Justin Waller - From the Bayou to Dubai | Keep Hammering | Ep. 002

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every step on they tell me stop by you every comment hate that makes my feel gather up my energy in the way that I move it so reckless that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with giving my blood so I am relentless all right we're here to keep hammering Collective this is episode two with Justin Waller how are you doing glad to be here um I think the hard part's over so yeah yeah yeah good day good day we've had a full day for sure yeah lift run shoot um been great to share with you I just want to say you know as an intro um the reason why I reached out about having you come on is that you caught my attention on jedediah's podcast and I liked you were talking about business you were talking about your struggles coming up as a businessman and then I see you know then I look at your Instagram and I see like this lifestyle I'm like crazy lavish looks like so successful and it's like I'm like that's a journey that's a journey that I think I could learn from so tell me about what's the story of Justin Waller man you know I grew up in south Louisiana I always joke when I'm somewhere really nice like Dubai I'll be like man that's a long way from the trailer park you know so uh I I grew up in the South my dad was a cotton farmer and he you know it didn't work out there so he went into managing restaurants managed a little chain called Mr cook and then was doing McDonald's met my mom in Vicksburg Mississippi um didn't have the best childhood don't I think I've told that story a million times or anybody watching this watching me knows about that and um in a lot of ways I saw what I didn't want to become and I think people see see things and they either follow that router they kind of go away from it I kind of went away from it right um very blessed for that childhood what was challenging well I mean there it was you know we're poor there was a good bit of violence and screaming and a bunch of custody courts police you know a lot of physical altercations in front of us things like that things I would not change though I like to be very very clear about that I feel very very lucky to have had you know certain things or see certain things in my life um and then I decided to you know go to college and go that route play football graduated in 2009 though so I thought I was going to get this job in Dallas you know right that didn't work out so I I actually read Rich Dad Poor Dad my junior year on the way to play Arkansas I was telling you about that now you said that on Jedediah is like you know because I'm a bit dyslexic you know so it's like I read it uh I read it once but I really kind of read it five times right it sunk in and uh so I knew what I wanted to do but I thought I was going to get a job and and um and transition from stacking some money up going into a job yeah didn't really work out that way I ended up waiting tables ended up getting a job I saved up enough money to apply for my contractor's license okay and again I did finally get a job around 2010 but you know youngest one in and last one in first one out on the left okay so what was the job I was working in right outside of New Orleans doing a levy project okay um a little town called braith way so we're driving piles like 150 something feet in the ground oh yeah it was crazy it was Where the wild things are too alligators Hawks everything is out there and it was one of those situations where it's like you know you you're living off per diem you know you work in 12 hours a day just stacking that money up yeah no I hear you and ramen noodles aren't that bad right Rochester chicken's not that bad and I knew I had a goal yeah so I did that and then um because I got laid off I didn't really have an option when I was a little boy I would work for my stepdad he'd do metal buildings in backyards so I kind of had that Consciousness right you know so you didn't have a job and you're like now what now what right so I mean I was already broke yeah yeah so what I did is um I took that money and I and uh what was happening and as I was living off the per diem and I knew I wanted to start the business right so I went to the bank and had the lady Auto draft my check into this other account where I wouldn't see it okay because you had to have a net worth of ten thousand dollars right I didn't have it nobody had it right okay none of my family so once I had done that I took the money I applied for my license for residential yeah and then I took the money and put it in another bank and then when I applied for my commercial I don't know if I had to do that or not that's what I did yeah I want to make for a day I'm sure you know um and that'd be 12 years ago in March so 12 years 12 years it seems like it's been I mean 20 years bro it seems like it's been forever but uh but the growth too I mean could you have anticipated where you'd be now back then you know what's funny is when I was 24 I set goals that I was not yet qualified to make so when I got to 30 and I wasn't where I thought I was supposed to be yeah I was upset or what I didn't realize I'd gone from two guys in one truck to five trucks in you know 30 guys right you know and um so you're on your way up you just I was yeah you just had huge aspirations and you have that you know you had that you know all these big goals millionaire about 30. now the business was doing 2 million right three million yeah at the time but it's very hard to be profitable I had scaling issues yeah I got thumped I should have went bankrupt so many times I remortgaged my house a bunch of times to cut I've never missed a payroll okay but I've been close yeah I've been real close right and um I've had all kinds of things happen I've had steel fall I've had roof Sleek I've had guys get cut wide open oh man I've had trucks stolen I bought my own uh tools back from the pawn shop yeah you know it's the game you know so so you get you know I took some hits we pivoted yeah about four years ago and um I just I just stayed in the same game long enough to you know you take that jab enough time to eventually you slip it right it's just like a fight out in the schoolyard man eventually you roll on top you better get your licks in yeah yeah and and so that's what we did and um it worked I found this I found the systems and the structure that really worked for me I got a lot of help read a lot of books paid for a lot of Consulting you know I didn't pay for college because of football but I certainly paid to learn yeah you know well even like being young and you said you want to be a millionaire by 30 where was that how where was that dreaming from I mean why why was that because most people like I'll just speak for myself you come up you just want to get a good job you want to get a job that pays the bills maybe if you play the game right you can buy a house and a decent truck so where'd this I want to be a millionaire by 30 come overachieving I guess yeah you know did you have people you look up to that I did I'll tell you what I did in my 20s is I really I spent a lot of time physically alone but I never felt alone I was listening to YouTubers so like if I had a rough day or any kind like I'd start my day I'd wake up before go gym it I said this other day I was like dude if you're going to meet God he's up at 4am yeah because you can hear your own thoughts you know no extractions no distractions and then you go through physical pain and then so you come off that euphoric you know feeling that the the only natural high that I'm truly in love with you know it's like that's the best feeling in the world right like I don't jog you know like I'm sure you did today I did today uh I did today um but so I would do that and then I'd be listening to a book so I spent time with authors like Patrick lincione he's got a series of books that I really love um ideal team player death by meeting you know getting naked which is about vulnerability with the team you like remove walls politics in the business so there's not like tension that you can't see you trying to knock it out right um and then Robert E Gerber e-myth and I did e-myth for 18 months and it really got me obsessed with systems even to the point where I think I over systemized right at some point and so um a lot of growth for me came from over systematizing the business and forgetting the people part for a little while okay you know right and so I've really kind of found myself evolving Into The Sweet Spot of both like we still close a month out right we still have a project process we're still doing safety quality production right of a very tight system for hiring when we can extract out whether somebody's kind of fibbing about how good they are right you know so things like that putting the right people in the right Dynamics in place so do you and you can consider all that not just the bottom line then so if the system takes care of itself the bottom line takes care of itself how how do you weight that what's where do you see the importance so there's systems and there's culture so if you if you can get a good culture in systems you know because I I want you know what's most important to me in my business when it comes to my people's intention because if I got somebody that wants to do a good job right more than likely so you ever heard somebody say some of the smartest people in the world make things the simplest right yeah so instead of using big words or trying to do this crazy thing um if you take somebody that has pure intention and are and you set them up to be graceful and what I mean by that is like if they have naturally the right demeanor for the position right so if I have an estimator I don't need him to be a people person I need him to almost have an engineer's mind right so he's looking at the details in a different way he's not going to miss a number he's not going to not read a little note on the side you know this you've read drawings right you missed one little note in a set of drawings yeah and the building's 200 000 square feet that one little detail is going to go all the way down that building yeah and that could cost you quite a few man hours right so I want that kind of person in this role because he's going to be graceful in this role right whereas if you have let's say a superintendent you want him to have some soft skills right you don't want him yelling M effort from across the slab right because now you've put that man in the corner he's got to quit it's a big part of management is relationships right yeah getting that getting the most out of people that have to believe in you you have to believe in them right and so putting people at the right seat on the bus where they're naturally