How to Deal With Loneliness

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good morning Dwayne here Dry Creek Wrangler School we got a morning here we got a new class coming in next to the last class for this year being this afternoon so Mom and I are taking the chance and taking the opportunity to make another video this morning I've been chewing on this we didn't make a video for a couple of weeks and then I just posted two videos they were both horse related and this topic I've been chewing on for a little while but I've been hesitant to put it up because I didn't really have things clear in my mind um but I'm going to take a chance this morning and see what we come up with the for the last many weeks I've gotten a lot of contacts comments on the channel um emails different things about young men especially I mean it's it's pandemic around the world I think but young men especially in this country who are just feeling isolated and alone uh it's it's a really bad situation in this country Mama sent me a a video link of a guy and he was talking about in this country the numbers of uh when it comes to suicides when it comes to uh homelessness when it comes to prisons the numbers of men in these situations are astronomically higher uh than women and then this same guy read a lot of the feedback from women and it was it was horrible they were celebrating the fact that men are three times three times more likely to commit suicide um I just can't and it's no wonder good men in this world are backing away from women and saying look this is just this is not this is not right and uh and when this attitude pervades when this attitude pervades feminists cannot sit there and say we're only about equality let me let me give you a thought ladies I'm going to get a lot of I'm going to get a lot of grief for this and I don't care I don't know you and I ain't scared of you okay if a man is here and you want to be equal and the only way you can get equal is to band together and tear him down so that you can be at this level you're not equal you're not equal okay you're a parasite I'm not gonna go any further into that all right because I'll get I will get wound up and get scratchy men you're feeling isolating alone and lonely what do you do you can't find a good woman these days it seems like and they're out there let me tell you right now there's there's good women are still out there they come through here we meet them around and there are still really good solid women of values who value themselves who value the men around them um they're just harder to find so what's a guy to do look I'm not a I'm not a psychologist I'm not trained I don't okay I'm just I don't know Uncle Dwayne you go sit down and have a cup of coffee and a cigar and say hey man I don't know what to do all I can do is give you my view maybe to help maybe it won't speaking of cigar Perdomo in menso 70. it's the only prodomal cigar um I've ever purchased that disappointed me um I bought a box of them I really like the 70 gauge um sitting around in the evening it gives me a lot of time but this cigar has been the least pleasing of any predominal cigar I've ever had it's not that I don't like it if I didn't like it I wouldn't be wouldn't be having one this morning but it just to me it doesn't measure up it's a Maduro made in Nicaragua everything should be uh and it's from a great company everything should be but this is like I'm down to three out of the box and I have not yet had what I call a mustache burner one that's so good I don't want to let it go and it gets all the way down to the point I'm afraid it's going to burn my mustache and great cigar is a mustache but but it's you know it's pretty decent and I do like the size but I mean I'm getting a hot spot right here back away from my burn and they're just I don't know uh but it's still a it's better than some other cigars but I wanted one this morning just because of the size um so let's look at it guys loneliness loneliness and what is the answer to loneliness well if you're lonely I mean it stands the reason that you're not finding people outside people that you can connect with on a physical level an emotional level oh a mental level a spiritual level whatever wherever you're at now it's harder for some people and I understand personalities I I understand there's difficulty in this like for me I'm very comfortable in my own head I'm very comfortable alone for hours at a time for days at a time um I uh it doesn't mean I haven't felt loneliness it doesn't mean that I don't feel lonely at times but it's not acute it's not something I can't I can't deal with um and to me from what I see is the one companion let's let's think this through the one companion outside of of God if you're follow God if you believe in God and you have him then there's always a friend that sticketh closer to a brother but this we're talking about the human issue the one companion that's always going to be with you is yourself and I think the first thing you have to do I think the first thing we have to do is we have to get ourselves to the point where we don't necessarily need a companion now um it you know in when God created in the Bible when God created Adam and then he looked down he looked it at him he said it's not good that man be alone that's why he created Eve it's not ideal it's not ideal but it's doable and sometimes it beats the alternative uh and ladies the exact same thing uh it's better to be by yourself than it is to be with a bad man uh and but sometimes we choose we choose less than ideal companions because to us that beats the alternative of not having any companion and the reason why we um cannot gr we cannot face the concept of not having any companion is because we're not comfortable with ourself as a companion um we don't want to be left alone by ourselves with ourself so we come in and we sit down and we get on our phone or we turn on the TV or or we go wherever we do whatever because we don't want to face the reality of being by ourself with ourself and so fellas I would say one of the things I would recommend that you think about chew on look into is start making yourself a companion that you're comfortable with now that sounds kind of maybe not real mainstream but if you had a if you had a friend if you had a person you're gonna sit down spend all the time with what would you want from that person what would you want well I would want to spend time with somebody who's honest makes sense I don't want to spend time with somebody who's going to be lying to me all the time someone who's going to gently tell me the truth about myself one of the hardest things sometimes for the human to do is get to the point where they stop lying to themselves where they tell themselves the truth they speak the truth to themselves now you got to face the reality of Who You Are you got to face the reality of what you are all right and and nobody's going to tell you that like you yourself will tell you that um you want to tell yourself the truth but you want to tell yourself the truth in understanding and forgiveness I look back at things in my life and I can't say it was somebody else's fault I can't say I didn't do that I can't say this is why I did that so that made it all right I mean all the way back you know human our entire lives so I got to tell myself the truth yeah that was that was not okay but then I at the same time I have to tell myself that uh