The Mad T-Rex

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it's just like a mad t-rex that goes inside of a mad t-rex giving her [Applause] hey everybody how's it going today guess what i get to do i get to uh blow off a quad track today which will be awesome we've been moving the equipment around it's extremely windy outside so it's kind of hard to video doing too much out there but i'm going to go blow off one of the quadtrax that's been sitting outside it's kind of one of the last warm days most likely the rest of the winter it's going to be quite chilly the forecast is showing single digits at night and teens to 20s during the day so it's about 35 today we're gonna go get the cell air out so we're gonna blow a quad track off it's got a bunch of mud on it from doing some tillage late season in the snow so we're gonna take this hook her up and head out come i go almost dead it was almost dead so if you guys ever build what i call the machine remover don't build it like this everything hits when you hook onto there it needs to be out on a pedestal by itself because everything wants to hit everything else here when you turn too sharp these ones should have been way out on the end so you can turn so what happens is it binds up and bends stuff and that thing is so kind end tippy if you raise it too high it goes over center and flips back and while you've seen what happened the phone's ringing again hello [Music] i don't have any earplugs so i gotta go get some earplugs but before i do that i'll show you what i'll basically be doing so the last few years this has all been just complete mud so it's very necessary to do it ain't as necessary but it makes it a lot easier for the guy power washing if there isn't mud up in all of this like that and up on there blow that all off get up around the engines by the tool boxes inside the tool boxes all four tracks the hinge point the steps the fenders looks like we got some oil leak that'll have to maybe be looked at this winter all up under the around the transmission and the worst is on top of the rear end because you got no room here to really work but blow out all the bogey wheels the rear end all the hydraulic remotes because otherwise once you get water on this it turns the mud and it's harder to get it off when it's mud and slime and then you get it all over inside the shop so it's just best to do it out here so that's what i'm gonna do unfortunately it's a really strong southeast wind so i can't get the other two quad tracks out of the shop because if you open the big 50 foot door it just makes so much dust and it's just a bad idea so i'm gonna go get some earplugs so i can get to it no i can't hear you guys anymore i'm gonna move this beast into the lineup also because the tracks are absolutely horrible eric just washed this and then he took it out into the muddy field huh don't worry eric i'll clean it up for you [Music] ah i smell it i smell it now this was one of them that was out in the hog manure [Music] yuck [Music] oh god i hope you were positioned right to see that because that really hurt oh [Music] it's not a game [Music] [Music] that works a lot better than picking it out it's still pretty wet though i'm sweating i'm working up a heck of a sweat terrible well i'm getting dirtier it's getting cleaner pretty much got it done i got to drive it a little bit to sift some dirt out of the tracks then i'm going to kink it sideways so hopefully i can get up in on top of the rear end a little better all right we got our turn now so hopefully i can get in there a little bit better i need to blow that area out and this area ah that hurt all right hammer time i guess before that i'm gonna put the little wand on so i can get in there a little bit better [Music] all right we're ready [Music] oh man that's dirty that is dirty you know what i'm just gonna fast forward to when i'm done with this all right all right one out of three done and i think the wind is going down enough where i can maybe get another quad out i'm hoping we'll see i would like to be able to do more than one today but i don't want the shop to get all dusted out still kind of windy so what happens with a southeast wind is the wind comes whipping in here and all this dirt on the floor here since dad hasn't been around to clean and it's been just sloppy and thawing freezing thawing freezing that it's not worth cleaning yet so it's really dirty wind comes in just blows up a big dust and gets everything dirty so i don't think that's gonna work too good that makes me sad i wanted to get these done what was nice out well for the sake of staying busy doing something doing something even if it's wrong at least you're doing something [Music] if you close your eyes there's no dust right is there dust i don't want to look not too bad well being i have the door open i'm going to get both of these quad tracks out run the clean one in so that hopefully i can get both these done today maybe cross my fingers let's hope so [Music] [Music] okay that worked out better than i thought it was going to by a long shot okay get these over to get lined up to be blown off maybe let them idle a while charge the batteries up for a little bit they weren't dead but it's always good if they sit for a couple of weeks give them a little charge sun just flew right in my mouth disgusting off-roading [Music] why don't you guys tell me my face looks like it did good great you're gonna have to put up with it for a little bit longer because it's only gonna get worse unfortunately oh i see this problem hasn't fixed itself no shifty no shifty huh okay and someone took the fix-it list out of here we normally have fix-it lists wrote up it's just a paper that we got a spreadsheet that you write which model machine you're running or implement your pulling i normally have them in all tractors so that throughout the season if there's something that immediately