Complete PLANET OF THE APES Timeline

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one day Earth will become a Planet of the Apes this is how it begins the year is 208 apes are regularly captured placed in captivity and used as test subjects for human drugs for the last 5 and A2 years will Rodman has pinned his hopes and dreams on one in particular alz 112 a gene therapy that allows the brain to create its own cells in order to repair itself for a chimp named bright eyes it's given her incredible intelligence for humans will hopes it will cure Alzheimer's his fathers in particular but those hopes are lost when Bright Eyes displays a troubling side effect aggression her Outburst occurs in front of the board so not only is she put down but so is Will's dream of human trials Steven Jacobs the head of their lab orders every ape put down as their Handler Franklin completes the task he learns why brigh eyes was being so aggressive she was pregnant it wasn't the drug she was just being protective after killing 12 Apes Franklin doesn't have it in him to put down an infant so he leaves him in Will's hands and will brings him home within days it's clear his mother's gene therapy was passed down to him the ape named Caesar at Will's father's suggestion is intelligent by age three he can sign solve complex puzzles and even play chess but as Caesar's mental functioning Rises Charles Rodman's declines until his son decides to conduct the first human trial of alz-112 the results are dramatic and miraculous by mourning Will's father is his old self that same mour is also when Caesar gets into trouble for the first time as he grows so does his desire for Freedom he sees neighborhood kids playing out his window and decides to join them earning him ir and a minor injury from an alarmed neighbor but it turns out to be a blessing because at Caesar's suggestion will and the vet Caroline start dating and at her suggestion they take Caesar somewhere to enjoy some open space the Redwoods a forest right across the Golden Gate Bridge 5 years later it continues to be one of his favorite places but not all is well because he is starting to ask questions like am I a pet and what is Caesar so will finally explains it all the drug and his mother it's also around this time that Charles begins to decline again alz 112 afforded him another 8 years but his antibodies have finally found a way to fight the therapy his disease returns with a Vengeance one morning he gets in his car far and crashes into another drawing the eye of that angry neighbor again and when Caesar sees that neighbor picking on his adoptive grandfather he reacts violently after that animal control throws him in a shelter where will promises everything will be okay but it seems will has lied to Caesar this shelter means other Apes less intelligent and more aggressive it means suffering under uncaring abusive caretakers and it means living in a cage at first Caesar is picked on as an outsider but quickly forms a bond with Maurice an orangutan who learned sign language in his circus days and after a visit from will filled with more empty promises about getting him home soon Caesar decides to take action first he breaks out of his cage and earns Allegiance from the gorilla Buck by setting him free too with this powerful Ally at his side Caesar quickly moves to the top of this ape hierarchy back home will attempts to save his father by producing a more aggressive version of the treatment alz 113 a treatment his father declines will falls asleep with his father's hand in his and by morning it's cold after the funeral will returns to the lab without a father he's trying to save he looks looks at the drug with clearer eyes they have to be cautious with this more aggressive strain but the boss Jacobs feels different the effects on Koba and ape scarred by years of experimentation have been miraculous they should move fast grieving and impatient will quits over the disagreement and Jacob's promises that even without him the experiments will continue at a rapid Pace will is right to be cautious because when alz 113 was administered to Koba Franklin inadvertently exposed himself to it since then he's been unwell he comes to Will's house looking for help and doesn't find him there but he does bump into that angry neighbor spreading the infection to him too at the shelter will finally decides he's had enough and bribes them to let Caesar go only Caesar does not want to go he turns his back on will and Humanity along with him instead he will teach the Apes at this shelter to be strong by working together but first he has to make them smart he breaks out one night steals Will's stash of alz 113 and releases it in a Mist at the shelter the next morning the Apes wake up as though for the first time Caesar greets them each and in their eyes sees intelligence they waste no time planning their escape it begins with Caesar breaking out of his cage drawing attention from that abusive caretaker he attacks Caesar with his taser and Caesar grabs his arm take his stinking bar off me you damn dirty ape the caretaker shouts Caesar stands and he shouts back no he shouts it over and over as it becomes a rallying cry for the Apes when the caretaker gets a hold of the taser again Caesar sprays him with water and the electric reaction kills him the first casualty in a war between man and intelligent ape after breaking out the ape's first stop is the lab where they free the captives including one with an axe to grind Koba their next stop the zoo where their army grows further as they make their way through San Francisco cops try to stop them but they are not equipped to deal with powerful Apes who fight with strategy and weaponry soon Caesar leads his army to the final leg of their Journey the Golden Gate Bridge in the battle there are casualties on both sides including Will's old boss Steven Jacobs Caesar has a chance to save him but instead decides to give Koba the Revenge he so desires after suffering under human experimentation for years he walks up to Jacob's downed copter and kicks it into the San Francisco Bay finally Caesar brings the Apes to to their destination the place where he always felt most free the Redwoods that's where Will finds him that's where for the first and last time he hears Caesar speak will begs him to come home and the ape responds Caesar is home will returns to his home with no idea of what he's Unleashed on the world because it seems alz 113 treats humans differently from apes it's already killed Franklin and that angry neighbor is showing symptoms too but he is feeling well enough to go to work and he happens to be a pilot the perfect candidate to begin the spread of a disease which kills people while preparing Apes to take their place as stewards of the planet as the infection spreads it becomes known as the Simeon flu with a survival rate of 1 in 500 it pushes Humanity to the brink of Extinction 10 years after the outbreak Caesar leads a tribe of Apes who have vowed to avoid the same mistakes as people they live by two Creeds ape not kill ape and apes together strong things are going well Caesar even raises a son with Cornelia named blue eyes and soon they have