The Lost Eldorado of Jacob Waltz

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this is Larry Hedrick for Mysteries of the  Superstition Mountains where we bring the past   into the present for our future viewers today  we have another great story by Jack San Felice   this story today is one of the most famous  stories treasure stories of all time   of all the greatest mysteries in the world in  search for gold this one is famous and it's still   famous it's called the lost dutchman mine or as I  call it the story of lost el dorado of Jacob Waltz   okay first off i come out to Arizona in 92  I don't know anybody just a couple of family   members and that's it and i started taking  classes at the Scottsdale community college   part of that is I met Marshall Trimble and then  I met some other people in and I start hiking the   superstition mountains and when I'm four-wheeling  and hiking uh I'm also meeting other people and so   I'm in the archives and I'm a member of my class  one of the classes with Marshall Trimble he says   jack you got a jeep uh can you uh can you take  me somewhere because I don't have a four wheeler   I said sure and so what he wanted me to  do is take him out it's turned out to be   Hewitt canyon road north up to one of the side  dirt roads where he was told there was a stone   heart now this was dawn the cowboy if you watch  my hidden canyon video you'll know all about dawn   so dawn is really hung up on the Peralta stones  and the stone map so he says somebody told him   wow somebody told him there was a stone  heart up in you at canyon off a dirt road   well up we go half a day going back and  forth trying to find a stone a big stone uh   rock that looks like a heart  eventually you get to the last   dirt road that goes to the major dirt road that  would go that we could drive on that goes to   and it goes to Woodbury trailhead it's on  the left as we're driving down Woodbury   you're not going to believe  this that very last dirt road   it will always be that way the very last one so  off on the right up on the hillside there's a huge   rock and it looks like a heart and it's  got it looks like what's etched in it is a   cross or an x but it's not it's courts but  anyhow he said this is it this is it we've   got to go search there we've got to search for  mines here so we get out we started searching   well guess what for two two hours of walking  around in circles we don't know what's out there   I'd never been there and I don't know where I'm at  hardly so we don't find it and I said I said dawn   you stay here and search and look out to  the east and I will look out to the west   so I'm going west and actually what I'm looking  for is an old horse trail that Billy Martin Jr   had told me about a few months earlier now Billy  Martin Jr and his father were very famous cowboys   of the superstition mountains in fact he was  the first cowboy I met out here in Arizona so   when I first met Billy Martin he sat down  with ben we spends two hours talking about   the cowboys what famous cowboys about Reavis ranch  about Reavis the uh the hermit because his father   knew Reavis the hermit about jake waltz about  a whole lot of others so I'm looking for   uh a trail would take me to the top of the  mountain I had no clue how you would cross those   mountains they're they're pretty high actually  over 5000 feet and they were called rogers ridge   well I come along and I'm going west and well  he the main clue he gave me was look for the   JF ranch down to your left and then directly  up there from it you'll be pretty close to   the old horse trail what he meant was by that  the old horse trail that came off the JF trail   and it went north and went across the  ridges and went down the other side   and then you would take a left on Rogers canyon  and Rogers canyon uh at that intersection there   you would go right and come up to Reavis ranch and  that was the shortcut way instead of going all the   way around the superstitions to get supplies up  there well I'm looking for the old horse trail   because I had planned to do a cowboy book at one  time or another and that's all I know so I go up   and sure enough after about an hour I find  a horse trail but it's not just a trail   there are tracks horse tracks in it and I said  well I'm going to follow this and see where it   leads me and so I'm going and I'm going and going  a little over an hour and I'm at a saddle going up   doubt today I could even go 100 feet on that  trail on the uphill side but hey folks i was 55 in   great shape lifting weights and everything hiking  three days a week so it wasn't a big deal for me   so I get up there at uh at the saddle and I  look down where Billy Martin said if you go   across the saddle there's an old trail  that would take you up to where Reavis   the ol' hermit was from new here and I'm trying  to learn things I didn't know where I was at   anyhow I the horse trail is still there the tracks  are still there it's headed for some big boulders   down the hill so I go there to the big boulders  and lo and behold that's where the you see horse   apples there and that's where the that's where  the horse has stopped because unless you go over   one way or the other there's no trail down for the  horses pretty steep so but there's a trail to the   right uh a foot trail to the right about a hundred  yards and I said that I can see I said well I'm   going to take this foot trail see where it leads  me boy was I surprised I walk in this foot trail   and I'm looking down because it's pretty much  covered up over in their rocks here and there   on it and make sure I don't fall in guess what  I push through some brush as it gets brushier I   started