you're a human and you made it right and you're making it right and it's okay it's okay wherever you've been in the past that's bad if you're not still there your companion which is yourself needs to feel free to tell you it's okay that was a bad place to be that was a bad person to be but you're not that person anymore and you're not in that place anymore but if you're with yourself and yourself is always beating you up you're not going to want to be with yourself if I'm sitting out here by myself in the evening buy a fire a cup of coffee and a cigar and I'm constantly beating myself up over my failures in the past I'm not someone that I want to be alone with does it make sense all right you got to make yourself and then the next thing I want I would want from a companion is I would want someone who is encouraging who sees the possibility in the future who gently pushes me and encourages me to get out of the rut to get out of the hole to get out of the Sheepfold to get out of the swamp that I'm in and to move on and do better you want someone who's going to encourage you well if you don't have somebody who's going to do that become that somebody and again now I'm fellas I'm I'm blessed I mean I've got mama okay I'm not speaking um I've got something a lot of you guys don't I have mama but at the same time I have a a very comfortable relationship with myself all right and sometimes if you don't have someone like Mama yourself is what you have and you need to encourage yourself you need to look around and you need to be able to encourage yourself and say look I'm not stuck here unless I choose to stay here I get people get on the Channel all the time and they're like Dwayne you're out of touch you don't know what you're talking about you're out in the country those of us in the city we don't have that opportunity well now I've been in a lot of cities and I've never been in a city that had a big wall around it that wouldn't let you out if you actually want to leave you actually want to get away from the crime from the the homelessness from the situations that are being bred in the cities today leave now sometimes you can't I'm not totally stupid sometimes you can't um and but a lot of you a lot more of you can than can't now it takes courage it takes courage it takes sacrifice I mean I read if I was single and in some of these cities and I read what's going on in these cities and I read about the politics and and the crime and the homelessness and the the um cost of living and and the cost of rent and the cost of groceries and and the inability to do all this stuff I'd sell everything I could sell put enough in the backpack and I'd walk out I'd sell my car I'd sell everything don't tell me it can't be done watch the video on there I hitchhiked and took a bus from Tennessee to Cody Wyoming and picked up cigarette butts in the campground for soup and a sandwich and a place to stay until I finally got a job now that job was 350 a month but it included a room in a bunk house and it got me started don't tell me it can't be done it takes guts and you need to have a companion you need to be a companion that's going to gently encourage you and give you the courage to take that next step and to do better and to be better I know guys I know that the how do I the physical aspects of a relationship I know that they're positive I know that they are are things that is hardwired in us to search for but it's not something we gotta have it's not something we have to have and the hell that you go through with these relationships just in order to have someone to sleep with from time to time is not worth a destruction that is doing to your soul and your spirit to your life it's not worth it become your own man become your own man if these feminazis want to burn their own world down around them let them do it you don't have to be in it you don't need their world and you don't need them you don't need them I was asking Deanna this morning I was reading this stuff and I'm like if these women have their way are they going to get out and asphalt these highways are they going to get up on these high lines and do this is I'm not saying they can't but I'm saying the dang sure won't are they going to do sewer lines are they going to go into burning buildings and haul people over their shoulder down off the ladders here and there scattered here and there there's one but women as a whole are not going to do this and that's fine that's their business they can live their life as they want I'm not here bashing women but I am I am totally fed up with this whole feminazi movement that is destroying the young men in this country and nobody can destroy you if you won't let them all right don't let them you're a man you are a man stand up and be a man make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin and if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with that is the one person in this universe that you have full power full right and full responsibility to change okay I don't have the right I don't have the desire to and I do not have the right to try to change my wife's personality and who she is I don't have the right to change anybody except myself now there's people out there I don't like and if I don't like them I just walk away I'm 55 years old I've done without that person my whole dang life I don't need them now and I don't have the right or the desire to try to change them but if I don't like me if I don't like me if I'm not comfortable being with me well that's a different story all right so it doesn't provide all the answers probably doesn't provide any answers I don't know but mailers a little bit of encouragement there maybe somebody there's a little seed a little step a little something that you can say hey you know what I think that helped me and listen just be strong stay strong and ladies I'm not bashing women but I am bashing this this this Godless hateful movement that is destroying this country and destroying the men in this country okay um it's it's not and fellas just don't let me add one more thing here all right I'm choosing my words give me a moment it is human nature it is human nature when a pendulum swings too far one way when the pendulum swings too far one weight we react and swing that pendulum too far the other way all right for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction all right don't do that do not do not react to this with opposite all the way over here don't be hateful and mean and derogatory to women all right I I am referring obliquely to a former um kickboxer who now resides in Europe somewhere who has been all the all the rage there are some things he says that he's writing he's spot on but his pendulum has swung too far the other way okay and and some impressionable young men have taken it that way we're not at War fellas regardless of how this side wants to frame this picture we are not at war with women all right we're not you be that warrior in that Garden all right and you stand strong you'll be a strong man you be a good man and you just let the world rage around you all right I hope this helps and uh and my heart's with you guys anything I can do to help I'll be happy to do and so we'll catch you all next time
Channel: Dry Creek Wrangler School
Views: 2,635,753
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Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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