another who they Nam Cornelius sometimes Caesar thinks about humans but as Maurice points out there's been no sign of them in two Winters most likely they are all gone but Maurice is wrong one day rocket is out hunting with his son Ash and they run into a human the nervous man draws a gun and shoots Ash injuring the ape a few more humans join the man as they're surrounded by Apes Caesar orders his tribe to stand down and shouts for the people to go as they leave Caesar tells Koba to follow them he follows them across the bridge and finds civilization or at least a small remnant of it the colony is led by draus and his right- hand Malcolm was among the group who met Caesar and in that ape Malcolm saw intelligence and hope of coexistence because he recognizes that Caesar is their leader and that he chose to let the people go in peace and it's a choice that tests the foundation of everything Caesar has built he knows that war could cost them dearly but some like Koba detest humans and especially while one of their own nurses a bullet wound it's hard to understand Caesar's reluctance to wage war on that human Colony by morning he's made up his mind not war but a warning a show of force Caesar brings an army to the people's doorstep and makes a simple request you have your home we have ours do not come back the only problem is that there is something the humans need which sits right in the ape's territory a dam they're almost out of fuel but if they can fix that Dam they can keep the lights on and the radios their only hope of reconnecting with any other remnants of humanity for that hope draus is prepared to go to war but like Caesar Malcolm knows that War means death on both sides and he is not willing to risk losing his son or his wife draus gives Malcolm 3 days to negotiate with the apes and if he is unsuccessful they will go to war Malcolm returns to Caesar's territory and humbly asks if they can repair the dam and Caesar allows it as long as they hand over their guns why Koba asks and Caesar explains that if they don't let the humans work the humans will instead use Force there will be war and many Apes will die the next day Malcolm and his team make good progress on the dam but need a little more time time they may not get because tensions nearly boil over Caesar's curious infant finds a gun in Carver's bag the same trigger happy Carver who shot Ash Caesar had told them no guns and now they've brought one Malcolm and Ellie rushed to apologize and explain they didn't know that's when they see Caesar's wife Cornelia ill and Ellie a former nurse offers to treat her Caesar reluctantly agrees to take their help and give them one more day on the dam he even has some Apes help to ensure the work gets done fast when Koba finds Apes working alongside humans he is disgusted and accuses his leader Caesar love humans more than apes and Caesar responds in a language called will understand violence he beats the bonobo into submission before ceasing his aggression reminding him of that Creed ape not kill ape Koba asks forgiveness and for the moment the matter is settled but the cracks in Caesar's tribe only grow even his own son blue eyes wonders if Koba is right as for Koba himself he finally takes matters into his own hands he infiltrates the human's armor kills a couple of guards and takes their guns meanwhile Malcolm and the team finish their work power is restored and with Caesar's wife getting better so is trust something kobba cannot abide he lights fire to their habitat and from the Shadows shoots Caesar then Koba deceives the Apes if a bullet killed Caesar it must have been the work of humans so the Apes follow Koba to war they attack the human colony first the Armory and once they've helped themselves to some guns they wage a frontal assault it's the first time Caesar's son blue eyes has seen the horrors of war and finally understands why his father so wanted to avoid it blue eyes loses any remaining faith in Koba when Koba kills his friend Ash for refusing to execute unarmed humans nevertheless the Apes win the battle and take most of the humans captive and blue eyes continues to discover the depths of koba's corruption when he finds Maurice in a cage along with anyone else loyal to Caesar as they search for any humans who evaded capture blue eyes finds Malcolm who has some news Caesar is alive they found him bleeding out and Malcolm only returned to the encampment to grab a surgical kit so they can save his life blue eyes and Malcolm grab the kit then head to the place where Caesar is resting the home where he was raised by his human family when the Father and Son reunite Caesar explains that it was kobba who shot him not people and it was Caesar's fault he trusted Koba implicitly because he's an ape but now he sees how alike apes and humans really are that night blue eyes breaks Maurice and the other Apes still loyal to Caesar out of their cell they convene at Caesar's home and with Malcolm's help sneak back into the City Underground through the subway system on the way in they find draus down there too so they split up the Apes go after Koba while Malcolm stays underground to confront draus and draus Reveals His hail Mar plan the Apes have taken over their Tower so he's rigged it with enough C4 to topple it Malcolm goes along with the plan until he finds the opportunity and nerve to pick up a gun and demand they listen Malcolm believes in Caesar he believes that he can restore peace between human and ape if they give him a chance but he's too late draus reveals even if he stops them from blowing up the tower they already made contact with a military base up north on the radio just before the attack that Army is already on their way Malcolm is startled by the Revelation giving draus the moment he needs to grab the Detonator and set off the explosives it kills draus but he dies believing he sacrificed his life to save the human race Malcolm meanwhile just barely manages to grab cover and survive with only some of the C4 set the tower does not topple completely most of the Apes survive though it does interrupt a confrontation between Koba and Caesar but Koba has no intent to stop fighting he sprays bullets until Caesar tackles him and Koba ends up hanging off a beam he looks up at Caesar for help ape not kill ape Koba reminds him Caesar grabs his arm and replies you are not ape before letting him go reclaiming his position as leader once Caesar returns to ground level Malcolm finds him to warn of the coming attack from the north they have to leave but Caesar will stay there's no point running and no avoiding war war has already begun Caesar says ape started war and human will not forgive I thought we had a chance Malcolm says sadly they say goodbye in part ways as Caesar prepares for the coming War soon that Army from the north arrives and the war begins and after two long years it continues a ruthless Special Forces Colonel attempting to exterminate all apes and Caesar marshalling the fight from a hidden command base in the woods fighting under the human Army are even some Apes once loyal to K they fear what Caesar will do to them for that misplaced loyalty so they serve the colonel in exchange for their