to step out to my next step with my right  foot and there's no dirt there I'm stepping on air   and and and so I step back and as I step back I  notice there's an umbrella of camouflage netting   over top of this whole area and so I said what is  this what is this thing so I go around so I could   I'm checking it out as I'm going around looking  for a way down I could see it's a 35 foot or so 30   or 35 foot drop that's how far I would have fallen  and I was by myself I don't never I never did that   afterwards never went in the old mines or  whatever without a constant companion well   I said what is this place and so I go around and  i see a rope and there's a it's rope but you can   knots on it and it's a hiker's tape rope and  you can repel down as I repel down there was a   two by four not two by four but a like a four  by eight piece of plywood and I lifted it up   and there was a hole it was a shaft and in the in  the shaft there were ladders there were aluminum   ladders so I tested them I took my backpack off  I was afraid I'd get it caught on the ladder and   there I'd be in back bad shape so I take the  backpack off take my 38 with me and a case of   snakes and I have a little flashlight because I  always carried one and I go on down I climb down   ladders and it's about 40 to 50 feet there's  about two or three aluminum ladders maybe four   tied together and they're a little shaky  I said uh oh I'm about halfway down I said   do I go down or do I look I'm here let me get  down there and see what's down here so I go down   I'm at the bottom and I look around I see some old  timbers hand you timbers and I also if I look to   uh towards the left I see a tunnel I said  I want to see how far that tunnel goes back   as I reach the front of the tunnel my flashlight  starts to go out the cad zooks you know as or   shazam his old batman would say and uh  I got to get out of here well I'll go up   and get my flashlight and come back down I climb  back up the ladders it doesn't take me long and   like I say I'm 55 I'm in good shape and I  get up top and as I climb out I hear voices   coming from down the canyon now voices in  the mountains travel up and I didn't know   exactly what they were so I was looking I got  my little binocular out that I carried with me   very light but yeah big I look down there and  I can see men coming still hear the voices   and the men are carrying along rifles and  one of them looked like an automatic weapon   ar-15 or whatever I said again I'm  thinking to myself jack get out of here   just I started looking around and there's  equipment there there was a generator hose   going down inside there were pecks and shovels and  all kinds of camping equipment and sleeping bags   and everything I said uh-oh somebody is working  a mind here they don't want it to be found so I   climbed up and out I'm out and so I go  around and where the trail comes in I see   I see that there is a wash that's covered by the  umbrella of the of the uh netting and I'm gonna go   up that way and so I go up underneath the brush  I go up this this uh covered wash so to speak   covered with cat claw and manzanita and other  uh scrub oak or whatever and it goes about 100   yards and this goes uphill and I get to the  end of it there are a couple of boulders there   and so I get behind the boulders and I  look down again until I can't see or hear   those men they had gone apparently  going back inside to mine probably looking to see who had opened their the  plywood and gone in oh so I run up over to the   saddle and I run down the horse trail literally  and then I cut back to the left or east and after   about an hour or so I go back to that that rock  that looked like a heart and the cross in it   until dawn is still walking around in a circle  there he hadn't left I said did you go to the   east he said no that mine's got to be here the  the Peralta said they had a mine right there I didn't see and I told her dawn this is what  happened let's get out of here so we go back   get get my my actually won the jeep it was  a ford explorer white ford explorer but on a   truck chassis really tough steel bumpers and we  go out and we go down you at canyon road we go   south I said let's get out of dodge I don't know  I said listen you don't have a gun they've got   automatic weapons we're way outgunned they've got  camouflage netting they don't want to be seen so   what I've heard about the super mount superstition  mountains what I've heard about the superstition   mountains is crazy people carry guns out there and  they'll shoot you so we take off and we go back   we go back and I drop him off and I go home I  figure the the end of story uh I'm not going back   there until I know those guys are gone now find  out what they were looking for but in the meantime   I don't get a chance to go back I started taking  more classes I started taking classes with a   photographer and doing field trips with him and  then I start taking other classes in photography   so I can start doing things and with photography  out here and I did a lot of things but I didn't   make much money at it so back to the back to the  the superstition mountains how did I get back well   I started thinking about that old mine  up there and start collecting books   and I started also becoming a member  of the superstition mountain historical   society and I meet some guys and one of them  Greg Davis who has a big library collection   and I started doing in the summer times I  started doing research at his place as well   as the archives all around the state on the lost  dutchman mine the Superstition Mountains gold and   silver mining in general then while I'm doing all  this I'm still