This Absolute Villain Is Worth $750 Million

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this guy has a lot of money he's worth $750 million and you'll never guess how that's right how are you sir we just like to ask you about why you don't want to fly commercial why have you said that you won't fly commercial you said that it's like getting into a tube with a bunch of demons why I like them I'm going to be honest I you know what I think we had the wrong impression I [ __ ] like I think this guy bro for how many of these like flight fights that I've seen I could see where he's coming from yeah yeah let's hear him out let's hear The Demon out how do you think that no no listen to me just a second not the people right the main reason is because of the need if if I flew commercial yeah I'd have to stop 65% of what I'm doing that's really to me isn't it true that you want to fly commercial so that you can fly in luxury how much money did you pay for Tyler Perry's Gulf Stream jet for example well for example that's really none of your business but isn't it the business true of your donors listen I paid you kind of I I love this guy he's so like it's like this is how like an Oscar wining actor would act as like a crazy demonic preacher it's so good put me off guard here okay certainly well if you like to come out here I'd like to give you a chance to to catch your breath and and have a conversation we don't want to we don't want to catch you off guard I Love Inside Edition you got to get this now hey you listening to me my my wife thinks Inside Edition is oh yeah now thank you Lord help me just let me let me pray just well let me let me just ask you a really simple question a lot of people think it's Unbecoming for a preacher to live a life of luxury and to fly around in private jets yeah I can see why they would think that yeah what's your response to that very simple it takes a lot of money to to do what we do we have brought there it is very simple oh my God over aund let's see this the latest figures just came out uh 122 122 million people to the Lord Jesus Christ that people give you another example last May I was scheduled for Legos Nigeria that's a long ways I had a week off and I was schedule for Peru and I prayed about it and I thought I'm not missing that dedication in Jerusalem without the airplane that we have that I bought from Tyler Perry and I didn't pay anywhere Tyler is one of the greatest guy he made it he made that airplane so cheap for me I couldn't help but buy what a nice guy Tyler Perry question then okay all right but I want to get to the demons because people are very concerned about that comment give me a chance here Inside Edition I love your eyes and uh here's what happened it's like you really couldn't write a character that's worse than this that's what's so amazing about this is it like it's at the point where it's like now you can no longer do a story about like an evil preacher because it can never be worse than real life we flew you know in 21 days 70 hours 40,000 miles touched five continents and preached face to face personally with 125,000 people do you ever do that do you ever use your private jets to go visit your vacation homes for example yes I do okay again getting back to the comment you said that you don't like to fly commercial because you don't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons do you I really don't think that that's a bad comment I think that that's really not that big of a deal like I I I could see that being true I mean I think there's a lot of people that feel that way for a preacher it may be yeah but they could be like Satanist or something right and he wouldn't want to be around Satanist really believe that human beings that must be it no I do not and don't you ever say I did oh God we wrestle not with flesh and blood principalities and powers can you explain what you meant by that that by that term then just just explain because it's really simple you said you didn't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons what did you mean the well let me ask you do you think that people that fly commercial are demons if you give me a chance to talk sweetheart I'll explain this to you but it's a bit biblical thing it's a spiritual thing it doesn't have anything to do with people want to watch this movie yeah I know I love people Jesus loves can you imagine the Joker music playing in the background this would really set a completely different tone like this would be perfect this would probably be better than a [ __ ] Dark Knight but people get pushed in alcohol do you think that's a good place for a preacher to be and prepare to go preach to a lot of people when somebody in there is dragging some woman down an aisle it made me so mad to see that on television I want to punch the guy out myself I can't be doing that while I'm getting ready to preach so you just don't like to be around the sinful people or the the hurtful people is that what you're saying not the people baby not the people back during the days that we couldn't do anything else we had to travel commercial I've when I went to Old Robert un you see like somebody like this should be the boss in Diablo but I don't really trust blizzard to be able to write a character because like there is a certain type of like Charisma that this guy has and like interesting like the way he talks is interesting it's weird because he would make such a great villain