The Master of Shrimp and Guppies | In Depth Tour

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So today we're back at Glenn's place [Music] Glenn's a master breeder of shrimp and Guppies and today we're going to be doing a full tour of his place he's kindly invited me back we've just had a really quick look around and I'll tell you what it looks absolutely amazing today I think it definitely looks better than last time there's some stuff here that I've never seen before it's going to be a long video it's going to be totally worth it because there's just so much here to see so what do you reckon we just get into it yeah come on in man alrighty so where do you reckon we start today uh I want to start with the classic so these are the first shrimp I ever started with probably back I think it was 2009 and um it's been my first love forever red and white just Simple and Clean the quality now is very different to what it was 11 12 years ago you know these are a lot nicer it's been a long journey trying to get these guys right but uh yeah definitely a very satisfying thing to look at when it's gone right so this is a tank of obviously Crystal Reds yep and this is like the purest line you can probably get yeah Triple S uh most of them are Crown patterns but my favorites the mozura flower there's a lot of technical issues with Missouri flowers in that they create too much white in the body and they tend to be a little bit not as solid as the crown body so you have to do a quite a good mixture every once in a while most people start their Journey from this particular shrimp they look so good I've never seen them look this have you seen the can you see the legs how the legs are red yeah look you concentrate properly in there yeah that's that's what makes the the quality so most of the real shrimp enthusiasts they they look at how colored the legs are and you've had these for nine years wait no no a lot more than that 2009 yeah 14. 14 14 years yeah how many did you start out with uh started out with eight and um I actually they were a hundred and fifty dollars each when they first came out yeah I know it's crazy right my whole my credit card got completely knocked out but it was one of those moments where I walked in I saw it and I was just like I have to have these uh obviously I got into quite a bit of trouble yeah good taking out the credit card and destroying it but believe it or not I did everything wrong there is to shrimp keeping and somehow they still bread wow yeah and it just got me hooked how much are these worth now and they still average at that quality they still average between 100 to 150 each sometimes maybe five up to 500 for a competition grade that's that's one in a thousand though that's one in a thousand but the the coals which is right up this tank if you look at them that the quality is very very different they only go for like five dollars yeah these suck dude yeah look how good they look yeah but that's the D tank actually the D tank that's the detain was that I got a I got a backup beer tank a sea tank and a d tank so in terms of in terms of which is my best tank that's definitely number one okay that's two that's three and that's the worst tank okay so like this is um the rejects of the rejects of the rejects okay and these are just like back up so yeah you can like continue to load but these all came from what nine shrimp eight shrimp or something yeah yeah that's crazy yeah it's and trust me I've had a lot of bad luck as well and I've made a lot of mistakes so I've learned that uh two tanks is actually not enough and what you tend to find is that when you select them Carl and you the ones that you don't like you put in the B team sometimes they end up even just as good as the a tank you you make a mistake oh crap okay I'll keep them then the removals from the beer tank go to the Sea and the C to the D these little cute babies there yeah look at the size that's a tiny little shrimp it's the best part seeing that little tiny shrimp romp around yeah man that's so cool nice all right so those are the crystals yeah the most common carrotina shrimp yeah yeah and then there's the black uh compatriot I suppose it's not everybody's cup of tea black and white I actually don't understand why because I love black and white yeah these look sick yeah they're actually renowned for being very hard to Lime breed they're much harder than the red and whites if you look at the white body properly it's quite brownish sometimes there's a bit of brown sometimes there's a bit of it's not as solid look at this troop here yeah you can see the black legs yeah that's the best part I love those black legs oh he's unreal yeah that's so cool and I see there's also a little sea shrimp in here like on the floor yep they don't bother the shrimp at all do they no sea shrimps don't but they can out compete with the babies for for food absolutely you just got to make sure you don't over feed the tank and have an overpopulation so how do we go about like doing that like how do you care for these tanks well so the first thing is making sure you have the right water parameters that's definitely the most important thing for carradina shrimp most people use either a mixture of rain water or RO water RO water is what I use and they've got to have a KH of zero they prefer a GH of three to four or a TDS of 100 to 150 and their pH preference is between 5.5 to 6.5 it's actually easier than you think it sounds really complicated but there's really only two things I do so I use Ada soil and RO water and the second thing is I just have a good remineralizer like a good GH plus right so it's like we take the water and then we just add stuff to it before we put it in yeah they prepare the water like like when you do your water changes for certain fish you have to prepare the water first you know some of them don't like the chlorines the chloramines is basically the same thing look at all the babies in the back I can't believe how many babies there are in here like look at the filter yeah it's just a sponge filter and a ugf filter it's unreal and they stand out so much on it yeah but yeah so all right that's what I was going to ask so how often are you changing water on all these keratina tanks um there's quite a few different styles I do 15 of fortnite some people do 30 a week to make them grow quicker some people don't water change at all for me I've understood that the moment the nitrates hit 10 to 20 PPM that becomes a problem for the shrimp okay so you only water change just to get rid of your nitrates so you're testing the water or no I actually just look at the way the shrimp behave I've done this for so long I can tell literally from the way they behave and it's a really simple process if they're not moving if they're not constantly hungry and eating there's something wrong what temperature is this room as well like do you just heat the tanks are you 20 to 24 20 to 20. so look over there there's a air con do they breed better at 20 or 24. 22 is probably the optimum like 22 to 23. okay they can survive up to 28 with no issues but you find that you have to really oxygenate the tank extensively yeah they really really need the oxygen especially for the biofilm to grow in these Tech cool yeah that's pretty much it it's really it's really that simple but people over complicate things for sure I'll say it again Ada soil Arrow water g h with mineralizer that's it yeah and the rest is just making sure you have a good filtration system yeah I reckon do you want to go up to this tank because this I saw some really cool stuff up here yeah yeah so what's in this one here so these are orange Eye blue tigers crossed with Crystal Reds it's a it's a lime breeding project I've been doing for I think since 2016 so seven years yeah there's a lot of people out there in the world that have done a really really amazing job that's a really really nice one by the way perfect tiger stripes white body and red body nice even ratio so you're trying to create these that's exactly what I'm trying to create yeah so here in Australia like I mean you can't just really buy that shrimp there you have to make it yourself right so back in 216 there was no such thing okay yeah so I I made it by myself but they've reached the countries now there's some really really good ones out there and I've actually got a colony of really really nice ones I can show you let's go have a look yeah let's go so these are the top of the top and you can see the difference