lives but it is a humiliating Arrangement the apes are called donkeys and treated as subhuman and of course they must comply with the extermination of Their Own Kind one such Soldier a gorilla named red is captured in battle alongside Some Humans Caesar orders winter a gorilla on his side to take the traitor but red manages to escape as for the captured humans Caesar as he so often does shows Mercy he sends them back to the colonel alive to prove apes are not Savages and that coexistence is an option in exchange for that Mercy Caesar receives grief the colonel brings a squad to his base killing Caesar's wife Cornelia and Son blue eyes all the more tragic because blue eyes had just returned from a scouting Mission earlier that night he was welcomed home by Lake the chimp who had become his mate and he brought with him reports of an oasis they found after a long journey across the desert a place Caesar has been searching for these last 10 years a place where apes can be happy and live peacefully far from humans the next day the Apes prepared to make that Journey but Caesar will not join them he leaves his surv ring son Cornelius with lake and heads back toward the solders camp back toward the colonel where Revenge waits for him despite his insistence on going alone he's joined by Maurice rocket in Luca along the way they run into a man who draws his gun so Caesar puts him down and nearby they find a frightened girl who cannot speak morice knows she'll die if they leave her so despite Caesar's protests he brings her along under his protection at the camp they find winter now working under the humans he reveals the colonel has gone up to a border in the north to meet some other group of soldiers the rest of them will follow tomorrow and he reveals that red did not escape from the earlier battle winter let him go red promised the colonel would spare Winter's life and exchange for the location of Caesar's hidden base winter gave him that location and got Caesar 's family killed as soldiers approach the tent Caesar keeps winter from alerting them by keeping him quiet inadvertently suffocating him in the process in that night he is haunted by Koba and their old Creed ape not kill ape in the morning they follow the soldiers North and witness something peculiar the people executing some of their own Caesar and Maurice are unsure why but one soldier still living seems to suffer the same condition as that girl like her he cannot speak soon they run into a chimp from a zoo who's been surviving on his own for some time the alz 113 virus killed the humans there but made the ape smart he lends his coat to keep the human girl warm and gives them food taken from the California border quarantine facility that must be the Border winter was talking about where the colonel is heading to meet the other soldiers before they rest for the night the ape from the zoo gives the little girl a toy the emblem of a Chevy Nova the next morning Luca grabs a flower off a tree and places it behind her ear and later that morning she returns it to him as he dies after getting wounded protecting Caesar from a surprise attack Maurice begs Caesar to turn around they can still join the other Apes on their Voyage to a new home but Caesar cannot abide what the colonel took from him he must pay Caesar heads to the Border alone with one of the soldiers rifles in hand and finds not Revenge but something dire the Apes he left behind Lake his son and everyone else in his tribe were apparently captured and tossed in a Work Camp to be used for what they're worth until the colonel sees it fit to extinguish whatever remains of their lives Caesar himself is captured and when he's thrown in a cage the other Apes turn their backs Caesar failed them the next day he is put to work like the others helping to build a wall for reasons they don't know when one ape slips up in his work and is punished with a brutal whipping Caesar stands up for him the other apes are inspired they drop their tools and cease work until Caesar earns a punishment of his own a whipping and a gun to his head along with the Colonel's orders tell the others to get back to work work or I put a bullet in your head Caesar refuses unless the apes are provided food and water the colonel gives him the count of five and Caesar's lips remain sealed but to save his life the Apes continue their work no orders needed and his bravery wins back their allegiance that night the colonel meets with Caesar and provides clarification on their situation Caesar noticed the defenses on the wall they're building and surmised the sold coming from the north are not coming to join the colonel they are against him because he kills his own men like the one they found who couldn't speak the Mad Colonel Praises Caesar's intuition and fills in the rest explaining his Madness the alz 113 virus has mutated it has begun robbing humans of their ability to speak and their higher thinking to stop its spread the colonel realized that those infected had to be killed in including his own son reduced to A Primitive state but Lucid enough to look up at his father with trust in love the colonel pulled the trigger and asked his men to do the same to sacrifice friends and family alike those who refused were killed too but some fled and some made it North to the colonel superiors and warned them of his Madness they are the ones who are coming with flimsy hopes of a medical cure rather than his ruthless approach they are coming to stop him but the colonel warns the only thing they fear More Than Me Is You Apes it's then Caesar knows the urgency of their escape if they are here when the other soldiers arrive these people will kill each other and the Apes along with them thankfully Caesar has friends on the outside Maurice rocket the new ape who joined them and the little girl too each lends a hand in freeing the Apes is that what I am the girl asks Maurice an ape he answers by handing her that emblem from the Chevy Nova and that becomes her name Nova they forg their escape using underground tunnels but things are Complicated by the arrival of those soldiers from the north in the midst of that chaos Caesar finds the colonel paying for a grave error the previous night Nova had snuck into the camp to Caesar's cage to provide food and water and she left her doll behind which the colonel picked up unknowingly touching her germs by the time Caesar finds him the infection has already robbed him of speech now there is no Revenge to be taken because killing the colonel would only be giving him what he wants sparing him further decline into the same primitive Beast his son became Caesar does not pull the trigger but the colonel does ending his own life Caesar turns his attention to escape with the battle between two armies raging over them stealth alone will no longer protect the Apes Caesar knows they need something bigger so he makes his way toward a fuel tank until an arrow pierces his side this is where he will die until red complicit in the death of his own kind long enough gives up his own life to buy Caesar the time he needs to blow up that tank the explosion takes out much of the camp and allows the Apes to escape but as Caesar regains