Stuck In The Snow!

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oh look another snowstorm three to five inches yesterday and it is piled in the yard pretty good because then it started to blow last night and i see dad's pushing snow your dad or eric i'm not sure it looks like dugo [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i forgot my garage door opener in nicole's pickup so second day i've forgotten it now this week look at that way up on the front end he's piled her up bridged her up so high here oh and then i parked the door right on it nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am not sure how he expects me to drive this skid loader and push snow at the same time it will stop lower with the left hand i think he just wanted to be on film looking like he's working maybe i could hook his heel stopping raising driving wiping this is not gonna work i gotta find a place to put you guys once again no gopro holder place to stick you so [Music] well hey eric we're almost done it's okay don't come early you're late i got snow to move in my house yeah i never did any at mine if the ups man comes he's surely screwed because he barely made it out the last time i don't think i should have tried that mine because you know gravel it was just blowing right back oh that's that was my concern i gave up about halfway through oh my you're a quitter and i got to figure out something different but it makes life nice doesn't it it's way colder than a guy thinks outside my face is completely numb and i've been out for six minutes so this is what i was talking about in one of our past videos is we'd like to get a nice snow base down the last storm that came through that blizzard that was terrible it drifted in here really good and dad and grandpa pushed all the snow to the north but also left an inch of snow on the gravel and now he's got a nice base so he's not down into the gravel like right there probably was no snow so that there's some gravel what's up you're an eight you're early i am i'm going for the bonus today oh sweet good morning you having fun it's okay so far the first and second time of pushing of the year that ain't bad wait till your windshield wiper freezes oh yeah it's happened it already gets these big balls on it it's cold out why can't somebody invite and invent a heated wiper blade come on you guys invent the heated wiper blade wouldn't be a bad idea actually how much footage do you want to call a couple hours no flying over the hood here or the windshield i mean i should have pinned it funny bobcat couldn't have put a intermediate wiper on uh-oh you guys just you guys been drinking i'm going to put all my clothes in the wash so i can't work outside anymore come here oh thank you yeah you don't want to look weird well i had to put it on quickly because my hair got all messed up from the uh the larson farms stocking hat pulled it all up remember when i was sitting there with it on my head i need another hat because i gave mine away to zach yeah and he never did pay me for it one of those friends well that's your problem right well you can't rely on people anymore oh man so you're not going outside the rest of the day huh no my clothes will be getting washed i can't believe it he calls his good friend zach out sorry zack always with the can't remember which one is which i think this is the washer though check the pockets oh my dirt don't have to shovel snow now for about two hours what are we working on today i was gonna finish this i think is that loud enough nikki [Laughter] so what are we doing today yeah i don't know [Music] morning worth to work just to shovel out the place dad needs his bologna sandwich delivered to his bobcat i guess come get it boy come on come on okay come on come we gotta clean next to that trailer i think we're done hauling the excavator around so we're gonna park this thing back where it normally sits [Music] yep yep open the door let's go let's send it so this is a trailer that stays out all year round just because we don't have shed space for it so we're gonna go unhook it get the truck back in over the pit probably grease it set up brakes look it over we do have to put a water manifold gasket in mitch is gonna come out and do that my brother-in-law and then she'll need a bath and probably be good to go till next year [Music] it's stuck it's stuck why is everything got to be so much more difficult in the winter i don't know but that cab was warm so i'm gonna go up there you want me to pull you out should we get the anchor we're gonna need the anchor yeah she's stuck i'm gonna go get the income just back up you said i'm too close well you are really close but if you get all the way back in there you might be able to get a running forward again it's like the kids never played in snow before we're going for a ride well i think that'll work nope we're moving we're moving it was pretty good there days quick break check it just bring it that's good it's pretty close but it's good i think that'll work you like it nice and close like that as long as the curtain side doesn't tip over i'll do whatever i don't care should we just do that it's just so icy yeah back it up let's set it all right we're gonna need to get out whatever that means yeah we're already outside what do we need to get out for boy he is kind of close that looks pretty good look at that i can still see daylight we got plenty of room what do you think i think it's way way too close well what if i want the curtain side first i'm so kitty wampus in here it's ridiculous ridiculous it's crooked oh it feels good that this is all hopefully the last time that we're hooking up and unhooking from this trailer i don't like this trailer at all oh i needed a tissue thank god for the extra pretty extra length i think that was a big enough tractor for uh some hydraulics well there's no doubt about it we need to pull it out it's never going to get away from that trailer so i'm going to get the smaller yankum rope give her a tug are you kidding me then there's a knot no knots we're good okay 16th gear wide open [Music] we got her we got her hopefully i don't get stuck again in the yard so that actually was the one inch yankem rope we have a one inch and a two inch the one inch is what we use on lighter duty jobs they make all different sizes if you want one for your vehicle or for your farm they got one for everybody and every application and their link is in the description below and if you use larson farms you can save five percent are we clear it's always a little tricky knowing if you're center or not always best to get out and double check also these buckets if you got buckets on this tray they'll hit the hit the front axle and they'll fill all over everything well that was exciting everything's