the right season right and then systems and then culturally just pulling them together you know it's like guys this is the goal that's what we're doing this we're doing and then I incentivize my people you know I wrote my ops manager which is a woman in construction a 30 000 bonus check last week really yeah and I was happy to do it if I could have made it a golf Checker Woulda and then and so I'm gonna tell you something too next year I think it's gonna be bigger really yeah yeah construction's gonna do all right I you know and that's I mean that's another thing that Drew me to you is that I'm uh I'm I don't know I love labor I love the guys who are actually out there doing the work you know I've got an affinity towards fighting for those guys because that's what I did at my other job as construction guys and I felt like management would somehow overvalue themselves and I'm like no these are the guys doing the work and that's what I heard in in your story also is the guy you talked about relationships and the guys in Communications and uh how do you I mean I I know where is that Affinity from because you did it yourself absolutely but then you I mean you got to understand the world doesn't run without these guys you know I mean we could be as good as we want in the office if they don't turn up at six A.M and get on that roof in the sun yeah it doesn't happen if men don't build roads if what you do to put the water under the roads isn't done then people don't have water and I think one thing that we mess up particularly in society or I think social media causes lives we forget the guys that make this world go around right yeah I I love Soldiers with all my heart and I think I love anybody that stands up for soldiers and I'm not comparing the two mm-hmm but what I am saying is I don't think we appreciate the men that build this country enough right because without them we don't have them all right we don't have a house without a framer we don't have a toilet without a plumber and I think that a time will come when enough young men check out to drop ship and do other things where there there's going to be a YouTuber one day and saying hey the new hack is if you know how to roof right you know I you made that point earlier today dude it's going to happen talking about plumbers and about the people doing the work because you're right it's it's it's uh I don't know it's a process where ups and downs things are valued things are devalued but man that skill of Labor and making a product that is going to come back you're right and it is a school yeah let me let me just say this I when we were talking last night I was really remember I was telling you about my general superintendent he's been putting these buildings up since before I've been right he's 52 or 452 yeah yeah and I called him up because we were talking about him and I was like man I haven't called him in a couple weeks so I called him this morning and I and I gave him an assignment I said listen go buy yourself a steak take Johnny which is the supervisor on the job we're doing in Georgia send me a picture of you two eating a steak you know because when I think about him and I think about the skills it takes for him to do what he does when he has to get a 200 300 400 800 000 square foot building Plum and square yeah that's not a normal skill right it's a dying skill right and if he gets that wrong when we go to put the roof on the roof's going to be crooked yeah and that's expensive yeah so he's Insurance just as much as he is a guy out there working in the field right he's also training the next generation of guys what I think is tricky for us is is that because if a young man goes on a date with a girl let's say I've had it happen to me yeah what do you do oh well I I do metal buildings yeah she's gonna be like I'm not with a tech guy last night what the metal buildings what are you scrub right you know but they don't I mean you can be country balling too yeah but yeah um I think that it's harder for a young man today to take pride in working with his hands because he gets on Facebook and he feels like he's lost right because he's not drop shipping from a beach now I push the real world and I do think the real world um is one of the best online schools ever to be it is the best online school ever be somebody if you want to work on the internet the real world is the thing to do [Music] um because the guys that are teaching those classes about how to drop ship or do FBA right or copyright or whatever they actually have businesses where they they are literally millionaires from that business right which makes them automatically 10x better than college so if you want to take that route if you if you have an affinity for those things I think that's good but I think if a young man likes to work with his hands yeah and he doesn't want to drop ship or copyright we somehow need to figure out a way to make that respectable in society right so he can get the positive feedback he deserves yeah so for me to come on a podcast and say it yeah is not a problem right not a problem because I've packed sheet I've put roof on it's hot it's dude it is physically and mentally right tough so I re I respect the guys to build the country and and I'll never come off of that yeah me neither I mean there's a Jordan Peterson has a clip where he's talking about the guys who are breaking their backs to keep this country afloat or lit up the electrician's alignment the construction workers and yeah I mean I love it because I do feel like those guys don't get the respect they deserve and they they do bust their ass every day it's hard and you know I know it must be tough you come home from work you know you're trying to pay the bills you you go online like everybody does and they see all these people with money and that must be like man what am I doing wrong and that's why I was I was interested in in your story how you went from like just a guy getting by paying the bills to now you mentioned Dubai and I mean it looks like it's like everybody's dream as far as money goes yeah you know and it's just like it feels like if you did it yeah couldn't others do it right I mean if you have that hunger you have that the passion that you mentioned and then also what I've picked up from you is uh you're always learning so you mentioned the books you listened to you mentioned many authors which I think that's key because I don't think a lot of people read books like they could and learn from you know the the experts in the field but I also have picked up something else from you if you know I'm you hear you talk about Dubai and you talk about property you've invested in and buying and it seems like you're Diversified in where that money is coming in I've heard like you talk about four or five different things that's making you money some of it is you said 500 an hour and then some of it is millions of dollars Investments but it's all coming it's all positive it's all coming in so is that uh intentional multiple money streams or or how do you see income yes a lot I think Grant Cardone says this I say this a lot but the formula for wealth is you learn you get competent you learn how to make money and then you have to protect the money from a tax perspective right and then you make it grow so for me my goal was always to get to real estate through Construction it was always the goal always real estate it was always right but if you really study real estate and everybody has their own way so I'm not dissing anybody that start that starts off and they buy single family houses or whatever that's fine but the property I just bought I'll give you an example 3.7 million 64 units you know um we're going to raise the rents but what I really really really want is the depreciation against my active income in the construction business gotcha yeah Robert Kiyosaki talks about this a lot he's like would you want it to get wealthy is you want good debt good debt cash flows and depreciates okay it's like good debt explain that yeah good debt so good debt is like my property let's say let's run an eight cap so I'm gonna get positive cash flow from it but what I'm gonna do is I'm going to hire an engineer to do a cost segregation study and depreciate the property I see so Tom rule Wright has a book called tax-free wealth and he in his goal of the book in my opinion is to get people to look at the IRS as a partner not somebody stealing from them right that's a huge shift it is a major shift and the reason it's a major shift is that the government knows they're slow they know the private sector is substantially faster and will work more efficiently than they will right so instead of them going out and trying to do it themselves they'll create tax breaks okay depreciations yeah you know so for example if I buy my I buy my property any cash flows and I'd appreciate it let's say that appreciation goes past cash flow just for an example yeah so that means all that money I made I don't pay taxes on right anything that's left over I can put against my active income in my business okay so let's say I'm an escort and I am yeah I take a salary I get to save money because like when you're an employee of your own business I don't have to might match FICA Medicaid suit so you save like seven percent right right but I'm still in a pretty good tax bracket right so all that left over comes off the top of that comes off of that yeah so I get so let's say that's an extra 20 grand so I pay so my taxable income is 20 grand less so I want as much debt as I can get so I can depreciate right against my active income I see and that's why guys like Trump don't want to show their taxes not because he broke any laws just because you know piss people off because he's good at what he does good results man bro I love Trump so did you read his book the uh the art of the deal yeah yeah I read it I'll tell you another thing about Trump I like okay I do this model um his construction management was a woman and my ops manager and my team all women okay you know now not the guys on the field right but I got like six women in office I sent them all the roofing school they know all the parts of the building they they know like I literally train on myself they know the game right you know they've run screw guns they get it right and for that reason when so they've never they've they haven't run a screwdriver shoe screw gun for a job but they just know the process no they've literally put roof panel on okay like they literally put panel on and that's so they have a better perspective on when they're making decisions from the office and so they can have a conversation okay and so when they see something on a checklist they're like oh I know what this clip is I know what an mr24 roof panel is okay