straight away once you look at the solidarity and the stripiness funny thing is I probably saw all this last time but like I can't remember because it was so overwhelming at how good everything was so like this is definitely the most popular shrimp in the world at the moment yeah up there with Bowers it's just so striking like such a really cool set of colors and uh not one shrimp looks the same like we all obviously go for a very very specific pattern like you either go really white or really red or a 50 50. so some people that have fancy Tigers they specialize in just this one particular shrimp you can see people with tanks and tanks and tanks of them how much is something like these worth like the first time they came out in the world they were going for two and a half Grand each Champion grade by the way not low grade the ones that I have over there that I've made myself they they go for five dollars each okay again it's like one in a thousand that you would get something like that the last time we spoke there were 150 each yeah they're gone for around 40 to 150 now all right yeah so the price can go down fairly drastically from the demand and Supply you know if someone breathes them really well obviously then it'll be cheaper as well so I know this is like a breeder box in here or yeah what's this for anytime I don't like a particular look of a shrimp I just remove it and I put it in that box there okay I either have friends that buy from me or shops or why just keep them there as backup so it's a tank inside a tank yeah that's yeah okay surprisingly they do really well in there there's there's no issues at all so these ones you've picked out here like this shrimp here yeah I didn't like that boy yeah you can see though he doesn't have the the perfect striped look that I'm looking for yeah okay yeah yeah yeah it's a bit patchy all that stuff so he's just not quite up he's not cool enough yeah but he'll get sold to someone else and they can use him first yeah if they yeah cool some people just love the look of like the random patterns so yeah everyone's everyone's different stand up oh it is a clue yeah that's my my own personal project like I made my own Super blacks from the crystal black room okay so these are a crystal black but more black as black as possible yeah I like them completely black with just one white stripe that's unreal yeah look at the oh like that one there yeah yeah that's what I'm that's what I'm going for I do these are way better than last time yeah so good some of them have grown up a fair bit so their colors yeah they're just more solid they're so good man they're so good yeah I like them believe it or not they're not that popular yeah because I don't know people have weird yeah everyone's got a taste right so and these are super red scent yeah yeah nice like I said last time I made my blacks from the Reds it was a long process of Crossing Crystal blacks to the super Reds and then slowly line branding it back and then taking out all the red Offspring as well that were recessive and yeah long long process I think I think that was around 216 or 218 when I started as well but it's been easier than most shrimp so okay for instance these shrimp here one day 2016 you're like oh I'm gonna turn these into a black shrimp yeah how the heck do you do that like how the heck do you go from a red shrimp it's all black well the the first thing you've got to do is you've got to research like you've got to figure out where there is a whether there's certain X or whiling traits so the shrimp whether the colors are dominant or recessive whether it's co-dominant and from that research I've always used Mendel's Law to figure out how my F2 and F3 are going to look like and I think it can be quite easy sometimes when once you find out what's recessive and dominant you can pretty much predict how long it'll take to get to the end of the road yeah some people say shrimp are complicated but so okay sure about that so someone's already done like the work out there you've got to do the recipe yeah yeah and I've seen people do it as well sometimes you see the guys from Germany or Taiwan and some of them are willing to share their formula because they know how long it takes to do this process the way I did it was I crossed a male super red exactly the one that you're filming right now I crossed a red mail to a crystal black female like one of these right yeah and I actually went for the the one with the most black so the what we call the S pattern which is the band but there's actually one girl right here in front of you that's quite got quite a good s-band so we would take like a girl like her yeah and The Offspring all actually look like that yeah there's another girl here there's one here yeah so one of these girls if you just grab her out put her in a tank with that boy yep they breed and then you just kept cuddling yeah I actually had to wait for the first generation was all going to be black with a red recessive so I had to just wait for Generation two and three and I would see changes in the pattern so they'll grow out and they'll all be like Crystal blacks or something like that yeah and then you just keep reading that yeah in this particular genetic combination yeah it was all crystal blacks that's really interesting yeah yeah I've got to do some stuff like that because I've never really done it I think that's why karadinas are so popular because there's so much it's like the new Guppies right it's the shrimp guppy world yeah so I started with one boy and four girls that was my start uh you're changing my mind I've got to get these I keep telling customers oh I I would encourage you to have a look at those so we know we were talking about the fancy Reds yes so they originated from this crossed with that they're a very very cool shrimp these are orange Eye blue tigers oh my gosh so there's a mixture of really rusty girls yes and blonde boys and and and light blue ones I like the light blue ones like there's there's one there there's a lot so this one here in the middle yeah look how cool the stripes are yeah that's way cooler yeah it's for me it's way more attractive than uh than a full Rusty one like that I crossed a boy like boy orange Eye blue tiger to Crystal red females ah there's a bit of a funny uh interesting note here that the female orange Eye blue tiger will not cross to a crystal red male a German breeder just mentioned it once so I've always done any tiger species as male to the crystals which are female and it's always worked for me for instance this girl would not be able to breed with a boy Crystal no theoretically no I've never tried it I just I just knew that whatever was working for the Germans yeah just copy and do it straight away learn from someone else's mistake pretty much they're a very underrated shrimp I look at those eyes yeah that's awesome it's like when you see a deer in headlights yeah fun fact they're blind really you know like a lot of albinos are visually impaired yeah yeah this is the same for them so they're a lot more um approachable like most of the time when you put your net in a shrimp tank yeah yeah but if you put a net in there they'll just look at it and walk into it all right um let's keep going on this rack because I love the Carradine it's like I just love them actually that's my favorite pattern right there oh so the house telling you the very first shrimp that I saw that caught my eye it's that exact pattern where'd you see this Jody at fish Chic Aquatics do you remember do you remember her yeah yeah back in the day Jody used to have all the weird and wonderfuls and I used to walk in there just wanting to see what would come up what I would see and I always saw something new that I never never saw you see it in America and Japan you're thinking man I wish they were here in the in the Hobby and I saw that particular one one male like that and I just lost my mind and this is group two of these right this is group two yeah and I think group two is starting to be group one yeah like when you look at them you're like ah I made a mistake yeah no you didn't well you made a mistake that led to a success yeah exactly exactly also white legs that's another attractive quality like most of them have red legs but I just I like the fact that he's got white legs it's fun because it's like painting yeah but with yeah pretty much that's very cool what are these next door backup group yeah this is the backup yellow galaxies that we talked about