Into the Australian Rainforest - Collecting Wild Fish for Aquariums

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[Music] in this video we are going into the Australian rainforest in search of some of the beautiful fish in our freshwater ecosystems we're specifically on the look for some rainbow fish to breed in My Fish Room as part of a new breeding project that I'd like to do Australia's freshwater ecosystems are filled with amazing Wildlife when exploring these different ecosystems you can expect to see a lot of different animals including fish lots of different shrimp and yabbies plants insects birds and things surrounding all these waterways as a lot of these freshwater ecosystems are nucleuses for a lot of animals survival we can expect to see a ton of interesting things today and I'm super excited to go on this adventure with all of you foreign starts off bright and early today at the fish room probably like 6 a.m in the morning I don't mind early mornings I think a few of the people today do I don't know we'll see but today we're going wild collecting we're going up north from Brisbane we've got my friend Jason taking us out morning mate how you doing bro how are you going Jason has a YouTube channel you guys can check out Adrian from Adrian's fish room and Katie from Katie's channel is also coming we're all going out looking for some fish I think I've got everything we need I'll put it all in here that you've got an air stone uh yeah I brought a broader Airline but I forgot the air stone oh yeah I'll get you one got any salt yes got GoPro cameras net another two specimen containers as well and like pH test kit and that there's actually a funny story between me and Jason so we actually met way back when I was about 15 years old seven years ago Jason came to my house when I had one fish tank and a few angel fish that I wanted to move I put a listing on Facebook and Jason replied to that listing and came and collected some fish from my house at 9 30 p.m my parents weren't too impressed but it was pretty funny because I don't think Jason remembered it until I mentioned it but I'd met him several years prior Jason's been doing heaps of Adventures throughout the whole of Australia collecting and researching and looking at different species of fish all in our freshwater ecosystems Jason's got a wealth of knowledge about all the fish that we're gonna see today and he's been on trips far and wide deep deep into the Outback here in Australia looking for different species and I have a massive respect for what Jason does he does all of this stuff on his free time in the weekends and researching all these fish collecting them looking after them and helping with conservation projects is something that he loves to do and I really admire what he's done for the native fish keeping Hobby this is a full like setup you got here Jason given that Jason does this so often he has quite the rig with his car Jason's car is basically set up for collecting any species of freshwater fish in Australia and bringing them home lithium battery system for charging all your camera gear and all that solar panel on the top that charges the battery when you're not driving you could be stationary and that runs a fridge and everything storage drawers for your camera gear and your tools and all that sort of stuff what's this stuff here that's your water for shower or you can use it filling up buckets oh wow because how long do you have to keep the fish in the car for days I've kept them in there for a couple of weeks hey Visa Jason AB nice to meet you all right I think we're all good I'm gonna definitely lose something today after everyone had arrived and we'd got all our gear together and packed up the car it's time to head off hit the road and try and find some wild fish alrighty so we're on the way to the first location to get to the locations we're going to today we had to head up Mount glorious in Mount Nebo to get to the top of Northbrook Creek where we were looking for our fish [Music] so it's been raining for the last two days before we come here now is that like bad for the fish or no it could actually be quite good up here because most Creeks would be um cloudy and after the rain but because this gets so much rainfall up here usually actually makes a great clearer what are you saying people normally don't invite you because you said it rains every time he comes somewhere most people know yeah that invite me somewhere it'll start raining all these desert areas and the people are people that actually live there ask me to come back to bring the rain with them the rain man yeah but luckily this time I didn't pan out we had to make a quick stop for fuel on the way there as this was going to be quite a long drive and I just wanted to show you guys the price of fuel here in Australia it's very very expensive we decide along the way that we'd stop off at some of the Lookouts and have a look from above at the ecosystems we were going to explore today our first spot West Ridge Outlook Okay so we've just stopped off our first Lookout and it's freezing like we're 500 meters up above sea level and it is freezingly cold like I can't imagine how cold the water is going to be it's gonna be so cold Jason was saying that apparently there's death out of snakes here as well this is like well known spot for death adders so Adrian's not scared but I'm kind of like myself about it this is very cool huh look at that it's like a Iwo groom Escape oh my gosh wow you can see the view from the lookout was just fantastic it was absolutely amazing for all you that don't know I've got a massive fear of Hearts I hate getting higher what we were looking at was the wivenhoe dam which is where some of the water for Brisbane is collected for drinking and for using in our aquariums we found heaps of amazing plants here at the Outlook including