I know what Butler is versus American or new core they're all these big metal building manufacturers I know what a gerd is purlin they know the parts of the building because I think that's important because guys are always looking for something to be like they don't know what the they're talking about did you hear that yeah it was like just not even knowing the lingo even if you've nailed everything else because you don't know the the one lingo thing that that guys talk about they'll say they'll discount everything that they've said so I think that's that's smart yeah no I'm probably their Killers too and you know I was telling you about this is like one thing I really want to clear up this year because of the space I'm in and so you know and some of the clubs I do is that I don't think women are stupid bro right women are very very powerful if you put them in in the right place right men and women are equal they're good at different things yeah and what's what in your business what's a woman better at that why do you have women in those key positions cool so they're very organized I feel like they are quicker to be on board with a mission you know I mean my guys are man they love me yeah you know like I don't I don't have I don't have a lot of people my guys right but also I'm big enough where my guys know that if they get fresh with me I'll just fire them and replace them yeah you know what I'm saying yeah so with men I think it comes down to respect and like what can this person do you know so when I'm like Hey listen Eric tie off on the roof you know but I don't do that anymore and the reason why is because why threaten him because he's going to want to like he's gonna do this right yeah yeah they want to which is natural I'm not even mad at the guy for it right so why Art of War why fight the war yeah no Elliott tell her to tie off hey Eric tauf yes ma'am I'll do it for you sorry about that yeah click done wow it's not the ego challenge why I don't need the Boost yeah I know I'm fire you bro I don't I don't want dude I love you I don't want funny like but he I'll tell you another thing you might have gotten a fight with his wife last night right he might have went to the bar with the guys it's hot as hell outside right you don't know what's waiting I don't know what's going on you know and and so to me man it's it's it's way less about ego and more about like what can we do to get it done how can I set the the formula up and the plays up for it to aren't smoothly putting people into positions to succeed yeah that's my I feel like that's not my number one job is to set people up to be graceful right and then and then love them anyway yeah so so you mentioned a couple things that why you think women are are better in those positions um was there anything else I don't I wouldn't I wouldn't say that they're just really good okay I just you know yeah I know I know that I know that you know most of my industry is men and very clearly they're good look at the things that we've built in this world yeah you know yeah I think for what we're doing and how we do it and how we're set up it works for us if you look at the totem pole of a project you have you know investor you know and he's tied to investor owner and then you have architect and then you have General Contractors and then you have a project manager and a site superintendent and you have subs and then you have the guys right that work for the sub you know and we're a subcontractor so that puts us down here we're just we're just good at it right you know we've got a bunch of men and we do it so um for where we are and what we do oh man they're really really good and Trump did the same thing yeah and and I'll tell you this I do call them my Trojan horses because if one of my girls has to really rip somebody's ass yeah yeah and I think you can get a lot more done without ego yeah definitely I I think there's a saint you know ego kills it does man it does that's a known thing and I I do know ego with men I know how men are you know I mean I know how it works I know everybody wants to be the man but yeah that communication can be can be challenging I mean ego can I mean he was enemy and uh maybe how you have a set up maybe that is the best way to go right and how Trump I guess Trump you know in the heart of the deal he explains it you know I I do have I mean obviously there's way more man in the company you know we have 165 people I got six women right you know in there and there's managers in the field you know there's super they're supervisors How does the structure break up from labor to management so to speak so you gotta you have to have somebody on site competent yeah right because I mean the drawings you know and laying things out and making sure that you know we're making proper lift plans and working with the safety and doing jsa's and handling time sheets and pulling the boys I mean look I don't have any Boy Scouts working for me yeah it's nothing for me to get a call saying hey the guys got drunk and they got in a bar fight and the cops are looking for the trucks and my logos on the trucks so I mean I've had it all happen yeah they they burned down an Airbnb last year um I got a video um I guess like six months ago yeah two of them just fist fighting in the hallway in the hotel like bleeding both of them took their shirts off I'm like bro I'm about to whip both y'all's ass yeah like it's just like one of them peed on the other look stuff happens yeah yeah um but that's just the industry right you know yeah no I understand I used to Super get stressed out about that yeah but now man it's like man I've been through it right you know so well so if the 165 of the how many say a hundred workers or what would you say how many laborers they're actually putting up the buildings you know I don't know I was just trying to figure out if management well so we have work in foreign okay you know and then we have a couple extra guys you know they'll go around if they fit you know build and settle right you know we're talking about how staying the same roofs work you know it they you know they expand and contract yeah well a lot of times that'll push mastic out that goes in between so okay so when that that building needs to go through a couple Cycles sometimes it'll leak or sometimes guys mess up you know nobody's perfect but um we'll have guys will go behind and finish something whatever so however that math works out but um yeah it's uh it's definitely interesting it's not boring no I well and also you mentioned um you mentioned how you have women in your company but you said you wanted to clear that up because of some of the collaborations you have what I just um I think that sometimes in in the space that you know there's a Witch Hunt for women yeah and I do know that there's a lot of good women in this world and there's a lot of women I very much respect yeah women being first in line right and I know it's that respect and that care and that communication and that adult relationship where you respect each other that gets me where I am and I would never take that away from them right never ever yeah is that is that too you say that to dispel like everybody gets labels toxic and masculine well yeah but you know nobody nobody wants a man to be strong until it's time to right take somebody you know what I'm saying I've heard that about cops you know everybody wants to defund the police until they actually need somebody with a gun I think that's one of the hardest jobs in the world right now you want to talk about unappreciated yeah you can't even do your job without worrying about you know going to jail oh I know and you want to talk about underpaid you know yeah and I'll put teachers in that basket as well yeah I I know we we're putting a lot of responsibility on on teachers and law enforcement and man the backlash it very much outweighs the benefit a lot of times so yeah we need I think that compensation needs to I don't know address that yeah absolutely I couldn't agree with you more it's a tough that those are tough gigs yeah sure yeah um so I know where you're at now where do you see what's your what's the future hold where's your goals now I mean you said even when you're early 20s you want to be a millionaire by 30 so now what now you're 37 yeah just turned 37 a couple weeks ago so I'm still young by the way I know I feel old though I get what you're saying and I know you're right but it's hard um so I mean there's monetary goals for the company yeah um there's certainly a number of doors we're trying to hit this year you know at a certain at a certain return so we're looking at that purchasing yes that's what you mean yeah so I mean like if we're if we're buying apartments or trailer parks you know we're looking between eight and a ten cap we're trying we really want to be able to you know put that money back into the properties because we don't you know already the interest rates are high so we need to offset that right and uh and hopefully 24 goes you know the right way and the interest rates follow refinance right and keep buying properties uh I definitely want to buy enough property to offset my income because we're definitely going to continue to go to the construction company right I want to definitely broaden my influence online and help young man I've never done such fulfilling work in my life really if I well yeah because if I build a building yeah and there's no issues nobody calls me and says good job but there's nothing like getting 100 messages a day saying hey man you're changing my life keep doing God's work right right right and um and I think it's definitely something worth working on it's I don't have a problem working for the young man right that means everything to me I had my struggles I still have my struggles we're talking about that earlier I'm not perfect there's things that are on my mind all the time you need to get better at this you need to do that voice never goes away right you know and I want to be the first one to say that so and and that's because you didn't have anybody to ask those questions or when you were that age so you're trying to be that for somebody like you is it or what's the calling I don't know if it's from some lack that I have it's just that I feel like if I can be helpful truly helpful make a different hat in hand I think everybody wants to do something great and something bigger than themselves I don't think it's you know and like I told you I do the for me I already make money right I just want to do something that makes me feel like a good person I know I'm helping people right and I think that's very human I think most people are good people it's not the bad person I worry about it's desperate person I worry about yeah that yeah I would