Disrespectful New Zealand Teens are sent to INDIA!🇮🇳 | World's Strictest Parents New Zealand

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tonight oh Jesus fck on world's strictest parents she'll probably smell it on me but she won't catch me you are of questionable repute can a culture shock this area you dress like this is not a good thing at all straighten out these waywood teens okay I think the clothes rules are insane when they are given a good dose of traditional parenting when you just get one little no you you send me home it'll be a week they'll never forget very very very rude if Nishka was there she would have slapped him if I leave look like a weak little idiot and she ws and if I stay then she wins too for single mom Leslie living with her teenager is like living with the devil I find dealing with Arden incredibly frustrating it's one of the biggest stresses that I carry in my life actually she likes to shop she's never far from a mobile phone and Facebook loves her friends and hates her mother I asked you like 20 times today please she just whes the shut mom Ain is incredibly spoiled incredibly she she pretty much gets everything that she wants one way or the other stop looking at nothing if people for I was a spoiled Brett I just say you and walk off Autumn bullies me constantly she believes fundamentally that I am a pushover and that if she just keeps pushing those buttons that she's going to get exactly what she wants and more experience in life you've been around for a good 500 years they think that they like know everything like you're a dick to me or dick to everyone else I had enough a long time ago teenagers have attitude problems and adults should get over it cuz girls are guys are dicks just How We Roll 16-year-old Jasper is ardan's traveling partner and for his parents that laidback you're my friend approach to parenting has completely backfired when he doesn't get what he wants he's a pain in the butt and um he's got such a strong sort of Personality it's you know my way of the highway sort of thing and really just rides rough shot over anything that anyone else wants I like to do what I want to do I don't like people telling me what to do and this buting guitarist has a passion for all things rock and roll including wild parties that cause Motorway closures 450 500 people maybe the whole North Shore knew about it the riot Squad was here like with Patty wagons police like coming with big shields and helmets like it was huge it was like a main party off my head I don't know what to do he's already addicted to nicotine and loves nothing better than good intoxication being literally unconscious in the recovery position close to death and when his temper flares all hell breaks loose shut up um he's actually gotten physical with his mother I was scared yeah I was scared enough to call the police I mean I'm not a I'm not a drama Queen but um I needed help difficult to live with the people make it difficult for me to get along with my life that's all Jasper and Arden are flying 7,000 m to the home of 1.2 billion people this is of course India where education is key rules and respect are Paramount and life revolves all around family in India the family unit is um always headed by the elders whoever is there at that time and for the nanja D that is nelita melan's Mother 15 years ago Nan's husband passed away so it was down to her to ensure all three of her children achieved their full potential education is very strong Focus so I think we put that first above everything else nishar is the youngest and knows all too well to live under this roof you need to abide by the rules even at 21 my mom is stricted when she has to be no back chat allowed hey n what are you doing my curfew would be about 5ish in the evening and my college gets over at 4:00 her rules are really clear she said come back before dark and then you're good that's it so that's my curfew we can finish the work and send it back we are all taught to respect everybody but what I say goes after after a 23-hour flight the teens have arrived in Bangalore it's India's third largest city such crazy drivers three wheelers everywhere oh my God we're so close to like hitting everywhere there's a cow on the road thought they like cars oh my God we're going to like hit this car I have no idea what it's going to be like I think we're going to get there and everything's going to be kosher for a couple of days and everyone will be getting along great and then sh'll hit the fan look at these follows she looks angry she does now oh she looks really angry oh my God you're wearing your shorts hi hi I'm jper nice to meet you nice to meet you too hi I'm Melanie welcome we go inside yeah didn't really know what to expect I don't wanted to be here just to do what they want if you know what I mean I want to have a good time at the same time welcome both of you hello uh I'd like to introduce my mother Lita hi this is uh my daughter Nishka Pradip the two of us uh run uh an NGO together now I'd like to get on with the rules of the family you will have to abide by the culture of this country Indian rules have to be maintained starting with the way you dress it's absolutely inappropriate we don't wear shorts around the house can I wear a minis skirt oops definitely not that's all I have well we'll have to get you something then it's just insane if you're seen wearing it you're you are of questionable repute what woman who is of very cheap nature how about wearing a nice indian salvar KES we'll get you some nice Indian clothing