Santa Inc. Gives Stop Motion a Bad Name

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when you make videos for as long as i have eventually at least every once in a while there are times that i ask myself hey did you really need to be as harsh as you were to that of course i like to play up some bits of my anger for the purpose of comedy and entertainment but even so there have been one or two times where i felt like okay i might have been a little too harsh to that i won't spin their mother's face too hard this time i say that so you know that i'm the type of person who can feel remorse for being overly mean and vindictive since if this was the first video you'd watched of mine that probably wouldn't be the idea you got santa inc is a 2021 stop-motion animated series about a jewish elf girl working for santa trying to rise the ranks to become his next successor after the position opens it was created by someone i've never heard of that's never worked in animation and stars sarah silverman as well as mr i smoke weed seth rogen it was released near the start of december 2021 and upon release it was instantly canned and currently sits as imdb's lowest rated piece of media ever created normally this would be the point where i'd sarcastically remark but is it really that bad let's get into it and find out but i can't say that because not even for a second could i believe it look there have been times i've had visceral reactions to a piece of media there have been times where i've looked at something and thought wow i can't wait to make a video on this trash fire but you know what at least whenever i thought that i could see some ironic value in watching it on a technical level santa ink doesn't have anything wrong with it the music is fine if not overplayed sometimes the stop motion is fine the character designs are fine there wasn't any behind the scenes drama like mulan 2020 to make it morally disgusting yet everything about this show is just so infuriating to me like i've never felt this way for a seemingly regular piece of content before but i genuinely feel angry talking about this show it's kind of a weird experience for me in the 17 years i've spent on this earth i could consider it one of the worst things i've ever watched for a myriad of reasons so i guess i should just get into it starting with the absolute state of stop-motion tv with this section i want to make something abundantly clear i love stop-motion and consider it one of the most interesting labor-intensive animation tactics for media we still have today over time the usage of it has become super minimalized and mostly reserved to commercials but when stop-motion movies come out you can tell they're done with the intent to innovate some of my favorite movies isle of dogs coraline anomalisa are all amazing send-ups to stop motion as an art form that i couldn't envision being done in any other medium it's something i have a deep respect for and consider integral to be preserved as an art form with that being said the state of tv stop motion makes me want to throw myself into a wood chipper don't get me wrong by tv show standards it makes sense that stop motion is even more reserved than it already is for film since like i said it can be labor intensive not to mention way more expensive than cgi or 2d the opposite was the case back in the 60s and 70s which is why they were so popular back then but now we pretty much never see it stop motion tv is so rare nowadays that i asked on my twitter follow me if anyone could name a stop-motion tv show made in the past 10 years and despite that distinction a lot of people still name movies instead which you know i can't really blame them for the main names i thought people would mention were all there though and among them the one i saw mentioned the most was what else but the adult swim show robot chicken as far as adult animation goes when it came out robot chicken was kind of a groundbreaker for being completely done in stop motion which was almost unheard of for shows of its nature back in 2005. i'd consider it a really hit or miss show most of the time since when it gets original it can be pretty funny but way more often they'll go for an easier round of whoa that childhood cartoon character said [ __ ] how hilarious look at those dark situations they're getting into they didn't do that in the series they came from and like family guy before it since robot chicken was able to become super successful several stop motion series have tried to copy it to no avail which has become almost exclusively adult oriented and almost completely done by stupid buddy studios the company behind robot chicken that's not to say they're entirely the reason why stop-motion tv feels so predictable and unfun these days okay who am i kidding it kinda is when they're the only ones really doing it but i wanted to be nice i just couldn't other than santa inc stupid buddy has also produced that modok series that everyone forgot after a week and who could forget crossing swords the show that popped up in your hulu recommended like every day for a year before it stopped and oh god not to get too far into a side rant here but that show was awful too and sums up exactly what i'm wanting to say with this section stop motion and tv for the past several years has felt way less like something used to express a real idea and more so a vessel to say [ __ ] a lot and make people laugh since the funny stop-motion character said it don't you remember those rank-and-pass movies from the 1970s that weren't well animated but are basically a part of our childhoods now of course you do that's what these shows are hoping for they want you to be surprised with the stop-motion character saying a naughty word since those specials from the past were so sanitized and such that's really as far as the joke surrounding the animation goes and with how much more common it's becoming to do this the joke that wasn't even that funny to begin with has gotten so worn out that it feels like that one friend you know the one he tells a joke and then when you don't laugh he elbows you