agree with that have you had somebody who you've helped over the years that now is just balling I've dude I've done it in quite a few things I'm actually helping this guy right now he's starting a construction business and my financial advisor my God Edward Jones yeah he was like Hey call this guy so I've been talking to him a lot I've helped people with their Fitness a lot um not as a trainer you know yeah but I feel like the best way to do it the way I'm doing it now on the macro because when I do those amas man I get questions and I feel like I'm able to answer them honestly and help those guys out and I'm not he the kid that asked me the question is not the only one with the question right yeah you're just the one saying it he's just someone saying it yeah so uh yeah in a lot of ways you know I feel like I'm I'm really helping a lot of people it makes me feel good man yeah it does so it's not so much you know Financial being a millionaire but it's just making a positive difference in their life whether it's Fitness mindset you money um this is the one guy who you said I asked if you know you've helped somebody turn into a baller the guy who you said your guy that Edward Jones wanted you to call so he's killing it he's just getting started but I will tell you this okay the guy that does my YouTube yeah I give him a pretty decent cut of how we do everything yeah and he travels the world with me he goes everywhere he sees every construction meeting he sees everything and I'm really really proud of him because he's like he's young yeah he's 21. okay wow like 75k man and I'm like you're about to push that in the mobile home park deal oh you know what I'm saying that is awesome I mean at that age to be able to invest it's ridiculous and the stuff he gets to see so far ahead of the right yeah he gets to see it all you've exposed him to it hold you pulled the curtain back basically is what it is really cool yeah yeah so he uh man he's been on profit Jets he's been to Dubai multiple times he's been all over Europe with me he when I go home he lives in my house feed him he's like my son that's pretty easy for a 21 year old yeah it's really cool and it's really fulfilling for me I love him to death man he works really hard I'm trying to think when I was 21 I worked at this Warehouse we drove by because you looked at the concrete wall I worked there for 12 4.72 cents an hour so so I was not on a private jet in Dubai I know that man I'll tell you when I was I was going to football practice Yeah and trying to pass you know class oh man I mean so so your goal is just to continue to to grow all the facets of your business including the the coaching um yeah and then uh that property and Dubai or I mean are you buying property in Dubai I bought a seven bedroom villain to buy and it's really Andrew and Tristan Tate's fault really we're sitting there they're joking around they're like well you should buy we could be neighbors and we could wave at each other and uh it just a joke turned into like okay let's do it how did you come in contact with I mean how'd that friendship form so I joined the war room and that's Andrew's group there's a lot of groups of men you know and for me I've done vistage I've seen a million of them and you're like wondering is this legit does this guy he's just trying to get my money is he gonna help me so the War Room must be proven bro it was one of the best things I ever did and I've joined a bunch of these groups and gone through the motions and and I still do groups like this because I feel like you meet group people like I'm in Tony Robbins business Platinum Group and it's one of those high paying groups where you hang out with Tony and like they bring in people like Ray dalio to teach you about money because I'm always I'm trying to I'm trying to grab Consciousness yeah but I'll never like Andrew takes one of the most wonderful human beings I've ever met in my life I hate everything that's going on like loving with all my heart yeah like I'll die on that mountain with you bro yeah let's get on that Hill where's the sword why is he's why is the the Enemy of the State so to speak I mean what's it a young man he's got the hearts of young men and that's a threat absolutely and in the real world I post three to five stories every day of some kid that's not the amount of freaking high school yet making three four grand mm-hmm five grand six grand ten Grand sometimes 20 in a month yeah you know the real world is legit because like I said before the difference between going to college and joining the real world is the guy that's teaching you in the real world is actually making a bunch of money doing it right now and he's saying hey if you if you go on Twitter and say this this and this and you write your copy like this it's going to convert to a sale right and these kids are hungry right because you know the difference I think between kids now and like when I was a kid I didn't have social media right so your world was small small yeah I think that young men particularly are more entrepreneurial than they've ever been right and they took all the heroes away from the kids there's no Rambo there's no GI Joes so what do you have you got you got top G type G bro get some bro Tristan Tate yeah Andrew Tate you know obviously I spent a lot of time with them yeah Myron Gaines Sterling Cooper all of them man Brandon Carter man these are good dudes they're solid guys and and they speak the truth and they say some things that people don't like right and look people might not like it but it doesn't mean it's not true right you know and a lot of times that's how it happens yeah and it's definitely resonating with young men I mean I see the audio and it's like it's hard not to like jump on board you like hear somebody say with that much passion and conviction and it sounds good and you're like God dang it's one of the most passionate men you'll ever meet I'm gonna run through a wall for this yeah dude you know it's like but it's hard because there's those people who have that natural leadership or that there's something about them that it Factor yeah it probably is a hero you know and and he's going through adversity but I believe that any man that achieves anything in this world will go through fire and he's just going through his yeah you know Trump went through his they tried to go after Joe right yeah um bro anybody at the top right they're coming Joe's goat bro you know what are you going to do yeah Joe's yeah he's in I mean I think the reason why he's I don't want to say Untouchable or uncancelable but people have listened to him so much for hours a day they know they can't they're not gonna buy the BS because they know Joe because you can't fake it for hours every day if you don't like Joe Rogan you don't believe in Jesus I don't like whatever yeah and people are tired of that right you know yeah you know I I think yeah I mean so he's they feel like they know him I don't think people know Andrew Tate or Tristan Tate as well as that because as haven't been exposed to it they see that they see the hot takes and they're either super offended or motivated and like nothing in between well to Andrew's credit man you know I always say the best side of Andrew is the side of the world never seeks and I do believe that's true but I also think he's a genius in regards to like he's he's got it all you know he's he's got he's got the Showmanship he he's really good at trolling people yeah you know he knows what he's doing and uh I mean Joe's not like Joe's not ever going to go where Andrew will go but um I I believe with all my look if he if he's guilty of anything not only am I blind I'm a Fool because I've been around him way too much he's done way too too much positive for young men these kids are making money they're working out they're working on you know their personal skills they're working on finances they're understanding economy is better their geopolitics yeah it wasn't on my radar until I joined the war room so um between that and the real world he's doing way more good for the world than most anybody else yeah for sure well you say you've seen the best side of them what what is that what's the best kind he's respectful staff comes in and he tells them thank you you know he does things for people he helps little kids you know he I was with him in Dubai and we were at our buddy Jules house you know this guy's a baller you know his son comes his son wants to learn how to box Andrew sits there and takes time to teach the kid how to box you know he takes you can't we can't go anywhere without him having to take 400 pictures but he does it right he does it with a smile on his face man he doesn't have to do that yeah you know he's just a good person and so is Tristan yeah Tristan's very underrated in regards to you know a lot of people that are online because Andrew's there right but they're a team man and he has he has his place in the support of Andrew and I can't emphasize enough how much I love them boys so um well I'm not coming off of it I think and I think people could I mean if they're going to criticize Andrew or Tristan especially Andrew because he's so vocal and then they see you they're going to lump you in with that and and right wrong or indifferent Fair life isn't fair but all I know is from what I've seen today your effort and then not only that but also you were in doing the dishes after we ate lunch so it's like oh yeah people people it's really easy to lump these like oh he's toxic he says this he does that and I'm like I don't know I've seen firsthand how you are so if you're gonna discount this guy because he knows this guy it's not really how the world works or how it should work and and dude if you like me you you'd like Andrew yeah and I have zeroed out uh zeroed out about anything that I say about supporting him in any way yeah I have I have so little doubt that I'm willing to say it publicly so burn me with them yeah you know I don't give a burn me with them you know yeah because so I mean look when I say hundreds of messages a day I can't imagine how many he gets oh yeah I can't imagine I mean your vote of confidence because you know him means something I mean it's not just like the people who want to cancel them because they're offended by something or they for threatened or their movement the whatever the feminine movement is you know he's the anti so I I don't know I think what you say you know them you spent time with them I know the type of person you are means a lot I challenge somebody to find somebody to spend any kind of time with him so they don't like him right well that'd be good test unfortunately that's not how it works people make these judgments online based on a clip you know what I mean and they're ready to throw