no smoking no smoking at all okay you smoke we you do occasionally yeah but this week you'll have to not smoke at all I've been smoking since sou Le oh that's how they are that's not how I am and in case you have cigarettes and you're going to be tempted I'd rather you leave it with me [Music] I presume you'll get tempted I don't have any cigarettes are you sure positive we all don't lie over here you know we spoke about truthfulness and uh that he didn't like very much because I think he was lying me not smoking is so so big for me that's and so the week begins while Nishka helps ardan settle in the room room they will be sharing Melanie is taking no Chances with her new son Jesper this is your room awesome thank you very much okay and you have a balcony here you can come out and read oh fantastic I'm just around the corner okay in case you think of sitting here and having a smoke aha I'm just there I think the rules are a little bit staunch it's not a very independent situation here like you know you you have to live how they want you to live and there's no other way like and I got the sharp nose and everybody here has a sharp nose oo okay I better be careful then H mhm I got suies it's all good she won't know she won't catch me she'll probably smell it on me but she won't catch me if they catch me I'm going to be in the biggest ever it's Jasper and Arden's first morning in India morning good morning how are you today very good thank you and already there is an immediate problem are you dressed to go out it's not really appropriate saw the way Arden was dressed I was horrified what do you mean I'm wearing no look at these there you got holes yeah what's wrong with them oh God no no this is need to covered un like yesterday and this this is a compromise and and look at your no no this is not this is this is very inappropriate for this what I think we need to do is we're going to the market we'll get you some clothes you know in India the whole thing is that a woman has to be respected there are only two kinds of women one to be respected and one who's not I don't care what other people think of me but I do the rules and the way she sets them I find pretty irritating sometimes we have to uh go by the rules of the country the difference between my mom and nelanie is that my mom is a pushover and she's easier to control but nelanie she's like a rock she like won't move with that sorted Melanie Wast no time taking her new daughter shopping see everybody's turning around and looking at you yeah these things are not done oops he's staring badly at you everybody's staring go yeah I know this is terrible I mean I like to wear makeup and wear nice clothes and I just thought it was really weird how much of a deal she made out of it this area new dress like this is not a good thing at all yeah it was terrible somebody even said hello baby you know that it's really so demeaning it was lucky that she couldn't understand the language I thought she was being a bit fussy but fair enough since she was walking next to me she's probably a bit embarrassed let's go to see what they have let's check it out hey this is not too bad you'll even feel happy it's transparent nelan is a lot more fun than I thought or expected this looks so spiritual look like an orange like an orange and she has such a good sense of humor I think it looks really neat it looks colorful you look like a beautiful Indian lady Arden is very sweet very nice lovely child I really think that she should be praised a little more brought out of her shell doesn't it look neat for some reason Aden doesn't have a lot of confidence if I wear Unholy tights can I wear it like this do you want to buy tights as well yeah see in India we have rules which tell us how to behave uh in every situation in her case I felt that maybe she was not exposed to this kind of uh rules as such maybe maybe she needs some of that one of the nanad family mottos is service before self they firmly believe in giving back to society a wake up called nelanie thinks our kids need today we're going to the school for the visually challenged I feel that it's very important for Jasper and Arden to go there I think they're very often thinking of themselves alone and uh they're really not thinking about their parents or anybody around them I would like them to realize how fortunate they are for what they have and I feel that they may learn something from this before you understand what is Blindness you have to put blindfold and experience the problems which is faced by blind I don't know where I am and we just got a taste of you know what it was like to be visually imped it's just like overwhelming you know like didn't have a clue that's huge I've never experienced anything like that I've never seen any poverty in my life really I had no idea how lucky we are like there's so many people out there that you know pretty unlucky oh Jesus that was so scary this Stars yeah I can feel [Music] that that scared me so much was so funny it is very important that Jasper and Arden realize how fortunate they are for what they have including eyesight plus all the books and the money and whatever whether the importance or the relevance of the blindfold exercise has sunk in if there's one thing that hasn't it's the rule about smoking uh suddenly you know in the midst of all our moving around with the visually challenged Jasper disappeared and I had this feeling that he may have gone off for a cigarette uh which is again not done it's not appropriate in in such a setting so what was all that story