and elbows you dude you get it yes stephen i [ __ ] get it shut up you're not funny and this is why you have no friends i can't be the only one noticing this who also gets pissed off that stop motion isn't used for anything more these days am i like is there not one person who has a concept they specifically think stop motion would advance for actual reasons instead of a single lame joke the only time i've seen stop motion used in a fun original and consistently entertaining way for tv is stupid buddy's one kid-friendly show buddy thunderstruck which just shows to me how in making all of their other series adults they're actually restricting themselves by allowing the writers to not have to think of comedy beyond middle school dick joke humor there's a soulless uninspired quality to these kinds of shows that i can't get over despite all the love i know goes into every frame of stop motion for them so when i saw the santa ink trailer and knew that was one of his main selling points let's just say my hopes weren't all that high and when i decided to watch it something far worse awaited me than i could have ever imagined which i'll outline in i realized that you [ __ ] caribou who do you want me to like i mean it completely sincerely when i say it's hard to think of even a single likable character in this entire show you'd think there'd be a few you could point to like in most series but no somehow send ink finds a way to not do something even high guardian spice could pull off maybe i'm doing that thing where i say something is worse than it is and i just need to think it through instead okay i'll try to be fair here how about i go through all the maiden supporting characters in the series with a little likable character counter right there to keep track of how many i can find along the way first there's candy the main lead i usually like sarah silverman's voice in animation but here i can't help but feel she's been horribly miscast silverman has a naturally kind of shrill always sarcastic sounding voice that when used for a character like vanellope von schweetz perfectly matches their personality of being spontaneous and kind of a whimsical troublemaker but in instances where those traits are pulled off badly like here her voice comes off as annoying which matches the personality of candy who's always nagging about something or other and making unfunny quips she's also a person that's clearly full of herself over exaggerating her own achievements and espousing how great she is from the first episode which makes her attitude towards wanting to become santa equally frustrating throughout the series she not only feels like she deserves the position of santa but is entitled to it because she's just such a great employee the show plays up how almost all the men above candy are sexist pigs that don't want her to succeed and whatnot but it's also kind of hard for me to think she's given them no reason to dislike her while she angrily tells them that people make fun of their dick sizes and just so you know the women of the north pole make fun of one of your dicks have fun wondering whose it is she's also easily set off into a vengeful rage again going back to her temper which at the end of the season she uses to feel no remorse at the assumed death of someone she just ran over why because he was sexist continuing her long list of achievements she knowingly fed people meth once because she thought it would improve her speech and for a final cherry on top what she didn't get the role of santa for a reason i'd consider fair i'll get to that later she told her boss [ __ ] you and stole her company's property to go on a joyride and visit a friend then getting jailed and deciding the company is the [ __ ] one that needs to change okay too much negativity here i can feel the polar ice caps melting from all the salt being flung what about her friends well there's reindeer i couldn't be bothered to remember her or most of the characters names so you're going to be hearing those titles a lot her entire joke is that she's loud she gets into a lot of fights and she loves sex but then she doesn't love sex as much for a few episodes but don't worry she goes back to loving sex at the end now that's character development why would i a woman whose motto is i live for dick this is gingerbread woman she's a mom loud and out of nowhere on many occasions will go from being normal to an absolute [ __ ] yelling calling people names being violent etc i think the show considers it charming but the problem is no one else with basic thoughts would she also suffers a really sudden personality change after episode 5 to become the more laid-back nice version of herself that doesn't match her previous character at all i hate her the most out of these three so far so that should give you a good idea of how likable she is moving on to candy's family she's got a brother and his whole thing is that he makes dick jokes in the form of rap songs and nope that's the end enjoy candy's mother is an unsupportive [ __ ] that strips through any powerful man she finds and her grandfather is a one-dimensional gambler and exposition machine who loves porn has that telegram up at all yet yeah it's better to get to the co-workers they can't all be [ __ ] can they snowflake is candy's assistant what's his gimmick glad you asked he's a drama queen that's annoying and constantly [ __ ] about everything on candy's crew she's also got fat intern who doesn't act terrible to everyone but mostly serves as a way to tell fat jokes and deliver clunky dialogue maybe the wackid should be something that deserves it like whack a white supremacist congratulations you did it that's exactly what natural dialogue sounds like other than him we've got gay elf um he's gay yes i am gay moving on mrs claus is the classic stereotype of a woman unhappy in her relationship with an oblivious man who doesn't pleasure her among the characters she's got a weirdly large amount of focus but she's also probably the most forgettable and then there was santa one of the only characters mentioned so far that you're definitely