the baby out with the bath water so absolutely yeah it'd be nice if everybody could spend time with people they don't understand I mean I've got plenty of hate too that I've read and I'm like hmm well nobody who's actually hunted with me has ever said this but right whatever what are you gonna do we all get it man it's part of it you know I've really I've gotten comfortable in that that was my biggest insecurity starting getting hate yeah well and it wasn't from hate from strangers it was like from the people back home yeah it was from the people on my Facebook that hurts a little more yeah because you you can't Hometown hey you care bro you really I did you know and now I don't and I think I over corrected in my first year you know I was a little bit hot yeah coming in um kind of like I was gonna dunk on them right you know yeah but I think I had to though I think it was growth for me because if I didn't full send it like like screw you yeah I wouldn't say that at all yeah and I think you know it I know me coming up been a long grind and it's like you can never really everybody makes mistakes and you know when I was young I wasn't I was an idiot I was not smart I wasn't not making I was never thinking about the future I was thinking about that night and if I was going to get a buzz that night or you know what girls I might see at the rock pit or at the fire or something so it was like my you know obviously I'm not going to be the very best version of myself and I feel like sometimes the hometown you outgrow that but that still lingers you know you know that those peoples know know you and all the screw-ups you've made and so yeah I'm do but I'm doing good over here and it's like it's tough or you've changed and and they can't accept that you've changed especially right if you're trying to go out there and saying that you've changed into something better or positive yeah yeah and especially then also than that comparison kind of reflects on them yeah because if you're killing it they're not they're like okay well I'm gonna take a little of his shine because he was a up right yeah yeah I mean it was a lot to it man you got to kill him a love bro you know you're taking their energy anyway so I mean I know that I I do I will say this though I had a long conversation with two of my friends from high school they're married and they had a lot of questions about like what I say about the male and female Dynamic and I just I I'm so grateful that we have the conversation because just because I'm not going to be traditional if you will it does not mean that I don't believe in marriage and I certainly believe in love and I certainly believe in family and I'm really glad I was able to have that conversation with them because at the end of it they realized that it wasn't that I think that they're living their life wrong it's just that I'm gonna live my life one way and oh by the way if something works for you then I love that for you I'm not judging that and so another thing after after year one that I'm gonna clear up you know okay so you had a hot couple hot takes on marriage yeah and a couple hot takes on a couple things man you know I would say there's about five times that I can recall where you know either in the moment or whatever you know it's not that I particularly disagree what I said is how I said it right I want to be graceful and classy and I want to be a gentleman and I think when you live in a detention economy in this particular space you know it got away from me a couple times right doesn't mean I don't feel how I feel it's just I want to make sure I'm sending the right message to the young man watching it right you know and uh you know me and Jedediah talked about this when it comes to you know being a parent what do I want you know what I really want is to give my kids the truth of the world give them the competencies to act on those things so they can create choice if you have choice in your life and you choose to make a decision and it works for you I'm not ever going to say that's wrong right I could have I said this to her I said I could have a little boy he could be gay I would still love him yeah what I don't want for him is to be in a situation with a partner where he does not have choice or at a job where he does not have choice if I have given them the truth about how the world works and then giving them the competencies to do something about it whatever they choose to do I'll find with I love you anyway right I'm never gonna stop loving you and I feel the same way about my friends you know if if that's their truth and that's their world and that's their choice yeah and they're not hurting me or anybody else and I'm cool with it right you know yeah well I think that's some I think it is important to clarify your stance because yeah when you say some so much good things and then people can take something maybe out of context or maybe not a well-developed thought and use that to Discount everything else yeah that's not good so I I like that you're reframing maybe um maybe explaining your intention more because it doesn't discount everything else absolutely and I I think that's a part of developing too you need to be able to step outside of yourself and say okay well where can I get better here what can I do yeah or am I or in this particular case what can I clear up for a kid that's in love and wants to get married maybe maybe he's very religious yeah maybe that's the path maybe he saw it work with his parents and he wants nothing more dude do it yeah you know it's great I'd watch out for this this and this yeah you know here's the truth you know um here's your risk and here's what I would do about that risk but outside of that if that's what you want to do man you know because you know how it is you can't tell a young man anything that he don't want to hear anything right yeah so why am I going to tell him he's wrong yeah he's got to make that decision for himself yep you know yeah no that's uh I think that's a good take for sure um one thing that you did it caught my attention earlier also was that text you had I think it was regarding hate what was that the hate of the day or the oh yeah so um one thing I do to kind of ground myself because I get a lot of positive you know you do so good thank you so much blah blah we have what's called a list of hate okay and it's a group text where I pay a guy to go through my comments yeah and screenshot to me and my YouTube manager anything negative said to me yeah and the reason I do that is so I can reflect on what they said so I can check myself to see if I feel like there's any truth in it right and if there is any truth in order then I know I can calibrate but I just want to keep myself in reality yeah you know what I'm saying and I think that's something that that's really healthy for me yeah you know because I get all this positive feedback but if one in a hundred are you're you're an absolute and I want to know yeah and I really want to dig into why he might have said that or she might have said that yeah and see if there's any truth and a lot of times there's not yeah you know but sometimes if I'm looking a lot of the times funny enough I'm the one that that catches it yeah you know and I'm sitting here talking like it happens a lot it really doesn't has has there been one that you remember that you're like hey maybe I could do better on nothing off the top it's a lot of avatars I'm being honest yeah but what if there is one that comes yeah and what if I can get better and what if my getting better changes a message that helps a young man yeah down the road right yeah so I'm I don't think I'll ever stop doing that that's one business system that doesn't make money but I think it's the most healthy system we have yeah you know I I noticed the hate on my page too and I've been I've had to check myself because I've been quick to like go back hard and like oh bro that's that's too much energy I know and just you know be it if it's a stupid question and I'm a dick who wins no I don't win I mean I was a dick to somebody probably made them feel stupid is that a win that's not really a win so I've I've pretty much not even sometimes I'll pin the hate because I just want everybody to see yeah you know you know I'm noticing this and it's all good and I'll pin it but uh yeah I don't know I'm always rethinking on I like that when I saw that text yeah I like that idea but because it I think it is important to reflect and just to make sure hey did I miss something here am I kidding I mean nobody wants to get too full of themselves I think usually the hard work keeps that in check for me um and all the failures keep that in check right but still it's nice to have that I thought that was a good idea yeah I really like that system we have I it it's very helpful to me yeah yeah and also it kind of dumbs down any fear I would have used to have had around somebody saying something you know yeah oh I yeah I understand that so I think it's probably one of the most healthy things that I have in my in my online business well I know starting off you know you're when you're working so hard and you think you're doing so good and you're not trying to offend anybody you're trying to give your put your best work out there and then somebody who knows what they're going through right has and you got one hateful thing that says something that judges you or takes a shot at you it's almost like when it's early on and you haven't got a lot of it it makes you want to just I don't want to do this anymore I don't like feeling like this I'm just going to keep to myself and not have to deal with this and so there is that time of course now it's easy you know when you get a hundred and one of them's negative it's easy to ignore the one but there was a time I remember when when that hate actually hurt you know what I mean yeah it was like was it was it I'm doing my best or was it somebody uh no it would just have to be I remember so this was about God 20 years ago I used to I was editor of this Bow Hunting magazine and how it worked was I would write articles and I loved writing an adventure article so those are generally long articles sometimes seven pages on the magazine damn and then because advertisers knew I was the editor and it was kind of this we were a new magazine they say well we're out we will advertise but we want Cam and our advertisement so turns out I was on seven and a half pages of the magazine then I was on three or four ads in the magazine and then there's people you know because bow hunting and hunting is you know it's a male dominated sport males have egos I get it they would see pictures of me and they'd be like this guy I'm I want to kill a good animal and I want to make in the magazine but he's on every