about I don't lie I don't have cigarettes and all that w I knew that the smoking issue would be a very big part of it mhm I knew that this would no but that's not on you know it's kind of uh it's all about trust I know it's about trust it's about rules how can we even let you go out of our site then now I'm going to be watching you even more carefully well then I'll smoke in front of you it's not in front of me see rules are rules basically it is something we don't do it's something you don't do yeah so as long as you're here is plural for so when we don't do that you're part of the household you don't do it too otherwise why did you come to the country if you want to do is you please stay in your country well sorry I can't accept the fact that I'm not allowed to smoke in India I feel like I have I my rights not in my house are you saying that no one has their rights in your house not if you're going to live in Mandu that's a very very no right sorry obno you have got no because cuz you have come here prepared to come into another culture to learn about another culture in which case you have to abide by that culture then you can get the next flight back and go if you really want to do it then that's it because that's not possible it's definitely not possible in my environment I can't allow you I think this is just going to ca a lot of conflict for no reason no it doesn't matter I am not I think you and I would get along a lot no no I'm not looking at getting along dear I'm looking at my house and my rules M I am not concerned about making a friend that's not what we're here about no I'm not looking for that rather a friend than an enemy I can tell you that well if you want to be an enemy you're definitely going on the next flight back but that's not on I didn't say I wanted to be an enemy it's not about being a friend or an enemy it's about appreciating that somebody has some rules in the house you have a choice and I mean what I say so as long as you understand that I I understand but I don't accept doesn't matter it's not about acceptance by you it's about something that happens in our culture and our tradition in our country and my house we're covering the same point about a billion times and we're not getting anywhere the point we obviously don't agree on this so let's just stop it right here but when we stop it here my dear you will stop it right here stop being childish now I'm not being childish you're being childish you're being absolutely think of a mature human being and I'm getting a little tired of this immature discussion so let me tell you this if you'd like to be a part of it you'd have a great time for the rest of your week and I think it's a very small sacrifice you can make for having come to this country and to have decided to learn about this culture so I think it's very easy you just have to make up your mind you're being stubborn for nothing at all you have two no sorry it's my house don't even question me you are okay no no I'm sorry dear you are a visitor in our country and remember that said take a decision that a you hand over to me and we continue without a cigarette or B you keep your cigarettes we go to the uh the house pack your bags and deposit you back to the hotel can I ask you a question no because I've made a I I want an [Music] answer I might go back to the hotel okay fine if that's your decision great let's do that not only has Jasper been caught out smoking he has also caused a scene in public which is totally unacceptable in India and nelanie is staying firm in her decision to send him home I think that you're so used to just having a yes to everything when you just get one little no you you send me home what I can't understand is that she just she everything goes her way and nothing but no one can choose queen bee around here one little hiccup you resolve it with sending me home that's just because you're not willing to listen weak if it is one no yours is a weak issue because you can't do something when you realize you're coming to a country just conser I I know that me not being able to smoke for a week is very weak I I recognize that I recognize that so then you shouldn't have G he was so argumentative and I think that's when I really lost my temper I can't stand that kind of conversation that kind of back chat do I say that all right I'm going to get my last moments of endar him okay he probably thinks that by talking in this manner he can achieve whatever he wants to my feeling is he does this all the time with his parents and probably they accept it but I'm not going to accept that I certainly will not uh listen to this kind of back chat very very rude if Nishka was there she would have slapped him back at the house the reality of the situation has finally sunk in I'm a bit guttered like it's a win-win situation for her like if I leave then I look like a weak little idiot and she ws and if I stay then she WS so come on hi hello how are you very good thank you okay so have you decided what you want to do yes I've decided and I'd like to before I tell you I'd like to apologize for how I treated you this afternoon because it was very disrespectful of me and I just wasn't used to being told no for smoking yes you spoke very rudely and uh if that's the way you speak with your parents I would be very surprised I could hear it my mom's voice that she was really upset because none of us have ever spoken to her with so much of disrespect maybe in New Zealand they think you can do that but in India it's not really done I mean no one would ever speak to