Complete Godzilla x Kong: Monsterverse Timeline

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millions of years before humankind the planet was ruled by Massive creatures Titans who fed off radiation then abundant on Earth's surface when the earliest human tribes Rose they built their homes near benevolent Titans who protected them against those more hostile cultures formed around these Titans each worshiping their own as deities for a long time humanity and Titan lived symbiotically some ancient people may have even develop telepathic communication with them but as is Humanity's way some hope to control these colossal beasts as tools for war and when Titans rebelled it became a war between man and monster once a massive cataclysm triggered the Ice Age the Titans went into hibernation the surviving pockets of civilization forgot their connections with these creatures and memories turned into myths including one of a great Titan who wrote to the top of the primordial ecosystem Godzilla who protected Humanity time and again including at least one legendary battle with the three-headed dragon king gadora as Earth's surface became Humanity's domain and radiation subsided Titans moved inward to a hidden world beneath our own powered by radiation from the core but there are passageways to that world including one on a place called Skull Island and and sometimes monsters come out of those passageways for thousands of years the eye natives of the island lived in fear of those monsters until one day something else comes out of the Gateway colossal Apes who protect the natives but over time most of their protectors fall and by the 20th century only one Remains the one they call kong king of the island in 1944 the island receives its first visitors from the outside world Hank Marlo and gune aari American and Japanese pilots on opposite sides of the war that quickly changes after they crash and come face to face with a giant ape they soon learn he is not a threat but there are many things on the island which are and despite the uniforms which say the pilots are enemies they quickly become friends in a shared fight for survival and Skull Island is not the only place where monsters reside and in fact in 1952 Lieutenant Lee Shaw will meet a dragon in the Philippines he's assigned to escort Japanese scientist K mura there to investigate after the discovery of Airborne radioisotopes they're off to a rocky start when he expects Dr mura to be a man and she makes some snap judgments of her own but it's not long before they see and respect each other's capability and soon they are joined by a third Billy Randa a Navy vet on a crusade for the truth judging by Dr Mira's equipment he can tell they're both after the same truth to prove monsters real he provides some insight they won't find monsters with a Geer counter he recommends looking to Folklore the people here talk of a dragon which carves a path of fire across the sky or maybe He suggests a path of ionizing radiation they follow that radiation to an old ship the US SS lton a ship Billy sailed on as part of the US Navy the official story is that it was sunk by an enemy attack in 43 but as its sole survivor Billy knows the truth they were taken down by a dragon ever since it's been his life's mission to prove it and today he does because while they're investigating the ship the ion dragon attacks with Lee's help they survive the encounter 2 years later Lee convinces the scientists that they need more funding if they want Monarch to be more than just a small Monster hunting club for that funding Lee turns to the US Military and requests 150 pounds of uranium to attract a Titan it takes convincing but a dinosaur sized footprint in Indonesia does the job though Bill and KO quickly learn the military doesn't share their thirst for knowledge the scientists want to study the ancient creatures while while the military wants to destroy them before they become a threat at bikini ATL they do draw out the Titan a lizard they'll one day call Godzilla and once he appears they blow him up the Titan is presumed dead but Monarch does get the blank check they hoped for because now the military is afraid what if there are others out there like that big lizard and what if the next one shows up in a major city the following year Lee brings KO to the American defense industry Federation ball to her it's an unfortunate part of the job the unpleasant duty to shake hands with those who fund her Mission the same people who sneer at her and excuse her Japanese Heritage by reassuring that she's one of the good ones but somehow Lee makes her forget about it all they dance when the others stare they dance closer and when they stand at the elevator hoping to spend time alone in Lee's room fate intervenes in urgent message from Bill about off-the-chart radiation readings in Japan of course Lee wants to join KO and pick up where they left off at the ball but there's an important budget meeting coming up someone has to stay behind and Lee does until feelings get the better of him but when he shows up uninvited on hateruma island he doesn't find the welcoming arms he hoped for Koo may share his feelings but also knows there's a greater good there's Monarch they have to put it before their desires and she isn't convinced they can just today Lee jeopardized Monarch by skipping an important meeting to be with her after a Melancholy kiss Lee sees what it is they came here for a scientist developed a machine which simulates gamma radiation which attracts Titans for all intents and purposes a Titan phone and today when it works they learn firsthand it'll take more than 150 lbs of uranium to kill Godzilla because he is very much alive when they return home Lee agrees to keep Godzilla's reemergence a secret because Koo knows that if the government finds out he's still alive they'll just build a bigger weapon and try to kill him again Lee also finds out the consequences of his attempted romantic gesture what they in the Navy call changeing command while Lee was on his unauthorized absence Monarch was handed off to another officer Lieutenant hatch and soon that officer wonders if there's a need for Monarch at all the military believes they killed Godzilla last year and since then Billy and KO haven't produced any proof of other Titans out there the officer wonders if maybe their money would be better spent on rooting out foreign spies insinuating Dr mea might be one of them at that Billy defends his partner by taking a swing at hatch a partner he's falling for and soon it's clear she is falling for him too together they map out every reported monster sighting to search for some insight that will prove Monarch's worth in one night Billy finds it thanks to an ant he watches the insect crawl through a hole in the map and Billy realizes maybe that's what Titans do maybe that's how they move around the world without being seen he rushes to Ko's home and shares his theory of a hidden realm beneath earth's surface and that's not the only revelation of the evening Billy also meets koo's son hirosi it turns out that she is a widow she's kept it secret because she already has a hard enough time getting the respect she deserves and what would people do if they knew she was raising a child alone then don't do it alone Billy offers and assures he has her back as for their budgetary issues Lee has their back he goes over Lieutenant hatch's head directly to their Superior General Pucket and plays a card they've been keeping close to the chest he reveals Godzilla is alive and with that Revelation Pucket agrees that of course Monarch must remain active for a while things look up for the team until a tragedy four years later in Kazakhstan they find some Titan eggs at an abandoned power plant and when KO tries to extract a sample of genetic material the ground begins to collapse under them and insectoids hatch from the eggs Lee and Billy try to pull her up to safety but she's just Out Of Reach and she falls into the Swarm by 1962 Billy has become a father to Hiroshi and Lee an uncle then another tragedy strikes operation hourglass Lee is part of a small team under Billy attempting the first ever Voyage into his theorized hollow Earth knowing the risk he leaves a token behind for Hiroshi his pocketknife and the danger proves all too real only Titans can get through the vortex to under space So the plan is to use the gamma radiation simulator or Titan phone to draw one out then follow it back in at first things go as planned a Titan comes to the surface and Le's vessel follows it back down then disaster the passageway implodes and they lose contact with the vessel liutenant Pucket demands answers from Billy but he comes up short Lee is gone and Billy Randa has no idea what went wrong then the hard part telling Hiroshi who lost his mother to the job that now he's lost an uncle too and 11 years later he loses a father in the time since Kazakhstan and operation hourglass Bill Randa has only become more obsessed with his crusade to find monsters and in 1973 he makes his final attempt he's helped by geologist Houston Brooks who wrote a paper substantiating the hollow Earth theory although one passage to it collapsed when Lee disappeared Bill believes there's another in a place called Skull Island he gets approval for the Expedition and brings a team with him Brooks Monarch biologist San Lynn a military escort led by Lieutenant Colonel Preston Packard an ex- British SAS Captain with expertise an Uncharted jungle terrain James Conrad and anti-war photographer Mason Weaver getting to the island means penetrating the Perpetual storm that surrounds and hides it once they're through they drop seismic charges to test the density of the island and Brooks is happy to report the Bedrock is practically Hollow further evidence of randa's theory but what they don't know is that the island is protected by Kong and he doesn't appreciate the fine distinction between seismic charges and bombs as exploding Things fall on his Island the giant ape attacks the helicopters and in this Beast Bill and Packard both find what they're looking for for Bill Randa a monster and for Packard a war with America as he sees it abandoning the Vietnam War he is desperate for a new enemy and the giant ape who killed half his men will do just fine Kong's attack scatters the group with Bill Packard and some of his men in one Conrad Weaver and Brooks in another both quickly learn