riding the back roads and in 1996   I go up to where the silver king mine is because  a friend of mine likes the white quartz hey we're   there throwing away the dirty quartz he wants  the pure white actually we're throwing away gold   silver or copper we didn't know what it was so he  wanted a great white quartz and we did that so I   told you in in some of the first videos I made  on the silver king mine I go through the story   of how I met the deans and so I'm working you  go back and watch that because those are very   uh good introductory stories of the silver king  mind and and underneath the mind also inside of it   became friends with them so for  four years I did their research   I found where all and photography  found all the tunnels down to 300 feet   all the drifts see I went to all the raises  I went to all the the drift that go in and   out like their tunnels and then the winces is  when you go down that's a lot of work doing all   that and searching for them and searching for  information on the lost dutchman mine so 1996   to 2000 that's what I'm doing and by the way  during that time I got a job at the Scottsdale   community college get doing what guess what  teaching the lore of the superstition mountains   the guy I took photography classes with  John Demoroski says jack I told him I've   been looking for a job and I said I can't  get one because I'm too old out here I guess   to get one in my occupation which was police work   and and he said well why don't you teach  class on the superstition and I said John   I don't I'm no expert in the county he said Jack  you already know more than 99% of people about the   mountains and you've been collecting the stories  so why don't you and so I did I did get a job   there so I was lecturing there for uh the next 16  years on lore of the superstition mountains and   for each class at the end of the session I would  take my students into the superstition mountains   and would have quote a field trip and  so I was starting to go into all the   more notable places like the peralta trail garden  valley first water bluff springs et cetera et   cetera so I was learning those areas also and  while I'm doing that I'm collecting information   and handouts that I can use for my class well  after a while I got tired of that and so i put   together a handbook I said that's the easy way to  go and the college printed them up and it's called   the lord of superstitions to get back to the  dutchman's story or lost el dorado as I call it   and the pit mine that I called the pit  mine because I didn't know another name   I started collecting this information going  to the various archives and I was told   in newspaper articles that the mine and  these other places the what books there were   that the mines on the west side the lost  that's your mind it's within a five mile radius   in fact I have a map showing the  five mile radius of weaver's needle   if that was the big clue it's near weaver's  needle I spent four years on the west side   beating my brains out in the heat because  I was here year round I hiked year round   when it got to 110 I could still hike  I'm hiking and all those favorite places   in fact I had gone to 50 different places and I  wrote a story and put a map together on each one   and so I said listen I've got to be a little more  sophisticated in teaching my class just got to   learn more a lot more since 1992 and I put out my  next handbook it's called treasure trails of the   superstitions and I changed the name of the class  treasure trails of the superstition mountains   everybody and i got a handbook printed everybody  got a handball matter of fact the class   um the class coordinator said jack we can't  afford to we've got our budget cut we can't   afford to do this anymore I said to Marshall  Trimble and Marshall now and I were good friends   and I said Marshall I can't get this book  how would he do that he said don't worry jack   print them up and I'll pay it I'll pay the  thing just give me a copy and that's what   I did every time I did something that  was new I'd give them a copy of it and   then I handed these out and this they're actually  with the 50 hikes in it 50 maps 50 treasure trails   not that there was treasure there but there were  a lot of this is what the people were traveling   that's what the book said to look for and dog on  it I'm going to take these people out and i did   and we covered a lot of ground about this time  after four years of searching for the lost of   mine on the west end and doing and dealing with  all the archives and the museums and whatnot in   the state of Arizona and going to send to uh Santa  Fe New Mexico looking for Waltz's claim et cetera   et cetera going back to Washington D.C. to look  for the soldiers story all this information I   would blog and gathered it guess what by the end  of that time I had 200 three-ring binders now   we do the we do the 50 treasure trails I now have  250 three ring binders now we're getting there   okay we're getting there so it's a  it's a it's a long continuing process   i have all these documents the trails how you get  there what we found and photographs of what it   was and if it was in something interesting  i took photos of it in one canyon there   there are two stone great big stone monoliths that  look like Fred and Barney you know the cartoon   characters Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble god  they look just like them and it's in by the way   that's in Peter's canyon people walk  right by them don't look up don't see them   and there are other things in there so and there's  a also a stone that looks just like the character   snuffalopoulos out of sesame street  