damn page is kind of how their perception was so this guy wrote this article or wrote this letter into the magazine and said if I see another picture of Cameron Haynes I'm going to puke yeah 20 years ago yeah I they sent me the letter and I remember sitting there it was I think Jeremy from Utah and I remember that and that I mean I was busting my ass because I was doing the editing after my regular job and like up all night and do my best I'm like oh these advertisers believe in me and this is amazing and then it's like you know like that hurts early on yeah you know so yeah I mean stuff stands out what do you think Jeremy was going through though yeah I don't know I mean it's hunting is hard so most most people fail hunting so I get it and killing something big in something that's so hard to do already and then getting pictures high enough quality to make a magazine you're you know if you say killing a bowel ten percent of the guy succeed maybe one percent of those or less than one kill a big bull then maybe less than that percent of that one percent take good pictures good enough for a magazine so you're already have to Buck so many odds to make it most people don't make it and it's not going to happen so I understand that there is there's jealousy and there's ego involved and that's kind of what happens but when you're the guy busting your ass all you you take that personal you know in that particular situation the first thing that comes to mind for me is that they're going to want to say that you're going on guided hunts or yeah or you're paying you know you're shooting them in a pen or whatever it is and you know I wrote something in the war room the other day I told the guys I said you know everybody was doing their end of year what we call Tales of Victory and um and I was talking about my real estate stuff but one of the last things I left them with I said gentlemen like just remember to stay in bounds while you're crushing it a lot of people are going to think you're cheating but what's really going to burn them is when they find out they're getting outclassed yeah yeah and I think that's really true because people want to think that you're cheating sometimes especially if they're hurting because a lot of those people are doing their best right you know and that's painful for them and they're living through that and they're angry the dude wasn't angry at you yeah he was upset with the situation right yeah you know where he was and yeah maybe what happened that day who knows right and maybe he's a good Hunter yeah but he did but he didn't have that it factor that you had or he didn't have the drive to write and then catch that good photo right you know and and for that reason a lot of times I feel like that's when people get attacked yeah and it's like even me reading it I wouldn't be that introspective as you just were on trying to figure all you're saying is this guy that hurts I don't want to do this anymore also easy for me to say when I didn't get the letter it's always easy when you're stepping when you're not sitting in it yeah and at that time I will say so you yeah people and Men many people have said oh you hunt private Ranch you hunt the best place I mean you mentioned pen I've never hunted hunted in a high fence but I've heard people talk not about you but like they will say that at that time I will say all I 100 was public land 100 and actually Oregon is about the worst elk hunting State oh you know that all of them you know that burn Jeremy right that Jeremy so it's like first you had I Utah is so much better than Oregon as far as hunting so I had to overcome a shitty State terrible elk hunting and still kill I mean there's that's my first six by six bull right there and it's a pretty damn good Bull and that took a lot of damn work anybody could have done a public land yeah um over-the-counter tag so yeah I mean you know it's it's but that's when it hurts the most because you're like holy do you know how much the sacrifices I made to do this but that's just the way it goes you put your heart in it man yeah so now now it's easier to to ignore because hey yeah I get it now I have more perspective on it I'm like I understand I actually I was somebody like that you know when I was coming to Bow Hunting it took me eight years to kill a big bull there was this guy in town who was killing big bulls every year and I think for like 12 or 13 years straight killed a 6x6 bull or bigger here in Oregon I'm hunting Oregon so I can't say this is a worse state or whatever he was hunting the same state I did he was killing big bulls every year I couldn't kill one he'd kill 12 or 13 and I'm like oh my God I hate this guy yeah I hate this guy there's no way and it's like it drove me crazy so I was I was that guy I know how it works I know how men operate you know what a fun though is that once you develop people develop that they're okay seeing other people win yeah oh I mean Rogan was the number one guy who taught me that yeah he me and I have that in my book where he said because I explained to him you know how I see it and I'm against everybody and you know I want to win he's like he goes dude there's enough cake for everyone yeah there's enough cake for everyone you don't just because you're getting kicked doesn't mean he can't have cake absolutely and so that he was the one who taught me that you know probably in 2014 which is I was way down the road of Life yeah to just learn that but yeah but that's how it happens yeah you know and and I'll say this earlier today when you were talking about Joe's success your face was lit up oh yeah that so obviously there's been growth since then yeah no I I'm very you know I'm happy for him just because I've seen just uh you've seen Andrew Tate you know the true Andrew I've seen Joe and I've seen how generous he is how supportive he is and I've told him I said I wish I believed in myself as much as you believe in me you know what I mean that's the type of person he is so when when I know he signs this big deal or he gets all the shine I'm like yes it feels it feels good to me it's wonderful yeah and you know that's a very pure feeling because I love watching Andrew win yeah I love it dude wow I like that I bet because you know him you know what you know what decisions he makes how hard he works yeah and I think that's true friendship and but I also say I think it says something about even me and I'm not trying to brag but I do think that a lot of times it's substantially easier to be happy for a person when you've done well yourself you know just like you've clearly done well and you're clearly happy for Joe it's just I do think it's easier to be graceful you know of course in this moments I mean just to give credit to the people that are still going through that you know that that climb but yeah man I I love seeing him win and I like seeing you get happy about doing it so that's a good thing man yeah it's well he's he's a big part of why I'm doing this right now you know and I think and you you did mention that in regard to me starting this the podcast and having Joe in my corner is like having an ace in your hand right erasing the whole yeah um so I I wanted to turn that around and relay that into I asked you about this but it's like yeah of course I do have with Joe support it's hard for this to fail you know yeah and but does everybody have an Ace in the Hole because of something they they know or have access to or can they turn something even if it's a little win into a big win in their life do you think everybody has access to something that they're not really cognizant enough I don't know if they have it at your scale but I think that if somebody works hard long enough everybody gets dealt a hand in life I think it's very important to sit back look at the hand you're dealt really identify which one of those things can get you to the highest vertical and then you have to make the decision to do it and over enough time and enough pressing and I think networking is important I think every person has the opportunity to put themselves in a great place right if you were to look at all the people that are famous in the world I think that you would find at the end of the day if you spend any kind of time with them you would realize they were normal people that worked really really hard and they might have had a gift here or there and I look at like super super great like LeBron James he was blessed by the gods yeah right but he still had to work hard yeah but take somebody else in the league the guy that's sitting on the bench that somehow got to the lead just because he really worked hard I'll tell you uh there's a guy named he's from Baton Rouge he's named Collins Temple mm-hmm he he was never going to be a superstar but he's been in the league for years just because he's a damn good man you know and he's a great teammate or he's the leader and he works hard yeah and he learns offense he's in a professional he doesn't have the gifts that LeBron has right but he could also be working some nonsense job instead of playing for them in the NBA you know yeah I think I think we'll look with LeBron specifically being six eight two sixty obviously that's a no-brainer but he wasn't always two eight or six eight two sixty he was a young boy who was obsessed with basketball right and worked on those skills incessantly yeah and then grew into that guy yeah you know but the the passion was there first right and then and then at the same time too like look how long he's been doing it yeah 20 years over 20 years now yeah in the league in my opinion is that NBA basketball players are the best athletes in the world yeah you know I would never take anything away from Brady but I think it's impressive that LeBron's had done it so long oh you got to be explosive yeah I mean Brady's not because he's doing it with his brain yeah it never was explosive but LeBron's ex you know these kids that come in yeah bro it's and he's still battling I mean it's impressive I mean I you know everybody can can take shots at different political stances and different things and because we've come up differently and believed different things but you cannot take away from what he's done on the court yeah I mean I'm look my vote is still MJ oh yeah me too but I think that's also a generation thing but yeah you know you know what after watching The Last Dance you know I always love Michael Jordan right but I fell in love with Michael Jordan as a man yeah what his winning mindset or what how he carried himself okay he was nice to the staff he was yeah he seemed to be a good teammate he took it he took it very professionally and I just like the way he moved I just like that he was obsessed with winning yeah and he made up so it's either you or