his footing and climbs out to join them the Army from the north overtakes the camp they look at Caesar but he is the least of their worries because seconds later they are all buried under an avalanche with the last remnants of the US Army under snow Caesar joins the others and they make that long journey across the desert Caesar lives long enough to see them happy and hopeful in their new land morce panics when he sees the bloody wound but Caesar reassures him apes are strong with or without Caesar and Maurice reassures him that Cornelius will know his father and what he did for them and those become the last words Caesar hears before he lays to rest and that's the end of Caesar story now we're about to LEAP ahead nearly 2,000 years so I think think this is a good time for a quick intermission I'm Gil by the way the one who's been reading you the timeline from these sacred Scrolls here just a couple of things I wanted to mention everything we just covered is part of the reboot series which leads up to the newest Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes which is set almost 300 years after Caesar's death now when rise was first announced it was debated what exactly these movies are reboot or prequel after all the original Planet of the Apes released in 1968 is set far in the future so it could be that these movies lead to the events of the original but there are contradictions one of the clearest examples is the Icarus in the original Charlton Hon's character George Taylor takes off in a ship called The Icarus in 1972 only to land on the Planet of the Apes in 3978 or 3955 according to the sequels see even the originals had a hard time with continuity but in the background of Rise of the Planet of the Apes news stories seen on TV and in the paper tell us that a ship called The Icarus was just launched and lost in space so when did The Icarus take off in the' 70s or 2000s it's clear there isn't an exact continuity between the reboot and the original series at the same time it's also clear that the story in these new movies is trying to show in a dramatic interesting and somewhat grounded way how the world could become what we saw in the original movie how do apes take over and how do humans become primitive in a way the reboot shows a new beginning that could ultimately end up in the same place as the original so now let's visit that place the year is 2673 to the four astronauts aboard the Icarus it's been months since they took off but thanks to the time dilation of near light speed travel it's been nearly seven centuries on Earth at least according to Dr hasslein's theories George Taylor the last one of them awake wonders if things on earth have gotten any better does man still make war against his brother keep his neighbor's children starving he wonders about these things then joins the others in hibernation but when he wakes up something goes wrong they crash land in a body of water and find Maryanne Stewart dead thanks to a malfunctioning hibernation pod before they abandon the sinking vessel Taylor has a chance to read the date it is now the year 3978 the three surviving astronauts make it to shore on what should be an unnamed planet in orbit around a star in the constellation of Orion 320 light years from Earth they have enough food and water to last three days and they'll spend them completing their mission searching for Life each for their own reasons Thomas Dodge out of a thirst for knowledge John Landon out of ambition or as Taylor cynically supposes Fame as for Taylor himself he's come to despise Mankind and hopes out here in the depths of space to find something better I can't help thinking somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man that's soon they discover plant life and after that scarecrows their first signs of intelligent life finally they find people humans just like them but primitive and seemingly mute but the humans are not alone there are also those things which hunt them Apes intelligent horse riding gun wielding Apes caught up in their latest raid Dodge is killed while Taylor and Landon are captured when Taylor wakes up a bullet wound in his neck prevents him from speaking so to the Apes he seems like just another primitive man first he's medically treated then he's thrown in a cage under care of Dr Zera an animal psychologist who hopes to lay the foundation of brain research by studying the cerebral functioning of these animals she nicknames this latest acquisition Bright Eyes his attempt to form words despite an inability to speak is remarkable but the others including the one in charge Dr Zas write it off as nothing more than a trick human see human do the truth is nothing of the Simeon nature can be learned from such primitive beasts as man they are only a nuisance and the sooner they're exterminated the better once Dr Zas leaves they toss a gift into Taylor's cell A Primitive woman with whom they hope he will make later when Zer brings her husband Cornelius by to see him the woman seems to have grown attached following Taylor around despite the little attention he pays her and soon Taylor finally proves his intelligence by snatching Z's notebook and doing something she's never seen a human do before he writes four simple words my name is Taylor she brings him home and has him write some more it's astounding and might prove cornelius's crazy theory he believes that Apes evolved from a lower order of primate possibly man he even discovered traces of a human culture older than recorded time in the forbidden zone but Cornelius has learned to keep his mouth shut on these matters Apes believe they were created in God's image As Told in the sacred Scrolls by the prophet they call the lawgiver questioning those Scrolls could get him killed as a the heretic once Taylor is back in his cage an ape comes to bring him in for an impromptu gilding a surgical procedure typically done on horses to remove their reproductive organs Taylor fights off the ape and escapes his cage he's given Chase throughout the village and finds Dodge his old shipmate dead stuffed and put on display in a museum he continues running until the inevitable with the entire town after him police and civilian alike of course he is recaptured Zera fights for his custody and the police grab hold of him until Taylor with his throat finally healed utters the first words these Apes have ever heard leave a man's lips take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape over the next few weeks Taylor is kept in a cage but at least he has Nova that's what he's begun calling her and he's come to appreciate her company she listens to him even if she can't understand on Earth Taylor needed no one but when she's taken to another cage separate from him he finally learns how it feels to need another person soon he's brought to a hearing ostensibly as a defendant but he is treated more like evidence that Dr Zer and Cornelius have perverted science surgically altering this man to speak a hoax to promote their Blasphemous theory of evolution and Taylor's insistence that he comes from space is seen as nothing more than a joke in bad taste Taylor even claims that the two other men who landed with him