HILARIOUS Among Us Songs (Music Meme Review)

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when they died where were you before it's been so long since i heard this type of genre welcome back to another daily video my name is joel from roomieofficial and among us is probably the most popular game right now we're going to be looking at among us songs time for music meme review let's get started first off we have the song show yourself by cg5 18 million views that is insane i may or may not be having a collaboration with cg5 coming out soon anyway let's have a listen we're discussing he sounds so much like charlie poo it's crazy i wonder if he like really modeled the way he sings from that but yeah it sounds really like charlie which is how awesome might die but nobody knows [Music] this is so groovy i love this it really sounds like a groovy charlie puth style song doesn't sound exactly like charlie either i feel like he's got his own twist in there really good links to all of these songs will be in the description as well check him out next up we got another friend of mine maybe just i know pretty much all of the youtube musicians that's it but yeah this is day by day and his song is called just amongst song 3.4 million views wow i remember talking to dave i don't know like a year ago or something or a year and a half ago before he started doing the meme songs and he was like he was saving up to buy a computer he can buy many computers now congratulations big congratulations to day by day subscribe to him as well really good guy okay let's have a listen don't worry guys i am a detective purple used a vent we got to reject him wait it wasn't him but i swear i saw him oh now i think back i'm sure that it was orange because he's not saying much he's been quiet all game he's got nothing to say so let's kill him anyway wait impossible something i really like about day by dave's stuff like it's obviously more low-fi than the cg5 stuff not as polished you know production-wise but it just feels really homely in a way that i really enjoy and the writing is always amazing his type of singing is almost like half talking so the lyrics come across really really well i think it's really genius for me music to do this type of production and singing it just really works it was me i manipulated you all and it was way too easy to make you turn and watch you fool everybody's stuck on a mask in the imposter but no one's here asking how is the imposter and if the truth be told the killing's taking its toll he always finds a way to make it emotional did my dave did a song about are you winning son as well and that turned super emotional as well really good at that type of like funny and then like emotional writing i love it great job dave big ups next up we got emergency meeting and a manga song by random encounters featuring katie herbert and kevin clark 5.9 i'm billion to views oh you know what that's almost 6 million views guys i know math let's have a listen oh wow is that animated for this it's crazy this emergency meeting has one purpose and one purpose only to determine which of us is a killer that's not possible each of us is a suspect and must give account of where we've been what we were doing this is so hard production value did they build this stuff that's insane what are among us like fiendish humongous we must stop them someone in our midst is a fiendish traitor mimicking [Music] so this feels very like musical ask i wonder what this random encounters channel is if they do other musicals as well it's really cool so it's really clever to do this among this thing i imagine it must have done better than average oh yeah it really did so like it's way above average view wise dang this is a really cool channel i'm going to subscribe i haven't seen that before the other people i have seen before always when i find a successful music related channel on youtube i get happy because there's just not that [Music] many [Music] mistrust within our roster okay i'm gonna give him that it's an okay rhyme that's so much work big gaps for that and the music and singing was really good halloween is coming up and you know what's also coming up you buying this halloween themed glow in the dark you got pitchy on the arm really scary link in the description it only sells this week next up we got among a song imposter featuring flack by gato paint only 28k subscribers so if this is good you really gotta go subscribe guys you really have to okay let's have a listen on me [Music] it's such like a 2000 synthrok thing i like it's it so long since i heard this type of genre i used to really like this type of music you don't hear it that much in the main story anymore but man this singing is great as well it's like whoa i'm trying to do it eventually i can too when they died where were you before a little bit of a pest peeve there for me with uh [Music] like just the among us but you kind of got more emphasis on the uh among us not crazy about that man this is really well done they really put their heart and soul into this thing next up we got tryhard ninja of creeper r man fame oh man i made a song called among a song i don't trust my friends let's have a listen together with them i watched you go walking with her it's he said and she said and she said and he said and they said i'm drowning i'm looking through paranoid eyes there's traitors among us tonight so yeah fully animated music videos are always gonna do better and be more popular right so this type of thing like i do think that this lyric video is really nice looking though like it's cool and it feels dynamic and moving but after a little bit you're like yep nothing else is gonna happen here [Music] that's catchy okay next up we have some among us memes august's selections august is one of my editors let's see what he's found ready not now son daddy not now son dad not now son son that's right that's what we do to our dads when they're not helping us with homework or whatever whenever my dad comes to me if it hasn't helped me with homework i jump in the vent that i have that's how it works next okay [Music] the best timing so good okay next one me explaining i wasn't the imposter even though i just hopped out of events those are the times when i'm just like yeah just kill me okay next one [Music] [Music] [Applause] now that's a classic reference from old will smith uh movie song tv series i know everything next it's red he's the imposter how how could it be me i saw him but i literally saw you go into the van i was right there that wasn't me a lot of the among his memes and among his jokes and animations tend to end up with like someone's not the imposter like the impostor said that i was imposter and now i'm i guess it's just the thing that inspires the most people to make memes it's like when they're angry after that and their friends are still in the game they're like oh make a meme i'm making me really good here we got amanga's song hashtag nerd out featuring loser fruit jt music the orion sound and more so it's a big collab 3.8 million views i'm definitely not an imposter if i was then it wouldn't be one cause i'm not one even if i was i wouldn't say that i wasn't cause i'm not it's impossible impossible i'm an imposter oh that's a nice flow posture's a role i can never fulfill if you don't believe me it is [Music] that was though cool little song definitely really nice good job all you guys are collabed on that song very very freak yeah let's move on we got among a song by jt music he was in the last collab as well but this is another one this one's called told you so got a lot of subscribers guys a lot of subscribers let's have a listen okay guys i say we split up into pears smart thinking blue i'll go with pink why me just walk behind me if you're nervous that sounds like something a killer would say what the game just started [Music] trust i like the idea that's pretty unique that he's like singing from outside after being ejected [Music] whoa we're gonna have to do a lot of censoring on this one he was a human reminds me of the ceo green song it was called forget you in the clean version i think you guys know what it was called here we got an among us rap battle video game rap battle among a song by video game rap battles let's have ellis kill each other everybody wanna die oh yes red of course we just saved joel and board but if blue's been alone it could have been a self report i was halfway done with my med base scanned you know how long that stupid task takes man by the time i was done the reactor was fixed i think it's time that he's kicked wait hold on for a second yellow you're not out the light what if you were sneaking out with pink was trying to swipe what think back for a second you'll see what i mean considering you two are all alone with brown with the blade this writing's good well has anybody noticed black's been quiet this whole round oh sorry guys i was afk i had to get my door it was post mace gentlemen it's time to i'm even a flame i was like yeah i gotta go get the coffee guys i don't know man blue's been talking a lot really sauce wait what i'm down to kick him no no no no oh nice throw ah that is good oh here we actually have my wife you haven't seen our wedding videos right here my wife davey504 he made a song out of among his sounds only and i know it will be good because it's he's my wife okay let's have a listen when you report a body there's a pretty cool guitar part i don't think that's a guitar part that's what's called pizzicato strings my wife's an idiot i'm sorry she's hot okay no i'm joking i'm joking oh that's cool [Music] that's dope hey that's not only a monger sound he's got a bass that does sound really cool [Music] foreign oh that's so groovy man dave is always amazing with the funk stuff sounds so good [Music] that's so dope go subscribe to everyone okay guys so the other day i made a ten thousand dollar singing competition video click it right here it's my best video it's 40 minutes long it's amazing i love it you will love it too check it out it's so good you will love it it will be your partner for life i promise okay thanks i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 693,965
Rating: 4.9683671 out of 5
Id: JjIIw_Nbz08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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