the ape isn't the only deadly thing on the island there are also giant spiders and Conrad's team learns natives though any risk of miscommunication is averted because among them is an American who can translate World War II pilot Hank Marlo since his crash in 44 he's lived among the natives learn their ways language and history he tells Conrad's group all about it how the ewe natives lived in fear until giant Apes came to their aid protecting them against what he calls skull crawlers large reptilian creatures and he tells them about the last ape standing King Kong their bombs woke up a bunch of the lizards which is why Kong was so angry he can handle them as long as he gets to them while they're small but but there's a bigger one hiding beneath the surface who killed Kong's family and the natives say if Kong were to fall that big one would return Then Conrad tells him about a refueling team coming to the north of the island in 3 days if they make it there in time they can all leave the island they'll never make it on foot Hank says but he has another way a makeshift boat built from the scraps of his and gun's planes they'd started building it until gunpei was killed by a skull crawler they get to work finishing the boat while the photographer Weaver has a look around she finds a giant goat trapped under one of the downed copters and tries to help it Kong notices her good deed and helps Free the Animal when the boat is ready Hank says farewell to the Friends he made over the last three decades and they take off Elsewhere on the island Bill gets the idea that Skull Island may be where the last man stands in from the original Monarch meets his end so he records a message for the boy who became his son Hiroshi in apology for everything he took from him and hope that he can at least leave some Legacy behind that Hiroshi will see it was all worth it he's chased by a giant spider to the Island's Edge and in desperation tosses the bag containing his research into the water then another Titan takes on the spider in battle earning Bill a brief stay of execution soon Conrad and the others on Hank's boat reunite with Colonel Packard's group and they are disappointed to learn Packard has no interest in heading north to the extraction Point instead he wants to Head West to search out a missing man Chapman who is separated from them in Kong's initial attack the others begrudgingly follow until they reach the Boneyard containing what's left of Kong's parents a mass grave Hank warns it's too dangerous to cross but but there's no convincing Packard he goes they follow and sure enough a skull crawler emerges that's how William Randa sole survivor of the USS laon and last man standing of the original Monarch meets his end and it's how Conrad finds out they're on a wild goose chase because the monster spits a skull from its mouth along with the dog tag of the man it belonged to Chapman they survived thanks to Marlo and Conrad wielding gun pay sword and Weaver's Ingenuity using a lighter to ignite a gas pocket then Conrad shows Packard the dog tag and tells him the man they're searching for is gone yet the colonel insists they continue because this was never really about finding a missing man this was about going back to collect the weapons they need to kill Kong to avenge his Fallen Soldiers Hank tells him that'll only make things worse Kong is the only thing protecting the island if he dies the big skull crawler the one he's kept at Bay will emerge well Packard insists then we'll kill it too when they see there's no convincing him Conrad and the civilians leave him to go their separate ways but when he and Weaver run into Kong himself things change the Beast looks at Weaver and perhaps because he saw the good she did earlier trying to help that trapped goat he approaches peacefully the photographer even places a hand on him it's then they both know they can't abandon him or the people of this island Packard's napom draws Kong's attention and they follow behind by the time they reach the makeshift war zone Packards manag to take the massive ape down by drawing him into the lake then igniting napom hidden within it while Kong is out the men get to work planting bombs on him until Conrad Weaver and Hank arrive with their own weapons there's no reasoning with Packard but his men are another story and they are soon convinced that Packard's lost it they leave him and join the others Conrad beckons the colonel to follow and time is of the essence because with Kong down the big skullcrawler emerges when Conrad sees it's pointless he leaves and once the colonel is alone he moves to detonate the bombs but he's crushed under Kong's fist before he gets the chance the rest of them take off toward the boat but soon the fight between Kong and the lizard is upon them the ape holds his own until he doesn't it doesn't look good for him until he gets some help Hank's boat is apparently armed and distracts the skull crawler enough to give Kong a chance to get back up and then with some creative use of man's debris he takes his enemy down with a sharp propeller on the end of a chain in the end the survivors make it to the rendevu point and leave the island as Kong watches back home Hank finds a wife and son waiting for him Conrad and Weaver on the other hand are taken to Monarch where they meet with Houston Brooks and San Lyn in a small interrogation room they're told that Kong is only one of many like him beasts who once ruled this planet and he shows them images of cave paintings depicting Godzilla and other Titans like him in 1982 something miraculous happens Colonel Leland Lafayette Shaw iiii is found alive in some woods and he hasn't aged a day he himself only understands what happened when he sees a now grown Hiroshi with his pocket knife what exactly happened in that experiment 20 years ago he did reach that realm beneath the surface one man died in the crash the others were killed by a Titan and Lee himself was pulled into a Vortex next thing he knew he was here it seems time passes differently in the hollow Earth thanks to gravitational Distortion to Lee he was gone a week but on the surface two decades pass he tells Hiroshi that his father was right bill was right about everything Two Worlds one on the surface one beneath and a balance between them but after losing both parents to their theories hoshi's grown bitter and assures that his father was insane humans lived with Titans for thousands of years just fine until the three of them Bill KO and Lee meddled in their world after that Hiroshi condemns Lee to forced retirement at a secure Monarch facility for observation and study a lot of nice words to avoid saying plainly that Lee is now their prisoner elsewhere there is an island near Skull Island also populated by Titans but in the early 80s it gains two human inhabitants Annie and her father who shipwreck there unlike Skull Island this one isn't protected by a giant ape so when a dog likee Titan Attacks the only one to protect Annie is her father he kills the beast but dies himself in the process and Annie learns that Titan was also protecting someone its own offspring only a puppy the two now alone quickly Bond she names him dog and they grow up together on Annie's Island which is what she's decided to call it what life is good until 10 years later when someone comes looking for her a woman named Irene who leads a team of mercenaries but it isn't just a teenage girl they find but also her friend a giant dog who feels threatened by their presence and eats a few of them so the mercenaries draw their guns and kidnap Annie by force then take her aboard their ship but a decade on an island filled with Monsters has made her formidable and she fights her way off their ship ES escaping on one of their smaller boats and they aren't the only ones on these Seas nearby is the Once Upon a maritime captained by cap he's out there searching for Monsters because he saw one once and the awe it inspired turned into a need to see it again or discover more like it he's joined by his son Charlie his friend hero and Hero's son Mike along with their crew Charlie has grown tired of his father's adventures and wants to live in nor normal life go to college meet a girl and all that stuff today he gets to do one of those things because he finds a girl overboard Annie after her escape a sea monster sank her boat Charlie quickly rescues her and once she wakes up she's skeptical of this new crew given how poorly the last one treated her but cap Charlie and the others make it clear they only want to help and when that same squid-like Titan which sank her boat SS their ship she returns the favor rescuing cap from drowning meanwhile Charlie and Mike wash ashore what they soon learn is Skull Island cab washes ashore Elsewhere on the island but Mike's father hero and the rest of the crew aren't so lucky they disappear with the ship the boys struggle to survive on an island filled with monsters until Annie catches up with them in this time she's with dog who managed to swim ashore with the skills she's learned surviving on a similar Island for years she helps them fight monsters and find food they even get to see the giant ape who protects the island in action when he saves their lives by eating a crocodile before it could eat them between it all Annie and Charlie find a few minutes to bond she asks his age he tells her 17 and she wonders if maybe that's how old she is too Charlie liked her from the moment they met and now she's starting to like him too though it's clear dog protective of the girl he grew up with doesn't feel the same way while Charlie and Annie become fast friends Mike keeps to himself that he is unwell when that squid attacked it struck his chest and left a big wound but he doesn't want to worry his friend so he keeps it quiet meanwhile Charlie's dad has been on an adventure of his own he bumped into Irene and the two struck a bargain if she helps him find his son he'll help her find the girl so far it's been impossible for her mercenaries considering Annie's overprotective dog but soon they figure out a way to separate them at the cost of one of her men as they pass through a clearing a giant bird swoops in and Carries off one of the mercenaries knowing the bird's hunting grounds gives them the idea they lure Annie there to the clearing and just as they hoped the bird grabs dog as they tranquilize Annie meanwhile Charlie and Mike watch it happen from