a lot of different ferns mosses orchids trees and other Little Critters now you can hear all the whip Birds it's amazing yeah it's so cool what I was going to um just point out is so they cut this tree down obviously years ago 75 to 100 years ago maybe and they've done it by hand so you can imagine how how hard it was to get down but because it's got a hollow center they haven't been able to use it so they've just left it there to rot basically so the timber they took all the time to cut it down Santa was Hollow so it's gone it's huge yeah yeah it'd go all the way down imagine the sound of that thing Falls when it came down yeah and then the sound of the guy swearing when they realized it was Hollow they probably took him two days after this stop we were back on the road and we drove for another 10 to 15 minutes until we reached another Outlook to see the overall environment of where these animals today come from foreign Outlook oh the smell is so nice just like the air again we're just looking at the same Dam from a different spot [Music] we did find some really cool plants here as well some different ones this is a quarterline a native Coraline and it's flowering I haven't seen that flower before not that particular color now it's beautiful but it is just so interesting and refreshing to go to these places and you don't really hear any cars you don't hear any people talking and you're just really immersed inside of Nature and it's something that we don't get to do a lot as people in Metro cities so this was just so refreshing for me to see especially after a long year of building in the fish room and not really being able to go out and do these things apparently now we're going to go and have a look for some fish so I'm not too sure where we're going but we're looking it was time to head off to the first fish location we traveled another 15 minutes down the hill to a spot along Northbrook Creek in the National Park to have a look at one of the most amazing freshwater streams I've ever seen in my life and at first sight I was in love this this place was so tranquil so beautiful and the water was just flowing absolutely magnificently so you got the the kicks on now yeah water shoes I'm just gonna go vans they're SJ shoes do you reckon the water was absolutely crystal clear so I took my shoes off and started to head further up the creek the sticks are the ones with the sharps on them yeah the spikes avoid the sticks look at all these rocks they're like perfect Ram breeding rocks heaps of these tadpoles everywhere when we first put our feet in the creek we were introduced by a few little tadpoles so these were actually native frogs Jason was saying and you can see the little tadpole swimming around that will develop into frogs very very soon so we were going to head a little bit upstream and have a look at some of the fish here in the creek Jason said it's always better to start off down the bottom and head Upstream as if you go the other way the water's just going to carry all the debris that you're kicking up and you're not going to be able to see the fish as you go along so it's always important to note head Upstream not Downstream so this year this is what gives me inspiration to do stuff for tanks like the way that you've got the side wall here can be the back of your fish tank and then you can run the roots along there but just the way that the substrate changes how it's really fine underneath the roots over there it's slightly larger out here and you can see the larger bits all then back up on the sides here I love this little pocket with all these roots coming off over here see that to me is just an ideal snapshot of what you could take and put into a tank you know look at this oh yeah it's just fantastic you know an example of um when you're walking around these sorts of places oh wow that's the sort of Driftwood you pick up perfect piece cool huh now we're not allowed to collect in this location because this is actually a protected area so this is probably part of the reason why this area is so pristine you're not even allowed to take driftwood from here all we're allowed to do is walk around and observe and honestly I was really happy to do this this is such a beautiful area and I hope I get to see more ecosystems like this further on in my life this is seriously just so beautiful and pristine we didn't even spot a single noxious fish here which was just absolutely amazing so these Creeks really do turn into Rapids when it starts to rain yeah so you can see the creek would get up yeah that high for sure you usually check up on the trees to where the debris is and that tells you the last height of the last flood almost head height Jason Goes On These adventures all the time so he was really good at helping us find where all the fish were within this ecosystem none of us could spot where these fish were swimming but Jason had an eye for it oh there's a big school of rainbows right there oh sick if you're staying there I'll walk up and you'll probably scare him down to you you're swimming right here in front of me see now where this where the sun's coming out here nice there's some nice big ones up here oh yeah yeah right there in front of you they're huge they've got such amazing color he could spot fish from tens of meters away and it was just so amazing seeing him do this I always put the camera in under these snags because you never know what's going to be under them sometimes it could be just hiding under them and that but you can't see them from the surface of the water because of all the water movement could be crayfish or anything in the perfect spot for him to hide he was so patient with setting up his cameras and explaining to us the best way to record this fish so when you do your biotope videos and record all these nature shots and stuff how long you have to wait