Decarabian's Secrets - A God of Death (Genshin Theory and Speculation)

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to a brand new Theory and speculation video today I want to talk about DEC Arabian and the secrets he may have held well there isn't too much lore on this Fallen God I do want to theorize about his potential connections to death now this video does contain spoilers for The Quest listed on screen now so if you haven't done those you have been warned with all that said though let's get right into the [Music] video as always before we get into the theories I want to go over what we know about DEC Arabian and his history DEC Arabian was a God who ruled old monstad over 2,600 years ago where he was known as the god of Storms and Lord of the tower at his nation's Peak his reach encompass the bright Crown mountains and wind whale Highlands of monstad his reach stretched as far south as the teleport wayp point between Don wiy and Lea but the upper boundaries aren't fully clear Gates Within the Ruins of old monat suggest that his rule did Stretch more to the north but we'll have to wait for a Monet expansion to see the extent of that rule either way these areas were likely closed off after DEC Arabian started his war with Andreas he soon created a storm barrier around the city which Allowed no one to get in or out the age of Kings would now begin with DEC Arabian and Andreas being together known as the kings of ice and frost the war between the two Gods lasted at least 400 years though most of it was a stalemate Andreas could not land a scratch Against The Storm barrier and de Arabian seemingly had no need to fight back as for why the storm barrier was put up Andreas had turned the land now known as monat into a giant Frozen Wasteland de Arabian wanted his subjects to have a city free from the bitter cold however his people saw him as a cruel and selfish leader who locked them in while he wanted to be a good ruler his desire for control LED him to micromanage the city to an extreme level everyone's living quarters were determined for them and certain chords and tunes were banned for the fear of resistance while de Arabian was not intentionally malicious in his action he was disconnected from his people and didn't understand he was causing them pain even though he claimed to love them he could not fully understand their emotions at some point he even took on a human Lover by the name of Amos however she soon realized that he did not love her in the same way that she loved him additionally DEC Arabian believed that his people were bowing to him out of adoration and respect for the god King instead it was the harsh winds within old monster St that forced them to Bow eventually the frustration of the people reached an alltime high and seeds of resistance would be planted against e Arabian to avoid the watchful gaze of the god king the Freedom Fighters used the original wind Bloom as a symbol of solidarity it didn't take long for the seeds of resistance planted by these Freedom Fighters to bloom into a fulls scale Rebellion a group of rebels was determined to challenge de Arabian and Liberate the people of old monat from his rule this group included the nameless Bard a nameless windspirit de Arabian former lover Amos a certain red-haired Warrior goon Hilder and many others who were tired of living in fear the rebels were successful in their plans and de Arabian would be killed however both the nameless Bard and Amos would be killed in the conflict as well around the same time Andreas realized that life in monat could not flourish due to his blizzards and that he would not be a good ruler for human as such he gave up his physical form and sent his power into the land to protect it soon after de Arabian fell prayers from goon Hilder and her clan would allow the nameless windspirit to ascend as the first animal archon Barbados he would take the form of the nameless Bard in his honor while also using a bow in honor of Amos after this he would terraform monat and build a new city for his people on an island in cider Lake DEC Arabian monat would then can be abandoned but relics of the Fallen God King still remain in the ruins an expansion to monstet could also introduce other areas that belong to De Arabian which could give us a lot more lore on him we could learn more about what he was like and what he did besides ruling old monat instead of focusing on future content though let's turn back to the currently explorable ruins and the secrets they holds Within the Ruins you can find this symbol that highly resembles the symbol found all over C's design so what if the Arabian has ties to Alice or the hexen circle perhaps the hexen circle initially followed de Arabian which could explain why they wanted to challenge Barbados in the past in the ARs goisha the demon decarabia could change into all birds and knew the virtues of all herbs and precious stones birds are seen quite a few times in the hexen circle cut scene but that could just be monat symbolism however the second part is interesting as the hexen circle members have knowledge of various different fields Alice has been described as near omnipotent which reminds me of De Arabian watchful gaze then again in the tat travel guide Alice described de Arabian as a cruel God and blew up part of his ruins perhaps Barbados explained his side of the story to the hexen circle in the past and how DEC Arabian essentially removed freedom from his people the hexon circle could could have changed their minds no longer following DEC Arabian moving on though I believe DEC Arabian may also have some relation to death in the past I theorized that istro the shade of time may have instances of herself that hold some of her power perhaps the shade of death has their own instances too with DEC Arabian being one of them his misunderstanding of human emotions could then be tied to his domain over death instead of focusing on protecting the lives of his people people he may be focused on protecting their souls the storm barrier would have been used to make sure their souls didn't get lost in the blizzards and the meticulous planning of the city may have somehow made it easier for souls to pass on as such his love would come from a place of protecting The Souls of his people not their bodies now below the central tower in Old monat there is a mysterious hole where a wind current flows if you fall into this hole you'll be considered out of bounds and teleported back up but you'll also get a special message Pimon will say watch out Don't Go Near there now in the entirety of the game this message is only found in two other places duat Hall in suu and the other side of the book of revealing in Fontaine for the sake of this video I'm only going to focus on duat Hall and King desit in ancient Egyptian mythology the jwat is the realm of the Dead therefore in gensin we can assume this is des's version of the underworld as such the mysterious ho in De Arabian monat could lead to a very similar place like desit de Arabian may have been able to fery souls to the afterlife jat Hall could have been the entrance in suu while this hole would be the entrance in DEC Arabian monat additionally des and de Arabian share a few other similarities upon first reaching their respective capitals we encounter some sort of environmental effect with which is later removed around old monat we find the storm barrier and above King des's maum we see a massive Sandstorm both Gods also have some association with vision DEC Arabian was described as having a watchful gaze while des's main symbol was the I we also have yet to see either of them in a human form so then like desit could de Arabian still be alive I think it's possible but less likely than desin d had the golden Slumber and separated his mind from his body which required a lot of work to achieve DEC Arabian likely didn't have an equivalent to this but we don't know just yet alternatively at the moment of his defeat he could have slipped into the hole beneath his Tower sending him to the realm of the Dead due to the recent conflict he may have been weakened and remains unable to travel back to the living worlds as for his duty of fing souls to the afterlife this would have been passed to ventti in his story Quest we see that he can recover lost souls and help them move on perhaps the prayers that allowed him to become an archon also caused some of Dean's powers and duties to be transferred to him thus DEC Arabian could still be alive trapped below his Fallen Nation no matter if he's dead or alive de Arabian could still influence the story in a few different ways when we inevitably get a monstad expansion to the north the lore given to us there about Arabian could tell us about his secrets and help us connect bits of lore that were tricky in the past this could even include the dandelion sea a mythical Place talked about in monstad I mentioned the ancient Egyptian afterlife earlier and within that afterlife there was a place known as the field of reeds perhaps the dandelion sea is monat's equivalent to the field of reeds a place where souls go after death in the future we could learn more about Debian and the dandelion from venty as well though I don't know if we'll be able to travel there even if we do get there it could be hard for us to leave we could get help from venty and his power similar to how Jang Lee rescued Xiao during the perilous Trail interlude Quest anyways that's pretty much it for my thoughts on Deck Arabian and the secrets he holds I really hope we get a Monet expansion soon so we can learn more about him and what his deal is in the meantime if you want more information on the topics I mentioned in this this video I recommend my videos on King desit ISO and the Seven Wonders of monat I would love to hear what ideas you all have for de Arabian in the comments below as well anyways that's it for this video thank you so much for watching sources and further readings are also in the description if you want to check them out I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: SiliconOneFour
Views: 7,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7t2KYeFHxNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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