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hey it's addie and today we are watching the matrix i i'm excited to finally watch this movie i feel like the matrix is so woven into pop culture references that i'm excited to finally watch this movie and finally understand all of the references and just what people are talking about so this is the matrix [Music] lieutenant you were given specific orders elrond is in this the orders were for your protection i think we can handle one little girl i sent two units your men are already dead she can fight but it's almost more than just fighting she's like walking on walls and stuff the line was traced i don't know how you're gonna have to get to another someone's waiting for her i don't honestly know who to root for right now like i don't know who the good guys are [Music] that's impressive that was almost like she could fly these people really don't like her i just gotta answer that call before the truck gets there is your body not even there we have the name of their next target the name is neo oh that's weird [Music] oh my gosh who is it i'm nervous like who's on the other side of this computer you look a little whiter than usual you ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming all the time should we take him with us definitely oh we do have to go with them i'll go hello neo my name is trinity how was you on my computer they're watching you neil i was looking for an answer what is the matrix the answer is up there it's looking for you [Music] did that all happen or was he sleeping the whole time the more i watch this the more like i think i'm just getting more and more confused but i'm sure i will have the answer soon hello neo do you know who this is yes they're coming for you neo and i don't know what they're going to do stand up and see for yourself oh they're there no no no no no okay i'm thinking that they are the bad guys the cubicle across from you is empty oh wow he just made it in time stay here for just a moment the guy on the phone is he like watching this happen go now right there right there outside we locked the office maybe oh there are two ways out of this building one is that scaffold the other is in their custody we can't have that oh we just we just hung up on the road we need some more guidance i can't do this oh oh we left in their custody okay i guess we're gonna find out what they're all about we're here because we need your help we know that you've been contacted by all that we're asking in return is your cooperation well i don't think they're really giving him a choice wow that sounds like a really good deal i think i got a better one i give you the finger and you give me my phone call there's there's that option too what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak that's a threat is something happening oh my gosh what no what is wrong with them what are they doing you're going to help us mr anderson oh no no no not in the belly don't do this oh no also once again was he dreaming or was that real you are the one neo i've spent my entire life looking for you is that thing in his body or not get in oh what the hell is this a friendly chat fine you have to trust me she has friendly eyes so i think i trust her i think my back i think you're bugged oh yeah yeah the bug literally a bug other ew also that has to be so painful you're gonna lose it we got it out and what i thought was maybe a dream was real okay at last hi i am morpheus you have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up do you believe in fate don't like the idea that i'm not in control of my life i know exactly what you mean you're here because you know something you felt it your entire life the matrix the matrix is everywhere it is all around us pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth that you are a slave neo we're born into bondage a prison for your mind that's a lot to take in this is your last chance you take the blue pill you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe you take the red pill and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes i think your life is about to change all i'm offering is the truth nothing more me have you ever had a dream leo that you were so sure was real it should not be happening in theory oh my gosh he's going into a rest i got him oh you just had to pull that out yuck oh my gosh those are all bodies oh it just keeps going oh and going and going and going oh my gosh that released him [Music] i hope you can swim but if you've been like that your whole life i don't i don't know [Music] i'm glad you're in good safe hands now wow this will feel a little weird oh this is the construct this isn't real what is real how do you define real yeah it exists now only as part of a neural interactive simulation that we call the matrix you've been living in a dream world neo this is the world as it exists today what happened we gave birth to a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines the human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120 volt battery the machines had found all the energy they would ever need oh so the machines are using humans as energy the matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control this is trippy it's not possible i didn't say it would be easy when the matrix was first built there was a man born inside who had the ability to change whatever he wanted as long as the matrix exists the human race will never be free the oracle prophesized his return bring freedom to our people he's the one no pressure combat training wait do they just program it into his mind whoa oh yes yeah let's do it whoa if i could do that i would be good at so many things 10 hours straight 10 hours wow i know kung fu okay show me what you must learn is that these rules are no different than the rules of a computer system some of them can be bent others can be broken and hit me if you can if you can [Music] i imagine he's a few levels up from you whoa yeah he really did learn quickly [Music] maybe he doesn't tire as quickly in the matrix too oh yes fight neo gotta watch