more difficult in the wintertime three times as hard as standard time yeah that's a nice picture should we hook the yank them up and try to we could break that one i bet two quads on cement yeah we'd break the one incher you know what we should do that nothing barely started batteries yep junk junk well have you turned the battery disconnect off i'm going to now but i wanted to cool down the batteries first you know you gotta let that happen yeah you gotta cool the batteries down i don't remember who wanted to blew all these off and parked them last and did not shut off the batteries just be thankful i did that and you didn't just be thankful that i did all the hard work for you you're gonna do a lot of hard work for me when i'm gone where are you going where i better i don't want people to think i've made money you're going vacationing huh going to florida oh boy gotta go visit some relatives never even invited me with let's see one of them is jack there's captain there tito's aunt tito's the door won't open it seems it just seems like it just won't open this is pretty nice that is a nice jacket that your girlfriend bought you her dad oh my goodness thanks paul it's really getting serious huh so who likes you more her or the parents well i think i like her parents more oh my hey hey you got a little bit of brown stuff on your nose yeah well you got to do that all right add a whole stocking for me have you gotten any larson farm stuff for them yet no no do they know that you're the big swede it's out of stock boy you did a good job cleaning this i know i i did everything but detail it i vacuumed well there's not like the back ceiling full anymore no i cleaned out all the tools we've been looking for for uh uh last three months i think it'll fix that up you're gonna level her off six inch lift all around big rims smaller tires smaller tires you go six inches that's what's in it and a small tire like what 14's 15 so them really rare ones that you can barely find anymore this 15 inch rubber diameter with like a 12-inch rim that would match forged little hot wheels look at how you could smoke them look at this look at where the beavers did you know that tin off right there looks like they're back did you know that a 33 by 12 and a half rim rotates 612 times every mile just random facts random facts you know sometimes i just sit here in awe of the weird things that he says i hope we haven't been boring you in the last few videos we really haven't had too much interesting stuff been happening wrong here too many things happening around the farm so i hope you enjoy just us having a good time doing some work moving equipment around cleaning equipment i don't know where to park this all right thank you guys for watching we really appreciate it i hope you get entertainment from us hey what are you doing where should i park it i hate to take up a semi spot so we got to get behind this world's largest grain cart right here somehow so should i parallel park it do you think i could do that can you fish through that little gal and this thing takes about a half section to turn around in so let it be backed up parallel park it yeah i'll go turn around not too bad if i don't say so myself now we can get a hooked up semi in here no problem just like all larsen tools old hose clamps wore out get your money out of it it's a beautiful day huh getting better maybe just dead silence well there went three hours of my life again pushing snow somebody really should clean the floor in here again i wonder what chet's been doing and eric sorry for making that comment about being late there i know you weren't late i was just early yeah that's my tractor i get to blow snow with 1977 hydraulic i say hydraulic front wheel assist but she's a good one yeah i say she's a good one until i say that's oil well now see there's a problem there's something something really bad there i better hurry up and get home i just had to show you guys that so close to me toby he uh he don't pick up after himself very well that almost became part i'd say that almost became part of my blower that would have been bad [Applause] extra heavy-duty cable yeah there would have been nicole nicole you'd have had a lot of work that would have been tough for you to get that unwrapped out of the augers and the fan i'll put it in the house here for you maybe i'll go tell amy she forgot to pick up her leash hey amy maybe she's not home hello hey uh toby didn't pick up his big leash no oh it was near cad cataclysmic you know i looked at that and i thought well there's going to be no mowing no mowing no there's no mowing no mowing but but there's blowing no mowing but there is blowing well i got it it's all okay you're gonna go shovel now clean up a little bit around the doors i gotta get going i got a big hydraulically bills or what are you gonna do pay bills i make the bills see you tonight thank you oh yeah there really isn't much for her to do here wouldn't take her five minutes suppose i'll have to come back and do that too there now you're working it wasn't working before i was saying hey mister are you okay and you weren't saying nothing back so i knew we had trouble we're back hang on now and see if that works oh man it's so noisy in here well you all will get to see what i get to do and listen too there we go anybody coming can you see if there's anybody coming from that direction i think we're safe i say never blow across a county gravel road or any road never [Music] and i mean never [Music] i just love blowing snow up here at my place you got the loader in the trees when you're backing up to remember to look out you might have rick the mailman coming by on the road that could really scuff rick up mad at this thing hey rick if you're watching if i ever bang into you accidentally here sorry in advance because you know i wouldn't want to hurt that big vehicle of yours like there's only one of them in the whole country and you got it [Music] see it's really pulling well there went the back window oh no windshield wiper oh did i tell tell you smart people out there you want to invent something that you could retire on or invent it and then share the money with me because i'm the one that thought of it make a heated wiper blade you know how hard can that be just put a wire or two inside the blade i was having a terrible problem this morning with the bobcat just could not keep that wiper blade going i gotta i i can't be talking to you guys all day here just hang on [Music] [Applause] well it's rush hour one vehicle very polite person signal even for me
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 245,495
Rating: 4.9786506 out of 5
Id: Z3VznRDbrO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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