but this is a weird one like can you see this one right here yeah I want to make a golden I want to make a golden yellow Steel so it's not like a golden bee that's brown I want it to be yellow so that's something that it's in the works and um there's a few pintos at the back that are quite white and I just want to see how much white I can put into the yellow pintos rather than like where are the pintos so these are all called yellow Galaxy pintos okay yeah and I wanted to see how much white I could put in summer then so how would you go about that taking one of these and for the moment it's going to be a bit of a just set and see what happens because I don't have enough tanks if I wanted to do it properly I would have to have a tanks purely for just white have you ever thought about just quitting gymnastics to become a shrimp breeder no because then it stops being a hobby like yeah there's steak in it I I want to do this because I want to come in and and do it on my own personal time oh well you could definitely do it man yeah maybe when you're retired from gym maybe maybe yeah I'll be coming your hair will be gray ah gray long beard yeah Gray beard like this it's inside Sensei shrimp stuff that's cool and then let's go look at the the really good groups so these are the really nice ones up here right yeah what we call like the technically really good groups they're stunning so so a lot of people like What's called the zebra or the fishbone pattern yeah I tend to like the non-technical ones like I tend to like the crazy weird ones yeah but this is classically what they call the the better group so this would like that one there it's like yeah that's a fish bone yeah fish bone right there but it's not actually that good because it doesn't have a lot of Galaxy spots where's a good one hmm I would say this one in front is probably a better one because of the head this one here yeah that's a yeah you can see the yeah you can see how the head is has quite a lot of spots in it yeah the more spots the better of course [Music] show you the snowflake show me them I got a bunch of snowflakes recently from another breeder so they weren't my work but you know sometimes people just do a much better job and you gotta appreciate them for what they are but check out check out check out the female and that's that corner yeah yeah that's that's an unreal shrimp just wait for it to turn to the side [Music] always always when you want him to turn left okay he goes behind the Silicon yeah yeah yeah more zooming differences I can't turn left [Music] look at that one there too yeah the Red's stunning isn't it so you've got red and black ones in here yeah it's it's like it's not actually meant to be a line bread tank I have a bit of a bit of an experiment with a friend here's another really really nice I'll grab these two really nice ones come in front [Music] the one the one day is still really yeah yes right oh I love coming here it's so nice seeing all these things [Music] so therapeutic just like I just can't believe how good they look yeah they're they're freaking cool like I say it every time but like there's something about your room where like I find every tank I look at could be my favorite yeah you know what I mean like it's years of hoarding them not a single bad team like it's there seriously everything's got something so cool to look at and just like every Tank's full of shrimp yeah that's just because I've learned the hard way I've learned the hard way that when you oversell uh you get into a lot of trouble like the shrimps don't do as well you know how we were talking about business I love this I love looking at shrimp more than yes yeah for me it's like I love a tank with full shrimps like yeah the money the money doesn't doesn't cut it for me as much no it's not about that money supplements yeah money definitely supplements it and we need it like especially for this freaking room and how expensive it can get with the air con yeah but uh yeah a full tank comes first so you can see like this tank there's not a lot because it's it's they're all brand new shrimps it's not as cool as the one on the left when it's just hoarding with heaps and heaps eh so this container here in the middle so these you've picked out from yeah so they're calls from another generation of different types of pintos that I had in there and I'm just slowly picking them out because I couldn't I couldn't pick out all the babies and they don't cross breed when they're that small yeah so it's just a gradual like every time I see one that's good enough like for instance there's one that's good enough right now yeah hey this little baby one's appeared so I'll pick up this little baby yep all right you're out of the tank you're out of the cool group so now he's gonna just grow out in this little box yep and he won't infect more like that's not the right word but he won't won't breed with the other one breed yeah it can keep everything in here exactly as you want it yeah this tank used to be just it was all about being blue yeah but then when I saw the snowflakes like I just couldn't resist I was like oh man these are the coolest rooms I've seen in a long time so I just quit I quit this project which is just blue and just went for snowflakes instead because the snowflakes are blue as well yeah so kind of complements what I wanted to do originally what other carabiners haven't we looked at yet I think the Galaxy tigers are something that I'm oh we haven't looked at these yeah the shadow pandas uh I guess they were your favorite yes I still maintain they are yeah they definitely are when you cross the pandas to the fancy Tigers I'll show you the Galaxy Tigers which are next wait okay so this one cross to this one with this one over three generations becomes this one's sick and these were the ones that I self-made for years and years and years that's a very nice one typically yeah this one or that one how much would this shrimp be worth hmm they used to go for a lot like they used to go for 100 to 300 a piece but I would say that if I sold it in the market right now you wouldn't get more than 15 to 30 dollars they're just not as popular here yeah but I love them yeah they're cool they're definitely cool yeah and you notice that the the tiger stripes are very different to a fancy tiger it's more like a what we call a nanashi pattern which is two up three down so that's a perfect example that one yeah you can see there's three stripes at the bottom at the back of the tail yeah and it's kind of like two-ish at the top this one I'm looking at right now uh no that one uh this this boy here I know you can see yeah this this little one that will come out yeah okay so that's the perfect one there close to close what about that one on the not stripy enough but very nice yeah you you wouldn't consider that uh as good okay this one is pretty cool that one on the net right now yeah the one in the net right now you can see the the patterning I uh you see what I mean by the patterning that's the like kind of the goal there yeah and then um another good one is like this one's quite nice these two oh yeah they look like ants yep they do look they're there blue hands how cool are blue ants very cool but you get what I mean by they don't look like the fancy Tigers but they're still a tiger stripe sure yeah and then there's the red the Ruby counterparts the rubies are over here and there's actually quite a lot of average looking ones but again this is not a very popular shrimp but it's a it's definitely one of my favorites so these two are very very nice yeah that's a nice one cool so these are like the same but different same same but different yeah just a different color body yeah people love red one on the left yeah look at him or her yeah but um the latest thing right now is there's a purple what there is a metallic purple have you got it uh I do it's uh it's hidden behind I'll try and find it for you the secret Yeah the secret stash so you might not be able to I'll do my best just give me a second so that's a good one there that's a perfect purple properly you can see it's actually a metallic purple so these are like new to Australia are they yeah they're pretty they're pretty darn new this is just what's called my nanashi tank so it's another type of pinto and sometimes the Reds can can actually be purple as well there you go it's a hint of purple in there how long before like you get I don't know then perfect how long will it take this one's been one