are also intelligent Dr Zas affords him the chance to prove it Dodge of course is dead but Landon is still alive captive among the other primitive men but when they find him he is oddly silent Taylor can't understand it until he sees the surgical scar on his head the reason he doesn't speak is because the Apes cut out a chunk of his brain the outcome of the hearing Zer and Cornelius are free on bail but soon to be tried for heresy after all Evolution contradicts the sacred Scrolls as for Taylor he is handed off to Dr Zas for final disposition fancy words for a labotomy or Zas offers Taylor can tell him the truth about what he is and where he came from but Taylor has no answers other than the truth Zas refuses to believe that he's from another planet of advanced humans so the doctor gives him 6 hours to make a True Confession and tosses him back in the cage where Dr Z's nephew promptly breaks him out Taylor brings Nova with them and they reconvene with Zer and Cornelius then decide on their next move Escape into the forbidden zone back to the diggings where Cornelius found evidence of that culture older than history they Venture past the scarecrows onto the beach where Dr Zas and the Mounted Police catch up with them except this time Taylor has a gun courtesy of Cornelius pointing at at the good doctor gives him a chance to speak to scoff at Dr Z's claims of being a scientist on one hand but on the other Bound By Faith to whatever is written on the sacred Scrolls afraid to look in the cave where Cornelius found those artifacts but now at gunpoint Zas has no choice and in the cave they show him a human doll next to ancient human bones and the doll speaks Dr Zas would an ape make a human doll that talks undeniable proof that advanced humans did exist here long ago soon the police move in until Taylor uses Zas as a hostage to negotiate for supplies and once he has them he sets off with Nova on Horseback but first Zas makes a confession he does know about Humanity's past he knows that they are warmongers that the forbidden zone was once Paradise until they turned it into a desert as the lawgiver wrote In The Sacred Scrolls man is is the harbinger of death after Taylor leaves Za seals the cave to cover up the evidence inside it meanwhile Taylor and Nova make their way down the beach and that's where he sees it the Statue of Liberty that's where he finally knows that he is not on some other planet but is in fact on Earth Humanity did what he always knew they would they blew it up destroyed themselves and now they've turned Earth into a Planet of the Apes you Maniacs you blew it up a damn you God damn you all the hell elsewhere in the forbidden zone another ship crashes one that followed Taylor's trajectory and hit the same Bend in time of the two astronauts only one survives John Brent and soon he finds Nova a silent human riding a horse alone she cannot voice what happened but she remembers it after the beach she and Taylor continued their Trek until something strange happened spontaneous fire and lightning bolts a Chasm opened and a stone wall appeared from nothing when Taylor went to investigate he disappeared through it she cannot tell Brent any of this but Taylor did leave his dog tags around her neck so Brent knows she was with with him he gets on the horse and she brings him to the outskirts of the city spying from a distance Brent discovers that he's landed on a planet of apes he's just in time to hear General ur's speech about how the great lawgiver tells them that never will humans have the ape's Divine faculty to distinguish good and evil how the only good human is a dead human and how they now have evidence the forbidden zone is inhabited meaning it's livable and ripe for ape Conquest afterward in private Dr Zas warns it'll be dangerous because in that forbidden zone They will face the unknown evidenced by strange stories shared by Scouts about walls of fire and apes Vanishing Into Thin Air there is something strange in the forbidden zone but the general points out they need to find food soon or risk famine so they have no choice but to take over that land Nova meanwhile takes Brent to the two chimps they can trust Zer and Cornelius they tell him where they last Saw Taylor and send him on his way with Rags that'll help him fit in with The Primitives but before long Brent and Nova are captured and thrown in a cage following cornelius's advice Brent does not speak to avoid undue attention and it works they do treat him just like the others and just like those others he and Nova are assigned to be targets at the shooting range they're loaded into a h drawn cage for transport but Dr Zera manages to open the lock before they leave giving them a chance at escape and on route to the range they take it stealing both horses from their ape escort when another group chases them they hide out in a cavern which turns out to be an old subway station cluing Brent into the same thing Taylor realized he is on Earth soon he notices a hum and they follow it for Brent it's a trip down memory lane as they walk past buried New York City landmarks the public library Stock Exchange and Radio City Music Hall the hum grows louder until they reach its source an underground Society of humans of A Sort they speak telepathically and worship an atomic bomb as their God what they call a holy weapon of Peace their initial meeting is tense as they interrogate Brent with psychic torture they know little about the Apes but Brent has seen their city so they must know whatever he knows about them especially since they have limited weapons of Defense the strange apparitions they produce like fire or lightning are just that harmless Illusions even the pain used in Brent's interrogation was only imagined as keepers of the Divine bomb they must know what the apes are planning Brent scoffs at their hypocrisy they speak of peace and call themselves defenseless while there's a functioning atom bomb in the other room he will not help them until they bring Nova into the room Brent begs them not to hurt her and they assure they never hurt anyone but they will control Brent's mind and puppet him to hurt her that gets him talking he admits the apes are Marching on their city and above ground an army led by ursus and Zas do March into the forbidden zone until they come upon a horrifying scene Apes strung up and burning to death Dr Zas asks ursus to put them out of their misery but the general refuses the lawgiver has forbidden it ape shall not kill ape soon however Zas realizes it's an illusion he rides into the flames and sure enough they vanish as their only defense fails the underground people prey to their bomb and remove their masks revealing their true faces mutated by nuclear fallout after the ceremony Brent is tossed in a cell with Taylor their guard announces they are peaceful people they do not kill their enemies they get their enemies to kill each other now Brent and Taylor who question their ways and know too much are on their list of enemies the mutant forces them to fight until Nova hears the commotion and breaks from her guard to see what's happening she watches the two men killing each other and knows she must intervene so for the