doesn't need to be fixed but needs to be fixed at the end of the season such as maybe a bad door handle or a missing screw or uh maybe that's a tractor don't shift although if this was happening when we were grain carting it would have definitely had to have been addressed i don't know why it's just started happening i think i was told that the transmission needs to be calibrated i don't know it definitely needs to be addressed though 3.3 miles an hour here we go getting her done [Music] all right i'm gonna get to it you guys get the point of what i'm doing so we'll see when i'm done everything's so heavy everything gets so [Music] heavy [Music] kind of stings the face a little bit doesn't it you know what that shot cost me a screen protector good thing it was on there that would have been bad all right three quad tracks blown off ready for wash bay eric quit bordering fields with the 85 20 and get get home and wash them up i did three in one day you could do three right and here i thought i didn't have nothing to do today wow god this is over with should be the last pieces of equipment that i need to blow off this year hopefully but you never know dad might find something else i tell you what it must be the time of the year or something but another hired man bought a new pickup we're new to him that's the way i like to buy them i don't i like to let the first guy take the the people like eric would take the first fifteen thousand dollar loss and then buy him with about 20 to 30 000 miles that's what i like at least steve got a dodge [Music] so i'm going to try and fill the quad tracks up the other ones were full but i'm going to fill this one up not quite plumpful because when you get this cold diesel fuel into the shop fuel actually expand so then it'll overflow the tank don't ask me how i know that and we're gonna do this so that we can get less fuel in the barrel we try to fill everything at the end of the season so that we can order in more this winter hopefully when it's a lower price before spring kind of use the tractors as a reservoir that's right that's what we do my eyes are burning with dirt and it sure sucks tell you what guys i really appreciate all you guys subscribing watching giving the videos thumbs up i know you did it i know you just did it if you guys really do enjoy larson farms videos i would appreciate you to tell your friends share it on facebook share it on instagram wherever you want to share us too we would appreciate it we really do truly enjoy bringing content to you guys to watch and if you guys are interested in any larson farms apparel uh hat shirts hoodies mugs stickers anything like that you can check that out in the link in the description there's a lot of cool things in the link to all of our videos so go check them out so enough talking let's get back to the video i gotta go move the landscaper from here to our other yard which if you've watched our last video you would have seen us moving the digger over there a couple videos ago so we're gonna move the landscaper over there because it's a beautiful day as you can tell it's i'm in a just a light hoodie and pretty nice out actually now but tomorrow's gonna be pretty ugly it's gonna be like seven degrees with wind and snow so it's time to wrap up this outside work which i am looking forward to just working in the shop now for a little bit all right he's about full i'm just gonna shut her down [Music] well now who the heck is gonna stand and hold this when i back up anyone volunteer your fingers here you want to hold that while i back up i wouldn't either oh is this going to work [Music] that's as impressive as it gets right there not too bad for the first try that that worked out really well [Music] [Music] toilet paper anybody all right i'm going to grab that board and we're good to go i believe ain't nothing to this thing really all right should be ready to rock and roll kind of wish i could go do a couple more ditches it was kind of boring but yet better blowing quad tracks off i guess if you want to look at it that way but she's done for another year and maybe you know like i said in the videos when we were scraping a lot they'd been so abused all the ditches have been so abused from the last three years of being so wet that we could never maintain them that maybe now since they're done done really nice we won't need to touch them maybe for a few years which would be great i'm sure we'll always find a spot here there but as far as we're doing doing the vast majority of the farms probably won't need to do that which will be great save a lot of time but for what we paid for this scraper it was well worth the investment no doubt about it because we got an awesome buy on it and because drainage is one of the most profitable things that you can do as a farmer because not that much work goes into it and you can improve that spot that maybe maybe drowns out one every five years but that's still or maybe it does every year when you get rainfalls like the previous three years was this year was great didn't need drainage or tile hardly at all but it definitely you gotta have drainage to you're paying cash rent on every acre of that field or any ways you should be to not be farming it and getting profit back off out of it is a complete waste and that you just can't make that work so that's why this thing is very profitable along with a tile plow very profitable thing to own this thing is almost as hard to back up as a gravity box and if you have never backed up a gravity box you're very lucky especially with a quad track is it difficult oh if i like this positioning so long that tree looks so dead like it could crush it different spot well it's gonna just have to sit in here all kitty wampus and hopefully that tree don't break and dad pointed out when i got here that i forgot the globe on there so i'll have to spin that off quick and that when