supposed to hate he's made a bunch of underhanded business deals to make money he constantly talks about how he's wanting to hire a progressive candidate to show how great he is he doesn't pleasure his wife the list goes on but honestly and i'm not messing around here santa is the only likable character in this entire show to me why because he has dimension unlike almost every other boring ass piece of wood i just listed out unlike them i can't boil down santa to a singular personality trait as he appears to actually have depth a crazy concept i know bold move the writers were taken without one yeah santa is a guy that wants some diversity points for his hire that's a petty shallow reason to choose his successor but as the show goes on he does try to connect with candy and show that he truly appreciates her he gives her tips to succeed encourages her ideas and genuinely wants the best for her despite candy being an insufferable [ __ ] stain and when he does decide to go against picking her a successor his logic isn't simply you are women women cannot be kenishkringle stupid instead his reasoning comes in that candy is superficially charming to the press and executives but she can't play well with kids or connect with them who she seems to openly dislike interacting with children is one of the most important parts of being santa so when he sees this and understands her inability to do that while the fat intern can he comes to the idea that it would work better with her as a top executive behind the scenes making all the decisions that actually matter while that in turn serves as a jolly face believe it or not this kind of thing happens in entertainment all the time some people are great as songwriters but they don't have the star quality to charm an audience so they sell their songs to performers that can give it that oomph to succeed and in doing so they remain integral to the process and become irreplaceable in their own rights his decision makes complete sense and to that option candy tells him go [ __ ] yourself and the show tries after to make us feel like she was in the right to do that still trying to show that santa is an [ __ ] or whatever but he's still a million times more likable than she'll ever be to clarify in case it wasn't obvious [ __ ] candy she's one of the worst protagonists i've ever watched and i would gladly punt her into the stratosphere if given the chance shed back on track i guess i was wrong about what i said before there was a single character to find not terrible in the series and ironically he was the one the show desperately wanted you to hate oh and i guess there were also a bunch of other male characters but they all boil down to being sexist pigs that want to put candy down so they aren't really worth mentioning other than for the transition into your ladybug the transparent themes santa inc is not a complex show nor is it something with any nuance or subtlety that isn't to say that being blatant can't have its appeals when done in an interesting way that understands the subject matter but if you think santa ink does any of that i'm afraid the brain tumor has already reached stage four and you're going to have to be put down behind the shed old yeller style santang's ideas of themes are so transparent and without subtext that as you watch it you almost have to wonder why the writers chose to make it animated or about christmas or santa in the first place santa is the boss who wants to hire a progressive pick for good press the board he has is the glass ceiling keeping women from positions of power candy is the vice president of a company who's worked her way up the ranks but is still underestimated because of her woman ness the main idea is every bog standard pandering girl boss office comedy ever made where a woman is only unable to get the position she wants because everyone around her is a blatantly sexist [ __ ] upholding a systemic ideal to keep her from going places it has been done by smarter funnier people who still couldn't get it right because they fundamentally didn't understand how to convey it properly without seeming preachy or completely cringe-worthy in fact that might be the only reason the show is done with animation or a christmas theme to begin with because without it what does santa ink have to stand out in any way whatsoever what makes it different from every other show or movie with the same plot that i just described which has long been forgotten and thrown away by the public not a damn thing with animation that's different though now they can show full nudity make a few christmas-related puns do some raw to your humor that they wouldn't have been able to before and voila it's the same show with a new hat great hat you got there totally not the exact same thing you nailed it and like i said these ideas of systemic and casual discrimination can be done well both in live action or animation just off the top of my head i could point to a few examples that handle discriminative ideas on multiple levels distinctively poignantly but still somewhat humorously and most of all like the people writing actually know what they're doing first example is the episode the ricklantis mix-up from the series rick and morty which is widely considered one of if not the best episode of the entire series for a bit of context rick and morty a grandson and grandfather who go on wacky adventures have infinite versions of themselves that came together and made a government the citadel and in this episode we're taken away from the rick and morty we normally follow to take a closer look at the daily lives of a few rick and morties formed by this society on the surface it seems like just a bunch of fun side adventures there's a morty running for head of the citadel a group of mortys leaving a school to become sidekicks so they can have an adventure a new cop rick with an older morty as a partner and a factory worker rig dissatisfied with his life who goes off the deep end under the surface though all these stories have themes relating to racial prejudice systemic discrimination or simply feeling like