behind some tall grass when they see Charlie's dad Among The Mercenaries the boys assume he's being held captive Mike gives himself up as a distraction so Charlie can escape but charlyy only manages to bump into a native who chases him into a clearing then that big bird swoops in and Carries him off it drops Charlie at the top of a high tower at the foot of a temple some kind of Testament to the 's colossal ape and he finds dog the Beast is weary of the boy but seems to calm when Charlie says Annie's name he assures dog they're on the same side and together they scale down the tower along the way Charlie spots carvings of the ape fighting monsters and protecting the natives and at the bottom of the tower he sees the ape himself staring sadly at a medallion in his collection until he's interrupted by a dead whale that stands in his backyard thrown from offshore by the big squid that took down their ship back at Camp the wound on Mike's chest takes its toll he's going to die unless they get off the island and get him some real medical attention Irene gives whatever Aid they can all while dealing with a pretty annoyed Annie who isn't too happy about getting caught again and finally Irene confesses what's become obvious to cap she is Annie's mother she tells Annie about burying an empty coffin and mourning her daughter until a fisherman spotted the wreckage of her ship that's why she came here with her team it's all been about finding her daughter the only reason they drew their weapons is because they unexpectedly found Annie riding a man eating Beast which ate some of them when Charlie returns with dog the beast pounces on Irene but after she apologizes for shooting at Annie and taking a decade to find her Annie calls him off their relationship is far from repaired but Annie does decide to stay and that's progress soon they're reminded of the thing stopping their escape that giant squid emerges and kills another one of the mercenaries if they try to leave it'll do the same to the rest of them so their only hope is to kill it first and Charlie has an idea how he saw something on the island capable of going toe-to-toe with a giant squid the ape Charlie saw those carvings so he knows it's his job to protect the island and that squid must want the throne but is too smart to go on land where his enemy will have the advantage so he's been taunting him which explains the whale he threw at him Charlie suggests they get the ape to fight the squid how by sneaking into his Temple and stealing The Medallion he seems to care so much about then run to the shore and hope he chases them once he's in range of the squid fight will be inevitable Charlie has no idea what the Medallion means to the ape but he is right that it's important it belonged to a native Kong was close with until that squid killed her and many others Kong buried the girl and kept The Medallion as a token of remembrance so when Annie Charlie and dogs steal it it has the desired effect Kong chases them across the island but dog just isn't fast enough Kong is closing in until Charlie realizes that dog is fast enough just not with two people on his back so he tells Annie she's the coolest girl he ever met then lets himself fall and with only Annie on his back dog is fast enough to reach the shore and it works the squid attacks Kong the ape holds his own for a bit but he is in water the Squid's domain and soon ends up at the ocean floor Charlie meanwhile Falls into a trap and ends up hanging from a tree a native approaches promising he will suffer for what he did to Kong but Kong isn't dead yet and as he struggles under the weight of the sea monster he notices a shipwreck nearby the Once Upon a maritime it proves a fine weapon as Kong bludgeons the squid into submission he resurfaces bloodied and exhausted then notices dog struggling to stay afloat in the water he displaced he notices Annie begging him to survive and Kong remembers the girl who left him The Medallion he couldn't save her that day but he can save dog he places him safely next to Annie who begins to apologize for taking The Medallion when the squid reemerges this time Kong finishes the job he beats the monster to a pulp rips it in half and throws the remains into the ocean inadvertently causing a tidal wave which crashes Annie into a rock she hits her head and wakes up in a hospital 2 weeks later her mother tries to calm the girl as she looks out at the city and asks where am I the following year Skull Island claims a few more new residents over 20 years ago Houston Brooks survived a harrowing visit to Skull Island since then he and the few others who survived have kept the island a secret if anyone knew it existed a place teaming with Titans they would be tempted to meddle with it and deal in forces beyond their comprehension but the island wasn't all bad it was during that expedition when Brooks grew close with San Lin in the years that followed they were married and had a son named Aaron who has followed in their footsteps working for Monarch one day he breaks into his father's files and learns about Skull Island he's horrified an Island full of monsters what if they escape his parents have apparently put their faith in a bigger monster named Kong to keep the island in check when he confronts his father Houston explains they monitor the place by satellite and everything is fine and he warns his son to leave it be soon after that Aaron disappears on a trip to Antarctica at least that's the official story in truth his son gathered a small team for an off thee books Mission and using his father's notes found Skull Island and just like that Voyage in 73 their craft is down after reaching it though in their case it isn't Kong who takes them down but a flock of psycho vultures the five of them eject while their pilot SJ Judo crashes in the distance Helen carsten is the first to die killed by a pack of death jackles as the rest of them find cover in a cave that's where the ewe natives find them and invite the survivors back to their Village communication is surprisingly easy because at least one of the natives speaks English he learned from his father who learned it from World War II pilot Hank Marlo after meeting the natives they're on the island for months long enough for the team's mythographer richo to learn the ewi language and become enamored with their folklore he also develops a strong taste for their medicine it's not long before he's seeing things visions of the Island's past he sees that this place was Paradise for a tribe of Kong species until the skull crawlers came and laid waste to everything he wakes from the vision and announces with religious fervor that tomorrow they will commune with Kong they will seek him out and finally meet the others think he's crazy but at the same time Kong is part of why they came here and they still haven't found their craft so they agreed to the pilgrimage in hopes of seeking out both on the voyage they don't find Kong just more monsters but they do get in range to pick up a signal from sjo their pilot is alive and the craft can still just barely fly they make their way there across the Boneyard which claimed randa's life over 20 years ago and like deja vu they're attacked by a skull crawler when they run for cover in a nearby cave richo has another Vision this time he sees the end of Kong's tribe a male and female make their last stand against the skull crawlers he fights not to live but to by time for her to give birth that's where Kong is born on a battlefield surrounded by Blood Thunder fire and death she sealed him here in this very cave for protection and Kong in the first minutes of Life watched his mother and father Torn to Pieces in front of him that's the day he was born and so too was his hatred rage and fury once the coast is clear they head outside and find Cudo approaching in the craft there to pick them up so they can finally leave this island only Rio has no interest in leaving so he blows up the craft Evelyn reacts fast but her bullet misses Ros doesn't and killing two of his teammates is not where the madness ends he is determined to commune with Kong and knows just how to do it he blows up the walls around the E Village exposing them to all the monsters around them Aaron's final Squad member is killed and several villagers are killed but richo's plan works Kong comes to the rescue he kills every monster which has breached the walls and then as Rio pledges fty to his new God the god Answers by crushing him under his fist and finally it is not Rio but Aaron Houston this expedition's Sole Survivor who makes the communion he meets Kong and after the encounter records a message for his father tell telling him about everything that happened and telling him what he learned Kong is not just a beast or Savage brute he's an orphan and he has an instinct to protect human life he's protecting all of us Aaron has no way to escape the island and no way to get this message to his father so he does the best he can he puts the recording in a Kevlar float bag and tosses it into the sea it's a faint hope but maybe one one day it'll reach his father 3 years later Monarch scientists ishiro Cawa and Vivien Graham are summoned to the Philippines to investigate something a mining company found a radiation pocket and brought heavy machinery to dig for Uranium but the ground collapsed beneath them and radiation levels suddenly Rose as though contact with the outside air catalyzed something in the cavern the scientists find the ancient skeleton of a long dead creature similar to Godzilla perhaps one of his ancestors killed by parasitic spores and next to the bones two of those spores one dormant and one already hatched part of the reaction from exposure to the surface whatever it hatched went looking for radiation and find some at a nuclear power plant in Japan along the way it causes strange Tremors which gets the attention of supervisor Joe Brody as the tremors are approach he warns they might have to shut down the reactor but of course nobody wants to hear it so he sends someone he trusts to investigate sanra Brody his wife and within minutes he learns that he sent her to die because once the Tremors arrive they cause a reactor breach and if they don't seal the corridor the whole city will be exposed Joe begs her to get out of there before it's too late but they both know the truth it already is he seals the corridor trapping Sandra and the team in their makeshift