of my biggest challenges for a really really long time they tend to go purple when they're adults oh sorry there's one there's one really really nice one really really nice one can you see it yeah [Music] it's just like a metallic purple they only turn purple when they're a lot older so half the time you can't predict or see how purple they get until they're adult stage sure and they tend to be a lot more fragile than usual so this is yeah very very tough that's why I have so much backup in here I do find it very hard to line breed less than 10 shrimp in one tank because of over feeding or just monitoring them in general but this one's definitely been my biggest my biggest challenge so you said what you find it hard to line breed less than 10 true yeah in general they're quite social creatures okay and I have I have itchy hands I want to feed them I really enjoy feeding them but when you have a tank that's 60 liters and 10 shrimps you practically don't have to feed them for months and months and months because if you have to if you have to tank water parameters correct they actually eat all the bacteria and biofilm that grows in the tank so they're more than capable of eating and breeding from just 10 shrimp it's really hard to realize that that's happening like you just want to feed them because you think yeah you're taking care of them yeah they look hungry all the time as well and you can't help it sometimes all it takes is one mistake and you lose like a vital female that was necessary for that breeding process or a male I mean they're Bottom Feeders yeah the food chain they pick at rocks all day yeah yeah no not at all and um you know they they eat very very very little like one gram of food will probably feed 500 shrimps so having having to like do this and feed them and just trying to resist yeah it can be quite hard a lot of people have trouble with shrimp purely because of this one particular reason and I tell people all the time don't feed your shrimp if they've got less than 10 and people don't want to listen you know because they think that they think they're being cruel but it's actually the opposite yeah well my my old fish room I turned that into like a shrimp breeding room only yeah you know yeah I go there once a week and throw food exactly exactly and they breathe like crazy yeah absolutely because they just they just eat everything in the in the tank these shadow pandas they're the last ones right before we've finished all the coating and Sonic uh let's have a quick look yeah you've seen all the galaxies the red wines we didn't give these any appreciation and they are my favorite but that is a cool well there's the red wine counterpart I suppose oh yeah we'll go look at that so we'll look at those and they're they're mixed with so these are the red wines red wine Panda patterns I suppose so Panda pattern's like how do you describe a panda like uh like striped foreign that's a perfect Panda right there yeah that's a pan or that one up here yeah this one yeah that's a panda the word Panda originally came from the black and blue shrimp okay yeah but they just called because it's what they call them as a pattern so it's called pandas anyway red panda this like this is a this one here's a panda yep that's a boy panda that's like a perfect one there yeah yeah shadow shadow Panda Shadows blue okay yeah there's not a lot of white Pandas uh in the world anymore everyone got too obsessed with making Shadow pandas and everyone forgot about white Pandas so white Panda's just black and white yeah but they're rare as hands teeth now like you don't there's no breeders with white Pandas all right if you're watching this video like pandas yeah white Pandas and dragon Bloods yeah you miss these yeah the the simple looking ones but everyone loves them yeah they're unreal yeah I didn't like them at first when I saw them in videos I didn't like them at all didn't like the photos of them and then one day I got convinced to have some in wholesome and I can't imagine myself without a dragon tank since so what makes them a dragon it's the golden body with the red coloring all over them they were actually created by a breeder in Germany and they were called red calcios but the Taiwanese breeders loved it so much but renamed them as golden dragons that's sick yeah I think it's a fitting name I actually like yeah calling them golden dragons than red Kelsey what are these worth oh they're they're cheap they're like three to four dollars each get one son I got heaps I got heaps I have to get an RO system you have to show yeah oh that's right just look back yeah my RO system is actually quite primitive yeah it's not that it's just a three-stage RO system over here what do you get something like that uh I get it from filter systems Australia they've got yeah uh there you go filter systems Australia that's where I get all my carbon filters as well sure so okay how do you get your water then completely back arrow water yeah Wastewater okay so I keep all the Wastewater for guppies oh so yeah reuse that yeah so the Wastewater gets up to about 120 to 150 TDS yeah it's still cleaner than Brisbane water because Brisbane water is 250. but Guppies love 250 TDS to 300. yeah so that's where the RO line is so it works like a normal tap but you just drop it to about there and you just pull this out and that this starts like that right so we'll walk over then we'll see the RO system working now so you can see the RO water is being how often do you leave this on and flood your garage uh flooded this place so many times man it takes about six hours for me to fill this up I know people with ro systems that can do 100 liters in one hour okay okay but yeah that they cost three times as much and I didn't really need it so I've just got as much as that cost 200 2 50. let's go I mean most most really good ones are like 500 bucks for a five-stage filter I think I'm pretty sure mine was 250 and then when we changed the water like how do we clean a tank like say we're going to clean this tank up here for instance it's like any water change you just all you have to do is prepare your water yeah so prepare your water take water out so what you'll do is fill that up yep and then we'll really add to that so I use my friend's re-mineralizer actually I don't have it on on top of me here right now but mine was just five mil per 20 liters would get it up to about a TDS of 80. my friend Alan Alan Huang He does one so he's a he's a hobbyist as well yeah he's not really into the the business side of things but he gets a dehatri mineralizer from I believe it's Taiwan there's quite a few companies that sell good GH mineralizers like Continuum and cecum and yeah and all of them but my friends want specialized for specialized for shrimp so you'll fill it up mix it up in there yeah and then it's ready to go yup it's ready to go and I mixed it up just with an air stone that's it okay cool yeah and that's that's all you have to do there is one thing about carradinas though they do like very very slow water changes yeah because when you fluctuate it they're all malt so any shrimp that isn't healthy and malts went unnecessarily will die how often will you lose shrimp in here I've perfected it to a point where I lose Maybe one in a hundred shrimp every three months [Music] but it comes from a system that works for me very easily yeah it's just telling people what I do that it's it's just nothing like fish keeping yeah yeah you know like do 15 water changes fortnightly they're like what I do 50 every week you know that that sort of talk with cichlids and stuff like that it's it's completely different I'm worried that maybe my room's too warm for these as well it could be it could be you do have to have a cold room you would love sulawesi shrimp I don't have any but you would love sulawesi shrimp yeah the NEOS are perfect in your in your condition talking about the NEOS I think we've done everything now have we yeah I think so I think oh there is one there is one shrimp these are my blue Tangerine Tigers oh yeah we didn't look at these they blend in for me because of the color blindness yeah so they're quite transparent there's something about it if you if you magnify uh each individual shrimp you'll see that they've got quite intense patterns all over their body they do yeah so for me I I like it I like how simple it is I like how easy it is to keep them you don't have to worry about solidarity or pads you just have to keep mine breeding to Blue yeah