another cog in the machine of society and the writers actually use the preconceived archetypes rick and morty to play this up and help it fit in the plot among the two morty at least in the eyes of ricken okay most people is the dumb one who screws up a lot and can't get [ __ ] done for that reason when a morty candidate tries running for office all the ricks do nothing but make fun of him and try to take away his voice or devalue his opinions and even when he does find a way to get into office there's another group of ricks behind the scenes who really have all the power the new rick cop is strict about protocols but his older morty partner is hardened by the position and isn't afraid to straight-up kill other mortys when it benefits him he's been corrupted by a society of ricks who treat mortys just like he does so the older morty simply assimilated it's easy to see that both of these stories have a large amount to say about racial discrimination and what it can do to you when you're around it long enough the difference between this and santa inc is for one it's actually clever and uses an allegory that's way more effective than santa ink's basic straightforward approach and two it knows how comedy can still be inserted without ruining the mood or overall message but usually having a character shout out shut your woman face and the other two stories aren't as necessary to my point but they also have things to say and add to the experience so that's just another point it's got over santa inc on the live live-action side a show that constantly tackled both systemic and casual discrimination in a smart and funny way was the series everybody hates chris chronicling the childhood of comedian chris rock growing up in 1980s new york one character i think exemplified the ideas of casual discrimination perfectly is chris's teacher miss morello as a white woman in the 80s who seemingly only got knowledge of black people from news and pop culture when getting her first black student and chris she wants to try helping him feel welcome but in doing so she often says humorously racist statements on a regular basis advanced placement yes if you think white people are smart wait until you go to class with the asians this week is my favorite holiday earth day or as you would say chris earth day you didn't have to bring any food sometimes i forget how strong your people are she isn't doing this intentionally to hurt him or even really understands what she's saying is wrong she just genuinely does not know that she's being offensive and thinks saying these things is the best way to connect with black students since she doesn't know how and in the series ms morello does have moments of actually helping chris are being supportive so she isn't being racist on purpose she's just ignorant which is where a lot of casual discrimination comes from believe it or not a lot of the time when men or even women are sexist they aren't doing it because being sexist is just all they are and their friends accept it if a person was openly racist or sexist with nothing else to them that person would have no friends and live a life where people constantly talk behind their backs more often than not people don't even intend to be offensive and think what they're saying or doing isn't bad at all but instead charming or even supportive potentially based on previous world views instilled into them by their environments or parents in real life a majority of the time ignorance trumps maliciousness which is something everybody hates chris understands and santa inc doesn't characters like every member of the board or junior have basically no traits beyond the fact that they're sexist and male why to prove a point to give a simple answer as to why candy isn't hiring the company right now to give a simple villain with no nuance we can cheer candy on for as she ramps them over in her car and leaves them for dead but that's not real and it makes your message look phony and cheap it makes you look like you don't want to address real issues or can't grasp them purposefully so instead you take the easy way out and don't try santa ink wants you to take its messages seriously but when they can't make their messages effective all that's left is to hide behind the show's comedy status if it were that easy though rick and morty and everybody hates chris to highly exaggerative and fun comedy shows wouldn't have been able to pull out the themes they did so well maybe just maybe the writing is [ __ ] and the people behind the series have no idea how to tackle complex themes so they handle it like two-year-olds and get mad when you decide not to eat their mush speaking of which [ __ ] those douches what do you want me to feel so as the name implies i'm not entirely sure what santa inc actually wants me to feel at the end of the day and that applies to several parts of the series like everything is really a [ __ ] but i'll try and organize the inconsistency as best i can the show appears to push the audience into thinking candy goes through an arc as the season goes on i guess into becoming more of an [ __ ] but if other characters didn't tell me i honestly wouldn't notice whatsoever what i mean by this is that different groups candy used to be with starts saying she's become a bad friend into betrayer as the series goes on but their reasons for saying so honestly make them look way worse than her on one hand the friends are mad because over time candy has supposedly started to focus more on getting the position than being there for them but really it's quite selfish to blackmail your friends into stopping their career pursuits when one the person isn't being an outward dick they're just hanging out with you less and two their life is not yours to control the friends also dislike candy for sometimes getting mad at them but both give her pretty good reasons to be mad at them on a consistent basis and they get mad at her all the time so having this double standard makes them look all the worse candy might be one of the worst protagonists i've ever had to watch but her friends equally come off as