tomb and through a tiny window she begs him to be a good father Joe promises he will and across town their son Ford watches the plant collapse as one son loses a mother elsewhere a father gains back a son 17 years ago Houston Brooks thought he lost Aaron to an ill-fated expedition in Antarctica today he learns the truth because that recording Aaron left was finally discovered and it's just in time because Houston is only days away from retirement after listening to the recording and discovering his son may be alive on Skull Island his spirits are lifted higher than they've been in a decade when a co-worker suggests Alaska for a retirement Cruise Brooks responds no not Alaska then he smiles and adds someplace tropical I think and it turns out to be a great time for messages in a bottle because in just the following year a fishing boat discovers Bill randa's bag of research too also tossed off the edge of Skull Island soon it makes its way to a safe in his son's office the following year 15 years after the power plant meltdown in Japan Ford Brody has grown into a US Navy officer specializing in explosive ordinance disposal after 14 months away he returns home home to San Francisco to his wife El and Son Sam but it's a short-lived reunion because apparently his crazy dad is added again Joe has been arrested for trespassing in the quarantine Zone around the collapsed plant Ford heads to Japan to bail him out and listens to the old man's ravings about the wife he sent to an early grave and how to this day he doesn't know what killed her they say natural disaster but he knows they're hiding something and whatever it is a few days ago it started talking again the same Tremors is from 15 years ago and he can prove it if he can sneak back into the quarantine Zone to retrieve the data from their old home this time Ford comes with him it takes no time at all for them to get caught and taken into custody at the plant where that parasite from the Philippines has been cocooning for 15 years Joe warns that they don't know what they're dealing with the light flickers and that's what he talking about the creature is capable of releasing an electromagnetic pulse that's what caused the Meltdown 15 years ago and if they aren't careful this thing could send them back to the Stone Age The Creature hatches and it looks like a colossal insect it leaves the plant in much collateral damage in its wake Ford survives his father does too but barely just enough to leave his son with some last words before he passes he tells Ford to go home to his family and to keep them safe whatever it takes Ford has little time to mourn because ishiro and Vivien could use some help they tell Ford about the ancient creatures who fed on radiation about Godzilla and the parasitic Spore which the Navy are calling Muto or massive unidentified terrestrial organism the one that hatched 15 years ago came here to this plant and cocooned feeding off radiation until it emerged into the creature they met today Joe was right about the electromagnetic pulse so they're wondering what else did he deduce about the creature Ford remembers one thing his father described the Tremors as talking which raises the question who or what was the muto talking to they don't know yet but regardless they need to find and stop the M what happens if they don't Ford asks and ishiro tells him Nature has an order a power to restore balance he points to an image of Godzilla I believe he is that power soon the team heads to Hawaii where Ford boards a train that will take him to the airport so he can fulfill Joe's last request go home to your family but the trip is interrupted by the arrival of the M who apparently found some food a Russian submarine filled with nuclear materials the creature feeds until his arrival is noticed by Nature Godzilla Rises off the coast of Honolulu inadvertently flooding the city with tidal waves nevertheless he fights off the creature before returning to the water the next day they realized who the M was talking to the Other M the one that hadn't hatched yet and they're too late because by the time they check on the repository where it was kept in Nevada they find a big hole where it must have escaped after hatching this second m is bigger than the first but wingless it tramples its way through Vegas while ishiro and Vivan can only watch they deduce it must be a different sex a female and the signals from the male Muto were a mating call she's been waiting in her Spore for the male to reach maturity and now that he has they're hoping to reproduce the Navy's tracking model places all three creatures on a trajectory for San Francisco Bay the MOs and Godzilla who ishiro deduces is hunting them in fact he believes Humanity's best bet is to let the lizard fight this battle we can't defeat them but he can the Navy disagrees they'd rather wait for the creatures to converge than drop a nuke on them though it'll be complicated with the M's EMP ability remote detonation is impossible they'll need to use analog timers Ford volunteers to come along to lend his bomb expertise and get home to his family in San Francisco but it isn't that simple because as they transport the nukes on a train the female M already carrying Offspring intercepts them and eats most of the WarHeads despite the setback they continue on with the plan Ford continues on toward home where his family is already in grave danger El has put their son on a bus to evacuate the city while she waits behind hoping for Ford's return and that bus ends up on the Golden Gate Bridge directly in Godzilla's p death the Navy fires their missiles and he stands to absorb the barrage shielding the civilians on the bridge but as the bombs keep flying Godzilla eventually kin through the bridge just as Sam's bus speeds past the Carnage to safety meanwhile Ford and the team's second attempt at getting a nuke to the Bay fails the male Muto sets off an EMP stopping ships and sending jets crashing from the sky and he grabs the n bringing it to the middle of the city a nuke which has already been armed to detonate in 90 minutes now they have a new Mission parachute into the M's nest and defuse their own bomb before it goes off in the middle of San Francisco killing thousands they land in a city turned war zone as Godzilla meets the male Muto in battle they avoid the fighting gods and find the nuke surrounded by Offspring preparing to hatch there's no time to disarm armed the bomb so they opt for Plan B get it as far from the city as possible they grab it and leave but Ford realizes something those eggs are going to be a problem when they hatch so he torches them which gets the attention of the mutos and it's just in time because fighting together they had begun to overwhelm Godzilla the female M finds her burned eggs and turns toward Ford with intent to kill but she's made a grave mistake she left Godzilla alone she gave him a chance to recover and unleash his Atomic breath it saves Ford's life but the female M manages to survive too when her mate comes to her Aid she takes off after the nuke leaving the male in a one-on-one brawl with Godzilla a brawl the M promptly loses though the second round of battle leaves Godzilla exhausted and he collapses under the weight of a falling skyscraper for rushes after the nuke which the team has loaded onto a boat just before most of them are killed by the female M now it's all up to Ford he gets on the boat and pushes off from the dock then once again finds himself face to face with the m and once again he's saved by Godzilla who unleashes another round of atomic breath her body falls and Godzilla drops her decapitated head alongside it as he Roars victoriously before collapsing from from exhaustion Ford does the same next to an armed nuclear warhead 5 minutes from detonation he closes his eyes until a bright light shines above him a rescue helicopter it takes him to safety while the nuke detonates Far From Any civilians when the Sun rises Ford reunites with his son and wife and godzill awakes he Roars to the sky before returning to Sea crowned by the public as safe avor of their city and king of the monsters but gday as it becomes known to the public does not end happily for everyone including a teacher named Kate who lost a busload of students in the attack and that's not where the Heartbreak ends 5 days later her father Hiroshi Randa son of Bill and Koo Randa tells her to take care of her mother there's something he has to do and he disappears a week later she and her mom get a call from the state police in Fairbanks Alaska saying the bush plane he was on disappeared in a storm others were touched by the tragedy of gday 2 including Monarch scientists Emma and Mark Russell who lost their son Andrew to Godzilla grief drove Mark to drinking and put a rift between them while Emma's grief created in her a resolve to change the world so Andrew's death would not be in vain she gets a chance when Monarch d drafts her to study the emergence of a new Titan a few months after gday the new Titan first appeared in Japan an earthquake Struck it emerged then Godzilla sent it into Retreat the same thing happened again in Guam as Emma investigates alongside isero Vivien and a small team it puts her on a collision course with former British army colonel turned e terrorist Alan Jonah during the quake in Guam he managed to escape custody but left his phone behind on it they find a photo of a bore hole in Siberia similar to ones left behind after the Titans emergence in Japan and Guam at the bottom of the cavern they find ancient egg casings resembling the ones which hatched the MOs in the Philippines and they run into Jonah he's arrested and when they ask why he's obsessed with monsters what is he trying to prove Jonah answers the monster is man and watch ing Dr Emma Russell at work he's impressed he wishes her safe travels and adds be seeing you through a combination of scientific analysis and ancient folklore Emma discovers the true nature of this mystery Titan in ancient times it was called the dragon Beetle and if they aren't careful it could lead to a new dark age because the dragon Beetle could be called by a more scientific name Muto Prime and she is part of a violent Paras iic cycle which has killed many of Godzilla's species including dagin whose bones were discovered Years Ago by ishiro and Vivian in the Philippines it works like this once a m lays their eggs the muto Prime injects them into a Titan of