those are just some of the examples so   you can get you put your imagination to  work you can see things in the stones   people did see things they thought was in the  stones gold but they were finding micah as what   they were finding micah in rhyolite so different  places in the mountains yeah there's a lot of it   now back to the story lost del dorado so  I decide look I want to get back up there   to that old mine and jack cross and I start  hiking in rogers canyon area we're looking for uh   something called the ore cart mine where we go  on one hike and we're one canyon over and it was   a brutal hike it's all uphill all bouldering  we were one canyon off we get back they said   we can't go today and Elizabeth Stewart  was with us and she couldn't hike anymore   so we went and we left and I said what are the  other places you want to look at Jack over in   this area I said I want to go up that up an area  on those ridges I don't even know what they were   called they were called rogers ridges that was he  said that was named by the rogers mining district   was James Rogers who founded about 1875 but  the same time the Silver king mine was found   well the story I believe on this is  that rogers was there about 1873.   James Rogers he didn't he found only a filed  a mining claim because he had kept that area   hidden from most people because he was working  that gold mine up there which was the pit mine   I called the pit mine I didn't know it had gold  in it but then I got two rolls of microfilm   and they are on the Pinal Drill newspaper  and the Pinal county recorder newspaper   of the 1880s and 90s and it started it has some  great articles in it it has these two wonderful   articles a guy by the name of PC.. Pierpont C  Bicknell well Bicknell was not just a journalist   he was also a prospector and had mining after and  a writer so he was he was prolific as a writer but   he was here in the 1870s I'll put the rest of that  story for another time get back to the newspaper   articles they have a story in there about a mind  that has free gold and they call it the silver   chief mine I had it said it's up on rogers ridge  one I didn't know what Rogers ridge was number two   I don't know what the silver chief and this is  in the 1880s I said it's all got to be covered   there can't be nothing left up there can't  be nothing left it's called the silver chief   and then it says out of the silver chief the  gold was valued up to ten thousand dollars a ton   that the value of the gold being taken out of  the mine 1880s now you multiply that by the   value of gold because gold then was only about 35  dollars an ounce maybe 35 dollars an ounce today   about 1800 so if if you exponentially figure it  it today be about a hundred thousand dollars a ton   now the dutchman had said my mind will  make millionaires out of 20 men that was   alleged to be one of his sayings don't know  well I said Jack Carlson said let's find this   this silver chief mind he said I don't  know where that is he said well the names   of they started doing research the names these  mining claims have all changed over the years   we got any better information yeah  lo and behold we come across an 1882   Gustavus Cox mine on the Pioneer Mining  District which is literally all of literally   all the wilderness area today of superstition  mountains and all the way down to the Gila river   and he said look up here in this rogers mining  district look on this mine there there are five   silver chief mines said uh-huh there are five  of them how big is the money claim 20 acres   five times that's a hundred acres in the mountains  in the wilderness that we got to search for this   mine I said well he said it gives a description  of it he said it's a mind shaped like a pet   with a shaft that goes down about 70 feet i  said hmm sounds like the mine I was at but I   don't say anything to anybody uh I just wanted  to keep this under my hat for the time being   so we go out there and we're looking all around  well we get lost we get lost on rogers region   we've got we don't have a map that says this  is the way to go we just have a toppo map   and so we're looking at this topo map and we're  on these the ridges by the way the ridges you   go up and down six ridges it's like six mountains  and it's full of cat claw manzanita cat claw will   eat you alive uh back where I used to work there  was a term that said this will eat your lunch and   that basically what it did we come out of there  looking like the mountain lions that got us   but there are mountain lions up there but  and we sure got caught up by that stuff   because there was no trail so we go back we start  figuring this out we missed we missed the canyon   and if you go if you come in from the south and  you start going up there that let's see the south   part of that ridge it's all brushy and all trees  and brush and you can't see anything you really   can't you got to really know where you're going  so the best place we thought was to go on ridges   and we said we're gonna do it another day and so  we do it another day and we climb those ridges   and lo and behold we get there there's dick wall  Jack Carlson to myself we get to this place and   it's the pit mine it's what I saw before and as  we're going there we turn around and we look south   and to the southwest is weaver's needle and in it  there's gives away one of the clues it says look   the dutchman says over top of my mind you  look to the west and there's weaver's needle   he didn't say you were right next to it you  actually were 12 miles you but you could see it   and the shape of the mountains in front of you and  it made like a gun sight and that was another clue   