manipulative abusive piss stains that want to control her life and be able to yell at her whenever they want while she can't fight back with how the gingerbread character constantly gets angry until the last few episodes where she suddenly becomes less confrontational and cried more often i'd go as far as to say she was faking it to get her way because she and the reindeer are both just that awful only candy's behavior is really brought up though as if the gingerbread and reindeer have done nothing to warrant the treatment they've received if i knew and somehow became friends with them i'd want to hang out with them as little as possible too they both suck ass yet somehow the writers were so incompetent they were able to make candy's family even worse want to know their reason for turning on candy well explicitly against her wishes the family crashed a party for santa to talk about the rights of coal miners as candy's family is in that business to which candy shooed them off the family sees this as a betrayal by candy but you know when you pop out of a cake to strip start blasting music about dick jokes and knockout staff under the pretense that you're candy's family and could get her fired for this i'd say she has ample reason to kick them out a good family would understand that they're potentially ruining the job of a loved one with their stunts and being selfish by not considering her feelings in all this but instead the mom chooses to hold her disappointment about being quote unquote betrayed over candy and all i can think is why should she care about your approval you're a terrible mother your family sucks and you raised a hellspawn stop stripping stop being annoying fall down a mineshaft and [ __ ] off no one should care about her opinion yet the writers want us to act like she and the rest of the family and the friends are on the right when they're clearly not and then oh then the show tries to convince us into thinking that candy apologizing to them is touching and emotional when it's really not whatsoever first of all candy didn't do anything to warrant apologizing to them in the first place the show wants us to think she's turned into an [ __ ] and deserves it but all they do to show her being an [ __ ] is sabotaging other santa candidates which is honestly tamer than feeding people meth and partaking in vehicular manslaughter with no remorse which she did at times when she was considered quote unquote herself secondly the show has spent its entire run time making us hate these characters with every fiber of our being giving almost no moments where they're actually likable so having an attemptedly emotional moment with them feels like the most forced unearned moment ever thirdly with how badly this show mixes comedy and non-comedy i'm unsure whether or not they want me to laugh at these scenes or take them seriously not like i've laughed at any of the series prior which actually leads me pretty well into discussing the can your heart even handle a gang bang at your age you know what don't answer that i don't want to know comedy man you guys must be thinking i'm a real goober right now stupid stupid js you stupid stupid piece of [ __ ] you've been whining about nothing this entire time don't you know that santa ink is a comedy it's a funny you should talk about how funny it is which you clearly don't know anything about you dummy dingus [ __ ] all that matters is the comedy in these shows nothing else all right i'll talk about it might be a bit hard for me to find since i'm not sure if the series actually had jokes to tell but hey what do i know i guess the best place to start would be santa ink's most basic gag and what other thing could that be them swearing specifically characters will swear quite often and you're supposed to laugh at the fact that they're saying the swear believe it or not there are both effective and ineffective ways to tell jokes around swearing profanity or generally disturbing [ __ ] while still making it well a joke for a good effective example i'll show you a short clip from one of my favorite comedy series auntie donna's big old house of fun you need to stop being such a [ __ ] you see the joke isn't just that zack said i swear first there was a setup and rising expectation the drum loop and him moving his fingers like a kids show makes it seem like he'll use the kitty square insults it's built up for such a long time in joke terms that you don't really even expect a joke to come from it but then he uses a really harsh swear to contrast it catching you so off guard not realizing that it was even going to be a joke that you can't help but laugh that's something that auntie donna does especially well with their humor and i'd highly recommend watching their netflix show if you want more moving on to an ineffective usage of swearing let's look at a scene from the first episode of santa inc i will do it i will drug groupies i will [ __ ] on the bed i will [ __ ] a baby shark and bite its head off alright so tell me what's the joke of this scene that's a genuine question i'm not saying that to mock it candy is told she can trash a room she tells the guys she'll do some hardcore [ __ ] are we supposed to laugh at the absurdity of the statements i mean there was no build-up before to make us not expect it we had no feel for candy's personality before that might make us expect her to not say something like that though after knowing her character it's very obvious she would say that the delivery wasn't especially funny or absurd that's not really sarah silverman's strong suit so all that remains is the fact that she said something shocking and bad there isn't anything else it is what it is and what it is is nothing and just to clarify if swearing and saying shocking things isn't funny one time it won't be funny the 17th time and much like an exclamation mark using too many swears is indicative of poor writing decisions rather than maturity santa inc for example has at least 65 swears in the first episode most of which are [ __ ] and not once did that swear help make anything funnier or even more impactful my reason