Godzilla species feeding on the nuclear furnace inside the giant lizard the eggs incubate and eventually hatch the Titan is left dead and the MOs like an invasive species eradicate surrounding ecosystems eventually The Brood turns on itself fighting until Only the strongest M survives to become the next Muto Prime and start the cycle all over again the eradication of ecosystems has led to mass extinctions and Dark Ages all corroborated by historical evidence so how do they stop it Emma has a theory ancient folklore says that when the Lord of Thunder tires of drumming the Dragon and Beetle Rises Emma translates myth to science when the muto Prime injects the eggs those eggs release a Sonic pulse to Signal they've been safely deposited that pulse tells her the job is done so the mucho Prime leaves if Monarch can mimic that Sonic pulse it will trick the muto Prime into thinking she's finished she'll back down making it an easy fight for Godzilla as they prepare for the risky plan Houston Houston Brooks pays Emma a visit he's worried about her she has the same look on her face that Aaron had before he disappeared you're pushing yourself too hard just like he did Houston says Emma I know what it's like to lose a son you found yours Houston she replies and she assures him nothing will happen to her what about Maddie her daughter Houston asks and Emma lashes back nothing's going to happen to her all that's left is for him to Qui L wish her good luck but that luck doesn't get her very far because the plan goes horribly wrong the Sonic pulses they make only turn the Beast more aggressive not less lives are lost and the UN Security Council refuses to hear her out when she posits what went wrong they didn't account for refraction the pulses can't just be released into the air they have to sound like they're coming from inside Godzilla unwilling to take further risks the security Council decides on the same plan sarawa suggested in San Francisco Let Them Fight though sarawa and Emma both know Godzilla is getting weaker and will likely lose the next bout with Muto Prime so they come up with a plan B pinning their hopes on a prototype Emma built with her husband mark back at MIT a sonar device meant to communicate with animals they modify it to communicate with Titans and at the next confront ation they activate it and this time with the pulse tuned to sound like it's coming from inside a giant lizard it works the muto Prime backs down and Godzilla wins the fight saving himself and Humanity in the process the following year Kate and her mom find something which makes them curious a set of keys and a lease for an apartment in Tokyo in hiroshi's name Kate flies over and at the apartment finds one of her father's Secrets a second family a mother and her son Kate's half brother kentaro this is not what she was expecting to find and it only cements her view that her father Hiroshi was not a good man after the tragedy of gday he abandoned Kate and her mother now she learns that this was only the cherry on top of an affair that apparently lasted decades something neither family knew about in fact they don't even know who he married or cheated on first despite the Revelation canaro defends their father and the important work he did he brings Kate to their Father's Office to prove it but she finds something else another secret a safe containing the research of Bill Randa hiroshi's father canaro and Kate's grandfather on the bag there is a symbol one that Kate recognizes from the outfits worn by people who were there on gday it's seems Monarch has something to do with Godzilla and perhaps their father worked for them the research is all stored on Old Tech they have no idea how to access fortunately canaro knows someone who does unfortunately it's his ex May who isn't too thrilled to see him nonetheless they put their differences aside and she pulls the data for them they find a satellite map like one that was in hiroshi's office and a photo of their grandmother Koo Randa standing in Godzilla's footprint it could be the beginning of a globe trotting Adventure but Kate isn't interested so for her the journey is over she prepares to head home until she's intercepted by Tim and Michelle agents of Monarch alerted by May cracking the encryption she escapes their grasp and by the time she gets to May's Place finds the agents are already there so may and Kate sneak off together at karo's home the boy finds a photo in his father's things of a man named Lee Shaw his mother tells him that Hiroshi called him unle Lee when the Monarch agents arrive demanding canaro hand over Bill's research kentaro's mother tells him to comply then quietly hands him the photo of Lee a silent message to go find him canaro pretends he's going to grab the research but instead escapes he reconvenes with Kate and may then together they find an older Lee at a retirement home though the hidden cameras and ankle bracelet tell a different story Lee is clearly a prisoner here he tells them that he doesn't buy the story of their father disappearing Without a Trace Hiroshi is out there somewhere alive and if they help Lee escape this place he can help find him he cuts the ankle bracelet giving them 60 seconds to decide before they're swarmed by guards they opt for a ESC ape and begin their search in Alaska where hiroshi's plane went missing and they get there with help from an old friend of Le's in South Korea Doo he lends them a plane and flies with them to Alaska where they find the wreckage of hiroshi's plane inside is a body but not his he could still be alive and on closer inspection doho realizes something else hiroshi's plane didn't crash something must have destroyed it after they land Ed it's then that the Titan responsible shows itself doho runs back to their own plane but the Titan releases a cold breath freezing him and the plane solid the others Run for Cover and when May's foot lands in a cold puddle the group is left with a new ticking clock find help before hypothermia kills her but out here where can they find help canaro spotted a man-made structure when they flew in they should head there he insists unfortunately no one else saw it and are they willing to bet their lives that he saw what he thinks he saw when they spot a bright light in the distance they Place their bets there instead canaro on the other hand stands by what he saw and rather than waste time fighting they go their separate ways at night the cold is worse so Lee lights a fire which attracts the attention of that Titan and this time Lee gets an idea what it's after after when it takes out their flame it's drawn to heat which means the thing they need to keep them alive doubles as bait for the thing that wants to kill them Lee devises a hail Mar plan light the biggest fire they can to keep the monster busy then make a break for the coast they light that fire and it works the Titan does reappear but they don't make it to the coast because they don't have to when canaro arrives with a rescue chopper it turn turns out he was right there was something out there a place with a radio he used to call for help and he knows Hiroshi was there before him because he left a pile of pencil shavings the kind he always leaves behind on the way to safety they look over the frozen tundra and see a beam of light streaming from a hole in the ground and they arrive at their destination a monarch Outpost where Tim greets them they're held in custody and questioned Michelle tries several intimidation tactics like Calling May on her lies pointing out the various passports she carries each for a different identity May is clearly on the run from something and if May helps Michelle maybe Michelle can help her they get nowhere and Michelle reports to her boss deputy director Verdugo that the Randa kids don't know anything Tim disagrees these children could carry on Bill's Legacy and help mon Arc they decide to let the kids go on a Long Leash and see where they lead the next step of their investigation takes the kids to hiroshi's other office where they find a world map with a path drawn canaro gets an idea there was a similar map in the rescue data files which had points on it when he projects those points onto the world map they all land on the path and they realize these points are the places Hiroshi is visiting along that path there are the places he already went San Francisco and Alaska then there's the place he's going next the Sahara Desert in Africa meanwhile Lee's been enjoying his interrogation at the hands of Verdugo she gets nowhere while he explains why he decided to escape after gday Monarch had 60 years to prepare for that day and ultimately did what they do best nothing the best plan they could come up with for dealing with Godzilla and the MOS was Let Them Fight Lee is sick of it and has decided where they fail to act he will not his words have little effect on her but Tim and Michelle observing from outside the interrogation room are another story they begin to wonder if maybe he's right maybe Monarch has failed and he could lead A Better Way during Lee's next transport Michelle breaks him free and joins his cause Monarch's been picking up signals all over the world that another major emergence is coming something much bigger than gday she no longer believes they will do anything to stop it but maybe Lee Shaw can and to her it's personal because she lost her sister in this war Sandra Joe Brody's wife and she knows where the kids are going next because May took her up on that offer in the interrogation room she told Michelle where they're going in the hopes of getting a clean slate when this is all over Lee and Michelle find them at Kate's mom's house and at Lee's insistence that Michelle is on their side they all head to the Sahara Desert together where they spot Hiroshi in the distance with a Titan phone on his pickup truck he frantically waves for them to leave just before Godzilla shows up they all barely survive the encounter and before the Titan leaves he looks at Kate with something in his eyes intelligence and recognition afterward Hiroshi is gone and Kate disagrees with Lee on what to do next he insists on continuing to follow the points on hiroshi's map why Kate asks they can't kill Godzilla but that isn't what Lee wants to do he wants to help Godzilla they can come with him and he'll explain everything or they can go their separate ways Kate opts for the ladder but their journey is far from over