that was the gun sight I said well wow wow  and I looked and I recognized the horse   trail because from the top of rogers ridge  it's it's very obvious that that's a trail   so we go down we go down and down below us there's  there's that that group of boulders where I saw   one of them and there was a group of boulders  there others they're almost like in a circle   so we know I know the mind's to the right and we  go there don't you know I push through the brush   and almost fall in the hole again I almost fall  in the pit again unfortunately when we get there   one or two things happened erosion because  the plywood's gone the miners are gone   the ladders are gone you can't see them  and the shaft is filled up so we started   okay let's see what else can we find  I said now down down in the clues   downhill there's supposed to  be stone cabin remnants and   reminisce of a corral throne corral so  we we scratch around the silver chief   not knowing what to look for we then go and we're  going to follow so we don't say how to get there   don canyon it says go down canyon and down canyon  means bouldering and so we were bouldering now   lo and behold we turn we see a group of a cluster  of uh cottonwood trees and I said maybe that's   where they put it because that would be water for  them it must be a ground there where they can get   water and so we come upon as we come around  the bend there it is stone cabin stone corral   so scratching around in the dirt we find bottles  from the 1800s how do I know because remember I've   been four to six years now up at the silver  king and I know what the bottles look like   we're at the stone house I don't know whose it  is there's the the papers say and the clues say   that downhill from the mine or uphill from rogers  canyon there's a stone uh house and there was   a stone quail the remnants are there and like I  said before we found remnants from the 1800s there   and that's the way people built stone houses back  then from all the ones we've seen in the mountain   we get there and it's looking like it's going to  get dark well wait a minute it's a long hard hike   down to the stone house we're looking up this  mountain we're not getting out of here except   in the dark and the cataclysm will eat me alive  for sure so we said let's go down cross these   two hills which can't be far and we'll hit rogers  canyon trail down there and we'll go out that way   on a trail boy were we mistaken we had to push  our way through the manzanita and the cat claw   and that one those weren't two little hills they  were they were equivalent to two little mountains   so we had to go down up and down up and down and  push down across the small canyon and up a hill   and we finally there at Rogers canyon trail jack  calls and recognized it I sure didn't because I   don't think I'd ever been on it so we're we're on  the trail now we're going to go back up guess what   we started this hike in the morning and it was 70  degrees when we got we when we pushed through the   the last brush and got on the trail my hands  are numb I said jack how cold is it Jack Carlson   he's uh he's got all the equipment you need for  hiking it he said his temperature said well he   said it's 28 degrees 28 degrees no wonder my  hands are frozen that's below zero isn't it   he said yeah I said well no wonder my hands are  like this they're like some monsters hand I can't   even hold my stick it's too it's I'm so cold  and we were there on for a two hour hike huh   on a two hour hike that's like about seven hours  now so an hour later we're still on the trail   because we're not walking like we would normally  walk hiking on a trail we're dragging and it's   uphill it's all uphill on halfway up there we see  a fire what this here's to be a fire at rogers   canyon i said oh there might be people there and  sure enough in a little while we come to the fire   and there's a man named McDonald I'll never forget  his name he said you boys all right and he said   where you been we told him where we were hiking up  down from some old canyons down there and he said   don't you know how cold it is he looked at us we  have summer clothes on in this winter up there   rogers trough and we stayed by that fire for  45 minutes until our hands get warm and I can   move them so I can drive and out of there and  we're still about 20 minutes from where my uh   ford explorer is at that time by the ford explorer  and we get there and we drive out in the dark and I said let's go back when we're better  prepared we'll take more supplies and we'll spend   more time and let's map a route through there  I'll tell you it was hard when we went back it   I went back with a couple of other guys that next  time and I was anxious to go back and see what was   there so we go back I'm with a fella named Joe  and someone named Trent we go back and we find   the place now that we know where we're looking  for it and we we're looking for that circle of   boulders too from top on the top of the saddle  from the horse trail you look down and you see   that you look down here when you can see  that circle of rocks and the big boulders   we got to go down there boys we get to the  boulders we go over and examine the pit and   now I got a little pick with me and we're picking  through the rubble and I find some waste rocks   and and and I know what silver looks like now  and I break them over and it's high-grade silver   so I take some samples there and we go we're  head out we'd take some samples that was it to   find it and the head up well we played around  too much looking for samples and the time   going back out we underestimated the time of  day and we were 45 minutes in the dark