this oh so that's why she could like jump long distances and like run on walls at the beginning because essentially it's not real you can bend it how you want whoa oh he's learning how to bend some rolls i'm still getting hit good effort though how did i beat you you're too fast you think that's air you're breathing now oh so you don't even need to breathe he really just said again you're faster than this don't think you are you know stop trying to hit me and hit me i know what you're trying to do i'm trying to free your mind nia load the jump program the jump the jump program whoa they have so many programs for different things free your mind oh that's insane what if he makes it once if i made the first jump but what if he does come on come on come on come on everybody falls the first time i thought it wasn't real your mind makes it real if you're killed in the matrix you die here the body cannot live without the mind good to know i don't remember you ever bringing me dinner there is something about him isn't there why isn't he taking to see the oracle morpheus will take him when he's ready now i want to know more about the oracle the matrix is a system neil these people are still a part of that system were you listening to me neil were you looking at the woman in the red dress i was look again [Music] that woman is no longer there sentient programs they can move in and out of any software they are everyone and they are no one they are guarding all the doors they are holding all the keys every single man or woman who has stood their ground everyone who has fought an agent has died you will succeed again no pressure they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be dodge bullets no you think so you won't have to oh we got trouble [Music] disables any electrical system in the blast radius it's the only weapon we have against the machines there it is oh and another one it found us or no oh okay it didn't oh i kind of expected it to come back okay we're good for now do you always look at it encoded you get used to it all i see is blonde brunette redhead there's no way why why didn't i take the blue pill little piece of advice see an agent run do we have a deal mr reagan you know what i realize is he working for them the informant is real ignorance is bliss then we have a deal i don't remember nothing and i want to be rich whatever you want access codes to the zion mainframe no i told you i don't know them morpheus don't betray him oh okay well we definitely can't trust him so i understand that uh you've run through the agent training program here it comes so what did you think of her the woman in the red dress i designed her but if you'd like to meet her good to know we're going in taking neo to see her the oracle all right here we go [Applause] shouldn't have trusted that guy did you go to her yes what did she tell you she told me we're here neo come with me she's been with us since the beginning of the resistance and she knows what everything she is a guide neil she can help you to find the path she helped you yes what did she tell you that i would find the one hello neo you're right on time she was ready these are the other potentials you can wait here other potentials isn't as in like other people who could be the one i'm really curious how many people are out of the matrix now this is not the spoon that bends it is only yourself oh he is the oracle will see you now huh be right with you you're the oracle bingo don't worry about the vase oh that face oh she knew that was going to happen it's really going to bake your noodle later on is would you still have broken it if i hadn't said anything you're cuter than i thought i could see why she likes you who trinity you know why morphy has brought you to see me do you think you are the one honestly i don't know being the one is just like being in love you just know it now i'm supposed to say hmm that's interesting you already know what i'm going to tell you i'm not the one sorry kid you got the gift but it looks like you're waiting for something morpheus he almost had me convinced are you sure you want to hear this yes i do want to hear this morpheus believes in you now he's going to sacrifice his life to save yours one of you is going to die which one oh my god oh man he really believes that neo is the one that's for you and for you alone so neo can't even tell him that he's not the one but i think something bad is going to happen yeah don't trust him you can't trust him oh he's sweating in there something's happening is that even a sign of bad luck in the matrix oh deja vu oh no oh no that does mean something what did you see a black cat went past us and then another deja vu is usually a glitch in the matrix it happens when they change something oh my god cut the hard line there's a trap get out oh he's not gonna be able to get out oh and he's actually dying oh man [Music] there has to be some way out right it's not gonna be that's what they changed find a structural drawing of this building i need the main wet wall 8th floor now left that's it they're just in the walls that's not silently the walls his code was just replaced by another person oh he just took down that whole wall with his head very generic name [Music] we can't let morpheus die i don't think you could really kill agent smith take him ah no yeah i need an exit fast get me out of here near sex it's franklin area no tv repair shots morpheus alive tank yes i don't know where to yet we need an exit you're not far from safer it's not a franklin erie got it my heart is racing a little bit whatever you're about to do don't do it [Music] i don't know i just went dead oh they're gonna be stuck aren't they oh no no and he's not gonna let them through oh my gosh he could just kill them while they're in the matrix no hello trinity cipher where's tank i thought i was in love with you oh no you killed them what huh we have a problem i bet you never saw this coming i wish i could be there and they break you you gave them morpheus he lied to us trinity he set us free free all i do is what he tells me to do just because