an elder like that so is it that you're not going to smoke are you going to is that are you saying I'm not going to smoke yeah I'm not going to smoke oh wonderful congratulations and I'm sure it's going to be worthwhile yeah is is it okay if I request one more cigarette and then hand over my p no no no no no it's not okay okay at all so shall we end this discussion yes yeah is there anything really nice you want to do in in India I don't want any rewards for not smoking no but you're you're taking a lot of trouble for our rules so I would like to appreciate it in another way a huge reward for me would be one cigarette no can't do that don't ask about it I just have to take it on the Chanel and get on with it and I'd rather stay and make the most of it so now that I think about it you know I'll just do it cold [Music] turkey it's a new day and with a newfound respect Melanie wants to work on some positive reinforcement Jasper we're going to be meeting this gentleman called ustad haiz Khan okay he's very focused on his music yes and he is focused on becoming one of India's number one players of the sitar they're not very rich but he's so committed to his music and becoming something [Music] [Applause] special he he is the son of a very famous hitar player and he is tipped off to be a very famous person so I felt that uh you know if if I could help Jasper meets an individual like that he would be inspired to reach Greater Heights jugal bandi is he will play whatever a chord or a note and all this one will reply so they're going to he he wants to do that with you where you will follow and he will you know yes same sort of thing where it [Music] go [Music] very impressive that's that's what he want you to do very different nothing like I'd ever heard before that's amazing I loved it yeah [Music] you know meeting the musician I think he realized that there is a lot more to life than just the frivolous things he was fighting about that was mind-blowing wasn't it it I think uh that was the turning point in Jasper's behavior and meeting this very great musician who was so humble I think brought him down a peg or two wow with my minimal knowledge of music I was really impressed yeah he is a very very talented person he was so impressed what was so cute was he gave me such a warm hug it was spontaneous and said thanks so much for this it really meant a lot to him with such a breakthrough Melanie hopes a good old Bollywood knees up might just have the same effect on [Music] Arden have done that Bollywood dancing was like interesting I did want to do it but I didn't like cuz I don't know how to dance but yeah they were just having fun and they didn't care about anything which made it more [Music] fun I think Arden has a really good heart she's actually a very humble person she's very sweet and I don't know if this experience will change her towards her parents or anything I hope it really does Arden's mother I feel she needs she needs to find out what's bothering Arden and perhaps try to help her through that I'm sure the issue is really very small and if the mother can reach out to her daughter spend a little time with her and talk to her and find out what it is and say okay let's get to a solution okay sh Nan's parenting is not what I was expecting at all I thought that she was going to be a lot more stricter but she's a lot more free and a lot more fun than I thought what I like the most about her is just how she's always so positive and she always just seems to see the better side of everything and always says to everyone oh you can do it you can do it you can do it so she's just very supportive okay bang is like [Music] this come on this a man's dance woo that's not a man's looks like chicken D sounds like nelanie had hard life like super strict parents and she lost her husband and she doesn't walk around her whole life weeping she's always positive and happy and that's what I like about her and that's what I don't like about people at my school is that they're super rich and super pretty and super smart and there complaining about their life and how horrible it is and it's like I just think it's really silly because they're so lucky and nelan has gone through so much and she's still so positive that's what I probably learned best from her is how to be more positive cuz she seems to handle it really [Music] well it's 500 a.m. and Melanie has lined up a surprise for our teens hey Jasper come on on good morning you're up and about [Music] [Applause] now hi we got to get up and go now oh [Music] dear traffic this experience is going to be as nice as what you experienced yesterday half as nice as what I experience yesterday then I was looking for oh good I'm very glad yes nled and rural canatica is the art for living asham founded by Guru Shri Shri ravish shenka this is a place where you can achieve total inner peace and an open mind people around the world would get anything to be here uh for somebody to come here it was Destiny and you have you it's really something special this is a place we hold in very high esteem the reason I really wanted them to go to a temple was uh more because you know all of us get troubled all of us all of us feel at some time or the other that we can't talk to somebody in which case where do you vent you know you don't vent over a cigarette or a bottle of booze you really pray and I I really wanted to introduce them to prayer because for some reason I feel that there is no prayer in their life at first I thought the meditation was really [Music] weird I'm not calm and