stumbling   around to get back to the jeep or my truck and  we get there we get in it's total total dark   we're we're sitting there warming up and getting  some eating chocolate candy bars and drinking   Dr. Pepper getting some energy for that long drive  out in the dark and so I said to twin I said Trent   I hear something did you hear yeah he said  I hear something in a brush I said it's big   I said well I know there are bears up here  because I seen bear up here I said okay uh   run around to the side on the other side joe  was in the back go to the other side and get   get my extra gun out the glove box and he does  that and he's he's still outside the car though   and up this thing that runs at him out of the dark  and it's a big black dog a great big black dog and   he's happy to see us so we give him some treats  that we have and he's all happy with us next   thing we know it's pitch black I mean there's no  moon out no starlight nothing and up we can hear   something moving we don't know what it is I said  well maybe they're people with the dog sure enough   out of pitch black they don't say anything or not  it's like they're not here and then they're here   and I'm sitting on inside my car and Trent's  around the other side and he still got like he   still got the gun and i got a gun under my hand  and these people walk up to the car i said man   don't you guys know the code of the west and they  said what do you mean the code of the west when   you approach somebody from out of pitch black  darkness you always holler we're coming in you   warn them I said don't ever do that to anybody  these people out here will kill you for that   they have a right to too he's scared you know  what out of them and so we give them directions to   the uh get out get down to the trough and  where the trail goes rogers canyon so that's   where they said they were headed well we  go down as we're leaving and going out   oh by the way joe couldn't even get out to help  us his legs are so cramped up from that height   he said he'd been like he's been walking  now for uh two years and he's in good shape   his legs were so cramped up he  couldn't move he couldn't help us   he was lost to us on the way out  I said guys keep your eyes open   this is no fences up here this is open range I  said there's black cattle up here the martins have   black angus cows i said keep an eye and no sooner  I said that we turn the bend there's a in the rope   bam I stop on I slid on the brakes and we pull  over to this side and I take a wrong I missed   just missed the cow and we made a wrong turn we're  heading down one of them dirt roads so we get down   there in a dead end so we got to go back and down  the road so we finally get out we're all in one   piece we've had an adventure I found some cy grade  silver we want to go back now those are just two   of the many times that we were hiking in the  superstition mountains looking for lost El dorado   now as I'm doing all this and so I took the  time to put together another handbook called   lost el dorado of Jacob Waltz and let's  talk about my adventures up there now   in addition to writing all that other things I've  been working and writing newspaper columns for   the AJ independent and writing journals this is  a journal and writing articles in the journals   I mean I've kept busy writing quite a bit I was  up there over the last two years we were there   looking for stashes that the dutchman may have  left behind because we heard that he left stashes   now time goes by and I write my book and it's  about 450 pages with about I don't know 200   photographs of my adventures in the superstition  mountains over a long period of time in search   of el dorado so i thought that i would put this  not at the end but at the front of the book   because it it tells it tells a story of a knight  in search of el dorado and it you can parallel   that to all the lost dutchman hunters and all  the dutch hunters that searched their years   lost their lives searching and never found  Eldorado. El dorado a poem by Edgar Allan Poe 1849   gayley belight a gallant knight singing  a song in search of el dorado but he grew   old this night so bold and in his strength  failed him at length he met a pilgrim shadow   shadow said he where can it be this land of  Eldorado over the mountains of the moon down the   valley of the shadow ride boldly ride the shadow  replied if you seek for el dorado ride boldly ride well where is the gold from the pit  mine where is it the dutchman mine I'll say this about that we'll talk about it some  more as we go the further we go along the next   episode will be on PC Bicknell and then there  will be an episode on Herman Patrash and Germin   and Ted Cox and then the last episode will be  on the Woodberries and that kind of takes it to   the end of this saga and you will have to make  up your mind if it's the dutchman mind or not   and of course the book is there and all the  clues are there and all my adventures are there   and the adventures were many many I've only given  you a glimpse of it and the gold where is it   if not there where this has been one of  the mysteries of the superstition mountains   thank you for watching this episode of  mysteries of the superstition mountains
Channel: Mysteries of the Superstition Mountains
Views: 21,555
Rating: 4.9388647 out of 5
Keywords: Charlie LeSueur, Superstition Mountains, The Lost Dutchman Mine, Superstition Mountain Museum, Opal Images, Arizona, History, Gold, Treasure, Jacob Waltz, JacK San Felice, Silver king, silver chief, Larry Herick, discovery, proof
Id: NifScsZbgzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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