at the airport May's past finally catches up with her before canaro met her she went by her real name Kora and she worked for a company named applied experimental Technologies when she discovered they were performing unethical animal experiments with cybernetic neuro interface units she destroyed their research and went on the run now they've tracked her down and kidnapped her also executive Brenda Holland can make a proposal they could involve the cop s and have her arrested for what she did or she can become their spy continuing to work with Monarch while feeding info back to AET because AET could learn some incredible things from Titans much more than from ordinary animals meanwhile when canaro and Kate surge for their missing friend and bump into Tim who apparently also survived the encounter with Godzilla he wants their help finding Lee but they refuse unless he helps them find may they soon locate her at AET and Tim tries to free her by setting off the Citywide Titan alert system however Brenda can tell it's a false alarm so she continues holding may all Tim accomplishes is panicking the public but it does get Brenda's attention and she invites them in to see May who confesses the truth to her friends about what she did how she's been on the run her real name and she gave up their location to Michelle she also tells them she's decided to confess her crimes she tells Brenda no deal she won't be their spy even if that means going to prison for destroying their research outside Tim and the kids get picked up by Verdugo and make a deal they will help her find Lee if she can pull some strings to get May off the hook for her crimes she does and may walks free then there's the business of Tim setting off the Titan system Verdugo will have to explain it to the public but at Tim's suggestion rather than attempt to cover up she decides to go public and tell the world about Monarch at AET Brenda receives the updated branding for their company's new name Apex cybernetics meanwhile Lee and Michelle have begun their Crusade it turns out the points on hiroshi's map represent passageways to the hollow Earth in Alaska that beam of light was from one one of those passageways and that's where Lee and Michelle begin their mission by blowing it up at Monarch they see the gamma rays in Alaska fell to zero but spiked everywhere else they have to stop Lee and Michelle from blowing up another one if the radiation levels get pushed over the top they could end with another gday Kate May and canaro work with Tim to try and find him they work out of an old Monarch office the place where years ago bill came up with the theory of a hollow Earth and Kate finds a report on Kor randa's death it happened in Kazakhstan one of the places on her Roshi's map Kate figures that's where Lee is heading his Crusade is partly sentimental so he'll likely want to go where he made his greatest mistake a place where maybe he can find Redemption they do find him there well-armed and in control he agrees to speak only to Kate and he tells her why he's doing all this she saw the look in Godzilla's eyes the Titan is a thinking being who knows what he's doing he knows there are two worlds one for humankind and the other for Titans Godzilla is just trying to keep them separate and safe Lee intends to help by sealing every passageway between them but Kate asks what if he's making things worse after all Monarch's data suggests that's exactly what he's doing every time he closes a passageway it spikes the gamma radiation everywhere else but Lee won't hear it Monarch always cherry-picks data and this isn't about data it's about belief and atonement he sets the bombs to detonate in 2 minutes most of them get out but may falls into the portal Kate almost gets Dragged In Too until Lee grabs her hand and falls into it with her before the building collapses canaro wakes up in a hospital to find out his friends are gone but he refuses to accept it and heads to his father's office in search of Clues that's where their reunion finally happens Hiroshi shows up wanting to speak with his son and daughter but canaro tells him that he's too late his infidelities and Crusade have cost him more than he realized because following his Trail in search of answers cost Kate her life and why has Hiroshi done all this he's come a long way from 1982 when he told Lee that bill ran was crazy after gday Hiroshi became obsessed with proving his parents were right that they did not die in vain that there are in fact passageways leading to another realm where Titans come from and though they don't know it yet that's where Kate Lee and may are now trapped in the same place Lee visited years earlier axis Monday a place Between Heaven and Earth an interconnected realm between the worlds of humans and Titans a place where time moves differently a few days trapped could mean missing decades in the world above Lee and may find each other and search for Kate who is alone until she finds another Survivor her grandmother KO Randa apparently alive all this time they soon find May and Lee but he doesn't let Koo see him yet because he knows the moment she does she'll know that while to her it's only been 57 days in truth she's lost 56 years of her life he'll have to tell her that bill is gone driven to Obsession after thinking he lost her he'll have to tell her that her son grew up without a mother and soon he does tell her all of these things and both their hearts break but Kate at least assures her that her son hirosi is okay she knows this because Hiroshi is her father and she is koo's granddaughter after the tear full reunion KO takes them to the gamma radiation simulator at her campsite which she's reconfigured to send out an SOS signal something Monarch picked up but against Tim's insistence Verdugo has chosen to ignore it the possibility of a survivor in the hollow Earth is low on the priority list in the face of gamma spikes around the world telling of a potential emergence Monarch will not help them so Tim quits monarch and instead turns to canaro and Hiroshi but in that other realm they know the longer they wait the more time they lose so Lee suggests they find their own way out he asks KO to revert the machine back to its original configuration to call for a Titan and they find his old pod the one that crashed in 1962 the plan leave this place the same way Lee came into it by following a Titan they connect the machines make the call and an ion Dragon answers it but at the last moment a wire comes loose of course Lee doesn't hesitate he does his job protecting the ones he loves outside the vessel he moves fast but the dragon is faster they aren't going to make it until rescue not from people or Monarch but from the king of the monsters himself Godzilla Lee reconnects the wire while Godzilla takes out the dragon and tosses him into the passageway opening a Vortex The Vessel flies toward it Lee chases after them and grabs hold of Ko's hand but he knows it's too much weight he knows that he won't make it so he lets go Lee Shaw does not make it home but he does find Absolution because Kate May and KO get through that portal and they do make it home though things have changed little time has passed for them but on the surface it's been 2 years and in that time hirosi Tim and canaro had few options for the help they needed without Monarch in their desperation they turned to Brenda Holland at Apex cybernetics that's where they are now one of their research centers on Skull Island and King Kong is nearby his proximity sets off an alarm and the group runs inside for Cover 2 years later the next gday will come though the world is still recovering from the last one Mark Russell has given up drinking but is still estranged from Emma and their daughter madisin Emma on the other hand has continued work on the Prototype which saved Godzilla from Muto Prime she calls it the Orca and now it's sophisticated enough to communicate with all manner of Titan even controlling their behavior so far it shows promise when a Titan they call Mathra is birthed and the containment field breaks down Emma cows her by playing an alpha frequency but Titans are not the only thing they have to contend with there are also people in this case a group of echo terrorists led by someone Emma's met before British army colonel Alan Jona they kill anyone between them and the Orca then take it and kidnap the one who knows how to use it Emma along with her daughter sarawa and Graham know their best way of finding them is tracking the Orca and they know the best way to track it is by recruiting the man who helped build it back at MIT Mark they show up on his doorstep and tell him what happened in the span of one conversation he learns Emma repurposed their machine to play God with Titans and that his daughter's been kidnapped as they head for a monarch Outpost Mark's bad day gets worse when he learns about the 17 Titans they've discovered since Godzilla's emergence most in deep hibernation if it were up to mark they'd all be executed but sarawa believes that some are benevolent he and Emma have always believed the best path forward for Humanity is coexistence with Titans Mark is skeptical but to find his family of course he'll cooperate to track the Orca they need to identify which frequencies Emma has combined to create the alpha frequency they figured out most of it but there's one piece they haven't been able to identify but even without it they figure out where it might be thanks to Godzilla he's on the move and Mark gets the idea that if he's leaving his territory it's because he's looking for something something he finds threatening maybe the Orca their tracking shows Godzilla heading for Antarctica where a certain Titan is in hibernation an apex predator which once rivaled Godzilla they've codenamed it Monster Zero and when they reach the base mark sees something he can hardly believe Emma picks up a Detonator and pushes a button to free that Titan all this time he thought she was a hostage in truth she's working with Jonah and now with help from the Orca she's woken up monster zero a three-headed dragon that spits lightning Godzilla meets it head on but Monster Zero is powerful even dodging Godzilla's Atomic breath while responding with his own gravity beams Godzilla has knocked off the ice and during the chaos Mark gets Tangled in the wires of a downed aircraft Dr Vivian Graham runs back to free him at the cost of her life she's