here sometimes I stay in here for hours just waiting for the right sort of video you just got to leave the camera in there and let it do its same thing let the fish warm up to it when we had a look underwater there were so many of these beautiful tubalaos rainbows these are also referred to as Crimson spotted rainbows they were all displaying their morning colors and they were likely breeding ly eyes here if you have a good look here oh yeah you can see him clear as day here now the sun comes up just slowly walking to the water you'll see them you can see baby ones I see a couple of little baby ones in there they swim in pretty big schools and they can actually travel up and down the stream so these can be expected along the whole entire Creek that we're exploring today and hopefully we can collect some of these Downstream Adrians found himself a nice spot in the soft sand um that's actually I think watercress I think it's a Watercress so I think you can actually eat it you want to buy it National Park I can't that's right unfortunately I did not bring my water testing kit to figure out what the parameters of the water were here but we will test the water a little bit further Downstream and I don't imagine it'll be that much different let's take a bit of water with you there you go because I'm I probably got a bit of pH in me so they would be breeding all up in underneath these rooms they'd be laying eggs so when they come Downstream here I can't imagine that they could get back up over those oh you're looking they can get up there there's little nooks and crannies going all through those rocks this Creek was dry probably about six months or eight months ago it was totally dry so they've come all the way up streams and down the bottom where the dam is or little pockets where they've been hiding there's almost like a Dam head I don't know if this is man-made or what there's all these rocks that built up informed like this damn wall as you can see but this is where Jason reckons the rainbows climb up and they go back Upstream which is insane that they can climb up through this look how fast this water is Flowing here it's not crazy crazy fast but still very quick walk through it all there we go oh mate these rocks are rough on your feet they're very very sharp next time I come to one of these trips I will be bringing some of these water shoes I had to walk around Barefoot and these rocks aren't as smooth as it seems they're very very hard on your feet it was actually very nice to be completely in touch with the water but after a bit it did become a little bit rough on your feet what do you think of it all yeah I think it's amazing bro it's just a very special place the water's incredible you could easily drink this water up here's a much fly let's see if we can you ready watch they actually bite and sting you that's a little sucker they draw blood and they they're called horse flies or March flies and you don't panic with them you just wait till they land then they hit I feed these to my fish in my fish room but they're uh ultimately you've seen floating down the river he will become Rainbow Food pretty quick we probably spent about a good hour and a half here at this location looking at the fish talking to each other about the fish and learning all about the ecosystem of where they come from I probably sound a little bit dramatic saying this but this was life-changing for me I've never experienced such a beautiful ecosystem and it was really full circle for me to see where some of the fish that I love to keep come from look at how beautiful this is this is just a park next door and you can hear all the native birds and The Creeks down there but look at all this grass and you've got the hills up there just a beautiful spot after we'd seen everything we wanted to see we had to keep on schedule and move on to the next location I wanted to stay here for hours but we had to make sure that we got to the next location in time to catch the fish that we wanted to catch as if we left it too late they'd all disappear and it wouldn't be prime time for catching the fish we want to see so a second fish location was this beautiful Billabong located at the bottom of the mountain range this was surrounded by run-down cattle Farms which explains why there's a lack of trees around the area thank you it's got a couple of different colored traps to catch the fish we wanted to collect today we were using really simple and cheap bait traps you can get these at basically any fishing shop for a couple of bucks and they work great for collecting these small fish so you just use cat food yeah it's a cheap brand cap biscuit this is quite a deep little system and there was tons of fish right from the get-go we could see them all from the surface this place just really struck me as beautiful after we'd got all the traps together it was time to throw them in the water so we climbed down the overpass where the cars go down to the creek so I thrown the traps in and you can see we already found an empty bottle that was either left here or flowed down the stream to this spot we did pick this up but it was a little disappointing to see this Jason was saying these are just detrimental to this area as especially since it doesn't have the lid on it reptiles get their heads stuck in them Turtles get their heads stuck in them and they're just terrible for the Wildlife so we picked this up and then we went and threw our traps in the water so about there we threw one trap in a shallow area and then we went under the overpass and we threw one in a spot on the other side of the road we then went and grabbed another two traps and went further Downstream and placed them in two other spots in the creek little Abby just started off underneath this Branch here no shoes while we were setting up the final traps Jason spotted a little yabby