first time in her life she pushes air through her vocal cords while articulating her tongue teeth and lips in just the right way to produce sound with meaning she calls out Taylor's name it breaks the spell and distracts the mutant just long enough for Brent and Taylor to kill him then Brent tells Taylor what he saw on that bomb two Greek letters Alpha and Omega that tells Taylor exactly what they're dealing with this is no ordinary atomic bomb it's a doomsday bomb capable of igniting the atmosphere and destroying the entire planet as the Apes find the passage and begin killing their way through the underground city Taylor and Brent Escape their cell but the first ape they run into manages to fire off a few shots before they kill him and one of those shots kills Nova with her death so goes Taylor's last dim hold on Humanity the mutants meanwhile defenseless against the ap's attack prepared to complete their Divine Duty Deb ating the bomb most are killed by the Apes some take their own life and before the one in charge can set off the Doomsday bomb he too is killed but General ursus has never seen an atomic bomb he has no idea what it is and treats it carelessly with no idea the planet is at risk Brent and Taylor try to stop him from inadvertently setting it off which only leads to an exchange of bullets getting ursus and Brent killed and Taylor severely wounded bleeding out he looks up at Dr Zas and begs his help but the doctor refuses why would he help a lowly human who is only capable of Destruction George Taylor went on this Voyage hoping to find something better than man and at last he has not on behalf of all Humanity he utters their last words you bloody bastard before lightly compressing the detonate [Music] button in one of the countless billions of galaxies in the universe lies a medium-sized star and one of its satellites a green and insignificant planet is now dead but three Simeon life forms have survived the planet's end while Taylor and Brent were busy tangling with psychic mutants a Dr Milo recovered The Icarus repaired it and took it for a flight test with his close friends Zer and Cornelius from The Vessel they watched Earth's destruction before passing through a backwards disturbance in time sending the chimps from Earth's future to its past 1973 nearly 2 years after Taylor took off in the very same vessel at first they're brought to a zoo infirmary where Dr Milo advises they keep quiet act like primitive AP so as not to draw undue attention let the humans assume they have no Advanced intellect that they did not pilot The Vessel but were merely trained to push a few buttons but deceit has never sat well with Dr Zer and it's not long before she speaks animal psychiatrist Dr Lewis Dixon is fascinated by The Chimps and treats them well quickly earning their trust but in that infirmary there are also primitive Apes including an aggressive gorilla who gets his hands on Dr Milo and kills him nevertheless Zer and Cornelius continue getting along with Dixon but not all are quick to trust the Apes Dr hasslin senior scientific adviser to the US president approaches with a little more caution it's that caution which perks his ears to a moment where Zer slips at the presidential commission of inquiry she begins a sentence as to humans I've dissect before catching her herself to instead say I've examined thousands of them at that same inquiry the Apes win the hearts and minds of the public with kindness and humor though they leave out a few details they reveal they came from Earth's future where humans are primitive but do not mention its destruction or that they knew Taylor they only admit these facts to Dixon in private they even tell him how they treated humans hunting them for sport dissecting and researching them as a scientist he understands after all if humans are as primitive in the future as they suggest it would be no different from how people treat primitive animals today after that comes the high life with the public enamored by these talking apes Zer and Cornelius are moved to a high-end Hotel invited to speaking engagements and other events fit for celebrities but Dr hasslein's Fears are soon confirmed when they discover Zer is pregnant on a tour of the Natural History Museum hline escorts her home and when she has some wine to relax she lets slip one of those dangerous details about seeing the earth explode hline leaves convinced that Apes will take over the planet and ultimately destroy it he reports as much to the president and advises they kill these talking apes to prevent that future ever coming to pass but would that be right the president wonders in part because it's a problem for a long-distant future with no bearing on poll numbers and the philosophical questions can we really change the future and if we could would it be right to do so would it be right to kill two chimps who have shown no signs they themselves are evil even if it would prevent some future evil that is no fault of theirs would it be right to go back in time to kill Adolf Hitler's distant ancestors ERS as they wrestle with these questions they gather more information by taking the Apes to Camp 11 for interrogation that's where Cornelius tells them his understanding of history that leads to the rise of Apes one day there will be a plague that wipes out dogs and cats so humans take Apes as pets instead still primitive but 20 times more intelligent than dogs or cats within two centuries they become responsive to human speech and go from performing mere tricks to actual Services cooking cleaning shopping Etc three centuries after that they begin to refuse the chains of slavery the Sparks of resistance become an Inferno on one historic day as documented in the sacred Scrolls when a chimp named Aldo articulated the first word spoken by an ape in recorded history no after that they administer Zer a relaxant so she will speak freely and under that sedation she tells hline more dark secrets about gorilla's hunting man for sport and about her performing live dissections on the ones not used for target practice this new information is reviewed behind closed doors what Zer admits to having done would today be considered crimes against humanity but in 2,000 years if man truly is reduced to A Primitive state that's a different story the apes are not evil and the US government cannot condone their execution but they also cannot ignore the danger of their continued bloodline leading to a world ruled by Apes War and the planet's end so it is decided they will live but the birth will be stopped and they will be sterilized to prevent future mating Cornelius meanwhile grows tired of the way they've been treated and when in order makes the mistake of calling them by the offensive term monkeys he snaps he slaps the tray from the orderly's hands and escapes with zero on their way however the Pains of birth begin so Cornelius decides to turn back whatever punishment they face is worth it to ensure the safe delivery of their baby but he overhears something that orderly is dead Cornelius inadvertently killed him he finds Dr Bron who works with Dix and begs her help she sneaks them to a place they can hide under the watch of circus owner