get pretty stressed I don't know why but after a while did seem to work and I think the Indians have a good thing going here and it would be cool if we did it like before school every day I reckon it would make people like so much calmer and work so much better the workshop at the temple is designed around a series of self realization exercises to improve awareness and understanding just what a couple of troubled teens [Music] need it's an amazing experience really different compared to normal and it's so much [Music] fun I uh really wanted Jasper and Arden to understand that we in India believe that everything happens with the Divine hand behind it and there is a path already ordained for everybody the two of them coming in from New Zealand and not any other kid there must be a reason take your attention right why do you lose your cool when you get angry because awareness is not there if you're aware at that moment saying yes I'm getting angry what do I do I do get quite angry with my mom from time to time and this could be a good thing to stop me from getting angry I guess the whole being calm thing would teach me and my mom both just not just how we interact with each other but just how we live I guess I've got a letter here from your mom oh my god do I have to read it yeah I'm not an emotional person I don't like to talk about emotions or like talking about my relationship with my mom and stuff like that my dearest aen you have always been the sunshine in my life and I love you more than you will ever know except perhaps when you become a mother I believe you will be a wonderful mother someday but not too soon please I have always wished and prayed for your health and happiness in life and everything that I do for you and the rules that I make and the expectations I hold for you all intended to be good for your entire life plans are never perfect and always require adjustment The Attitude h it really needs to change for the sanity of us all you come across at least towards me as someone with the attitude of a hardened criminal e tough hard inflexible pushy obnoxious most things in life that are worthwhile are hard and take a lot of effort love you Mom I still love my mom I'm just mean to her after this week yeah I think I will feel happier myself I don't really know what that means I guess I need to just try talking calmly with my mom before I start yelling at [Music] her for Jasper 2 the visit to the asham has been full of positive experiences and a few unexpected ones thrown huge surprise at the ashram when we walked outside and there was a a three ton elephant standing right in front of me oh it was it was so awesome that was the coolest animal I've ever seen in my whole entire life today was hands down the best day we've had in and everyone here is so friendly there's not one person that doesn't mean the best it's so cool usually when someone's as friendly as this to you you choose oh they're a really nice person I want to be their friend you know but everyone's like that it's like whoa it's such a surprise you don't get this back home oh my God definitely today has been a very very spiritual journey everything that they know and everything that they say this has been their way of life for so long so it's so cool to be in their presence cuz they just know exactly what they're talking about and what they're doing bye I will definitely leave here A R A person definitely I'm looking forward to going home I'm missing my family as well but I will miss it I've got a lady here from your par do you yeah I knew this would happen i' like you to read it out to me do I have to yeah dearest Jasper your mother and I know that when you open this letter unites from two people who love you as much as anyone can and ever will as a father I have failed you it seems but not backing up your mother more and saying no to you more often when you hear no to even the smallest things your respons is almost always the same your aggression towards your family especially your mother is unacceptable the pain you have caused me in your moments of selfish Madness is something that no mother should have to endure life is going to Dish up many challenges Jasper and how you react to them needs to change the Beautiful music you make sun brings tears to our eyes we burst with pride when we hear you perform but the tears of my eyes as I write this now are for The Man Behind the Music it is a privilege that this family is willing to share their lives with you on this special trip thank in on our behalf and represent yourself well as a good Ki boy would what you learn will last a lifetime Jesper well I love Mom and [Music] Dad every word's true on that but I have changed coming here well I'm going to get home and I'm going to have respect because CU I know now why I need [Music] to and I look at what I have been like and I'm so [Music] ashamed it's Jasper and ardan's final night in India so far their Journey has been full of surprises and tonight is no exception world famous Guru sh Shri ravish shanka is addressing his congregation it's a very rare privilege and one that nelanie and prip think Will Make A Lasting Impression The Guru at the asham yeah he was amazing pretty much the closest to living Jesus that's still on the earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] really most good he got us to meditate actually so we started meditating which felt like about 5 minutes and it turned out it was 25 when I was told that I was like what like 25 minutes gone with my eyes closed that's so strange then slowly breathe