obsessed like he was or you were gone but that's like the we knew yeah right we knew that about him right yeah so to see him move and interact in the small things just like casual conversations you know with like playing dice with his guys you know before the game and stuff like that I just wasn't sure about him man I one thing that struck me the most in that series was when he got emotional talking about how much he wanted to win and he's like and if you didn't feel that way you know but he but to me that just I mean he's been retired now for I don't know how long but he still was so connected and invested in that mindset that he still was getting choked up and it's like that wants to win more than anything I mean so if you're around somebody like that so you mentioned something when I said has everybody dealt a hand in a they got an Ace in the Hole they can play I think a big part of nowadays with this online societies like the war room before it was if you weren't like if I came from this little small town I grew up in if somebody around there wasn't didn't have a winning mindset and like set these big goals I was how would I you know because that's all I knew now anybody small town can join the War Room interact with somebody like you Andrew Tate Tristan and so you're they say that you know the people you surround yourself with are going to dictate your future right I mean the most successful people in the world as far as making money goes and you can interact with them that's huge isn't it the world's smaller than it's ever been man yeah you know and in the car and here's the crazy thing too I got something for you on the list I hate okay to answer your question I knew something would come up there was and I think it it's very important [Music] um this guy made this comment and he said uh he said something I would give him business advice on something and he said he said something along the lines that you think you're this or that but you're not Elon or um you're not uh Bezos and I I immediately thought to myself I need to make a video about this because he's absolutely right I'm not and the point that I would make is that those guys are such outliers that the point I'm really trying to make is that if if they're the Stars shooting and landing on the moon will change your like the Gap in happiness between me and those two men I would suspect is very small right the money Gap is huge but any young man that wants to better his life he can and if he can get from where he is to even just under me his happiness level right his freedom and his ability to come meet and do stuff with a guy like you or be able to go fly over the world and and see things and do it's just completely different like yeah so you don't have to be Elon no you don't you're not you're not gonna be you're not gonna be nope yeah you're not gonna be but that's okay but you can I'm telling you right now I wouldn't trade places with Elon right because Elon hadn't seen my Instagram inbox I like that but you know what I'm saying like I would like and he deals with pressures yeah that I don't deal with right and and you know maybe our life is it is to some degree different but man it's a good life yeah I mean you mentioned your Instagram inbox so I mean Brandon always likes to he asked me like you know he wants to get I guess more of a connection what foods do I like if I'm sad you know what I don't know ever just ignore it but anyway so regarding your Instagram inbox what do women want I think women want a man that knows who he is a man that's going to take control of the situation non-apologetically Take the Lead and respect them in the respect thing is something that I truly with all my heart believe you can do in a masculine way you can't be out here just disrespecting women you know calling them and hoes or right whatever yeah I think you can sit down be respectful have a firm conversation and even if they don't get what they want you can do that in the right way that leaves an opening for a relationship to be there even if she doesn't like the structure right you know and that's been my experience and um I think that if you can open up and have some kind of vulnerability with strength yeah um then I think that you can really be successful women how do how do you define vulnerability with strength so you sit down it you got the hair on the table I think you can sit down and you tell them your truth Hey listen this is how I'm going to live my life um I respect you so I'm not really trying to lie to you or play games with you or anything I really want you around I'd hate to see you go but this is how it's going to be you know now it's you know it is your decision yeah I respect it just be honest I love you anyway right and this is how it is and then you got to hold your ground you know but you have to do that in a masculine way which means that you're I'm not going to raise my voice you know I'm not gonna throw a temper tantrum cry you know I'm definitely not gonna cry you're definitely not going to cry I I said this on a show before I believe that a man's job is to be the mountain that a woman's emotional waves crash into if you can't give her structure like that if you can't be the one that she can count on for safety provision particularly emotionally right for me um obviously physically and all those other monetarily yeah sure but emotionally is where I think most men Miss you have to be stoic right you have to stand in it you have to be the answer yeah an emotional woman an emotional man is not going to help an emotional woman no he's not it's going to exacerbate the situations I need another girlfriend right yeah you know yeah so if she can respect you she can love you Andrew says this I say this I've experienced this I have women that hate me and don't sleep with me I'm telling you yeah punch me in the chest why is why is that because they're not getting their way so they're throwing a temper tantrum so when they're punching me in the chest I'm literally the rock that their emotional waves are crashing into I mean but they have to respect you because you're not disrespecting them yeah you're telling them the truth they don't like it yeah you're holding your ground I believe that women lose respect almost immediately if she can if she thinks she can roll over a man right push them around and here's the thing they call it testing right yeah a woman's gonna test a man I haven't heard this yeah so they say if a woman tests you she's testing you I think that women I think it's naturally kind of this primal thing that women do to test you to see if you're going to be emotional or if you can't handle it because she needs to know that you can handle it because if you can't handle it she needs to find somebody who can so it's not intentional no I don't I don't think so yeah yeah and I think women get a bad rap it's a red flag like like subconsciously she's like pushes away probably if she sees that yeah like you know uh you ever uh George Strait table for two yeah [Music] yeah she didn't love him right yeah she said I've tried everything that I know of and I can't make the feeling go it's not there yeah she didn't love him yeah he was sitting there simping with the ring you know I think that if if there's not a like a gap between a man and a woman if she can't look up to you and feel like you are the reason she is a better person then I don't I don't know it's gonna happen no I don't think she can fall for you yeah I was in a tweet the other day it's like if she doesn't cry when you leave you're in trouble you know what I'm saying I mean like in and I'm not saying a woman can't have her own life but if you can't in some way be her world I think you're probably falling short because I think the most beautiful thing about love in the world is if a man can be the hero and the reason I think that is because almost every fairy tale is written that way and women read these fairy tales and they just want to get swept away yeah and believe that he he's gonna be there and he's saving her from a cruel cruel world because that's what it is right well so what do you say with women say well why can't women be the hero it doesn't work that way it's been how the fair tale goes no well look men and women are equal but they do completely different things and I believe that where men are unhappy as they don't feel appreciated you know and if if a man can't feel like he's doing something to be appreciating he's valuable I think that's not very fulfilling for a man every man wants to be the hero right if and this is probably over the top and I've said this before but no man wants a woman he can't save from a castle and a dragon right that's the good stuff about it yeah and I don't believe a woman wants a man that she doesn't feel like is doing that for her you know yeah and that's just been my experience yeah you know I mean if if that's what you've seen and that's what you've lived then who's gonna argue with that but like do you really does a woman really want a man she can't look up to and be like man he's confident he's strong when I need him he's there yeah I just and all these guys I think they're gonna cry their girlfriend's shoulder I just think that's a bad move I would agree with that every way man I think that's a bad move you want to you know be upset man that's what you got your partners for because here's the thing what what the is she gonna do about it yeah you know what I'm saying babe you know I'm behind on the schedule on this job do you think she's gonna put the roof on for me yeah no yeah and she's not gonna stop the demand letter from the GC and she's not gonna fix the crane and she's not gonna push the boys yeah so there's nothing for me to talk about with her right you know so that that vent if people want to say well I was just venting well somewhere else yeah because it is impacting how she perceives you you're telling her you can't handle it right you're gonna you're this close to Breaking yeah yeah and and what happens when people jump off ships yeah yeah I'm about to get off this This ship's sinking you know good point Fitness survival you know and you know and they say you know women will tell you this I've had women tell me this they're like you know I'm gonna love you good or bad or in between and not think in my mind you're never gonna know where to have a good day or not right I tell them I can't have a bad day yeah and she needs to believe you're that strong it is your job yeah and is that politically correct probably not now but I think it's I think that if you look back at like the 50s or or back when you know men were a little bit stronger I think it worked then yeah in a lot of ways well I mean I agree with that because to me I mean I had a hard time with that that's