you're going through an identity crisis does not mean you have to kill everyone i choose the matrix the matrix isn't real the matrix can be more real than this world all i do is pull a plug here he can literally kill all of them right this second you have to watch apoc die no i suggest you say it now please don't [Music] don't hate me trinity he's literally killed half of them at this point i mean how can he be the one if he's dead yeah look into his eyes yes or no yes no i don't believe it ah i'm so glad he's still alive this is kind of a miracle wow wow it is kind of a miracle that saved neo just now maybe he is the one she kind of left it open-ended that he just hasn't made the decision yet oh he does not look good i'll be all right as a species human beings define their reality through misery the future is our world there could be a problem but what do they want the leader of every ship has given codes to zion's mainframe computer can't let that happen so there are other leaders in other ships as well with the same mission well there has to be something that we can do i pull the plug you can see that deploy the sentinels she told me this would happen that i would have to make a choice i'm going in no you're not morpheus did what he did because he believed that i'm something i'm not i'm not the one trinity morpheus believed something and he was ready to give his life for what he believed i understand that now i believe i can bring him back going with you no you're not i believe if you are really serious about saving him you are going to need my help all right let's do this so what do you need guns lots of guns all right let's do it whoa yeah that's a lot of guns once zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here do you understand you have to tell me how he has some metal items and she's gonna run on some freaking walls nice we need your gun sir thank you [Music] [Music] wow [Music] okay i think this level is clear i think they're trying to save him they are they're indeed [Music] wow find them and destroy them [Music] oh whoa yeah so you can't really defeat them dodge this okay good how did you do that do what you moved like they do so maybe he is the chosen one he wasn't fast enough can you fly that thing he just has to decide that he might need a pilot program for a b212 helicopter oh so they can just program it in her mind and she knows how to fly it that's so cool wow [Music] hi morpheus [Music] no no no okay can she jump out what is she gonna do no okay he's just holding trinity okay okay he's the one do you believe it now trinity she told me she told you exactly what you needed to hear there's a difference between knowing the path and walking again you need an exit got one ready oh they're so close though i wish they could all go at the same time but it's really just one-at-a-time thing he's gonna turn into an agent you i want to tell you something we could tell each other on the ship everything the oracle told me has come true he's gonna turn into an agent no an agent you have to send me back i can't oh now we have to find another exit who knows where that'll be what is he doing he's not running he's beginning to believe [Music] you're empty so are you [Music] he's not gonna be happy that you broke his glasses i'm gonna enjoy watching you die wow [Music] in front of the train you hear that mr anderson oh it's right there goodbye mr anderson my name is neo is [Music] okay he can still pop up anywhere though that's the problem [Music] oh bad timing we can't really turn off all of our power right now sentinels oh how long five maybe six minutes get me the hell out of here got a patch on an old exit wabash and lake i hope you make it neo um the scene's making me a little dizzy hi don't mind us ah that was a person to know it's an agent oh no here they come okay they're here the fire escape at the end of the alley from 303. [Music] oh they're inside his room from earlier no can we still get to the phone stop shooting him stop i don't know if he could survive all of that i really thought he would make it out goodbye mr anderson the oracle told me that i would fall in love how how is he how is he alive right now i'm glad he is just answer the phone buddy oh my gosh he said he wouldn't have to dodge bullets anymore oh he just completely stopped them whoa what oh [Music] ah come on oh my gosh you did i know you're out there i didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end i'm going to show them a world without you [Music] he could literally fly now that's really cool wow i i loved that the matrix is so good wow i'm just going to like take a second and like let everything soak in wow i feel like so because the matrix is just referenced so much like i thought i had somewhat of an understanding of what the matrix was i was wrong i was completely wrong i was so confused at the beginning and of course that's on purpose and then until they just kept explaining it um my mind is blown wow that's so good and i know there are several other matrix movies so i'm excited to check those out at some point as well i feel like um oh rond hugo weaving i feel like i so i was introduced with him um through lord of the rings through elrond so i i love him so much i it's very weird to see him as all of these villains and so far i've seen him as the captain america in that movie and then this one it's so weird because i just assumed he was just i'm used to seeing him as elrond oh and so it's so interesting to see him as villains but he's so good wow that was the matrix that was incredible and i am so glad that i watched that and i'm just excited to see what comes next well that was the matrix thank you for watching be sure to like and subscribe and we will see you next time
Channel: Addie Counts
Views: 107,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, Hugo Weaving, Joe Pantoliano, Gloria Foster, Marcus Chong, Matt Doran, Belinda McClory, Star Wars, Stranger Things, Marvel, MCU, Indiana Jones
Id: Dz4KmlcRdrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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