swimming in the area you can see it was actually spying at the camera and he was quite a big one I'm not too sure what the species was it was really cool to see this Jason was very very excited about it Jason also lifted up a few rocks to show us where the yabbies hide in this area we did see a few shellfish swimming underneath this rock we of course put these back in place after we're done looking so once we've finished placing all the traps in the area we had to leave them for 30 minutes so we went and had some lunch and just chilled out in the area and really appreciated the spot what do you got two bananas apples that's about it really pH neutral yeah you brought all the lunch for us today so we had a few bread rolls and some Bundaberg ginger beer which was really nice of her so thank you so much Katie thanks Katie well we're having lunch Adrian grabbed the camera and walked over to some of the Machinery only 100 meters away from us you can see there's millions of dollars of equipment just sitting here we're not too sure what this is going to be used for hopefully nothing that's going to affect the ecosystem that we're looking at today all right so we've just had lunch and we're going to go check the first traps that we set we've got something in there there's something yeah rainbows oh wow oh there's heaps of them take it over here in a caramel water wait we got fish so you're gonna watch these two because they act like popcorn when you put them in a couple of purple spotted gudgeons if you want to check it out can you see him wow yeah there's a nice big one here I'll take it and show you it's the double AI Crimson spotted baby purple spotted gudgeon another Dubai oh my gosh there's a nice couple of nice bigger purple spotters in here baby I actually prefer to take younger ones because they um they do better oh one got it yet so we've got males and females um probably yeah how long can these fish live for oh they can live for up to 20 years even the rainbow for 15 years at least the Dungeons and rainbows yeah that is so cool so you can see we found some fish in our first trap which was so exciting let's try a different spot now just up in a bit shallower water yep see what happens we actually ended up catching something we're just keeping for now and um aerate them and we'll release them if we don't need them yeah I'll just check the one that under this pipe here see what it's like no nothing up here there were no fish in our other trap on the other side of the road so we did move this one back to the other side of the creek to see what else we could catch imagine having this in your backyard it'd be pretty cool wouldn't it [Music] take these up and put the aerator on them so we put some in a fresh bucket took them up to a b and Katie to show them what we'd caught and just preserve them for a couple of minutes while we went and checked all the other traps You're Gonna Keep a few of these in your Rainbow tank a b probably how cool yeah you can see there they would be able to jump up the streams oh yeah yeah they'll jump out that bucket for sure so what's this we're going to use a USB aerator you plug them in your USB and they just go for ages [Music] it's gonna stay oxygenated now so you just throw a bit of salt in yeah it's a pinch of salt normally you put like a pinch in each fish bag as you're bagging them up why would you do that right it helps with it producer slime coat my suggestion is that because it's your channel you need to swing out hold on to that and swing out as far as you can and then come all the way back in and stay dry and if you get wet well too bad yes for sure yeah yeah yeah go oh he can hold his body away let's go I know you want it so after we put our first fish in the bucket we continue to check all the other traps to see what we'd caught do you want me to pull that out are you going to pull that out okay second trap let's see what's in it oh this is awesome look at this how good is that we've definitely got some what do you reckon they are oh there's lots of rainbows oh there's heaps of stuff splashing around yeah yeah it's a glass it's a glass fish you can see here in Katie's trap she found a ton of different fish yes some glass fish including some of these glass perchlets which is so cool can you breed the glass fish yeah they will breed in there you breed them in ponds it's the purple spot there and that's a glass fish there and a rainbow fish there four different types one scoop so we ended up collecting a wide variety of different species including double layers rainbow fish purple spotted gudgeons Fire tail gudgeons and of course some glass perchlets we will be having a closer look at all these species when we take them home later on in the day we are only allowed to take a few of these out of the stream due to our Fisheries laws so we did release most of the fish we caught today back into the stream and we were only able to take a few of these home to breed after we'd checked all the traps we set before lunch you get some mad underwater footage Brewster James decided that he was going to go for a swim so he chucked on the snorkel gear took the GoPro in and had an underwater look at the Billabong that we're sitting at well awake oh she would just when he did that anyway is it freezing I'll hop in he was swimming around for quite a while before he hopped out because he did find a big scary catfish swim past it did really freak him out and you can see the water does go quite deep ER right now don't hold the right part come on go [Music] all right [Music] let's win it smells like a dirty fish tank laughs after we'd had a dip in the water it was time to go and test the water parameters of the fish we just collected we went on the other side of the creek as we just stirred up a bunch of the material in the bottom of the water and we thought this could affect