we go tile plowing i'll have to come over to get the stand too excited to get it off the yard i guess [Music] what are the odds that i parked right on top of an old wood clock [Music] that could have been dangerous so yeah cable stays this was supposed to be let's go this is actually a part of our uh tile plow that's supposed to come back to the farm but we ain't thailand this fall so next summer or spring or whenever we go tiling we'll be looking for it but this probably shouldn't be over here we ready hot car parkour parkour for it see you later scraper let's go check on dad i see he's almost got half the grove taken down already in one day and he's got three piles one two three anyone bring some wieners with some marshmallows oh what a mess i love taking groves out but i hate the cleanup work of it look at this you know who gets to pick those up don't you grandpa no i'm just kidding we normally get a flock of high school kids out here and get picking are you on the phone you're on the phone dog goes on the phone helping progress so i don't remember the year exactly maybe around that 2012 maybe 2012-ish we had a terrible windstorm come through here most groves in this area got really ripped up as you can see this tree that tree that tree that tree multiple most of the trees even the ones that are standing the tops are broke off you can see that so a lot of these trees were severely damaged if not totally killed you can see there's just tons of old dead trees and miscellaneous crap so he's having a heck of a time since it's been so long it's all dead branches he's having a heck of a time picking them up so that's why we got such a mess we what we really need is a grapple bucket for our skid loader but i've been looking for one for a couple of years and i just can't find what i want i want something i don't want really narrow tines that plug up with mud but yet i want you know spacing maybe five inch five inch spacing tines and i need a big grapple not one little pincher i need something massive so i'm really having a hard time looking and finding one of those we need a grapple bucket for a skitter it's a disaster out here i've never seen nothing so terrible it's it's because of all the dead trees from 10 years ago or eight years ago 2012 wasn't it i don't remember but my excavators got broken what happened it's deteriorating as we use it what is it well first the house break locks up as i'm swinging so yeah my my house break engages every once in a while so i shut it off so i'm not using that anymore but now my rpms in auto watch this and lydle down now now i used to just be here to bump that the rpms aren't going back up no more so i was on the phone with my good friend josh cat guy cat mechanic him and i've been troubleshooting here what's going on pilot valve sensor he thinks how much is that 100 oh did you see that yeah i never used to have the node that far no you didn't that would take off like a mad tomcat mad tomcat poe say where's your wife i instagramed her and tagged her asking her how her and her dog was and nothing i don't know what she's doing napping i suppose i bet she's doing all your laundry laundry and editing and i know she had another doctor's appointment today that's our new life it's like we're 80. unfortunately all right i blew off all the quack tracks today and i think i'm gonna go home and i'll be home shortly you think grandpa's gonna be able to pick up all these sticks by himself there's more than normal he's got his work cut out [Laughter] he's not gonna be so happy how about these rocks and old wire and fence posts well i will say you're really good at ditch cleaning but you're terrible at excavating trees take a look out there every square inch you gotta groom it gotta groom it oh it's four inches of frost you can't groom out buckthorn well you know that's gonna be a problem though oh we'll just spray it with roundup a couple years and then we'll diss the heck out of it it'll be good maybe next spring we'll burn it off can't even get a deer to run through this stuff no there wasn't even any deer in this grove was there this when we were deer hunting what a destructive deal can you imagine how big the fires must get out of california if they i've always heard where they have blow downs yeah and then they won't let them go out there and cut that old crap down if if this would ever get caught on fire and was a thousand acre you'd never run fast enough well that's what happened in minnesota back in what year was that the hinckley fires up in duluth area yeah killed thousands hundreds of thousands probably you guys google that inkling fires you won't believe it it got so hot that what it evaporated the water people suffocated before the fire even got all the oxygen out of the air it's terrible i we read up now my mom read a book to me when i was homeschooled then we actually went up there then we went and toured it there's a museum or something oh there's many of them many of them yeah it's absolutely horrible that was that was horrible barbaric the water actually got so hot and slough as it boiled boiled the people they went to the water we better not talk though that terrible kind of kids watching here now okay see you later i thought you were smoking here there's a fire behind you i wonder how hot my backside is i have to ask my mom that isn't that pretty that is that's beautiful well guys i appreciate you tuning in i better back up before i get killed saying goodbye to you he dies gets killed by the big law he really likes to get after it well guys that's it see you next time appreciate you watching see you later it's just like a mad t-rex that goes inside of a mad t-rex giving [Music] her
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 227,932
Rating: 4.987082 out of 5
Id: I0CwNw1z370
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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