why I never called in sick one day at my job because I'm like they do not care how you feel it doesn't matter what's going on it doesn't matter if your car breaks down it's like be at work that's all that matters are you going to be here when you're supposed to be here if you're not nothing none of that other matters so it's like none of it like you can say whatever you want it doesn't matter you got to win anyway it doesn't it doesn't especially in a man's world yeah yeah yeah I I mean that's that's good uh I don't know I don't know frame is important man it's very important it's a tough time right now I feel like men are Under Fire but I also think that uh I don't know it's pretty clear on what what's required of a man to me it is to me as well um unfortunately I think the world's changed a lot in the last 10 years a whole lot and um again I think that's why this work is so fulfilling yeah because what I'm hoping is that maybe somehow some way we can help enough young men that they don't have to step on some landmines that I think some people are probably stepping on right now yeah yeah my leg blown off yeah because I'd agree with that I would rather take an ass whooping than have a heartbreak yeah you want to talk about I mean heartbreak last year bro dude yeah you're two years and it's just it's man yeah I mean you might be swallowed up for a couple months man but come on no I know heartbreak it messes everything up yeah yeah and it affects future relationships too so yeah if we can help people avoid that then it's huge and I do think I I like your take on uh the man's role in a relationship I agree with that I mean I think it's our job to be stoic to not pass on or um reservations or worries it's like right no no deal with it it doesn't help yeah I did remember too I got some hate today um it was on yesterday's post and the guy said he took a shot at me and Goggins no it was on the clip I put up with Goggins are you gonna take a shot of Goggins bro he did but he said he goes I'm I'm just an over hyped bowhunter so I remember that was a good one and that was just today so I mean I still noticed but bro you're like the most famous bow hunter in the world bro I guess I guess that would be over hyped then right not my opinion you helped me shoot them straight bro well hey and so speaking of that how good was that today how good was our lift run shoot I mean this is going to be its own YouTube series so this is an addition to the podcast but tell me about the lift run shoot day here in Oregon all right let's start it off so I fly on yesterday I'm looking down I'm like well this looks like God's country yeah so we land we go um they you guys set me up with a bow man help me get my hands right even when I was shooting a bow when I was in college I wasn't shooting right weighing in the Cotter the boat ride Wayne yeah man yeah he is uh I mean you really got it to a science you know we were talking about like you know how the arrows and the tour like yeah obviously interested in the um in the mechanics and the engineering and so all that got dialed in and then we went this morning shot um I was grouping good yeah and then we went out 73 yards and got and got to pop the balloon man yeah got to use the bubble uh because we ran out of pins right which was incredible pin was 60 yards yeah so we got that done man made that shot and then uh then we started the hell part of the day which is you trying to make me run up a mountain yeah I did and then um and I walked a bit but whatever it was a mountain and uh and then I get to the top and I think it's over and you pull out a big ass Boulder and you're like we're gonna carry this Boulder down a mountain and I said well Yeehaw Cowboy let's do it oh you did awesome so definitely a beast built for that we got we got the boulder down down the mountain loaded up in the truck came back yeah and then we had a hell of a workout yeah you've been testing my cardio the whole time I've been here it was my first workout in 12 weeks you know I have my shoulder surgery like eight days ago 10 days ago I can't remember but um yeah my doctors would be pissed when they see it but it'll be too late yeah so uh man I had an incredible I for sure still having fun so uh learning a lot I like your structure and your setup man oh thank you you're sick yeah I I mean it means a lot to me that you'd come all the way out here and share this day with me which you you know it's hard to know what to expect people on Instagram or maybe not they as they are in reality I'm pretty much it it is what it is it's what I do and you came out here you kicked ass and everything I mean shooting at 73 yards is difficult the mountain is difficult let alone The Rock and then in the weight room of course that's I mean you've been doing this your whole life so it's no surprise you're you're great there but it means a lot to me to be you come out here and share a complete day with me and then we'd get fueled with Wild game we had deer steak chili and then we had elk for dinner it's like could it get any better no no no no no no um to anybody that's coming just just know it's going to be time to work you know so for any of you guys come behind me you just go ahead and get ready man you might wanna you might want to take a couple laps around the neighborhood before you come because it's going to be intense band but I enjoyed it as well you know I don't look at myself as a YouTuber I'm just a normal guy doing my best yeah you know well that's what resonated with me you know on on jedediah's podcast is you seemed that that was it it's like you just worked your ass off and now you're I mean I don't know I mean it seems like you're at the Pinnacle and you're still going man you know what's crazy about like you can if you don't continue to grow and you don't continue to move the goal post I think you'd be unhappy you know but um I don't think I'm anything more than a normal guy that tried really hard yeah you know and I I still fail and I still think everything I do is not enough and I would tell anybody that feels like they haven't done enough you know you just keep working hard and look up in seven years yeah see how you do then yeah that's a hard that's a thing that's what people struggle with is keeping their head down and working yeah they want that reward right now too quick right yeah and um I think I've been blessed in a lot of ways in my life because Instagram wasn't as popular when I was 24 right around you know and I have those old 80s baby Roots right you know and um to any young men that are struggling with that man I think that every generation gets a new set of problems that come with a new set of opportunities and I try to remember that when I look at the young guys because they grew up with it and I didn't it came and I was an adult already yeah and so I had some of those kind of more old school BC not heard you know talk with your pads work hard shut up yeah you know and I'm very grateful for that and I'm not saying it gave you an advantage yes sir I'm not so arrogant to believe it didn't yeah you know and so what I would hope to do is put some of that in the guys that watch me and hope that I can give it back in that way yeah I don't think I'll ever be super polarizing you know I don't think I'll ever be uh anything other than somebody that just tells the truth and it does and does my best while I'm trying to help them right you know because I'm still climbing mountains too yeah that's right I see you doing your best I mean you did your best today bro you almost killed me oh it was great uh so if there's young men watching and so how much does the Bugatti cost you know I think Andrews is 5 million five million yeah okay so what does somebody do if they want to if they're watching this as a young man and they want to drive a Bugatti I would tell you that it's very likely that you'll find happiness long before you reach the wealth of Andrew in a Bugatti and that kind of ties into what I said earlier I personally would rather buy a property yeah sure five million dollars will buy a lot of doors yes sir I want to buy a whole lot of doors and then I'll be making money for years and that's where I'm putting all my M's right now I'm just shoving them into real estate yeah and and you know and really trying to make sure I'm doing the right thing because you know I think everybody has a has a window of opportunity in their life and I feel like I'm in mine right now and the number one thing I'm trying to do is not mess it up yeah you know and I'm really grateful to even have the opportunity to do it in the first place so I love my Ford yeah I do have a G-Wagon it's a nice little tax write-off but I didn't trade that for it in right F-150 let's go yeah you know because if I'm being honest if I had to pick one or two I'd pick that truck you can't show up to the job site in a G wagon nope I have my gun under my seat and my whiskey in my console there you go you're ready yeah so put out then on I'm gonna take a drive we talked about Aldine bro I love how to go yeah he's bro him and George bro that's my favorite too yeah so well I mean I just wanna I just want to end this first of all with giving you Ah that's right this yeah and officially welcome welcoming you to the Keith Hammer Collective bow hunting Brotherhood there's your Hoyt incredible they keep hammering Hoyt that you shot so well today it did went really well so that marks the end of our lift front shoot experience and the day here in the in the studio doing all we do doing podcasts and that's your bow to take home and I just want you to know again how thankful I am that you came out here to Oregon appreciate you it means a lot to me I'm so grateful and I really appreciate it I hope we get a get to find a way to work again we will we will I mean I'm paying attention to what you're doing keep it up love it thanks man thank you you're an outlier appreciate it my [Music] phone they want someone to blame they say that hey it fuels my Pace I am Roy tough I'm the change the feeling like Camp Haynes I'll give you my unbreakable courageous [Music] [Music] in dirt
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 210,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, cameron hanes motivation, cameron hanes endure, cameron hanes keep hammering, cameron hanes podcast, keep hammering collective podcast, cameron hanes collective, cameron hanes bow, keep hammering bow, justin waller, justin waller podcast, justin waller business, keep hammering collective podcast 2023, justin waller andrew, keep hammering episode 2, cam hanes 002
Id: v8gumZ8hxOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 37sec (5257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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