out everybody was around there all together like meditating to one person all at the same time was pretty like insane like good insane doesn't matter in the present if you are Hollow and empty if your mind is clear now the things that he was saying they seem to make a lot of sense and they were so simple compared to what everyone thinks about stuff and they seem to think too much about everything but he's just so simple and straight up and down to earth if your commitment is there now then you will move on don't worry about your past drop the whole past and people here are so much more genuinely nice than people in New Zealand and just so friendly and it's been a really good experience no I don't want to go home I love it in [Music] India when things in my way I'm the nicest guy to be around and when things went my way I wasn't the nicest guy to be around at all in fact I was the opposite of that but now it's going to be different and when I get home I just can't wait to get home and show my family [Music] that thank you so much for having us I was lovely having you guys over take care all the best just say hi to your parents hey Jasper remember what I said we're watching you perhaps it's been a culture shock for them they've been brilliant about adjusting to the way things are here you're going to be a brilliant musician day keep it best thing which could have happened Jasper turned around and said I understand why your rules are what they are and then that makes me think that this has been a success so I I really think they've changed a lot they're lovely kids they'll do very well in life hey sweetie you are a lovely girl don't be mean to your mom you are so good just for the week it was so much fun thank you very much thank you welcome living with nelanie for a week has showed me how I can um deal with my mom without arguing as loudly whatever conflict we have it would be better to just sit down and talk now then arguing and screaming at each other and competing with who's the loudest we're going to miss you guys so much we'll miss you too in Ora ardan's mom Waits nervously wondering if her daughter's trip has changed anything it would be wonderful if the experience in India will allow her to to learn some patience and some compassion and some some kind of temperance [Music] Hello darling hi it was good to see my mom after a week I might be a little bit more patient with my mom and changing a little bit so what were the people like so much more nicer than they are New Zealand really mhm even the people who are on the street and poor like so much more happier and did you see lots of poor people mhm like sleeping in the ditches and stuff did seeing all of the poor people really change you your attitude in in life um yeah I guess it made me feel sorry for them I think that the there probably is some hope in terms of her you know learning um empathy perhaps now only said that we should have civilized conversations and we should both listen to each other's opinions not just one way that's what I learned yeah I guess after learning about patience and tolerance I can have a slightly better relationship but yeah that's what I learned to sit down and have a conversation inste of yelling at you but I don't know how long that will last for I'm hoping it lasts for a long time it was this kind of change ardan's mother had hoped for even changing you know how how we deal and interact with each other and discuss things will be a major step in the right direction and maybe that step will kind of help us to take more and more and more steps going forward for Jasper's family the excitement of seeing him is a little overshadowed by doubt he would have struggled a lot with the not smoking and having to you know you know just just the word no I mean in the L it typifies how how bad he is and how angry and how violent he gets with the word no chase what do you hopes changed about Jesper you everything yeah yeah he's got the nicest [Music] kid [Music] hello guys mate what Christian or here I left here thinking my parents are such a pain in the ass and when I got there I was like they're so laidback it's not even funny like it could be a lot worse off could be a lot worse off hi Mom how are you I'm with people that love me a lot and there's a lot of people that aren't as lucky as I [Music] am I must you too I'm just so glad I got the opportunity to go on the trip yeah so happy to be home yes are you that's good what are you what have you learn from last 5 days I've been in the habit of doing what I'm told so and life was easy so I'm going to try and keep that up here and I told her that so oh that's lovely Jess well your life will be easier and so will ourse yeah exactly we can get on with loving each other and having a good life can we yeah exactly without the AG India as a place was so unique I don't think there would have been many other things that could have changed [Music] me [Music] h
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 1,232,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents barbados, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strict parents, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, scared straight, world's strictest parents usa, world's strictest parents uk, world strict parents full episode, worlds strictest parents, that'll teach em, mr drew's school for boys, world's strictest school, world's strictest parents where are they now
Id: uPM6F4MOfeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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