well he already does this is the kind of stuff yeah he needs to he needs to be creepy yeah it's so blatant I that's what makes it good I flew for Oral Roberts I'm a commercial pilot so I spent a lot of time in Aran you have how many planes we have the Gulf Stream and we still have our Citation 10 and then we have a little small airplane but both those are the two ones that we use and we use them all the time so there's three okay so there's three right three other people use them too we have other Ministries that that use these in the book of Ephesians oh God I love this we wrestle not with people but with principalities and Powers unseen things rulers of the darkness of this world talking about the Devil he's a very real devil just the same as Jesus is a very real lord and and I spent a lot of time he's good oh he's really good but the main thing that happened was not that wasn't the main reason the main reason was I could no longer do what I called to do and be on the airline besides that I need my clothes when I get there and so and you have some fancy clothes I mean for a pastor you are living a life of luxury you've got great homes you've got great planes you you drive in limos and yes I do very wealthy man you're a very wealthy man yes yeah and some people would say that is it is it AE may I add something to that uh I I my wealth doesn't come from offerings alone because you sell things books and DVDs yes and I have a lot of natural gas on our property didn't know that did you baby now I do now you do ain't that wonderful well I guess it's wonderful for you back when and I might add another thing too we invest from uh let's see I don't know the exact number wrong last year yet but it will run something in the neighborhood of 20 25 minut I still like at a certain point it's like if you give this guy money like there's a certain amount of like rip Bozo that I feel where it's like you should have known better you really wanted to give this you thought this was the right call have you read the Bible do you know what it looks like I mean this is impressive tax exempt by the way his lifestyle be the same way if he was if he this guy is worth $750 million if you cut that in half that's still over $300 million like it wouldn't actually change anything in in the poor can't do that and be broke so final question wait wait what on something in the neighborhood of 20 25 million in the poor can't do that and be broke final question is a lot of people maybe have a misunderstanding then about what you do and prosperity preaching so the final question is this to those critics that say that a preacher should not be living a life of luxury what is your response to that they're wrong that's it that it's a misunderstanding of the Bible right that true if if you go into the old Covenant do you think the Jewish people believe you should be broke oh my God why am I not surprised I didn't know it was going to go this far I saw like a two-minute clip of this like last week I thought it was funny oh my God are you saying that Jewish people appreciate money more than they believe in wealth some people would find that offensive no wait a minute now I'm not talking about some people I'm talking about the Bible man The Blessing of Abraham Abraham was extremely wealthy and he had Covenant with God not it's not the Jewish blessing it's the abrahamic blessing God I get excited talking about it because I love it and I started oh I [ __ ] bet deep in debt with nothing which is another story but anyway so you say that it's biblical and that that that there's a foundation in the Bible for this let me close it with this I um I had to learn this like I said from the the thing under you know this dude is like [ __ ] uh like 86 years old 85 years old right bro I'm wrong 8 [ __ ] s who ever said that evil makes you look old this dude look at that 80 he's almost 90 he's older than Biden think about that he's quick rded for 87 of course he is no the people don't just get stupid at the same age every single time there's plenty of people that are stupid whenever they're 25 and there's some people that aren't stupid whenever they're 95 is plastic surgeron so good yeah but there's a lot of people that try to get plastic surgery they don't end up as good as him preachers are always so quick witted I mean like think about bro he probably could he probably could deflect this [ __ ] in his sleep and from my spiritual Mentor or Roberts and and um I learned it from him working with him and then we became he was close friends until he died he talking about p uh the the Pat Robertson whatever the [ __ ] his name is that guy he was 82 whenever this was filmed Oral Roberts oh really oh somebody else okay never mind and um and he took the same heat for believing God would Prosper you that I've taken over the years and Abraham was very very wealthy man Galatians chapter 3 if you belong to Christ then are you Abraham's seed and HS according to his promise Pro and his promise was great wealth the Bible also says that it's more difficult for a rich man to get into heaven for a camel to get through the eye of a needle correct the rest of the scripture but he said all things are possible with God yeah he was ready for that bro like yeah he was ready for that one think about how many times people tried to call him out on that one and he said if you study the the Greek you really think he didn't know about that one it's trusting in wealth