The Mare Jivari - Lavawalker and More (Genshin Impact Lore)

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to another genin lore video today I'll be talking about natan's mayor Javari and a legendary figure known as the lava Walker this lore is given to us through the lava Walker artifact set as well as a few other sources also this video does contain spoilers for the quests listed on screen now so if you haven't done those you have been warned anyways let's move right on and get into the [Music] video within the fiery lands of naton you can find a legendary Place known as the mayor Javari it is a sea of Ashes where the wind does not blow and it is known to be quite a dangerous place even to Skilled adventurers a sea of scorching lava can also be found here but not much else the exact cause of its formation is currently unclear but we do know some of the circumstances the Talking Stick weapon tells us about the warrior hero Tanakh and how he witnessed a black tide come over the horizon upon seeing this impending disaster he set off and traveled the wasts of naton he would soon recruit six Warriors one from each of natan's six tribes if you want to know more about who these warriors were I recommend my recent Tales of tat video as I go go more in depth with Talking Sticks lore there anyways the Warriors went together to fight against the incoming threat and it is implied that they died in battle somehow this battle led to the creation of the mayor Javari one of the Warriors had actually foreseen this but we aren't really given details as to how the Ashen SE formed as for the threat to naton we don't know what that was either at first you may think it was the cataclysm but that's not the case after all The Wanderers troop once visited the marjari and they lived during the era of monat's aristocracy over a thousand years ago since the cataclysm took place 500 years ago this disaster could not be the cataclysm in my opinion I think the area could have been formed by the fall of a god this could have been a previous pyro archon or even another God associated with pyro when a God dies their power and energy can still linger in the area perhaps the death of this God burned the surrounding area to Cinders creating the Ashen Plains I do want to go into more detail with those ideas but that's for another time for now I want to talk about what we know about the mar jaari and those who have traveled through it after its formation it didn't take long for the Ashen Plains to become a place where few dared to visit even seasoned Adventures could find themselves struggling in an unforgiving Place such as this however there was one one person who decided to challenge the Flames an enigmatic Sage simply known as the lava Walker besides his lack of fear relating to the mar Javari not much else is known about him the lur I'm about to go over only Chronicles his journeys within the mar Javari as that's all we have on him long ago the lava Walker crafted a ciret from Crimson agot gems that was able to resist the intense heat of the May jaar's Flames while it was an amazing piece of craftsmanship it soon sparked fear and jealousy amongst those who knew him in these times many considered it Blasphemous to challenge the Flames of the May jaari quick side note here the concept of blasphemy here makes me once again think that this place is tied to a previous pyro archon challenging her Flames could have been seen as disrespecting her Legacy either way these critics believe that the Flaming sea would easily Devour the lava Walker and blow his ashes into the void even his teacher was against him here and he demanded that the lava Walker step out into the Flaming sea wearing the ciret to his surprise the lava Walker calmly and casually strolled onto the lava before disappearing Over the Horizon after this many Legends would begin to bloom about the mysterious lava Walker now the lava Walker spent a long time within the marari with the artifact set claiming that he spent 100 years living as a Hermit after traveling across the Ashen Plains as for how he kept track of time all the way out here he soon crafted an hourglass that contained burning sand he needed to craft this hourglass to Mark the passing of time as he had no one else to pass that time with that feeling of loneliness was said to have burned away at his soul more than the Flames ever could while out in the Ashen sea alone it is also said that the lava Walker carried a certain goblet with him Legend has it that the Goblet once contained lava and that the lava ER would drink the lava from the Goblet as if it were a glass of Fine Wine now these next Legends make it seem like the lava Walker is more of a spirit who wanders the plains within the plains there is a flower that blooms brightly in the burning flames in his final days the lava Walker said that the glowing Embers of the flower would shine until the fires turned him to ashes many people would follow the light of these flowers and eventually found them blooming but there was no sign of the lava Walker besides the lava Walker Legends say that a phoenix lives in the mar Javari this great bird is woried by humans and at some point the lava Walker obtained a feather from it since his disappearance cries can often be heard coming from the mar Javari but no one knows if they're the song of the bird or the size of the lava Walker eventually it's said that the Sea of flames finally burned him to Ash ending the legend of the lava Walker however his Spirit may still roam the Ashen wastes but why he would linger after death is unknown I think it would be cool if we got A world quest series focusing on the May jaari and the lava Walker once we get to naton we may get to meet the spirit of the lava Walker and potentially help him heal the charred landscape with the lava Walker's lore covered let's move back to the present day in modern times the marage ofari is about the same as it was during the lava Walker time after all within empty Plains of Ash and lava not much can change still this hasn't stopped some daring adventurers from making a journey to the Ashen Plains several years before the start of the game two adventurers who hailed from monat traveled to the mar Javari one of these two was the famous Adventurer Stanley while the other was a novice Adventurer by the name of Hans archal during this trip Stanley perished while saving Hans from an evil Beast Hans f awful for this so he took up the name of Stanley and continued to tell his stories to keep his legacy alive to this day it is believed by the public that Stanley was the one who survived while Hans passed away eventually though during vent's first story Quest Hans was freed from his emotional burden venty would use his power as the animal archon to recover Stanley's soul from the May Javari and finally allow him to pass on after this Hans has continued to m Gus Stanley to keep his friend's Legacy alive but he has become much more relaxed now this story does mention an evil Beast Within the mar Javari perhaps this Beast is a remnant of the battle that initially created the mar Javari and could be an Abyssal creature of some sort after all the May Javari is incredibly dangerous and that danger likely extends Beyond just being an ash and sea having Abyssal creatures in this area would definitely make it live up to its reputation these creatures could even be unique to the May Javari similar to how breacher premises are only found on eless they would have been born from the same event that formed the area perhaps by a combination of Abyssal power and the lingering energy of a god of course I want to go more into the speculation but that's for a future video anyways that's pretty much it for the lore of the lava Walker artifact set going through this lore got me very excited for naton and I can't wait to see what comes next I'm planning on releasing the first video of the natland speculation miniseries next week so look out for that in the meantime I recommend my videos on Tales of tat Wanderers troop the Pyro archons and natland speculations with that said I would love to hear what other bits of lore you'd like me to cover in the comments below as well anyways that's it for this video thank you so much for watching sources and further readings are also in the description if you want to check them out I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: SiliconOneFour
Views: 6,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1MQ5ZpoY9Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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