the water testing so we went across the other side of the road and grabbed a few samples 30 degrees can you see that so that's really really warm it's warm yeah I don't know if I believe that the water was 30 degrees it was a very very hot day but it didn't seem that hot and I think this thermometer might be broken so Jason and I took our best bet and we reckoned the water was about 23 degrees the same as the ocean so we'll do TDS next year oh yeah yeah okay zero zero zero yep you do that 130 . so that's quite interesting because you'd think it being rainwater it would be like maybe 60 parts per million Max yeah I guess it depends on what's coming off the rest of the um it must be like all the silt and all that would have yeah and all the all the farms and everything washing into it yeah true like there'd be heaps of fertilizers and stuff all right I'll just give this a rinse what do you reckon it's going to be I really don't know I've never been up this end of the uh you know I think it'll be quite acidic we will soon find out though I think people forget to do is to shake their um solution so this says three drops one two three oh dude that's so alkaline there you go that's crazy you wouldn't even think that it's like eight it would have to be at least eight yeah look at that eight point eight can you see that on there we've got to test that again that can't be right surely that's crazy that's so high we will soon find out let's do another one best of three almost time yeah yeah we have to because I mean the pH solution could be off as well I don't know I've had it for a while all right totally rinsed so precise all right spot on one two three see that looks a different color already I think some of our test kits were definitely broken or weren't calibrated because we didn't lose varying results it's like 7.0 yeah 7.0 I'm gonna do one more best of three yeah we've gone from literally 8.8 to seven I was just going to say maybe the test kit might not be so accurate the glass vial and the lid washed and washed and washed out here in the middle-ish oh look at that I got it first go level clear one two three okay that's seven again so we're going to dude is it lower no no it's not yeah it's eight no you'd say it's in that seven almost neutral I guess wouldn't you for the two out of the three I think we can safely say your Seven's about it about right with that with a disclaimer that that could be are really inaccurate as far as that old that old testing kit but we'll see the TDs is a better indicator at least that's like 100 accurate but the pH have had yeah it means we didn't check the expiry day I mean no 2025. all right well it's accurate this just must have been there must be some stuff in it all right after this we packed up the site so packing up now packing up now release the fish that we weren't going to take home and hopped in the car and drove to two other locations that Jason wanted to show us oh my gosh it's insane you can see here this is the damn Gates where they actually release water and we had a quick look just out of interest because I'd never been here and you can see it is massive there's actually Turtles and Stuff swimming around in the water down below but we didn't spend too long here as we wanted to stay on schedule to get to the other two locations we're at the second location now what are we looking for here Jason oh we're just having a bit of a browse it's called Twin Bridges Jason was hoping to show us tons of beautiful Valley scenario beds in a thriving ecosystem where we could hopefully collect some Pacific Blue Eyes when we arrived we were very very shocked to see the area had been completely decimated by the recent floods here in Brisbane so you look at how high the water went oh my gosh yeah I didn't even notice that water's Pretty Dirty just imagine all that oil and it would have come in here from all floods and everything this area was completely different from the video so Jason showed us and it just goes to show how much people can have an impact on these different ecosystems especially those that are Downstream from the dam so this location is Downstream from the dam and when the dam is released the water comes through here obviously and it's just ripped up the Val scenario carpets I mean we didn't even see any there was tons of dead clams everywhere and this place was just completely ruined flooded out about three or four times the last few years it doesn't get a chance to recover like the rest of the river most of the mangroves in the river are all gone and they've sort of Taken years to come back that's all fish habitat that's the way they make their way up the river through the mangrove routes and that Jason was also telling us that people actually drive their cars into this water and wash them off so four-wheel drivers will go bash up their four-wheel drive get it covered in mud and then we'll drive into this water system and wash off their Ute and give it a little Spa by putting all these railway tracks in just being idiots you know going through within four wheel drives are ruining the place this is really disappointing because this obviously has a huge impact on the ecosystem as well which is why there's tons of these barricades around the water trying to stop cars doing it but we did have a look around we saw a ton of Driftwood and I was a little bit disappointed that we weren't able to see any fish inside of the water bowel beds yeah they're all gone but we're standing where they would have been which is kind of weird yeah after we checked out Twin Bridges it's starting to rain so we packed up all the gear and headed off in the car to our final location Savages Crossing this area is actually a conservation spot for breeding the rare Australian lungfish lungfish are a prehistoric fish they're beautiful and can live for about a hundred years so