swallowed before the rest of them escape on Monarch's massive ship the USS Argo in the aftermath Emma explains herself in the past 5 years she realized something humanity is an infection and Titans are the Cure her research shows that where they go soil is replenished vegetation grows and nature flourishes by waking them all she will hand Earth back to Mother Nature many will die but those who survive will thrive in coexistence with Titans just as Humanity once did long ago when these first Gods ruled over a natural forgotten order Mark accuses her of meddling with forces beyond our comprehension and gambling with the lives of billions his words do nothing to stop what happens next Emma wakes the five fire demon Rodan from a volcano near the village of Isa delara condemning its residence to death but Mark has an idea Monster Zero is on the way maybe they can draw rhan away from the island and into a brawl with the apex predator it costs them a squadron 12 lives but it works the two Titans fight until Monster Zero claims victory over the fire demon then turns its sights on Mark and the others on the Monarch craft until Godzilla gets a hold of his rival the two Alphas fight while sarawa Mark and the whole crew are ordered to clear the area because the US military is about to deploy a prototype weapon the oxygen Destroyer designed to kill all life forms in a 2m radius the bomb lands and both Titans fall they check Godzilla's vitals they are fading as one alpha Falls another takes its place Monster Zero Rises from the water minus one head which it promptly grows back and with all three heads intact it makes a call heard around the world proving Mark right Emma is dealing in forces Beyond her control she hoped to wake the Titans methodically one at a time but Monster Zero has decided to wake them all at once what follows is the greatest disaster in human history monsters attack around the world in what many are calling the The Rise of the Titans meanwhile sarawa and the team recuperate after they running with the three-headed dragon they wonder how the monster was able to survive without oxygen it defies the natural order and that's it Monster Zero is not part of Earth's natural order ancient folklore tells of a dragon who fell from the Stars today we would call it an alien creature back then they called it gadora but as the World falls into chaos there is hope a bright light pierces the dark clouds around them the light of Mothra Queen of the monsters she had escaped during Jonah's attack earlier and settled under a waterfall in China to cocoon Houston Brooks and a small team were monitoring when she emerged but thanks to the chaos spread by gadora they'd lost contact and couldn't let the rest of Monarch know she was coming either way she's here now and sends out a call to her King and Godzilla replies he is alive but just barely maybe they can help Mark suggests maybe they can find him and set off some nukes the radiation should restore his power and like that Mark finds himself fighting for the life of the thing which took his son first they have to find Godzilla following Math's signal leads to an underwater Vortex which pulls them in and it takes them to a place most consider theoretical Bill Randa believed in it Houston Brooks substantiated it leaw Kor Randa and a few others have even visited its outskirts axis Munday but now for the first time they go there the hollow Earth inside they find an ancient sunken city a place filled with statues and temples from a time when humans and Titans lived symbiotically there are drawings of Godzilla protecting the people and inside the temple they find Godzilla himself it's a sight to behold but now they have more pressing matters the unexpected trip into a new world was a bumpy one it fried their weapon systems they can't launch the bomb in seconds sarawa volunteers he'll carry the bomb to Godzilla himself fully aware the radiation and heat outside will make it a one-way trip he leaves the ship and minutes later puts a hand on the old God before the explosion takes him sarawa has just enough time to say goodbye to his old friend and they aren't the only ones fighting for Humanity back on the surface the Titans have all simultaneously stopped their aggression all thanks to Madison she stole the Orca took it to Fenway Park and used the speakers to send out a calming frequency during this temporary reprieve Godzilla Rises ready for another round with an alien he takes off and Mark realizes something the missing frequency used by the Orca they thought it was another Titan but now he knows the truth the missing piece is US Emma combined two frequencies to create the ultimate apex predator Godzilla and human it's a realization that comes just in time because Godzilla and gadora are following the orca's call some where in Boston with this missing piece Mark helps them pinpoint exactly where and then following Sarah Za's way they will let the king of the monsters fight this battle on Humanity's behalf but this time Mark says Humanity will join the fight Godzilla and gadora battle while people lend a hand with all the Firepower they have on the ground Emma finally breaks from Jonah and his group she was okay with tamping down Humanity to save the natural order but as things are going it'll be an allout Extinction acceptable to Jonah but not to her she leaves the ex Colonel and joins Mark in searching for their daughter they find her just as the battle takes a grim turn gadora flies Godzilla above the clouds and drops him the king hits the ground hard it seems Godzilla has lost this fight except he has some help his Queen Mathra though though she is badly wounded after a bout with Rodan and with her remaining life she flies above her Fallen King and takes a burst of lightning from all three of gora's mouths the queen of the monsters dies but allows her life energy to flow into her King it's a day for sacrifices Vivian Graham ishiro sarawa Mathra and now it's Emma's turn Mark and Madison escape with the rest of Monarch's people while she stays behind mind to draw gadora away from Godzilla using the orca's call of course it costs Emma her life but it gives Godzilla the moment he needs to recover and he does once his radiation reaches critical mass he treats gadora to a couple rounds of thermonuclear detonation when the explosions clear and a dragon head hangs from his mouth Godzilla disintegrates it in a final release of atomic breath finally God Zilla stands Victorious as the other Titans arrive and bow before their King but while Emma may be gone Jonah lives and still hopes to restore the natural order a feat he may be able to achieve with help from something they found in Mexico something gadora left behind when the military launched that oxygen Destroyer a severed head meanwhile Godzilla gets back to work patrolling his territory first he finds Sila causing trouble she's grown hungry and found something to quell her appetite Godzilla doesn't know the word bomb but he recognizes it as one of their things Godzilla knows if she feeds on it light and heat will follow land and ocean will suffer she ignores Godzilla's warning pulse so they fight until she Retreats soon another job two Titans in a fight over territory a side effect of gadora waking to many at once Godzilla breaks up the fight and when he grows tired he seeks a place to rest the layer he once used the place they built for him is gone it's a place where they once lived with him more recently it's where they died for him Godzilla may not be able to name him in his mind but he remembers sarawa whose explosion destroyed Godzilla's Lair but also gave him the energy to fight gadora this is only one of many changes he has witnessed in his lifetime and he remembers them all but now is not the time to reminisce he needs to find a new home a place to bathe in the planet's warmth so he closes his eyes and along his spine feels the wind that blows from the heart of the planet there are some places where the winds collect and fold like one place long ago Godzilla might call home were he not driven out by his rival his energy wains but there is still more work to be done he follows the smell of metal beasts and the excrement of oil and he finds Naka she came to these Waters seeking Solace but ended up in a net cast by them he frees her from it and slays those who broke the natural order those who came here not to feed or claim territory but like the three-headed one to destroy for the sake of Destruction he continues on toward his new home which he's decided will be his old home and he does sense the presence of his rival but something isn't right when Godzilla signals his intent there is no reply except an attack from another Titan tiamet of course the fight ends with her slithering away in defeat when Godzilla finds his place to rest he sees just what has changed in this old home in the hollow Earth his rival is here but all that's left of him is a skull from this place Godzilla feels the other Titans around the world who have pledged fty to him and as he lays to rest he calls the others to do the same though if he knew the truth his Slumber might not be so peaceful because there is at least one Survivor of his rival species still out there alive and well he lives on a place called Skull Island and his name is Kong soon monarch names a new head of intrasellar exploration Corporal David Lind and he is intent on Humanity taking its next Leap Forward by exploring the hollow Earth he sends chief officer Dr Houston Brooks to Skull Island where he'll oversee a team of pilots on a mission to enter the vortex and explore the place where Titans came from deeper than access Munday or the temple where sarawa sacrificed his life but it won't be easy they'll have to cross something called the GI gravitational inversion boundary an electrostatic membrane separating the two realities on top of that there's a superstorm brewing in the Pacific it began right after gadora fled Mexico the storm has been raging in the same spot for nearly 2 years but suddenly last week it shifted course directly for Skull Island and that's right after the island had its first earthquakes in years which are now becoming more frequent Brooks wonders if they're connected as is often the case there are Clues to be found in local folklore an e Legend inscribed in hieroglyphs near the vortex says something about a darkness that will swallow the world and a king of the deep who