it's like that one on the leaf would be a great one yeah that's a nice one this one's obviously not a good one that's too Brown so I'm gonna which one that one there's one there that's two brown yeah there you go [Music] I think that's the other reason why I like it I like I like how it looks so wild have you ever bred a mono shrimp no I wish you my mushrooms in Japan oh they are cool looking are you having a try and do it no because I I need salt water and I don't know how to raise them through the larval stage okay have you ever tried it no I might try it yeah it'd be an awesome video imagine that there's heaps of Australian natives that are really really cool to breed like all the stuff up north yeah yeah yeah man rifles uh yeah riffles rifles they're they're the bomb I would love to have a tank full of them don't they like yeah hair algae and that's everything everything those um carradina zebras are really cool too I don't know if you've seen those ones I don't have them anymore yeah but this is a daintree yeah they're really really cool so good yeah I saw around Atlas had a few and I was like this close to getting them but I just don't have the tanks no you would smash it I know so many people that have tried and not been able to breathe really yeah but I think that the rainwater is so fresh it's like tedious and dirty it's like when you go there it's just like never-ending rainwater yeah it's very very fresh so getting yeah you definitely need Arrow water for that one if you wanted to do Carradine as Everest but again nobody's nobody's figured it out hopefully one day somebody will yeah near time so I don't I haven't done NEOS as well as I have in the last few years have you been focused more on the Caribbeans yeah absolutely and it took me a while to realize how important water parameters are yeah I've bred them for ages and ages and ages and then one day they just stopped for about three years I struggled I couldn't figure it out and um when I added GH and KH up to 250 they started breeding again so yeah so Carradine is soft nearest hard very hard Brisbane water is perfect [Music] I always liked yellows it's just nice to have a tank full of yellows again down here yeah like they're common they're not rare but something about a nice yellow tank with a with a green background they just pop they just pop yeah I like oranges too but yeah I think yellows are more popular so with these care wise just a Sponge Filter just a sponge filter water changes with tap water yep don't over feed yep uh prepare like I have to prepare my tap water to 250 TDS but you don't have to do a thing you just have to for you in Brisbane you just have to age your water and that's it set these little babies though you're doing really well set and go there's Babies everywhere good job yeah you know when they first came out in the hobby I it took me three years to breed them I don't know what it was I could not breathe them it was one trim that I couldn't breed and then and then one day it just happened just happened and now I can breed them I I still don't know why it took me so long how many of these do you make compared to your caratinas I haven't counted do you reckon you make more near it so they're more prolific or they can be but ever since I got them to a certain standard or quality they've been really hard to breed as in like the the yellower they are the most solid color they are they seem to just have more difficulty breathing so I you could say it's inbreeding but all the NEOS are the same like you know they breed from Sister the brother and all that stuff yeah I think it's a nutritional issue probably yeah like they need more like they need harder minerals they need more food they're just more fragile my eye keeps getting drawn to this shrimp it's just sort of really yup red Riley Raleigh really yeah yeah really Riley there's a few up there in the stone as well they're great did you make these yeah I I had a lot of them and I just didn't have the time to focus on them there was a point when everybody had them so it was like everybody had them and I didn't need to focus on them at all and now nobody has them and I have to go back into breeding these guys again what's the secret to breeding release are easier reallys are way easier than yours say I wanted to set up a team to breed to breed true release yeah how would you recommend I go about that like you just have to call you just have to call over and over and over again it's a never-ending process I've been doing it for 10 years now I still have to call all the time all you need is one mistake you know for a bad girl to breed with a bad with a nice boy and then that's it Carl Weekley or cold daily you just um really depends on the breeding cycle and when you say cold you don't just kill them no I put them in the guppy tanks yeah yeah the Guppies have a good time so I go look up here and you'll see a lot of coals carbon Riley calls so you can see they're all in the oh they look great too they're all in the Moss chilling out so that's their that's their retirement home their adoption home it's very cool so yeah those red release are called rallies yeah do you have any more Riley's uh I have orange but they're not they're not they're not looking great like there's a nice orange one right there can you start a colony of shrimp like NEOS with two shrimp or do you absolutely there's no seed yeah just don't feed don't feed and they don't care like I know their colony they like being around each other yeah it doesn't matter too much like no not really it's just overfeeding it's a main issue yeah yeah there's a few unusual looking ones there yeah so a lot of people don't realize this but all all Riley shrimp can produce blue so you see the one on the right see how it's quite blue like what you were filming that one all Riley shrimp can produce blue so you can make a blue body red Riley you can make a blue body orange Riley blue body carbon really so that's another like another can of worms whether you wanted to start doing into that and I've had friends try and do that with great success as well just need more tanks man I just need more tanks do you have carbon really is here I do majority of them but I don't reach for carbon Riley's and I actually get a lot of them from my blue dreams because that's how blue dreams were created they're made from carbons yeah yeah they were made from carbons so I get carbons all the time for my blue dream tank and they're nothing special you're not focused on them obviously no no I just don't have time yeah well let me rephrase that I don't have enough tanks yeah that's it I've got to have I love the Guppies so much it's hard to not have Guppies sometimes yeah gotta be some shrimp hey Guppies and shrimp we'll look at the Guppies soon let's wrap up on these NEOS these are the nicest blue blue dreams I've ever seen that I still haven't called yet good so you can see there's actually quite a few to call in there there's a there's a carbon Riley one there that's pregnant you look that's a garden really yeah that's technically a carbon Riley you see the tail is darker and the head is darker okay yeah so that's a blue body carbon Riley where's a like the stereo blue dream the stereo blue dream I would say is someone like like this one that's hysteria Blue Dream Okay so it needs oh come on man yeah I know oh look at me yeah [Music] okay so that's like no black or no Darkness on it just like blue just blue Pure Blue from one one end to the other and you made these right yes I made them back in 2014. there's a carbon right here that's a great carbon actually I'll keep that one for you there you go I'll keep that one for you so you can you can start up your own colony or carbons if you want there's another carbon right here with a blue body so just curl for that those Tails yeah like I mean dark body dark tail yeah yeah you could you could restart the Riley Revolution please that'd be I really reckon they should be more popular I think so too no they were one like when I was 14. so that would have been the same time you were doing these like you started yes I remember going to the store and I saw blue release and I was like yes yes yeah that's exactly that's exactly what happened to me as well when I saw the first Blue cherry I lost I lost my marbles but nobody could keep blue cherries stable until me and it was honestly it wasn't it wasn't my credit I learned from the breeders in Germany how they did it and they all did it from carbon