when he said that his disciples said they were astonished out of measure because they were wealthy men they were astonished out of measure saying how can anyone be saved he said all things are possible with God both of my grandfathers were preachers they were both very poor they lived simple modest lives yes they were EXT I think he's a vampire yeah I think there's might be a foundation for that I can see why people would think that yeah extremely offended by men that made money like you do preaching like you do what would your response be to people that think that preachers shouldn't live this kind of a lifestyle he already both my grandfathers and I understand that and I love him with all my heart it's it's your grandfathers that we're standing on their shoulders they held up and they stood for it probably older than they were they're gone but when you go back to the Bible it's full God and it's full of Miracles and sign signs and wonders and it's full of goodness and it's full of meanness it's just full of Hell on Earth those are the demons are you really telling me that this would not go so [ __ ] hard with a doom soundtrack oh my God not the people I love the people again getting back to sir thank you so much for your time today Lisa Guerrero Lisa God Bess father bless Lisa today thank you for her grandparents thank you for giving me the opportunity to know her and to her team and I pray and I believe her peace will be successful I love inside aition I love the people on it and it Thrills me to get a chance to have my face on inside Mission thank you very much Reverend you have a nice day yes ma'am thank you very much for your patience bro bro it's like I remember whenever the 2016 election happened and I thought House of Cards went downhill after that because they couldn't compete with reality I feel like this guy just did the same thing for crazy preaches and movies because like nobody can actually top this like you can't actually beat this guy like if you write a character that's this bad people won't even believe it's real as a Christian this man is the wolf Jesus warned us about his smile says it all there is an evil in that Man's eyes kudos to reporter for her incredible Work Mad respect for the reporter for calling him out I've never felt unsettled by another human through my screen uh she stood face to face with a demon and stood her ground oh my the shaky pointing finger the creepy look the uncomfortable silence and then the Bible verse at it all dude this is bro this [ __ ] puts Deliverance to shame this is bro like they didn't have anything on this this is amazing look at this guy yeah you couldn't script this any better judgment is executed on covid-19 we'll exercise judgment right now because we have in the name of Jesus oh thank you Jesus standing in the office of the prophet of God I execute judgment on you covid-19 I execute judgment on you Satan you Destroyer you killer you get out you we break your power you get off this nation I demand judgment on you I demand I demand I demand a vaccination to come immediately yes I call you done I call you don't goone you come down from your place of authority Destroyer you come down and you crawl on your belly like God commanded you when he put his foot on your head in the Garden of Eden you will destroy through covid-19 no more no more no more it no more is finished finished it is over and the United States of America is healed and well thank you again praise saith the mighty Hallelujah look at the tissue box it's [ __ ] gold even the tissue box is [ __ ] gold are you kidding me no way who is also the prince of war the Lord Jesus Christ when oppressive mean nasty people yeah attack his people when mean oppressive nasty diseases attack his people George the prince of peace takes his place does and he becomes the Mighty Man of War thank you I really hope that whenever Henry caval makes the like the Space Marine Army he he has the adjudicators and like you know the high inquisitors like the main one is basically this guy it has to be this guy top left oh yeah I mean this is just it's amazing man laughs maniacally laughter is Lord of heists oh hosts a deterrent to pain now he said at John hop John's Hopkins John hop you know what I'm saying Hopkins University they they have proven it and they have people that lead in laughter they lead in laughter they'll say I don't have anything to laugh about and they'll say that that's all right you just you just go ahead that your that your physical brain and body cannot tell the difference between a put on laugh and a real Belly Laugh wow wow it works and like I said a mar heart does good like a medicine so the joy of the Lord is our strength yes on so how do we count it all joy well ha haa [Music] haaa haaa haa ha the Associated Press said that Joe Biden is President [Laughter] [Applause] ha yeah yeah this guy is something special man this guy's something special whoa yeah uh-huh yeah that's right mhm he going to be president Mickey Mouse is going to be king yeah uhuh yeah man get him on stream yeah I'm sure I can do that makes Trump look like an amateur I mean this dude is a real professional he's the kind of guy that makes the Joker feel uncomfortable oh my God
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 388,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: o-jNxGXXxVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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