for saying at least 65 swears is that after about 6 minutes i started tuning out swears with how frequent they were same thing can be said about the actual yelling which i also stopped trying to notice after a few minutes second in the list of santa ink's most common attempted joke tropes is sexual innuendos and references and his swearing didn't already have a thin line to walk on between funny and not sex jokes are way harder to get around for you to have a good sex joke in any piece of media that actually makes the audience laugh i feel like at least a few criteria need to be met for instance it can't just reference sex there has to be an actual joke present that might sound like an obvious standard but you'd be surprised how many series don't follow that rule having the joke actually relate to the current situation is also important to not seem like a non-sequitur that breaks up the flow of the scene unless that's the purpose of the joke which on many occasions it can be lastly and this is the most important if you're asking me a sex joke should try to have some kind of originality to it which makes the punchline even slightly less predictable because there's nothing worse than a worn-out joke wanna guess how many of these ideas santa ink follows and it's a good thing prancer's not saying it because his dick was as thick as a chimney okay so sex jokes i'm gonna be a bit loose with that definition considering what i'm talking about but whatever suck it up so uh the reindeer she has sex she says she wants sex she twerks and talks about writing dick her stated catchphrase is i live for dick does any of that make you laugh has the funny taken you over yet are you are you laughing no maybe since the pure mention of sex hasn't been funny since seventh grade how about the gay elf he has sex on screen with a snow angel though obviously it's not realistic do we laugh at the absurdity do we laugh at the fact he's having sex is is there something funny about gay people having sex i've already mentioned candy's brother and his affinity for putting dick puns and songs nothing more to say there oh did i mention the uh weirdly ever present constant of nudity in this show like i'm not a prude or anything but this show seems weirdly horny for what it is the mom strips on multiple occasions unprovoked we see the gay elf naked on a few occasions a bunch of other random characters flash the screen every once in a while is nudity with no context funny have we gone down from seventh to fifth grade humor where looking in the biology textbook at boobs is suddenly funny again or i know is it funny because stop motion characters don't usually do that what a wacky situation right there such hilarity so funny so fully so funny and who could forget the tried and true method of saying one thing and then the opposite happens so please laugh i'm about to meet the most exciting person who ever lived the idea sparked are terrible comedy writers never going to realize that when a joke like this is told the entire appeal is supposed to be around the sudden shock that it happened when you're told it's not going to happen but that shock isn't and hasn't been there for the past 20 [ __ ] years because it's that overdone modern comedy writers particularly those in animation i want to make a deal with you you stop having characters say there's no way i'm doing this followed immediately by them doing it and i'll stop complaining about it i think it's a win-win for both of us oh god pleasing my suffering i've been holding off on talking about this humor till the end because i just don't want to but as you've already surmised by now one of the show's favorite gags is simply having men be incredibly sexist really the reason i didn't want to talk about it isn't because i have a lot to say it's just that everything done with it is so agonizingly predictable bad and transparently unaware of how cringe inducing it truly is i hate corporate virtue signaling more than anything else because you know it's not only bad and represents a complete misunderstanding of the real world but they don't mean it for a goddamn second all i hear when i watch this show is jimmy kimmel's oscar monologues about men needing to do better because we're all sexual harassers and idiots this series makes me so tired after finishing it i was so filled with absolute indignation and rage that such a terrible product could be made i had to spill my guts out into the script but now that i've said all i wanted to say there's nothing left in me to get angry over if i watched it again that rage would almost certainly return and while i'm getting clips to edit with for this video that rage is going to come back for sure but other than for entertainment this show doesn't deserve my emotion it doesn't deserve anything howard was greenlit in the first place i'll never know but now it's out and no one is buying it because we've had enough with insincere hypocritical badly written unfunny factory manufactured black holes of charm that spit in our mouths and then want us to ask for seconds the finale did hint at the idea of a second season and all i have to say to that is go [ __ ] yourself not to anyone in particular really just holy [ __ ] go [ __ ] yourself seriously merry christmas everyone spend your time on something better than this while you've still got the chance not only for christmas time just time on the surf in general i throw my voice out on this already you don't need to do anything more i've been just stop see you later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Just Stop
Views: 1,164,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Santa Inc Rant, Santa Inc Review, Santa Inc Stop Motion, Santa Inc Just Stop, Santa Inc Just Stop Rant, Just Stop Animation Review, Just Stop Animation Rant, Everybody Hates Chris, Seth Rogen, Sarah Silverman, Seth Rogen Santa Inc, HBO Max, Rick and Morty, Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, Robot Chicken, Clashing Swords
Id: fG-AiCN38aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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