will rise exploring the island Brooks sees Kong for the first time in nearly 50 years the ape was only an adolescent back then now he's tripled in size and become the strongest creature on the island the only one who'd be capable of surviving the coming storm a storm which puts pressure on Brooks and the team to begin Drilling and open a hole to the vortex if they wait much longer the storm will overtake the island and they'll be forced to evacuate so they drill they open a gateway to the vortex and something screams from inside it too late Brooks realizes their fatal error he realizes what the E Legend was trying to say the king of the deep kots cannot stand sunlight so in order to emerge he needs to block the sun he'll use the storm to do it then emerge from The Vortex to claim his new kingdom Kats Rises and of course Kong is ready to meet him in battle for the pilots who came with Brooks it's no longer an exploratory Mission but a combat Mission they help Kong by handling the Swarm kots brought up with him him while the king of Skull Island faces him directly soon the battle is won by Kong but the storm has swallowed Skull Island and will make it unsurvivable Monarch has already begun evacuating the ewi natives as for Kong Brooks checks with Dr eileene Andrews a monarch scientist who's been living on Skull Island she's an expert on Kong and the ewe natives all this confirms a hypothesis of hers Kong's status as an apex predator makes him a target for other Titans meaning if he ever leaves the island he'll immediately become a target for Godzilla they'll have to keep him here as long as they can and it'll be Andrew's job since Brooks is leaving her in charge of Monarch's outpost on Skull Island that would seem to be the end of this Expedition until Corporal David Lind arrives himself still intent on taking a trip into the Vortex Brooks and Andrews warn him that it's too unstable now and dangerous but getting to the hollow Earth is Humanity's next Great Leap the more they can learn about the Titans world the better they can live with them in this one David won't let anything stop him from making the Journey 2 years later something strange happens Godzilla seems to have turned on Humanity attacking unprovoked but if it's up to Walt Simmons CEO of Apex cybernetics human will fight back and to do it they must tap into an energy source the same one which created the titans the one inside the hollow Earth which sustains it the way the sun sustains Earth's surface Chief technology officer Ren Cawa ishiro son detected it through magnetic Imaging but to reach it they'll need help so they visit the foremost expert on Hollow Earth ex Monarch employee Dr Nathan Lind he's laughed at in his profession for his crazy ideas but Simmons and sarawa know they aren't crazy at all in any case Lind has some bad news getting into the hollow Earth is impossible his brother David tried and got himself killed by the gravitational inversion which occurs at the threshold crushed by an entire planet's worth of gravity which reversed in a split second but with apex's help that won't be a problem because they've developed a powerful craft which can withstand such a force now the only question is how do they find the right entry point and the energy source for that Lind has a crazy idea based on the theory of genetic memory that all Titans share a common impulse to return to their evolutionary Source what if they could get a Titan to Lead the Way Lynn visits his friend and once's colleague Dr eileene Andrews who's been watching over Kong since Brooks left her in charge would she be willing to take Kong on a journey to Antarctica where there exists an entry point to the hollow Earth then let him lead the way but she's worried ewi mythology tells of an ancient rivalry between Godzilla species and Kongs there can only be one alpha and if Kong leaves the island Godzilla will sense his presence and come for him but she is reluctantly convinced when Lind points out Kong is getting too big for captivity and in the hall Earth the place where his ancestors came from they might find him a new home they load Kong on a boat and along the way Kong is leery but calm thanks to a heavy dose of sedatives and Gia when that storm swallowed Skull Island many of the E natives were wiped out but she was saved by Kong and eileene adopted her as a daughter since Gia is deaf she communicates through sign language even to Kong and the ape seems to understand her but despite Gia's assurances Kong doesn't trust the others and isn't entirely wrong because among them are the likes of Maya Simmons the Apex CEO's daughter and fellow executive who will no doubt prioritize the valuable energy source over Kong's life Gia's bond with Kong is strong and on that boat Eileen along with everyone else learns it's even stronger than they realized because they see that when Gia signs to Kong he signs back apparently their communication is not just one way soon the sun rises and though they've avoided his territorial Waters Godzilla picked up Kong's scent and has come to prove he's the alpha of course Kong fights back but this round fought in water more suited to lizards than Apes goes to the lizard Godzilla only leaves when Kong gives up after that they decide to travel the rest of the way by air and in Antarctica Kong is hesitant until Gia tells him what he might find in the hollow Earth family they follow him in and as promised the Apex craft survive the gravitational inversion finally they're there a world beneath our own filled with strange creatures and unseen wonders they follow Kong to a place that once served as his ancestor's throne room they watch him pick up a glowing Axe and place it on the ground revealing the energy source drawing radiation from the Earth's core into the axe it's a sight to behold for most for Maya Simmons it's time to grab what her father sent here for she extracts a sample of the energy and uploads the analysis to Apex that is the discovery of the Millennium Eileen shouts you can't strip it for parts at that Maya has her men draw their weapons which makes Kong angry which makes him laugh drawing the attention of some hell Hawks Kong protects Eileen Gia and Nathan while they escape but takes care of Simmons himself crushing her ship in his hand and during all that another threat revealed itself as a blast of atomic breath put a hole in Kong's Throne Room apparently their travels in the hollow Earth have taken them beneath Hong Kong which happens to be where Godzilla finds himself at the moment why is he there the same reason he's been surfacing ing lately to attack seemingly unprovoked a mystery Madison Russell has been unraveling with help from her friend Jonah and podcaster conspiracy theorist Bernie Hayes they decided to investigate Godzilla's Behavior because they knew the truth he doesn't attack unprovoked and all his attacks have been at Apex facilities it's likely they are the ones who have been provoking him Hayes had been investigating them himself from the inside as an apex employee so he was able to get Jonah and Madison into one of the facilities destroyed by Godzilla they entered a secret underground area and stumbled into a shipping crate that was sent through a high-speed tunnel to Hong Kong where they discovered a secret weapon the thing the CEO has been hoping to power with the hollow Earth's energy source his very own Mecca Godzilla and they discover the retrieved gadora head gadora had neck so long the individual heads had to communicate with each other telepathically and now Apex has tapped into that power allowing Ren sarawa to control Mecca Godzilla telepathically it's this rival machine's activation which provoked Godzilla and Drew him to Hong Kong where he sensed King Kong beneath the surface the rivals fight and the first round seems to go Kong's way but this is the king of the monsters he's fighting and round two is a decisive victory for Godzilla he leaves the giant ape on the ground barely alive but the battle is not over because at Apex they've made a fatal miscalculation once they replicate the hollow Earth Energy based on Maya's sample and fully power Mecca Godzilla it disconnects sarawa and takes on a mind of its own from the remnants of gora's mind it kills the CEO Walt Simmons and then goes after Godzilla himself the robot is powerful and alone after an already brutal fight Godzilla might lose maybe Kong could help but Gia can feel that his heart is slowing down he'll die soon they could restart his heart but for that they'd need something powerful and they realize they have it the Apex craft it's powerful enough to get through the gravitational inversion boundary and once they landed on Kong's chest it proves powerful enough to restart his heart Kong Rises and joins his rival in battle against the mechanical imitation it's a close fight so Madison decides to tip the odds in their favor by spilling whiskey over a control panel at the Apex facility momentarily disorienting the machine it gives Godzilla and Kong the moment they need to claim victory and seconds later Kong is roaring victoriously with Mecca Godzilla's head in his hand the machine is dead leaving only the the two ancient Rivals they face each other until Kong drops his axe for today their fight is over and Godzilla Returns to the sea in the aftermath they return Kong to the hollow Earth his new home where they've opened up a monarch Outpost the first of its kind in the hollow Earth and for now that's where the story wraps up but there's more on the way and after Godzilla X Kong the new Empire I'll be releasing a follow-up video a retrospective on the monsterverse reviewing each movie and series including new Empire and I'll have help from a couple of Godzilla experts who will be making appearances in the video Johanna and Tony from the podcast cast Zilla versus the Pod monster you might also recognize them from hack the movies so stay tuned and stay subscribed
Channel: OneTake
Views: 626,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla, kong, king kong, godzilla timeline, godzilla x kong timeline, godzilla x kong recap, godzilla vs kong recap, godzilla vs kong timeline, godzilla timeline explained, monsterverse, monsterverse timeline, monsterverse timeline explained
Id: 0-7_hEb4rvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 50sec (5810 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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