Armando who loves animals and would do anything to protect them at the circus is Heloise a fellow chimp who has just become a mother and though she cannot speak she recognizes an expecting chimp when she sees one and shows off her own baby to give Zer a preview of what's coming after Zer gives birth to a son Dixon prepares them to go on the Run but first Zer visits Heloise to say goodbye with Cornelius now responsible for murder and their very existence considered a future threat to the planet itself they have no hope of turning back so Dixon hands them a gun and sets them on their way but hline is Vigilant and it's not long before he finds them and kills all three Cornelius Zer and the baby though Cornelius manages to kill him too hline dies believing he saved the world but he does not know the truth the baby he killed was not zeros and cornelius's Zer knew the risk she and her husband were taking she could not allow her child to face it too so she switched her baby with the one at the circus that's where he is now and he's just spoken his first words by 1991 many of the events Cornelius described have come to pass a virus wiped out all cats and dogs Apes were made pets and now they've been made slaves though it should have taken Centuries by his account has taken less than 20 years perhaps it was an inaccurate account of history or Dr hasslin described time as a freeway with infinite Lanes leading to different Futures perhaps we've entered a new Lane Lane and in this Lane Armando has been raising Cornelius and Zira's son in secret and renamed him Caesar while the other Apes of 91 have grown in intelligence enough to perform Services Under human oppression Caesar is an ape of the future who speaks and thinks just like his parents for years he has avoided big cities to avoid Discovery if anyone knew the progyny of those talking apes was alive he'd be killed in hopes of preventing the future described by Cornelius and Zera one day Armando brings Caesar to a city where he is witnessed to the oppression of Apes firsthand Caesar is disgusted but at least he meets Lisa another chimp who catches and Returns His gaze but soon Caesar cannot stand to Bear witness to his fellow ape suffering any longer he loses control and shouts louy bastard Caesar runs and Armando tries to take the blame claiming it was him who shouted not a talking ape he escapes after Caesar and tells him what they must do to stay alive Armando will turn himself in to smooth things over then return to Caesar by Nightfall should Armando not return Caesar will have to hide in plain sight sneak into the latest shipment of apes and pretend to be like them more primitive and unable to speak come Nightfall when Armando does not show that is exactly what Caesar does and the next day he begins the same humiliating and abusive training as the other Apes they are taught to perform various tasks on command and they are taught to fear one word no that word means failure and harsh punishment naturally Caesar outperforms the other apes and when they're put up for auction he is purchased by Governor bre himself under his service Caesar continues to keep his head down and stay out of trouble until he finds out what happened to Armando the circus owner continued lying to cover for his talking ape until they put him under the authenticator a technology which compels one to tell the truth and rather than give up Caesar he leapt from the chair and out a window to his death this is when Caesar's passivity comes to an end and he forges A New Path Revolution he meets with other Apes in secret where they plan small acts of Disobedience while collecting weapons for something bigger and with the rise of ape Disobedience there's more pressure than ever on Governor bre to find Armando's ape and prove he is the child of Cornelius and Zera before long they find the discrepancy a shipment that contained one more AP than it should have checking the files reveals the fate of that ape he was purchased by the governor and has been under his nose this entire time Governor Breck sends his number one assistant Malcolm McDonald to collect Caesar for execution but McDonald has always disagreed with bre on his authoritative ways he hesitates to abide by this unjust execution and when Caesar detects a potential ally he finally speaks he admits to McDonald who he is and his plans for revolution McDonald lets him go but Caesar doesn't make it far before he is recaptured before killing Caesar they demand to hear him speak to prove he is who they think he is after some impromptu electroshock therapy Caesar screeches in pain have pity with those words he has signed his death warrant the guard turns the crank to its highest set Caesar rises in pain until he is motionless but he is not dead because McDonald secretly made his way to the fuse box and shut off power to their torture table Caesar used the opportunity to fake his death and now he escapes again Caesar returns to the basement where they've collected their weapons and finally Revolution the armed Apes march on the city Security Forces fire on them but it only FS more outrage and as the governor feels the Apes closing in he reminds his people the stakes if they lose this battle it's the end of the world they will prove themselves inferior and all the graving cowards left alive when the Battle Is Over will be the weakest of all this will be the end of human civilization and the world will belong to a planet of apes by the end of the night most of them will be dead and the governor will be helpless before Caesar and his army McDonald calls for an end to the violence but Caesar has grown cold to humanity his violent revolution will not stop they will continue to conspire from the Shadows until humankind destroys itself and Caesar will lead his people out of the Ashes to build their own cities in which there will be no place for humans except to serve their end and they shall found their own armies their own religion and their own Dynasty and that day is upon you now but Lisa who found Caesar before all this violence beg and has been with him all this time struggles to utter her first word no Caesar hesitates he announces instead that they will put away their hatred they will revolt and they will dominate Humanity not with violence but with compassion by 2004 human kind has fulfilled its Destiny ravaging the world through nuclear war most cities are flattened and out of one such City the Savior ape Caesar leads a remnant of survivors including humans and apes alike although they try to live in peace it is not side by side as Apes who can now speak treat humans as second class citizens despite some tension between the two groups Caesar is hopeful by his side is his wife Lisa and Son Cornelius and with Apes in charge he is certain that Earth will Glide peacefully into the future but Bruce McDonald the brother of Caesar's old Ally Malcolm is not so sure he is worried about the future but does believe they can alter it if they know it that should be impossible except his brother told him about tapes in the ape management archives tapes of Caesar's parents that concern Earth's future Caesar Bruce and one of the smartest among them the