it was just really nice to get to see her and just have everything be just good for a minute hi Jennifer I'm panty I think it's important for Spencer's mom to learn to be the parent to be the one in charge and to be the authority figure this week he has seen a good example of one of the man of house looks like it was really nice to have a father figure kind of just where they actually cared and actually cared what I really had to say just never had that and I don't know how do I provide that for him well you can't fill that void what you can do is you can go back and you can help him deal with the void I don't know if you know what we did for a living but I'm a juvenile probation officer it took us to a juvenile center really yeah I'm gonna take all my fingerprints and they put us in the cell and it kind of saw what it's like to see what I've avoided a few times how does that make you feel to say that it's very hard that's one of my worst fears because he doesn't call and he doesn't check in he doesn't respect what do you think about that Spencer it makes you feel like it's kind of I was just kind of blaming everyone else for everything and I just kind of everything that ever happened to me I just kind of took it on you and I feel really bad for that I don't want to fight anymore I'm gonna start doing more stuff around the house and actually helping you out there's not going to be any more healing anymore it really won't be [Music] I really do think I have a newfound appreciated for my mom I think I'm gonna go home I'm gonna respect her a lot more than I used to oh you're very welcome I just have consequences for behaviors and they enforce them so now I'm going to be not afraid of putting my foot down and enforcing the rules the experience has been more than I imagined it's been intense and it's been rewarding for me too I think what I would miss most about Spencer is his heart he had a good heart [Music] it's ready to go home and then I see you again too I am your biggest foreign
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
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Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world strict parents full episode, worlds strictest parents, that'll teach em, mr drew's school for boys, world's strictest school, world's strictest parents where are they now
Id: xJWTlxSwpVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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