how are they breed they come in and just scatter their eggs and you scatter their eggs and amongst the Bell it's understood that only a few of these actually survive each year which is very disappointing because when we arrived there was no Val scenario in this area if we look back at some of Jason's footage you can see it's night and day difference with this spot they used to be beautiful Val scenario carpets all throughout the spot where the lungfish would go and breed this area has been just completely ruined by the floods the floods obviously have devastated this area and tons of people's homes at the start of the year but it was just so disappointing to see this Jason was also telling us that this is a spot where they have been replanting Valor scenarios so conservationists have been culturing Valley scenario and planting these carpets in this spot but it's obvious that they haven't been taking and it's going to take a very long time before they recover and so floods are on this too just tore it all out apparently some of the wholesalers in the area also have a permit to remove the valve scenario and resell it we don't know if this is true but Jason has spotted wholesalers coming down to the area ripping up the valley scenario washing it off and reselling it into the aquarium trade which is very disappointing to see especially if this is where the lungfish are breeding after we finished up at Savage's Crossing it was time to head home we drove an hour before we got back to the keeping Festival store we're back at headquarters now yep and we're going to put the fish inquiring to fish get the fish out and quarantine Jason unpack everything I've been bubbling the whole time right yeah yeah you need to put them into a tank with a light so we can see them yeah yeah I'll put a light on top fixing the lights very soon the store was actually still open as we did this on a Saturday so there was a few customers in the store buying fish which I did really appreciate g'day g'day how you going guys so we're bringing them back out make an AV walk yeah so you could have decided that before I carried the bucket in sorry trying to get one of each so I feel like using hands better we ended up taking a few different species home we took a few Crimson spotted rainbows female and a male the males get the nice thread fins too a few purple spotted gudgeons some glass perchlets and some fire tail guidance it's got some rainbows here wow nice colors we've got males for sure they're like the little ones are females there's probably three males to females we obviously aren't allowed to take many fish out of the ecosystem so this did limit what we were able to take home I think this is a good thing I'd rather that we're only allowed to take a few of them than a lot of them and because of this rule this stops people abusing the ecosystem and taking hundreds of fish home to feed their Oscars we're not allowed to resell these fish but we are allowed to keep them in our tanks and we are allowed to breed them and sell The Offspring so my goal is to hopefully breed some of these jublai rainbows or Crimson spotted rainbows the fish that we collected are a beautiful Locale with a lot of red on their fins and just look absolutely fantastic so I'm super Keen to give it a shot we've been breeding a ton of rainbows in the fish room and these will obviously be added to the breeding list and then we've got my favorite the purple spot Guardians that's a good catch we threw all the fish into the quarantine rack out the back of the room and all the fish have been wormed and treated for parasites before entering all of our fish tanks so we've given all the fish a worming treatment and heavily monitored Fanny bacterial or fungal issues on the fish I was very surprised to see how Hardy some of these fish are and they've responded very well to entering all of our aquariums I'm super Keen for Katie and Adrian to come pick up their fish and get to enjoy them in their home systems I hope that they get to breed them at some point but for the moment in time I'm very happy with the rainbow fish that we collected they've all been eating very well and have started to take to flakes I first introduced these guys to some live baby Prime shrimp and then also introduce them to some black worms I think it's also important to note that I did keep a few of the purple spotted gudgeons as well I have been breeding a pair of these in the fish shop and they've just been breeding and breeding and breeding in the actual store so I'll keep a few of these Wild Ones to try and breed at some point in the future as well I want to take the time to quickly thank Jason for taking us all on this adventure we had an amazing time and I hope we get to do this again in the future very soon if you guys enjoyed this video please leave a like down below and comment if you want to see more videos like this this isn't an easy video to make as it does take a full day but this was the most fun I've had in a very long time and it was so refreshing to get out of the shop and actually see these fish in the wild so thank you so much for watching this video guys and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: KeepingFishSimple
Views: 556,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish tanks, aquarium, freshwater ecosystem, wild rainbowfish, catching rainbowfish, catching wild fish, catching aquarium fish, catching aquarium fish in the wild, collecting wild fish, catching native fish, how to catch aquarium fish, native fish, rainbowfish, rainbow fish, northbrook creek, brisbane river, rainbowfish in queensland, Australian rainbowfish, native fish Australia, Melanotaenia duboulayi, crimson spotted rainbowfish, gudgeons, purple spotted gudgeon
Id: 6Heh68Jz8aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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