Riley and I just yeah just followed I was just the first person that followed the process in the country that's it so that's cool yeah it's definitely a feud of coal there we'll definitely pick them every time we see them for you today oh please okay yeah don't have tanks for them do you have some really nice Bloody Marys as well not at the moment I made it I made a mistake did you yeah last time yeah they were they were looking really good last time but uh they're not that crash hot at the moment what happened long story short I neglected it there was too much algae I fed them too much and when you feed them too much and there's too much algae you can't lime breed them as well because you don't see every single offspring that comes out yeah and uh yeah they're mixed up and they got they got a lot worse over the last few months so that's that's my mistake which is uh you you're actually seeing a cleanup I cleaned up the whole tank this morning oh well that's good mistakes yeah yeah absolutely and it's the same with fire reds as well like you you can always make mistakes you have to be on top of it it's nice to know Glenn is up too yeah all the time every time same with the really is like literally every Neo I have screwed on yeah at least two or three times like oranges they're my favorites I have screwed them up more than five times one of these are just normal just normal sun-kissed Orange yeah and they they're not even there they're not good but I'm happy to start all over again it's just yeah fun and easy there was a buried go on the gravel so if you look up in the underground filter that go at the back pretty sure she's buried nope she won't cooperate no no yeah she's buried so I'll start the the next lot for you then yeah yeah all right well I guess that wraps up shrimp then yeah I think guppy time guppy time I went to Eliza's and she had those campura the blue snakes yeah blue snakes is that no oh the ones you know with endless how you collect them and they're like they're kind of like rainbow fish yeah yeah they're like a blue yup that would have been the campaign with blue snakes there's one boy here it's yeah that's it yeah so oh he's not the crash hot one that is one fish that's been in really high demand and I've oversold okay definitely oversold that yeah they breed like rabbits there was one stage though where I couldn't breed them for a year and a half no idea why but they they breed like rabbits now there's there's definitely no issues I guess now that we're 54 minutes into this video and everyone here is here should we talk about the food absolutely because we can feed it to the I don't want to feed it to your shrimp oh we can definitely feed it to them anyways yeah so here's the new food I brought you a big bag this time okay but your stuff is really really good like I tried it for I finished your last bag and they just went off I personally felt that they their production rates was much higher as well well I'm not and I'm not saying this just just to say it yeah like I said like I mean it's the pellets Crush will pellet so yeah and yeah I do ship it worldwide um but like it comes like that and then so you get a good look at it there but yeah like can I feed it to this thing yeah you can feed it to anything so like you could the Cobras for instance you could just drop it in and like it'll sink like that or if you want to you can like crush it up it like breaks up on the top so if you've got like heaps of babies in there I'll do this one yeah yeah so see the babies actually get a chance to eat it and that's exactly why I like it yeah you can mix it up with water and you can make a paste with it it's basically just really good ingredients that like you can use as like your fish cereal easily easily yeah it's a really good compliment but I want to try it in one of the shrimp tanks too if you want yeah I mean yeah I'll throw one in and we'll come back to it in like five minutes there you go this is in the mixed tank we did this last time and they came to it like within two three minutes and they went absolutely off [Music] no it's a great food so there you go there's one it's like oh what's this I don't know it's hard for me to say like you know because it's my food I couldn't I definitely endorse it yeah you don't even have to convince me that's why I asked for a kilo of it yeah good yeah buy it down below because it like helps to I want to get another one going and absolutely you know money helps to keep things going so I don't know how to explain it but food is so important people always say you can use like all types of food no you can't I don't get bloat anymore with this yeah I don't get blood exactly yeah like just from being the flakes and the pellets and used to I used to cut Corners with my food like I use really cheap food and the results are 100 like show for it like you get bloat like less eggs like everything so the main one for this is that it keeps the young babies really healthy yeah their growth rate is so much faster and they can survive around their parents easier as well so that's why I really like this food especially for my particular type of breeding setup this is perfect anyway it's not about my food anyway show us some cool fish top blue lace swords so they're quite a while stream they're just lime bread for their top swords they're not the bluest at the moment it's a bit hard to show the blue in them yeah definitely a Sentimental I'm gonna say everything's my favorite so yeah you're just gonna have to get ready for that but it's a definitely a Sentimental one that I can't ever not have [Music] yeah it's a guppy reticulata yeah every everything that I have in the tank is something that I can't not have yeah I mean it's not a case of families yeah this is this is very very popular oh yeah more white I prefer the white look in them but a lot of people like to call them blue opals do you mind having these blonde females in there yeah love them okay so you want the blondes rather than these I like the blondes and the Grays together okay because for me the stability is about the opal color it's not about the body so there's you know you know there's bronze blonde and gray Guppies yeah it actually really makes it a lot easier to keep Guppies if you have different bodies in there because their genetic variety is higher okay you've bred lots of high-end fancy guppies right uh not like not like I'm not a good genetic breeder I'm good at like making more fish but well you know like blue grass Guppies and gumbo Guppies yep have you seen how like a lot of people just they just drop dead on people yeah all the time I find that if I cross them to blonde bodies in bronze bodies you don't have that problem we talked about these a lot in the last tour the Santa Maria's yeah Santa Maria's yeah with uh with the monster at the top yeah the baby killer yeah the baby is more than enough guppy grass I think it'll be fine yeah Santa Maria's they they just look cool just simple half body like another version of a neon tetra so to speak I guess in a way like a neat way it's easy yeah they probably have a little bit less color yeah yeah at the moment for some reason they do I'm not sure why I think maybe seasons have a big yeah it's definitely seasonal no one's breeding as much as they should be I know it looks really full but it's because I don't sell yeah much but they're not breeding like they normally do summer hits and they're just breeding every week yeah interesting yeah we'll go for this whole thing up here yeah are these the rivers so they're the orange spotted orange spotted n-class endless they're they're as wild as you can get they actually have a variety of different types of orange colors but I picked the ones that look spotted so if you look at all the boys they all got like a hint of orange spots in them yeah really really simple looking fish [Music] but they're like the wild antler yeah there is they're one of the wildest ones you can get there's something about uh the Simplicity of them I mean you're a collector you've yeah you've done it a long time so it's your taste is completely different than someone else yes very very different these are the orchids next door yeah they're the ones that are in my opinion they're the nicest looking uh wild class endless areas and these are a wild as well yes oh they're definitely better looking yeah I love the black the black sail fin yeah the Blackness I know on the females they got a little black sail oh yeah yeah