orangutan Virgil Head underground find the archive and find the tape of that presidential commission he learns about Earth's doomed future how guerillas will instigate a war which leads to the end of their planet and Caesar becomes determined to prevent that future but elsewhere in the buried ape management building there are some survivors led by governor kulp who took bre's place after he died in the nuclear war the whole underground is eradiated so these survivors have begun to mutate and if left unfettered they will become those psychic Guardians of the Alpha and Omega bomb at the end of the fourth Millennium for now they simply hope to survive as a human race when they detect Intruders in the archive they go after them but Caesar Virgil and Bruce managed to escape Caesar convenes his Council to report that they have found human survivors in the Forbidden City and they must prepare for potential aggressions however when Bruce and other humans are invited to the meeting tensions rise chimps and orangutans have mostly learned to accept humans albeit as second class citizens but the militaristic general Aldo and most of the other gorillas under him still Harbor a strong distaste so the gorillas leave the meeting and protest and at night they meet in secret and they plot Aldo has lost trust in Caesar so they will take power by taking guns then they will exterminate All Humans before doing the same to Caesar himself but they notied someone watching them from a tree branch Cornelius Caesar's son Aldo cuts the branch as Cornelius calls for Help by the time Lisa finds her son he is badly hurt but the gorillas are gone having run off to avoid suspicion the next day Caesar's fears are realized by visiting the archives they inadvertently led the humans to ape City and now they have come with an army looking to eradicate the Apes it could not have come at a worse time either because Caesar refuses to leave the bedside of his son who is unlikely to survive the Grievous injuries in Caesar's absence General Aldo raids the Armory declares martial law and has all the humans among them locked up meanwhile Caesar listens to his son's final words they hurt me they want to hurt you once his son passes Caesar joins the battle firing back on the humans who fire on them soon the apes are overwhelmed most are killed and Caesar is cornered except it's all a ruse the Apes have played dead so the humans would get close and now that they are the true Counterattack begins Caesar leads his Army to victory insisting however that they take the humans prisoner without any more senseless killing the governor and some of his men manage to escape and Caesar lets them go but General Aldo his gorillas feel differently they slaughter the governor and his men then they turn their guns on the Corral to kill the rest of the humans including those who have lived as part of their society Caesar stands in the way of their guns and Virgil announces ape has never killed ape let alone an ape child he reveals the truth McDonald found that the branch did not break but was cut General Aldo killed Caesar's son the gorillas lower their weapons in shame the rest of the Apes chant ape has killed ape over and over as Aldo climbs a tree to escape the wrath of his fellow Apes what's the matter with them one man asks and McDonald replies I guess you might say they just join the human race Caesar follows Aldo up the tree and as everyone watches he kills the ape who killed his son afterward Caesar wonders if what what he did was right should one murder be Avenged by another only the future can tell so let us start building it finally he frees the people from Aldo's Corral but they are not yet truly free McDonald insists they have a destiny too and should be equal with Apes no longer second class citizens but Caesar insists the human way is violence and death and Virgil reminds him Aldo wasn't was he Caesar 600 years pass the lawgiver Tells Caesar's story and a group of children listen on a group composed of both ape and human living side by side as equals in ape child however picks on one of the human children and nearby a statue of Caesar watches on and he sheds a single tear Perhaps it is a tear of sadness that violence will never end that in another thousand years or so George Taylor will land on a ruined Earth to find Apes subjugating humans and then the world will end before Cornelius and Zer return to the Past perpetuating the same destructive cycle in a NeverEnding Loop in time or perhaps it's a tear of joy that the future has truly been altered and this new future is one of friendship Harmony and peace in the end it's up to us to decide in this series there's a lot of room for interpretation for years it's been debated whether it represents a circular or linear timeline circular meaning the events of this series repeat in an endless loop or linear meaning Caesar has actually altered the timeline Earth will not be destroyed George Taylor will land in the future to find humans and apes living in harmony he'll never press that button and Earth will not be destroyed you might have also noticed a few more contradictions between the originals and the reboot for example in the reboot movies there's no plague that wiped out cats and dogs of course if you want you could paper over these contradictions with fan theories you can go back to Dr hasslein's freeway of infinite Lanes once you allow for time travel resulting in alternate Futures who's to say both timelines can't exist simultaneously then of course that opens the door to the Multiverse which maybe we shouldn't give them any ideas speaking of the Multiverse there are a few things I left out of this video there's Tim Burton's remake there's a liveaction series which aired in 1974 a year after battle for the Planet of the Apes the last of the original series and there's Return to the Planet of the Apes in animated series which aired in 1975 both shows just like the original movie Follow astronauts who crash land in the future the liveaction show is loose with its timeline and mostly episodic so it doesn't move the overall story forward in any significant way and the animated series is really its own thing taking inspiration from the original novel where the Apes actually live in a technologically advanced Society so they didn't make the sacred Scrolls here but stay tuned like I did for the monsterverse I might do a retrospective reviewing all these movies and might include some of these other things even if they don't fit on a timeline let me know if you'd want to see that anyway if you enjoyed this video please like subscribe and hit the Bell icon for more with that thank you for watching and see you on the next one take
Channel: OneTake
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Keywords: planet of the apes, kingdom of the planet of the apes, planet of the apes recap, planet of the apes timeline, planet of the apes timeline explained, planet of the apes reboot, planet of the apes reboot vs original, planet of the apes original
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 50sec (4190 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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