yeah and the males yeah and those are just cool yeah especially when they want to breed I reckon endless shrimp just Nanos are going to really explode more in the next like five years like especially as people get Apartments so I think these all become a lot more popular than you yeah I felt that they've already exploded since covered they definitely have but I reckon they've got even more like yeah I can see people stopping like you know like angels and just focusing on these little things when I was keeping cichlids my electricity bill was 1.8 yeah exactly I love cichlids but I just don't have room wait do you want to feed these some food yeah that's just one pellet there so that's just one look at how much how much it goes everywhere look at these babies going off must have I think if you've got any Guppies so so 100 percent nice they go on a town on it they're going crazy for it I'm gonna do the one next to you in a second oh yeah yeah so what are these next door wild orange dorsal reticulata so they're a wild guppy that I've lime bread for the blue see if you can see it for the blue and the orange oh yep can you see some of the yeah I see that blue it's just hard to show their colors unfortunately you need like a plant Escape yeah now they're beautiful yeah [Music] cool wild reticulitis yeah wild blue all right blue I'll get down from here you're like the ginger Rivers they're over there so if you just come down the ginger rubers and the emerald swords you don't have too many no not at the moment what happened they're they're just not breeding as much as they should yes come summertime can you see the colors now yeah I can yeah come on boys and girls notice there's blonde ones and gray ones yes yeah I I had a few crashes with them when I first had them and then ever since I've mixed the blondes and the Grays together and line bread them no problems at all we're going nuts for the bug Buffet I love these catch my eyes dude yeah now they've they've crashed too yeah yeah so that's another one that I have I have no idea why these were they call against Snow White yeah Snow White uh with thread fins I don't know if you can see the thread fins at the back that could be the Gold Coast water yeah definitely so I've added a lot of coral in quite a few tanks this is one particular one that I'm having trouble with right now but it always comes and goes like I'm pretty sure those two girls are Prego look they're even eating it look at that small their little mouths are I love threatens me too they are such an underrated fish they're just really impossibly hard for people to keep I think really I think people have a hard time feeding them so they need really small food and that's why the bug buffets yes yeah they they prefer very they can't eat Flakes and Bug buffet for me yep any any sort of powder food works but definitely definitely bug Buffet is a perfect compliment to their diet yeah it's just easier than hatching our brine shrimp so yeah emeralds so they're doing really well they're booming with the guppy grass as well so these are an emerald enlar uh puppy actually yeah that's that's normal because a lot of Guppies are bred to be small they look like endlers so is this a a good one there like this male he's okay there's a there's quite a lot of variety uh genetic varieties in these guys so the guy that actually created them as more than eight different types of phenotypes that's a nice one the one in front of you yeah yeah he's really nice but they're supposed to be even bigger if it's possible but you need you need more tanks you know you need a nice Pond yeah that will get them really really big but yeah so these are still like something you're working on though like you've got a bit more time with them okay perfect them I I don't think there is a Perfection process to these ones because they've got eight different phenotypes that's what makes them so strong and so easy it's a guppy that I just want to sit back and watch I don't want to have to do all the work trying to line breathing over and over again I like the surprises okay and there's actually some purple jeans in them too so I'm hoping that one day I can get a purple Emerald like purple Emerald yeah and I've had one or two come out but yeah there's there's it's a lot of work yeah and and sometimes I like it when they have a lot of snake skin in them like that boy there but sometimes I like it when they don't have any patterns and they're just a platinum green but tired like unless I have more tanks can't do it these ones they're multi-colored these are a guppy yeah they're technically called an AB Saddleback but I just called him multi-colored roundtails oh look at the females everything about them is cool they're your favorite definitely my favorite definitely my favorite in terms of like color variety it's just got everything it's got yellow blue red orange green purple like this everything's in there that's it looks so good and the fact that they're small and easy nice yeah but the funny thing is my most asked fish is the snakeskin koi snakeskin coins this one coins are so popular right now yeah I I don't like koi's except for this how do you stop them eating their babies so bad like always are really bad for eating their babies I found Brian trim brine trim brunch I'll do that baby Brian shrimp uh you know that you see the Subway at the bottom yeah that makes a big difference with their hiding okay and I have these dodgy little plastic whatever you floated they were meant to be like bottom grass yeah but I just let them float turn it upside down and they hide in there all the time they're unreal ease yeah yeah like the I think the males just the males are striking yeah so cool when when you look at them properly their pattern is just really intense frisky yeah they are whiskey boy yeah there was one that I saw before that I really need you to talk to me about what color it's a black and gold one black and gold black and gold oh the Tiger King Cobras you've got some now no there wasn't those I saw them before and I was like oh I want to talk about these later like the females have these yeah they're the Tiger King coach yeah they're with the marbling body oh okay so they're just young these ones yeah yeah yeah I'm getting sure no the females look unreal yeah you know the Brisbane guppy keeper yeah right yeah no yeah I've got a video with him coming out yeah and that's got some really nice Tiger King Cobras they're like the biggest Trend as well at the moment everybody loves them I I can see why I freaking love them yeah I mean and even like look at how young they are they're good looks so good they're meant to be quite a big Delta tail guppy yeah yeah I've this is just the latest batch yeah I actually have all the adults outside because I've bred so much of them I wanted to see if they would survive winter with the polycarbonate like a greenhouse we'll look at that in a minute yeah should we talk about these Guppies really quick and then we'll go outside yeah sure that's what we've done yeah we've done all of them I mean the Platinum things are pretty cool so these ones there but this is a personal preference I think so those are Platinum pinks yeah they I can't get them to bring true at my room oh really no I probably just got a bad batch I've probably got someone's Coles okay so they they are originally from a wild type wild type and Lacrosse to magenta to the magenta Gene and that's where Chili's came from so the platinums originally came from Chili's let's go I just like them because they're pink yeah like a lot of pink Guppies are albinos and I find albino is just too fragile for the hobby too many people too yeah too many people have too much trouble with them and that's one thing I want to do to the Hobby which is make easy to breathe easy to grow fish yeah especially in Japanese yeah please they should be easy they shouldn't be hard [Music] all right let's look at these what are these ones uh Ivory mosaic Ivory Blue Mosaic did you get these from that no no I've had these for six six seven eight years it's just been I've had crash after crash but been really good so far yeah they're just striking then we've got these together for me and Matt eat a nice dirty tank form dirty dirty tank good old Dumbo ears they were so popular at one point they are they still are but yeah I like it I like them a lot it's so cool I have one thing that not a lot of people have which is your metal red lace yeah so he's he's the he's the stud he is an excellent stud for him yeah he's an excellent metal red lace yeah funny he'll come forward he'll come forward but all the boys are on the left side so I select all the boys and I put them out on the left to grow up I don't even notice there's a few that are gray with completely red bodies that's just the off throws you always get a few with metal red lace because metal red laces are Moscow Moscow cross lace guppy so you're always going to have a bit of variety in them [Music] Boys in front let's go wait while we're here the moina culture look down there under the under the light so you're just doing this inside yeah they don't do well in Winter outside for me how do you do like do you get many inside not as much as I can outside when when the weather is a lot warmer but what I do is um I just keep them inside for a backup okay just in case because I I really like this culture I think it's an amazing food source so right now you're just kind of like just leave him in hitch back on yeah do you feed this at all or I just water change with green water okay so for my ponds outside I just do water changes with those with the green water and they just leave the light on 24 7. not at the moment I just leave it on the timer okay I use it to feed whatever guppy I'm having trouble with okay yeah just for extra nutrition and you're also do grind shrimp here yes I tried for a long time not to use brine shrimp just because of how much work there is but it really makes a world a year and say it's unparalleled well that's it in the guppy room there's a lot of Tanks yeah there's more there is we'll go outside and have a look at your ponds yeah sure all right easy [Music] yeah you pick up she just has a big cry yeah yeah whatever alrighty so this is the backyard pond it all it all started from my love for breeding Guppies but now I just want different types of water lilies there's not too many down there but the garbage bins the garbage bins mate guess who I learned that from the video some guy Master Bin breeder oh man saved me so much money saved me so much money that's cool there's a few there with eggs actually come right now so these are all your madokas so you got yeah what have you got here I mean it's gonna be hard these are the Miyuki Blues which ones uh the ones in front of these Blues yep the one on your left are oranges I've got a mixture of platinum whites used to it picking eggs out of these uh not at the moment they only just started egging up oh yeah yeah eggs or any oh damn ton of move those are huge eggs [Laughter] so these are the oranges yep these are stunning Platinum so they're the original the original of The Originals they're a mixture of uh miyuki's that produce Platinum whites so they're like the source for all the whites I actually just had miyuki's a mixture of miyuki's and whites at the start okay well so those are all white yeah I thought Lotus is going crazy I can't wait till you see the flowers man I'm just going to send you photos of flowers I'll do it it's it's horrible it's a horrible horrible Hobby everyone everyone just laughs at me because I'm like look at these flowers so this is this is Peaches and Cream peaches and cream peaches and cream so the flowers oh did you notice something no [Music] they'll come out you see they'll come out oh yeah what are these tiwas or uh there's a mixture of the tier wise hold on let me check I've got tear us I've got uh Evan's head and I've got geez let me check my notes I put it down my notes are there all I have to write is rad and it'll tell me that those are punas you got punish who'd you get the penis off Leonardo oh I want some of those there's like the prey Cox rad they're the best ones they're the orange orange and yeah man they're just blue red orange anything you want on them they good no sorry these are Tijuana Creeks okay these are tieras I'll show you where the punas and the Evans head are no they're cool still can you grow Lily's inside hey good luck could you reckon I could grow the leaves in my I would love to try it but I don't know I I feel like highlight or I've they actually have um they they generally always have like this insect uh it's a it's I can't remember the name of it now but it's it it yeah it eats the leaves and this has actually been the best place for them like it looks like a but because the sun is so intense it kills all the insects from eating the leaves okay well when I had the ponds over there I would lose leaves all the time and and the water lilies didn't actually go well so I always tell everyone um when in doubt treat them like it works What's um they got shrimp in here too yeah so those are the fire reds there's I've got a few fire reds in there there's too much algae at the moment but there's some fire reds these are the pruners these are pruners yeah the pruners are in there is it just purnas in here yes just punos and the Evans heads are over here for me so I've been trying to see whether that would work as a greenhouse so far it has because I've had guppies survive the whole winter I don't even getting any eggs yet too cold yeah way too cold I don't use the noodle stuff anymore too um so I saw what are you putting polycarb sheets over the top yeah that's that's been working for me so far huh interesting it was just two trials and uh yeah it seems to work so next winter I'll do it but these are the metal red lace Guppies uh there's a bunch of fire reds in there and Evan's head RADS they'll come out so and I should get an iPhone [Music] are they down the bottom there yeah oh there's a swim past there you go there's so many water lily babies by the way have you won any all right can I try yeah see this one it's yours you can take it do you reckon that'll um I'll try it in the time I'll grab some bags for you and we'll we'll bag them up those are that's a very nice purple uh pink one all right let's leave it here we'll do it after but yeah yeah um so what you you just kind of do these ponds for a bit of fun and yeah I just I just want flowers like I don't like um normal plans I just love water lilies something about them so these are pink yeah these are pink I've actually kind of lost the notes for what these are these are Red Lotus I think I'm only going to find out what they are when they flower yeah they look like a Lotus so yeah tri-color Lotus maybe or something yeah but they're they're beautiful there's there's quite a variety I've got some blue ones uh orange ones I'll send you the photos when they flower up yeah and you'll just be like can I have some of them trust me you will say that why do you put this stuff in here art is perfect for shrimp so yeah come over here so you're breeding shrimp outside too yeah so have a look if you have a look at the sheets you can see shrimps on it you can see the light little blue ones oh there we go look at that yeah so they they eat all the bacteria that grows on these sheets just hashing bags yeah man just keep it there there's more biofilm and they just end up picking on it all day beautiful so I don't know if this let's see if this this works yeah all right I can okay have a look at this have a look at my hands look how many shrimp they are and they bring breeding in Winter yep you pull it out you'll see shrimps everywhere all around yeah that's how some breeders do it where'd you learn this all right I learned it from a friend from Taiwan yeah he just he just had this in fact he actually had um he actually had loofahs in there that's what they've been using loofers for um madaka breeding as well yeah yeah and I was like wow a shower Louver in there so he pulls it up and just shows me and there's shrimp all around [Music] him absolute genius well I guess that kind of wraps it up does it yeah no thank you so much that's all right this is honestly I love coming here we're going to come back again and yeah as long as you let me come and film here we're going to do it so when summer hits I can't wait to show you the flowers yeah also lilies go and we'll come back and yeah follow up and then hopefully we can have a look at all these RADS and see how they're going in there as well and the thread fins are in here too so there'll be some good GoPro stuffins all right cheers see you
Channel: KeepingFishSimple
Views: 220,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0914GdZpQmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 14sec (4274 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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